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  1. Hi guys just wondering if I can get some help. I have issue a claim against amazon and their solicitors have emailed me stating the following: However I am sure I sent them what should be counted as a separate detailed particulars. First I sent amazon my money claim online form in pdf format within the post along with a separate detailed particulars detailing why I have raised the claim against them by first class post stating the following: Would this count as a separate detailed particulars as I sent this to the solicitors who are dealing on behalf on amazon via email as they sent out a letter well before 14 days since the claim was issued and I responded immediately via email with the details they wanted me to send. On the MCOL form I just briefly said I ordered some goods from amazon, were not as described, also claiming for gift certificate balance and a Iphone that was not delivered, nothing like the above that I sent to amazon via post with my pdf MCOL form along with what I've quoted I sent them above - Would this count as a separate detailed particulars as they sent me an email today asking for this stating I should of done within 14 days.. Thanks for everyone's help in advance.
  2. Hi guys, About a year ago my daughter in Law was reversing out of a parking bay in her local Tesco car park. As she was doing so another driver came up fast behind her and there was a very minor collision (nothing more than scuff marks). They exchanged details and when she got home she informed her insurance company (Hastings). They duely recorded her account of what happened, told her not to worry about it and that they would probably ask Tesco for any CCTV evidence they may have. That was the last she heard of it until yesterday. Shes now received a letter from some solicitors (cant remember the name) saying that they represent LV (the other drivers insurance Co) and demand just over £1700 within the next 7 days or they WILL proceed with court action. It would seem that the other driver has claimed on his own insurance and the insurance Co are now trying to claim it back from my daughter in Law. So Im wondering where she stands with this? How can a solicitor demand money from her for a decision made behind her back and which gave her no chance of defending herself? Is this just a solicitor trying to pull a fast one or are they entitled to do this? Im waiting for a copy of the letter and will post it up when it arrives, but my son mentioned that it contains clauses from the Road Traffic Act etc. Thoughts anyone?
  3. Hi I moved to the Uk from Ireland in 2010, when I arrived I owed around 4000 euro on a credit card with Visa. After failure to pay they passed the debt to a solicitor for debt collection based in Dublin At first I was paying 50 Euro a month. I then got myself into some trouble over here without a job and stopped paying as I couldn’t afford it. 2 years passed and I have since moved house and have been working hard to pay off my debts but I hadn’t heard a thing from them. I recently visited the previous address and found a letter was sent last month saying that there were starting legal proceedings. Question I have is will they be able to send bailiffs to my friends house or my house and what are the chances they will pursue me through the English courts if I ignore it?
  4. Hi, I don't know if this is in the right section. My mum passed away in may and my brother is sorting out her affairs. She inherited her house from my Grandma and Granddad. We are trying to sell her house and the buyers solicitor has asked a very strange question. My grandma and granddad brought the house in 1940 and the house did not have a fitted bath at the time. My dad had just started a building business and installed the bathroom for them. The solicitor is now asking if they had permission to install the bathroom which of course we don't know. Is there any period of limitation regarding this or anything else we can do. Thanks JJ
  5. Hi, I have been paying off an old debt to original creditor at £10/month for the past 9yrs. I recently got a letter from Nolans Solicitors telling me that Marlin have appointed them to request payment of the full amount which is over £9k, a way load more than original debt. I have noticed the original debt is no longer on my credit file I have still kept paying the £10/month to the original debtor. Can anyone advise what I should do? It was taken out about 12yrs ago. Thanks
  6. I'm sure someone on here can give a straight answer as I am trying to help my granddad who was unfortunately hit by scaffolding that had been put up around his block of flats which is Council owned ( Old peoples properties ) He instructed a solicitor to claim for damages caused due to injuries which included broken arm and was told by the solicitor that he would be covered under a no-fee, no win basis. Would this include a contract between both parties as I assume would be, because the solicitor is now refusing to provide a copy of the contract that my granddad has asked to see. The case is still unsettled.
