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Found 7 results

  1. Hi All, I am in a bit of a pickle at the moment, I felt I was finally able to afford my council flat that I have lived in for over 15 years, I put in my first RTB application March 2015, and a valuation was done for the property, after the valuation came out, I found that I was not able to afford it even after the London discounts so I didn’t take up the offer, fast track November 2016, the same year I made another application and this time around the price of the flat had reduced by £100k as per the new valuation done in November 2016, so I took up the offer, applied for a mortgage and got it approved etc, to my horror council wrote to me last week saying that they have now revised the offer from the council where they have changed all the figures and have now decided to use the first valuation which is 100k more than the second one. I am a little lost now and do now know what to do. I am already out of pocket after spending on solicitors and mortgage brokers. Thanks in advance.
  2. I'm after some advice. My partner of 12 years walked out on me and our 3 children last Friday evening saying she was no longer happy with me. Didn't elaborate on the reason as to why she was not happy. I explained that if we were no longer together then we couldn't live together she immediatley offered to go. And did..... first few nights she would go out and come back early hours and sleep on the couch. Now she's gone all nights. She does come back everyday to see the children but prefers to spend most of the time with the kids out the way and us talking but going round in circles. I left them alone this evening while I went out for a short time so they could spend time together. I dropped her off at her friends house this evening. She wants to go out alot more of late to friends drinking Texting another man but swears on kids lives they are just talking and he's offering support I come in the house she's been going out Saying yes to children. Anything for an easy life No house tidying I have asked her again today where all this is going and she claims she does not know what she wants from life. At a work meeting yesterday she was instantly dismissed for Gross Misconduct. Although the hurt has been done I guess i'd take her back. She now has no fixed address and is staying with random friends on random nights, no job and no money. I worry for her. I've agreed to allow her to take children out despite no fixed address on the condition she brings them back to me at the end of the visit until she gets settled with a new place then we can discuss more permanent arrangements. I've also kindly requested that as I know my children have been with this man to play with his kids also from a broken relationship that whilst she still doesnt know what she wants from life could she refrain from meeting up with him and his children as I don't my children to become confused. Clearly as she's gone I've started a new tax credits claim and as tenancy agreement is due on 1st September 2015 the landlord has agreed to put it just in my name. Has anyone got any good advice for me as I still believe the reason why she's willingingly become detached from the family home is because perhaps she has done something with this new man whilst still together and now she is struggling knowing that. I've encouraged her to talk to her father whose wife walked out on them many years ago too leaving 6 children behind but she is very wary of doing this. I really don't want to lose my children because since last Friday we've got a really good daily routine going and the children are happy. Any advice would be welcome
  3. I recently purchased a giant fish tank from eBay. It was advertised as fully functional and the complete set up. I inspected the item before purchasing and it looked OK. Got it home and paid a professional firm to deliver it in one piece. Although it is a beautiful tank it is not functional. When I took the filter to the fish shop, they opened it up and found it was so dirty and worn it would not function. All our fish died. It was advertised with a heater but none arrived. eBay said because I inspected before purchase I have no case. The faults are not visible on inspection and I had no idea the filter was so badly damaged just looking at the outside of it. I am a fish keeping novice and did not even think to look inside. When I inspected it I saw the heater but the item was never handed to the delivery guy. I spoke to eBay yesterday who verbally said I would get a refund, but today got an email saying my appeal to the resolution case had been denied. I phoned and asked about the eBay representative saying this to me. They say they have notes of the call but the refund was not mentioned! Now we are in a pickle. We have a giant hulking tank we do not want and have spoken to Citizen's Advice today and been told we have a case under the SoGA as the item is not functional. The vendor has texted me today telling me never to contact them again as the case is closed. I have sent a pre-legal letter but doubt I will get a response. My question is what to do with the hulking great tank. I spoke to the removals firm today and they do not want to take it back as there is a good chance the vendor will refuse to sign for it and then they will have to bring it back to us again! I have put in the letter that they have 14 days to respond but we only live in a tiny house and need the item gone so we can purchase a functional tank. The expert at our shop has advised we do not put any more fish in this tank as they will just die. If they fail to respond what on earth do I do with the tank? It is too big to go in my car. Shall I sell it on but being honest about the faults and deduct this amount from the court claim? Shall I just get a man and van to dump it down the tip? I have no clue I just want the "tank of death" out of my house.
