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  1. i bought my graphics card (PC part) in October and the Part isn't usable because it is broken. I sent it to Ebuyer for an RMA on the 29th January I've had to chase it up 3 times since then since their turn around is supposed to be 3-5 days 10 days later I still hadn't heard anything back. The 3 times I've called (after the 5 day period) I was told the card was given to another member of staff "with experience with such things" then today after being on hold for 50 minutes I was told my card is being sent to Hong Kong and to expect a 28 day wait AFTER they receive it. that will be a 2 and a half month turn around for an RMA when they state on their site, you can choose direct replacement and it'll take between 3-5 days. I sent an email with the information below: I bought the card using finance from Close Brothers Personal Finance and I'm still paying for something I have no access to. I read the Consumer Rights Act 2015, part 1, chapter 2, section 23 - right to repair or replacement and in that it states; in response to (3): In no way did i say to them i wanted the graphics card repaired. In 95% of cases they can't be repaired due to the nature of their manufacturing process. I clicked the option that states on their site "Direct replacement" In response to (3,b): How exactly is a direct replacement disproportionate since the retailer would get either a replacement item or a refund for the item? How is it disproportionate to expect a direct replacement when on your site it asks what you want as an outcome and i selected direct replacement? In response to (5): i bought the graphics card for heavy 3D rendering work which I do as a side job in my spare time and haven't been able to make money since this. I was expecting a replacement in 7 days not 2 and a half months. And this is the reply I got to the email i sent: Palit (the card maker) states on their website that if the card wasn't bought from them the retailer is responsible for RMA requests. how does a retailer as big as Ebuyer think this is acceptable behaviour. Surely under UK law Since it's under 6 months old and it was bought on finance and it's an electronic good surely there are protections in place for this sort of thing past what I've already posted because apparently they can just shoo that away? What am i supposed to do here? I feel like this is an utter joke. I had no communication, no warning, they changed their own terms to suit themselves and I'm without my £1300 purchase (that i'm still paying for without access to) due to what can only be described as a manufacturing problem with the card and their absolute lack of customer service? I honestly feel stuck and like I'm being played for a fool. Someone please help.
  2. Hi im new to this i joined as im having problems with ebuyer.com i recently purchased items to build a pc however i did not receive one of them so i contacted ebuyer and they asked me to fill in a lost item form which they kept claiming was wrong however it wasnt so i filled it in the 3rd time and they have seemed to accept it however shortly after when i asked what situation is no reply over the last 13days ive sent 3messages without them responding i dont know where to take it from here any help ? Thanks phil
  3. I purchased a laptop last year from ebuyer. At the time it worked brilliantly with no problems. However in November last year, it developed a serious fault that made it unusable. As the laptop was still under warranty, I tried to return the item to ebuyer for repair or replacement. While the company were quite willing to accept the item for repair, I had moved house since purchasing the item. Their website was quite unhelpful, as it did not allow me to register a new address on my account without making a purchase, and it also didn't allow me to enter my new address when processing the return online. I phoned their customer service team, who resolved the issue for me and assured me that my address had been updated. As expected, several days later a courier came to pick up the faulty laptop. I received emails etc. letting me know about the status of the item, and eventually one saying that it would be delivered early in January 2015. When the window that they had estimated for delivery had just passed, with no laptop turning up, I phoned the customer service team to enquire about the whereabouts of the item. I was told that my old address was still the one on the system, and that they had no record of the new one. The laptop had been delivered and signed for by somebody at a different house number, and at the time I was told that they didn't even have the road name. I asked for this to be queried, and got no response over the next two weeks. On phoning again, I was told that it had been delivered to my old address, and that the issue would be referred to someone senior. I received an email a few days later asking if I had asked for the laptop to be sent to my old address. When I explained that I hadn't, and had phoned to change my address when the laptop was collected, I received a further email stating that as the item was signed for and delivered to the address on their system, the company was not at fault and there was little they could do. I did not receive a statement of where the item would be delivered to at any point, and was assured earlier in the process it would be returned to my new address. It is quite difficult to get to my old house to collect the item, as there are no direct public transport links and I don't drive. Am I in the wrong here? Or is it ebuyer's responsibility to correct the mistake?
