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  1. Hi all, new here and hoping for some advice with ref to an MBNA credit card. The card was taken out in 2006 according to my CreditExpert file. I think the account was transferred to Experto around 2009/2010, at least I have a letter from them dated Oct 2010. Around this time I was struggling hugely financially and I was receiving letters regarding various debts on an almost daily basis. I have letters from Experto Credite, Credit Management Consultants and Aktiv Kapital since then until the present time, various threats, discounts offered (which I hadnt been in a financial position to take advantage of). On Oct 29th 2013 i received a letter from IND Ltd titled 'Last letter before legal proceedings' informing that AK had appointed IND to collect on its behalf and I had until 12/11/2013 to pay off the £5976.25 in full before a claim form would be issued in Northampton County court. on 4/11/13 I CCA'd Aktiv Kapital and IND plus also sent a SAR request to MBNA as I'm very sure there was PPI on this account. No response from IND but Aktive responded immediately with a letter stating that whilst they endeavour to obtain documents within prescribed time scales, they may be unable to do so as they are not the original creditor and that my account is on hold and has been removed from the collection process whilst they await the requested information. Not heard anything form anyone until today when I received a claim form from Northampton(CCBC) issued 2/12/2013. I immediately remembered I forgot to respond to Aktiv after they failed to provide me with a CCA after their 12 days had expired. Particulars of claim: The claimant is the Assignee of a debt(s) due in relation to a/various Credit Agreements regulated by the Consumer Credit Act1974 entered into between MBNA Europe Bank Ltd and the Defendant. Notice of Assignment was provided to the Defendant by the Claimant in writing. The agreement was terminated upon the defendant failure to comply with the terms of the Agreements and or the Statutory notice of Default served by MBNA Europe Bank Ltd. The claimant complied with Section III and IV and annex B of the PD of the Pre-Action Conduct. And the claimant claims: Credit card account number XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX balance of £6000 as of 30/01/10. Interest under s69 of the County Court Act 1984 at the rate of 8% a year from the default date to 2/12/13 of £1,786.43 and also interest at the same rate up to the date of judgement or earlier payment at a daily rate of 1.31 AND costs. I cant recall seeing a Notice of Assignment or Notice of Default What should my next course of action be? Should I send that letter to Aktiv now or is it too late? I'm trying to read as much on here as possible about these sort of things as well as PPI but until now i'm a total newbie at this and am not sure what to do next. Any help much appreciated. Regards Daniel
  2. Hi Guys, Just wanted to check where I stand on a single default I have on my credit record. I entered into an agreement with a couple of companies about 5 years ago to pay off the debts, one of these company's was MBNA for about £3400 (my limit was 3500). Since agreeing with them about 5 years ago to pay approx £36 per month off I have never missed a payment, but it seems back in 2010 (about a year after the agreement) they sold the debt to another company called Moorgate and issued me a default. MOORGATE (BRITANNIA REC) Who's this? Entry Number: C1 | Account Updated to: 22/09/2013 Name: MR xxxxx Address: xxxxxxx Date of Birth: xxxxx Account Type: Credit card / Store card Started: 06/03/2006 Current Balance: £1,539 Payment Terms: £35 x 89 months Default Date: 29/09/2010 Default Balance: £2,692 I had no notice of the debt being sold, I had no notice of a default being issued if i didn't do something. Should they have given me notice, or some information on what I could have done to avoid getting a default ? I always believe I should pay back what I owe, and im now almost done, but because of the default I cannot apply for a mortgage for a good few years now. My credit rating shows Fair 865 on CreditExpert, which is low I guess because of this default. Is there anything I can do to remove this default, or were MBNA ok to just slap it on me without any warning ? Thanks guys,
  3. gerrydandridge

    Cca mbna

    Hi can anyone tell me what a CCA looks like, I made a CCA request to MBNA for an account from 2002 and I have been supplied the application form with my signature, is this the CCA, it does not have the account number on it, it could be an agreement for anything surely. I'm really. not sure what a CCA is supposed to look like.
  4. MBNA have confirmed to me that they only have page 1 of my application form from 1993. They have nothing else relating to my application. They quote the Carey case and say that not having all the paperwork is not an issue and that I must continue to pay. I do not want a bad mark on my file but surely I can reclaim all the charges and interest and ask them to stop all interest and charges from this point on? What is my best course of action? thank you.
