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  1. Called to Aldi for some bits at the End of May, unfortunately the clutch went on the car when I was attempting to leave. I rang my mate who told me he'd sort it out after he'd finished work. As the store is only 5 mins away I walked home and my mate called for me later and sorted it and I drove off. Id been parked there over 4 hours. Is there anyway off defending this post the SC case?? Regards
  2. What with advice changing from that given a year or so ago, I thought I would just ask a couple of questions regarding a recent private parking charge. a charge was sent to the registered keeper of a car parked on council owned land that had a private parking firm (Premier Park Ltd) enforcing access to a site by way of APNR system. The driver has to access said site to gain entry to the work place, and had been using the site for several months whilst the ANPR was active, without any charges at all. Driver was led to believe the car was registered on the system by his employer, but in fact wasn't. Although when employer was approached, the car was immediately registered. This was too late obviously to avoid the one off PCN, even though the car was parked prior to and after the PCN issued. Employer insisted to ignore all letters from the parking firm, and consequently the registered keeper (who wasn't the driver) is a few months down the chain with increasing charges applied against them. No appeal at all has been made (taking the employers advice quite literally) Advice also from other drivers on same site that have also received PCN's from the same private firm, have said they totally ignored all letters, and after several months, the letters stopped coming. In this case, the keeper has had a couple of debt collector letters demanding payment, and also suggesting if payment is not received or failure to acknowledge the letters, it will result in a solicitor stepping in and court action following. So the question are:... Can you ignore a letter implying court action is imminent ? , and what would be the consequences of ignoring this? Is court the only way to settle this now? Would the keeper (who wasn't the driver) have to go to court, or can the driver go instead? Is it now too late to appeal anyway? (The appeal I guess would go to the Parking firm, not the debt collector) Others have suggested a letter accompanied with a cheque to cover the original charge could be sent, explaining the extra charges added to the original fine are excessive, and the enclosed cheque is sent with the understanding that the charge is now dropped, and no further letters are to be sent..... etc etc But does that actually work? Also, cheques and letters in the post all take time, so could overlap yet another demand with yet higher costs en-route to the keeper. Which would take priority so to speak? Any advice is greatly appreciated.... Thanks
  3. On the week-end of 2-3 June 2017, I parked on Cowley Place. One of my friends gave me the visitors pass for MN, but I did not realise it had a different zone than I usually use.(EO). I did have visitor parking permits, which I displayed and validated. Clearly there was no intent to evade payment or gain any advantage and I indeed have used/invalidated two visitor passes. I therefore feel it is unfair to be fined, and lose the use of two visitors passes. I also question whether the correct contravention code was used on the PCN. (30 - Parked longer than permitted). Shouldn’t the correct code be 19 - Parked in a residents’ or shared use parking place or zone either displaying an invalid permit or voucher or pay & display ticket, or after the expiry of paid for time. In my case I was in a shared use zone, displaying an invalid permit. Guidelines say Code 19 is used when a driver has made some attempt to park correctly and is displaying something that could have been used. Additionally, The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) Representations and Appeals Regulations 2007 states that any PCN issued should legally contain the following information : (3)(2) (b)(ii)but that, if a notice to owner is served notwithstanding those representations, representations against the penalty charge must be made in the form and manner and at the time specified in the notice to owner. I cannot see any clear reference to point 3 (2) (ii) anywhere on the PCN. It is insufficient to say that the owner must follow the instructions on the NtO, it must be outlined on the PCN. This means that the council has not complied with the Regulations made under the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA) or the relevant regulations. Am I correct in these 3 points, which make a sucessful appeal likely ??
  4. Hi All, Today I received the "Notice of enforcement" with regards to the PCN. This is the first ever communication I have received on this matter. All the previous communication were sent to my old address. At the time of contravention also I was living at my current address but the letters regarding PCN were sent to old address. When I checked the PCN on the local authority website it says that it has already been handed over to Civil Enforcement Agent and the letter that I received today also mention that Warrant of control for non payment of penalty charge notice. My worry is do I have an option to request to restart this notice from scratch as I never received any previous communication on this and also the case is not in Civil Enforcement Agent's hand. I appreciate your response on this. Many Thanks. Apologies, two typos in the post I sent and the corrections are that the case is in the civil enforcement agent's hand and also warrant of control is already issued for non payment of penalty charge notice.
