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  1. Hi there, I was wondering if anyone had succeeded in getting any redress from Aaen Peach. Like many on this forum, we received a quote from hbcconveyancing of about £600 for the purchase of a property. Now we've received an estimate of £1300 (700 of this is fees) and £500 is 'payments to third parties' although about 500 of that 300 is in fact payments to them (making their conveyancing fee £1000 so far.) There have been no issues so far with the purchase of the property (which is under 100k.) Now we've received a letter to sign, giving them the authority to act for our mortgage lender. The language of the Standard Security gives the impression that their exhaustive attention on behalf of our lender is a future excuse to charge us more... Here is their approximate costings so far, Legal Fee £380 Chaps Fee £55 Dealing with Mortgage Lender (Standard Security) £250 Post & Incidental Communication Charges £60 Total Legal Fee 745 and then... third party payments Registration Costs 120 Registration of Standard Security 60 Registration of Advance Notice 10 ... *ahem* Completion and submission of registration documentation £216 ... Completion & Submission of Advance Notice 54 The ... above two are surely conveyancing fees? they were evasive on the phone and didn't go to any particular lengths to assure me regarding a cap, or expected cost. Now I've got to sign this document which may give them greater power to thrust charges at a moments notice. I've got only about 4 - 5 weeks left before handover. I guess I'm just asking for advice, but also, if anyone has been burnt, is there much chance of redress?
  2. VOLKSWAGEN FINANCIAL SERVICES . WHITE AUDI A4 I have a contract hire vehicle with Volkswagen financial services (VWFS) the car was due to go back at the end of April 18. In early march 18 I attempted to get in touch with VWFS to remove my private plate from the vehicle before I handed it back. in previous run ins with VWFS, its been an absolute nightmare to get back your private plate if you do not do it whilst you have the vehicle. Anyway, I was told to pay an admin fee to remove the plate. This was charged to me and I was sent a form to fill out. I was emailed by VWFS who asked me to fill out a form for the plate and send it to a third party company. I was not willing to do this as it would include sensitive personal information. I instead filled out the form and replied back to my email from vwfs. I had no reply from this email. This came at a time where I was suffering from a very severe bout of clinical depression and whilst I was coming through it, it was still an incredible and stressful time in my life. I have had previous terrible conduct of administrative conduct from VWFS in the past and knew this could take a while. In the mean time I never instructed the bank to stop any payments to VWFS, and whilst I was unhappy about the prospect of having to pay for the use of the car for longer than I imagines, I nevertheless never stopped any payments. The car has been very unreliable in the course of our contract hire period and its worth mentioning between the end of the contract and VWFS contacting me about the car, the car was in with an audi dealer for major repairs due to an electrical fault that took far to long to diagnose and fix. Fast forwards to August 2018, not one piece of communication was received . Its worth mentioning at this point, I have another car with VWFS, same person, same address and contact details and I did carry on receiving letters about this second vehicle from VWFS. Annual Account statements and the like. Not one letter was/has been sent to me about this car in question Now, British Car Auctions (BCA) got in touch with me in August with regards to collecting the car. Thank God I thought, finally they've realised to come and get the car thats sitting there not being used. It was only until BCA Called to confirm their inspection and collection I realised the number plate was still on the car. After speaking to BCA they said it wasn't a problem to cancel the inspection and speak to VWFS to finally remove the plate. In fact they encouraged it as I might not get the plate back if the car goes to auction with it on. Around this period I was being pursed by a debt collection agent to forcefully take back the vehicle. This was strange to me as I was in contact with BCA about the collection. 