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  1. Had a laugh today as I got a phone call from a dca working for a foreign bank regarding a person who has no association with me. I told the dca that I was not the person they were after but someone with the same surname used to have my phone numer about 10 years ago but as that wasnt his first name the data sellers they were using are patently so crap his firm has wasted their money. He laughed and thanked me for making his day with my comment
  2. Hi, My wife attended a company meeting at the Grand Harbour Hotel, Southampton back in May of this year. Her company booked a package that included complimentary parking and a member of the hotel staff was tasked with collecting VRN's from the attendees. Unfortunately, my wife (and another lady) were somehow missed out and, as a result, she received a PCN from Parkingeye. We have appealed to Parkingeye and through POPLA, but to no avail. We have also ignored their 'gesture of goodwill' offer for us to pay £60 instead of £100. The hotel has stated, by emails on two separate occasions, that the PCN has been cancelled. However, the emails are from an intermediary member of the hotel staff and not the person who has, apparently, contacted Parkingeye. So we do not have copies of the communication to Parkingeye, or their response. We also have a copy of the hotel function sheet for that event which clearly states free parking. We received a 'Letter Before County Court Claim' from Parkingeye dated 31 October 2018, which we have responded to (in my wife's name but with my assistance). We acknowledged receipt of their letter and stated that we dispute the claim, re-stating our reasons why. My wife is due to attend another event at the same hotel next week and we are hoping that, with her being there in person, she stands a better chance of getting the information we need from the hotel concerning their PCN cancellation request. Apologies for tagging this on to another post earlier today I understand the need to start a new thread now. Any advice and guidance would be very much appreciated.
  3. Having lost a few registration marks to DVLA over the years. I wondered if anyone has ever lost a registration mark which made their car worthless as the DVLA did not affix another. This was a valuable classic car some years ago. I am also looking at the legal power of the DVLA. What they can and can't do legally. Thank you
  4. Hi, Im new here, but needed to find somewhere I can get some advice. I will just put it out there, I have been put on sick leave by my doctor due to depression, which I have never suffered with before. I am a cleaner for a medical centre, 2 months ago as I walked into work, the manger told me to follow her, she walked me into the kitchen, pointed to crumbs on the floor and told me to clean it up then walked out leaving me stood there like a lemon, I had just started work and would of cleaned it when I got to that room, 3 weeks ago, I walked past her again as she was talking to another member of the practice, she cut her conversation short, and shouted to me, that needs cleaning in there, pointing into the staff kitchen, ,the member of staff that was with her at the time, came and apologised to me saying she was embarrassed at the way I was spoken to. Her and I both!! A lot of little things have happened I thought I would arrange a meeting with my supervisor to tell her what had been happening, she told me matter of factly that bullying happens it happens everywhere, I couldnt believe my ears,she also said that I was a scrubber, I told her no i'm a cleaner, she replied saying your a scrubber, we all are in this job, I told her she shouldnt be a supervisor saying these things to me, Since then I have gone on sick leave due to depression, I wrote to my boss explaining what had happened so she could document it, I explained in the letter to her I was unable to go to her work place which is a considerable way from where I live she replied saying, rather than read your email, come to my workplace, she hadnt even bothered reading it it took me a whole day to write down everything that had happened and she just couldnt be bothered. The next I heard off her was her emailing asking to do a home welfare check, I had been on sick leave for just 6 days, I felt like crap and was tearfull all the time, I asked her what a home visit entailed, and also that the email I had written her wasnt a formal grievance it was so she knew what had been going on, I havent heard off her since, even though I handed my notice in last week, I think when she saw I wasnt raising any grievance she thought bugger it, I dont need to keep in touch with her now..it has all left me feeling worthless, I did a good job if I didnt the medical centre wouldnt of been able to open, im just wondering if i should put in a grievance, she is the top boss, she built the business so who do i go to, who can help me if it is her business?
