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  1. Hi Would appreciate some advice on the task I've been landed with. My Dad (92) has lost his licence and has got a SORN for his car. He wants to swap the car with one of my daughters car and then sell her car. His car is much better than hers and it will definitely benefit her. My concern is the whole road tax scenario. This is what I think I have to do, but I'd welcome any advice 1.Inform the DVLA that my Dad intends to give his car to somebody else 2.Complete the paperwork for his logbook to transfer the car to a new owner 3.My daughter informs the DVLA that she is giving her car to soembody else 4.She completes the logbook paperwork. 5.She informs her insurance company that she is trading cars 6.My daughter taxes my Dad's old car 7.My Dad applies for a SORN for my daughters old car My concerns are around 6 and 7. How does my daughter start the process of taxing a car that currently has a SORN? It was done quite recently and no paperwork has come through yet. Does this matter? Does my Dad have to tax the car first and then apply for a SORN for my daughter's car? Or can he just go directly to applying for a SORN Any help or advice would be gratefully received
  2. Virtually all automakers (except for Tesla) are asking China to slow down electric car mandate. The auto industry is once again attempting to slow down the rollout of electric vehicles. Virtually all automakers, except for Tesla of course, have sent a letter to the Chinese government in an attempt to have them drastically weaken their zero-emission vehicle mandate. As we previously reported, China, the world’s biggest car market, has somewhat of an aggressive ZEV mandate that would force Automakers to have zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) represent 8% of new car sales as soon as 2018 and quickly ramp up to 12% by 2020. Interesting comments. https://electrek.co/2017/07/13/automakers-but-tesla-china-slow-down-electric-car-mandate/ I have heard that many Taxi Companies are now using Electric Taxis but are there enough charge points available in Great Britain for this rapidly increasing market. Have you got one.What are your views. And who will try to resist this market.
  3. http://www.itv.com/news/border/2017-04-12/thousands-lose-cars-due-to-change-in-disability-benefits/ However, many of these people will have received Lifetime awards on the old DLA system !! It makes no sense at all.
  4. As in the title but here goes. Saturday I drove my car 200 miles down to Gloucester to do a deal with a chap that had a van that I wanted for work. In the eyes of we buy any car his van is worth £685 more than my car but we came to a deal that I would give him £1500 plus my car with 55,000 miles on the clock. Since owning that car I spent a small fortune having the clutch and dual mass flywheel done and full service and then also before we did the deal I had all the starter motor changed for a brand new unit, paintwork imperfections sorted as I told him I would and all the wheels refurbished. I went above and beyond to make sure the car was right as I am honest and also didn't want the deal to go pear shaped after travelling all that way. The guy also drove up around 150 miles from his address so we could meet half way so to speak and save one of us travelling too far. We both did checks and I did HPI checks for both vehicles etc.. we both had test drives checked all relevant documents and decided to do the deal. We both drove home and obviously both satisfied. Then today around 36 hours later he calls me to tell me the turbo had blown and oil was all over and he wants me to pay for it. I feel awful but at the same time I can't help but think I have already spent a lot of money on it and we have already done the swap and agreed to the deal. What if the van brakes down or anything happens today,tomorrow or next week I have taken that chance jut as he did. Where do I stand legally with this one? It was a private sale/swap and neither of us are traders or dealers. Many thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light on this problem as I am losing sleep over it.
