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  1. In August 2018 I had my complaint against Barclay card upheld for my PPI Insurance held on my Barclay card from 1992 until 2004, the card continued without PPI from 2004 to 2011. I was unhappy with the redress offered as I knew that this card would have had an average balance of around £2400 a month during the period up to 2004. Barclay card offered me compensation which was inadequate. They stated as they had no records of my account previous to May 2004 (my PPI was stopped in April 2004, I found that to be a little too convenient that all my statements prior to May 2004 had gone missing), that they had created an offer based on historical averages for a typical customer. I wrote to Barclay Card asking them to reconstruct the balance on the card from Nov 1992 to Apr 2004 based on my spending patterns on the same card from May 2004 to Nov 2011. They refused to do so. As a consequence of this refusal I contacted the FOS. At the same time I raised a GDPR request which I received in due course with statements from May 2004. I passed these statements to the FOS as part of their investigation. I have now received the FOS adjudication. The adjudication states that Barclay Card have acted unfairly in this instance and need to reconstruct my credit account from 1992 to 2004 using an average balance of my card between Apr 2004 and Feb 2007 when my credit limit increased. They are to use the average balance and then work from that point. My question is what methodology will they use as I can find nothing indicating how a calculation will be done either on the FCA or FOS websites. I do have a copy of the FCA Handbook 10/12 which has working examples of how to calculate PPI in most instances, but I am afraid not in this situation. I would like to be able to work out what is likely to be a fair and reasonable offer from Barclay Card if and when it arrives.
  2. I am so stressed at the moment because Barclays have pulled a real good'un from their bag if crap. An old customer accidentally sent us £6000 by bank transfer on Wednesday morning, rang us up to explain and asked if we could get it back to him. Stupid us rang Barclays and told them what had happened and to return it back to the account it came from because it wasn't our money. After an hour on the phone, a reversal was done on the payment. Next morning, another £6000 gets removed out of the account. No warning, nothing. Several long calls to call centres abroad (around 4hrs worth) and it may be that the fraud department has pulled the funds and investigating. They've said it will take 10 days. We've got bills to pay and none of this is our fault. All we did was tell Barclays to put the original £6k back where it came from. Have we been caught up in some weird [problem] where the guy who transferred the funds gets his money back twice or are Barclays incompetent. We raised the issue, we are getting penalised. No wonder people keep their mouths shut when unexpected money lands in their account!
  3. Hi - after some of your valueable advice. Got a letter from Barclays Bank saying they had reviewed their accounts and that some of the charges they had place on my account were unfair and that there was a refund of £434 due to me BUT this had been paid into the overdraft on my account. I closed my Barclays account in 2016 and there was a DRO taken out which covered the overdraft on this account which was still owed. So is that correct that the refund should go towards this, since the O/D was written off with a DRO in 2016 so did not owe them anything. Also they did not specify that charges were directly related to the O/D they were charges placed onto my current account. Sharon
  4. My 82 year old mum hasn't been too well recently and her local Nat West Branch has closed down and the new one is a nightmare for parking and she doesn't walk too well. She also got caught out by a phone holiday spoof to the tune of a few hundred quid and became paranoid about the company knowing her account details so we decided that maybe a change to a new bank was a good option. Barclays is my and my sisters bank as well and as difficult as it is to talk about if something happens to mum before it happens to me we theorised that if we are all at the same bank things would be easier to deal with, but it has all become a bit of a disaster!! We had a meeting with an advisor who looked into it and after doing her bit on computer stated that mum qualified for a basic account which would not include an overdraft or the option to loan. To be fair mum has plenty of money in her account and gets very good pension and investment returns so the need for an overdraft or loan is highly unlikely as her balance stays pretty much the same each month and it's far higher than my balance is!!! The one thing the advisor forgot to mention though was that mum wouldn't get a cheque book and I wouldn't have know that anyway being a Barclays Current Account holder since I was in my teens!! This was only brought to our attention over a week later when I rang Barclays to ask because mum mentioned she hadn't received one, which we obviously thought was the norm, but was told that she couldn't get a cheque book for a basic account. We then went back for a meeting because this was baffling. It then became clear that mum had been declined a current account (hence the basic) but the reason for why she has been declined is unclear and apparently the advisors do not get told the reason so obviously the customer cannot argue against it. The advisor to be fair did apologise profusely for not explaining clearly and for forgetting to mention the cheque book and said the reason could be something to do with a credit score. I've however checked mums credit score on Experian and it was 999. She has no debts, mortgage paid off years ago, no loans taken out for years if ever as far as I know, plenty of cash in the account and has never had an issue getting credit cards, of which she pays off in full...