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  1. You can ring Aviva and insist on using their Building Arm who are called Asprea We found them to be very good and far superior to Cunningham Lindsey and Crawfords Loss Adjusters The main problem with Crawfords and especially Cunningham and Lindsey is that they have used a smaller group of larger Building Companies for many years who offer a poor quality service due to poor admin and heavy workload Nobody joins the or leaves their tender lists or approved list of Contractors Many Loss Adjusters have addmitted to us off the record they try and avoid using their own Contactors as the complaints ratio is so high and often fetch this up at meetings But their Bosses take no notice and the same band of Builders are employed year in year out and no new Contractors no matter how impeccable their references may be, are given any opertunity to join this closed shop This is right from the people in the know
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