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Found 17 results

  1. Hi I was drawn to an offer of two pairs of glasses for the price of one at our local optican so I took up the offer. Normally my employer pays for my test but this offer seemed good. The experience was okay until I was asked by a counter person to answer some medical questions about my parents. She asked if my parents had Glaucoma and Diabetes. I said I thought my father had Glaucoma and Diabetes. He did have diabetes. She then said I can now have a free test. I was willing to pay there and then, though she insisted that I qualify for a free test. She asked me to sign a form for the free test. I bought the glasses and have to go back next Week. Whist in the shopping centre, I asked my elderly Mother if she could recall Glaucoma in the family. She could not remember. So I went back to the opticians ( 30 mins later ) and explained to the same lady. She then replied that I had already signed the form and could be prosecuted for making a false claim. I was shocked !!! I then insisted that I pay for the test to remove any uncertainty so I paid. However, her attitude was awful. Even when I said that I hoped to save some money by getting a free test but could not ask dad because he had died. She replied, that is too bad. I feel like a criminal even though I offered and did pay the fee in the end. Her attitude was awful and now I fear the NHS will be after me next for making a false claim. I sensed she had it in for me, the now paying customer. I thought I would share this as an experience because even the customer can be intimidated. Thanks, Stella Update.... just checked with my Brother. Apparently my Dad did have Glaucoma and was taking eye drops to help.
  2. I posted a thread about trouble I am having with a Vauxhall main garage (Go Vauxhall) without first introducing myself, sorry !!! Anyway, came across this site after searching the internet for help filling in a form and taking out a civil claim against the garage. Good site by the looks of it so far, with a lot of info and reading. Hopefully will be able to get some advice, and give some where I can.
  3. Hey everybody, New poster here, I have been a lurker on here for a while now I am just wondering what other opinions are on this. I contacted my bank RBS via their online complaints form 1 week ago. I did not receive any kind of email verification from them to say that they had received my message, the terms of their complaints procedure says that they will be in contact within 5 working days. I have a disability and am unable to use the telephone because of it, I explained this in the message, I asked in webchat on Friday if they had received my message but the person I chatted with said they had not received any thing, but, she said that may be because it hadn't been 'logged' yet. this evening I went back in again to ask if they had logged my complaint yet and the person I chatted with said that he would get the complaints team to give me a ring, so of course I explained to him again that this wouldn't be an option. The conversation went a little something like this - RBS man: I will get the complaints team to ring you shortly. Me: I won't be able to speak to them via the telephone unfortunately due to my disability RBS man: Sorry to hear that dear Me: I will come back tomorrow and use the webchat RBS man: Come back tomorrow and we will transfer the chat, will that do. Now, I know this is probably horribily trivial ,but it's not the most professional thing in the world to call a customer 'dear', I am personally not a senstive person at all but it did come across as condescending and perhaps rude? I am just looking to see what peoples personal opinions are on this really? Should I mention it to the complaints team? I don't want to get this individual into any kind of trouble if he genuinly did not mean to be rude, but other people may take this the wrong way? He only seemed to become condescending after finding out I have a disability, and that does get rather boring and irritating (As does typing the bloody word 'disability' ) If he was being deliberately rude then I would mention it, but I am not sure and really don't want to be overly sensitive. Anyway, thank you all for reading my ramblings.
