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Found 7 results

  1. I have outstanding debts of approx £18k with different companies including a tesco personal loan, mint credit card and tesco credit card, I initially set up a payment plan with each of the companies but I am struggling to pay those amounts although I have kept up the payments it leaves me with hardly any money after paying gas, elec, council tax etc on top of the payments, can I consolidate or have some of the debts written off or set up new offers of payments, thanks
  2. Hi everyone, I would appreciate any knowledge/help, to cut a long story short in 2004 i applied for a £1000 but then over 2 years i consolidated them into what i now know was 5 loans. i was stupid young naive! I recently received a letter from RBS offering me the chance to try and claim back any missold ppi in this letter were the dates and account numbers of the loans, along with the claim form/questionnaire. i filled in the form and has now been sent back. Today i phoned RBS to see if it had been received, which it hadn't and also to find out what amounts these loans added up to, as i have no paperwork, the helpful adviser gave me the figures, and also said that ppi was on all of them. if anyone knows if there is a way of finding out if i would entitled to any refund? a calculator of some sort? the accounts on these loans are closed now as i forgot all about them. thanks to everyone in advance
  3. Hi, I've got following situation. I have personal bank account with NatWest since 2001 and business bank account since 2002 (sole trader business account). Been sole trade since 2002 but in 2007 incorporated limited company and opened another business bank account for the ltd. The sole trader and ltd have been operating in parallel for 2-3 year and then all fixed assets and liabilities of sole trader have been transferred to the ltd. The sole trader got a substantial overdraft facilities which have been paid by the ltd since the merger. NatWest approached me by requesting a repayment of the overdraft in full. I replied that I can't afford but I'm happy to convert the overdraft into a business loan. They said OK but the consolidation loan has to be a personal loan, not business. As it is a business liability, I have provided all evidence like annual accounts for the sole trader, for the ltd and for the use of the overdraft NatWest is refusing to discuss conversion of the overdraft into business loan. The only option they offer me is a personal loan on the basis it was given to a sole trader. Any thoughts and suggestions how to deal with NatWest in this case will be much appreciated. Thank you
  4. Hello, I currently have several debts which I am currently paying back through a DMP with Stepchange, obviously because of this my credit rating is poor and therefore I will not be able to get a loan through normal channels so I am going to consider credit unions. If I was to clear the debts I would have around £1000pm available to pay of a consolidation loan, I would also hopefully be able to reduce what I owe by offering Full and Final settlements. I will need around 14k to clear all my debts. I want to do this so that I can start to rebuild my credit rating and simplify my debts however is it likely that a credit union would consider me?
  5. Hi, I currently have a £3000 overdraft and a credit card with £2500 outstanding, both with HSBC. Neither are overlimits or behind with repayments etc. I have approached HSBC for a consolidation loan, as it will obviously be cheaper for me in the long run. explained that I wanted to pay off what I owed, I was happy for them to do it directly and to close the credit card and o/d off, however I was refused. I have written to the head office to appeal their decision but am still waiting to hear anything from them. My question is, do they have any kind of obligation to approve a loan if its just a case of paying off existing debt, or is it ok for them to keep someone paying more than they need to for their borrowing? If they still refuse after an appeal do I have any further action I can take against them? Thanks in advance
  6. Has anyone had problems with Halifax losing claims. I have just phoned to make sure that claims sent recorded delivery and signed for on 29th October are being dealt with and have been told they haven't got them . There were 4 seperate claims in the same envelope plus a letter of authority . The person at the other end couldn't put me through to anybody as they were in the Phillipines. So now have to resend and wait anothet 8 weeks
  7. My ex got me into a lot of debt, i wish to pay all of this off, but as you can expect i have bad credit now, i need a loan and with no job the high street lenders will not touch me, can anyone recomend a company that do not take the p*#s out of you, and excepts people on benifits???? please someone help me
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