… Could this be the problem?! The annoyance is that mum relies on her cheque book and is in a muddle and is having to either get me to send cheques for her or she has to withdraw large amounts of cash. The bank suggested waiting a couple of months and when they have seen how the account is managed and that Barclaycards have been paid off etc then they can reapply for a current account. If it is still declined then the only option is to go back to Nat West who have already said she can have a current account with cheque book like she did before, but it will obviously be a pain switching once again and I suspect all of the Direct Debit companies will be baffled as to what is happening!! Barclays have also made a mess up with statements as well with mum not receiving one statement in the two months since the account opened so I am chasing up that as well mum called Barclays Head Office last week and the guy on the phone couldn't understand why she hadn't been given a cheque book so we will wait and see if he gets any joy, although I would say probably not!!! So any ideas as to why this happens? Especially as I as an 18 years old got a current account without an issue and with probably no job at the time albeit 35 odd years ago!! It seems bizarre especially as they hide the reason. I am wondering in part if it's because she is a retired widow so upon first check they may not have known what monthly income she would be receiving but they would have seen from the account surely? Help massively appreciated.
  5. Advice Needed. Please, this questions could have bee raised already but I am facing a nightmare here. To make this very brief, I sent 8000 from my personal bank account with another bank and also 6800 from my small business account to a newly opened Barclays bank account totaling 14800. both money was sent from my own bank account with the same bank. two weeks afterwards, being 25th August , past bank holiday, me and my spouse where at both at our local Barclays bank to withdraw 7500 but was turned down after waiting 1 hour and said my account has been blocked and suddenly under review. since then we have been tormented and could not collect funds carry out plans marriage plans or make payment to vendors. I made a formal ,complain about this and today received a call to say that the account is now closed for fraud and our funds is held be Barclays. the guy i spoke to was terrible blunt and rude and that I should call the account closing team to know if I can get my Money back. The funds i deposited in Barclays £8000 came from my own account, savings over the years, cleaning, freelancing and **** packing. the 6800 was from my business account. totally 14800. Now Barclays said that they have held my money and to provide proof of it. what does proof of the money means? has anyone heard of this type of thing before, I hope I am describing this correctly for easy understanding, this is what has Happened to me. Advise needed.
  6. Sent a SAR to Barclays bank on behalf of my father who signed the letter. He has been with the bank for over 60 years. They send his cards and statements to his address. Got a letter to say that they will only send him his details until they phone him up to prove his identity. It's been over thirty days and we have received no phone call. Why should he have to phone them. We thought it would be straightforward. Had mortgages and credit card with them for years. What should we do now?
  7. I applied for a Subject Access Request to Barclays. Roll on 40 calendar days* Barclays send me two packages via courier. One of them had bank statements and letters belonging to a Nigerian businessman. Some letters were about freezing his accounts due to a court injunction/restraining order, unfreezing it after the court discharged the restraining order, and eventually the accounts being closed by Barclays a few days later. (See redacted documents attached) The statements cover a two year period at least. There was also a letter about a children's Instant Saver Account. (see attached) Account numbers, sort code, address, all transactions on his account...the lot. Pretty shocking how reckless Barclays have been with his data. The worst part is, Barclays say in their GDRP letter sent to us: 'Barclays is committed to protecting your personal data..". Does anyone know if I should complain to the ICO or is it Barclays? It used to be ICO. This may have changed after GDPR came in to play. * - I applied before GDPR came in to force, so deadline was 40 days not 30 as it is now. Barclays-Mr-X-Accounts-Closed.pdf Barclays-Mr-X-Unfreeze-Accounts.pdf Barclays-Mr-X-Restraining-Order-Freeze-Accounts.pdf Barclays-Mr-X-Child-Saver.pdf