  5. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?372400-MBNA-PPI-Award-“Interpretative”-Calculations/page25 The long running thread above is dedicated to the bizarre way in which MBNA calculate their PPI redress awards. The FOS apparently do not see the figures, so from what I understand, they are just confirming that PPI is due and that MBNA will provide them with a figure. One guy (next post) decided to investigate a little deeper and discovered that the original award of £3,000 was INCORRECT. This was confirmed by Ian Doherty(head honcho at MBNA) and he was advised there was another £8,000 due to him. He is waiting on his cheque to be processed right now.
  6. Hi all, first post and apologies for the length! i have a 4 year old account with mbna and it was in order until they wanted to hike my interest for the second time in 12 months i chose the option to refuse it and keep the original charges, knowing no new activity on the card was possible. was paying them the minimum fee for a while before xmas as family finances were tight. long story short, i stopped paying them when i got into trouble with payday loans eating up my entire disposable income and then some so i missed a few payments. meantime i incured the expect charges - no problem there. after 2 months i finally made a payment of £50 knowing this wouldnt clear my arrears but would reduce the debt. contacted them asking to freeze late payment fees if i continue to make payments -they refused. having 3 payday loans and 4 other credit cards i decided enough was enough - i needed to get control of my finances again. i produced income/expenditure and sent it to everyone and they all accepted my offer of repayment except MBNA. all i was asking them to do was reset the account so i could resume the original £30 pm i was paying but they refused again saying that i can afford more but i should pay the £30 anyway to stop the debt getting worse until my financial position improves in 6 months! meanwhile the 30 just about covers their interest and late payment fee each month. i told them to take me to court if they wont accept my offer and i will discuss it with a judge (i know...) as they were the only co being unreasonable. however, another 3 months have passed, they are still charging me 30 pm charges (with interest) and my debt is now very close to the original limit (which still shows on my statements) and so if nothing is done soon i will be incurring late and overlimit fees. so..please what are my rights here? I havent paid them any more simply because it would be all eaten in charges and fully expected solicitors letter by now (when at least the debt amount should be frozen until it goes to court) advice please
  7. Hi Could anyone please advice me. I owe £1000 to MBNA and been paying only the interest for some time. I am in receipt of WRAG due to depression I receive counselling, for this but things are not good at the moment. I wrote to MBNA some time ago to explain this, and they sent me this huge form to take to all of the people I see, GP counsellor and get them to fill it in. I did not have the money this would have cost me £20 a time for GP etc, plus I was embarrassed so I did not do it. They have a copy of my budget plan - but still they will not accept reduced payments. Could someone please tell me what I can do and what my rights are if any I am not in arrears with them - but cannot keep up the payments so soon will be. Thanks
  8. Hiya, hope that anyone can advice me what to do. I have a Virgin credit card and a MBNA credit card and I have been on a repayment plan with them since April 2013. I have been paying them an agreed reduced amount every month. I tried to login on my online accounts since yesterday and I keep getting this message: Based on the current status of your MBNA credit card account, access to this feature of Online Card Services is not currently available. Please call our Customer Services Representatives on 0800 062 062 for further information. Then I just get some basic information about my accounts and I can see the last statements were issued in September 2013 and there has been issued no statements for October 2013. September's statements show a correct balance but when I click on October, its shows that the new balance is £0 and the minimum payment is £0. I owe more than £3000 to each company. I am not sure what is going on because I haven't received any correspondence regarding this matter. Could it mean that my debt has been sold to DCA? I am not able to pay online by Debit card but I can pay by BACS. I'm not sure whether I should wait and see what happens or whether to continue paying them into their bank accounts? Hope anyone can advice me. Thanks. Robert.
  9. Hopefully I've managed to attach the document ok. Both myself and my wife were lucky enough to receive a cheque straight off from MBNA without any fighting. I didn't know at that stage that MBNA workers didn't do maths at school, so pocketed the money , no questions asked (6 months ago). Following advice on here, I wrote to MBNA asking for their calculations, which they've sent straight away (I was expecting them to tell me to clear off as I got the cheque so long ago!!). I've included their calculations as a document. I've put the figures into one of the spread sheets and it comes out fairly close to the cheque I received. Can someone run their experienced eye over their calculations and see do they see anything amiss? Many thanks in advance. I intend to pursue the charges end separately, but AS PART OF THIS CLAIM what could/should I realistically be pushing for by way of return of late payment charges. I know the account SHOULD be left as if I had never paid PPI in the first place, which would mean the return of ALL charges, but what are people ACTUALLY getting in this part of their claim. Hope that makes sense. Thanks in advance guys.
  10. Hi Everyone Just out of interest, when anyone has spoken to these members of staff, who I understand are really nice and helpful - did anyone mention to Paul or Gareth how they knew these were the guys to speak to? I'm just wondering if anyone had mentioned that they got their names from this forum I'm anticipating giving them a call in a few days time.
