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Found 13 results

  1. https://www.ispreview.co.uk/index.php/2019/02/6-years-on-uk-isp-supanet-chase-former-customers-for-unpaid-bills.html A number of former Supanet (Supatel / TimeTalk) customers have been in contact (with ISPreview) to complain that the ISP has recently started chasing them for alleged unpaid bills, some of which include vague demands for up to nearly £800. In most cases those being targeted left the broadband provider 4-6 years ago. From Linked Comments "This all relates to former Time Computers and the subsequent string of offshoots, where money (quits a lot actually) moves in and out of the UK via Jersey. Broadly, there is Supanet, Internexus, Tpad and 6G internet."
  2. Hello you good people! Please advise, as I've read all the relevant threads but none end with a definitive answer or resolution. I deferred my Student Loans from 93,93,95 each May until 2013 when due to a move, I forgot. I phoned SLC around late 2014 to be told the loans were now with Erudio and to phone them. Having read all the hoo-haa surrounding Erudio, I didn't phone. Nothing further happened. Fast forward to March 2017 and I noticed a hard search on my credit file from Erudio. Nothing further happened. Since last month I have started getting multiple phone calls from Erudio. No message is ever left, and I have blocked each number identified as coming from their stable. As I am on the voters' roll, I can safely assume they have my current address should they decide to write. Could anyone please advise on what my options are? I don't want them getting a backdoor CCJ, but the account must be in 'arrears' since around June 2013. I am not in a position to pay, nor do I earn over the threshold requiring me to do so. As far as I can see, having read the other threads, my move should be to wait until they send a begging letter, then I send them a request for my original CCA? If/When they do what should I do then? By my calculations the first 93 loan should reach the '25 years' write-off point this year, however as I'm currently in arrears I don't think it applies? As my last deferment ran out May 2013 do you think I can just wait another 12 months, 'head-in-the-sand' stylee, until the debt becomes statute barred? I'd just like to know my options, and the dirty tactics I can expect from Erudio now the beast has woken and acquired me!! Any advice gratefully received. Thanks for your time.
  3. I need to find my joint tenant that owes me money. I need to know the best way to get this money assuming he does get a CCJ. Background I moved in with a "mate" on fixed term joint tenancy and we agreed on 50/50 split for rent & bills. My "mate" lost his job a couple months in so could not afford his share of the rent. He said (I have email with this too) that he would pay me back once he got a new job. He borrowed some money from family and made some contribution but not the full rent. I had to make up the difference to LL. I had to borrow some money from my bank to cover this. He got a new well paying job but then decided to "forget" his promises to repay his share of the rent. However, ongoing rent was paid 50/50, same too for bills (except the final ones). We agreed to give notice to LL/LA that would leave end of fixed term. Two weeks before he moved out leaving keys. LL/LA did check out and there were valid deductions for professional cleaning and some small damage to curtain pull cord in his room (I didn't check before the inspection, he wasn't present.) There are also outstanding amounts for the council tax and gas/electric/water bills. Main issues This "mate" has disappeared, unfriended on Facebook, not answering personal mobile, personal email, no forwarding address. This was about a month ago. I'm assumed he has found a new place to live "permanently". I haven't yet got the final figure for the council tax, I've informed them I've moved out. Not sure how to get that finalised quickly. I'm owed approx. £3500 and I believe his new job pays about £4000/month net. (I helped him review his application for his new job.) I'd like to take him to small claims but not sure how to get his address to serve papers. I have his bank account number and I have his business card with work address. He is Italian from Milan. Although I'm sure he is still in the London area (I've seen his twitter feed) and working for this English registered company. I'm concerned if he does get a CCJ that he will skip back to Italy - then what? Also not sure best chance to get money back, I don't think he has much of value and probably owes family for past rent too. I'm thinking attachment of earnings but also maybe bankruptcy, or even DCA?
  4. Got finance last September for my car, I lost my job in December and it was a struggle but all up to date, but in June my partner started a new job, we had no money for 5 weeks and got to arrears by 2 months. I got a default notice and I called have explained why and made a payment towards it and set up a plan towards arrears. This was all ok, just had a call to say a manager has cancelled the plan and wants a payment of £558 by Tuesday 18 or they come take car away, I told them I can't afford that and to carry on paying £180 a week towards account and clearing the arrears and bring payment back up to date. They have refused this, and given me till 18th to pay! Really not happy about this as all was ok on Tuesday and Wednesdays when they called.
  5. Here is the background: I have an interest only mortgage of £208K with Chase now JPMorgan. The mortgage term ends in Nov 2016. I have never missed a mortgage payment in 15 years or been late. Our house is worth £280K according to recent sales in our road. Two years ago I had to take out an IVA for the £30K, so have 3 years to go. The problem: I have approached Chase and asked if I can extend the term of the mortgage by 5 years. They said I had to be treated like a new application and because of the IVA they could not help me. In fact no mortgage company will help me because of the IVA ,unless I put down a deposit of 50%, which I have not got. Is there anything I can do to persuade Chase to extend the mortgage for another 5 years? In that time I can get myself straight and pay off the IVA. If I had been in arrears, it seems that the banks are willing to help. I must have proved that I’m a good bet for a mortgage as never even been late for a payment. Does anybody have any suggestions please?
