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  1. ...rther the plumber believed that the ceilings had asbestos. 3, Our insurance company appointed Crawfords to handle the claim, a surveyor visited the property and access the damage caused. 4, On the 12th February, we were contact by ICAB telling us alternative accommodation has been arranged at a hotel for us all until buildings works are completed. We were happy that at last we will water to use and not have to buy gallons of bottled water. 5, My autistic son objected to the changes and found it difficult to cope then he took a shine to one of the waitress at the hotel and the he began to relax, my eldest daughter was in th...
  2. ...Well, where do I begin with this. I logged at the end of 2009 for some water damage in the kitchen. Crawfords were appointed and attended, also validated the claim on site. Despite the validation, the adjuster asked me to get a quote for the works, which I tried. It wasn't possible for me to get a quote due to no shows or the presence of artex (possible asbestos) in the affected area. I referred it back to Crawfords to appoint their own trades. They completely forgot about my claim for two months there onwards, until I chased them to find out what was going on. In this much time (now around 9 months since logging the claim) still nothi...
  3. ...his means I have sewerage seeping into my cellar. After submitting my claim it was referred to Crawfords who I had been advised would call be back within 2 hours due to the nature of my claim. I continually had to chase Crawfords and 3 days later managed to arrange an appointment for the assessor to come visit and take pictures and submit a report this happened on the 9/12/09 as was the earliest they could get to me. The report was submitted with a date for someone to be appointed to come and make the necessary repairs. The date was the 16/12/09. I am still waiting for the repairs to be carried out. After further chasing Crawfor...
  4. Having purchased house insurance from Barclays, it has been my extreme misfortune to discover that their claims process is 'handled' (on Barclays behalf) by the other 3 companies above. By handled I mean that they pass policy holders through an ever increasing series of call centre type operations throughout the UK. Each stage of the route is managed by personnel who in the main are unable to comply with simple requests (eg: a)can you send an e-mail to confirm the date and expected time that your surveyor will arrive, or b) can I discuss your proposed work spec with a technical person, or c) can you advise what your process actually is) Again If you pose a slightly more complex question, such as when will I be able to schedule the workmen to start on my house which is deteriorating daily due to Avivas avoidance techniques, you will find that their call centre phones click and you are left listening to piped music or transfered to yet another person who continues to play their 'stonewalling' game. Does anyone have similar experience or could offer advice? Thank you in anticipation
  5. Having purchased house insurance from Barclays, it has been my extreme misfortune to discover that their claims process is 'handled' (on Barclays behalf) by the other 3 companies above. By handled I mean that they pass policy holders through an ever increasing series of call centre type operations throughout the UK. Each stage of the route is managed by personnel who in the main are unable to comply with simple requests (eg: a)can you send an e-mail to confirm the date and expected time that your surveyor will arrive, or b) can I discuss your proposed work spec with a technical person, or c) can you advise what your process actually is) Again If you pose a slightly more complex question, such as when will I be able to schedule the workmen to start on my house which is deteriorating daily (due to Avivas claim avoidance techniques), you will find that their call centre phones click and you are left listening to piped music or transfered to yet another person who continues to play their 'stonewalling' game. Does anyone have similar experience or could offer advice? Thank you in anticipation
  6. ... And now again another further 2 weeks which they " may " pass it over. As for Crawfords the only thing I can find is Loss adjusters in insurance threads. https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/search/?q=Crawfords Andy...
  7. ...prise, today I received a message informing me that AXA will be sending out a loss adjuster from a Crawfords. I am informed Axa are the underwriters and they have said it’s because its over £25,000, although I am not insured for anything over £25000 I am now back to square one again. I do not know why they are employing another loss adjuster but this is going to delay matters further. Can I ask Endsleigh 1) To base any settlement on their original loss adjuster’s report ? I am confused as to why they are not doing this anyway as I have waited months for Endsleigh & the loss adjuster to complete their process &...
  8. ...omething but so far nothing which is why I am wondering what said envelope needing signing for from Crawfords is about. I Googled them but couldn't see they were solicitors....
  9. ...ying they have something that requires my signature. I've asked who it is from and have been told "Crawfords". I am none the wise so am wondering if anyone here is familiar with this company? Would a DCA sending out a PAP letter send it by signed for mail via a courier?...
  10. ...hen at paragraphs 26 to 27 he finds that: “In 1999 the Bradford & Bingley offered to move the Crawfords to a repayment mortgage, but the Crawfords in fact refused.” 198. This is important because Mr Crawford’s case is that the Bradford & Bingley changed the mortgage to a repayment without his agreement. The position has today been clarified; it is clear that the Bradford & Bingley offered to convert the mortgage to repayment and it is agreed that Mr Crawford refused this....
  11. ...The behaviour of Crawfords loss adjusters is not acceptable, but they are simply the agents of Nationwide, employed to adminster the claim in line with the policy t&c's and to minimise the cost of the claim. What should have happened is there should have been an assessment of how long the repairs were going to take and what period alternative accommodation would be required. It is normally the case that you would be offered Hotel or B&B type accommodation for as long as needed to properly assess the damage, for you to sort out the plumbing issue and for the home to be made as habitable as possible. If the damage to the house was ...