  5. It's obvious that the government is making it so difficult with benefits they are hoping that everyone will just give up claiming but I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or head butt the wall with this situation and just wondering if anyone has had similar problems because apparently the people in front and behind me in the cashiers queue had the same issue!! Had a medical appointment in London yesterday for my ongoing vertigo issue and am on UC at the moment (although haven't received anything as yet due to my last pay packet back in July!). However I can't remember where but someone told me as I am on UC I could claim back my travel expenses. The UC helpline (term used loosely) advised me that I could claim through the JCP but on contacting my Work Coach (again term used loosely) she advised me I couldn't claim through them but I could claim direct with the NHS. I called the NHS and that was correct but I had to take my proof of purchase, appointment letter and UC Reward Letter to the cashier at the hospital. Obviously I know unlike JSA where you get a letter stating you are receiving JSA you don't get the same thing with UC because the Council were complaining about that when I claimed Council Tax Benefit and the girl at the Council said it was all a bit of a shambles. So I called the UC helpline again and after half an hour trying to explain to an automated message that all I wanted was advice from and advisor I finally got through. The advisor told me that the statement on the dashboard was all I needed although all 4 pages of it seemed excessive and somewhat personal considering it states that I was awarded a massive UC total of £0 due to my wage the previous month of £xyz!! Queued for 25 minutes at the cashier’s desk at the hospital with all the documents and finally when I got to the window she wouldn't approve it stating that she needed a JSA Award Letter. I politely explained that in my part of the country and more than likely most of it by now including London there is no such thing as JSA and award letters anymore, (I may be wrong) and that the UC Office had said this statement would suffice. She wasn't for turning though and kept pointing to a clearly out of date note on the wall stating a JSA Award letter was required. I tried my best to keep calm and explained again that all is done online now and this is it, all I can offer. Eventually she took my number and said her supervisor would ring on Monday but keep my train tickets, which is fortunate I got a receipt because the machine eats the tickets once used!! As I left the guy behind said "Well we are buggered as well then" as he held up his UC Statement print out. When I got home I called the UC Helpline but was told they didn't deal with travel and I had to speak to my work coach and could only offer me an appointment next Wednesday!! I asked for a phone appointment because it seems a bit pointless taking up a walk in just for one question! I said that the previous UC advisor had informed me that a UC Statement would be ok but was curtly told that the UC advisor couldn't advise on that so didn't know why they had! I then rang the number for my Job Centre and went through merely to a switchboard who told me that my JCP was closed on Fridays. So we search for work for 35 hours a week and they work 4 days?!?! She however told me that the JCP can't help on that so I should contact UC Helpline!! I replied that the UC Helpline say they don't deal with that the JCP does and she said they didn't know why they advised me of that as they were wrong. After telling her I suspect she may be getting a few more calls from others with the same query I gave up at that point!!! So has anyone had any luck with claiming expenses of any kind with merely a UC Statement?! It seems impossible. The hospital say they need a letter that doesn't exist anymore, UC say it's down to the JCP to advise and the JCP say it's down to UC credit to advise. A system clearly created by a buffoon with no brain, sense or intelligence!!
  6. Hello gang Looking for some advice, I received a PCN from Cambridgeshire County Council last Sunday for reason "Parked without payment of the parking charge - Code 11) I had bought a ticket for the period in question but a gust of wind it must have slipped it off the dashboard as I closed my door. I still have my ticket and I was wondering if I have a case to appeal and if there is a template you suggest I could use? I have never appealed before - never actually had a PCN before. It's for £50 but will be reduced to £25 if I pay within 14 days, which is next Sunday. Thanks for your help Jameson Thanks
  7. Hi We moved in to our rented property at Christmas 2017. We both work from home and took the property based on being able to do just that. My fiancé has a photography studio set up here with regular clients coming to the house. In May we found out that the neighbours had sold a patch of their garden to a builder who is now building a house on the land. The noise is unbearable, we are woken up every morning at 7 and we can't use the garden because of the noise and dust. The neighbours are also having their remaining garden paved by a separate company who also make noise from 7am. To top it off, our other next door neighbour have just started work on their house so we have to deal with hammering and banging all day on that side too. The landlord claims he knew nothing about any of it, which is rubbish and the builders have confirmed that they have had extensive conversations with him as part of the planning process and he in fact moved out of the house because of the construction. We have already asked for a rent reduction as we have been deceived in to moving in and the worst part is we pay nearly £2k in rent to live here! In this beautiful weather, we haven't been able to enjoy the garden at all. I have spoken to a solicitor who has told me whilst the landlord did have a moral obligation to tell us about the work, he unfortunately didn't have a legal obligation, which I just cannot believe! We have spoken to the builders who have now said they will try not to do noisy work before 8am, but even minor work causes enough noise to disturb us. We have to have the windows open because of the heat and there is no escape from it! We've requested a rent reduction but the landlord said no and we would have to pay to get out of our contract. There is another month left of the building works and we just don't feel like we can cope with it anymore. We're both being woken up in a state of stress and anxiety and its impacting on our work and our health! Is there really nothing we can do!?
