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  1. Hi I have received a letter from Zurich saying they have mis calculated my payments since 2004. Giving me two options a refund + interest or keep paying what I am and increase cover Can anyone send me link to interest calculator please had it on my old computer which is long gone. Smiles OSW
  2. Hi, back in January 2017 i booked online flights to go to Florida from London. When I purchased the flights i thought that i was booking :- - Direct flight from London to Florida - Indirect flight from Florida to London via JFK. When it finally came to the holiday i arrived at LHR to check in only to find that not only was my flight not direct, but, it had a 7 hour stop at Detroit! Clearly i was very unhappy, and want a full refund of my flights. Fortunately at the time of booking the flights online i took a screen shot of the booking (attached image) you can clearly see on the image the the outbound flight appears to be direct, and the inbound flight clearly shows a stop. I have raised a complaint with the travel company who refute my claim. They say that the stop a detroit was a hidden stop for refeuling and that passengers were not supposed to disembark the plane, therefore it was a direct flight. The airline 24hours before the actual flight the changed the schedule, thus my tough luck at 7 hours. My complaint was that the outbound flight should have clearly shown the stop, thereby giving me the opportunity to not book it. I feel that this flight was miss sold and miss represented as i would not have booked 2 indirect flights. The travel company say they sent me the e ticket in july and it was my responsibility to check all was good. I dont agree with this, as in my opinion, i would not have booked the flights in the first place. I did not realise anything was wrong until check in, at which point it was too late to not go ahead. And as i got on the plane, they state i have accepted the goods as sold. Do I have a legitimate court case to claim misselling? Document_001.pdf
  3. Could you please help. I got a quote from teletex holidays for a hotel advertised on their site as The Annabella Diamond &spa annexe. This is a 5 star hotel with amazing reviews and pictures of the hotel. In the description of the hotel, it tells you about the hotel, how many rooms and also indicates there is a separate annexe, (but does not elaborate). The teletex operative was very pushy for me to book and I told him to call back after 5 as I was working and I would be in the car. He called me back whilst I was driving, (I have hands free) and I decided to go ahead with the quote. He was on the phone ages pushing buttons and booking the holiday. I told him numerous times, I was driving and when he required payment I would pull over. He asked me to read the booking quote which I told him I could not AS I WAS IN THE CAR, I eventually got home and sat outside the house in the car finishing the booking, which was going on and on. He asked me to read the quote and I said I couldn’t as I was in the car, and he said he would read it out, as it had to be correct, When he got to the hotel part, he said the booking was with the Annabella park hotel but this was the same hotel, which he said numerous times. We completed the booking and I went in the house. When I got into the house I checked on the web and it became apparent that on teletex site they have two hotels on their site. The Annabella Diamond and spa annexe 5 star and the Annabella Park Hotel 4 star., I straight away called customer services but could not get through. I got hold of them the following morning and again they said it was the same hotel but we were in the annexe which is called a different name and we could use the facilities except for the main bar. I emailed and called and eventually spoke to an operative, who told me that although teletex are advertising these as different hotels, that infact they are the same hotel, with the annexe being called the Anabella park. He told me I had got what I was quoted for. I told him that I didn’t, when I asked for the quote I was looking at the pictures, of the Annabella Diamond Hotel &spa annexe and I was looking at the hotel description, facilities, pictures and reviews for this hotel a 5 star hotel. And now what I have actually got which was never said to me was an annexe of the Diamond with a different name and only 4 stars. Surely this is miss-selling. I told him I wanted my money back and he said you have booked non-refundable rooms. If you look at the teletex site, the pictures of the diamond and the park are the same, but on other sites they are different. He also kept waffling about them being the suppliers picture and not theirs, but at the end of the day, I booked with teletex, who are selling the holiday, and teletex who took my money. Could someone please clarify. Sorry its long. I have attached the hotel from their site.anna.pdf
  4. Ive a debt from 2011 which i have no idea what it is about how do i find out please because it is stopping me from getting a mortgage