  4. Hi, I hope someone can offer some advice since direct communication and court mediation have failed to resolve the small claim I have initiated against ebuyer and so the next/final step is court with an additional £170 in fees I would be required to pay, which i am hesitant to do without some clarity on my position. Sorry if it’s long winded but hopefully it’s all relevant. I bought a 3TB external hard drive from them a couple of years ago. This was my complete archive of everything, every sentimental photo and video I owned, all of my purchased music mp3's used for my DJing career/hobby, my archive of mixes and rare promo tracks which can't be bought/got again. The data on this drive was priceless basically. In April 2014 it developed a fault, so I rang Ebuyer to see what to do and they advised I needed to speak to the manufacturer, which I later found out was a lie - I then rang Consumer Direct for guidance who advised it is in fact the supplier not the manufacturer, and that under the Sales of Goods Act, the supplier is liable for any costs incurred as a result of the device, which in this case would be the recovery of the data. So, knowing nothing about data recovery/which companies to use, I then spent a long time navigating the minefield of data recovery companies to try and find a reputable one I could entrust my drive to and settled on a company in Sheffield who have been immensely helpful throughout this whole ordeal. I sent them the drive and they provided a report which concluded they could see no evidence of mishandling or mistreatment and there is no evidence of damage within the drive that would be indicative of an impact event and the electronics of the drive were not found to have been subject to an over-voltage or other event that may have led to the drive failing. They also said that while they couldn’t guarantee they could restore the data, their diagnostics indicated the data should still be retrievable. They provided a quote and I then wrote to Ebuyer asking them, as per their obligations under the Sales of Goods Act, to fund the cost of the recovery, provide a replacement drive, and provide a drive with equivalent parts of the defective one, at the request of the recovery company so the recovery could be performed. Ebuyer then wrote back requesting the report from the recovery company which they accepted, and I thought that was the end of it (and they would pay up). Ebuyer then requested I send the drive to them. Instinctively I was weary, not wanting my drive to be posted from one place to another but I spoke with the recovery company about my concerns and they suggested that Ebuyer perhaps wanted to try attempt the recovery in-house (to avoid paying out for the recovery). They also said that there was no way Ebuyer would have the capability to do it. Regardless, I felt obliged to send it to them if I wanted them to pay out for the recovery so I could get my data back. So I sent it to them and after chasing for updates, was advised that after ‘extensive testing’, the drive was found to be at fault and that a partial refund of £73 (the drive cost £99.99) had been applied to my account. Then, assuming they were still procrastinating about funding the data recovery, I asked them to return the drive in the meantime so that at least the contents were safe with me. They then dropped the bombshell that the drive had been wiped. It’s hard to articulate how I felt at that moment, but to compound it, I was in Asia at the time on what should have been the holiday of a lifetime, which, needless to say, was tarnished somewhat. I spoke with the recovery company upon my return who advised it seems like Ebuyer had treated this as a standard return/replacement when this was clearly never the case. I had been perfectly clear right from the start and in pretty much every email to Ebuyer before and since, how important this data was and that my wish was to have it restored. TRC Data Recovery suggested I ask Ebuyer for their report on the drive, which Ebuyer refused to provide then and since. A clear hole in Ebuyers story is that they stated 'Following extensive tests by our Returns staff, this item was found to be faulty.’ When previously they had said ‘when a hard drive is returned to us any data is automatically wiped from the drive for data protection reasons. This is something that is done for all hard drives so the data on yours would have been removed when it arrived here before it was tested.’. The recovery company advised that it would not be possible for them to have tested the drive after the data has been destroyed, as the 2 physical methods that could be employed for the task of removing the data, degaussing and physical destruction, would render the drive destroyed and so it couldn’t be tested afterwards, and the other way of removing data, via software, wasn’t possible in this case as the drive had a fault. This contradiction as yet remains unanswered by Ebuyer. Presumably because it can’t be explained and is why they are unwilling to provide their report. They seem to have something to hide? What they were hoping to test for is also a mystery, as the recovery company had already established that the drive had a fault, and Ebuyer had accepted their report to that effect, prior to requesting the drive back, so that the drive had a fault so that is not in any question. Ebuyer have recently said ‘As per the TRC fault report they have stated that they cannot guarantee that your data could be recovered, therefore we do not feel this claim is justifiable. In any case our defence remains the same, that it is common for electrical goods to fail due to the complexity of their nature, therefore any data that is of significant importance should be backed up and stored in more than one place.’ As mentioned earlier, the recovery company didn’t say they could guarantee the recovery, but most people would infer from the language TRC used, that it was highly probable and, given the importance of the data, pursuing the route of recovery was the only appropriate course of action (as per the legal guidance I have received thus far from a free drop-in clinic). I had court mediation today and Ebuyer’s defence is basically that drives should be backed up prior to it been sent to them (how) they the recovery company didn’t explicitly say they can guarantee the recovery would be a success and that I have no case and the data should have been backed up elsewhere if it was important (they asked me where the original copy of the data was if the drive was used as a backup to which I had to explain, to a technical team leader no less, that internal drives on a laptop are unlikely to be comparable in size to a 3TB external hard drive). They haven’t answered any of the questions regarding the report they refuse to provide, how they intended to test the drive after the data had been wiped or what they hoped to test for since a fault with the drive had already been established. They lied initially by saying I need to speak to the manufacturer and when requesting the drive back they initially were adamant that they needed the outer casing for the drive but suddenly did a u turn and accepted it without. Just lots of things which don’t add up really, and I've never got my head around how they can think they have acted appropriately. I know I can’t really claim for the huge sentimental loss incurred due to their actions but I’ve managed to find receipts for £417 worth of music purchased, which is only a fraction of what there was but it’s all I can prove. I asked for £700 to settle today (£417 plus £70 court fees plus bit extra) but Ebuyer offered £50. So I just need some advice on whether their defence holds any water so I know if I should pay the £170 fee to take it to court? There is obviously something fishy about their conduct, but whether I can prove that in a court of law is the bit I need help clarifying. It is crazy to me that I am in this position after simply asking Ebuyer to fulfil their duty under the Sales of Goods Act and pay for the recovery of the data. If they had just said they weren’t willing to pay it I’d have done it myself and then put a claim in against them retrospectively. Clearly in hindsight I was naïve to send it to them, but as mentioned I felt obliged to at the time to do as they said if I had any hope of getting some money out of them for the recovery and it never crossed my mind that it was a possibility they would destroy the data after I had made it clear at every stage how important it was and that my intention was to have it restored. Thanks in advance.