  11. I am posting on behalf of a friend who suffers severe depression and cannot cope with this issue. I am very behind on things and can't remember the best course of action so would be grateful for advice. Friend has a CCJ form from MBNA/Varde/H L Legal at Northampton. The date of issue was 30th November 2012 - my friend was a little in denial so only spoke to me last night. We believe that this MBNA credit card should be subject to a PPI claim - again my friend has not got onto this - and I remember the rubbish advice I got from CAB, not CAG, when I got a CCJ and spent years fighting to get it removed even though it was paid! So, can you please advise me how my friend must now proceed and how long do they have to reply? I have some but not all paperwork here and have no idea if they got a notice of assignment from MBNA. Sorry this is scrappy but all positive advice greatfully received.
  12. Hello all I am in the middle of an argument with MBNA and would appreciate some advice. 1. I set up a direct debit on their advice many moons ago so that the minimum payment would be made on my credit card account as a backup if I forgot to pay manually or was working away and unable to get on the internet. 2. The direct debit is meant to collect the minimum amount due 3. This month, as in the past, I paid more than the minimum 10 days before the direct debit was due. The amount owing on the account clearly said zero. 4. Nevertheless they took the direct debit anyway. Because I had already paid there were insufficient funds so they charged me £12 for my trouble. And my bank also charged £8. 5. Both MBNA and my bank have agreed to refund the charges as a good will gesture. 6. But, MBNA say the DD was not paid so will continue to show as a default on my credit score. I really don't see how this is fair at all. I have now cancelled the direct debit and paid manually again this month so MBNA have (A) never at any point been denied the funds they are due and (B) the amount I paid this month is sufficient to cover the direct debit last month and pay this month's minimum and more on top. So they have never been out of pocket, how can they possibly hold that against me and mark down my credit score? All help and advice gratefully received!
  13. I wrote to MBNA for CCA but they said unable to locate the account so then I sent CCA to Link - got reply back saying they purchased the debt in 2002 but don't hold the documentation and would have to get it from MBNA might take up to 30 days to provide Now got a reply from Link enclosing some documents which they say fulfils their obligations I received copy of the signature form and four pages of terms and conditions which start at No 3 and above it says please refer to your credit agreement for conditions 1 and 2 (these pages all have MB 12/00 at the bottom) There is also another six pages headed Credit Card Agreement and these pages are numbered 2of7 to 7of7 - page 2of7 has my name and address at the top but the address is different to the signature form address (both were my addresses just a few years between them) - I think I was actually in default when I was at the second address By the print etc it looks like these are two separate documents and I don't think I have got conditions 1 and 2 Does anyone know whether I have got everything I should have? The signature form actually shows PPI box ticked which was a bit of a surprise - I do remember loads and loads of charges when I got into financial difficulty but not PPI To find out more about PPI etc do I SAR MBNA or Link ? Any advice much appreciated
  14. Hi A Little advice please I'm happy to say that withe the help of CAG and FOS I have success with all my PPI claims. Barclaycard paid me more or less what I had calculated which was over 10K MBNA on the other hand have paid roughly the same amount of 10K but I think it should be at least double that. I have been unable to do the calculations myself as they have only sent me account information from 2005 and the card was opened in 1998. So there are almost 8 years of missing information and missing interest on ppi. I have recently written to them again with my concerns but have not mentioned the missing info, although I have requested a new complete SAR with a further £10 fee. Is this the best course or can any of you lovely experts point me in the right direction. Thanks xx
  15. Hi all, In short IDR has decided they want to take me to court - fine! I've enclosed a copy of the agreement with MBNA (minus sensitive bits) along with the Court Papers. I never filled in the application form in 2003, just signed it as I didn't think i would get credit. I was approached by a Homebase Rep whilst walking around the isles and asked if I would like a credit card. I said what the hey and didn't think more about it - boy did I not see this coming!!! So what other bits of info should i submit to the court? Thanks Badboy....Bill
  16. Hi All, I am new to the PPI world. I have not bothered pursuinganyone because I never thought I had taken any PPI but yesterday I received aletter from mbna suggesting I did have PPI and it may have been missold. Letterand ‘claim form’ attached for information. A few questions: · During the 2000’s I had lots of credit cards,are providers now writing to people who may have a claim or do I need to huntdown my credit history and contact them? · I never take out PPI or other insurances,particularly back in 2005 when this card was opened. Hence, I believe it was soldwithout me knowing – therefore this is miss-selling? · Also, my employer at the time gave goodbenefits, typically sick pay was at full pay for 6months without question.After that it was at a Directors discretion. A colleague at the time was onsick for 18months full pay circa 2006. Hence, I think PPI would not have paidout in any case? Regarding the forms. Should I just complete them and sendthem back? Or should I request more information first as I have norecords? Also, in terms of questionnaire response: B.2. If I tick over the phone I guess that suggests I knew I wasbeing sold it? If I tick ‘can’t remember’ this weakens my stance that I nevergot a asked. D.8 I suspect I had some form of income/life protection, just tocover the house if I had a problem but I don’t have details back to 2005! Howshould I respond? E I am intending to state I did not know I was taking out anyPPI and that I became aware when I read this letter. Any help or pointers greatly appreciated.