  5. Myself and my wife have been having major issues with Everest and their ‘customer service’, and whilst researching online for help, I came across CAG. Our story is a little complicated, but basically we have been led into signing a contract for a conservatory with Everest, by a salesman of theirs who used underhanded tactics and completely misleading information. Right at the start, in August 2016, my wife received some inheritance money from a close relative, which we decided to use to build a conservatory, which will act as a playroom for our 3 year old daughter and baby that is due in early 2017. Once decided, we got an initial quote from local company, Brackenwood conservatories, which was a bit too pricey. We the researched further online for decent reputable companies and along the way disregarded Everest and Anglian, as we already knew that they are much more expensive than most independents. Eventually, we found local company Three Counties, which had really positive reviews, so we decided to get a quote from them. My wife contacted Three Counties through a form on their website and a salesman of their’s, called David, returned an email, requesting that we contact him via a mobile number he provided, stating that the number for him on the website & email footer is incorrect. My wife contacted him on this number and arranged a consultation at our home. A week later, David carried out a consultation and designed a conservatory with a solid tiled roof for us, which is what we initially wanted (our garden is south-west facing and we wanted to avoid our conservatory getting over-heated in the sun). We were happy with the design and David went away and called us up the next day with a quote just under £23k, which we were fine with. Once we decided to go ahead, we got David from Three Counties back over a week later to complete the sale. Once he arrived, he brought the design back up on his computer, but for some reason the cost had risen by over £3k. He spent about an hour looking into the design and tweaking the spec until the cost came back down to the initial quote. Once we were ready to pay, David informed us that the only we can complete the purchase was by taking out a finance plan, which we would need to pay interest, resulting in the final cost going up to £26k! We asked if there was any way we could avoid this, as we already had the money to pay, but he told us that the conservatory had already been discounted and that the only way we could get it at £23k was to go with finance and pay interest. This new rise in cost was too much for us and, just as we were ready to give up, David then offered us an alternative design to the solid roof conservatory. He told us that Everest had just released a brand new glass roof technology that stopped heat from passing through into the conservatory, and that they were offering it free of charge for a limited time, as a way of pushing the new technology. David told us that Everest were the sole suppliers of this new technology and that it would be the ideal alternative to a solid tiled roof and it would also help us avoid planning permission. He told us that we had to hurry and take up the offer if we wanted to go ahead, as the offer was only available for the next day or so and that he could sub-contract Everest through Three Counties to get the product we wanted and also get the build finished in time before the arrival of our newborn. As, we were running out of time and wanted the conservatory built before early 2017, we decided to go with David’s recommendation of sub-contracting Everest through Three Counties. The quote to do this turned out to be just over the initial quote of £23k, which was slightly over our budget, but we were sold on this new magic glass roof technology. When it came to signing the contract and design, David informed us that it would all be Everest branded and that the initial deposit would be paid to Everest, but that the project would be overseen by Three Counties, our first port of call. We went ahead and signed the contract and paid Everest a deposit of £4.6k. The next stage was to get a survey from Everest and issue a party wall notice to our neighbour, as the foundation depth would be 2.5m. The survey was done and some slight alterations to the design had to be made, causing the price to rise by just under £300. Everest supplied us with a party wall notice, which we issued to our neighbour, but our neighbour would not sign, as he said Everest had not issued him the correct notice. Our neighbour told us, after looking at the government guidelines, that Everest need to supply him with plans showing depth of foundation, distance from boundary, etc. We returned to Everest asking for this to be done, but both David and the surveyor informed us that our neighbour was not entitled to any plans, which we then discussed with our neighbour, who was not happy at all. We then asked Everest a second time, this time the manager of their planning department, and again, they were adamant that our neighbour does not require any plans and that Everest have never supplied these in the past in regards to party wall notices. Time was running out, and without our neighbour signing the notice, we could not go ahead with the build without paying for party wall surveyors, which was a route we wanted to avoid. In the end, our neighbour had to write a letter to Everest asking for the plans, stating the rules given out by the government on party wall act. This caused Everest to finally take notice and they then