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  1. Received today and the time is not correct also i think the code is wrong the fact was i had a disabled person in the passenger seat needed the loo very quickly so i cut around the to light at 1703 the ticket saying 1702 the code also said 38l think that was wrong to but i needed to get them to a loo asap and had sat in the traffic 20 minutes already and could not pull into the left as was a bus lane what can i do
  2. Hi, I’m new - after reading so many posts over the last few days I thought this may be the best place to ask for advice. So, last year my sister got caught receiving tax credit payments whilst her partner was still living there, she received a £300 penalty and was asked to pay back the £8k she received. A few months after this she did actually split with her partner and, to make ends meet (she has 3 children and works part time) she started a new claim as a single parent and started receiving tax credits again. She started seeing her ex again, he was staying a few nights a week and they were constantly on/off however he was providing her with financial support. A few days ago she received a letter from tax credits saying they suspect he is living there again and they now want bank statements, agreements for rent and council tax etc etc. Now officially they were on/off, and she did many times go to call them but then she’d split with her partner and wasn’t sure if they’d get back together etc and put off calling them as she was worried about money. I have looked through the bank statements during the dates TC have asked for as there are multiple payments from him which would look as though he was living there the whole time. My sister is absolutely petrified at what might happen, she’s calculated what she thinks they’ll want back and it’s around £6k. As this is her second offence, what might happen? If she’s completely honest and agrees to pay whatever she can back, would she get a penalty? Or as it’s now happened a second time, is prosecution more likely? I’m so worried for her, she has 3 young child (the youngest is 18 months) - any advice will be appreciated.
  3. Having previously never been in trouble in my 54 years I got caught shoplifting in Dec 2016 and was given a fiscal fine in February 2017 which would stay on my record for 2 years. I cannot explain why though I did this again in ASDA in December 2018 (within the 2 years) stealing an SD card with a value of £11 which I didn’t need nor have used. This was seen on CCTV with the police identified me from my car number plate in the car park after which they asked me to attend the police station last week and charged me with the offence. They said as my fiscal fine was still within the 2 years they would have to refer it to the procurator fiscal. I have a good job earning over £50k per year and cannot explain why I did this the first time never mind the second. It beggars belief. My question though is what the likely penalty is. Can I get another fiscal fine or another alternative to prosecution as a conviction would likely end up with me losing my job as I require annual DBS checks
  4. I drove down a road which I have done for years and hadn’t been in the area for ten years when I got to the end two permanent bollards stopped me proceeding . when I realised I turned round as I turned round a police officer in a marked van was at other end I thought nothing off it and turned around and went the opposite way and left the road . When I got to the junction he was there blue lights blocking my exit I got out my car said what’s up he said . Can you tell me what you doing driving through a children’s play area I replied I’ve used this road lots of times to visit my dads alloment . I said I didn’t know it was blocked off at end I’ve not lived in that area for 10 years He said but why you driving through a children’s play area . I said I didn’t know it’s blocked off now . He replied yea but what ya doing in a children’s play area I said I’m not bothered I’ve done nowt wrong . He replied in that case ya not bothered walked away to his van . Started writing and talking on radio I went over and I said can I go on my way he said no I’m reporting your traffic offence RT88/496 driving elsewhere than roads .footpath/bridleway... I said there’s absolutely no signage regarding. No through road for vehicles No warnings children’s play area , Only signage is warning low bridge height restrictions so vehicles can pass under I’ve just received an offer of £50 fine . Do you think I should take to court thanks
  5. Hi, My husband rents a black taxi and I have just received a PCN dated 14th June for a contravention that occurred on 12 Feb! I am about to ring the taxi firm as I'm not 100% sure that he had this cab at the time (he has to swap them when they have to go in for repairs etc) but isn't 4 months a bit of a long time?? this is from TFL
  6. Good morning. Few days ago I urgently drove my friend to A&E and I unawarely made a prohibited (right) turn. 40 minutes later I drove my friend back home and committed the same contravention. I didn't see the "no right turn" sign at all, so it is completely my fault. I could also add that the road was quite deserted (although I imagine is not an excuse). I am just checking with you if there is any possibility I can only pay it once. I am quite shocked as it is my second (and third) penalty charge in over 40 years. Not mentioning the costs!! Thanks for any help or suggestion. Have a good day.