  4. We picked our car up Saturday 31st, from a garage near sheffield, we got finance on the car, so though at least if things don't go right we can just deal with the finance co' So believe it or not, the car started playing up, pulling to the left and knocking around, we managed to get it home as it was closer than returning to the dealer ( safely anyway) after speaking to the rude dealer who said it had just been mot'd and serviced, and putting the phone down on me a few times, it was agreed to take the car to a local garage for them to have a look at . within 5 minutes been on the ramp the guy said this shouldnt have passed an mot, there were several things wrong, warped discs with ridges, track arm failure and front ball joint failure, he said if they were to mot it , failure was on the cards and a cost of £200 to get it right, however the garage said it had just been mot;d several times over , and telling me to shut up and if i'd have paid cash i wouldnt be on the phone?/ I contacted vosa , they told me to park it on the drive till they book a garage and they will inspect it themselves. Can i withdraw from this finance, send the car back, and wash my hands of them???? Regards M
  5. Hello Friends, Yesterday, me and my wife had this bad experience at a carpet shop. After bargaining the price, when we decided to leave the shop without buying, the salesman asked me 'What happened?'. So I said that I will wait for being more closer to Christmas time. Then the salesman gave very rude reply to us that "come after two three years and the prices will be low" and in a very condescending manner. My wife felt very bad and insulted about this. Can I use any legislation to help me in this case here. Really help as my wife was almost in tears when she left the shop. I really want to fix that salesman. Thanks for your replies.
  6. Hi all. Didn't know what else to call the thread!! LOL. I had a bailiff at my door yestrday afternoon for council tax, i owe 410 quid, the bailiff has now said i owe 720 quid, wtf. I had been trying to offer the council some payments but they wanted more, offered 40 pound a month they wanted 120. I cant afford that. The bailiff wants the whole lot. Phoned the council they said its too late Ive got to pay the bailiff. Well seeing as the bailiff was a loud rude bully I have no intention to pay him. Told me he will come back with a locksmith and take everything i own. Then said it probably wont be much anyway said I was probably on benfits and all my was stuff was his anyway as his taxes paid for it!! Cheeky sod. I work part time, not great pay so money is tight. Any suggestions? I accept i owe the council tax but the bailiff wants just as much for himself on top!
  7. Hey again. I'm in my last few weeks at ingeus, sentence is due to end on the 12th September. I received a text on the 28th August asking if I would be interested in a job in a sterile production line, I replied yes. I got a text back saying "I am holding a session next week and will give you more details. What is your surname" I replied with "Thanks. My surname is: ****" text back from ingeus said ""Thanks I will contact you shortly" Well almost a week has now passed, I have another real interview for a different factory job tomorrow at the ingeus office they called me to tell me about that 29th and sent a reminder text minutes after the phone call saying: "Your interview is on the 3rd of September at the Ingeus office at 9.30 with **** *****" but said nothing about the sterile production line candidate pool appointment. Today my advisor called me up and said "You didn't attend the candidate pool today." My reply was "which candidate pool? I only know about the Bombardier interview tomorrow." She said: "For Fineleys, we sent you a text out yesterday to remind you" BUT I DID NOT RECEIVE ANY TEXT!! I didn't receive anything regarding this. She checked the "system" and said "It was sent out yesterday, Monday the 1st at 1.32pm so where was you?" I explained "I didn't receive a text" she said my actions are "unacceptable" And went on to say she is "raising a doubt about my willingness to find work to the job centre" despite my efforts of trying to explain it to her. How can I prove that I didn't receive a text?? I can show them my phone but they can just say I deleted it or something. But I honest to God, did not get any text!! Just lately I have had trouble sending texts sometimes I have to resend it 3-4 times and restart my phone to send one message, maybe I have trouble receiving them too, I really dont know, because I don't use text that much anyway! Do I actually stand any chance in proving my case? What can I say/do? I have done everything else they have asked of me. Rarely missed appointments, when I did I had good reason, for example my grandma died last year. I even have an interview tomorrow. Is that not showing willingness to find work? I have had many interviews aside this one by the way and I always provide proof wherever I miss appointments or not. Now I am going to be castrated for something that is not even my fault. Please help me. And thanks!
  8. I spoke to the team at knowhow in sheffield today on the issue of my broken laptop. To cut a long story short I spoke to an operative who was in effect acting as a go between, relaying info to her manager then back to me. An issue came up regarding collection of the product and I asked to speak directly with her manager. A man came on the phone and announced himself as "chris". He then proceeded to be very rude, talking over me, being extremely agressive and bombastic, he would not listen to my case and just kept repeating the same phrase over and over again in a very irritating way which I believe to be deliberate to inflame me. I however remained calm and objective despite his nasty behaviour. I asked to complain about him and he refused to put me on to someone with whom icould make a complaint. I really feel this man should be repremanded for his behaviour and would like an apology at least. What can I do about this?