  5. There's new plans afoot regarding the environment, which could see older cars and vehicles that cause more pollution to be charged a lot more to drive in London. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has spoken about plans to charge vehicles that cause the most pollution £10 per day if they want to drive in the centre of London, in a bid to extend an "ultra low emissions zone". The new plans are looking at a charge', which would apply to vehicles - petrol or diesel - which have pre-Euro 4 emission standards. In short, that effectively means cars that are registered before 2005. If you're thinking 'well, I don't live in London, so why should I care?' - well, there's a chance that this could extend beyond the capital. http://www.bitterwallet.com/motoring/older-cars-to-face-super-charge-in-london-92577
  6. Just starting a thread on Electric Cars. I have noticed a Taxi Firm in my town has gone fully Electric. Can you believe this news. As i looked around Great Britain to see what was going on other towns have done the same. Just a quick look around but sure i read that cost of electric v fuel was roughly 1500.00 Electric per year v 7500.00 for fuel a saving of 6,000 pounds.This was a Taxi and i will have to find the article again. Also that batteries are improving and most motorway service stations have recharging points now. Better put a couple of articles on as i have not looked at Electric Cars before. Electric cars could rule the road in just over 10 years say motor industry experts Sales of the vehicles are surging so fast the market looks set to meet government forecasts for the end of new diesel and petrol cars by 2040 http://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/motoring/electric-cars-could-rule-road-8305609 How the all-electric Leaf is becoming a favourite of taxi drivers http://nissaninsider.co.uk/how-the-all-electric-leaf-is-becoming-a-favourite-of-taxi-drivers/ One dramatic chart shows why electric cars are about to become mainstream http://www.techinsider.io/electric-vehicle-battery-cost-decreases-2016-3 Taxi Built In Britain known to us as a Bomber,well was when i last used one about 20 years ago. Metrocab Electric London Taxi- Made two years ago so probably technology has moved on much more since then. Another reason to switch to EV...there are plans for electric cars to drive in bus lanes http://bit.ly/292fWiL Electric cars are so refined and quiet, you can record a song in one. Here’s how Cerys Matthews and her band did it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNfyVHbn3xE Have you got a electric car. Sounds like you are saving a few bob if you have.
  7. A 2-yr probation period is unheard of. Additionally all employees have an entitlement of sickness absence accounted for. I do not believe a two-week sickness absence in Oct 2015 and a further 2-week sickness absence in March 2016 can lead to a dismissal. They can and may discipline you for absence periods. You say you had no contact from your employer? Did you not contact them advising them you would be off sick? Employers have a duty of care so if you are sick they can insist you attend an independent doctor for assessment. No biggie if your genuinely off sick and is normal practice from employers. You should only be contacted in a formal professional manner. Its unusual that you have been unable to contact the attendance manager. Will your employer believe you tried on four occasions but could not speak to anyone. You are responsible for keeping your employer up to date, failure to do so can result in dismissal. You do not need to attend the workplace for a site visit, you can have staff visit you at home or in a close location. Its a hope you are well meeting. Its unlikely they would withhold a bonus payment but if from the employers perspective it appears you have made no effort in keeping them informed of your health issues they may be able to give you problems, warnings etc. I do not think they would have the right grounds to terminate your employment. Good luck. If I was you I would be at the workplace Monday morning demanding to see the attendance manager to resolve and put your mind at rest. But that's just me buddy
  8. Hi, I was wondering if anybody can help. My friend was stopped by the police yesterday and has been fined £300 and received 6 points in his licence for driving a friends car. He was under the belief he was covered third party through his own insurance policy with Enterprise Insurance. This was a genuine, honest mistake and I too, until now, have never heard of the DOC clause in insurance policies. I've done some research and it appears this clause has been brought in quietly over the years by insurance companies? My questions is, has anybody ever successfully challenged this clause, and successfully won, thus setting a precedent? Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated as it appears many thousands of people have been caught out by this relatively unknown clause. Thank you.