  5. Over the weekend (21-22 June 2014), Ebuyer had a Mionix Naos 8200 gaming mouse on offer at a discounted price. It was marked with the orange banner they normally use to indicate a particular product qualifies for free shipping with no minimum spend. After adding it to my basket and checking out, there was no option to apply the free delivery that had been promised on the product page. As Ebuyer don't have any telephone support over the weekend I contacted Ebuyer customer support by logging a new eNote on their system. Their response has been shockingly bad and they refuse to refund the delivery charge. See the transcript below of the conversation so far: Me 21/06/2014 11:53 The product page for the Mionix Naos 8200 [redacted as the forum system won't allow me to post a link] shows 'Free Delivery'. However, when I add it to my basket and then try to check out, there is no free delivery option. Only paid options. Why is there this mixup on your system? I wanted to order during the weekend special for this item (£29.99), but it is impossible to do so at that price. Sarah 24/06/2014 09:57 Dear [redacted] Further to your enquiry, confirm that we do have a free shipping offer, and this is highlighted on a number of web pages however as with any offer, Terms and Conditions do apply. These are stated on our help pages. Free Shipping only qualifies on orders with a total > £49.99 inc VAT, so this item would qualify for free delivery when purchasing at the current price, but not when purchasing at the offer price. I hope this helps. Kind Regards, Sarah Ebuyer.com Customer Support Team Me 24/06/2014 10:06 Hello, This item clearly had 'Free Shipping' prominently displayed next to the offer price of £29.99. I took a screenshot of it at the time. You can view it here: [redacted as the forum system won't allow me to post a link] Please refund the shipping charge back to my card. Thank you. Sarah 24/06/2014 10:21 Dear [redacted] Thank you for your response. Again I kindly advise that we do have a free shipping offer, and this is highlighted on a number of web pages however as with any offer, Terms and Conditions do apply. As this order did not meet the Terms and Conditions outlined, due to being at an offer price, carriage was correctly added and this charge agreed to upon submission of the order. Regretfully this charge cannot be refunded. Kind Regards, Sarah Ebuyer.com Customer Support Team Me 24/06/2014 10:28 Hello Sarah I'm not sure if you're aware, but eBuyer actually has 2 different free shipping offers: 1) The customer spends a minimum of £49.99 2) Certain products have a little orange banner which says 'Free Delivery'. In these cases it is not necessary to spend £49.99. You can see an example of this if you view a product such as this: [redacted as the forum system won't allow me to post a link] Hopefully you are already aware of these 2 facts and I haven't taught you anything new. If you add the £9.99 product above into your cart, you will notice that there is a free delivery option when you go to the checkout. This is because the item had an orange 'Free Delivery' banner on its product page. In other words, it is not necessary to spend £49.99. As I demonstrated in my previous note, the Mionix Naos 8200 mouse which I ordered had one of those little orange 'Free Delivery' banners. Let me know if my facts about the 2 kinds of free delivery options are incorrect, or if there's anything else you need me to clarify. Thanks. Sarah 24/06/2014 10:41 Dear [redacted] Thank you for your response. Yes you are correct, there are two options for free 5 day delivery, one is available on orders over £49.99 and one is for certain individual qualifying products. As you have outlined in your response, the difference is determined at the point of checkout. Free delivery will be an available option to select if an individual item is part of a free delivery promotion. If the free delivery icon refers to the minimum spend offer and your basket does not add up to the required value, carriage will be added. I hope this helps. Kind Regards, Sarah Ebuyer.com Customer Support Team Me 24/06/2014 10:49 Hello Sarah The product I ordered was part of the free delivery promotion, as it clearly had the orange 'Free Delivery' banner. Other products which are not part of the free delivery promotion do not have that orange banner. If what I'm saying is not correct, then please let me know the URL of a product page which does have the orange 'Free Delivery' banner but still requires the customer to spend at least £49.99. Because I suspect what you are telling me is not accurate. If a product requires that £49.99 be spent (which is the standard offer that applies to everything), then what would be the point of adding the special orange 'Free Delivery' banner to its page? Can you confirm that you've visited the URL below and seen the screenshot I took? [redacted as the forum system won't allow me to post a link] Please refund the delivery charge as the product I ordered was part of the free delivery promotion.
