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Found 6 results

  1. My uncle has learning disabilities and has worked for a major supermarket for over 20 years. The company has now introduced minimum service levels and say he is not reaching these. One problem is getting cages out and the other is customer service. A mystery visitor gave a damning report of his interaction with my uncle who apparently blanked him. The manager says that he does know what to do but doesn't always do it. The company have offered my uncle a different job doing the trolleys but our family doesn't want him to take it. The company have also brought in an in work support advisor from a charity to help support him and given extra training. My question is can they change his hours and duties as they say he is not achieving these new criteria? There are not as many hours available to all staff as there were last year due to the supermarket not taking as much money as they did. Is it discrimination if they change his job? Thank you for any help.
  2. The ONS has today estimated that there are 5 million cases of fraud a year, with at least half being online. Much of this was not included in previous crime survey stats which showed reductions in crime. I have always believed that crime has not reduced, but it has simply changed or Police don't investigate it. Most shoplifting is not reported and is dealt with on a civil basis. Fraud reporting has been made difficult, with Police not investigating in most cases. When i look locally, in the last year or so, i believe crime has increased. A local newsagent was burgled, a cashpoint was broken into, there have been raids on several properties growing canabis. The Police do seem to be able to catch the criminals more quickly from intelligence, CCTV etc. The newsagent burglars were caught within a few weeks and came from about 40 miles away. They were obviously rubbish criminals, as they had already been to prison for similar crimes.
  3. Hi Rented home evictions hit record levels in 2014 according to this Guardian article - amongst other issue its worth noting the sections regarding 'social landlords' http://www.theguardian.com/money/2015/feb/12/evictions-rented-homes-record-levels-2014 My opinions as per usual W
  4. I write this because a friend who is nearly 70yrs old has received poor quality of care following him falling and injuring his wrist (open fracture requiring it to be pinned) he was admitted to hospital and sent to a rehabilitation home for the elderly, from what he tells me the care levels he received whilst there weren't good as they ecpected him to sit in a chair at the table following breakfast for hours afterwards, he was in pain,as he had a fractured vertebra a few years ago, he informed staff about it, they also gave him morphine for the pain (fractured wrist ) which led to him being admitted to hospital less an than 2 days following him discharging himself from this so called rehab centre, with a blocked bowel, he had to undergo emergency surgery as a result of being given morphine as it turns out he is allergic to it, he was recently discharged from hospital and is recovering well, recently he rolled out of bed, no injuries but was taken to hospital as a precaution, he tells me that in the ambulance on route to the hospital the paramedic asked him if he would like to see a priest (for his last rights) i asked was it said as a joke, he says not, he was kept in for several hrs for obs,then discharged My questions are staff at the rehab centre guilty of neglect or malpractice ? and should a paramedic by scaring the life out of OAP's like this ,is this considered normal It seems to me that they don't like or want to care to those who are old and frail , maybe they should seek a change in career ASAP ? Who would he or i on his behalf complain to, just that i don't see getting anywhere by complaining to the rehab centre
  5. hi all question please i want to know if someone fails their a levels, can they resit them again in sept at college? do they have to do 1 year or 2 again? or a different course and aged 18 can they still claim tax credits? i thought tax credits was paid up to 20th birthday even if cb stopped i heard re sits are not free? is that true? if so, would he still be entitled to tax credits? i thought tc was given because of low income so can you re take exams or do another course at aged 18 either 1 or 2 years free of charge and stll get the tc with a view of uni after qualified im confused thanks
  6. Well, I know I keep banging on about PPC's getting smarter, but it's good to know the opposite is true as well. A completely new "offence" has been invented, as a complete opposite of a parking charge. I saw a sign today, as I passed through a town, which was a "no parking" charge. On a small trading estate/shop front, serving a single shop, with a sign saying "No thoroughfare" and words to the effect pictures will be taken, and a charge of £70 will be made. On a sign visible after you turned in, and had to continue past to leave again. So, you drive in, to a shop premises open to the public, and if you don't park, it's 70 quid! If you park, it's free. And it doesn't lead to anywhere, it's just the front of the shop. So it's not even a thoroughfare. And the best bit of all- it's on a 24hr drive thru! Which also isn't a drive thru, as you have to stop, and go in the shop, which is only open in the day, not 24hrs. The drive thru bit is an out of hours drop box, that needs to be pre arranged. I didn't entirely see the name on the sign, but I believe, it was these. http://www.britishparking.co.uk/News/bpa-terminates-membership-of-vp-parking-solutions So, not a member of the BPA, (how do you get thrown out) so can't get the RK details from the DVLA, - or can they. It's not a parking ticket, it's a not-parking ticket!
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