  9. There is much talk about this, how do they work in practice ?
  10. Hi there. I'm new to this site so I hope this explains m situation - I am getting very worn down and stressed by my previous telecoms provider and now they have a debt collection company chasing me. I took out a 2 year contract with OneBill Telecom and this contract came to an end in September 2015. Now, they have a few hoops to jump through when cancelling the contract which includes 90 days written notice and you must complete the full 2 year contract. If their steps aren't complied by there is a £300 termination fee!!!! Well, I carried out ALL the steps they requested - gave them over 90 days written notice, kept the contract for 2 years and always paid by DD on time. So, when I got a final bill with £300 added to it I thought it was some kind of mistake! - having read the reviews of the company I can see it is something they regularly do. I spoke to someone at OneBill on the phone and all I can say is that they were aggresive, rude and very arrogant as to why I shouldn't leave them as the other company are not as good etc etc.. . Needless to say all my other communication with them was done via email - I say communication - I sent them a number of emails over a month and not a single one was replied to , I just kept getting a final bill, then a threat of passing it on to a collection company. Whilst all of this has been going on I have been in touch with the Ombudsman (as I needed to wait nearly 3 months from the first complaint to OneBill if they didn't get back to me for the ombudsman to look into the case) and I am waiting for them currently to look at my case and get back to me. However, whilst waiting for the Ombudsman to get back to me I have had my first threatening letter (and an automated call which I hung up) from CARS debt collection saying I owe them £347 or they will take further more severe action!?!? I am now a bit lost and stressed as to what to do. I am positive the Ombudsman will turn in my favour as I have tried to contact the telecom company stating the facts of why they can't charge me this fee yet they haven't replied directly to me once etc. ...BUT I am afraid that this debt collection company will try and take action before a decision from the Ombudsman and will not listen to my end of the story which is the true one! I know people on here have said their (CARS) bark is worse than their bite, but when you are a sole trader on your own it is very intimidating having to deal with this when I just want to get on with running my business. I have seen some threads similar to this with links to templates etc, but I am unsure as to which ones to print out and send etc. ANY help/advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated and I need to try and resolve this as soon as I can.... Thanks in advance!
  11. Growing numbers of motorists are having their cars clamped and towed away because of confusion over tax disc changes. New figures published a year after the tax disc was scrapped suggest that drivers are still struggling to adjust to the new electronic system. The disc was an obvious reminder. It has now gone and we think people might be forgetting The number of vehicles being clamped or impounded has leapt from about 5,500 a month under the old system to more than 8,000 a month. This hit a peak of 10,554 in July. The increase has been put down to confusion over new rules regarding transfer of ownership which came in at the same time that tax discs were scrapped after 93 years. More ... So their plan on how to get more money out of the motorist seems to be working
  12. A friend of mine has recently bought a used car for 7500 pounds for his company from a used car dealer. 9 days after collecting the car it broke down and has been diagnosed as having head gasket failure, the dealer took the car back and appeared as if he was going to sort it but now has given my friend a estimate of 700 pounds to repair the vehicle. Can anyone advise on what rights my friend has as he bought it in his company name is he high and dry or does he have some possible route for getting the dealer to sort it. Thanks
  13. From 1 October, several changes to the law around smoking come into force. Here’s everything you need to know: Q: What is happening on October 1? A: From that date private vehicles must be smoke free if there are passengers in it who include someone under 18. Q: Is it just the driver who faces prosecution if the law is broken? A: No. If one of the passengers lights up in the vehicle they and the driver will face prosecution. Q: What will happen to those caught? A: They will received a fixed notice penalty of £50. Q: Does the law apply to e-cigarettes? A: No it does not. Q: What happens if there is a 17-year-old who is alone in a vehicle and smoking? A: If that is the case then no-one is committing an offence. Q: What type of private vehicles does the legislation cover? A: It covers any private vehicle that is enclosed wholly or partly by a roof. A convertible car, or coupe, with the roof completely down and stowed is not enclosed and so isn’t covered by the legislation. But a vehicle with a sunroof open is still enclosed and so is covered. Sitting in the open doorway of an enclosed vehicle is covered by the legislation. Q: Do the new laws apply to motorhomes, campervans and caravans? A: The rules apply to them when they are being used as a vehicle but don’t apply when they are being used as living accommodation. Q: How will it be enforced? A: Enforcement officers - usually the police - will use their discretion to decide whether to issue a warning or a fixed penalty notice, or whether to refer an offence to court. Q: Won’t it be difficult to enforce? A: Yes, according to some police officers, who also warn it might divert officers from other duties. It’s a point conceded by those who campaigned for the law change who hope that just the existence of the new law will deter many from lighting up in their vehicle. Q: Why is the new legislation being brought in? A: To protect children and young people from passive smoking. Those for the bans say every time a child breathes in secondhand smoke they breathe in thousands of chemicals. This puts them at risk of serious conditions, such as meningitis, cancer and respiratory infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia. It can also make asthma worse. Secondhand smoke is dangerous for anyone, but children are especially vulnerable, because they breathe more rapidly and have less developed airways, lungs and immune systems.
