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  1. I didn't really decide... we just went through rougly what i had coming in and going out.. i was meant to go back around a week later to the actual CAB office to fill in some application? that they were going to help me with...and said they would charge me 90£ if i decided. I called cab to cancel the appointment and they thats fine they wouldn't do anythign else... I looked through my statements at home anyway.. .and didn't really meet all the criteria.. so basically i have no problem paying everything. i have issues and think they were trying to help.. if i do hear from the creditors i'll just tell them i decided against it and didn't even complete the dro application. I will continue paying my statements as normal.
  2. Hello, I recently went to see an advisor from the c.a.b. for advice on my finances. The advisor suggested a DRO. I provided some basic information on my income and debts and we got a rough idea of my expenses and disposable income. The adivsor asked me to sign a letter approving them as an intermediary and said he would write my creditors a letter. I was planning on going to the Citizens adivice bureau on an appointment. so they could help me fill out the dro application form and get a more accurate picture of my finances. I decided not to go ahead with this so I called cab to cancel the appointment and not go ahead with the application/fee. Yesterday i received a credit report and credit summary in the mail, i don't know if i should just discard it or not. The advisor also said on the telephone that the creditors are still going to come to my house. Should i notify them i did not pursue the dro? should I expect a letter from them? i am not pursuing the dro at all.. thanks
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