  4. Hi, I first came to the UK in 2004 and was here till 2009. During my stay in d country I had a lot of credit agreements i.e bank loans, credit cards etc (as long as i remember about 12000 in bank loans and 4000-5000 in credit card). I left the country in early 2009 and could not pay my debts. I was away for a few years and came back in late 2011. Since i now have come to the UK i have been trying to lay low. then i started getting emails in march 2012 from collection agencies to pay back one of the debts i had. which I did. But still i have a lot of debts left. but i have been avoiding them. But it has always been at the back of my head that i need to do something about my debts but i have been avoiding them as i have been saving up money as me and my partner are trying to get a house which i know is not possible due to my credit history. And I have decided that i cant be living like this anymore. I want to tackle my debts i know it is a lot of money but i will have to do it for futures sake. I dont know where to start. I can start with getting my credit report but then i am scared that if i get the credit report done for with all d address from 2004 till present i will be inviting collection agencies to my doorstep. i am confused and scared. How can i go about tackling my debts which i dont know how much it is as have no clue who i owe to and how much i owe them. Please help.
  5. Hi Everyone this seems like a nice forum so i will tell you a little about me and the bankruptsy i am planning. I have around 16 thousand pounds on credit cards (which i have always tarted around to avoid paying interest) I have a Finance agreement on a van (9 thousand pounds) i bought new around 18 months ago along with 20 thousand in personal loans. So i owe in the region of 45 thousand pounds. I have always been able to make payments and have never defaulted (not even at the point of writing this) and have always been good with my money. Although i owe a lot i have always paid up and have an excellent credit rating. My wife has a good job and until recently so did i. My problem is i have lost my job and i am unlikely to find a job that pays as well as my old job. I am looking but i am having no luck. I am looking to pre empt my bankruptsy and to file before i default on any payments. Its simply down to the fact that in 2 months from now i will not be able to make my payments. By filing for bankruptsy before i default will this be held in high regard with the official reciever as i have been proactive? We will need to make 1000 per month in payments for the unsecured debts and simply can't afford any of it. I am devastated. We have just moved into lovely rented accommodation and are worried our landlord will kick us out if he finds out we are bankrupt. I believe that we will have to pay around £700 each to file for the bankruptsy? My worry is this will take us further overdrawn. Our other worry is when our accounts are frozen, how do we pay the bills? my wife will still be getting paid but we wont have a bank account? Are we allowed to take out money from our accounts before we file for bankruptsy so we can pay our rent and bills etc or will this look bad on us? After our outgoings are taken into account of my wifes wages we will have nothing left over each month so will we still have to make a payment for 3 years or will our bankruptsy be over in 12 months? What about our car (we own it) and its worth around 4k? We also have the van (on finance) but i will need that if i find another job. Will they make us sell the car and give the van back to the finance company? If so how will me and my wife get to work or pick our daughter up from school? This is such a mess. I am on Diazapam as i write this (because of loosing my job last week) and my head is gone. I hope somebody can offer some words of comfort but please be honest. Thanks.
  6. Hi everyone, overjoyed I found this site! I'm 24 and have just learnt the value of money (finally). I'm roughly 10k in debt to around 10 creditors. Yesterday I worked out I should be paying out around £850? a month. I only earn £750 a month. I'd really appreciate some advice on how to tackle this? Debts are in this order... Loan with co-op. 6400 total including interest, 2800 left to pay. Up to date with payments. Credit card with halifax. £2654 total balance. 104 over limit, 2 months behind. Credit card with Natwest. £2794 total balance. £6 remaining credit. Up to date with payments. Credit card with Vanquis. £500 total balance. 1p remaining credit. Up to date with payments. Credit card with Capital one 198 total balance. £2 remaining credit. Up to date with payments. Payday express loan. 690 including interest. interest frozen. up to date with repayment plan, won't be able to make next payment of 87. Wonga. 403 total balance. interest frozen. 50 a month repayment plan. up to date. Mr lender. £150. up to date, been rolling over £33 for 5 months now. Quick quid. Owed a fair amount, got it down to £160 now. Agreed 160 a month repayment plan, won't be able to make next payment but up to date so far. Another PDL I can't remember the name of. £150, due on 20th august. won't be able to meet payment. I don't know how I've managed to keep this up so long but there we go. (actually yes I do, borrowing from elsewhere to pay bills) Household expenses food etc come to around 60 a week. I've filled in the CCCS DMP plan. Do you think this would be the right option for me? I'm hoping to pay around 200-300 a month, so I can live without credit. Thanks so much for the help in advance, much appreciated!
  7. Hello, I recently went to see an advisor from the c.a.b. for advice on my finances. The advisor suggested a DRO. I provided some basic information on my income and debts and we got a rough idea of my expenses and disposable income. The adivsor asked me to sign a letter approving them as an intermediary and said he would write my creditors a letter. I was planning on going to the Citizens adivice bureau on an appointment. so they could help me fill out the dro application form and get a more accurate picture of my finances. I decided not to go ahead with this so I called cab to cancel the appointment and not go ahead with the application/fee. Yesterday i received a credit report and credit summary in the mail, i don't know if i should just discard it or not. The advisor also said on the telephone that the creditors are still going to come to my house. Should i notify them i did not pursue the dro? should I expect a letter from them? i am not pursuing the dro at all.. thanks
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