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Found 9 results

  1. LHadfil

    Benefits in Kind

    In following scenario: Employee is on work from home contract but is in office 3 days a week, staying overnight in between. Company arranges and pays for train travel to and from office, and the hotel. Am I right in saying that both are a benefit in kind as the office will still be classed as a 'permanent workplace'? and therefore employer will pay class 1A contributions on both via P11D? Will the employee incur any additional NI and/or PAYE expense? Thanks in advance.
  2. Employers need to provide details for all Benefits in Kind READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/employers-need-to-provide-details-for-all-benefits-in-kind
  3. Many are concerned with how British society is changing. Whether our area of concern is governments program of austerity, cuts to disability benefits, the renewal of trident, tax avoidance/evasion, brexit, the annihilation of the NHS as we knew it, with allegations of government plans to privatise our NHS, media bias, climate change, or any other concern, attack, insult, demean, demonise and discredit "the enemy" (those who do not agree with every word we say) seems to be the order of the day. We call ourselves a democratic nation, but a single episode of PM's questions would bring that allegation into question, as our "upstanding pillars of society" MP's, pass their insults, attacks and vile behaviour at fellow "honourable members". The recent in/out referendum brought out the very worst in British politics with insults galore, lies, false claims and promises being order of the day. Our so called "free press", regardless of which side of the argument their paymasters supported were equal in spreading utter fearporn and confusion among the British people. We are quick to point the finger of blame at government, often with good cause, but somehow conveniently forget that it was we collectively whom time and again have elected our politicians to their positions of privilege and power, where we have enabled them to make decisions on our behalf and continue to fail to hold them account for the decisions they make. Somehow, we have as yet failed to recognise that our seemingly preferred approach of attack, insult and discredit "the opposition" achieves nothing useful, nor do the utterly pointless petitions on the .gov website, which even at best, will only achieve a debate in the House of Commons What we continue to fail to consider, is surely the fundamental question of "What kind of society, do we want to live in? If Britain is a democratic nation, surely we the people have a right to consider and express our opinions on this question, without the insults and other vile, degrading and wholly undemocratic tactics?
  4. After Nigeria was eliminated from the world cup the Nigerian captain personally offered to refund all the expenses of fans that travelled to Brazil . He said he just needs their bank details and pin numbers to complete the transaction.
  5. Hi, Looking for some advice/input/opinions on this little brain twister of a problem. Looked at a vehicle on autotrader that was quite a distance from us, at the time transport that far was an issue. When i spoke to the dealer over the phone i waa told that the vehicle was 'mechanically perfect'. It was this statement that convinced me to buy the car. I paid a deposit by debit card, a large amount by credit card and the remainder by bank transfer. I then paid for the vehicle to be taxed with the credit card. I arranged transport and paid for it to be delivered by a third party. The vehcile arrived the next day and it was dropped off. Upon inspection it was far from perfect, several mechanical problems with the worst being the brakes, the discs were so thin they were almost not there, the vehicle was unfit for safe use. I contacte dthe dealer and started to tell him the problems hoping to have it repaired under the warranty locally. He stopped me, told me to send it back and he would refund as soon as it was in his possession. I phoned the transport and arranged the return of the vehicle. He arrived the next day to take it back and said that the dealer phoned him too and told him he would pay for the return costs. However i had a bad feeling this guy would get messed around so i paid him cash. The vehicle was delivered back by 10am. No refund or contact for the day, or the next. I contacted the dealer and he promised a refund first thing, his associate phoned me late in the afternoon and the various refunds were returned to the cards. However he refused point blank to refund the tax and the return transport costs at £225 because the vehicle was 'mechanically perfect', he put the phone down on me. After failed contact and three letters no joy. ontacted consumer direct who said i have a case and that he owes me the tax without doubt, they have also said i can claim consequential losses under section 75 of the sale of goods act. After reading, i see this refers to credit card payments only, does this mean i cannot claim the transport cost as a 'consequential loss'? Also as a direct result of him taking 3 days to refund us we had to hire a car at cost, this is by nature must surely be a 'consequential loss'? Couls someone please clarify if a consequential loss claim can only be made against the actual item purchased, or can it be claimed from the associated costs arising from the purchase of that item? Thank you.
