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  1. I have since spoken to acas who state when on zero hour contract they cannot legally tell you to when you have to work, you don't have to work an alternative weekend or any weekend for that matter, if they did this would no longer be a zero hour contract
  2. on a tues and wed i work from 7am til 11pm with a 2 hour break, and start work at 7am next morning so no 11 hour rest in a 24 hour period i start work at 7am every morning 12 days on the row, I have worked for them for 18 months. dont know what wtd is if i swapped weekends i would work nearly a month without a day off,
  3. I have worked as a community care worker on a zero hour contract for over a year, I work an average 57 hour week which involves working 12 days consecutively and every other weekend off. I have requested a weekend off by giving my employers over 6 weeks notice and using my holiday entitlement. I have been refused this request and told I can only take this off if I work the weekend before or after that time, they have offered me two days off in the week if required. Basically they are telling me that I can never book off a weekend unless I'm prepared to work an alternative weekend. I feel this is very unfair and that they're dictating when I can take my days off, I don't take days off in the week so feel it is unfair to ask me to swap a weekend for two week days off. are they legally allowed to make these demands.
  4. BG took final readings, I will have some or all of the bills I usually keep everything I will look later when back from work thanks
  5. All after 2007 yes Mint cc Tesco personal loan Tesco cc Gas Elec Water
  6. I set up required amount as per BG as DD but couldn't keep to it due ti unsufficient funds, I thought good idea they suggested payg meter as it meant I could pay it back slowly and couldn't get in any more debt with them, I thought until now that is!
  7. Some are with the original companies, some are up to 3 years old, I've just completed a form on national debt line and they advise I consider going bankrupt or offer a non or £1 month payment to each nn priority debt
  8. I have outstanding debts of approx £18k with different companies including a tesco personal loan, mint credit card and tesco credit card, I initially set up a payment plan with each of the companies but I am struggling to pay those amounts although I have kept up the payments it leaves me with hardly any money after paying gas, elec, council tax etc on top of the payments, can I consolidate or have some of the debts written off or set up new offers of payments, thanks
  9. Not yet I'm just after some advice on my rights whether they can do this please
  10. I have a BG pay as you go meter, I first agreed to have it installed as BG said my Direct debits kept been rejected and my bill was escalating, I was told that my bill was £2357.00 . When the Meter was installed the outstanding bill on the screen said £2357.00 which was to be paid back at £6 per week, this all seemed a good way to pay back my debt at a rate I could afford to my shock 4 months later my outstanding bill had gone up to £4200.00, I phoned BG three times to get this amended and each time I was told it was an error and would be corrected. I have just spoken to BG again who now say it's because they didn't take into account my rejected Direct debits at the time, surely I can't be told 3 times it was an error to be told they realised 4 months after the meter was fitted that they had to add more on which they did without even informing me.
  11. I have been on a zero hour contract with a care company for the last 15 months, I am entitled to 28 days paid holiday. If I work Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Year's Day I get double pay, but if I want any of those days off I'm not allowed to use my holiday I just don't get paid!! Also I don't get any enhanced pay for working any other bank holiday, can they do this??
  12. I agree I should have informed them, but the letter I received from the court today was dated 2 days ago and they said I was sent a letter prior to this one so still don't understand why collection company don't have any details yet as this is at least a week ago it was supposedly passed to them
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