  5. Hello I'm hoping I can get some help/advice please. Two days ago I received a PCN from Kingston Council stating that I had committed a moving traffic offence for contravention 52 - failing to comply with a prohibition on certain types of vehicle. The alleged offence happened on 17/11/16 and the PCN was dated 25/11/16. They have supplied 4 CCTV pictures which show my car in colour in 3 pictures but you cannot read the registration. The fourth picture is blacked out and clearly shows just my registration number. The road traffic signs are in the pictures but they are not very clear. I'm looking to see if I can appeal the PCN as albeit I did drive through a restricted area it was a genuine mistake and there are some other circumstances I feel should be taken into consideration. In October this year Kingston Council decided to trial a new scheme along part of the road I drove through (Surbiton Crescent KT6 prior to this there were no restrictions for any vehicles). at one end there a small section where they have now restricted all motor vehicles (the sign displayed) except buses, cycles and taxis and for access. They apparently allowed some sort of bedding in period and have by their own admission on the website issued over 5500 warnings to motorists who have missed the signs . The new route along this road is to turn left onto any one of 2 roads rather than going through the restricted area. There is only one other sign along this road pointing out the changes but nothing significant to advise motorists that have used that road regularly that they have introduced this major change. PCN from CCTV footage commenced 14/11/2016. I believe that they have not put up enough signs to motorists who use this road on a fairly regular basis (myself included) to make them aware of the changes. When I returned to view the road signs yesterday, people were still driving through the signs which have been placed on temporary bollards along the actual road and others were also there after receiving PCN's for the same offence. Can anyone offer any advice? Thanks.
  6. Hi Guys , I went for lunch yesterday in Neath and parked in what I though was a legitimate parking pay , hindsight is a wonderful thing and it transpires I parked in a loading bay. I received a PCN stating that I had parked in a loading bay during restricted hours. I don't know why but as the sign stated that the loading bay was to the right and parking was to the left I thought it meant the next parking bay up was the loading bay and didn't realize that the parking bays available for around 5 cars was split in two. After I inspected the road markings I realized my mistake but the dividing line between the two bays was very feint and not visible to me from my drivers position. I fully accept the mistake was mine for not being more observant when I parked but was wondering if I had any chance of appealing as the painted line was feint. I have included pictures so you can see what I mean. Should I just cough up and put it down to my error or do I have a case to appeal. Picture List. 1.Where I was parked 2. Parking Sign 3. Parking Boundary line 4. Parking Boundary line again Where I was parked.pdf
  7. Hi All I recently went to Luton on a training course whilst there mistakenly drove down a bus lane in Park street then on into one in Church street. I have received 3 PCN's for this 2 for Park street and one for Church street, I have had one cancelled for Park street but the other 2 still stand as the lady in Luton parking services said I should of turned around at the end of Park street. at the time as I am not local to the area I did not see that as an option. 2 of the PCN's had a time of 16:36 and the third 16:37 all for £60 (£30 if paid in 14 days). I don't dispute the first one but how do I stand on the last one? Cheers Buttsb
  8. hi all been a while since ive been hit with a speculative invoice, i went to park in a free overspill car park at work a few weeks back, the attendant stopped me entering as it was only for vans, the guy recognised me from work, told me to park in the adjacent hotel car park, gave me a sheet of paper to put on my dashboard and sent me on my way. i parked up for 40 minutes, came out went home, then receive a pcn from parking eye, contacted said hotel, explained what happened, they then inform me its nothing to do with them as parking eye control the car park, tbh ive never parked in there before so had no idea it was controlled by parking eye, the last time i had one of these i appealed to p/eye got my popla number then in my appeal i asked to see the contract between landowner and parking eye etc etc, parking eye never submitted an appeal and ticket was quashed,, ,,is this what i should do in this instance ? and if so what would my first appeal to parking eye contain ? not sure what i should be doing this time round any help much appreciated thanks for reading