  7. Wonder if anyone can help alleviate the burden of these series of PCNs.... I left my car legally parked on the road for approx. 1-month in March during which time my father was critically ill in hospital. When I came back to find my car to my horror it was not where I left it. Luckily I spotted it 50-100 yards down the road, half parked in a permit holders only zone and half parked outside it, with 10+ PCNs attached! Luckily a good Samaritan who lived on the street had written a note stating "your car was moved here by a lorry and lifter by the people doing the road works". I spent the next hr knocking on every house to find this neighbour and finally did find her when she explained how it was unbelievable how far the council contractors moved my car only to dump it with the bonnet poking into a controlled bay and then proceed to ticket it every single day since! This absolutely beggars belief that they are allowed to do this! Now I fully appreciate that sometime during my car being parked there that maybe the council put up signs and because I had not gone back I had not noticed so I get that they are allowed to move the car, but on what planet are they allowed to move it into a permit holders only bay a very long way away from where I left it?! this is tantamount to theft! Needless to say it's not what I need with my dad only just out of hospital, and I intend to appeal but of course my 14 day period has long passed and do I really need to lodge my appeal 10 times?! This seems absolutely ridiculous that they can cause this and then I have so much inconvenience to resolve it. Is there anyway round this by writing to them listing all the PCNs and asking to cancel them all in one go seeing as I was not responsible and I have several witnesses who will vouch for the contractors moving my car? Can I sue the contractors for distress? Any help would be much appreciated.
  8. Hi All, Here is the story: I check my car daily to make sure there are no new noticeable scratches and I did it last night and there were none on my wing mirrors. After driving to work and parking on the road this morning, I pushed my passenger wing mirror in as always to prevent it being hit and noticed 2 pretty big scrapes on it. The problem: I have no recollection of hitting or scraping my wing mirror on anything, then it occurred to me that I may not have known if I had because I put my music quite loud when driving as it helps me focus. Then I started worrying that maybe I hit and damaged a car and then remembered reading about the offence of failing to stop. I decided to call 101 and report that I may have committed the offence and told them 3/4 locations which I drive through to get to work as it would have happened in one of those locations. My question: If I did hit a vehicle and it's reported to the police what are the penalties? Bearing in mind that this is my first motoring offence (other than the 1 parking ticket I have ever received as a driver), I've been driving for almost 3 years and have no other criminal offences. I've read I could get disqualified from driving, up to 10 points and a fine of up to £5,000. Is this correct? Thank you in advance for any help.
  9. Hello hope you are well? I just received a PCN from Brent council for violating a no right turn, unfortunately I followed my satnav and turned right but I never saw the sign on the pavement. My question is that the spelling of the road is wrong on the PCN notice, does this mean I have grounds to appeal? Thanks. Kind regards Ummi
  10. A friend of mine said he was done by an average speed camera and he claims to have received a ticket from two police forces for this, can this happen I thought it sounded a bit weird
  11. After owning the same car for over 20years I found myself needing to replace it. I purchased a car last year (August 17) which was £0 tax. All the relevant paperwork was sent off and i received the new keeper registration document. What I didn't realise is that i needed to register my car online. In November 17 my vehicle was clamped for being untaxed. I was totally shocked and couldn't understand why this was as i did not have to pay tax on it. My mistake. I paid the fine of £100 to get it unclamped after registering the car. I thought that was it. However, I have now received a letter to say that must pay out an out of court settlement of £30.00 to stop DVLA taking me to court! I dont understand how that can be if i have paid the fine and corrected my mistake. I was not told that i would be charged an additional £30 2 months later! Surely, this money making and cannot be legal Does anyone else experienced this? please advise. Do I pay the £30 fine
  12. I would be grateful for some advice from you guys regarding an on-going matter I have with a company called Park Watch. I was using the car park at the One Stop Shopping Centre in Perry Barr Birmingham and dropped someone off in an area which the company claimed was for busses only. They then wrote to me and issued me with a Parking Charge. I was going to pay it until I decided to Google the company and found that someone else (markavfc) had had the same experience and with your guys help had had the fine rescinded. Following his lead, I wrote to Park Watch saying that I would not be paying the fine along the following lines: With reference to your recent letter reference number ,,,,,,. As the keeper I will not be paying this so called charge as there is no contractual obligation and you have not complied with schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. I heard nothing from them for 3 weeks and then I received another letter claiming that I hadn't responded to their first. I think this was due to them changing addresses but with companies like that it might have just been another tactic. Therefore I responded again with the following: Dear Sir or Madam: Parking Charge Notice ..... I received a letter from you dated 28th June 2017 pertaining to the above matter. The address I was given to write back to you was given as: Park Watch, Payments Department Suite 12, The Shippon Church Road Dodleston Chester CH4 9NG I wrote back to this address on the 8th July accordingly. A copy of the letter is attached for your convenience. I received a letter dated 27th July indicating that the parking charge is overdue. However I did not receive a response to my original letter and I await one at your earliest convenience. Please note as stated originally, as the keeper I will not be paying this so called charge as there is no contractual obligation and you have not complied with schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012. I have today received a very odd response from them which I will attach and would welcome your advice on how best to respond. I look forward to hearing from you