17th September 2018 So BCA cancelled the appointment and I attempted to call VWFS. After phoning the correct number for VWFS I was given the run around by them and put through to 3 different numbers. Then the call was hung up not by myself. I thought Id try again later on when I had finished my days work. I called around 5.15pm as they advertise their opening hours are 8am-8pm. I was told that the department I needed to speak to was closed. They work 9-5 18th September 2018 Called again to try and sort this mess out, have my number plate removed and arrange collection of the vehicle. I spoke to an Ollie at 10:24 who hung up on me. I called again and spoke to an Olivia at 10:28. She told me I had come through to the wrong department, wrong, I did, she just didnt want to deal with this. I eventually got through to a Georgina at 10:30. In informed the woman I was recording the call and I explained my position to georgina who didnt want to work with me about a resolution, just argue the facts of what has gone on. I explained I had tried to remove the plate in march and I wasn’t willing to submit sensitive information to a third party company. I informed Georgina that I was suffering from severe mental health issues and I would appreciate their clear operation but I did not get this. She asked me If it was ok for her to record my communication of my mental health issues in her notes and I agreed. This call was recorded and she ended by saying she cannot deal with it and somebody more senior will be in touch within 48 hours. I confirmed what number for someone to try and get hold of me on as calls to this number are also logged and recorded, this goes for every call, not especially for VWFS. 26th sept Tried to call again, guess what “wrong department” and then a hang up. 28th Sept. I get a call from a collection agent who informs me that VWFS has instructed him to forcibly take the car from my possession. I had to say Carl who has been back and forth with me about this whilst I try and get some sense out of VWFS, has been incredibly good. I explained my mental health issues and he was very understanding and knows VWFS are not acting as they should. So much so his purpose of the call today was to give me a heads up to hide the car so it cannot be taken. I do not want to withhold the car, but I just want this sorting out. I have lost all confidence in VWFS, my ability to communicate with them has broken down entirely and I do not want this to continue. Its having a severe impact on my mental state and thus impacting hugely in my work life. What should I do guys?! Im really appalled at how Im being treated
  3. Hi, looking for some advice! I've been dealing with Robinson Way working on behalf of HPH2 Ltd over an old Barclays account for around £1,800 that is no longer on my credit file as of last year. The default date on my credit file was sometime in late 2011 and to my knowledge, no payments or contact has been made since, meaning the debit is stature bared (I hope!). Robinson Way sent a field agent to my door though I was not there at the time and sent them a letter advising I did not acknowledge any debt to them and I did not welcome any more visits. They then replied saying they would raise this as an official complaint. 2 months later I received a letter advising the following: "I believe the issues raised regarding your dispute of this debt is the responsibility of Barclays, as the original creditor, therefore your complaint has been forwarded to them (in accordance with the FCA's guidelines set out in DISP 1.7) and you will receive an acknowledgement letter from them detailing their complaints procedure in due course. We have placed your account on hold to allow Barclays to contact you with a resolution. When your complaint has been addressed by Barclays this hold will be removed and unless you set up a payment plan, we will continue to write to you as part of our collection activity." They then go on to say that they will remove my phone number from their records and that they will ensure no further home visits are arranged regarding the debt. They also mention I can go to the Ombudsman if I wish. As yet, I haven't sent a prove it letter nor advised that the debt is SB. I'm wondering if I should see if they make further contact after this letter or send them a prove it/SB letter? Any advice appreciated!
  4. Hi all. I have a couple of old payday loan debts that date back to late 2012 that are both Defaulted on my credit files. In the absence of a time machine, would like to get these resolved and marked as satisfied in full. I have managed to find original credit agreements for both of them. Paydayuk - £100 loan with £129 to be repaid. It is showing as satsified on Callcredit and assigned to Prac Financial on others. I suspect Prac bought it like they do and just wrote it off? 247moneybox/active securites - £100 loan. £176 to be originally repaid. Showing £292 in Default. Recently contacted me out of the blue with a 50% settlement offer but were vague about updating credit agencies. I do not want to make affordability complaints as I cannot be sure what I stated on applications. Would I just approach it like dealing with any other old debt and send them a letter offering X amount in full and final settlement? I want to be smart about this and minimise what I pay and potential blowback so figured best to ask now if there as a right way to go about this? Any other help, tips or advice? Massive thanks in advance.