  8. Hi guys, I hope someone can point me in the right direction or help with a Barclays / Alibaba issue I made a first time purchase through Alibaba 3 months ago - checked with Alibaba if my purchase is covered by their trust assurance guarantee ( and was assured it was covered ) Because it was my first time using Alibaba - I used my Barclays credit card hoping that if anything went wrong I would be covered. I paid for the machine (3k) and received a tracking number - a week later I was contacted by the seller saying TNT had change the tracking number - they then gave me a new number. 2 weeks later I was contacted by TNT saying that the shipment was damaged - but is still on route for delivery, they were unable to tell me how damaged it was at that point but to mark the shipment down as damaged as soon as it arrives. Shipment was delivered completely damaged (its a machine, and the lid to the crate was smashed in half) On opening the crate, the machine was NOT in there - just some parts to the machine, I contacted Alibaba - who told me to contact the buyer, buyer then does not respond. So I contacted Barclays - who put the claim in over the phone and told me to wait for documents in the post, 2 weeks later the documents in the post then arrived confirming the claim, but nothing asking me for more information. I then chased this up weekly with Barclays, and every time I called them or contacted them through their in account messenger service I was told. To be patient someone will be in contact. By that time I had then received an email from Alibaba saying that since I have not raised any queries - they will now release the money to the seller (why would I worry since my claim was already in with Barclays) In the 4th week on my claim and still not being contacted by Barclays - I called them again, and asked to speak to the UK team - I then got put through to the UK disputes team, and the woman I spoke to was quite surprised that my issue had not been dealt with yet - I explained to her that because you (Barclays) had taken so long to deal with this Alibaba have now release the money to the seller. She then asked me to provide all the evidence of purchase including the email from TNT confirming damaged to the shipment. I sent all this through, and got a prompt lets back from them 3 days later saying that are crediting the money to my account - but Alibaba could still dispute this. In the mean time I have had to purchase a much more expensive machine from somewhere else which has promptly arrived. 2 days ago I have now received a letter from Barclays stating that they will not be able to pursue my claim - as Alibaba have come back, and said that I did not raise the issue with them - and that I should go back to TNT and raise the issue with TNT. Barclays have now also stated that they will be unable to pursue as this is a 3rd party site, and the 3k they have credited to my account will now be debited in 14 days. I have since gone back to Alibaba - who have said their is nothing they can do as the money has been released to the seller, if Barclays had not dragged their feet in responding to this window would have not lapsed. What are my rights regarding this charged back ? I am a very small start up business and seems I may have to close before I have even started. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thank you so much
  9. A few months before my father's death last year, a family member (who frequently helped him with his online banking activities and was therefore privy to his passwords etc) liquidated £145,000 of his shares and transferred the proceeds to themselves. We believe that this was done without my father's knowledge or consent. Barclays advise us that they called to check that this activity was in fact authorised by my father. These phone calls were recorded by the bank. We believe these voice recordings will prove the person claiming to be my father and authorising the transactions was, in fact, the family member who benefitted from these transfers. Barclays has refused to provide copies of these voice recordings and has offered written transcripts of the recordings instead (these have not yet been delivered). Clearly, identifying the person claiming to be my father from a written transcript will be impossible (apparently they answered security questions correctly). It is only by identifying the voice itself that will prove that fraud has taken place. N.B. We have the legal power of attorney to act on behalf of our mother (these were joint accounts in both parents names), as she is mentally incapacitated by Alzheimers and unable to act on her own behalf. Does anyone know of any way to compel the bank to provide these voice recordings?
  10. From March of this year i have been having Barclaycard registering a default on my credit file for an account that does not belong to me and registered to an address i have never lived at. However the name and DOB is the same as mine apart from this other person has a middle name and i do not. I contacted the CRAs about this problem but they say they will not remove it unless Barclays tell them they can. I have sent a SAR to Barclays on the 5/6/18 but so far ive not even had an acknowledgement from them. This is not the first time this has happened with Barclays as they also registered a CCJ to me back in 2003 by mistake and again in 2010, i managed to get my credit files cleared but again they have made the same mistake again, looking to get this resolved asap and i want compensation for the problems they have caused me over the years. Any advice and suggestions of what i could do next would be great thanks.
  11. Hello, Barclays closed my wife's account and would not give any information at all after a lot of phone calls they forwarded me to their fraud team who said they will check this and call us back. Few days later we got a letter saying as per advised previously on the phone Barclays have retained their decision to keep this account closed. However we never received any calls at all. I then called back and the same happened where they kept on telling us they are not obliged to give us any information. I said to them why is my wife's account handled by fraud department and if you have accused her of fraud she has the right to know. They said they cannot help us. since then my wife applied for another bank account with a different bank and her credit check failed assuming Barclays have put a CIFAS marker or something else against my wife's name. Please advise what is the best way forward to have this looked into further ?