  6. Hi, I have got a faulty GPU from ebuyer.com. I firstly tried to install the GPU onto my computer, but it did not work, so I got a diagnosis from PC World / Knowhow (uk)to get it tested, where the sales assistant said it was Dead on Arrival (DoA). I then raised a return on the product,which was accepted and they tested it, sent it back and said there is nothing wrong with it. I have done this about 2-3 times now, and they still cannot find anything wrong with it. I have had to spend another ~£70 on a PSU to make sure my PSU isn't faulty.I have followed all the instructions for installations, been on many online forums on howto fix and nothing seems to work. I have contacted them with the following enote: Alan Jeffery 28/03/2014 17:24 Hi ebuyer, After buying this product, and after multiple returns, you still struggle to find the fault that I am receiving. I request a refund under the Sale of Goods act stated below. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) states that when a consumer buys goods from a trader they must be: as described; of a satisfactory quality; and fit for any purpose made known at the time of sale to the seller. This legislation also states that the seller, not the manufacturer, is legally obliged to sort out a problem if the goods do not meet these requirements. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) says: if goods break within the first six months after purchase then there is a presumption the goods were faulty when sold. My goods are not fit for purpose and I wish to claim a refund of my goods under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 as amended. Regards, Alan Sarah 28/03/2014 17:31 Dear Alan Jeffery, Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Team. Having checked this for you, advise that your item has been fully tested and no fault has been found so is fit for purpose. This is therefore being returned to you via ParcelForce on tracking reference; TE8287928. If you need any details on the tests completed, please contact our technical support team on 03303 339 390 who will be able to help. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience or annoyance caused as a result of this matter. Kind Regards, Sarah Ebuyer.com Customer Support Team Alan Jeffery 02/04/2014 19:57 Hi, I want physical/photographic evidence that you have tested my faulty product, with the picture including the device is not faulty (device manager etc) and including the model number to show that it is my device being tested. I want these photos screen shotted or shown on the same monitor so I know it is not being tested on different computers. After updating all BIOS and drivers on my computer, re-installing and installing the GPU many times,I am still getting windows error code 43. If this evidence is not supplied, I will be taking this further. Alan They currently have not responded to my last enote as i only just wrote it, so can i have some advice please? Regards, Reece (Alan's son)
  7. Hello again guys, So I need some help in finding were I stand when it comes to this item and the return process. I bought a power supply for my gaming rig 13 months ago yesterday and it had gone faulty (The fans bearing has gone and all I can hear is an almighty whirring sound,) first of all they washed there hands of me and fobbed me off saying they only cover it for a year and it was up to the Manufacture to resolve. I came back with SOGA and they said they would email me in regards to what can be done, after a week no email so I posted a post on the Facebook wall for the second time expressing concerns for their after sales support. Last time I got my issue resolved and compo doing it this way. So I then got the return authorized and now they are telling me that if they can't repair it I will get a fraction of the price back (around 2/3s,) under SOGA am I not entitled to a replacement of an item of the SAME value or specification just they don't carry this product any more. Also this fraction of the price on any products returned under warranty after 6 months is this even legal ? It proved to be costly on their part when they tried doing me over with it, I got my item back and around half of it's value in compo. One more question they are asking for all of the original parts and packaging, I no longer have the box as it was the most flimsy bit of packaging in the work, it was made of thin card and spit when I opened it, sneezing on it would of soaked it through. Cheers for the help guys, just they are collecting the part Tuesday and want to have it sorted before I potentially never see it again.