  5. As I posted. I am not sure if this site is the best place for this sort of thing, but I am hoping to find out more about this so as to try to negate what I strongly suspect will be a contentious time when my mother dies. I live abroad and visited my mother in the UK when she turned 99 last month, as I have done for the last 9 or 10 years. She was pretty healthy last year but has begun to show her great age this year. Although still fairly compos mentis, she has become quite deaf and started to become more forgetful and confused. She can still get about somewhat but is now also very slow and needs help. Due to her confusion, she has invoked a pre-2007 Power of Attorney she made in 1992 so that my younger brother will be taking over her financial affairs, and I have some concerns about that, but I am 6,000 miles away and he is 10 miles from her, so it is reasonable that he takes over - with some scrutiny. However, it is his impulsive and thoughtless nature (and other issues) that he has displayed for years that concerns me and his conduct after she dies. He finds her an irritation and has voiced many times that once she dies, he will just 'go in with a skip and chuck the lot and be done with it'. As we are joint executors, we have a duty to do things properly and realise what we can for her estate (which won't be a lot) but he has refused point blank to make any contingency plans for when she does die, despite me suggesting it a number of times. Nor will he discuss anything and just shuts down, even switching off the phone mid-conversation. He just says 'I'm not doing anything and I'll deal with it all when the time comes'. He forgets there are two of us involved. This is all to do with deliberate stubbornness and not emotion about her impending death (which will be within 18 months, I suspect). As he has said many times, he would like her out of the way as he sees her an encumbrance. I'd like to be able to be prepared for any future problems, so if there is a way of discussing them on here, or a more appropriate site, perhaps other members could point me in the right direction. Thanks for reading.
  6. I would welcome some advice on dealing with a Claimform I have received through the post, which was issued on 1 Feb 2017. I intend to defend the claim but need advice on what I need to send back in the first instance and going forward how to prepare the defence. The debt is with Co-operative Energy for Gas/Electricity supply and goes back to 2015. We set up an account in Dec 2014/Jan 2015 and initially had no problems. We set up the direct debit for payments and assumed everything was ok. However, in September 2015 we received correspondence claiming the account was in arrears due to non-payment to the tune of £949.00. I queried this directly with them as we had a direct debit in place and they should have been collecting payment automatically. I also queried why they elected to not contact me for nine months before demanding payment. They wanted to recover the whole amount and were unwilling to allow us to spread the debt over a number of coming months to ease the burden. They eventually agreed to send us further documents to initiate a new direct debit to clear the debt which was again put in place. We moved house in Jan 2016 but stayed with the same provider. Things went quiet and we didn't hear anything until we received correspondence from a debt collector (UK Search Ltd) around 3 August 2016 chasing payment. This was not even sent to us at the new address but sent to my sister-in-law who was listed as an alternative contact address by our previous landlord. The amount had inexplicably jumped to £1,412.49. I contacted UK Search Ltd to ask why the debt was higher and requested a breakdown of where this amount had come from. I also requested to be contacted direct rather than chasing me at my sister-in-law's address. This took some time for them to implement. They went away to get the amount clarified from Co-Op. After a couple of weeks, I received a very brief statement of the outstanding amount. I contacted UK Search Ltd and said it was insufficient as it did not clarify why there was an additional £500 on the debt or where it had come from. They simply said that was the information that Co-Op provided and I had to pay it. I refused to pay money beyond what I actually owed (£949). I then received another letter saying they would offer me to pay £775 to clear the debt if paid by 5 Oct. I tried to raise the funds as this seemed a good offer but was unable to raise the money in the three week period they specified. They have emailed a couple of times and leave phone messages for me to contact them every day to which I have not responded. On February 4 I received a Claim Form dated 1 Feb 2017. Please can you advise my next steps as I need to dispute the amount. The amount claimed has risen again to £1,530.13 and with court fees and legal representatives cost now stands at £1,715.13. I would be grateful for assistance as I intend to acknowledge service but want to defend it and require and help on my next steps please. Thank you in advance.
