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Found 6 results

  1. There are five manhole covers on my driveway but the drains they cover are not to my property. I now want to re-surface my driveway and I've been quoted six thousand pounds. 1250 pounds of this is to deal with the manhole covers. Yorkshire Water sent someone out to look at them, but all they have done is replaced one cover that was cracked and therefore dangerous. I could put up with the drains and covers if Yorkshire Water was prepared to contribute to the cost of setting them in the driveway properly. They are saying they are not prepared to do anything. The drains in question serve our next door neighbour and three other houses going the other way. Does anyone know if there is any way I can force the issue?
  2. Hi, does anyone know of an insurance that covers sofits and facia's. I have contents and buildings insurance from one call that doesn't cover sofits or facias. Thanks Andy
  3. Hello. Sorry for my bad English I have an account with littlewoods and I saw they charge me every month : Shopping Insurance Covers Your Purchases + Payments. if I pay £60 on my account amount get less for £53 because they charge me 7£ for this thing. So is that something like PPI?
  4. Hi all. Back on 4th November 2014 we ordered some new covers for our 2 sofas. We picked the fabric and the covers were to be custom made by the supplier of the sofas. On the invoice, it shows an approximate delivery time of 3-4 weeks. As the covers were to be custom made, we paid in full at the time of order. We contacted the shop at the beginning of December to see what was happening only to be told the fabric hadnt arrived from the suppliers and so they had not started on the covers. Just before Christmas we got a phone call to say the fabric would be delivered on 6th January to which we said we were not very happy but OK. 6th Jan, called....no fabric, will definitely be delivered by 13th of Jan. Rang today, still no fabric so said we were very unhappy and would like to cancel the transaction. Shop very defensive, said it wasnt possible and that the fabric had been dispatched and would be there tomorrow or Monday. Wife said, Monday or money back. On the back of the invioce one of the terms and conditions says " All delivery dates are quoted in good faith and are correct at the time of ordering however these dates are approximate and can be subject to change from our suppliers. Under no circumstances can ' Store name' be held responsible for delays in delivery due to unforseen circumstances. Nor will it constitute a cancellation " Also, "All orders that are specially made and custom built cannot be cancelled" Are we within our rights to ask for our money back if the fabric doesnt arrive on Monday? The quoted terms are normally for the furniture they sell and supply but they are now saying it also applies to fabric orders. I realise they may well have ordered the fabric but they have not as yet received it or made a start on making our covers. Any help or advice appreciated.
  5. cancelled all my warrenties (about 5) total of approx £35 a month now going into a savings account instead. decided that now the ipads been broken by the daughter (AGAIN) that id give in sending it off as shes autistic and hates it being away that im simply fixing it at home total price for new digitizer and surround £28 decided its cost effective to simply save up and use the money IF something breaks
  6. The petition is a result of the enthusiastic discussion on socket covers taking place at the Electricians Forums. It turns out that there are a lot of electricians who are very concerned about socket covers, and many of them have felt that way for a lot longer than the FatallyFlawed campaign has been running. The message has been well promoted on the forum website by the forum owner (himself the father of a toddler). The petition was started by one of the contributors and has just gone live. It does not call for a ban, but the regulation of anything which plugs into a BS 1363 socket, but is not actually a plug. The current (pardon the pun) situation is that a supplier selling a real plug which does not conform to BS 1363 dimensions is liable to up to six months in jail, but anyone can sell a socket cover (or phone charger, or night light, or air freshener) with oversized pins, and the potential to cause permanent damage to a socket, with impunity. Damaged contacts are poor contacts, and poor contacts overheat and catch fire. Even if you believe that a properly fitting socket cover has some value, (and there are none of those on the market – they are all wrong) please sign the petition to help put a stop to the sale of damaging and dangerous junk. Also, please consider helping to spread the word. Encourage your friends and relatives to support this cause, it will not cost them a penny! Thanks, David at FatallyFlawed www.fatallyflawed.org.uk www.bs1363.org.uk
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