sent out a new notice, with plans, etc, which turned out to be incorrect again - they managed to mix up our address with our neighbour’s, which was completely ludicrous and showed Everest’s incompetence! After all this, our neighbour got completely frustrated and did not want to help us any further, causing our relationship as neighbours to fall out. We complained to David, who was apparently looking after us, and he promised that Everest would cover the cost of party wall surveyors for both ourselves and our neighbour as a resolution. After this promise, nothing was put into place and we kept having to chase David and Everest, as nothing was happening. We spoke to the planning manager and the surveyor, who both told us that Everest do not, and never had in past, pay for any party wall surveyors and that David’s promise was completely false and would never be realised. As consumers, we found we were being given really bad customer service as we had to do all the leg work in order to get Everest to do their job and we were receiving false promises from their salesman, David. In frustration, we decided to go back to our first port of call, Three Counties, who we were told by David at the start, were looking after the sale. I contacted the owner, Simon, of Three Counties, who was initially very confused and concerned about our experience. He told me that Three Counties do not actually sell Everest products and don’t sub-contract to Everest, as they are a main competitor, and that his salesman has completely done the wrong thing by switching our sale to Everest. He told us that David was working for Three Counties during the time we had initial contact with him, but had parted ways shortly after and was now working for Everest! He also told us that the ‘new’ glass technology that David had sold us was not new, had in fact been around for years and was not exclusive to Everest. In fact Three Counties get all their conservatory materials from the exact same supplier Everest use - it’s all the same, but Everest charge at least £5k more. After hearing this news, myself and my wife were absolutely shocked and devastated that we had been misled into signing a contract with Everest and that David had led us to believe he was actually working for Three Counties - not Everest. Not at any time did David inform us that he had switched employment from Three Counties to Everest, nor was he wearing anything to make us aware that he was an Everest employee. We feel that David has committed fraud as a salesman and completely misled us into going with Everest. Since this finding, we having written a complaint letter to Everest regarding this issue and asked for a complete refund of our deposit as we had been mis-sold. We also got a new design consultation from Three Counties, who informed us that the design David from Everest had created for us was over-complicated and more elaborate than what was realistically required, which had probably been done to make the salesman more money. Three Counties’ design turned out to be a lot better, had added extras such as heating and better lighting, used the exact same roof (the ‘new’ technology David had claimed Everest had just released) and came in between £4k and £5k cheaper than Everest! After we chased Everest several times, they finally replied to our letter, explaining that if we wanted to cancel, we would be in breach of contract and that they would keep our £4.6k deposit and charge us additional damages for loss of profit. They said that they can offer us a party wall surveyor if we wanted to still go ahead, but this would only cover us and our neighbour if our neighbour was happy to go with the same surveyor. They also said that David had made statements, saying that our first contact with him was 3 years ago when he was working at Anglian - not through Three Counties. He also claimed he had an Everest ID badge on when he consulted us. Both of these claims David provided are complete lies, clearly demonstrating that he is trying to cover himself. Although the offer of a surveyor was made to compensate our earlier complaint, regarding the poor service and issues we had with Everest’s attempts at a party wall notice, there has been no attempt by Everest to take the issue of mis-selling and underhand sales tactics by their employee as a serious matter and they are trying to pressure us into carrying on with the project, even though we have been seriously miss-treated as consumers. Since the reply, we have asked Everest numerous times to provide further information regarding David’s claim of speaking to us 3 years ago whilst he was working at Anglian. So far David has stood by his statement and will not provide any further details. So far, we have contacted our local Trading Standards and we are now looking at speaking to the Glass and Glazing Federation to see if they can get involved. We are also talking to Citizens Advice, who have been very helpful. The whole ordeal has been extremely stressful and my wife is very upset, as Everest now have £4.6k of her inheritance money which is a very personal thing to her and is worried she will lose. We are also worried that the prolonged stress that Everest has caused my wife, may have an impact on her pregnancy. If anyone can help, we would very much appreciate it.