  9. I missed my last payment - I just overlooked it got a letter dated 28 August saying Overdue Account: £48.55. If you don't pay in full, we may pursue you in the courts and add £65 for legal costs and fees. We will register defaults with CRAs and "impact" your ability to gain credit, etc. [English is not their strong point - impact is not a verb.] Phone us to agree a solution to this "serious issue", etc. I can pay, and will pay, but I feel the rude and aggressive tone deserves a response. I'm considering delaying payment until 28 September and writing to them to say that this is because of the tone of the letter. Why didn't they just write and ask me to pay the overlooked bill? What a repulsive company!
  10. Okay, this is what happened - Apologies if it's a bit long! I phoned my GP Surgery to see about getting a prescription renewed and the Nurse said she would 'squash me in' to see a certain GP - ''....but he won't be pleased at having an extra one....'' (her words). So, the minute I walked through his door, I sensed he wasn't in a good mood (at having an extra patient maybe?) Boy was I right! I quickly spoke about my repeat prescription review - I didn't want to take up too much of his time and then when he said '' is there anything else...'' I mentioned that I might come to see him 'another time' to discuss HRT! as I believed the menopause might be making my existing problem worse. As soon as I mentioned the word 'HRT' it was like a Red Rag to a bull. It was at this point that his whole demeanor changed. He started reeling off all the Evils of HRT and how he has seen people DIE From It. He ranted on for a fair bit, as if he was trying to make me feel guilty for even talking about it. At this point, I 'politely' stated that I had done some research and was aware of the risks - Well, at this point he kept interrupting and became completely rude and said to me: 'There is no point in discussing this matter with you - I can see you have a Closed Mind''. I then said - ''Excuse me??? (did he actually just say what I think he said to me?) - What's wrong with a patient having an opinion?'' to which he then repeated : ''I see you have a closed mind!''...... Which is an insulting thing to say to anybody, let alone a patient! His whole attitude was very strange. I then just happened to mention that:- ''.....its a shame that so many women have to suffer something when there's help available'' not expecting him to prescribe anything for me - I was just stating calmly and politely MY thoughts..... ' (The previous GP at this practice used to encourage discussion/debate...) My Mistake! He seemed to take what I'd said personally.!!!... He THEN accused me of being SEXIST:shock:! His words :- ''I'm offended that you think that I don't understand women's problems - and I'm making a note of it!'' I sat there in a complete daze for a few seconds, (thinking -''what the heck is going on here?)..... Then I mumbled (think I was in shock) - ''well I can't think what I've said, but I'm sorry ........'' Him: ''Yes, I'm making a note of it.....'' At this point, I decided to leave. I 'shakily' stood up and, as I was walking towards the door - He said to me in a loud voice - ''I tell you what - Why don't I just write out a prescription for HRT - Would you like that? Would that make you happy?' Would it?'' ''I can do that you know - Do you want me to?'' This was said in a really aggressive and sarcastic tone! Well, at this point I'd had enough and I just stumbled (fled?) out the door. I got to my car and I was so angry and upset that I sat there for about 10 minutes, trying hard not to cry and trying to work out how a visit for a mere prescription review had turned out so badly! Once I'd calmed down, I thought - this isn't right, I'm going to make a complaint - so I went back and asked the receptionist how I go about making a complaint. She said to write a letter to the Practice. Okay, here is my dilemma..... I have just discovered that this GP is ALSO the Practice Manager! So, How is a patient supposed to complain about a GP if he's also the practice Manager? I'm also upset that he may have put a black mark/comments against my patient notes. Which if he has, I feel is grossly unfair. I feel as if I have now been labelled a 'problem patient'. When anybody who knows me, knows that I'm a very polite, caring, quiet person! I'm mainly concerned with getting rid of any derogatory comments in my notes. As for making a formal complaint about him - from his whole attitude towards me, I get the impression he could get quite nasty and it could make things worse...and he could write even more rubbish! So I might :- a) Either stick with the surgery and just try and avoid him at all costs - there are other (hopefully more sane) gp's there, or b) Change to another surgery (but hopefully without horrible comments in my notes). Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  11. My mum is the sweetest lady ever and would never hurt a fly.. the other day she came back home after a doctors appointment and was extremely upset as the GP she had seen was out right rude! She had voiced her worries and problems about her multiple symptoms and the GP barley spoke.... She was talking about some quite personal issues when he interrupted her and said "maybe a blood test will quite you about all these silly problems you've been blabbering on about!" Should a GP be allowed to say stuff like that? is there some way this issue can be addressed? apparently hes always like that but I don't like the thought that he's "poohooing" peoples worries? that might deter people from coming forward with their problems! Not how I think a doctor should behave. I understand its a stressful job and some people might be a bit of a hypercondriact (cant spell that word!) but shouldn't tolerance be a key part of being a GP!
