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Found 11 results

  1. A family member is very "Review" conscious and checked out a garage on Autotrader Review. They visited the garage with strong hopes of buying a car advertised on Autotrader. The car was faulty despite what the advert said, the terms of the garages own warranty would not be acceptable to most people, and the price of the car was excessive considering it's mileage. Price not negotiable. Once home, they wrote an honest review of this garage on Autotrader. Autotrader refused to publish this review on their website, without giving a concise explanation. It would appear Autotrader only publish complimentary reviews, which is no good to the car buying public. The family member wasted valuable time going a fair distance to see this car which had obviously not been properly checked prior to being offered for sale-----or was it !!!!!!!
  2. Defence Secretary reviews tax on Armed Forces in Scotland READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/defence-secretary-reviews-tax-on-armed-forces-in-scotland
  3. Here's my GoTo website for anything which takes batteries and which is related to cycling, triathlon et cetera. Ray Maker is an American but he now lives in Paris with his American wife who runs an American cupcake/patisserie business in the centre of Paris - with their young child. A few years ago he started up a blog but being a triathlete – and mostly a cyclist, so far as I can gather, he started reviewing gadgets and he quickly got a reputation for telling it how it is – and in the world of rather over-effusive Internet reviews where almost everything eventually turns out to be pretty good and gets at least four stars, Ray Maker's reviews were pretty refreshing. If you are into sports of any kind and you like gadgets and if you want to read a serious and unbiased opinion before you splash out your hard earned lucre, then the website of DCR is probably one of the best places to go to. He does a lot of reviews about drones and also action cameras as well and these are pretty interesting too. However, I'm a bit disappointed that he hasn't started to do any reviews of some of the more downmarket Chinese/Korean items which are available for a fraction of the price of the big brands and which sometimes really aren't too bad at all. Maybe he'll get round to it. https://www.dcrainmaker.com/ @dcrainmakerblog
  4. A clse relative works in the UK for a UK arm of a multinational. I know that, for fear of litigation, many companies will not provide any reference other than confirming the person worked for them from XX/XX/XX to YY/YY/YY, in such-and-such a position. This company is really risk averse. does exactly that. What has happened now, is that in the annual performance reviews, the person being reviewed is expected to approach their peers - via an online tool - for a peer appraisal, which is then recorded and used as part of his review. Question 1) What is the personal risk to someone providing a peer review and including words that could be (mis) construed as critical orf the employee? Question 2) Given his employer's attitude to not giving any references that go further than confirming employment, how does this sit with his employer expecting employees to potentially place themselves in the firing line by providing what are, essentially, references? Thanks
  5. Hello good people I hope this is the right thread to post this query... I need assistance as to how to go about filing an appeal against the ET judgment i lost for ''unlawful dismissal''... ..This is an NHS matter ..the judge was bias. ..her written judgement even shows her helping the other side to clarify their case.. My question is... . in a situation where it can be easily be shown and proven that the accusations which led my suspension and later dismissal was NOT properly investigated ..can a judge still get away with using points of law like (Post Office v Foley and also HSBC v Madden (Iceland Frozen Foods v Jones BHS v Burchell case, As reasons for ruling against me?.. .I was under suspension for 6 months and virtually NO investigations was carried out. ..for exp..the main Charge nurse who leveled the accusation which led to my suspension was not questioned. .in fact she refused to give further statements. ..persons whom i identified as being involved in the situation were not questioned for 4months. ..it was only AFTER the appeal which was 7 months later that statements were sought from these people. ...and one of them claimed he was in Australia when i saw on FB that he still living in the UK... . I brought these facts up throughout the whole process ... and even in court and judge noted this. ..my Solicitor didn't really do much... there is so much more i can go into. .but this ET judge's decision and reasoning is the most ridiculous i have ever read... I was fired under capability rule... I dont know how to make heads or tails on this matter as it has been going on for a year. ..i do not want to waste money on consulting a barrister if i am going to get screwed around like my current solicitor did... thank you.. This is my first time on here and i will clarify if need be for anyone who can help.. .I am at a loss and i am willing to take this case far as i can.. .as i did nothing wrong ..i was ganged up on an bullied on the job. .then set up... I am from America and i am not familiar with UK employment laws... If need be.. .i can email the Judges decisions to anyone who wants to read..