  8. Invoiced by A S Parking at Hayle beach. It is coming up to 21 days ( argh missed the 14 day early window). Terrible weather and annoyingly had checked and flipped the ticket once but then someone must have shut a different door and it flipped again. Company clearly state they don't care about any mitigating circumstances. Very steep charge £100 (£60 if id paid early). Is there anything i can do? They haven't written to the reg keeper yet (which is also me) would i get another discounted period then? The only ticketing error/issue i can see is that the printing of the car park name is virtually non existent on the original ticket that i paid for. looking for light at the end of the tunnel, thanks
  9. Hi there. I have recently had a letter from the HM Courts Historic Debt team about a fine in 2014 that was for £930!!!! I called the Magistrates court today about this having read about statutory declarations etc and found out a bit more about the case. The offence was that i had used a car on the 16th September 2013 without tax on the A5 through milton keynes. I bought the car in November 2011 and sold it in April 2012, shortly before moving to a new house. Luckily I have a photocopy of the receipt myself and the buyer signed when she took the car, so I am confident that in the case of driving the unlicensed vehicle I have proof it was not mine. However my concern is that will the DVLA automatically come at me with a failure to notify charge. I have been involved in assisting a friend with one of these charges a long time ago and am aware that I fulfilled my obligations under the interpretations act 1978 by posting this. Can they do that there and then at court, enter a new charge, or would they need to separately summons me for that. Likewise should i prepare a defence for that possible charge anyway or should I ignore that as even being an issue until it is mentioned. I am preparing a covering letter to the DVLA/Court explaining the above (that I had sold the car, and sent off the V5 before moving out of the rented property, and I had never heard any more on this until Saturday when the letter dropped through my letterbox from the Historic Debt team. All advice would be appreciated Thankyou
  10. Any legal guys here need help In January I needed to be fitted with a pacemaker. My surgeon told me that I must inform the DVLA but to also tell them that I had fully recovered due to the procedure and me bionic heart. Soon after I told them by phone and they said I would get a questionnaire to fill in. The facts ----- Due to the questionnaire not being returned in time my driving license has been revoked. Following a telephone call today I was informed that My license will not be reinstated even though they have the said questionnaire in their possession. I have informed them that it will cause severe hardship and distress to me as a registered disabled person who needs a vehicle at all times. Even asking them what I should do they said to go to the post office and apply for a driving license. I told them that I couldn't because I am on my own and can't get there because of my disability. Not their problem basically! They did not get the questionnaire in time but can't tell me what law/guidelines they have in place and what grounds there are to have the license reinstated even temporarily until the whole thing is investigated. It is actually a paper exercise for their records because when I rang them the medical condition did not exist. You can legally drive with a pacemaker all you have to do is inform the DVLA. I also asked them how they can impose a punishment as harsh as revoking a license of a disabled person who is deemed fit to drive and why they can't come to a compromise now that they have the questionnaire. They told me that the time limit is 14 days from the date they send me the letter and I told them that I got the letter today dated 16/03/2018 informing me that it had been revoked?? I asked them how they could impose a time limit on something that they cannot prove I got never mind got late like the letter i got today? Does anyone know how I can fight this? Can they impose what is deemed a punishment on a time limit that is instigated on a letter that they cannot prove was received by me on time? Common sense would dictate that it be reinstated on a temporary basis now that the information has been received and is, in fact, a paper exercise. I cannot find anything in writing on the net stating when the time limit is imposed? Should it not be sent recorded if there is a punishment attached? Like they have the form but won't do anything because it was late and the letter i got today informing that my license was revoked was dated 16th March hence why I rang them??? PLZ Help