  7. Some advice please. I have Lowells sending threats for court action decided to send off the standard CCA request to lowells and SAR request to Vanquis (however I still am waiting for a response from Vanquis 6 weeks on). I have received the following response from Lowells which is a application details print screen and a copy of the agreement. is this complying with my request and all the details I'm supposed to get or are they hoping it'll keep me quiet to pay up? Many thanks in advance lowells paperwork edited.pdf
  8. hi sorry I'm not sure where best to post this. We have a remortgage going through with nationwide. During the application process we were asked if we needed transfer of equity and we said yes. It then told us we needed legal advice for this and do we want a quote from one of their solicitors and do we want a quote? We said yes and it brought back a quote of £255, asked us if we wished to accept and I said yes and proceeded with the application. I then got the application summary which states everything: Transfer of equity required? Yes Free legals taken? Yes Solicitor quote provided? Yes, £255 Quote accepted? Yes We then got the quote breakdown from LMS with nationwides logo at the top which included solicitor base cost, telegraphic transfer fee and disbursements totalling. £255 including VAT. But doesn't include transfer of equity. We were then allocated to gorvins solicitors by lms. We received the welcome pack with quote and request of payment for £535. This again didn't include the transfer of equity but had everything in the lms quote breakdown but each item more expensive and other fees such as scanning and file storage. I rang them to query it but they didn't know why the quotes differed but said transfer of equity would make it more expensive. I've been passed back and forth the 3 of them with promises someone will contact me but never does. Until I spoke with someone at nationwide last week who has chased them up for me but rather than reply to her they replied to me. Gorvins stated I'd been provided with an old quote due to a technical error and it is now more expensive but agreed with nationwide. I then spoke to lms who had a supervisor ring me back today and tell me the same thing and that they can only apologise and close the file for me if I don't want to go ahead at the price provided by Gorvins. They said all the firms they work with will be the same price as fees are fixed and they can only apologise and told me to contact nationwide as they were the ones who provided the first quote. I said it wasn't good enough because they've now delayed us 3 weeks without any work even being started on the remortgage and now I have to find a new solicitor. They also asked if the nationwide quote stated £255+fees as it would normally be quoted as base cost for the remortgage(£325)+fees and I confirmed it hadnt and said this was wrong as the additional £210 fees are compulsory for the basic remortgage even without transfer of equity so shouldn't be hidden. She then agreed to submit a formal complaint. I then contacted nationwide to complain to them about the initial quote to be told the initial quote is provided by LMS even though it's their website they work together and solicitor side of it is nothing to do with them and it's fairly new but they've been asked that all complaints go through to LMS's complaints department so they are aware of it and it's happened a few times with others but LMS will be dealing with it. What do I do now? Do they not have to honour the quote that was accepted and agreed? LMS didn't really seem interested and just kept telling me I could decline and find my own solicitor and didn't have to go through with theirs. Should I just go with my own to avoid any more delay or wait for the outcome of the complaint? I've found one for £435 including transfer of equity? Thanks.
  9. HELLO Recently I had an car accident hit by the other car. I have the dash cam footage as well. the driver told me to deal with her wife (owner of car) and just gave her insurance company and showed me the email of the insurance. However after 2 days of that accident my insurance company told me that that car was not insured. Probably they might have cancelled the insurance before it commenced and they are not picking up my phone. I already filed a complaint against them with police . How can I get my car fixed? Do I have to hire the solicitor or can be done by myself? Can I get advices about it so I can fix my car without dealing with my insurance company.
  10. Hi, I'm in am unusual position, I think. Back in 2003 I had a cracking salary and mega limits on my credit cards (46k) I was made redundant after I became mentally unwell and so went back to uni. I *asked* the credit card companies to reduce my limits (not wanting to get rid of my cards altogether) but they refused. Point blank refused. Later that year I became ill again and was diagnosed with bipolar. I managed to spend £21,000 in 3 months, with very little to show for it (or take back!) The banks refused to help. I paid back just under 1/2. I now have a limited income and only really my benefits to live on. I stopped paying when CCCS went under. I was given a CCJ in absentia. On one of the debts. Another, who CCCS weren't actually paying off, are continually chasing me. They seem to have now passed it on to Restons solicitors. I know they *can* apply for a CCJ. But if I don't contact them, will the debt be statute barred after 6 years, which is 6/2018. What is the best thing to do? I'm usually an upstanding citizen. But - I can't afford to pay anything, I didn't run up the debt other than as part of my illness, and the banks refused to lower my limits! I think after 14 years I need a life I can live and keep well - depression being a major problem. I just live within my means. I had paid a huge amount off all the debts, before I joined CCCS. They've had their pound of flesh, so to speak. Can I now hold on for the remaining 14 months for statute barring, given a solicitor is involved??? Or has anyone else any helpful advice? I just long to be the responsible person I am without this cloud hanging over me. Thanks.