  14. Thousands of cars are at risk of electronic hacking, according to computer scientists whose research was suppressed for two years by a court injunction for fear it would help thieves steal vehicles to order. It highlights a weakness in the Megamos Crypto system, a piece of technology used by big manufacturers such as Audi, Fiat, Honda, Volvo and Volkswagen. It is supposed to prevent a car engine being started without the presence of a keyfob containing the correct radio frequency identification chip. However, researchers at Birmingham University and Radbound University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, were able to intercept signals sent between the chip and the car. Listening in twice allowed them to use a process of reverse engineering – using a commercially available computer programmer - to identify the secret codes used to start the car. "This is a serious flaw and it's not very easy to quickly correct," Tim Watson, Director of Cyber Security at the University of Warwick, told Bloomberg. "It isn't a theoretical weakness, it's an actual one and it doesn't cost theoretical dollars to fix, it costs actual dollars."
  15. I hope someone can give me the advice I need. I have a broken arrangement with a bailiff and I received a second visit today. Obviously I did not answer the door and he put an Attendance Notice to Take Control of Goods through the letterbox. The debt is now for just under £1,100 and although my car is only worth about £200 I am concerned he will clamp it just for spite. If he does can he still return to attempt to get the rest, or does he have one attempt only? I am self employed and need the car to go to clients - does this make it exempt? How often do these guys normally leave between visits? Thanks for any advice. David
  16. German cars are amongst the least reliable, and Japanese cars amongst the most dependable, according to an industry survey. German manufacturers took four of the bottom six places in a reliability table based on the experiences of 50,000 UK car owners. By contrast, Japanese manufacturers took four of the top six places. The findings fly in the face of Germany's traditional reputation for engineering excellence. That reputation was used by Audi in its advertising catch-line "Vorsprung durch Technik" - or "progress by technology". Luxury car-maker Bentley, owned by Volkswagen, was judged the least reliable of 37 brands, in the research by What Car? and Warranty Direct. Mercedes, Audi and Porsche were also in the bottom six. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-32332210 I've been saying this for years. All buyers of German cars are being conned, they are crap.