  9. Hello there, my wife received a letter from ParkingEye Monday 22nd May dated 17th May 2017. This is regarding an outstanding parking charge amount due of £100 from Holiday Inn Guildford with the alleged offence occurring 5th April 2017. My main concern is that my wife did not receive a PCN beforehand. In the letter it states that 29 days have passed from the notice of parking but this is the first correspondence received. I still have the right to appeal but only if there are mitigating circumstances as the initial 28 days to appeal have passed. I would just like to know if I have a good case, and if ParkingEye are able to provide evidence they sent out the PCN if it has in fact been lost in the post? Also to add to this, my wife believes that this is a new charge and did not see any clear obvious signage, although she is used to the car park being free. Either one of us will go back to the site to see what signage is in place although the alleged date is over a month ago giving ParkingEye plenty of opportunity to change/add signage. The letter reads: “We are writing to inform you that the requirements of Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act in respect of keeper liability have now been satisfied and as 29 days have passed from the date notice of the Parking Charge was given, ParkingEye now has the right to recover any unpaid part of the Parking Charge from you, the registered keeper. The amount now payable is £100.00. This payment is required within 14 days to avoid further action. If this letter is ignored, further action may include referring to a Credit Reference Agency to confirm the correct address, instruction of solicitors to secure immediate payment, referral to debt recovery or the issuing of court proceedings, all of which could incur further costs which may be added to the amount owed. To avoid further unnecessary costs or action, please pay the outstanding parking charge amount as stated above or make arrangements for the driver to pay, in accordance with the parking terms and conditions. Further information including how to pay, the right to appeal ect. Can be found on the reverse of this notice. Please be aware that on the 4th November 2015, the Supreme court dismissed the further appeal lodged in relation to the matter of ParkingEye v Beavis [2015] UKSC 67. The appeal concerned the value of ParkingEye’s Parking Charges and the Judgment, granted in ParkingEye’s favour, delivers a binding precedent in respect of the value of the Parking Charge. The Judgment can be found by visiting the news section of our website and the article: ‘Supreme Court uphold Court of Appeal Judgment’.” Any help would be much appreciated, many thanks.
  10. Morning Last year I parked in hospital car park by accident and emergency department to collect my son who was being seen by mental health team and there was no spaces so I waited until one was available so I sat waiting. A car pulled out of space so I reversed into it parked paid for dashboard ticket went into see my son when I came out I had a ticket on windscreen for parking in doctor space I didn't see that it was doctors space until I looked under my car and saw the wording on ground because I reversed in I didn't see Marking I have ignored but now getting letters from Gladstone.
  11. Hi I received the letter below yesterday from a debt recovery agency, I did receive a PCN last year whilst parked at the shopping centre but I can't remember the date I have until now ignored all communication and binned the letters they sent as this is what I did last time I got one of these things quite a few years ago, although now I have seen the advice is no longer to just ignore them, worked last time though The car park does have signs up all over the place about restrictions time limits etc and I do remember when I parked I wasn't able to park in the bay properly due to a van encroaching into the bay where I parked which meant I encroached into the next bay, I was parked for less than 10 minutes while I went to the chemist to pick up a prescription for my step son and when I came back had the pcn attached to my wind screen. The car park is free to park in so no loss of revenue was incurred and I didn't cause any damage by how I parked. I'm looking for advice as to how I should proceed from here as reading the forums ignoring it no longer seems to be the way to go. Thanks in advance. Darren Inkedparkcing charge_LI_NEW.pdf
  12. A friend has received a Parking Eye PCN after a car in his name was driven by a family member (with permission and insurance) into a small retail park when it was closed. The driver felt unwell on the way home one evening and drove into the car park, stayed in the car and then left 40 minutes later. The signs are clear and it does say no parking is allowed once the stores are closed so it may be that this unfortunate mistake has cost them dearly but if there's any way out of it I'd like to help them. Can anyone give any advice? (Apologies if this is already on here but I have one day left to write them and a long working day ahead of me so don't have time to read them all.)