  6. Not sure if i choose the correct place to post this thread,but i couldn't find anywhere more suitable to post it , if i made the wrong choice i'm sorry about that, The issue that i would like to make people aware of is with quidco and it's somewhat over zealous stance on what customer retailer reviews that they will publish, My review was regarding my personal experience having made a purchase through the quidco web site in order to get rewarded with a cash back, The retailer was RAC i purchased breakdown cover back in dec 2013, The cashback failed to track, I raised a claim with quidco ,only last month was i informed that the cashback was going to be paid, and to be fair to quidco it was paid during this month , My review was highlighting the length of time from date of purchase to the date that the cash back was paid , there are already older reviews for the RAC saying similar , but for some unknown reason quidco have censored my review and won't publish it, this is what i don't understand, it makes me angry that they are trying to suppress the truth about one of the retailers who are poor at paying cash backs out, i think that any potential customer who considers buying their breakdown cover via Quidco and possibly other cashback sites should be aware of how long it may take to get the cash back
  7. Hello. I am thinking of booking a holiday with holidaygenie.com. I cannot tell if this company is reputable or not. It has an ABTA license that is valid but some customer reviews are terrible. Usually I would steer clear of a company with 50/50 reviews but their prices are very good. Anyone here have any experience with this company before I give them my cash? Booking with a credit card is not an option for us as we do not have one.
  8. Housing Benefit Reviews, Appeals, DisputeForm and Guidance If you have received a Housing Benefit ‘Decision Notice’ and disagree with the decision that has been made there is a three stage process to be followed: Stage 1 Ask the Council to Review its Decision. (NO COSTS) Stage 2 Take your Housing Benefit case to a Tribunal. (NO COSTS) Stage 3 Judicial Review (YES- LEGAL COSTS) STAGE1: Asking the Council to Review its Decision If you think the Council has made a wrong decision about your Housing Benefit, you can ask the Council to look at its decision again. What sort of decisions can you ask the Council to look at again? You can ask the council to take another look at its decision if it says: Ø Your application for housing benefit has been turned down. Ø You aren’t entitled to housing benefit anymore. Ø You‘re entitled to less housing benefit than you think you should get. Ø It has paid you too much housing benefit, and wants you to pay some of it back. Ø It will start paying housing benefit from a certain date, but you think it should be sooner i.e. if you had asked for your claim to be backdated. Ø It is going to pay your housing benefit direct to your landlord in the future. How to ask the Council to review a Housing Benefit decision You must write to the council within one calendar month of the date on the decision letter. If you leave it later than this, the council may say that it doesn’t have to look at your case. If the council’s letter doesn’t explain why they’ve made the decision, you can ask them to write to you with a proper explanation. If this happens, you’ll get extra time to appeal. The days between the council receiving your letter asking for reasons and replying to you don’t count towards the one-month time limit. In your letter to the council, try to explain clearly why you think the decisionis wrong. Include evidence if possible. For example: Ø If the council is wrong about how many children you have, you could send them your child benefit award letter Ø If it says that you’re earning more than you actually do, send photocopies of your payslips. Ø If the figure amounts used to reach the decision are incorrect. It's always best to hand the letter in to the council’s offices - (Always make sure you get a receipt - including the date you handed over the letter - and keep it somewhere safe). If you post the letter – (Always get a certificate of posting and/or use recorded delivery and remember to keep a note of the date of posting, along with a photocopy). What happens when the Council reviews a Housing Benefit decision? Your case will be looked at by a different decision maker from the one who made the original decision. The decision maker will take into account the reasons for the original decision, and any new information you have provided. You may be asked for more information at this point. If this is required the council will write to you again requesting the information they require. You will then get a letter from the council telling you if the decision has been changed or not. The time it takes for the council to decide will depend on how complicated your case is. STAGE 2: Taking Your Case to a Tribunal If you have asked the Council to review its decision and it doesn't change its mind, you may be able to appeal to a tribunal. This will involve a judge looking at your case, and making a decision on it. At a tribunal, a judge will look into your case and make a decision based on your evidence and the council’s evidence. You can attend the hearing if you wish. It’s best seek advice before going down this route, as Tribunals are quite complicated and time-consuming. Are there any Legal costs in Appealing to a Tribunal? NO There aren’t any legal costs What you can’t use a Tribunal for Some decisions made by a Council can’t be taken to a tribunal i.e. those to do with how frequently your benefit is paid. Tribunals also don’t deal with administrative problems, like if there’s been a delay or lack of courtesy from the council. If you think you’ve been treated badly, you should take this up with the Council’s Customer Service Department. Starting your Appeal to Tribunal You can download a Step by Step Guide from the Ministry of Justice website: http://www.justice.gov.uk/tribunals/sscs/appeals You must ask for an appeal in writing. The council may give you a form to fill in, or you (or your adviser) could write a letter. Make it clear what you are appealing against, and why you think the decision is wrong. If possible, include evidence to support your case. Your appeal form or letter must reach the council within one month of the date on the decision letter. If you miss this deadline, you’ll need to ask the council to accept your appeal even though it’s late. Make sure you explain why you are applying late i.e. if you have been ill. If the Council says you haven’t given enough information When the Council looks at your letter, it might decide that you haven’t