  17. I wonder if you may help. I have a Seat Leon car which is 21 months old. I purchased the car from a Seat franchised dealer in Aylesbury for £18k The car is used for teaching people to drive, this was made clear when I purchased the car. In early January of this year the car heater failed, under the terms of the warranty Seat UK have attempted to fix the problem on Three occasions (3 days) without success. They now openly admit they do not know what the cause of the problem is, and as a consequence they want to keep the car for an ‘indefinite’ period to sort out the issue. I have already lost about £500 with the car off the road while they were trying to fix it. I have also had pupils tell me they do not want lessons as the car is too cold. I have made a formal request to Seat Cars UK to provide me with a dual controlled car while they fix the problem. They have refused. So under the Supply of goods and services act can I take them to court to seek compensation for loss of earnings and damage to my reputation as a well respected driving instructor? In theory they could keep the car for weeks. Can I hire a dual controlled car and ask them to pay for it? Could I take them to the small claims court to claim redress? I look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks [removed]
  18. Smoking in cars carrying children is set to become illegal in England late next year in the biggest crackdown on lighting up since the ban on smoking in public places in 2007. On Wednesday the government will lay the regulations in parliament needed to pave the way for the new restriction on smoking, which is likely to come into force on 1 October 2015. The measure will criminalise smoking by parents, carers or other adults in a car carrying anyone under 18. Enforcement officers would be able to issue a £50 fixed penalty notice both for smoking in the vehicle and failure to prevent smoking in the vehicle. If the case goes to court, the maximum fine will soar to £800 for someone caught smoking in a car carrying a child and £10,000 for a driver who fails to prevent someone else smoking. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2827571/Ban-smoking-cars-passed-law-weeks-come-force-October-2015.html
  19. Hi everybody, looking for some advice regarding a used vehicle. earlier this year, we had an accident which caused significant damage to our car and it was written off by the insurance company. using the insurance payment we purchased a used car from a dealer. our old vehicle was: 2007, 64000 miles, no previous owners - bought from new. the used car we bought: 2006, 75000 miles, 2 previous owners. MOT the same week as purchased - no advisories. a good clean tidy car that HPI checks found clear. we felt confident enough to purchase the car. before leaving the forecourt after a test drive, we noticed the battery light was on. the dealer had no explanation but said if there was any issues he has no problem replacing the battery should that be needed. the battery light did go out after a few miles, but intermittently would come on over the next 2 weeks, we took it to a garage for a diagnosis and it was actually a bad alternator. we called the dealer and requested he replace the alternator , which he did. unfortunately now, 3 months since purchase, the power steering has failed rendering the car undriveable. the RAC recovered the car and did a report stating the issues and once again I informed the dealer and requested a repair. he said sorry but the vehicle was out of warranty, tough luck sort of thing. ( we didn't actually discuss/sign any warranty info but i assume he is talking about a 3 month warranty - as we are now 3 months a 6 days since purchase ) I called trading standards who said: under SOGA I was within my rights to request the car be repaired. especially within the 6 months. the vehicle was valuable enough to expect it to be reasonably free from defects especially any that render the vehicle useless. regarding repairs , they said he would had a few options, one being he repairs the car at his chosen garage another being we mutually agree a local garage who can repair the car and issue the invoice to him. Just wanted to hear peoples opinions on this issue? The dealer is a good dealer as far as I can see so far. He was helpful with a previous problem and doesn't 'avoid' contact . at least up to now. so I would like to be civil at all costs.. but be firm when exercising my rights. many thanks all.
  20. Earlier this month there were some stories on SCOOP about Caterham cars (Formula One racing) after an huge amount of goods were seized and removed by The Sheriffs Office. Another report on the front page of SCOOP today 'appears' to be saying that Caterham's future in Formula One appears to be safe. From the report today it would seem that the Sheriffs Office may not be able to sell the goods seized (this would include the Caterham Formula One 'rig car' that is rumored to be worth a great deal of money..... http://www.theboltonnews.co.uk/sport/11548896.Caterham_not_under_threat/