  6. The taxman has been accused of using small businesses and the self-employed as a “cash cow” after unveiling plans for a “draconian” new penalty regime. HMRC has announced that millions of companies and individuals with an income of more than £10,000 will have to file quarterly tax returns online. Those that are late in supplying information about their tax affairs will face a new “penalty point system”, similar to that used for motorists. Four offences will result in an automatic fine, which could be as much as £100. Every additional point will result in a further fine. Under the plans the points will only be “reset to zero” after two years in which all information has been submitted on time. The scheme will see those who repeatedly fail to file their tax returns on time face hundreds of pounds worth of fines. At present those who miss their annual deadline face a single automatic penalty of £100. HMRC is also proposing to treble fines for the late payment of tax. At present people are charged three fines worth 5 per cent of any outstanding income tax after 30 days, six months and a year. A consultation document published by HMRC proposes that the penalties should be 4 per cent after 30 days, 10 per cent after six month and 15 per cent after a year. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/15/taxman-accused-of-using-small-businesses-as-a-cash-cow-after-unv/
  7. I have had a Fee paying packaged bank account with Barclays since June 1999. I had no idea until a couple years ago that it was not a standard monthly account fee but a packaged account. I had no use for a packaged account as I had breakdown insurance with my employment at the time of opening the account (company vehicle), we always bought our family travel insurance and had other normal insurance covers in place. I would never have agreed to pay over the odds for a bank account if I was made aware of this at the time. Please could someone advise me how I should pursue the monies that I have paid over this 17 year period and if I would be able to claim for the interest on all of the monies paid out. Thanks in anticipation Billy
  8. http://tracking.findmypast.co.uk/track?t=v&enid=ZWFzPTEmbXNpZD0xJmF1aWQ9Jm1pZD05ODQxNDQmbXNnaWQ9Mjg3NzYwJmRpZD0xMTI2MzMmZWRpZD0xMTI2MzMmc249MTY4MTI4MTgmZWlkPWc3Ym5mQGJ0aW50ZXJuZXQuY29tJmVlaWQ9ZzdibmZAYnRpbnRlcm5ldC5jb20mdWlkPUZNUFVLSW50NDAxMjQxNDkwJnRhcmdldGlkPSZtbj0mcmlkPTExMSZlcmlkPTExMSZmbD0mbXZpZD0mdGdpZD0mZXh0cmE9&&&2000&eu=1500&&&
  9. Please help if you can! I paid postage and packing for some "free items" that I was tricked into buying from Stemologica, now loads of people are telling me that they will clean my bank out. How can I stop them?
  10. I visited my local Carphone Warehouse store last year , as the Talk mobile capped contract that I had taken out 12 months before was coming to an end and I needed to replace. I asked for a capped contract again as I explained to them it was for my son and I didn't want any large bills! I said budget was £15 -£20 a month. They suggested a contract with EE at £15.99 a month - at no time did they say that they do not do capped contracts anymore. They worded it as 2,000 mins, so many texts and data capped. My son was with me and he remembers that I kept saying it had to be capped to avoid a large bill. I then checked my bank account on line one morning to find that EE were taking £1044 out, I went to the bank and stopped the payment immediately thinking they had made a mistake. However , when I rang EE they informed me that we had used 4,100 mins instead of the 2,000 included in our contract. I said there must be a mistake as I had asked for a capped contract, EE said that Carphone Warehouse were renowned for miss selling and to get in touch with them. I know many will say why did my son use that much, but he thought he was within usage as he knew from his previous contract that he would not be able to use it after he had used his allowance. I have contacted CW on numerous occasions in person at the store and by email to their complaints dept, they have both said that it is my word against theirs, the complaints dept have asked the store to get in touch with me to try and resolve this matter , but I have had no contact from them whatsoever. I have contacted EE on several occasions to pay my usual monthly fee and explain that I was trying to get CW to admit what had been done , EE advised me to increase my tariff to unlimited when I said I couldn't pay the bill, to avoid it happening again, I now pay £21 a month , but they do not alow us to make calls, only receive incoming calls. so I am now paying for unlimited calls but cant use them! Now EE are threatening to hand the debt over to a collections agency. I am at my wits end now and don't know what to do next, the only advice I have had of a friend who is a solicitor, but am not sure if it will help. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  11. Hi Would like some advice about 2 loans that I took out in 2005 with egg to consolidate credit cards, car purchase etc after getting a mortgage in 2004. Both loans were for just under £25k each and it was more or less implied that if I took out PPI that the loans would be easier to be accepted for and that I would be able to claim if I was not able to work for any reason even though I was self employed. Roll onto end of 2008 where my ex wife and I started having relationship problems and I started struggling to make the repayments but feeling that I had a duty to repay I struggled on trying to keep the repayments up to date even when I could not carry on working at the end of 2009 when I became a single parent. By March/April 2010 I could not make the payments so the loans went into default officially. I spent the next 6 years struggling to bring up my kids as a single parent and have been chased to repay the loans via lots of different debt collection companies but was never in the position to pay anything So now in 2016 the loans have both been removed from my credit report (such a relief as can start rebuilding my credit worthiness). I did receive a questionnaire for both loans from Canada Square Operations in 2013 about my PPI but because of my financial situation I just filed them as I was worried that it was a ploy to get me to pay money to them that I could not afford. It does state in the covering letter that they that the loans where now being administered by Britannica Recoveries but does not say the debt had been sold to them. It also lists the reasons that they think I would be entitled to a refund for and they are for it being implied that by taking PPI I would get the loans and that when self employed I could only claim if I could not work at all. My question is would it be worthwhile sending in the questionnaire now to apply for a refund. Many thanks in advance Allister