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2299927/Sharon-Minkin-refuses-job-better-benefits.html If this story is true .............. then, hopefully, once the benefit cap comes into force, she'll be well and truly ********. My children paid their own way through college and university ..... so did I...... and we still have the outstanding student loans to prove it. She really is taking the biscuit! Impecunious!
  7. Ok. This might not usually be CAG worthy, but it thought i'd try and help a friend out, and since i dont think there is an appropriate forum for it, i placed it here. One of my friends at work has recently passed his driving test. 2 weeks ago, give or take a day. He has a car, and is planning to visit his brother and sister in law in ireland in early september. Now, what he wants to know is, is he allowed to drive in the Republic of Ireland in his own vehicle. Fully insured, MOt'd etc. He is 31 years old, so not under any age limits. Reason he wants to know is he has heard some conflicting information that to be able to drive in ROI, he needs around 12-24 months driving experience, although DVLA website states he just needs to hold a valid license and doesnt mention any "experience restrictions". He has contacted the dvla by email, but they simply told him to ask the ROI licensing authority. he contacted citizensinformation.ie and was advised by someone there as follows: He has sent an email to the AA around 5 days ago, but has had no response, so i told him i would ask here to see if we can get any advice for him. Thanks for any information you can give, and sorry again for the random information request
  8. Hello, First of all, a possible apology if this is inappropriate for the forum or has been covered before, but I was hoping for advice of a different kind than dealing with default on payday loan companies. Essentially, I was wondering if there was a way for me to blacklist myself from them? For background, I've had years of financial difficulties since university. I took out a large overdraft to help pay tuition costs, and afterwards I never really did much about it. A later mistake came from taking a £3,000 loan from Halifax, which was frittered away on being 23, stupid and suddenly flush. So, I wasn't in the best financial shape when I ran into further difficulty. When I moved to a new city, I ended up short on my rent for a month, and turned to Wonga. Quickly, however, I lost my minimum wage, shift-work job through the firm folding, so turned to QuickQuid and rolled over Wonga. I'm sure you can see how this developed. While not as severe as many of the situations some have been unfortunate to be in here, I ended up owing about £2,500 overall to four different companies. Luckily, I managed to land a decent job in the career I'd trained for and worked in before, at a decent salary, and I'm one month away from clearing my single remaining payday loan, overdraft and remaining balance on my bank loan, finally, without defaulting. Essentially, I never want to be in this situation again. I've managed to survive, just, through extreme austerity and living more or less a half-life. My salary is a decent one of between £20-30,000, but I've been living, after rent, bills and debt repayments in a horribly complex system of borrowing between companies and gradually reducing the amount I borrow, on around £100 per month including food, clothing and extra costs. I can sympathise strongly with many here who have talked about jolting awake in the middle of the night worrying about debt, and all of the personal difficulties that have come with it. However, despite all of the problems this has caused me already, I do know myself and I am not good with money. I can't, in all good conscience, say I'd never be tempted to borrow £50 from Wonga a few days before payday when I'm absolutely broke, or have an unexpected expense arise. I'm going to be cancelling my overdraft facility next month and I'm fairly sure that my credit file is shot to hell through years of living in the red. But I do worry about the ease with which Wonga, QuickQuid and others make it for you to borrow without thinking. It sounds utterly ridiculous, and it is, but I live in fear of this happening again. You all seem fairly knowledgable, is there a way under a consumer protection law, or an act, or a process of some sort where I can request that these lenders not extend credit to me again? Might be a long shot, and it might just be a case of being utterly disciplined (and blocking their websites), but I thought it might be worth asking just in case. Thank you for your time.
  9. Hi, hopefully a quick and easy question... As part of my work I am required to email documents to my office on a daily basis using my own internet connection. As such I am allowed to claim a fixed sum of £7 from the comapny as reimbusement. This pays part of my monthly internet bill. However, the company have now declared this to HMRC and it is being treated as a benefit in kind. Is this right? Surely if the company is paying only a percentage, they are only paying for their access to my connection? Thanks!
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