  11. Sorry for the vague title, I have been fairly successful in resolving issues with PPI claims as I have been able to seek advice on the various forums, some have taken longer than others but have stuck it out. The main problem I have, is dealing with, the various products I ended up paying for with what was the Midland Bank in 1993 through to HSBC in the present day. I have had various endowment policies, critical illness, life cover and even ended up with two mortgage/income protection policies which proved useless as when I needed to claim because the company went into administration in 2009. To find out that as a director I wasnt entitled to anything. That is in the past and would like the opportunity of showing a solicitor the extent of what went on between 1993 & 2009 because I still have not got a clue, I just feel that at no point did they act in my best interest. As I have said if it was straightforward I would just get on with it, I have written up 16 pages of summary with regards the various transactions and what has happened but just feel I need an expert eye cast over it. I would really appreciate your opinion and to point me in the right direction. Regards Will
  12. Hi people from the forum, I am in a situation where I would appreciate assistance. I am not a native speaker so apologies in advance for any mistake that might be in there! I got into a one-year contract with a gym in July, consisting of monthly payments of 60 pounds; in October I was accepted in a masters degree (which I had not applied for at the time I registered at the gym) in a foreign country. I enrolled and left the UK, but I left my bank account open and there was some money on it, I did not hear from the gym until January, when it turns out the money had been depleted and they had been unable to collect payment. I immediately contacted the gym and asked if I could cancel on the grounds that I now didn't have a job anymore (I had one prior to my enrollment but obviously had to quit) and wasn't even in the UK. I assumed this would be valid as an unforeseen change of circumstances. The person asked me for proof that I did not work anymore, so I directed her to my former HR. I did not hear back so I assumed everything was well, and I stopped the debit from my account. Two months later, another representative from the gym contacted me, notifying me that I owed two months. I referred him to my prior emails, and he showed me an email the first person had sent me, which I had not seen, where she stated that since I had quit and had not been fired, I still owed the money. I re-explained my situation, that I had no income now and was living in a different country, and the guy told me he understood, that he would put a note on my account and that I should notify him of when I would be able to make payment again. I told him next October (as my masters will be finished and I will have a job -hopefully), and thanked him for his understanding. I assumed everything was fine. Then last week my former roommate told me I had received a letter from ARC Europe (I asked her to open it in case it might be something administrative I had overlooked). Though I am two months late (120 pounds) and have gotten an email from the guy at the Gym that I would be able to resume payment later, a "J. Turner" requests I pay 299 pounds within ten days or he may go to court. Now I know this is more or less typical behavior from solicitors, but I don't really understand why they would come after me after the guy at the Gym emailed that I was fine, and why they'd ask for 299 pounds. What do you think of this situation? What is my best course of action, considering I will probably not be coming back to the UK in the near future, even after my masters? Thank you!
  13. Hi there. Total newbie here. Any advice greatly appreciated!! I got into debt a few years ago. Payday loans the lot (multiple - it's embarrassing. I was a young stupid single Mum). Now in a decent job with teenage kids. Went into a DMP with Debt-line who then were sold to Lawrence Charlton. Have been paying £130 a month dutifully since 2013. Although the charges went up significantly when Lawrence Charlton took over I felt safe so kept on with it and owe about £18k to my creditors now. Lawrence Charlton are stopping all DMPs and said I should transfer to Payplan. OK, except they are offering an alternative too; solicitor advice regarding writing off debts that have been bought by a second party (which is most of them) as they "may not be enforceable". hang on a minute, have I been paying companies which I didn't need to for years? Can't I sort this myself? Or Should I just be responsible and set up a DMP with Payplan instead?? SO confused!!