  12. Hi Everyone, I’m wondering if someone can help please? I re-mortgaged my flat in 2005 through Countrywide and the mortgage adviser told me that I had to take out a Mortgage Protection Plan as it was necessary for me to get the Mortgage but now as I understand it isn't. The Mortgage Protection Plan summary says its Life or earlier Critical Illness Cover (decreasing) which is with Friends Life (used to be Friends Provident) and as I understand it Countrywide and Friends Life are affiliated (if that makes a difference?) I had buildings and contents insurance at the time, so I think that means I had enough coverage... I still have the policy and all the paperwork even though I changed Mortgage provider in 2008. Does anyone know if I can claim this back as miss-sold and if so if I should contact Nationwide or Friends Life please? Really appreciate anyone’s help! and sorry if I'm in the wrong place! Thanks, Sandra
  13. Please can some advise me on what nessary steps I should take with my problem. Last month "September 2015" I was called by the vodaphone rewards department with an offer on my account. I have 3 lines on my account and was told that I was a good customer with vodaphone and would like to offer me a broadband on the account. Line 1 is my iPhone 5s =£42.50 Line 2 is a iPad =£21.44 Line 3 is a iPad =£21.44 These are i was told by the adviser from the rewards dept that if I took out this broadband account they would cap my total bill to £105.00 a month. I agreed that was ok... I also told the advisor that I will be leaving vodafone in February and going with another service provider as the contract runs out then, vodaphone did not tell me over the phone that I would be taking out a 4th line on my account. Under no circumstances was I aware of this 4th line until I called them 3 weeks ago as I was charged £11.00 a month for the broadband and I was not told that I was binding into a broadband contract for 12 months.. . I really am annoyed everyone I ring them I'm getting thru to someone in India who can't speak proper English and it's really frustrating !! What are my options I feel I have been Mis sold another contract here!
  14. Has anyone claimed or in the process of claiming for miss selling between August 2009 and October 2012 of investments to customers
  15. If you were a policyholder with Standard Life when it demutalised in 2006, you would have been entitled to cash or shares. There are still 60,000 people who can claim shares and about 5,000 entitled to claim cash. Those who held a with-profits policy which started before March 2004 and was in force in October 2005 may be eleigible. The last date for claims is 9th July 2016. Anyone with a valid claim should contact Capita Asset Services on 0345 608 1478 http://www.standardlife.co.uk/c1/news-and-blog/uncategorized/dont-miss-money-thats/
  16. Hello everyone, I would like to ask, all you out there, who are claiming back PPI on the grounds of miss-selling, this question. Did this premium(PPI) just appear on your statements, maybe it did, maybe it didn't. This story is for those of you who's PPI just one day suddenly appear on your statements, without having spoken to any one from the bank or credit card company about wanting PPI on the account. My story goes like this, long before PPI became generally known for what it's worth, back in 2007 i complained about my PPI on my credit card concerning the previous years. The company at the time(LV), investigated, found in my favour and paid me out in full and final settlement, a happy ending. The PPI was cancelled and REMOVED from the account. Like everything nowadays, my credit card was later taken over(GOLDFISH), Goldfish without any authority from me added PPI for a second time after i had cancelled my first PPI, this time without seeking any consent from me. In the meantime, Barclaycard took over my credit card. Now here's where it gets technical, because of who i am(cannot disclose my previous or present employer), i knew straight away that this was fraud, theft to be honest, my complaint to the bank was that payments of an unlawful nature had been taken from my service account. It's straight forward, because i had already cancelled and received a payout on the PPi, I noticed these deductions being made under the disguise of PPI, i knew straight away that something unlawful had happened. In conversation with a bank employer, they admitted that Goldfish was renowned for attaching PPI without permission. However the complication for me is that Barclaycard can not comprehend what i am telling them, for so many years they are under the impression or should i say, they like to think, they are dealing with a miss-selling complaint. This is not the case with me. I just wonder how many people are out there who could swear on oath, that they too never requested PPI yet PPI is on their statements. After all, how can you miss-sell something when you do not speak(write/request) to anybody, isn't that what miss-selling is, advising the customer wrongly(misleading) on the policy. Anyway, let me know, if your one of those customers who didn't speak to anyone about PPI or request it or indeed cancelled a PPI just to have another just pop up.