  12. I had a account with Barclays it was one of the bundled accounts an one of the services kept charging me that I could not cancel so easily, I incurred overdrawn fees, dd returned fees an interest that all snowballed until I went onto a DMP, later they got DSAR'd and a complaint sent to them. Eventually they wrote me a lengthy reply to my complaint and phoned me several times to discuss it. One of the issues I had was they attempted to contact me by but my details had changed but they did not email or try my home address. Another of the issues was they closed a account down of mine with money in it (that I was not able to retrieve). To be fair they were good in handling my complaint an I got it resolved an received compensation + interest up-to the same amount of all monies deemed owed & paid directly back to me. The amount in question was below £2k but more than £500, it took me around 5 years to take action on this account so I am well pleased with the result of my efforts. I may post more info on here later to help others
  13. We returned the car as per the contracts stated, and have proof it was returned to the Auction that told us to take it to on 03/04/18. We also sent off the V5 with Barclays now named as new owners. They are now chasing us for payments. The account was up to date with no missed payments in 3 years when we returned it. They have now passed us to a debt agency and marked our credit file as non payment. What do we do next please ? so frustrating, we have followed every step to the letter as instructed by them.
  14. Hi, I am currently going through the ombudsman stage, in demanding repayment of account fees for additions 2000(?) - 2004, additions plus 2004-2012 and no 'downgraded' current account with overdraft of £1, 700 and daily fees of 0.75p and £1.50 depending of if the overdraft is 0-£700 or £700 to £1,700. I have complained regularly over the years to Barclays but only had occassional fees reversed. The package account fees at worst were £192.00 per annum by 2012, whether in credit or not. In 2008 Barclays imposed a £1000 reserve with paid transaction fees on top of a pre-existing overdraft of £700. I complained about this at the time, but was initially told I needed to have it. At this time I had £20,000 in savings with Barclays and had more than £2,000 in credit and there was no reason for them to add this to the account from my point of view. Later when I went into debt on the current account I was charged multiple £22.00 paid transaction fees, when over the £700 limit. In 2014 The resolve loan was automatically converted to an overdraft facility with daily fees, which I didn't agree. I wasn't adequately informed of this change. In financial year 2014-2015, I was charged more than £450 in daily fees over one year and since then the annual cost in fees have been similarly high despite little use of the account. In 2015 I made only 3 withdrawls and have made no withdrawls since 2016. Last year, 2017, Barclays offered a resolve loan with no fees and monthly payments (after turning me down for a hardship loan) on the basis that I showed that I could manage to pay 3 installments of £150.00 per month in May, Jun and July. I did this and Barclays did not charge the daily fees for these 3 months and at the end of July I was sent a letter stating that now I had completed the 3 payments "I still needed to get my account back in order" and I could "pay in [full] at any branch" etc. the outstanding amount of arrears; which I had reduced to £1,413. There was no mention of the original resolve loan and the letter made no sense because the loan had been the purpose of making the regular payments in the first place. I felt let down by this and didn't know what to do, as I felt it was Barclays duty to fulfil their part regarding the resolve loan, which was at their instigation in any case. The grinding daily fees were reapplied in August, in December 2017 I received a letter saying that my balance was £1,596.44DR and that they 'recently' wrote requesting a payment. On 22nd Jan '18 I received another letter stating that my current account was overdrawn by £1,644.44 and that my 'agreed' overdraft limit was £10.00 and thus I was over any 'agreed' overdraft limit, still no mention of the resolve loan. I phoned Barclays on the 9th Feb 2018 to question this and make a complaint, which I did. I also complained about the packaged account fees between 2000 and 2012. I was given a complaint reference number and told that someone 'could' get back to me within 48 hours. Hearing nothing, I phoned again on the 16th and was told that my complaint had been closed I was put on hold for about 20 minutes twice before someone got back to me to say that it hadn't been closed but that it had a new reference number due to a migration of systems. I sent a letter of complaint to Leicester customer services and copied it to the Cheif Exec at HQ London. I phoned later to demand an acknowledgement of the complaint. This took some time I was sent a letter saying that my packaged account claim was being investigated and they split the complaint into two periods (for the same account no.). I later received a phone call from a customer services manager admitting fault re: the resolve loan and repayment of all fees since I used the account in 2016 and £544.25 in refunded daily fees and £140.69 for my inconvenience (over 20 yrs). After everything that has happened with Barclays over the years I refused to accept this but insisted that the manager put this in writing. A week later I received a letter confirming this and saying that their investigation of this (the non-packaged time) was now complete and I had a right to go to the ombudsman. I phoned the ombudsman but was told I couldn't complain yet about the packaged bank account because Barclays had not yet completed their investigation but that I could complain re: the recent period. Now I am not sure what will happen with the ombudsman but it's already taking weeks with 'out of office' replies to my emails and when I phoned Barclays they will not speak to me. Can (and should) I go to small claims for negligence?