  13. Hi folk, nearly 2 months ago [13/06/2017] I got caught by a speed camera van doing 38 in a 30. they sent me a letter of intention to prosecute [20/06/2017] which asked for the details of the driver. I was out for the day my mum decided to fill it in saying that it wasn't her driving and sent it off. Ages later (I can't remember the date, but it must have been 3-4 weeks later) they sent me the same letter asking for the drivers details again. Luckily I was in that day so filled it in and sent it off again. That was now ages ago again (feels like 3-4 weeks but I'm unsure of teh dates) and no responce. My conundrum is that I'm supposed to be leaving the country at the end of this month to emigrate to Canada. However, I expect they will offer me a speed awareness course, which I would much rather do than get 3 points on my licence, I don't want to book my flights until they have gotten back to me offering me the course (or just the points if they choose). Is there any way to get them to speed up this stage of the process and get them to offer me the course/points asap as they are really taking their time. Failing that, is there any way to see how long it will take them to make up their mind (as if it's going to take them ages then I'll just take the points). Also, if they offer me the speed awareness course, then how booked up are they usually (will there typically be a booking in a day or 2 or are they normally booked up for weeks in advance). Sorry for the long post but it's really important to me as I really want to get to Canada as soon as possible and this is stopping me. Thanks in advance guys. AJ.
  14. Hi, First the details of the alleged 'offence'... 1 Date of the infringement - 01/07/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] - 21/07/2017 (20 days after the 'event') 3 Date received - 23/07/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] - Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? - Yes, images of the vehicle entering and leaving the car park 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up - No, thought I'd ask for advice here before doing anything. 7 Who is the parking company? - Parking Eye 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] - Premier Inn, Deansgate Locks, Manchester For either option, does it say which appeals body they operate under. - The notice only mentions POPLA in respect to appeals but it says they are a member of BPA. My son and daughter-in-law used this car park and my son paid for a ticket for considerably longer than the time they actually parked for. He can't remember the exact period he paid for (and they've lost the ticket), but as they were going to an event they didn't expect to finish until after 10pm, he knows it was for considerably longer than the time they spent there. Having said that, the Parking Charge Notice/Invoice makes no mention of why the charge has been issued, we're just assuming it's for staying too long. Is it normal that the 'offence' isn't mentioned on these charge notices? If it is, how is someone meant to appeal or defend themselves against an unspecified transgression? I've read in other CAG posts that these notices must be received within 14 days of the alleged 'offence' (it's termed an 'event' on Parking Eye's invoice) - does that apply in this case as well because it turned up 22 days later and was issued 20 days after the event? I've attached a copy of the PCN as a file - can't seem to figure out how to add it as an image like others on here are doing, hope that's not a problem. Can anyone suggest the best course of action to take? Many thanks Parking-Lie.pdf
  15. hi this week I received a fine at the local magistrate under the new means tested rules of £550. I was speeding 39 in a 30 and readily admitted it. The offence was committed in January but I didn't received any correspondence until may when I received a reminder (I presume there was an original notification but I queried and found out it wasn't sent recorded signed for delivery). I read about the new speed tarrif for "offences committed after april 24 2017" but my offence was jan 2017. yet I am still asked to pay £550. Is this correct?
  16. Afternoon, I wonder if you can please help me with this ticket. Back in November 2016 I unknowingly made a mistake and took a wrong turn to the road where no right turn was allowed between XX and XX hours. I think about 2 weeks later I moved and was never aware of the offence until February 2017 I was actually nearby my old flat and met postman who I knew and who then handed me a mail which had that ticket with a penalty and from Northampton court etc. I then phoned Court, spoke with them and was advised to immediately submit 2 forms (out of time and something else) I Immediately processed them both and also provided them with my new address and that I understand I made a mistake and am happy to pay the original penalty charge. After about 4-6 weeks I received refusal letter from Northampton County court that they have refused my appeal despite me providing them evidence of my new address and that genuinely I never received any previous notices. I then phoned them again and asked what will happen next and was told to wait to hear from the council. I have since not heard anything from the council and have been told by new tenants in the previous property that they received a letter from some target collection company which I imagine would be for the same. The council and collection company still writing me to my old address? what should I do? write to council asking them to waive the fee and that I am prepared to pay the original amount or contact the agency etc . Please help!!!