  8. Hey guys I am new here and looking for some advice in regards to an issue that I have had with Ebuyer, apparently I am not the only one. I had some RAM sticks and after 8 months they went faulty, I shipped them back to Ebuyer opposed to the manufacture Corsair, thinking the replacement would be quicker, boy was I wrong. they collected the RAM and sent it back and that was all fine, but the next day I got a message to say that due to them being over 6 months old I can only get a partial refund so from a £75 purchase I got a £62 refund, I didn't want this and I chose to have them replaced after getting that confirmed with the agent on the phone twice with that not being an issue. after all of that I didn't get the choice to stop the refund and chose to get it sent back to me to go via the manufacture. I called on the Friday about 30 mins before they closed they said the refund has not been made and I will cancel it now but we can't confirm your RAM is still here till Monday. after a long weekend waiting about thinking about am I going to have to fork out another £80 I don't have (as the new set had doubled in price.) I called them on the Monday and they said the refund had been made so I would have to pay it back to them, I said that is fine but the refund isn't in my account and won't be till Wednesday and they said well if you want we can authorize the payment on Wednesday so it gives you time to get your refund to then give back to us. That was noted and stated on my account. Later on on Monday afternoon I checked my bank and I was overdrawn, it turned out they took the money from me on Monday when I said it was only Authorized to come out on the Wednesday. now I am getting charged by my bank and Ebuyer are playing me for a fool and saying there was no note, but I called there bluff and said I had a recording of the call and they magically found the note. I will get an app to record calls and use it and call again to get actual proof in case they call my bluff. now have the proof that the payment was only to go through on the Wednesday. where do I stand to get these bank charges paid. Any help would be handy. Cheers guys. Sorry for the long read.
  9. I bought an Asus Google Nexus 7 from Ebuyer last August (2012) and it broke. First of all the charging cable ceased working, but that wasn't a huge problem as I had quite a few more. Then I realised the reason it had stopped working was that the micro usb port was actually faulty (it proceeded to break a number of my other charging cables). I had an engineer look at it for me and he said you can clearly see the port is broken and if it was under warranty, to return it. The part itself is around £25 retail and I could probably replace it myself. However, if I did it would void the warranty and also, why should I when that's exactly what the warranty is for? At the beginning of July, I reported the issue to Ebuyer who told me, 'don't worry, we'll simply replace the whole device with a brand new one'. I told them I didn't want a brand new one as I didn't want to have to go through removing and restoring all my data. However, they insisted. I hung up the phone and began wiping my data and packaging it up whilst waiting for my return instructions to arrive by email. Instead of return instructions, I received an email to say the return had been refused. I called back and was advised it had been refused because I 'hadn't bothered' to contact Asus first to diagnose whether the item needed repairing or replacing. Had I been told to do this, I would have done so but nobody had informed me of any such requirement. Ebuyer created another return then gave me an Asus number to call to get a reference number confirming Ebuyer needed to take action. I called Ebuyer back and gave them the reference number and then got my return on its way. Around a week or two later, I received the device back, still broken. I was told by Ebuyer that they had found 'nothing wrong' with it and that I was lucky they hadn't charged me for the return process! I then made a complaint, by email this time, thinking that if I put it into writing, they might actually take more action. How wrong I was. I was told to I had to return it again, this time including the plug and original charging cable (which I can't find because I had stopped using it months before when it broke). I replied to advise this and was ignored by Ebuyer. They continued to ignore my emails until, last week, I'd had enough and moaned about it on Twitter. The person who then replied to my email said 'I'm sorry, I've had problems with my sent emails not arriving'! We went back and forth through a number of other emails until they advised today that unless I can find the original charging cable, they will not accept a return of the device and will not under any circumstance consider returning it. Now, what I'd like to know is: Can they refuse to repair the device because I am unable to find the cable (which is not the part I'm asking them to repair)? Are they still obliged to repair/replace the device even though the warranty has now expired (based on the fact I complained when it was still under warranty)? What action can I take on this? Thanks in advance.
  10. I bought a pair of creative gaming headphones on 06/02/2012, The item became faulty around May, I sent back to ebuyer for a replacement fine, Come November the replacement has the exact fault, they wanted pictures this so I sent and they accepted and sent me a replacement. Now that replacement became faulty in July, So I sent back thinking I would get refund as it was still under warranty, No this time they said it was wear and tear, But after pointing out it happened 2 previous time the manager decided to refund me, OK good.... NOT. So I checked my email the next day to find ebuyer has refunded me and they did. But they refunded me to the original payment method, I don't even know which bank it was with, And theres no way of access the account anyway. Now before the refund was processed the manager for the tech department agreed to refund me using ebuyer credit and this was on the RMA clearly, The technician said he didn't get an option to refund me as credit so went ahead with original payment method refund even though it stated not to. So now the £22.35 is in some account somewhere and I have no idea where or who, ebuyer said the bank accepted the transaction, Ebuyer made the mistake and ignored certain requests. I believe ebuyer should take responsibility for this and refund me as credit, What does people think I should do next. They made me wait 10 working days to see if it would bounce. They gave me an ARN number so I contacted Lloyds tsb thinking they might trace it, because I thought the transaction might be from my old Lloyds account, they were useless on the phone for 28 minutes with 0 results. Any advice will be good.