  12. I wanted to purchase an Apple laptop and the sales person sold the benefits of the apple warranty and after care so I agreed to purchase that along with a dslr camera,total cost £1700. This took far to long to process for a start only to get all the way through for their till to take the money from my account and then reverse the payment because the serial number didn't match Apples records. The assistant tried again, this time the payment was declined because they had already taken the money which takes between 7-10 working days to go back on my card. A further hour talking to my bank explaining we hadn't purchased anything and the only way we could reverse the payment quicker is if they fax them explaining the situation. Currys don't have a fax but could email, we ended up leaving having purchased nothing and having spent £1700 and as of yet still have no refund 24hrs later. Whilst waiting I also watched as customer after customer walked out because they could find any staff to serve them and the staff member serving us was rude to more than customer telling one guy he was unable to clone himself, and when I asked if he was going to keep a copy of our refund in case I need to come back he explained he doesn't keep a draw at home especially for refunds, Comet have just gone bust I don't think its long before we see Currys and Pc world in a similar position. Avoid like the plague I know I will never shop there again.
  13. Had to make a complaint today regarding one of their drivers who blocked 3 drivers in 2 directions rather than simply backing straight up. When I put the window down in my car to ask him what he was doing, he just stared at me and then waived with a smirk on his face when I drove through a very tiny gap in order to prevent any further hold ups for the 2 other cars. Deliberantly obstructive, disrespectful, rude and ignorant. :???:
  14. hi there am posting for a friend for some advice on how to deal with a complaint to sky. a friend of the family is disabled and lives in a very remote village as in there is only 1 shop (no paypoint facility) 1 post office, 1 pub etc.. you get the picture... anyway she has sky has had for over 9 years and never had any problems no late bills. no cut off etc.. anyway this month her paper bill arrived late on receiving paperbill she went straight to the post office and paid it as would normally do. ( she doesnt do banks as she doesnt trust them) however when she got up he next day sky had indeed cut her off.. on ringing them to ask why as bill had been paid she was told she'd have to wait until money had cleared their end even though the bill arrived late through royal mails fault/sky's fault she has always paid paper bill they were very unwilling to help her... speed up 5 days and magically sky phone her back and say oh we've received your payment but we are still NOT reconnecting you.... you have to pay a furhter £40 to reconnect.. when she explained she doesn't have a bank account only a post office account.. she was told go and get one then.. one relative and several hours later £40 was paid.. reluctantly i might add.. she reconnected her sky.. and was once again demanded that she go get a bank account as they will only accept payments in that format once again it was explained no bank facilities where she is not that she trusts them anyway and only has a post office account which only allows for pension payments going in and you drawing them out... after much too-ing and fro-ing they said she must find a relative on a certain day every month and make a card payment using their card.. i wasn't aware in terms of sky (remember no contract as its on a month by month) that you had to have a bank account to have sky.. i also suggested she register as being disabled with their customer services team to allow them to know the struggle it can be when something goes wrong.. they were even ruder than the last lost... we tried to raise a complaint via normal telephone number and they REFUSED to take the call.. saying sorry try someone else.. surely sky cannot treat customers in this way?? i'm all for slapping a rather nasty letter on someone's desk but will it get answers?? any suggestions guys? much appreciated in advance