  17. The following regulation has been discussed for many months, and was finally laid before Parliament a few days ago (11th April). It comes into effect on 6th May 2017. The Road Vehicles (Registration and Licensing) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2017/554/made
  18. The rear of our car was flashed doing 35mph in a 30mph zone by a parked up mobile van, there is only one photograph from the police as we requested photographic evidence, but it is impossible to tell who was driving at the time as there is only a small part of the top of the drivers head visible, we have no clue as to who was driving, what do we do now? Any advice would be great guys thanks
  19. Hello, i would greatly appreciate any advice and help with how to deal with my NIP I received yesterday. I will try to give you as much information as possible but as im new to this and its my first NIP i may overlook something so please forgive me. I was travlling at 83MPH on the A417 towards Swindon (just before it turns into the A419) I will state now i do admit to doing this and fully accept the responsibility but i hope i may have some luck on my side and may be able to get this overturned the letter states Offence Speeding - exceed 5/18/20/30/40/50/60mph limit for a good vehicle - manned equipment I have 3 questions regarding this; 1: Why have they listed all these speeds? 2: the speed limit on this road is 70 not 60mph, would this affect a conviction? 2: The letter states that the vehicle I was driving as a "goods vehicle" however, I was in my Ford transit which is less than 3000KG, again, would this affect a conviction? having read other forums i have seen a case where someone was let off because the speed limit was incorrect. My question is, due to the comments above, is there any advice you can give to help me respond to the NIP, which may allow me to overturn the conviction? Thank you all in advance Nic
  20. Hi guys thanks in advance for any replys, all help appreciated. I received a letter through the post to state that I had been charged with the offence of being the registered keeper of an uninsured motor vehicle. The letter I received was sent to my old address (mums house), stating that I either need to reply guilty or not guilty etc to the above offence. The vehicle in question was my old car that was left at my mums on the driveway for her to scrap/sell, I had moved the insurance from this car onto my new car so at this point the car was uninsured. Due to the car being in the way my mum had moved the car onto the road, I'm not sure whether this is why I have been charged with the offence or whether it doesn't matter if it's on the road etc? Next question is I'm sure I never received a fixed penalty notice for the offence, I pick up my post once every couple of months from my mum address some things I still haven't changed address on, is this a legitimate defence to ask the dvla if they can revert back to this stage as I no longer live at the address so didn't receive notification of the offence and the fine I had to pay ( which if I'm in the wrong I'm happy to pay) If it is not a defence that I am no longer living at the address and the dvla are not willing to revert back to the fixed penalty notice stage what is my best bet moving forward? Shall I plead guilty to the offence and provide this information in mitagating circumstances to the court? If this is the case what sort of punishment is likely for the offence and would this constitute a criminal record. Any help or advice greatly appreciated
  21. A query on behalf of a friend - she lent her car to someone who committed a traffic offence whilst driving it - she received the initial letter but had just had a baby and was unwell so didn't respond in time. The other driver later admitted the offence but they prosecuted my friend anyway because the information was not received in the time limit and took her license away as she was a relatively new driver. She drives for a living so she appealed. The hearing was adjourned and a new date set for this week - she is worried in case they do revoke her license as she will then lose her job. Any advice that could help would be gratefully received.
  22. Hope someone can help here. On Saturday I was out with my brother getting fuel and he asked if he could drive my car quickly. I very stupidly said yes and drove to an area I know to have very small amounts of traffic. We swapped seats and I told him to just leave the car park and drive 100ft or so pull into a side road and turn around and come back. He took a wrong turn and ended up on a main road and I told him to just be as sensible as he can and get to the safest place to stop which entailed driving to a roundabout 100m away and taking the first exit, which is a closed road. As he did a police van slowed down to see what was happening because we were stopped. They then approached and I got out the car and explained that my brother was still a learner driver and I let him drive very briefly because he is buying the car from me in a few months time. I then said to the officer "He took a wrong turn and I told him to carefully drive to here because it was the safest place to pull over." The officers took our details and told my brother he was being reported for driving without L plates and without insurance, and I was reported for not having him on my insurance and not being old enough to supervise him. I'm 20. I asked what would happen next and the officer said that it would go to the CPS and they would decide what to do. I was issued a HORT1, with it saying to give in my insurance papers, and the officer said they had been lenient as they could of seized the car. I thanked them for that and headed on my way. This morning I went to the station with the papers and the slip and the woman thought it was strange i'd been issued one when my details were on the database. When I asked if anything more will happen or if I will get anything through the post she said "No that's it. The form will go to the officer and that's that". My Mum and Step Dad seem to think we have both gotten off lightly but i've read online that I might get something through the post still. So my questions are; 1. Who will get it worse for the offences mentioned? 2. Will my brother be unable to get a license because of this? 3. Is it possible that we have gotten off lightly here and they have been sympathetic? 4. When should I expect something through the post? 5. Should I have been issued some sort of offence code because I've had nothing and nor has my brother. And lastly, yes it was a very stupid thing to do. We are both shaken up and wouldn't dream of doing something like that ever again. It put ours and others lives in danger and it's eating me up thinking about it all.