  17. Hello Forum I apologise in advance if this is answered somewhere else but I cannot find it. My ex-wife had a credit card with MBNA and amassed debts of £4700 on it. This was 7 years ago and I have only found out today that she is still paying this debt off. She is paying the minimum monthly payment which would appear to be mainly interest therefore she is never managing to reduce the amount. Today for instance her latest statement stands as follows: Balance from Previous Statement: £3411.06 Payment Received: £120.41 Cr Interest Charged: £89.02 New Balance: £3379.67 Estimated Interest Next Statement: £77.31 I have no idea as to how to work out just how much interest is being charged but to me it seems that she is never going to be able to pay this off and as she is now a pensioner, I envisage her getting more and more depressed over this. I would appreciate any advice you may be able to offer in how to perhaps approach MBNA to see if things could be improved.
  18. ttessof

    MBNA PPI Claim

    Have received a letter today from MBNA with a form to reclaim PPI.. .however I have been chased for months by DCA's for the debt and have been sent a recon CCA a few months ago and have requested a SAR but MBNA claim they have no records? So im confused! Should I claim? or will that instigate more DCA letters? ta in advance
  19. I submitted a PPI claim on my MBNA card which I've had since 1999. The claim was submitted on 26/4/13 on 22/5/13, I had a letter saying my claim has NOT been upheld. Today I got a text message asking me to call them, I did & spoke with my "claims handler". They wanted to verify if I was self-employed/Sole-trader at the time of the application, - I confirmed I was. They asked if I had any savings, - I said no I didn't. They asked if I had any means to pay if I was out of work, - I replied that my wife had savings, my parents did/would help. They asked if I had any investment plans. - I advised I had an endowment policy at the time. The claims handler than asked me: a) what was the cash in value of the endowment at the time of application?. b) what were my wifes savings & salary?. c) what were my parents incomes in 1999?. I asked what did my parents income/salary have to do with my PPI claim, the claims handler advised me my parents were now involved by default, whether I like it or not & they were within their rights to ask for my parents proof of income?. I asked for them to out that in writing - they refused. They have now said to me (by phone) they want evidence of my wifes savings, value of endowment & my parents income details in 1999 within 7 days otherwise they will be forced to make a decision on the limited information they have. Sorry it's long BUT any help will be appreciated. Are MBNA within their rights to dig into my parents financial affairs who never had anything to do with them other than help me out when I was being paid late? What should I consider doing next?
  20. Hi, Starting separate thread for each debt per DX's advice:-D CCA request printed & being sent Monday, then need to get started to see if anything to reclaim....
  21. My partner has an ongoing problem with these. A hearing is due on Thursday with defence etc already submitted. Just wanted some advice. The copy CCA that has been sent comes across as fishy to me. It contains his signature and on the copy sent to the court they have blacked out certain details like mothers maiden name and bank details. When looking at what they are claiming is the back of the CCA should this be a genuine copy the T&C's are upside down if you line up the blacked out parts with the front. There are a few marks which looking at the front would be on the top ie an A in a circle but funnily all the rest of the marks that are showing on the front in darker print do not come through to the back. I cannot see any way this would be the front and back of the same document unfortunately the scanner on our printer is broken at the moment.