  11. Major crackdown on abuse of 'debt' judgement by rogue parking and utility firms is announced Ministers will pledge action on abuse of county court judgments by rogue firms Anyone who has had a CCJ without their knowledge will have it removed The Govt plans to immediately set aside all backdoor CCJs for those who can prove to a judge that they did not know about it when it was passed. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5214075/Action-debt-judgement-rogue-firms-abuse-announced.html
  12. I wonder if someone can help me. My car has been in the garage since April 2016. I have been given all different dates when it will be ready. I have whatsapp messages to say it would be ready in February this year. Let me explain because I really need to understand what my legal right is as I though garages had to carry out repair within a reasonable period of time. In April last year my BMW 325i broke down. I was told it was the head block. At first I tried with no success to find a head block and then decided to opt for a part worn engine. I ordered the engine but unfortunately they sent the wrong one which caused delays. However a head block became available in August 2017. Since this time I was told that they had to await pistons. I threatened to take the car back in February but was told that I would need to pay for the work that had already been carried out and they have ridiculous excuses. I have left my car with them but up to today my car is still not ready, they have caused extensive dents in the car which they said they would repair. However it has been well over a year and I am still without my car. Can anyone tell me what my legal position is. I have already paid them £500 up front. Mark
  13. Hi guys, I took part in a WCA not long ago (I've been on ESA WRAG for the last year and this was a reassessment). They found me fit for work but I hadn't been able to secure all my medical evidence in time so instead submitted it along with my MR and the decision was overturned and I got letter saying I had scored the 15 points. Now here is the confusing part..... before I had all my evidence (and could submit my MR) I had to claim universal credit for around 4-5 weeks. I didn't fit the gateway conditions but I didn't have a choice at the time. I wasn't informed I am living in a "Live service" area and should have claimed old style JSA instead of UC I was just told to claim UC, now that my decision has been overturned will I go back onto ESA or will they try keep me on UC? I'm concerned as it means I lose out on money and apparently will be subjected to harsher conditionality (And shouldn't be on UC in the first place). I don't even live in a full service area. Does anyone have any idea what will happen? or what my next steps should be? There wasn't a change in my circunstances at all I was just forced to wait for more medical evidence and then appeal the decision and had to make a claim for UC or i'd have been without money. Thanks in advance for any help. Universal credit is really making a big mess of things.
  14. Hi This is from earlier this year but after seeing a lot of press around refunds I thought it was worth pursuing. My daughter had booked a flight with Flybe from our local airport Newquay to Gatwick to connect with a Malaysian airlines flight back to Australia. I dropped her off and she checked in. Her connecting flight was 1.35pm, so plenty of time to connect with the flight. The flight was meant to take off at 7.25am, but took off at 8.35am. It landed in Exeter as Gatwick airport was shut down due to fog. They sat around for 2 hours until they informed them that they had cancelled the flight and they would take them to Gatwick by coach. This journey took 5 hours. I called Malaysian airlines but I had to buy another flight. Flybe knew that Gatwick was closed and had they said that they couldn't get there we could have driven my daughter to Gatwick - it would have been a close call time wise but we could have made it. Can we get any compensation for this, any help much appreciated
  15. Or avoiding £8 handling charge from rm? My mum and dad gave me some money for my birthday and I went about buying a new phone through mums card. Decided on a Redmi from banggood and all was well. My friends mum told me that I should ask for the parcel to be sent via swiss post which I did. So I come home from school today and my mum has a right face on her like dragging on the floor kind of thing and whats happened is shes had a notice through the door asking for and extra 11.42 for charges £8 for rm and 3.42 for tax? dad said i cant do nowt about the tax but maybe with rm charge and sent me here to ask. Shes threatening to refuse to pay and send it back which is bonkers. The declared value was $21.94. can anybody advise please.