given proper reasons for an appeal. The Council may write to you and ask for more information. After that, if the Council still thinks you haven’t given enough information, it will ask the Tribunals Service to decide whether your appeal should go ahead. If theTribunal Service is satisfied that you’ve given enough information, the appeal can proceed. If not, your appeal won’t be allowed. Next stages in Appealing against a decision on your Housing Benefit The next step is for the Tribunals Service, which runs courts and tribunals in England and Wales – to decide whether you have a right to appeal or not. If it says that you do have a right of appeal, your appeal can go ahead. If it says you don’t, you won’t be able to carry on with your appeal. You’ll be sent a ‘pre-hearing enquiry form’ if your appeal is given the go-ahead. You must fill this in and send it back within 14 days. The appeal process will end if you don’t send back the form on time. If you can’t meet the deadline, it’s very important to contact the tribunal and let them know why. The form will ask you what sort of hearing you want. This can be either: Ø An Oral Hearing – You or Your Representative will need to go along to the tribunal. Ø Paper Hearing - You don’t have to attend. An oral hearing gives you a chance to put your case in person and answer any questions about your situation. The form also asks for details of your representative, if you have one. This is so the tribunal can send copies of your appeal papers direct to them. If you need a Translator or Interpreter to attend the hearing, make sure you let the tribunal and your representative know well in advance. Preparing for a Housing Benefit Tribunal Hearing Before the hearing takes place, you’ll need to put together evidence for your case and send it to the tribunal. If you’ve asked for an Oral Hearing, the Tribunal will let you where and when this will be held. They will tell you this at least 14 days before the Hearing takes place. It should be held somewhere you can get to fairly easily. (You will be able to claim travel expenses). If you can’t go because of a medical condition, you can ask for the Hearing to be held at your home. For a Paper Hearing, you won’t be told when it will take place, so make sure you send your evidence in as soon as possible. What happens at a Housing Benefit Tribunal Hearing? The Tribunal will involve the evidence being looked at by a legally qualified judge. They will consider all the facts, take into account what the law says and come to a decision. At an oral hearing, you or your representative will get a chance to explain your situation. If you go to the hearing, try not to be nervous or emotional. Make sure you present the facts as clearly as you can. The council may send someone to put forward their case as well. The judge will usually make a decision that day, or you can wait for the decision to be sent to you in writing. STAGE 3: Judicial Review If you don’t agree with the tribunal’s decision You might be able to appear to another, Higher Tribunal – known as an ‘Upper Tribunal’– if you don’t agree with the decision. It’s only possible to do this if you believe that the Tribunal didn’t apply the law properly. You will need to talk to someone who has specialist knowledge of benefits law, such as a solicitor or a welfare rights officer. Applying for a judicial review of a council’s decision Sometimes it's possible to use a process called 'judicial review' to challenge the council’s original decision in court. Judicial review can only be used to challenge the way the council made the decision, not the actual decision itself. It’s a complicated and expensive legal process, and you’ll need to get help from a solicitor or law centre. Appendix 1 contains Housing Benefit Dispute Form and Guidance (In PDF Format):
  9. I was moved from incap to the ESA work related group, since then had 1 ESA 50 review without a medical and passed... the DWP said on their record I would most likely get another in June 2013. Dec 2012 I was called up for my first work focus interview at the jobcentre they looked at my condition and advised I appeal to be placed in the support group. Today I received a letter from the appeals officer saying the decision has been revised in my favour the letter is vague but I guess it means I have been placed in the support group I have 2 questions Will I still be up for review in June? Support group pay is more than workgroup will I see back pay and if so when from?
  10. Brief timeline... December 2010 - re-assessment for IB, recommended further review in 2-3 years, benefit to continue. October 2011 - called for ATOS face-to-face interview as part of the IB to ESA transition. Failed. Appealed. Placed in Support Group for ESA on review so no Tribunal to attend. February 2012 - new ESA50 received, completed and submitted together with letter expressing disgust that another review was being made in only 3 months when my medical conditions could not possibly be improved in my lifetime. Had no reply but ESA Support Group benefit payments continued without a break. November 2012 - received letter from JobCentre stating my case had been reviewed and I was being placed in the WRAG forthwith. I telephoned to request a telephone interview for the first part of this assessment. I was called back and told an error had been made and I was to remain in the Support Group, but contact the department again in March 2013 to ensure I was being transferred to Pension Credits. January 2013 - new ESA50 received which I must now complete. I am aware that cases are looked at regularly and that up-to-date ESA50 forms are required, just as regular reviews of cases are required. But looking at the timeline above it now does seem rather excessive. My carer (who I pay for myself, I have never claimed any additional benefits) is now describing this as harassment, a blatant attempt to attack anyone who has succeeded following an ATOS failure. Does anyone else have a similar experience?
  11. Hi all, we booked a weekend away this week at Pontins we paid in full over the credit card and after reading the reviews i called Pontins in the hope of a refund, they told me i have no right to a refund. I said after reading these reviews we feel we have an exceptional circumstance as we have a disabled child and do want to bring him along, the reviews are awful thety state it is dirty and unsafe but pontins state otherwise on the phone. If we get their and complain it unsafe and dirty do i have a right to a refund? i thought this was normal policy for the likes of hotels etc? can some 1 please advise if this is the case or not?? Thanks all
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