  15. Hello All, I have Banked with Barclays as a personal customer for several years. Recently I opened a Barclays Business account and 2 weeks later following our first transaction received funds of approx 20k followed by several additional purchases from the same Business client totalling some 80k. The money was used to pay the overseas supplier, (supplier A) and balance used as down payment for additional import stock. The following month approx 40k was received from a customer for building supplies, we had secured 30 days credit terms with the supplier, (supplier B). The same day the money was put to use by making a payment to supplier A with whom we had already placed a deposit. The next day the account was locked pending a review. Initially we thought money in and out same day likely triggered the review, and had ready relevant invoices and purchase orders. Barclays did not ask for any information, so we waited for the review to complete. After the review period, Barclays closed both Personal and Business accounts with the following letter: We phoned Barclays wanting answers and they simply advised there was nothing they could do and we should submit proof of funds to barclayspof#barclayscorp.com which we did. We had to wait 10 working days for a response. So far the timeline goes like this: Dec 2017 Business Account opened Feb 13, 2018 Money received for building supply customer - 40k made up of 4 x 10k payments Feb 13, 2018 Request made in Branch to have 38k transferred to overseas Escrow platform, awaited supplier invoice, then payment was released. Feb 14, Payment via Swift leaves Barclays and they locks accounts. Feb 15, I enquire in branch about accessing funds, they release some wages from my current account. I enquire about review, they say very little, go around the back make phone calls etc. I enquire about Swift payment, and manager quietly tells cashier to 'place a marker on the notes', they explain swift is en-route and should arrive within 3-5 working days. Feb 22 Letter above received. I send supporting docs to my local business manager via email, and request they release funds as per their instructions: "Make alternative arrangements for your banking services immediately and withdraw any outstanding credit balance from your account(s)." Response received is they can't help and email the docs to Pof@barclays. 5 March, Comprehensive email sent to POF and in the meantime, we approached another Bank with a view to moving our Business banking needs. They replied, 'no' and referred us to CIFAS. 12 March, whilst waiting for SAR result to CIFAS I emailed pof@barclays: Dear Sir(s) Whilst I await your response to the unfreezing of the accounts and access to my funds, I have requested a full disclousure of data held on me from Barclays Bank via a Subject Access Request submitted 8 March 2018. Could you ensure I receive the note put on the system at the local branch Manager's request, dated 15 February 2018, where I was informed the transaction was suspicious. I didn't know what that meant at the time, and it was received by the beneficiary a day or two later without issue. I would like to see what exactly was suspicious, and if it relates to the customer who paid the invoice, myself as the account holder or the beneficiary receiving the swift payment. Cifas report received 16 March: My knee jerk reaction, having skimmed over the letter was to write the following complaint and hand deliver it into my local branch: 16 March, phoned Barc fraud department, passed through security and was told they still assessing documentation I supplied. I explained I'm phoning about the Cifas marker. Call Lady explained there was a specific department for that and she would put me through. 20 mins on hold and back to customer services, I phone again and this time the young man answering explains 'that department' have now gone home and asks how he might be of help? I explain I want to know what 'False instrument(s) paid in' on the Cifas report refers to? He explains he would enquire and ring me Monday 19th March. 17 March I re-read the Cifas report carefully and realise the 4 payments of 10k must have been fraud and Barclays believe me to be involved. Email received today from POF@Barclays: BARCLAYS CLASSIFICATION: Restricted - External "Hello, Thank you for recently contacting us in regards to your remaining balance. We’ve completed your account review and are now in a position to return funds. What this means for you. Please make arrangements to visit your local branch with two forms of I.D I have left relevant notes on your account to authorise you to withdraw your funds." I believe this refers to my personal account, and have no intention of pursuing the remaining funds from the 40k payment. My response today to their email: 17th March 2018 Thank you for your earlier response. I have been told by Barclays Customer Services Fraud Team that Barclays closed my account of 3 years for 'commercial' reasons and this would not impact my ability to open Business account elsewhere. However, I applied to another High Street