  17. Miss-selling contracts!!!! I was put through to the retentions team at end of August to upgrade my phones. They offered me two IPhone 5S's on an unlimited minutes, unlimited texts and 4gb data for £24.50. Soon afterward I looked at my online account and it said £31.50, I called their customer service immediately. I was told that it was discounted and that I must ignore the £31.50 it will right itself when the bill is prepared. Lo and behold the bill has come and money has been taken out of my account for £31.50 each. I have spent a long time on numerous calls, shoved from pillar to post without getting anything sorted. I am now fed up and want to cancel the contracts as Vodafone has clearly breached their contract. They are getting the recordings of which I know for a fact I am correct. I asked for a recording transcription around 22/9. After being told 24-48hrs, then 3-5 days, then 7-10 days, they did not get it done. On 5/10 I asked for the results again, after calling everyday. I am still waiting. I was called on Sunday 5/10 by a lady in customer relations team and was told that Cal was dealing with my account. I called on Tuesday to speak to her, Asef said he will deal with me and refused to put me through to Val. He then said, 'Greg called you 20 mins ago and you agreed to.... .. I stopped him there as I hadn't spoken to anyone and that my security had been compromised. I asked to speak to Greg, he put me on hold, then came back and said, greg copied notes from the lady on Sunday. This is all very strange, I have asked for my contracts to be cancelled and full refund to be given.. ....Now I am with the ombudsmen, OFCOM and OFTEL. Are the managers and directors not interested in customers at all?????? Surely my case would interest them....????
  18. hi, is it possible to claim back interest from payday loans if u feel that they were miss-sold? any advice would b great thanks.
  19. Hello I have been struggling with a lot of unsecured debt for quite some time and now find myself unable to pay this month. My credit record is unblemished at the moment but wont stay like that for long. 1 - Should I get in touch with the card companies and explain the situation and that I hope to return to making full payments in three months or so? 2- if ultimately I cant make my payment in the future should i make an arrangement to repay. I owe £85k so i would imagine I'm going to be hassled like crazy. 3 - There is a lot of advice about CCA on here and its great. I've had the majority of my cards for donkeys years. Can i really say they are unenforceable after paying them for a number of years? Wont they just take me to court and accuse me of trying to dodge my debts. I'm having another all nighter worrying about the future and whats to come. I would be very grateful for any help that can be provided in getting me started dealing with this.
  20. Hi Guys - Been a while since I have been on the site and was hoping for some help please. I am actually supporting a close friend who tried to reclaim her PPI from MBNA. She actually had 2 credit cards with them and has tried to reclaim on both, they were both running at the same time 2009 - 20011 - they are both paid off in full. She received a telephone call last year from them advising that she may be able to reclaim and did a brief interview over the phone, she then had to complete the questionnaire they sent her, which she did and returned. She then received a response from them advising she chose the PPI and she stated she was eligible for the PPI insurance, they also stated on both responses that if she was to find herself unable to work then she would have not been able to cover the cost of the repayments. The response was standard for both accounts and that was their final response. When she advised me of what had happened I suggested she sent off for a SAR on both accounts - unfortunately she has not kept any statements. They have now been returned and the results are "interesting" - CARD ONE - My friend was approached on the way to her holiday at the airport. She remembers very clearly what happened, and remembers saying to the sales person that she didn't really have time - they said it would take a few minutes, they would fill in the details and all she would have to do is sign. We now have a copy of that application and there are several concerns - the application form was not written in her handwriting, and the sales person had written that she was employed and worked for a company that she has never even of!!! The sales person never even mentioned PPI and there is NOWHERE on the application form about PPI - which clearly shows she never even asked for it! CARD TWO - This one was taken out about a year later, and from their records she applied for it over the internet. What we have for this one is a copy of the credit agreement, there is a section on there offering Life Style Protect, card protection one year and card protection 3 years. The box for the credit agreement signature is ticked and the box for Life Style Protect is also ticked, my friend is adamant that there is no way she would have ticked for something she hadn't a clue about and never received any literature about in the future. She is one of many people out there that has assumed that PPI was standard on all credit agreements which is why she never challenged the appearance on her statements. I am aware from my research and others experience with MBNA and self employment that that is not a valid enough reason on it's own, that they would have actually have had to cease trading with HMRC. I have that angle to work with when recontacting MBNA and also the applications process to claim they were miss sold. I just wanted to double check with you guys that I am going along the right route with this, and if you had any suggestions? I was also wondering if anyone could advise which spreadsheet we would use? MBNA haven't send copies of her statements - just a list of transactions. Thank you for you help in advance!