  13. Hi Just before christmas received a letter from Euro Car Parts Stating that wife had parked on Kay St Bolton car park without attatching a paid ticket on the window i phoned them stating i have never parked on this car and do not intend on parking here ever never spoke to such rude people. after 10 minutes of arguing with a sarcastic person down the phone i was told to appeal which i havent i instead sent an email to their CEO office also a person who doesnt reply to his emails he receives. They claim my wife parked there between 13:47 and 15:00 and didnt display a paid ticket on the window she has told me she has not been in this car park and cut through just to avoid the build up of traffic on the same road but she never parked there or stopped in this car park sent their ceo a nice email politely asking for the CCTV images of her entering the car park, parking up the car and walking off without paying for a ticket and also at 15:00 an image of her getting back into the car and driving away just as exepected no reply off him sent the same email twice. Today another letter comes through saying the 40 pound discount has passed and i now owe them £100 to be paid in 28 days or they will instruct a debt collector. This company sounds like an utter joke What steps shall i take now as they refuse to email me back. im just disgusted at how they think they can obtain my details through my registration and my address
  14. Hello, on Saturday evening i thought i'd give the Mrs a break and take us all to a restaurant in Bromley, we arrived and parked at 18:50. Looking at the signs it was a bit confusing i went to check the hours of operation also attached everything looked fine and i was happy that i managed to find parking on a busy evening. The restaurant was really busy and they told us we only have an hour as they have further reservations, we sat down to eat knowing we will be back just after 20:00, but that's besides the point. I am really surprised to be getting a ticket outside of the operation hours, and the 5 mins max stay just doesn't add up. I am appealing just need a bit of help please Regards fro
  15. Hi Everyone, Hopefully someone will be able to help me with this. I recently received a Parking Charge Notice for parking in a bay which, to anyone with an ounce of brain, will seem fine parking. But the Patrol Officer woke up on the wrong side of the bed on the day so issued me with a PCN. I appealed the PCN on their website using the online facility, but they sent me a rejection letter. The appeal letter I sent was based on 2 arguments: The alleged contravention did not occur Quite simply, the parking attendant got it wrong and the vehicle was not parked inappropriately at the time the ticket was issued. The Patrol Officer alleges that the vehicle was ‘Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space’. I can assure you, as evident from the pictures below, that the vehicle was indeed parked within the markings. Please see attached photos of the vehicle from various angles, as proof of my claim. Absence of ‘No Parking’ Markings The signage around the parking site clearly indicate the terms & conditions of ‘No Parking’ locations as being marked with Red/Yellow lines or hatched markings – none of which were present in the bay I parked. I am now preparing to contest this on IAS website. Please review the pictures below and let me know whether I am in the wrong or what is the best route/wording to contest this PCN. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you Regards Nak Apologies for the below links - the forum wont allow me to post links or pictures directly. h t t p s://i.imgur.com/88VLlOJ.jpg h t t p s://i.imgur.com/rTNRl3d.jpg h t t p s://i.imgur.com/uFwPz9C.jpg h t t p s://i.imgur.com/OFzS8rf.jpg This is their response to my appeal. Thank you for your appeal received on 30/03/2017 regarding the Parking Charge Notice referred to above. We have reviewed your appeal and in doing so, we took into account the representations that you made in support of your appeal as well as evidence which was submitted by the parking attendant. We reached the decision that in this instance, the Parking Charge was issued correctly for the following reason The terms and conditions of use of the car park are clearly stated on the signs prominently displayed around the car park, these include vehicles must park within marked bays and and not park in such a way as to cause obstruction to others. According to our records your vehicle was incorrectly parked, we have no option but to reject this appeal. The signs are prominently displayed in and around the site and are obvious to any person who enters the site. It is incumbent upon motorists to read them. If they choose to ignore them then they submit to the terms nonetheless. We are therefore unable to cancel the Parking Charge Notice as it was issued correctly. We have now extended the discounted payment period by 14 days to allow you time to pay the discounted settlement amount. Please now make payment of £60 to reach us by 18/04/2017 or £100 to reach us by 02/05/2017. We must advise you that once the discounted settlement rate passes it will not be offered again. If you believe this decision is incorrect, you are entitled to appeal to the Independent Appeals Service (IAS). If you believe this decision is incorrect, you are entitled to appeal to the Independent Appeals Service (IAS). The Independent Appeals Service provides an Alternative Dispute Resolution scheme for disputes of this type. As you have complied with our internal appeals procedure you may use, and we will engage with, the IAS Standard Appeals Service providing you lodge an appeal to them within 21 days of this rejection. In order to appeal, you will need your parking charge number, your vehicle registration and the date the charge was originally issued. However, if you choose this option your Parking Charge will automatically increase to £100. Please visit for full details. Payments can be made by cheque or postal order made payable to Euro Parking Services Ltd. Please ensure you write your Parking Charge Notice number clearly on the reverse. Please do not send cash through the post. Payment can be made using a debit or credit card. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After appealing to IAS using the advice above, I have had my appeal challenged by Euro Parking Services; my initial appeal to IAS and their response is below. (Sorry about the picture links, I still can't post links here) My appeal The alleged contravention did not occur. The parking attendant got it wrong as the vehicle was not parked inappropriately at the time the Parking Charge Notice (PCN) was issued. The attendant alleges that the vehicle was 'Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space'. I can assure you, as evident from the pictures attached, that the vehicle was indeed parked within the markings. The non-parking bays are clearly marked with hatched markings around the carpark; please refer to Aerial view of the carpark for hatched areas. If the bay was a non-parking location, it should have been clearly marked with hatched markings to indicate so. My evidence - In addition to the pictures in my first post, I uploaded the aerial view with the hatched markings. h t t p s://i.imgur.com/3r9T3sm.jpg Euro Parking Services The operator made their Prima Facie Case on 17/04/2017 16:08:38. The Operator Reported That... The appellant was the driver. The appellant was the keeper. The operator is seeking keeper liability in accordance with PoFA.. The ticket was issued on 28/03/2017. The charge is based in Contract. The Operator Made The Following Comments... The contravention at issue here is that the Appellant’s car was "Not parked correctly within the markings of the bay or space". This is in reference to our terms and conditions which are clearly and prominently displayed at the car park in question. The specific term of the contract that the Appellant was in breach of states that; "Vehicles must be parked wholly WITHIN the confines of a MARKED bay or space". It cannot be said that the Appellant's vehicle was parked WITHIN the confines of a MARKED bay or space when the space they parked their car in was not “marked” as such. Photographic evidence of the Appellant's car we have submitted clearly shows corroborates our argument that it was not parked in a marked bay or space. I have taken note of what the Appellant says that "there are no hatched markings on the ground" presumably of the bay he/she parked in. For avoidance of doubt, it cannot be said that the Appellant parked within the confines of a marked bay or space, within the definition given and graphically illustrated in our signage prominently displayed in this car park. Further, we have included photographs showing marked bays. These show specifically white lines on both sides of a marked bay. The Appellant is deemed to have accepted our terms when they parked their car on this site, especially as they admit that they saw the our signage. Clearly, they had not complied with our terms and conditions in parking their car in a place not marked as a bay or space. We submit therefore that the Parking Charge Notice was correctly issued and that we submit that the Appeal should be dismissed. EPC Evidence - h t t p s://i.imgur.com/CP6Z6Xk.jpg h t t p s://i.imgur.com/3ktLWCe.png h t t p s://i.imgur.com/czzwvL1.png h t t p s://i.imgur.com/Bh88Ekf.png h t t p s://i.imgur.com/LXCLFYa.png h t t p s://i.imgur.com/WBolzMo.png I am now not sure what to do next as IAS website suggest the following 2 options. 1) SUBMIT YOUR RESPONSE - You can respond to the evidence by making any representations that you consider to be relevant as to the lawfulness of the charge any by uploading any extra photographs or other evidence that you may have. After you submit your response, and the operator doesn't provide any more information you will not have the ability to add to or amend your submission. If the operator provides more information or evidence you will then have another chance to respond. You have until 24/04/2017 23:59 to submit your response if this is the route you wish to take. - OR - 2) REFER THE CASE STRAIGHT TO ARBITRATION - If you think you do not need to add any more information or evidence, for example if you consider that the information provided is not capable of showing that you are, on the face of it, responsible for the parking charge, then you may choose this option. Neither party will have the opportunity of making more representations and the Adjudicator will decide, on the balance of probabilities, whether you are liable for the parking charge. I only have till midnight today to make a decision. I would appreciate your response. Thank you
  16. Hi all, My wife has got a Legion Group PCN for parking a courtesy vehicle in the carpark at the hospital where she works without moving her permit from her own vehicle. If this weren't a hire vehicle I'd tell her to ignore, but I'm worried Hertz will hit her with a bill if we don't sort something out. We've looked at the appeals process and I'm unsure whether to complete it, if so, how. It asks for an address, which we'd rather not give, it also asks whether she was Driver or Keeper. Could anyone advise please?