  11. This company has a very strange interpretation of Sale of Goods Act. If the item is 6 months old it only gives partial refunds. So if your item failed after 7 months you only get a 90% refund. Thats not the half of it. They originally tell you to contact the OEM for returns, again shirking responsibility! Its only when I insisted under the SoGA, that they had to take the RMA, that they arranged a courier collection. What happened to me was that I asked for a replacement item as I knew if I would only get 90% back if I put refund on the RMA. But someone at ebuyer changed the status of the RMA to 'refund' even though they had plenty of stock to give a replacement. They deny any wrongdoing and refuse to replace the item saying I asked for a refund. Rather than put the situation right regardless of whose fault it may have been, a decent company would have said OK whatever, who cares who put refund, the situation is that now the customer is asking for a replacement and we will honour that. In the end so many weeks passed of eBuyers stalling on the replacement, that the item then became out of stock - discontinued (funny that!) They say you have to place a new order, but the items have doubled in price since I bought the old one! Again, very convinient! Are there any grounds on which I can sue using small claims? I have lost only about £5 but I want to do it for the principle and to protect other consumers who have lost far more! People need to be aware this is how they manage to offer low prices.
  12. Hello All, I wonder if you smart people can give me a bit of advice. My mother in law recently purchased an LG TV from Ebuyer. It arrived fine and worked for a few days. However within less than 10 days of arrival the item fizzed and smoked, which is obviously an electric fault/issue, it failed and had no picture. She turned it off and unplugged it because it was a fire risk. She called Ebuyer the next day to explain her issue and was told to contact LG for a reference number and then to contact them back to get an RMA number to return the item, and they would arrange to collect the item from her through their couriers. She told Ebuyer that she did not have the original box, obviously she didn't anticipate this issue ( she's old ) and therefore she didn't have original box. She was told that as long as she 'sufficiently' packaged the tv for returned that they would arrange a new one, fix it or refund it. Both she and my husband 'sufficiently' packaged the item with newspapers, bin bags, cardboard to protect it, and then placed all that in a tight fitting box and ensured that all angles were covered. The couriers came to collect the item and promptly throw it into the back of the van and started to throw other things on top. Then a couple of days later she gets an email to say that the item was damaged during transit and therefore invalidates the warranty and that they will not be looking into any other issues and sending her back the tv. As you can imagine, she paid £300 for a telly, which had an electrical fault, but Ebuyer are using the excuse that even though their own contacted couriers damaged the item, that she is responsible and therefore will not be covered by any warranty. Surely this cannot be right? 'Sufficient' packaging is subjective for a start. My mother in law did not send the item back through her own means but their the contract courier of Ebuyer. No where in the terms and conditions, returns policy nor on any emails does it state that any items not returns as per their 'returns guide' will invalidate the warranty. Surely any cosmetic damages made by their courier cannot be the responsibility of my mother in law? And lastly, the so called 'cosmetic' damage by the courier does not negate the fact that the item was faulty in the first place. My mother in law has made a claim through paypal whom she paid through. We want to fight this all the way. Surely the law assumes that the item must be of satisfactory quality and fit for purpose and of course it could not have been at the time of purchase when an electrical fault happened within days of purchase.Also the item was of course a safety hazard as it started to smoke. That is not normal for any television. this is their returns policy: http://www.ebuyer.com/help/returns it has their guidelines and returns policy. I see nothing about invalidation of warranty or that the buyer is responsible for the safe return of faulty goods. And surely guidelines are just that... guidelines. No where does it say you MUST return items in a specific way.It's all full of should's, we recommend etc....surely they cannot contact someone to something that is not in their terms and conditions? Any help or information you can give us we would be grateful.