  21. Hi All, If your in the market to buy a nearly new car, please inspect these with just as much care as you would with a 3 - 5 plus year old car. We lease our Vehicles with an option to buy, otherwise after 3 years chuck them back and renew (Mrs. Stig still has her 2008 Toyota Prius that we purchased). We recently took possession of a brand new "14 plate" 7 seater, this vehicle had faults from day one, back to the dealer, repeated workshop & bodyshop visits, panels not fitting, leaking water if rained overnight not to mention the safety aspect where we took the Prius out instead for fear that with the new car the rear door would unlatch & slide open with our two little stiglets inside (even though they were belted up etc.). We returned the Vehicle with just over 2500 miles on the clock & got a new one (different car Manufacturer). Got a telephone call last night from a friend, the returned car is advertised on Autotrader in a well known national dealership. The dealership must know of the issues because the photographs are of the cars good side (it was the drivers side where the doors did not meet, bonnet off centre, rear tailgate out of alignment). It is also priced exactly the same as other cars in that age bracket. If your in the market for a nearly new car, please check, check & check again! Stigman
  22. Citizens Advice warns that without a change in the law, more and more innocent second-hand car buyers could have their vehicle taken from them because of an outstanding logbook loan from the previous owner. New research with 874 used car buyers, released by the national charity today, finds: 63% of used car buyers did not check if the car they were buying had an outstanding loan attached; 2 in 5 drivers have never heard of a log book loan; 44% did not know they could have their car taken away by a log book lender, even if they are not the original borrower. Logbook loans, officially called bills of sale, are often taken out against a car. If a borrower fails to repay the loan, the car can be seized by the lender. But if the car is sold on while the loan is still outstanding and payments are not being made the logbook lender is legally entitled to take away the vehicle from the new owner. Evidence from Citizens Advice, released earlier this year, found one in five people who reported a problem to Citizens Advice about logbook loans had had their car repossessed despite not being the original borrower. Analysis from the charity also found the number of logbook loans taken out this year could reach 60,000; a rise of 61% on 2011. An increase in loans means an increase in risk for used car buyers. One man came to Citizens Advice after he had spent £1,100 on a second-hand car but a few weeks later he received a letter from a logbook loans company saying he owed £637. Despite contacting the loan firm to explain the car had be sold to him and providing the loan firm with the seller’s address, someone still turned up to take the car away. Worried he would lose his car and not have a way to get to work, he borrowed money in order to pay off the other person’s loan. Drivers can carry out checks to see if there is a loan attached to a car before they buy it. But not all loans will show up and often there is a cost for searches to look for loans. Citizens Advice wants the law to be changed so that logbook lenders cannot repossess someone’s car if they are not the original borrower. People who take out logbook loans also need better protections to make lenders treat them fairly. http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/index/pressoffice/press_index/press_210140623.htm
  23. A question: If I had one of these cars that are being released onto the market that drive themselves, and I have a sherry to many and then get stopped, who gets done, me or the car? After all, I wasn't driving, the car was and it's the driver that gets the ticket ?? Can I be the only person in one of these cars without a license, again, it won't be me driving?
  24. I have just had a visit from a Bailiff without 7 days notice of visit. I did not open the door and spoke to him via a closed window. The debt is from 2011 and is council tax, Despite several attempts to set up a payment arrangement with the council it has come to this. My question is, the car I drive is registered to my mother in law at my current address (she lives elsewhere) and this is because she paid for the car and until we have paid her back its in her name. Is the bailiff allowed to take this car even with proof of the logbook saying it is in her name? Thanks
  25. Hi guys, My partner had a motorbike with Close motor finance, has sold his bike now and with agreement with Close is paying the rest via instalments. He has paid a large sum off, and only has a small amount which is being made via monthly payments. We received a surprise letter today in the post from Creditlink Account Recovery Solutions, however we have had no mention of this from Close etc. And judging by the way the letter is written, I call a load of BS. But i'd like to get a second opinion on it. The letter says - - ___________________________________________________________________________________ CONFIRMED RESIDENT Dear Sir/Madam, Having conducted preliminary searches our tracing division have confirmed your residency at the above address. Therefore we are left with the only possible conclusion in that you are choosing to ignore our clients repeated requests for payment. To avoid any further action being taken against you, please contact us to arrange settlement of the above balance within 10 days from the post date. We want to assist you in bringing this matter to conclusion, so please contact us on 0844 8800 880 to discuss the option available to you. Do not simply ignore this letter, as further action will be taken. Yours Sincerely, Nathan OReilly Recovery Specialist ____________________________________________________________________________________ Now as you wonderful people have taught me, I will NOT be contacting them at all, agreed? Thanks in advance for your help
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