  14. I purchased a BMW 530D M Sport back on the 18th December 2016, I've had numerous problems with the car phoned up to ask for a refund/repair which happened to be on the 30th day of ownership. The trader has refused, I then wrote a detailed email listing faults and the Consumer law act 2015 (I can forward on if needed), I also sent this via guaranteed royal mail delivery letter, I had no reply for 12 days I phoned the garage, he's offered to have a look at the exhaust manifold but nothing else, I've asked for this in writing on the 31st January and haven't received anything - I did record the call. I've now had the car checked over by a BMW specialist local to me which cost £57 inc VAT to find out there are more fundamental problems with the car. I have had to keep using the car due to work, having a 6 month old son the use of a car is needed. The vehicle was advertised as having 125k miles, when purchased it had 129.5k, it's nearly on 131000 now due to use. I have also still not received the logbook. The car is also due a service when I was told it had not long had one, done by themselves priced at £130 +VAT from BMW. I've already had to replace some serviceable parts. Below is a list of problems: Exhaust Manifold Leaking fumes into the car. Oil Leak Windscreen wiper linkage has only 1 bush not two, thus making the wipers ineffective and damaging the paintwork on the bonnet and not secure. Parking sensors have a fault, (PDC Failure) Clunking from suspension and car pulls to the side when going over bumps. Inspection from BMW specialist: Engine Oil Leak, EGR Valve Pipe Blocked off with a screw Oil Leak on Gearbox Steering Rack noise Read PDC Failure Exhaust manifold blowing Hope to hear back from you ASAP to finally get my car sorted. Best regards,
  15. Hi I'm new to the forum, looking for some advice on putting in a complaint about a solicitor. Essentially the issue lie around them repeatedly misunderstanding instructions and failing to pass on information that has a detrimental effect on children and myself. I was in an abusive relationship with ex partner. we split late last year (2015). He was extremely manipulating and would always be gaslighting situations. Now although we have split up, he still continues with this kind of behaviour, and it centres around access with the children. his solicitor keeps forgetting to pass on information or takes responsibility so as not to bring her clients behaviour into question when it comes to attending court. unfortunately though, the most recent event is one of many, and surely a solicitor shouldn't be making so many mistakes or misunderstandings. Between the solicitor and the ex, they have both caused significant upset to children and then to me. When I try to defend the children or myself, its all just brushed aside and put down to me overthinking a situation. I want to put in a complaint, because somewhere along the line someone is lying and these lies are detrimental in the court case. has anyone ever done this, or have any experience in putting forward a complaint about a lawyer who isn't acting for them specifically. thanks Shelly
  16. Hi, Can someone help pls, i just received a court claim for a money i owed on credit card about £1k with Xcredit card company since 2010 which was passed to capquest then to drysden fairfax solicitor, what do i do pls the court letter was issed on 14th Oct 16, i check my credit report from experian and it does not show the credit drysden are requesting for, it only show two other credit i owed only, i have called experian again to recheck my file but they are having problem with their server now, will do that tomorrow, can i go get a no-win-mo-fee to help me out pls, i will appreciate any question to help me.
  17. Hello, I would like to find a solicitor that would act to defend me in a litigation case - I would hope that mediation or a 'round table' discussion could be held prior to litigation. The case has had a Barristers opinion and that is 65% chance of success the claim value including damages and fees to date is circa £200K. I have previously had a large firm of solicitors dealing with it and felt frustrated with delays and lack of help. I want a small sole practitioner or similar. The claim is backed by DAS and paid for via insurance, the rate agreed previously was £201.00 ph. Please message me if you feel you can help and have the time to deal with this, a note the other party has sufficient funds to pay the damages/fees.
