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Found 6 results

  1. Help for nursing students affected by loan overpayments READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/help-for-nursing-students-affected-by-loan-overpayments
  2. One in three nursing homes in England 'fail safety' READ MORE HERE: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-40499567
  3. Hi, I was employed for 7 years as a support worker/assistant nurse I trained as a psychiatric nurse (4 years) I then worked for private health care (the priory) for 18 months, then moved on to work for the NHS (high secure services) I worked here for 4 years. In the last 3 months of my employment, I made 4 medication errors. (none at any other time in my career) No patient was harmed. I have no criminal record. At the time I made the mistakes I was going through a divorce from my wife of 18 years. I was under an extreme amount of stress. I left the job when I had a car crash on my way to work. I was not sacked. I continued to practice as an agency nurse for 8 months with no other problems. within this time the NHS employers sent me for a psychiatric evaluation. I was still experiencing a lot of stress so I agreed to go. 2 weeks later I had been given a diagnosis by post of a serious mental health disorder. On top of this I received a letter from The nursing council stating that The NHS had whistle blown to them about my practice, subsequently they had sent me a letter saying I was struck off. I was in so much stress and anxiety at the diagnosis that I didnt contest the ruling. I ignored the letter feeling disillusioned and upset that they had taken my lively hood away after so much training and practice. The diagnosis was wrong. I have never experienced psychosis and have never taken anti psychotic medication. As An ex nurse I realised that denying you have the condition is seen as no insight and subsequently a person would be hospitalised because of the presumed risk of not complying with medication. I have never been sectioned or been in hospital I realised that if I had denied it the potential for me being hospitalised and forced to take medication, would have potentially ruined my life further. And so for 8 years i kept up a face for the health professionals, It took me at least 3 years to get my head together, enough to return to university to complete a masters degree. I am now back to my usual self and have regained my self worth and esteem. I now wish to return to my nursing career. The NMC states that to be reinstated to the register you have to have a period of 5 years away from practice. I would also have to attend a panel meeting in London to be assessed. My question is, I have a serious mental illness (on paper) although I am considered well because they believe the medication has helped my over time. (which I have never taken) . I desperately want to return to my career, does anyone know if my circumstances would make this an impossibility.?
  4. hi all i need information from various nursing homes regarding the dates that my father went in and came out and i dont have them all. can i approach them direct if i have the certificate of death with me? i know one of them wont be a problem, but have never visted at least one of the homes he was in for a short time. this post relates to money (unfortuntely) as we discovered his cleaner had been helping herself to all his funds (we discovered this at great length after his death) any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. as soon as we have all the information we need we will be handing our file over to the police. regards
  5. Firstly I am new to the forums and although I accept this does not relate to the NHS as its a private company its the closest forum I could find. Apologies if posted in the wrong area. Our family have spent many months personally battling with a nursing home corporation with reguards to the care my late mother received towards the end of her life. All has gone very successfully and we are now in the position that the corporation has accepted failings and taken liability, to some extent. Whilst discussing with them the outcomes we wish from the complaint process (changes being made to prevent further suffering, formal apologies etc..) the matter of compensation was raised by them. We have been asked to formally request how much we are seeking through their claims department, we found this to be odd as we would have thought they would make an offer for us to decide. The question is, how much financial retribution would you put on something like this? having never been in this position before I don't have a clue. Would it be possible to get a solicitor to advise an amount without them 'taking the case' after all the family have got to this stage by themselves. Or is there somewhere on the net that you can look up negligence payouts from courts to give us an idea. All we have found so far are newspaper articles being vague over amounts stating simply 'a ? figure sum was awarded' not very helpful Sorry for this post being vague in parts, but as you can imagine I have to be careful with the details at this stage.
  6. Hi Guys, I wonder if anyone could help, I am 21 and have had quite severe mental health problems for the last five years. I am now fully recovered and currently working towards getting a place ona nursing degree, I need to hold a health care assisstant job for a while to strengthen my uni application, however whilst I was unwell I had quite alot of police involvement when I ran away from hospitals, and had to be searched for and returned or when I did dangerous things during which they had to intervene. On one occasion, I was classified as being at risk of harming others, without going into detail ... during a very unwell episode I threatened to attack a friend. I have had an enhanced CRB done in the past, and on the other relevant info box the chief police officer disclosed how many times the police had had to attend to me (frequently) during which periods 2008-2010 (however now it will be until the end of last year... and went into brief detail about the risk to myself Ive caused and very detailed about the event where I threatened to attack a friend. I understand they cannot overlook what happened completely however I feel they have gone into too much detail. I phoned the CRB office last year and they said it would remain on there for five years, but I feel it will severely hamper my chances of working in healthcare, which is and always has been my dream. I have worked hard and been through therapy to address my issues which are all born from trauma... and I feel now this is going to make it very hard for me to get a job, even though I am desperate to take the next step into adulthood and life, and not be reliant on benefits. My question is ... How can I try and get this sorted, have the content toned down or taken off? Absolutely none of what I recorded is remotely criminal... it is all purely because I was unwell! I have considered contacting my local police HQ and asking if my psychiatrist writes a letter saying I am of no risk to vulnerable adults or children at all, whether this would help? Sorry for the long ramble, it's just I've worked too hard to let a bit of paper get in my way! Any help appreciated, happy to answer further questions about what happened etc... Just please post any ideas!! Thanks, studentnurse2b (Hopefully!)
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