lender and they refused to accommodate my needs and referred me to CIFAS. I have contacted CIFAS, received a SAR response and filed a complaint with Barclays 16/03/2018, (copy attached) for accusing me of being a money launderer. I have since shown the Cifas report and Bank Statements to a friend in the Legal Profession. I have been advised Barclays are actually accusing me of allowing my account to be used for fraud and actively receiving 4 x £10,000 of stolen/fraudulently obtained money. This is absolutely not the case, and I want Barclays to clear me of any wrongdoing and update CIFAS entry immediately. Barclays, If the money was unlawfully obtained, why did you allow it to be credited to my account? Why on the same day did you allow me to send Money overseas via a Manager in Branch? Why did you not contact me at any point to raise concerns over these payments? Why did you not warn me when I enquired in Branch 15/03/2018 on the status of the Swift Transfer? I could have recalled the money at anytime in the several days it remained in my Akirix Foreign Exchange account. I could have prevented the customer from collecting the goods they purchased. Many things could have been done to prevent this unfortunate situation. On the face of it, it very much looks like Barclays failed in their duty of customer care to protect these funds from falling into the wrong hands, and are now making me, a innocent business to be the scapegoat. This is totally unacceptable. Please provide me with the crime reference number, so I can liaise with the Police and get to the bottom of this. I await a response from Barclays; I spoke to #### and #### yesterday, 16/03/2018 before getting help from my friend. #### from the Fraud Team promised to ring me Monday 19/03/2018 and explain what Giro Credits on the 13th February mean. The Branch statement shows it as Third Party Transfers, (FIP) see attached copy, yet the Statement received after Account closure reports the transfers as Giro payments. I will be awaiting his response before submitting a Second complaint, now that I am getting clarification on the actual issue to hand. Put this situation right by removing the CIFAS entry against my name. End of timeline I want Barclays to correct the Cifas entry and clear me of any wrongdoing. I had no idea the money was received via Giro payments, (whatever they are). We made clear we do not accept Cheques or Cash and only Bank Transfers are accepted for payments above £5,000. We carried out our due diligence as best we could and should not be expected to Police transactions. I've never put pen to paper to complain before and would appreciate some input from experienced members following the outcome of Barclays phone call due Monday 19th March. Thank you for reading this. I will update on Monday Lee docs1.pdf
  16. Good afternoon, Any help would really be appreciated. This relates to a loan that was taken out years ago and prior to 2009. I cannot be more precise at this moment. I got into financial difficulty and defaulted on the payments. This has been in the hands of a number of companies. I do not recall getting regular correspondence and I believe the last payment ever made was 2014. This has dropped off my credit file. I did receive a letter I August 2015 to say that I was entitled to redress on my loan as the discovered following changes of CCA (1/8/08) that they sent customers incorrect information about their loan and in some cases did not send information they should have done and as such were not entitled to charge interest and default fees from the initial error of 31/1/2009 until today. I then received a letter March 2017 advising that they did not send some documents that they were required to do and sent notice of sums of arrears we should have sent me. The arrears notice is again dated March 2017 and dates back to November 2014. Well today I have received a Claim Form issued on the 9th Jan 2018 for the sum of £8076.85. The particulars of claim state the debt was legally assigned by Barclays Bank Plc (Ex Barclays) to the claimant and notice was served. The Defendant has failed to make contractual payments under the terms of the Agreement. A default notice has been served upon the Defendant pursuant to s.87(1) CCA. Now I believe that I will need to do the following:- - Acknowledge Service advising I intend to dispute and ask for 28 days to file a defence - Send a request to Howard Cohen & Co for CCA Request with a £1.00 cheque I there anything else I should be doing at this stage? Regards, Colin -
  17. A description of the issue : Barclays bank agreed to make an international transfer GBP 65,000 from my current account to an overseas property developer . ( my wife and I were buying a small flat and had already paid a deposit on it). Barclays did that in the branch and gave me the proof of transfer. Next morning I checked on line and found that the transfer had not gone through. Instead the balance of my current account from the previous day ( GBP 69,000 ) had been taken out with a description “TO RECONCILE” and so my balance was now zero.