  7. I have lurked around this sites before looking for advice relating to my problem and have found it very helpful. My problem is related to my gym and their agency responsible for debiting money Harlands. I see that they are often mentioned here. When signing up for the gym, gym staff signed me up without letting me read through the contract. I knew I would not be there for 12 months, but they assured me I could cancel it provided I prove I have relocated which seemed reasonable. Extra charges were of course not mentioned. I did not actually see terms and conditions as one of the members accepted terms for me in a hurry. They never mailed me the contract either, I had to obtain it from their website. One of the terms does state that upon failing to pay Harlands will charge me an additional £25 for the effort of having to find me. I changed addresses and was not able to view their letters. I did not know why they were overcharging me. I canceled the payment each time as every month they tried to take the increased sum rather than the normal gym fee. So each month was stacked up. Each payment was more than 2x of the gym fee on its own. I emailed them initially thinking I will be dealing with reasonable people, back then I didn't know their business model was ripping people off that don't know any better. I have pointed out to them that under Consumer Protection Law 2015 62 Requirement for contract terms and notices to be fair (1) An unfair term of a consumer contract is not binding on the consumer. PART 2 UNFAIR TERMS SCHEDULE 2 Section 63 CONSUMER CONTRACT TERMS WHICH MAY BE REGARDED AS UNFAIR 6 A term which has the object or effect of requiring a consumer who fails to fulfil his obligations under the contract to pay a disproportionately high sum in compensation. By my interpretation requiring me to pay more than double for a “administration charge” would be qualify as disproportionately high and hence that term would not be legally binding. I have emailed them saying that I am more than happy to pay what I owe to the gym, but will not pay the charges. Response was, I am legal bound to pay them. At first I tried reasoning with them that I will pay a single late charge as I do like using that gym. This was refused, had no reply from the gym. I had emailed the gym saying that I am unable to use the gym because of the problem Harlands have with me. I am canceling my contract with them as I can’t pay for service that isn’t provided. Again I said to them that I am willing to send them a cheque for what gym fees I owe them and deal with Harlands separately. Every reply I received since then from Harlands was that I signed contract and every contract is legally binding, ALWAYS. Even if a term in it would require me to fight the queen, sell my blood to them or anything else which can’t be a legal clause. Right now the sum I owe them went up to about £300 pounds, it will increase more once they pass on my case to their in house goons “CRS”. The language almost tries to hint at compound interest. My questions is am on the fair grounds for gym cancellation and what power do CSR/Harlands actually wield? Have they ever actually took anyone to court or not as they know they can not win. I am ok with being harassed with emails for next few years. I just want to know where am I standing was this actually to go to court. Thank you . Sorry if I have misspelled or confused some legal term, this isn’t an area I know much about.
  8. Early last year my husband received a county court summons for £11,500 for a credit card debt sold on to a DCA. He replied and defended the action on the basis of the limited information on the summons and that he was awaiting a reply to the CCA letter sent to them on the day the summons was received. He never received a copy of the CCA, just a letter from them saying the debt was no longer enforceable and they could not proceed any further through the courts, but would he please call them to discuss a repayment plan. They also promised to forward the copy of the CCA. That was over a year ago and we are still haven’t received the CCA, but what he did not advise them was the debt would not really be statute barred until last October , three months after their letter. Move forward to now, and I have received a letter from the same DCA and they are chasing a debt for £8.250 for a card of mine. This will become statute barred in the middle of August when it will be 6 years since the last payment. I received a letter from them dated 6 April but not received until 12 April, saying if I did not contact them within 14 days they would commence legal action. My understanding of statute barred debts is they expire six years after the last payment or admission of the debt and the creditor has until this time to obtain judgement. Is this correct and can the DCA request to the courts an extension this period for the time it takes to transfer to a local court and to a hearing? The default for this will expire soon and I am l keen to keep as clean a record as possible after eight years of financial misery. I appreciate I am morally wrong but this DCA will have purchased the debt for peanuts,
  9. Hi Caggers! Brief History. I was a legacy customer (old Telewest customer) since 2005. The last contract renewal was in 2007 when I moved house the previous time, so contract was well out of band. Notified them in December that I was moving and would like to take my services with me, they said sure, no problem and could probably provide the services I wanted. Great. I moved house 9th January. I contacted them on the 19th January to find out what was happening with my service installation at the new place. Was told the service was activated on the 17th. That would have been a miracle as the house has no cable through the wall. Upon asking them to check, they had reactivated the service at my OLD address. Having established that this was their fault, and establishing that they did not in fact operate in my new area they agreed that the account was closed, I owed them nothing further and in fact was due a refund of £21. Result! Phoned Sky and got a great deal. 3 weeks later they send me a bill for a months worth of charges. After swearing at the statement I calmed down and called them. Explained everything to them in great detail (had to repeat myself a couple of times because, overseas call centre), they apologised profusely and said I dd in fact have nothing to pay (no mention of the refund though) and to disregard the bill. 2 weeks ago I get a reminder that I still owe the amount on the recently provided bill. Off I go to tweet my displeasure to Virgin Media in a lovely public forum. They were on it like a rocket, very helpful and said it was now all sorted. Monday I get a threatening letter saying pay up or they'll pass it no to a collection agency, and today I get another bill! I want to charge them an admin fee for dealing with this cr*p and having to put with the stress! Advice please, how do I deal with these muppets?
