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  1. OK, paid 50% of court arrears yesterday and court confirmed order has been cancelled. Paying balance of court arrears over 6 months. Thanks to Ell-enn and others for all your help.
  2. Hi Ell-enn, I was going to reord them agreeing to accept the 2/3rds payment beore making it, but I understand this cannot be played in court. So no point in recording it?
  3. Hi BornThsWay. My wife was asked to interview for a part time job eight years ago, but a long period of ill health scuppered this.....and her pension slarts in a year. I have arranged for the company paying me in August to pay me next week and carry out some extra work for them. This will be paid on Wednesday and the lender is happy to cancel the order if they receive a payment of two-thirds of outstanding court arrears next week and allow me to catch up over three months. Ell-enn, if the money is late in what is the latest point I can apply for an N244 - you imply it's a week?
  4. Thanks Ell-enn, I will update you tomorrow evening.
  5. I am currently trying to get my August receipt paid before the eviction date. I should know this and how much I will have in before the 27th by Friday evening and see if I can make an offer to lender that they will accept in order to cancel the eviction. If they do, and they probably won't I will check with the court, but would you recommend still making the application or would this be pointless?
  6. I just provided the completed 1 and E form - that was all
  7. Yes I did attend and seven payments made on time or early September to March. what income figures did you use in your defence that persuaded the judge to suspend possession ? Sorry don't understand question
  8. My wife doesn't work, I used to be able to support us quite well, now all savings gone. We had a scare when she had to go to the Royal Marsden last Friday when she found a lump. but it was only bone tissue, but still another worry. In arrears with main mortgage, but they are not chasing us. No letters from them - 8k left on mortgage with them.
  9. Sorry I meant July and August court payments - out at clients at the moment, I will reply fully later.
  10. Hi Ell-enn, if I can prove I am being paid 4.5 times monthly court fee and can pay 3 x monthly court fee in August, leaving me 3 months* behind in court fees, how do you think the judge would look at that? Do you think think he/she could consider spreading the remaining 3 months over a longer period? * currently 4 mths behind plus july and August fees = 6 payments less 3 mthly payments totalling £1,905 in August. I think your idea of downsizing to further out of London is very sensible, as I can see us being in this situation again, but I wouldn't like to rush into this.
  11. No, I have around 10 clients but this is one of three significant ones that pay annually, the other two annual ones pay in October and March.
  12. I should be able to dig out the contract with them. I spoke to lender today and they said I would either need to clear the 4 months arrears or make a significant payment towards it. I may try and get an early payment from the client paying in August.
  13. I spoke to the MD of the company paying us in August today as they needed to add some things to the annual contract so at least I have verbal confirmation that they are definitely renewing, now to relay that in email format from them for the judge.
  14. Sorry Ell-enn, you did ask that before. I don't really know property values at the moment but it would be an idea. I would prefer to stay where we are and given time feel I can get back on track and am checking some figures at the moment. How much time will the court normally allow for a property to be sold? Is the judge likely to be happy with an email confirmation of the order, which will be fairly informal as it is just asking for confirmation of their wish i to continue with an annual contract they have had with me for eight years?
  15. Thanks for your continued help Ell-enn. I could get some form of email confirmation from the company making the payment. The monthly payment is £560 and we pay an extra £75 towards the arrears. So monthly court payment is £635 and we are 4 behind with these. Total of arrears is £5,800 according to the lender.
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