  17. Good Evening today I have been the recipient of a nice little piece of paper requiring me to pay £50 to the council for a parking infringement. The PCN states it was contravention 30, parked for longer than permitted. However I was not parked in a limited waiting area, i was actually parked on DYL which should be an 01 offence however i also had my blue badge on display.... so the question is can i appeal this pcn on the basis that the ticket was incorrectly issued on the basis of the wrong contravention code. cheers lets ps was parked for longer than the 3 hours on the badge
  18. My wife recently received a PCN from a day I had her car for the day. I went into Costa at Lydiard Fields Swindon and the car was photographed on the entry and exit. The PCN states I exceded the allowed parking period. I set my alarm to allow me time to get back to the car before the 1 hour maximum, but was asked by my PA as I was leaving to bring her a coffee back. I turned round and joined the drive through queue and that took over the 1 hour although the car was not parked but in the take away queue. Any plan of action to fight this PCN?
  19. Hi everyone, I'm a new user and was just wanting advice please. My car was ticketed by VCS whilst on a business park in 2011. I have never replied to any of the threatening letters that were sent out by Roxbrough etc. I assumed that the claim had been dropped but today I received a letter from BW legal. I know that anything over 6 years old is unenforceable and they are probably just "chancing" it. Would you advise getting a defence ready in case they take it to the court? Would I be able to use the defence that they cannot prove who was responsible for parking the car? Thoughts please, thanks in advance.
  20. Just a brief overview.. I received a PCN from ES Parking Enforcement about 10 days ago. I attempted to make the payment a couple of days ago now, both by calling the number provided and on their website. It is saying that the number I have entered isn't recognised. They don't seem to make it easy to contact them, as they provide no email address (just an online form, which stated for business correspondence only. . and directs you elsewhere if you want to dispute the ticket - IAS? - but I don't want to appeal it I want the correct reference number!) I don't know how to go forward with this. I have no 'proof' I have attempted payment, so if it did go further it would be my word against theirs. I was thinking of writing a letter requesting the correct PCN reference number from them, but how much information should I include on this letter? Should I put my car registration number and date and time of issue, or just the original number they've issued me and let them deal with it. I know that sounds awkward, but they don't seem to make it easy for you, and the more I have read about them the more anxious I am getting about their response, as I don't imagine they'll still 'honour' the £60 'discounted' charge as by the time I've written to them and received a response it'll be outside the 14 days. Do I have a right to refuse to pay the 'full' amount of £100 based on the fact they have (presumably) written the wrong number on the ticket? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  21. Hello. We recently received a PCN for parking in a suspended bay or space and have had our initial appeal rejected (not yet received a "Notice to Owner") and were wondering our best course of action is from here. We live in a street that has residents parking as well as pay-and-display (we have a residents parking permit which we pay a yearly fee for). There are no actual "bays", you can park in the first space large enough for your car in the local area. The only road markings related to parking is a dashed white line parallel to the pavement within which you have to park. A week previously, one or more signs appeared on the lamp post outside stating that the parking was suspended on the day in concern "Outside number 20". We live next door and as I was leaving for work that morning I looked at our car and felt it was legally parked outside our house (number 18). When my wife went to get in the car later that day she saw the PCN attached with contravention 21s "Parked wholly or partly in a suspended bay or space - shared use bay". When we looked at the pictures provided by the council we could see that approximately 1/3 of the car (at most) could be said to be outside No.20 the rest outside No.18 - so in our view the car was parked outside No.18. When I had left in the morning, and when the pictures were taken by the traffic officer, the car was also blocked front and back my rubbish bags and bins as the waste collection was that day and they pre-empt the cart by pulling the bags and bins out into the parking area for collection later. We made the initial appeal on the grounds that the suspended bay/area was undefined and required you to imagine a line drawn from where the 2 houses join to work out where "outside no 20" actually meant and that I was unable to move the car due to the rubbish bags and bins in front and behind it. This was rejected. Interestingly the rejection letter refers to "parking bays" and also seems to reject our appeal because we had a previous appeal upheld. Is there any precedent that we can use here as to what would qualify as being "outside number 20" when there are no marked bays? Is an imaginary line drawn from where the houses join a valid qualification? Also if our car was blocked by rubbish bags and rubbish bins so that it was not possible to move is it reasonable to expect us to move them so we can move the car? Any help or suggestions in this would be appreciated. Even if it is to just pay the reduced (paid within 2 weeks) penalty. Thanks