  10. Is anyone aware of this yet? >> https://www.gov.uk/government/speeches/family-justice A total of 36,527 cases contain a version of Form E filed from these periods. HMCTS staff have now reviewed all these cases and found that 3,638 files – 10% – contained the faulty calculator version of Form E with an incorrect figure for net assets figure in the summary table. 1,403 of these cases are still live, allowing HMCTS to intervene immediately to clearly flag these cases to the courts in order to avoid the error affecting the final orders in these cases. Written statement to Parliament Family Justice From:Ministry of Justice and Shailesh Vara MP Delivered on:21 January 2016 First published:21 January 2016
  11. Hi all, I have been paying off a DMP through Stepchange for several years now, and my estimated completion date is sometime around 2040 I'm likely to be a in a position to make an F&F soon due to the generosity of a relative. Almost all of the debts have long been sold onto DCA (Link, Cabot, 1st Credit, the usual suspects). How much should I offer? Total debt is about 50k. Is 20% too high for starters? The DMP is so old that none of the debts show up on my credit file any more, so am I right in thinking it doesn't matter if they mark it satisfied or not? Thanks!
  12. Hi I recently got into a mess with the council tax & knwo its was stupid but tried to pretend it would just go away. I had letters from Phoenix Commercial and contacted them and agreed to a £50 per month payment. I made two payments although one was a few days late. I have now had another letter dropped through my door stating payment is needed in full or the bailiff is coming back with a locksmith. I contacted the office and was told they had received both payment s but I now have to deal with the bailiff himself. I messaged him and he stated payment was expected in full, I explained I could not afford this and had no one I could borrow it from. He was quite off hand and told me he wants to talk to me today. To be honest I am too frightened to speak to him. I am quite happy to continue with the payment plan originally set up. Is there any advice or suggestions please. I know I was stupid and should have sorted this out properly before it came to this. Thank you for any help or support
  13. Legal rights when dealing with debt collectors For more information : - Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Australia - Dealing with Debt and Fair Practices.pdf Before Printing the PDF TIP If you DO NOT wish to print Page 1 (Cover Page) of the PDF, please ensure to do the following: Ensure you go to your Printer Settings and set it to 'Print from Page 2' (this way Page 1 (Cover Page) should not print out). Note: This will save you Ink & Paper
  14. Hi, I am in the process of trying to source a mortgage however the fact that I have historic defaults on my credit files from telecom companies is causing me problems. These are all with Lowell and range from 4 years to 5 years old. What's the best way of dealing with this to ultimately get the defaults removed off my credit file within the next 3 months due to wanting to take advantage of a "right to buy" offer we have. Obviously I am NOT saying that I don't want to pay these however if its best to go down the "final settlement" route as long as the default is removed etc than I am happy to look at that? Some of the defaults I genuinely don't have a clue what they are and would protest against them if time was not against me. any help would be gratefully received. Many Thanks Scott
  15. Are secured loans all bad? I am currently on a DMP with Payplan end date 2020 (dependent on charges & int) and am looking into ways of clearing this quicker. I have posted on the DMP forum and am currently looking into sending out CCA requests but have also been looking into secured loans. If I can borrow a lump sump I can try and offer full and final settlements to my creditors this will reduce the debts and I will have a definate end date. My main issue with secured loans (apart from the obvious being secured on my home) is the interest rate, are there any good companies out there that offer fixed rates and can be trusted! Many Thanks (be nice lol)
  16. There are many people who find themselves in my position . Interest only mortgage coming to the end and there are either insufficient funds or no funds to repay the capital sum. In my case I took out a 10 year Interest Only Mortgage ( Idon't know why it is only 10 years) I have contacted Santander a few times over the last 2 years to see if they would extend the term but they just refer you to customer services to start a whole new loan . I no longer fit any criteria to get a loan . I have never missed a payment even though I am on a very high rate compared to other lenders or teaser rates . I am now retired with a younger wife and four-year old son . I got until February 2017 to find an answer to my problem. I have read the FCA guidelines 2013 but its just guidelines and Santander doesn't wish to play ball. Anybody got any ideas?