  16. Hiya everyone Newbie here. And I wouldn't be here without something that I did as a bit of a lark earlier today. A friend put me up to looking on Trust Online to see if I had any CCJs. Now I didn't think I did, but I went on anyway and found out I have one!!!!! You could have scraped me off the floor with a spatula. I had NO idea about it till today. I've seen no papers, no letters, no forms. Apparently it was issued on May 21 2017, four months ago. Is this a normal thing, not telling people they are even under threat of a CCJ? Do the courts take their time in telling you about them? Really don't think things are going to a former address, as I have lived at my present address for 19 years - no way it could have gone to a place I lived before. What do people suggest I do now? it'as for 2700 quid I can't pay it up front, I haven't had the 14 day breathing space to scrape up funds. There is a possibility that it could be an issue my business was involved in but a) that should have been dealt with in March this year and b) I'm onto my business insurers and the client concerned about said issue. The credit checker (Trust Online) I used did not tell me who was wanting the money or which court it was lodged at (all it said was County Court Business Centre) and that was it. I have looked up the CCBC and the nearest thing i got to it was a place in Northampton ... but I've herd a few dubious report since about this Northampton office. To misquote Harry Potter, never tickle a sleeping dragon... I'm worried that delving into it all and making inquiries might trigger off people chasing me which at this moment i cannot afford. Six months down the line, fine - not right at this moment. I'm not frantic just yet, but I know I might head that way so can anyone give me any helpful advice before I do go off on one!!!??? Many thanks Marie
  17. Hello I'm a bit non-plussed on this one but I've had a letter from Barclaycard claiming they have sold on a debt from a card I've never had amounting to over 6k and now a letter from Robinson Way asking for payment. I've had this some years ago from BC and sent a letter to say it's not my account, they returned a large document of T&Cs as a reply??? Can anyone advise on how to deal with this ... send another letter? Wait for a summons? From what I read Robinson Way use some nasty tactics.
  18. Hi everyone! we bought an Audi A6 auto in September 2016 with a known gearbox problem. We found a gearbox on eBay (rare gbox code), and had it sent to us and fitted by our mechanic. It wasn't right and was leaking, the supplier took it back, repaired it, and sent it back out to us. It still wasn't right. Eventually the supplier said to send him the car (To Essex, we're in Birmingham) and he'd fix it free of charge. By this point we had paid him £1000 for the gearbox. He then said the ECU was a problem and to send him £350 to have the ECU repaired. He has now had the car since April 2017. I've called countless times, and when I eventually do get hold of him, he either says they're busy, or the latest one was that they've changed 3 gearboxes with no luck. I managed to get someone from a nearby garage to go and check that our car is still there. He said that it is, but that we should go get our car as it will just rot there. He said we're not the first to threaten the guy with legal or police action, and that no one has ever had any luck getting money out of this guy. Apart from our mechanics' labour, we're out £1350 to this guy. We obviously didn't know who we were dealing with initially. We have bought many gearboxes and engines from eBay and from breakers, and never had any issues. Paypal won't cover the money, as the transaction is over 180 days old. And it wasn't paid for by credit card, so I'm not sure what happens with indemnity. Do any of you have any experience with something like this? Is there any way of getting our money back? Thank you.
  19. We recently made an PPI Claim against Halifax. and we got a letter back from them saying that my wife hasn't had any dealings with them no mortgages or loans. when she had a mortgage with them and PPI and also badly advised on a endowment policy. unfortunately we do not know the policy numbers and don't know how to find them anyone help with this please??? these started in the 1980's
  20. Hi. I'm on a DMP with step change, currently paying back debts of £12k.. received a letter today saying i had broken the agreement on a default notice and now they want paying I'm full the amount I owe them.. . I don't understand why. Currently paying £724 a month..never missed any payments with them. Any help.of ideas. ..im scared about people coming to my door. Can they do this before a court order. .if it gets that far. ..im paying everything im.asked too...
