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  1. Hi guys, thanks for all the responses and continued advice.. The gym is Gym 24 Seven in Hull. When I joined up, I gave the gym the date that I would be moving away. They asked for some student ID and then told me to write the date down and that should be taken care of. After the final September payment, the money just stopped leaving my account so I, maybe wrongly, assumed that was that.. Then in came the CRS bombardment. Thanks again for all your help, Dutch
  2. Hi, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice/assistance about a matter that is causing me some concern. In May 2014 I joined a gym in my home town of Hull over my summer break from university. I informed the gym at the time that I was a student and would be moving away, back to Newcastle, at the end of the summer. They said this was fine and I would be able to cancel it then. In November I begin receiving calls from an unknown number that left no message when they got through to voicemail. Eventually I got a letter through from the company, CRS, explaining that I was to pay the rest of my contract with the gym and several administration fees to CRS. I complained and informed them of my move and how I pre-warned the gym. CRS asked for proof of my current(Newcastle) address, which I provided. Since then, the letters and calls have not stopped, the amount owed has dropped from £275 to £150. As there is no logical reason why I should pay £150 of course I declined, and the amount went back up to the original £275 within a week. I have told CRS that I do not owe them any money and they are persisting with threatening letters and now text messages on my phone saying I must ring them immediately. As I say I am a student, I owe no money to the gym and the fees that CRS are claiming are simply something I cannot afford. I am feeling very intimidated by their correspondence now, so any advice on what I should do next would be greatly received. Today, (25/04/15) I received a letter through from CRS saying that they are now going to transfer the debt to another agency if I do not respond to them within the next week. Again, as someone with little experience in this area, these kind of threats do concern me greatly. Any help/advice offered would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
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