  17. Good Evening, I'm not sure whether I should be posting this in the debt section or this one so I would be grateful if someone could direct me.. Basically in 2011 my girlfriend took out a contract phone with Vodafone. The phone was for her then boyfriend, and he agreed to pay for it (although it was in her name). She has recently found out that it hasn't been paid for all this time, and the debt has been passed onto a debt collection agency, at the sum of £2480. The timeline according to Vodafone is this: 25th July 2011 - Contract taken out 11th August 2011 - First direct debit cancelled 14th August 2011 - Payment missed 16th August 2011 - Account has gone into "collections" 15th March 2015 - Account passed onto debt collection agency for £2480 Now we totally understand that as the account was in her name, so she is liable for the balance, but what we can't understand is how Vodafone have allowed it to get this far. I spoke to a Vodafone customer service rep who informed me that after a missed payment, the customer is contacted via text message and post to inform them. For some reason this did not happen (Vodafone looked through their records and confirmed that no letter had been sent regarding this account between 26th July 2011 and January 2014 (and that was just a marketing letter). They also informed me that after 3-4 months of missed payments, the account is suspended, and then passed onto a debt collection agency. For some reason this also did not happen, they simply allowed the payments to mount up over 4 years. All this time she was under the impression that her ex-boyfriend was paying it as she had no evidence to the contrary, and to be honest she simply forgot about it since it all seemed in order. Had she have known she would have cancelled it in 2013 when the contract expired (Vodafone also confirmed that it hasn't actually been used since 2013), and we'd only be looking at a payment of half this amount. Do we have a legitimate complaint about the fact that Vodafone didn't inform her at all that she owed them money? Or for the fact that the contract hasn't been in use since 2013? Thanks for any advice you can give. *just to clarify, she hasn't moved house or anything, and Vodafone have actually confirmed they didn't send any letters
  18. It would appear that this completely unqualified individual is now offering legal services to judgment debtors whereby he claims to be able to "Stop your High Court Writ" for £125. Having read many of his posts here in the past and on his various websites and forums it is clear that this person has little to no understanding of this area of law and is no doubt costing genuine judgment debtors looking for help. In the past we have had sight of his assistance and whilst on the most part it is just worthless nonsense on several occasions it has actually cost the debtor considerable sums that would not have been payable without Jason's involvement. A new page on his website laughably states: Coming soon end of July 2015. How it works. 1. Complete a fact-find to see if your writ or circumstances qualify for this service. 2. Complete a short online questionnaire 3. Payment 4. Sign and take (or post) your documents to court 5. Kibosh! Your writ - and the enforcement power - is stopped! Where possible, I will also get your original county court judgment set aside as well! It will be interesting to see what the SRA make of this.
  19. Hi Just looking for a little advice from anyone out there, My family has just moved out of a property rented for 2 years. The landlady has via her solicitor sent a letter claiming that we did not clean, meaning she spent £70 on professional cleaners. She also claims we have ruined the new carpets she put down at the beginning of the tenancy and not maintained the garden. She is looking to keep our deposit (£550) and then some to rectify the issues. Now we're not entirely stupid, we took photos when we moved in and photo and video footage when we moved out, so we can can confidently dispute her claims. The problem is that we feel at a disadvantage dealing with her solicitor, they have legal training and are obviously looking after their client. We have replied to the first letter letting them know we disagree and informing them that we have photos etc to back our position up. The solicitor has asked, quite abruptly, for us to send them copies so they can advise their client fully. Are we doing the right thing sending them the evidence? On the surface there doesn't seem in any harm in this, but we just don't know, it's all very confusing and stressful. It also appears from our search on the Deposit Protection Service that only £500 of the £550 deposit was protected, we asked the the solicitors about this in the letter and asked for the deposit ID, but they failed to mention any of this in the reply. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
  20. So, for various reasons I got behind on my Council Tax. I stupidly ignored it for quite some time, but I now wish to sort it out. From what I have been told by my council I have one case open with them and two open with Jacobs. The one with my Council went to court today, but I did not attend. Am I best off starting to pay some off that one on my council’s website? I am not sure of the exact amounts with Jacobs. Someone from Jacobs did come round in March but I am not sure where the paperwork has ended up. I have been trying to find an email address for them but have been unable to do so, can anyone provide one? Once I have that, am I best off emailing them for a breakdown of each account with fees etc? Are there official letters that I should be sending them? Once I know the exact amounts that I owe, am I best off trying to arrange a payment plan with Jacobs or should I go back to my Council. From what I have read, Jacobs do not normally agree to payment plans, but I cannot afford the whole lot in one go. Thanks in advance for any help. It's going to take me quite some time to pay off these debts, but I would really like to get structured payments set up.