  6. I am probably one of many people on this forum who has experienced a cowboy builder but any views on how to pursue costs would be much appreciated A JCT small works contract (value £50k+) was signed personally with the builder with his home address in February 2014. In addition to this we had an offer of acceptance letter for his building company (Ltd). The company was registered in the wife's name. Unknown to us he had already registered a new phoenix company in January 2014. His company went into liquidation in April/May 2014. The new phoenix company carried on the work until we terminated his services in September 2014. We have had major delays and quality issues throughout the build. The builder was notified in August of the intention to pursue LDs. Build was technically completed in December 2014 and I am out of pocket due to structural repairs etc. Excluding LDs I could probably pursue via small claims. There is a track record of not paying suppliers or subcontractors, or paying late. This has happened to at least 3 other customers and many suppliers. The chances of recovering any money are very slim. My assumption is that he will continue to avoid my requests to discuss the final account and LDs. I have heard he will be closing the phoenix company soon to avoid associated liabilities. Can I pursue him personally based on the JCT signed or does the letter of acceptance mean the contract was with the company now in liquidation? I never had any contract (verbal or written) with regard to the phoenix company. We did make some payments to the new company in desperation to get the build progressed. Sorry for the long message but any feedback gratefully received!
  7. This is quite amusing, and also annoying. After the media just shafted the people of Scotland and god knows what kind of malpractice went on to stop Scotland leaving the UK, now locals councils are saying they are going to chase people for unpaid Poll Tax, based on people who only just signed the electoral register for the first time! Having a bit of a debate with people over whether they have 6 years or 20 years to take you to court over this. Can anyone confirm this? In any case it was abolished >20 years ago and I personally didn't pay a penny of it, which I am assuming means I also didn't acknowledge the debt. I think people need to be informed about this as they will likely send out threatening letters and some people might pay it not realising they don't have to, and there's nothing any council can do to force you to. Right?
  8. Hi everyone needing some help with this one. I had a loan with an Irish bank with an outstanding amount of around €7,000. I left Ireland just over 4 years ago and made them an offer to pay €5,000 before I left which they refused, so I left Ireland without paying the loan in full. Fast forward 4 years and i now live in Northern Ireland which is part of the UK and I have received an email from Certus stating that I still owe the bank money and if I do not wish to engage with the bank then he will advise of same and the bank will then make a decision. The questions I have are: Can the bank chase me in Northern Ireland (UK) Can They issue a CCJ for my home in Northern Ireland Can this effect my UK credit score What response if any can I give to them [*]edd Any help is greatly appreciated.
  9. This did make me chuckle http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25879310
  10. I changed my name in 2006 whilst living in England and from then on-wards I did not make any payments towards my debts in my old name. I did not inform my banks or creditors of my change of name and have not applied for any credit accounts since then. I have been living in Scotland for 1 year and all of a sudden I have had Sheriffs Officers visit my address on a few occasions looking to speak to my "old alias. I have not acknowledged the debts at all, I have simply told them that there is no such person living at my address. My questions are: A. Can Sheriffs officers pursue a debt in Scotland that was built up in England? B. If so, can they pursue these debts if more than 6 years have passed and there has been absolutely no contact or acknowledgement of the debt either by phone, writing or any other method? C. Can I continue to use the same method to get rid of these peoples i.e. plead ignorance that the person doesn't exist at my address? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
  11. Hi I got a letter from Mr Lender payday loans asking for £250 or they will make a personal visit to collect to my work place ( Can they approach my workplace? What do I do if they do?
  12. evening all, right i've been a very stupid girl as i have buried my head in the sand regarding paying my water bill. I have tried setting up payment plans in the past with united utilities and they have always demanded payments that i could not afford and i have been bullied into agreeing to them, and i have made a few payments then struggled to pay so i eventually gave up and thought if i stopped paying then it would just go away. (stupid i know). So a few days ago i recieved a letter from chase solutions demanding payment for £1245.86 then 2 days later i recieved a letter from united utilities telling me that my water bill has been produced and the new total is £1755.76. today i have come home and found a hand delivered letter on my door mat from chase solutions stating that a field agent called to collect balance in full, it states the mans name, agent id and his telephone number. which one do i contact to pay, and as its classed as a priority debt, how can i get them to accept an amount that i can afford? im going to send a letter to chase revoking the right to contact me in anything other that writing, but i really need some advice before im bullied into paying more than i can afford again. Many thanks, Danielle.x
  13. Hi, completely new to anything with debt collectors so really could do with some help and advice. 4 years ago my boyfriend and his then girlfriend wanted a new car, their credit wasnt great so the girlfriends dad took out the finance. My boyfriend took over the payments as he was using the car. Then they broke up. He continued to make payments as he still had the car but a few months later lost his job. He told the dad what happened and said he would miss 1 month then start paying again, which he did. Then the dad decides that he wants the car as the finance is in his name. My boyfriend arranges for the car to be collected and transfers the log book into the dads name. Now a letter has been sent to my address although with the boyfriends name from a company called Federal Management in Skelmersdale. I got permission to open the letter and found the dad asking for just over £16,000!!! Im worried this will affect my credit rating. My boyfriend doesnt live with me so where do we both stand? Me regards getting them to stop sending to my address and is my boyfriend liable for this debt as the dad took it out in his name, the finance company say it has all been settled and he had the car, surely he cant expect to of had the car and the money paid? Very confused, dont know if i should send the debt company a letter disputing it from my side of things. Any help and advice please.
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