  21. About a month ago i received a Court Find in the post for around £350. I sent a letter asking what the fine was for. I got a letter back saying that on 26/03/2015 my car was found not to meet the insurance requirements. I have had the same insurance company since at least 2014 and it renews automatically every year since. I even phoned my insurance company and checked with them the exact date in question and they confirmed that my car was insured on that date. The letter said they are holding off on the fine until the 10th of June to give me time to contact them on the Phone number on the letter. i called them and they simply told me i have to contact the court direct that the Hearing took place. The next problem is i cant find any contact details on the internet for the Court which is the West Hertfordshire Magistrates Court. Any advice of what i can do to sort this issue would be great help i am now really stuck and really don't want to pay a fine for some thing i should have never been given in the first place. Thanks
  22. Having grown up in Africa, this always make me laugh...
  23. I had to pop in here to see what the state of "smoking" affairs was like. I gave up a few months ago and on the night out over last weekend, I was met with a friendly lass at Sainsbury's cigarette counter telling me that 10's aren't sold any more, nor are the smaller pushes of tobacco. Did I hear correctly? Luckily I shed away as the only thing on offer was Marlboro (£10 quidaroo a pack!)... As glad as I am that I'm not smoking (I'm vaping though), I think that this move for the government is absolutely ludicrous. I assume they state that it's for the better health of things, but get real... If someone wants a cigarette, they'll usually just splash out for it. Personally I wonder if this is a move to start taking the e-cigarettes. I've personally saved fortunes with my lil e-giccy. It's odd how it co-incides with the new regulations to the e-cigarette liquids which came in a few months ago... Anyway... rant over... Happy cagging and stay safe! Ade
  24. Hi All I am enquiring on behalf of a friend, he took out a sky q subscription around 2 months ago and now needs to cancel all of his sky TV due to a cut in his benifits. is there any advice anyone can help ...he is worries that he will have to pay a huge bill to cancel something he can no longer afford thank you all cheers lets
  25. Hey guys...Happy belated Easter I need your help and advice. All your information is highly appreciated. I was driving in the morning(3rd of Feb) when I was suddenly pulled by police. Police stopped me because their system showed up that I did not have an insurance. I was trying to prove that I had an insurance but I could not. To make it short, they seized my car and took it to the compound which then I had to pay £150 to take it out. I had to provide Insurance Certificate in order to take the car. Nevertheless, in order to take the car of compound - the car must be insured for 28 days(e.g If I want to pick up the car from compound on 1st of Feb - I need to make sure I have insurance till 29th of Feb). Surprisingly, they released my car even though my insurance was only left for 23 days(which means less than required 28 days). For my insurance, I paid annually so I insured my car on 24 or 25 February 2016, however the car was Audi A3 S Line. After, when I bought BMW, which was in October 2016, I transferred the insurance from Audi to BMW. When I bought my car, BMW, it had the number plate [redacted]. I changed the number plate on [redacted] and I told to insurance that I will change the number plate but when I changed it I forgot to confirm to them. However, I told to DVLA straight after I changed my number plate and I received all the documentation V5C, etc. Also, I am the number plate owner. I am about to get 6 penalty points and £300 fine for 'no insurance' even though I had an isnurance, however if I provide Indemnity Letter my case/fine will be dropped. If I don’t pay fine I will have to go to court - which is due 30th of April:|. I contacted insurance company and they said that the mistake is from my side therefore they won’t provide an indemnity letter. Brokers called One Call Insurance, however the actual company is XS Direct - they are arrogant as hell. I contacted Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) for help, and they are investigating my case but the problem is that I even do not know what to expect from them. I have been waiting for investigations since Feb 4th(first waiting for the insurers and now FOS). I am very lost, please help! What shall I do? My court is due 30th of April 2017
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