  15. Hellooo I am currently a first year student and have got myself into a bit of a pickle. HSBC - £500 overdraft Nationwide - £400 overdraft Wonga - £131 due on the 29th Feb Toothfairy - £466 due on the 4th. The HSBC and Wonga are not urgent as I am planning to pay the overdraft off during summer (I will be working full time again). I am managing to lived within the Nationwide overdraft. I currently work part time so will be able to pay the Wonga. The problem is with Toothfairy. Unforseen circumstances (problem with student loan and rent payments) mean that there is no way I will be able to pay them back ANYTHING until the end of February. I rang them up (no answer) so I emailed them. The first reply stated they do not accept payment plans and are not obliged to deal with debt management companies. I replied to the email stating that I had not mentioned anything about entering a debt management plan and then received a reply saying I should call them urgently to discuss my options. I rang them and the picked up quite quickly. I explained my situation to the woman and she seemed helpful; even said that she should be able to set me up on a payment plan but would need to speak to her manager first. A few minutes later, she returned and said that no payment plan can be set up and if I do not pay on the 4th, they will take me to court for fraud. I have been reading other threads so I am slightly clued up and asked her "why will I be accused of fraud?" to which she replied "You only took the loan out last week and now you are telling us you can't pay. It is fraudulent" I then said "Is it not possible for someones financial circumstances to change dramatically within a week?" and she said "yeah it's possible but it's still fraud" After this conversation, I realised that I had not confirmed how much I owed and what date it was due so I rang back. I said to her "hello, I just rang a minute ago. I want to know how much I owe and when." to which she replied "you owe £466 on the 4th" NO SECURITY CHECK. I would really like some advice on how I should tackle this as I feel I might have to go to war with them very soon. Will they just try to take the money out of my account on the 4th? (causing me to go over my agreed overdraft). Should I call up Nationwide and somehow prevent this from happening?
  16. I used to be a regular shopper at Tesco, but their arrogance, dismissive attitude in response to a long standing complaint drove me away, and, not to knock those who do work very hard to ensure a shopping trip is pleasant, the managers I encountered were just a pain to deal with. Power trips galore, arrogance alley, and just plain rude is all I can say about them. It should also be mentioned that although it was a long time ago now, I worked for them for a month and my supervisor was on power mode all the time she had a suit jacket on. She left shortly after I did.
  17. I have an issue with EMO Oil ( A division of Shell), on which I would like comments please. I had a standing order arrangement with EMO Oil and the agreement was that they would replenish my tanks as they believed that we were using the oil - which suited fine. In December they raised my monthly direct debit from £60 a month to over £200 a month without warning. At this time we contacted them, asking for the reason for the increase and telling them that we did not want to continue on this basis. They said that this was fine and that they would amend their records. On Tuesday this week we received an unwanted delivery of oil from EMO and when we contacted them to tell them we did not want this as we were moving house, they said that we have never contacted them and they told my wife she was lying. Naturally, my wife got upset and angry and, unfortunately, she fired back. I have spoken to the "customer service" team at EMO this morning, and the belligerence and attitude of the person I spoke to was unbelievable. Basically, she called my wife a liar, and said that we had never made a call. When I challenged this, politely I may add, she told me she was not interested in talking to me any more and was going to terminate the call - which she did!!!! She further added that no-one had called and that it was "tough on us" and we should have written in - which we were not advised to do. she backtracked with my wife yesterday, and said that we did not call on the 4th December but we did call on the 11th?!!!!! - who is the liar? Has anyone had experience of this kind of practice? What can I do? They are quoting £300 to remove the oil we do not want and other than that it appears we do not have a leg to stand on? Is this how any customer should be treated? Is it because they believe they are all powerful, and can do and charge what they like? HELP!!!!!
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