  21. Around 165,000 middle class parents miss child benefit deadline Child Benefit Penalties Faced By Thousands
  22. My 18 month Vodafone contract ended back in 28/05/2013. I only found this out by talking to a chap in a local VF store, who also kindly asked why I had 100MMS and free calls to 0800 number add on as most people wouldn't use this. My response was, I never asked for those services nor knew I had them so you tell me why they are there!? He had no idea and intimated they must have been on since I started the contract. He took the add on's off and advised I would now be saving £5 per month. Confused as to how those services are on my account, I asked what about the past 18 months worth of £5 lots??? Can I reclaim those? Unfortunately not was the response. After speaking numerous times to online assistants and emailing cust services I was made aware that these add on's were added at THREE different times throughout my contract, once for the 100MMS and twice for the 0800. Now, not only do I not need or want these add on's, but they have been added to my account without my knowledge!!! I'm dumbfounded. Now I've visited my store twice and have been told twice that due to the account being in arrears VF won't allow me to give notice of cancellation (even though I am out of contract) and will not issue me a final bill. They will not issue a PAC. They have agreed to refund the value of the add on's but this is immaterial, my issue is with the unethical addition of services without my consent or knowledge!!! Now I am being told I will need to wait until VF cuts the line off before I will get a final bill, which considering the line is currently out of service means I will be paying another £80, pushing me into further arrears with VF for a service/line rental I CANNOT USE... How can you charge a consumer for a service they can't use??? I told the chap in store: "Imagine I own a garage and you come in, fill up and I charge you £40 for petrol. But you don't get any petrol. You've just been charged for something you can't use." This goes against everything I know in GC23 and if not resolved I will be speaking with OFCOM, which will cost VF £330, considerably more than the amount o/s from myself. So far here's my laundry list of issues: Twice VF have taken a DD payment from my account on a different day than specified, costing me bank fees and degrading my credit score. On 11/04/2013 100 MMS Add on added without my knowledge or consent. On 20/01/2013 Free calls to 0800 Add on added without my knowledge or consent. On 08/02/2013 An updated Free calls to 0800 Add on added without my knowledge or consent. This is frankly unbelievable and a fine example of miss-selling IMHO. 4 Times now I have asked to end my contract, which ended on 28/05/2013. I have been refused my PAC code. 2 Entirely ridiculous live chat convos with VF team, rude and unhelpful. "You: I am no longer in contract with VF You: And as such am entitled to end my agreement Amr Ismail: You are in contract with us as a month by month contract You: Any outstanding monies should be billed accordingly upon termination of contract You: And I am within my right to cancel You: If you continue to keep my contract active against my wishes I will not pay any additional amounts You: Please send me a document containing your terms which state that you can keep me in a contract against my wishes Amr Ismail: I do apologize about any inconvenience Mr Farmer. If we can cancel the contract now we would have requested it for you. I'm afraid we won't be able to cancel the contract before you make a payment with the outstanding balance You: Which means if I am unable to make payment I will incur further line rental and call charges??? You: For a service I am telling you now I no longer wish" "You: Who do I need to speak with to discuss this in more detail, concerning both the mis-selling and PAC request? Kimo: actually to be able to get the PAC code, the cancellation team can assist you with this, however they wouldn;t be able to do that now until the balance on the account gets cleared, that's why we advised with it You: What about my concerns with mis sold services Kimo: actually you are now out of this contract, and you don't have a proof to tell that the services are not added as part of the contract, so we are not able to refund anything that has to do with them You: Irrelevant of your note, I have been paying for services I did not ask for nor require. This is the definition of mis selling You: Whom do I talk with to escalate this further? Kimo: you are talking to me now Kimo: and it's not about who you talk to Kimo: this is an ended contract You: As I do not believe you have the status to assist me correctly Kimo: so we can't discuss a refund for smelting that you have been paying for on your bills (clearly) every month Kimo: something* Kimo: specially if you don't have a proof to support what you kindly say (that you don't know they are there) Kimo: so regardless who you would talk to, this is the same advice that you will get You: I wish to take this matter further. Please advise who I need to speak with Kimo: we are sorry to advise that even taking it further, will not get you any refund, so we are advising with this to save your time You: Please direct me to whom I can talk with You: VF have not acted in me, the consumer's, best interests. Irrelevant of being in or out of contract this is still miss selling and can be upheld. Kimo: where did you get the contract from, was it a Vodafone store? You: Yes, I advised this to you earlier. Kimo: great, then you can kindly go the same store that as per your advice missold you the contract and discuss it with the store manager You: I am unable to go to the store. I wish to discuss this in more detail via telephone" I am at my wits end here. I am being told I will be kept in contract until I pay a bill or VF decides to cut the line and send to a debt collector. They don't seem to care or think it is unacceptable, unethical and/or just plain wrong to add services as they see fit. After emails, numerous live chats with VF, two trips to the store and still no resolution I am at my wits end. Please help.