  22. Hi folks, I too got a remote sensed ticket from this bunch for an alleged offence on 28 November 2014 at the same spot and the letter FCN was issued 23/12/2014. No ticket was issued at the time We moved house so didn't get it until early January and the photograph places me mid manoeuvre at the side of Laura Ashley as I dropped my wife off to pick up something for her Mum. I appealed the ticket thinking they were a bunch of chancers but I note in retrospect that their online appeal form has a check box for registered keeper or driver and I don't know which one was ticked. We recently had a reply to our appeal dismissing it and showing other pictures of our 'offence' and they put the charge up to £100.00. Are we able to send the following letter to get them off our backs? ' As Schedule 4 of the POFA 2012 has not been followed, then as registered keeper I am not liable for the charge. Address all further correspondence to the driver of the vehicle at the time of event. I am under no obligation to name the driver of the vehicle at the time of event. No further correspondence will be entered into. This has been sent with proof of postage. ' Get free proof of postage from post office and ignore all further begging letters you will receive.. Many thanks TB
  23. Hi Guys, Another case of NTK for over 3 hour stay at Bishop Centre Taplow from Euro Car parks. I received letter in the post to registered keeper with photo of my number plate at entering and leaving times. Unfortunately my partner did exceed the 3hr free parking time stay there. But done bit of shopping there which would be visible on the bank statement. I am preparing appeal to the ECP in hope they will cancel their invoice. Can you suggest any more legal wording I could add to the below draft? Dear Euro Car Parks As keeper of the vehicle, registration XXXX XXX, I have received your invoice number xxxxxx. The driver at the time tells me that they did substantial shopping at several shops in Bishop Centre and that they are therefore not liable to pay you any money. Please find attached redacted bank statement with charges from Tesco and TK Maxx confirming they were legitimate customers and to substantiate their length of stay on site. I kindly ask you to allow this appeal on above mentioned grounds. Should you decide to reject this appeal, please issue me with a valid POPLA code. At POPLA I shall be requesting breakdown of the genuine pre estimate of loss that you charge must represent. Since it was a free car park and not filled to 75% percent at the time there was no loss. Look forward to hearing from you, Registered Keeper
  24. Today I have received a PCN from Coventry Council for driving in a bus lane. I do not live in Coventry and have not been there for years and years. The picture shows it was definitely my number plate so I assume it has been cloned?? I will report this to the police when I get home from work. I am obviously going to dispute this but surely the council and receive disputes all day long saying it wasn't me I have not been to Coventry for over 6 years, so surely they are not just going to say 'yep ok no problem we will scrap it'. Unfortunately it happened at 6.15pm so it was dark and you cannot see the colour of the car or any marks/features the car has or what make the car is. Does anyone have any experience with this type of thing? What are the council likely to say?
  25. Hey guys, Just had a speculative invoice from our friends over at Premier Park stating I owe them £60 for overstaying alongside a nice pretty picture my vehicle. The catch? I still have the parking ticket which clearly shows my reg number correctly inputted alongside the amount of time I parked for. The ANPR states I arrived at 11:53, I paid for my ticket at 11:55 for 2 hours parking, ANPR shows me leaving at 13:41 with my ticket being valid until 13:55. Now, my question is: Do I bother appealing through their website with slam dunk evidence that they're full of garbage; or do I just ignore them and let them waste more time contacting me knowing that it will never go anywhere? My one reservation is - the last character of my index is an O and the type face on the ticket makes it appear like a 0 as all of the characters on the ticket are squashed to fit the index in. I think this may be the angle they try and come at me with even though I know for sure I typed an "O" in on the machine. Your thoughts? 1 Date of the infringement 07/03/2017 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date] Not dated 3 Date received 17/03/2017 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] Yes 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? Yes - ANPR 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up you appeal] Not yet Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up N/A 7 Who is the parking company? Premier Park 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town] Station Road Car Park, Royal Wootton Bassett My apologies, the "PCN" is dated 14/03/2017 - wouldn't let me edit the original post.
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