  23. I am the owner of a car and my wife the driver. On 31/03/15 my wife met her friend on for a meal one evening and parked side by side with her on what they thought was a free car parking space at the side of the Croma Italian restaurant in Prestwich , Manchester. neither of them saw any signage and plus it was about 7:30pm in the evenings wasn't expecting to pay parking. Apparently there were signs according to excel? After now numerous letters from excel parking, zenith, rossendale (all ignored). We have a letter from BW legal - a final notice saying that as i have ignored the last letter offering a discount of £80 they now have been instructed to commence proceedings in county court if i do not pay with 10 days of the letter date . The letter is dated 9th may 2016 and I received it on the 14th may. The letter states i have to pay £54 excel costs plus £100 fine. - Remember i am not the driver (I'm the owner). I have never corresponded to parking charges before and they always stop after a year or so but these seem more "legal" and possibly I'm now entering a reality whereby they will take court action? Q. has anyone had this "final notice" letter and when or how did you deal with it?
  24. Hi, I would like some advice on my next reply to the court 22/06/2015 - I receive a letter from Sheffield Police stating Alleged offence detected by camera date an time of offence 27/02/2015 @02:18am this matter will now be referred to the appropriate department for consideration by way of summons for one, or a combination of the following 1 failure to furnish driver details 2 excess points 3 driving licence not issued by DVLA Swansea 4 conditional offer not complied with 5speed recorded does not fall within guidelines for conditional offer 6 other that is the first letter I received, my response was I m in receipt of your letter dated 22/06/2015 and I would like to ask what the alleged offence is? I have had no previous communication in relation to this alleged offence, I do not understand the length of time this has taken? may I take this opportunity to reply to your points 1 I have had no request/producer that asks for this information 2 I have a clean driving licence 3 my driving licence was issued by DVLA in 1993 and is due to be renewed in 3 months time 4 what is a conditional offer ? I have not been given this opportunity 5 this seems to contradict your point 4 6 could you substantiate this statement I do not know what "other is" at the end of this letter I ask if they can furnish me with the details of the alleged offence I am missing leaving my telephone number and reminding them of my address I did not get any response from the police ( I recorded the delivery of this letter) 20/08/2015 - I received a court summons at this time I wrote again to Sheffield Police and stated that I thought it unreasonable to ignore my previous letter and issue court proceedings , I asked for copies of the original paperwork ( I recorded the delivery of this letter) I received a reply stating this is now being dealt with by the court I filled in the court paperwork which was contrary to section 172(3) of the road traffic act 1988 and schedule 2 of the road traffic offenders act 1988 - this is a failure to supply driver details , there is a copy of a blank section 172 drivers statement, this has never been received at my address there is no mention of speeding on this court summons I replied to the court and plead not guilty, with a copy of all the documents I had sent to the police, I have received a response from the court stating 1 the police would accept a guilty plea to the original offence of speeding instead of the notice offence , please respond to the court before the next hearing my question is , there is no mention in the court papers of speeding, how can the court swop offences ? I believe the Police are out of time to prosecute me for speeding as they did not send me any request for information and completely ignored my requests for information If I plead guilty to speeding I will get 4 points which is a magistrates minimum and a fine and I will not have the opportunity to undertake a speed awareness course or keep my licence clean could anyone advise me ? Thank you Caroline
  25. Hi there, Looking for advice on how to handle & respond to the following: Received NIP today 10th March 2016, the NIP was dated 9th March 2016 with the alleged offence occurring on 13th December 2015. Offence was 41 in a 30 zone. The wife was driving at the time. The wife has been the registered owner/keeper for about 4 yrs. The vehicle and plate have been registered at the current address for over 12 months. I've seen comments and advice about NIPs needing to be served within 14 days of the offence, which this is clearly outside, but what I wanted to know is what is my/wife's positon here, who should we write to and what should we say Many thanks in advance for any help Mr P
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