  18. Barclays have just told me that the contract is terminated and even paying the arrears in full will not stop the car from being repossessed. Today was the last day for surrender... Anyone know how long it will be before they get a court order or any options available... I pleaded with them on Friday, and though the arrears are only £540, they will take the car and put it in auction where I am due to lose about 2k of the value and that will still be owed to them... HELP PLEASE ! Barclays Partner Finance are in the process of repo my dads car. They have terminated the contract - however the 1/3 rule is very close.. . if its 1/3 of the value still owed against interest upto repo then fine, if based on original term then not... HELP. + they say they will probably go to court proceedings to recover car, but hinted they might just sent a recovery company in.. . no idea of timescales however = would be really good to have an idea, days or weeks? My father (80) purchased a car on HP from CarSupermarket. With his wife having poor health, he decided in Aug to suddenly goto India for 3 months for treatment. With cashflow being tight, he missed Aug and Sept payments. I took over paying and on a 220/month contract, I began paying 80/week except for when I paid 220. Barclays Partner Finance (BPF) were told this is what I am doing, but they couldn't confirm if they were happy as I wasn't the named person on the contract. My father, out in India then, in Oct suffered a stroke himself and was unable to speak and was receiving physio out in India. BPF then sent a termination letter and advising that the car needs to be surrendered or court proceedings will begin. I managed to get my father to ring them and agree that I could speak on his behalf. BPF said you are £504 in arrears and the contract is terminated. I said I can borrow that amount and get it restored to the normal T&Cs - but they rejected it, stating its been in arrears since Aug so NOTHING can be done to restore the contract. PROBLEMS: 1) Car Supermarket when doing the original contract with my father, put the car into my name not his...surely some kind of contract breach 2) I was willing to pay all the arrears, but that was not deemed satisfactory. 3) The car is now to be repossessed and according to BPF - they will instruct their solicitors tomorrow to start doing this. 4) I have paid just under 4k so far, finance amount originally was £9,693. There is now £10,185 outstanding, though the true figure accounting for early settlement would be £7,990 - I don't know what figures to use to see if 1/3 has been paid. 5) no consideration given to the fact that my father is ill, and as such will likely have to stay at least a further 3 months in India as he is unfit to travel. I am totally in a tizz... I dare not risk telling dad his car is to be repossessed but don't know what to do. Please if anyone can help, H.
  19. Hello, and thanks for reading this. I am in a strange situation of trying to open a bank account, even a basic one. At the moment I use a credit union and it works brilliantly. Unfortunately, they are restricted to a maximum of £20K. In a few months , I am due an inheritance and I need somewhere to put it. Both the Co-op and Barclays have refused, despite saying yes at first, and sending account details. Today they have rescinded their offer. Now there are some defaults on my credit file. Two are current from Anglia Water, which have a note of dispute about them. The others are old, roughly 6 years and due to drop off the file next year. There is no fraud alerts, no CCJ's, everything else is clean. In the past 4 years I have 3 loans from my credit union and have never missed one payment on them. In fact I have a sizeable nest egg that I have saved up. None of this was taken into account, only that I have defaults, and that they must be accurate because the creditor says so, and we all know they don't make mistakes. do I challenge the defaults via the Information Commissioners Office. Cabot tried to sue me over a 5 year old credit card which I fought them off with help from this site. They have gone quiet, but I am wondering if it is worth suing them for filing an inaccurate and unproveable credit report. The Co-op bank may offer me an account if I write and explain things. I did that with Barclays, but to no avail. They treated me very shabbily with broken appointments, not informing me of refusing the account after they sent the details. The alternative is a simple savings account to deposit this inheritance into. I use the credit union for my everyday banking. The account must accept cheques in $dollars, as it is from an American friend who has died and left me some money. Any help will be greatly appreciated and I will return the favour for others who may be having trouble with debt collectors and banks.
  20. Hi, first time poster. I have noticed a default on my credit report from Clydesdale/BPF for an account that was opened in 2003. In 2005 I went through a bad patch and didn't pay any of my debts, my problem with this one is the date of default is listed as 2012? Is there a way I can get this removed as it is Statute Barred and should not be on my file. Thanks in advance. Jon
  21. I got a letter from Barclays income insurance which is "Short-term" But I have been paying this for many years, Is this a form of PPI?
