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  1. Hi, I am an employee on a Zero Hours contract. I work with Mr. X and had to take him to court and won the judgement. The 14 days deadline has passed and he is yet to make payment. I have a question about how to approach the working environment with Mr X who I took to court and was awarded the judgement which hasn't been paid. The case took two years to go to court during which time I had to endure being harassed at work. Before the court case, I sought Mediation to avoid court action and complain about being harassed. The meeting was held by my line Manager at work who chaired an impartial meeting with Mr. X. Following this meeting Mr. X went to H.R. and then another meeting was held and I was advised / warned to only engage in work related discussions with him going forward. The entire Management Team support him (apart from my line Manager who's hands are tied). Therefore I cannot follow the standard grievance procedure in the staff handbook (i.e. speaking to Management first). We still work together and I haven't seen him since the court case but will do tomorrow. He is discussing the case with colleagues at work and stating the 14 days given to pay doesn't matter as long as he pays within 30 days, he can get the CCJ taken off his record as if it never happened. I am concerned that Mr. X may approach me at work regarding the case. Where do I stand legally? I have contacted ACAS and understand about my rights to work in a safe environment (mentally and physically). If he approaches me at work to discuss the case, would I be considered reasonable to advise him to send me a recorded delivery letter for any further discussions regarding payment arrangements? If I have to make the payment to go back to court to make him pay will the Judge see my behaviour as unreasonable and that I am supposed to talk to Mr. X on his terms? Any advice would be appreciated.
  2. Hi There Not sure if this the right board for my question so sorry in advance if not. I'm single mum, I rent privately a 2 bed flat with my 7yr old daughter. I've been living in the flat 8yrs this year, I work pay my rent never been in arrears till unfortunately beginning this year 2015 I got put on 0 hrs contract. I've stupidly fallen behind with the rent because of Housing Benefit issue which I said I will pay back but has to be in small instalments as only working 16hrs at the mo. I'm owing over 2 months about £1100.00, the Landlord just called yesterday to say he wants his flat back because of divorce and he needs to move back in.. I said fine but can he give me a letter to state this so I can bring to show the council. OK, the problem is he keeps coming round unannounced for things like, he wanted something from the loft, and another time he said he come round to check if I still live here, another time he asked me out for a drink...sorry if I am all over the place but it's really stressing me out. I know it's his flat but is he allowed to do this?
  3. Hi, My partner recently received a legal document addressed to a similar name to hers at her parents address. The first name was wrong but began with the correct letter, the surname was correct. The letter suggested that the case had already been to court and that she had 7 days to pay approx £350 or the bailiffs would be round. After some investigation and phoning the companies on the summons, we discovered it was in relation to a TV Licence offence, committed in March 2014 at a flat where my partner had lived up until 2011. Also, as my partner had left on good terms with the landlord of the property, we got in touch with her. It appears that while the tenant of the flat where the offence occurred was on holiday, the landlord had collected the post. She saw a letter that 'looked official' and had a similar name to my partners on it, so forwarded it to the forwarding address my partner left when she moved out of the property (her parents address). If she hadn't done that, we wouldn't have even heard about the case at this late stage. Concerned that bailiffs would turn up at her parents address, my partner began trying to sort the issue out, even though the first name was different to hers, and ultimately arranged an appointment at the local Magistrates Court to issue a Statement of Declaration, stating that she had not lived at the property since 2011 and this was nothing to do with her. The landlord had provided us with the names of the occupants of the property since my partner moved out, the current tenant and the tenant at the property at the date of the offence (the same person for all). My partner (8.5 months pregnant at the time) attended the appointment at the Magistrates Court where they issued the Statement of Declaration and said they would send to the TV Licensing company. So, case closed we thought. Several weeks go by and an envelope comes through the door with the TV Licensing logo on it and addressed to the first initial and surname of my partner at our current property. Inside was a summons to Magistrates Court, again in the wrong name (Natalie not Nicola), for November 7th, but this time sent directly to our current address. The top of the summons had the words 'Reissued after Statement of Declaration' handwritten in biro. This envelope contained a copy of an interview conducted on the doorstep of the property when the offence occurred. The occupant gave my partners first initial and surname but no other info (no D.O.B, no NI number etc) other than to confirm that she had a TV and no licence. She signed the interview record and printed the name that has since appeared on the legal documents. We assume she has picked up