  12. ...e made a claim the following day with our insurance - NIG who assigned it to a loss adjuster called Crawfords. From the very start we have had issues with the way our claim has been handled. The loss adjuster didnt visit until the 19th January meaning that the house sat empty for 1 month with nothing happening. All the initial work i.e. taking up carpets, removing tiles etc was done by ourselves as they didnt have the time to deal with this. I have asked for storage for the remaining goods in the property on several occasions however this has never happened so likely other goods are now damaged. A contractor came to the house in Jan...
  13. ...We have had a real proplem with Crawfords, the person who came to our house, was very aggressive towards me, theatend me and my pregnant wife, saying that we were lying and alsorts, Mr X from Crawfords was so bad towards us, we made a complant against him, people beware of Mr X, he lied to us about police report, and other things...
  14. ...ok our excess and sent their builder to give us a start date. About two weeks ago a company called Crawfords contacted us and sent their surveyor, who used my camera and email to send photos to Crawfords. Now, 7th August, Crawfords are saying it isn't an insured peril. But we have a letter of confirmation and schedule of work from Asprea saying it is. Can anybody help:|...
  15. ... the claim was over £25,000 pounds they are sending a new loss adjuster called from a new company Crawfords who are a different firm from the original adjuster's by Endsleigh. The thing is the orignal loss adjuster made it clear from the onset that the costs may run over the £25000 so I am not sure why they now have to get a new company to start the process again. thanks...
  16. ...ar your normal in between tenant processes eg cleaning etc. Is the LA Axa are sending our from Crawfords a different Loss Adjusting firm to the original company appointed?...
  17. ...rocess is turning into a nightmare. I don't think there is any reason why you should not allow Crawfords to inspect, provided you get assurance that this should not delay the claim further. It may be that Axa have been aware of the claim details and they are not happy. With tenants causing criminal damage to this extent, there may be questions about the vetting process and checking on how they were treating the property. Without checking Endsleighs landlords policies, i would query the £25k limit. Are you happy this is written in the policy and you realised this when taking out the policy ? Insurers are reluctant to pr...
  18. ...14/01/08-Claim Made 23/01/08-Assesor Arrived From Crawfords, asked questions and took photos 30/01/08-Phoned Crawfords To Ask What's Taking So Long, no return phone call 04/02/08-Phoned Crawfords Again this time stating that I shall be seeking Adivice from Consumer Advice....Phoned me back and offered £800, I accepted as I can't be bothered with the hastle and we are moving. They said I would have cheque within 7-10 days? 12/02/08-Still no cheque!! Phoned again, and said they would get in touch with More Than and call me back, No return phone call. I'm getting really hacked off with this lot!! Who is at fault here and who do I...
  19. ...There are going to be quite a few Crawfords with the Interest Only Mortgages still out there. As to social housing, it is generally needs based, and dependent on a property to fit their assessed need, which is why many evictees end up in B&B for long periods...
  20. ...uld be the actual Court of Appeal who would look at the issues of repossession. Why don't Mr Crawfords supporters chip in to a fund to pay Lawyers to take this case on, if any will take it ? I suspect they would need to raise £10k minimum....
  21. ... do spin things out, in my case nearly 5 years looking at a subsidence claim that was screwed up by Crawfords = the relationship between Crawfords and their preferred repairers was to say the least suspicious. This all brings into question he attitude of the Underwriters - do they wish to settle claims or not? I would recommend anyone avoid the FOS, the evidence is that if you have an issue with a small independent 'Got no money or resources' Broker the Ombudsman will probably act BUT if your issue is with a large institution the Ombudsman is worthless. If you have issues that may involve he regulator call the FSA they are much more app...
  22. ...The Freeman on the Land and Sovereign Citizens supporters genuinly thought that the case of the Crawfords would rise the awareness of FmoTL around the country. The truth of the matter, is that it has done no such thing. Instead it has proved a complete disaster. Instead of looking at the rotten advise from their 'legal team' they are instead seeking to get the Crawford's house back by using their 'Plan B'. This involves hunting down and threatening the owner of the removal team who removed the entire household contents. The next stage is that of secretly recruiting as many people as possible to 'storm' the house and retake it from the ...
  23. ...Hi Seamore I am sorry but not surprised to hear that you are having the run around from Aviva, Crawfords etc. Personally I had water coming into both my livingroom and bedroom caused by flood waters from a neighbouring property in June last year. I had to move out of my property and into accommodation which was over 40 miles away for several months. Throughout this time I tried without success to obtain a glimmer of interest from Aviva / Asprea/ Crawfords other than them sending out a surveyor and a loss adjustor. Their complete lack of urgency and interest meant that some of the structural timbers rotted and I was forced to bring in a team...
  24. ...I would hope that Crawfords have asked these questions already.... Has Crawfords sent you a repudiation letter?...
  25. ...rm who are called Asprea We found them to be very good and far superior to Cunningham Lindsey and Crawfords Loss Adjusters The main problem with Crawfords and especially Cunningham and Lindsey is that they have used a smaller group of larger Building Companies for many years who offer a poor quality service due to poor admin and heavy workload Nobody joins the or leaves their tender lists or approved list of Contractors Many Loss Adjusters have addmitted to us off the record they try and avoid using their own Contactors as the complaints ratio is so high and often fetch this up at meetings But their Bosses take no notice and...
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