  22. Can anybody advise how long I will remain on the CIFAS register. I have been put on the Cifas register by Barclays bank. The category used was aiding and abetting. I know I can try and fight it but it has caused me so much stress and time that I feel for my own well being I should just wait until it comes off the register. I am not a fraudster but had money paid into my account which I reported to the bank. As a result they closed my accounts and added me to the CIFAS register. Thank you
  23. Can anyone advise as to why the following as I'm baffled �� Took out a secured loan back in 2005 with Barclays plc (firstplus) unbeknown to me it was secured on my house (I was young an niave at the time) only found out it was a second mortgage when I sold my house and solicitors advised of the 2nd mortgage �� What I'm querying is why I signed an agreement in 2005 with Barclays plc on the loan agreement then in 2008 I was forced to sign another agreement for the same loan but this time the headed document was with Barclaycard? The interest rate was higher. First agreement for a loan of 9500 with interest of 5920 sign 2005 9.2% interest Then the 2nd agreement loan agreement of £7299 with interest of 5200 signed 2008 10.48% interest I was forced to sign the second agreement as apparently regulations had changed. I paid this loan off in 2010 but something has always nagged me to say...something isn't right hence I've kept all paperwork. I can't see anything about PPI on either agreement. Both agreement wording the same apart from company name different, 2005 Barclays plc and 2008 Barclsycard.. Can anyone offer any advice as to why I was forced to sign another agreement or have the baliffs sent to my house? (Even though I'd never been in arrears)
  24. Hi again This is my second thread in regards to an ongoing problem Unfortunately my mum has been left with debts that she has no idea about from her marriage which has broken down These debts are with PayPlan at the moment who are paying all creditors each month with a lower monthly repayment and 0% interest. This plan was set up between her and my dad when they were together as she could not manage her repayments She has now asked PayPlan to send her a summary of such debts which are in her name. On the summary it states that 4 debts are to Barclays and 1 to LINK. The references suggest that 1 is a loan that we know about (see my other thread). http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?479075-Barclays-Personal-Loan It looks like another is a current account as they said it was in 'joint' names and I know joint loans/credit cards do not exist. The reference is 5082XXXXXXXXX which also suggests it's a current account because the sort code of our area is 20-50-82 so they've missed out the '20'. The only thing that doesn't make sense is the fact it is followed by 9 numbers instead of 8 so we cannot use it as an account number. The other 2 seem to be credit cards that have reference numbers on there. We went into branch today and the member of staff could see the loan that we know about and some closed credit cards which do not match the reference numbers for the outstanding debts. He could not find any other accounts in her name. PayPlan have confirmed that the LINK debt was a Barclaycard so I assume that because the other 4 debts are still displaying 'Barclays' rather than a debt collector the debts are still with Barclays. Am I right in assuming this? Obviously we know that the 1 loan is still with Barclays as they could find it on their systems, but nothing else. So as you can see I've done a bit of digging already and ultimately want to make sense of it all because my mum is clueless as to why there's so much debt in her name on this 'plan'. They claim this is her section of the plan they had between them, as these debts are apparently in her name. I want to identify each debt and also see proof that these are actually hers to pay. As you can imagine this can seem like an impossible task when only 1 can be found on their systems. The LINK debt will have to be dealt with by LINK as far as I know. Any advice to tackle this would be greatly appreciated.
  25. Hi. Just after some thoughts. My dad went to a Barclays branch in 2008 to take out a business loan The branch staff member stated that he could not take out a business loan to start up his business As an alternative, the staff member suggested just taking out a personal loan in my mums name as my dads credit file was terrible - despite him knowing it was for business purposes. They went ahead with this advice. My mum and dad have since split up and she's left with this loan amongst other debts he's left her with. Obviously with it being a loan it's in her name only and she is liable for it. She's in financial difficulty and I am trying everything I can do to sort everything out. My main concern here is that the staff were happy with a personal loan being taken out for business purposes and stated 'just pretend it's for house renovations'. This was in fact their idea too. Might not be anything, might be something, but during such a difficult time I'm not leaving any stone unturned. Further information ..... http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?479077-Barclays-unknown-debts
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