  21. [ATTACH=CONFIG]59556[/ATTACH] April 2014 This guide is for you if you’re relying on an endowment policy to repay your mortgage and you’ve received a shortfall letter.
  22. I received an "Attendance Notice" yesterday and finally got through to the bailiff this morning. He declined my offer of 4 monthly payments as my previous arrangement had been broken and required full payment or he would have to seize goods/cars. I explained that I suffered from angina and had several recent attacks and I was self employed but he said that was no excuse as he had never complained when he was suffering with cancer. I have to call him again later and don't know what to do, I do not have the money to pay him.
  23. Hello. I just need a bit of advice please. For the last three years I live in a council house . My neighbour is taking drugs, dealing drugs, has complaints from the previous tenant for noise and threats, they robed the house through the loft when the previous tenant was in hospital etc. The police knows about it and admit it but as they put it there is not enough evidence therefore can do nothing. My issue is that the council at the time they moved my family in this house knew about the drugs and the theft (they had reports and complaints from the previous owner) but they didn't let us know about it. They were perfectly happy to move a family with children next to a drug house and a terrible and abusive neighbour . What I want to ask is, was the council somehow responsible to solve the issue before we move in or at least let us know so we can decide if we wanted to move or not to this house? I have done reports for noise, drugs, people arguing and smashing thinks etc but they don't seem to do much, just reports and more reports and visits but still nothing has changed
  24. Hi looking for some advice on a debt that has now been sold on and being dealt with by robinsons way... My husband took the loan out in 2008 with lloyds we think the last payment was made in 2010 but not sure however since then we have had letters from different dca's and the latest one being robinsons way who now own the debt, letter says that we have 10 days to get in touch with them or they are passing on to howard cohen solicitors who may start court proceedings, should we be sending a CCA? And does this acknowledge the debt? Any help appreciated as no idea what we should be doing and the best way to now deal with this! Thanks
  25. Hi, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice/assistance about a matter that is causing me some concern. In May 2014 I joined a gym in my home town of Hull over my summer break from university. I informed the gym at the time that I was a student and would be moving away, back to Newcastle, at the end of the summer. They said this was fine and I would be able to cancel it then. In November I begin receiving calls from an unknown number that left no message when they got through to voicemail. Eventually I got a letter through from the company, CRS, explaining that I was to pay the rest of my contract with the gym and several administration fees to CRS. I complained and informed them of my move and how I pre-warned the gym. CRS asked for proof of my current(Newcastle) address, which I provided. Since then, the letters and calls have not stopped, the amount owed has dropped from £275 to £150. As there is no logical reason why I should pay £150 of course I declined, and the amount went back up to the original £275 within a week. I have told CRS that I do not owe them any money and they are persisting with threatening letters and now text messages on my phone saying I must ring them immediately. As I say I am a student, I owe no money to the gym and the fees that CRS are claiming are simply something I cannot afford. I am feeling very intimidated by their correspondence now, so any advice on what I should do next would be greatly received. Today, (25/04/15) I received a letter through from CRS saying that they are now going to transfer the debt to another agency if I do not respond to them within the next week. Again, as someone with little experience in this area, these kind of threats do concern me greatly. Any help/advice offered would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
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