  13. ,i recently purchased quite an expensive graphics card off them,my decision partly swayed by the ex display discount and partly by the promise of 4 free games,however ebuyer chose not to send me the needed voucher for the games redemption,and upon telling them of this error the guy on the phone decides to tell me that "oh it was an error in the listing somebody just copied and pasted it you dont get them" erm,how is that my problem,i made an offer to purchase a graphics card and 4 game,an offer which was made into a legal contract as i understand it to supply goods as soon as you they took my cash,and by refusing to supply me with the voucher not only are they breaking the sale of goods act but also annoying a regular customer ,but to add insult to injury,when asked about me retuning the good under dsr (since i haven't received what was originally offered) im also told i have to pay return postage and take a 10 quid hit as well-how does that work,how is @ebuyer.coms lazy online copy/paste practices my fault,i saw goods offered/i paid for goods offered/i didn't receive all of the goods offered.how can it be possible im expected to take a 20 quid hit through no fault of my own??????????????????? could anybody clarify this for me,as far as i understand ebuyer are breaching the sale contract by not supplying me with the games voucher-the payment procecced/order acceptance clearly shows the games were included(the site has since taken all exdisplay free games off site) this is a copy of confirmation email We can now confirm that your order (19602805) has been processed and payment has been successfully taken. The order will be delivered on your selected delivered date. An email will be sent as soon as your order is dispatched from our warehouse. Due to the way we supply products your order will arrive in the following way. The items listed below will arrive in one delivery: Item: EXDISPLAY Gigabyte HD 7950 WINDFORCE 3X OC 3GB GDDR5 DVI HDMI Dual Mini DisplayPort PCI-E Graphics Card With FREE Never Settle Reloaded download coupon - Qty: 1 Your order will be delivered to: craig Your order total was £245.95 All packages should be received at the same time. However, if you selected the Within 5 Days delivery package, there is a chance delivery could take place across a number of days within this time period. Please note, if you have selected a next working day/Saturday delivery and your payment has been processed after our scheduled cut off time for that day, your order may be delayed. Please do not reply to this email. Kind regards, Ebuyer Customer Support where do i actually stand legally,can they refuse to supply the games,can they charge me 10 quid to return under dsr and make me pay return postage? thanks guys
  14. This is what happened to me since I placed an order from Ebuyer for a Samsung TV 40". Monday 11/03 I placed an order for a Samsung TV UE40EH5000K with a credit from finance company. Monday 11/03 Order dispatch is emailed to me Tuesday 12/03 No attempt of delivery, no card from courier Wednesday 13/03 In the evening my wife found a Yodel card under the door saying that the TV was left outside the flat in a “safe place” by the Yodel driver. I would like to highlight the fact that the “safe place” is not inside my home and it does not even have a lock. Later in the evening I sent a complaint to YODEL about the lost TV. Thursday 14/03 I called to Ebuyer Customer Services to make the official complaint and spoke with Ebuyer Customer Services who asked for a picture of the Yodel card and he said that your team will have to investigate the case. Later that day I received and email from the Manager Director Assistant saying that she will give a solution to the problem by Friday morning. Friday 15/03 My wife received a call from Ebuyer, she was practically interrogated about the details of the problem as if any of us would have been at any point in contact with the lost TV. She also provided Ebuyer with our Landlord’s phone number in order for him to provide more information about the story the Yodel Driver had given as statement. I am sure by now you would know that his story was completely unreal, there was no decorator doing any works at my place. This time my wife treated really badly by your team, she was left completely distressed, the solution Manager Director Assistant promised did not seem to arrive and she did not even have the courtesy of writing an email or making a phone call to say I do not have a solution, she preferred to leave us in the limb, completely stressed and without the item that in good faith we had purchased from your company. The same day in the afternoon I received a call from the Yodel driver asking if we could talk about the TV. The question here is How did he get my telephone number since the number we provided Ebuyer was my wife’s? At the time of making the complaint I provided Ebuyer Customer Services with my telephone number, which I assumed would be kept confidential. To make matters worse that night at around 9pm the Yodel driver knocked on my door asking me to remove the complaint I presented to Ebuyer and promised he will refund me the money of the TV in order to keep his job. I already had his phone number and name because of his call earlier in the day, as Ebuyer provided him with my details still now I feel completely at unease in my own house, unhappy to know that this man could pay us a visit at any time. Saturday 16/03 The landlord, gave me a call, quite upset, saying that the Yodel driver had given him a call asking for details about the flat, about us, about the other tenants of the building. My landlord made quite clear that he never allowed my wife to share his phone number with Yodel. How did the driver get the telephone number? It is clear that Ebuyer provided the Yodel driver with my landlord’s phone number. Monday 18/03 It has already been a week since I ordered the TV and I do not have it in my possession. At last I received an email form Manager Director Assistant saying that the TV will be delivered the next day, in order to avoid further problems I ask for the TV to be delivered on Saturday which Manager Director Assistant agrees to not without mentioning that Ebuyer is giving me a token since I am not being charged the fee for a Saturday delivery; it is amusing to learn that after all the stress that the lack of commitment and responsibility showed by your company has caused my family I have to say thank you for not being charged with the delivery fees. Saturday 23/03 By midday the TV is delivered to my place and my wife signs the delivery record trusting that the item would be in perfect conditions; the box seemed to be OK, looked fine and since all my family wanted was to leave this nightmare behind my wife signed for the delivery again in an act of good faith. I was back home in the afternoon