the name from junk mail to the property after my partner had left, but could only guess at the first name. having spoken to the landlord, we know who was living at the property at the time of the interview (she still lives there). We have forwarded to the TV Licensing company proof that my partner moved out of the property in 2011 (and got a refund for overpayment on her TV licence at the time), proof of her residence at our current address for the past two years (more than covering the date of the offence) and details of who was living at the property at the time of the offence. Yet the emails have not been acknowledged. The 'TV Licence evasion' department phone number is constantly engaged. We phoned the main TV Licence phone line and spoke to someone who couldn't help due to being in the wrong department but requested we forward all of the proof detailed above to an email address. The email went unanswered. The follow up email went unanswered. Today, we've sent a further email and phoned the 'front desk' again and are waiting for a callback... The longer it goes on with no response, the closer the court date gets. It's causing unnecessary stress and doesn't seem to me to be particularly reasonable behaviour. Really sorry for such a long post, but we're posting this in the hope of some advice as to what we can do next if we don't hear back from the TV Licence company. We feel like we've more than co-operated and tried to help in a case that has nothing to do with us yet we seem to have just made it worse for ourselves. After receiving the initial demand to my partners parents address and explained it in court, they've now just picked up our current address and reissued a summons. We've given the exact name of the tenant who committed the offence and they still live at the property. We couldn't have made it any easier for them to pursue the correct person, but we're the one's getting all the grief. We now have a 3 week old baby and could really do without the stress. Thanks for reading! Any advice gratefully received.
  4. Hello D is having problems with TV licensing. They got him last year for not having a tv license, They came round on the day he signed the tenancy to say he would be livng there from the monday, The officer lied in the statement that D provided and D refused to sign it. The offcer claimed D had been livng there for months was using the tv when the officer viisted despite D having only gone round to check the property and sizes of windows. D got a letter with a summonds to say they were taking him to court. could not get the time off so D sent a statement in to the courts and proof of tenancy agreement explaniation of the lies also a statment from the council explainng what time his appointment was and confirming the tenancy start date etc. TV licensing got a judgement anyway. D did not bother to appeal just paid the fine. Yes D knew he would be moving in at some point that month but he got a call the day before saying he could pick up keys the next morning. TBH tv licensing was not a top priority to sort out especially as the tenancy does not start till the monday anyway. Yesterday D got another court summons from TV licensing as accordng to their records D had not paid for the 16th November to 6th December. According to the bank statements it left his account. This has been the first and only contact he has had from tv licensing in regards to ths matter. This is the third time in 13 months they have done this. The 2 previous times the tv licensing were to go away and find the money. All payments before and after these dates have left Ds bank account going to them. They are not admitting they are wrong, yes he phoned them before contacting us. The summons is dated 20th January he is in court next wednesday. We are in the process of getting the bank statement printed out for the past few months n relation to the tv licensing payments. D is wondering can he serve them with a letter of intent to sue for harrassement over this as they clearly are doing something wrong then go on to sue them for harassment. Also would somebody be able to provide me a letter l can gve him to serve on the TV licensng reps on Wednesday
  5. As the title suggests I've been getting landline calls for the last 6 months from various debt collectors asking for a certain Mr. Christopher Nab. I acquired my phone number about 10 months ago so according to the phone provider this number was not used for at least 18 months previous, so it's over 2 years since Chris had this number. The poor debt collectors don't seem to be able to understand that people change their numbers so I have to educate them. I now know his full name and address that he was using over 2 years ago because they've told me!! DPA?? Most recently I've had robbersway and muckyhall phoning but here's the twist. In the last 2 days I've had calls asking for Chris from PPI claim companies and 1 call from somebody called Mell wanting to talk to his mate chris from mobile no. 07747016908 and calls from a company called Consumer claims agency, no. 0160647807 and most recently a call from BPI Claims who hung up when I queried the name. The best one was tonight from a withheld number who spent 8 minutes talking to somebody else and sounded like they were taking remote access on somebodies PC. So am I just unfortunate in having a popular number or are the dca's using a different tactic and giving the contact phone numbers to ppi companies in the hope that the alleged debtor will bite, thinking there's some money coming back? ( not to mention that each call is usually preceded by at l;east 2 silent calls )
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