  23. We found a holiday advertised at £1212 for 2 people (£606 each) from Newcastle to Sharm El Sheikh. The holiday was advertised at £606pp (not from) and the agent quoted us £1212 in total for 2 people over the phone but this did not include bags & transfers. he then asked if we would like to add bags and transfers and we said yes... that brought the total to £1475 which to me seems a hell of a lot more just for those 2 things! so he said he would search for a package holiday with the airline provider Thompson and that was quoted at £682pp. I said I still thought £76pp was a lot to pay extra for bags and transfer and asked him to call me back in 15min. I then searched online for low cost transfers which started from about £7pp return on a shared bus (40min journey) or higher for private etc When hen he rang back I asked if we could pay for the holiday without bags and transfers because we could sort our own transfers and contact the airline ourselves to pay for hold bags, he said we would still be paying more than the package holiday if we did that, he said the package holiday at £685pp is the cheapest we would get and that broadway travel only make "£10 per head" so we finally agreed and paid that amount thinking we were paying more for hold bags and private transfers. Once I got off the phone I saw the holiday advertised on Thompson for £635 including 15kg baggage and transfers! I immediately rang them back but they said the payment had been made and there was nothing they could do. I came to terms with paying the extra £94 thinking we probably have 20kg bag allowange which would be £44 extra for both of us but when I got my flight details this morning we only have the 15kg allowance! There was no mention on the phone of it being just 15 and we weren't asked if we wanted more (they offer 20kg and 25kg if you pay extra) after contacting them about this I spoke to a supervisor who confirmed that we could have had the holiday for £606pp if we had said no to bags and transfers which I had asked the agent on the phone and was told it would cost more that the package!! So it looks like we could have booked our own 20kg bags and own transfers at a fraction of the cost if the agen hadt not told us we can't book the holiday at that price because when according to the supervisor we could. also the supervisor hung up on my boyfriend on the phine and has not responded to my email after that call, seriously unprofessional. Sadly I can't cancel the holiday as they would keep 90-100% of the whole payment if I do! We paid on debit card which cost £2, don't mind that charge because I know what it's for but to be charged over £100 exra on your holiday is not a good start considering I should be excited and happy that we booked up.
  24. Hi there, Im a bit scared to ask anyone I know as I feel so embarrassed claiming benefits so Im hoping someone friendly here may be able to help me. Two weeks ago I was ill due to severe migraines & vomiting and missed a JSA appointment. Three days afterwards, I went in & filled in JSA28 sick form to excuse that sign on & got paid as normal. (Though a few days late but that's ok) I only had to speak to someone at the front desk (I have no specific advisor as I seem to get a random one on each signing day) Migraines usually last for 3-4 days before clearing. I have doctors appointment Tuesday as I don't normally suffer with them. Anyway, I'm due to sign on again tomorrow but my migraines & vomiting returned yesterday. I'm even finding it hard to type & look at computer screen. I know I am entitled to 2 sickness periods within a year, so my question is.. Do they see someone being ill twice in a row any different from someone who is ill twice but with a few months gap in between?? Or does it matter if I'm ill twice in a row as I'm still entitled to 2 sickness periods?? And will my money go through as normal like last time? I hope I'm making sense & you understand what I mean Thank you for your time x
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