just to open the box and find out that the screen of the TV is cracked, there is a big chip on the glass, which obviously makes the TV of unsatisfactory quality. Later in the evening I wrote, again, a complaint to Manager Director Assistant about the faulty TV sent to me attaching pictures of the item. Monday 25/03 It was midday and no one from Ebuyer had contacted me so my wife made the decision of giving Ebuyer a call just to be told that she was not able to make any complaint since the TV order was placed by my person; again, this is unbelievable, the previous week my wife had been talking with Ebuyer all the time and now she is not eligible to make a complaint. Since I was working I had to ask my employer to give me 30 minutes to make a call and again I am told that more pictures are required. Ebuyer's Customer services does not consider the stress I am going through and just said that the pictures I sent were not enough. I wonder if this kind of Customer Service is appropriate considering the nightmare my wife and I had have to go through just days ago. Tuesday 26/03 I received an email form Manager Director Assistant asking again for more pictures, this time she asked for pictures of the whole TV. At this opportunity I called Ebuyer asking for any calls to be made to my wife since I cannot use my mobile phone at work. Wednesday 27/03 My wife contacted Ebuyer in the morning, she was treated in a very unconsidered and impolite way, no information was given to her. In the afternoon she called again after receiving and email from Manager Director Assistant saying that Ebuyer does not have the responsibility of replacing the TV since CCTV recordings show that the item left your warehouse in perfect order, as you can imagine my wife broke down and started crying because of the fact that we spent £416 for a TV and at that time we were being told that we did not have the TV nor the money and the trader who sold us the TV does not recognize its responsibility on providing us with an item in perfect conditions. We were advised to contact Samsung since they could repair the TV for us, we consider this advise completely inappropriate since we have never placed and order to Samsung for any TV we have purchased, we placed the order and we paid Ebuyer and we consider Ebuyer is the one to replace the TV. We have told Ebuyer hundreds of times that the TV arrived to us like that, screen cracked, and since we trusted your company to provide us with something in good condition my wife did not open the box at the time of the delivery in front of the driver. I do not think people do open boxes before signing for deliveries, it is called act of good faith, most traders would provide an item in excellent conditions. I would kindly request someone to give me some guidance in this problem.
  15. I’m jumping the gun abit here as I haven’t contacted ebuyer yet but I was just curious to hear other peoples experience dealing with ebuyer when it comes to faulty items under 12 months old. My iPad died on me the other day, it’s around 7 months old so it’s still covered by guarantee. I took it to the apple shop today and was told it was beyond repair and would need to be replaced. They offered me a ropey looking refurb for my barely used pristine (but faulty) pad which I declined. They said I would probably be better off going back to retailer and they gave me paper work stating the iPad was beyond repair due to a manufacturing defect not caused by the user. I bought the pad from ebuyer’s ebay outlet and going by their returns policy they deflect warrantee issues back to the manufacturer. Thing is though I don’t want to be stuck with a used refurb which is all apple will provide me with if I deal with them. Considering I have paperwork from apple stating it is beyond repair due to a manufacturing defect could I return it under the sale of goods act and insist on either a new replacement or refund?
  16. Hi, I was hoping someone could give a little bit of advice as to a problem I'm having with Ebuyer. About a month ago I needed to buy a new power supply for my PC. The old one was working and the PC was working but I noticed a noise coming from it, and after 16 years building them decided it wasn't a good Idea to leave it on, so switched the machine off and used another PC to buy another one. I got the new one the next day took it out of the box and attached it to my PC, I plugged in the power cord and flicked the switch on the wall and there was a white flash a bang and smell of cooked electrics. I called Ebuyer told them what happened and returned the PSU to which a couple of days later I received a new power supply and a couple of days after that a email saying they found the power supply at fault here's your money back. After getting the new PSU my PC wouldn't start, looks like the PSU took out more than just itself. I contacted ebuyer who said if i can prove that there psu was at fault they'll pay for the damage, and here's where the fun starts... They asked for a engineer's report so they got 2 from 2 different companies, and they rejected them saying they wasn't technical enough, so i then contacted one of the companies and requested a more technical report which was provided to me and I then forwarded it to Ebuyer and they rejected that one saying that it still doesn't prove anything and inferred in the mail that its probably a fault with my electrics because there IT department have said thats what it is. I wasn't impressed because I've worked in IT for 16 years and could prolly pick more holes in there IT tech's than you'll find in swiss cheese. One of my family runs a PC store albeit the other side of the country to me and when I've spoken to him he's basically said that under the Distance Selling reg's they cant to what they have been doing. I have also been in contact with trading standards and they suggested I write to the complaints department a email which I have done and they have dismissed my problem once again. Trading standards also mentioned I could take Ebuyer to the small claims court to get the money to replace the damaged components. (about £400 worth). I've checked over the distance selling regs but I cant really see anything that would be applicable in this case can anyone help? also as a side note I've been in contact with someone with exactly the same issue as I've had with them, and had absolutely no joy with them what so ever and in the end he gave up as I understand Scottish Law is different to English law. Most people when you mention things to do with PC's so i'll liken it to this, You buy a car battery online attach it to your car and it for some reason fries your engine management system. (I'm no mechanic but i'm assuming its possible.) many Thanks, for any help anyone can provide on this. Bav
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