  18. My son has a personal injury claim originally valued at £20k. The solicitor was working on a 25% no win no fee basis. however, a few months ago he found out that the solicitor had failed to advise at the outset that he could have had union backing, so it was agreed they would discount the 25% fee etc. The matter should be going to trial in circa six months, but the soilicitor has now written advising that he wishes to offer the defendent the opportunity to settle for £8k pursuant to CPR 36. This is a 60% reduction on the claim value which doesn't seem right to me. Any advice on this would be appreciated. Regards
  19. Hi I will try keep this short and in bullet points but any advice would be grateful. I bought a ford focus 3 years ago from a ford garage for 12 -13k as a used car and only 1400 miles on it. 1 year later (after having a child) we decided to get a bigger car and went to a local dealership to trade in for another car at 10K. the dealership said they could not give us the money we needed for the car because it was an "IMPORT" so it was valued at less money. When we bought the car we did not know it was an import. I decided to ring ford to query this who said it isn't an import and said i had to ring our finance company?! I spoke with the finance company who argued it wasn't an import also and the log book didn't state it was an import so it had been valued correctly. As you can tell it left me in a cathch 22, the new dealer had de valued the car and the finance would not. To cut a long story short the car was an "IMPORT" from Guernsey, the finance company came to some agreement with the dealership and i got my new car. My query where i need advice is: Did i just get fobbed off and i should have argued abit more? Did i over pay on my monthly payments for a year or so when i had the ford because it was an import? I am now wanting to change for another car (another child) so want to clear this up before i do. Thanks in advance for any advice. Sdev
  20. I have a dispute with a mobile phone company which failed to change my payments to DD from a new bank account. I didn't refuse/fail to pay, they stupidly failed to collect. I was forced to switch to another provider as I needed a working service. They have now posted adverse data to Equifax. Somebody some months ago mentioned a Solicitor who specializes in claims for "damage to credit reputation". Can somebody please point me in the direction of this Solicitor? Many thanks -- Arthur
  21. Hi all, I hope someone can help. I'm not going to go into the full details of this but in short last August the police attended my home following, (what they claim), calls from members of my family with concerns for my welfare. I refused to speak to them, or let them in. About 5 hours later fully armed police burst in through the door, (both front and back door was locked), and found me in the bedroom in a heavily sedated state. The crux of this is that in my complaint to the police the findings state that forced entry to my home was used because I was in the process of a suicide attempt. However they could not have possibly known this as I didn't tell them. In fact I told nobody. After speaking to my family I find that nobody called the police as nobody had any reason to worry about me. So the police lied when they said they were there to do this welfare check. They were there to arrest me over an assault allegation but didn't tell me this at the time. I only found this out 2 days later when I was released from hospital. On the face of it, I have a case; the police lied about their reasons for attending my home, they lied on the reasons why they forced entry, they used excessive force by using firearms officers, they had no warrant for my arrest and no warrant to enter my home. The problem I'm having is finding a solicitor who will take the case and it seems nobody will touch it. I suspect it's because there's a lot of work there and it's not a simple accident or excessive force matter, it's a lot more complicated. Can anyone help me find a decent solicitor or if not, offer some guidance on how I would take matters to court myself and sue the police? They were out of order big time and the final report from the inspector who investigated my complaint is a complete joke. There are plenty of contradictions in the conclusion letter along with many things skipped over or just ignored. Thanks
  22. I'm usually happy to ignore letters from debt collectors but this one seems to be more definitive in its terminology. Do you think I should I make the CCA request to Robinson Way? I've never contacted them before. TIA!
  23. Im in Scotland. I have sold my house, the sale date is Fri 29th Apr. I asked my solicitor how soon i will get my money. They told me 5 working days. The money needs to clear blah blah, I can get it in 3 working days if the other solicitor agrees to use a different type of payment, which of course involves a fee. Does this sound normal. I desperately need this money to go and find myself accommodation. Im shocked why it takes so long. Can you guys advise please.
  24. Hello guys, I hope the brains here can help me please. I am executor for my aunt, with another family member and a partner from the firm of lawyers who drew up the will and were nominated as executors with us. The papers have been submitted to the probate office by the lawyers and they have now submitted an interim invoice for over £5000 to us as executors. I had, perhaps naively, assumed that the bill would be due after probate was granted and the assets were distributed. Would we normally be expected to pay a bill ourselves at this stage? Do we have the authority to say that the lawyer can take the fees from the estate assets? We have incurred expenses personally on behalf of the estate that haven't been paid so far and now they seem to be asking us for money. This doesn't seem right. What do the experts think please? HB
  25. Hi, I received a letter from local solicitor acting for PRA Group threatening CCJ on a credit card debt. CC was a RBS cc a/c opened 1994. MBNA took over CC around 2008/9. I never signed a new agreement with MBNA. Due to illness payments were made via PPI. When I was retired due to illness PPI stopped. In the chaos of the time that cc was missed but all other debts were paid off. Amount they say I owe is just over 4k altho I believe it was around £500 when I stopped paying it. I do remember MBNA weren't very helpful at the time when I was telling other creditors of my change in circumstances. Default date is listed on my credit file as August 2010. I have 14 days from 24 March before they start court action. What are my options here?
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