  22. Hi I have been following this forum for a while and need some advice. Last year after a sales call from mbna, I asked verbally for no further calls to be made and for them to stop phoning. This year due to the current market, my income fell and I could no longer afford payments. I started receiving a number of calls from mbna. Each time I asked them to stop calling on my phone, and to put any correspondence in writing. On the 27th April I wrote to them using the data protection subject access request. I also asked them in writing to stop calling. I have since written to them and asked them again to stop calling after one of their representatives stated that they could call me anytime on my phone despite my request for them to stop calling. They wrote back and asked for £10 to provide the information requested under the data protection act. They finally sent thistome on the 1st of July 2009. (Outside the 40 day legal requirement) I have logged a complaint with the information commissioner regarding the fact that they refuse to remove my contact details and have passed it on to aegis. I issued them on the 10th June (received and signed for on the 11th) a request for a copy of my credit agreement and relative documents under the consumer credit act (sections 77- 78). In the information they sent me was a copy of my application which they claim is the credit agreement. I have attached this, along with a copy of their reply to my complaint about my contact numbers not being removed. There was no oriiginal terms and conditions or anything else relating to my consumer credit act request. Any advice or counter letter would be appreciated. To date they still keep calling me and sending me their postcards saying they will be calling me.
  23. I really don't know what this company has to do for the authorities ever to bring them to book. First, I have never been able to get a legible CCA out of them despite involving the F O S, T/S and copying OFT. They even had the cheek to say I never sent the £1, (when I complained). Next was my complaint regarding their persistent marketing of loans, by post and by phone of an account which is in default. Suprise the above have again done nothing. Now they tell me they have not received my S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) or the £10 cheque, despite being delivered by special. They only came up with this when they got my letter before action, (please end another one). It seems to me that this company has no interest in complying with the law of th land, secure in the knowledge that the powers that be will never take action against them. Regarding the SAR, I can prove it was delivered and they are well outside the 40 days. I am minded to simple file a court claim with now further delay. Question: In view of the b*ll**** they are coming out with, will the judge take a dim view of such action at this stage thinking if they have lost the papers, I should give them time to comply. David
  24. Hi, I don’t ever remember joining CAG but stumbled upon it again recently – wish I’d known about it years ago, the information and support I’ve seen here are amazing. I’m looking for some debt and DMP help, and would really appreciate people’s ideas and advice on my position. It’s grown pretty long but wanted to get down everything, so to anyone who reads it all a BIG THANKS! I have had a DMP since 2007 and would like to get these debts cleared off because they’re such a drain, but haven’t been able to contribute that much so the total is still big. I did try for an IVA originally, but that was rejected in June 2007, if it had gone ahead I’d be sorted by now. These are the details: 1. Abbey Loan, started in September 2006, now with Apex £25,000 outstanding. 2. MBNA Credit Card, opened in 1999, now with Link Financial £13,500 outstanding. 3. Co-op Credit Card, opened in 1989, now with Frederickson £10,200 outstanding. 4. HFC Loan, started in September 2004 still with them £3,800 outstanding. 5. Unsecured loan with NRAM, about £13,000 outstanding. Our mortgage was taken out in 2006 with Northern Rock, now with NRAM, and includes this unsecured part. They’ve stopped the interest on this part, but I’ve tried to keep up the full payments separate from the DMP because I was worried about its association with our mortgage. The Co-op CC has now come off my credit report, the others are due to by about May 2014, (except NRAM which is not listed as defaulted but a month in arrears) so that’s starting to improve. I haven’t paid for PPI on any of them. Here are a few questions. A. Abbey gave us a £25,000 loan but applied all of the interest right at the start instead of on an annual basis, making the initial balance £31685. So even though I’d paid £2,400 the default amount was £29,038. I haven’t seen this way of applying the interest before and if it had been applied monthly or annually I’d have defaulted on less. Is there anything I can do about this, like claim back interest that applied after the default? They didn’t apply any other charges. B. Is there any possibility of reclaiming any interest (on purchases) that is applied before the creditors accept a repayment offer and freeze interest? I’m not exactly sure when that officially happened, but the Co-op CC appears to have stopped after November 2007 and MBNA CC after December 2007. However the IVA application for example was in June 2007 and between then and November there was thousands in interest on the two CCs. Is there any possibility of reclaiming any of that extra interest? C. Because I stopped making minimum payments MBNA and Co-op started charging late fees at £12 per month and then when the balance went over limit due to the accruing interest, overlimit fees of £12 per month started. Total fees are about £100 each. Am I right in thinking it may be possible to get these refunded? (Although they are drops in the ocean!) D. I’ve read of people applying to see the original, signed CA. Some of mine were taken out a long time ago so they may not be able to produce the CA. Have I anything to lose by requesting them and if they can’t what does that mean for me? E. Many of these questions are a bit hopeful really, it’s just that I haven’t been able to save anything for a full and final payment and I worked out it would take another 27 years to repay all of these at the current rate! So really the main thing is any advice/ideas on anything I can do to avoid being saddled with these debts forever? Thank you for reading all this. It’s a lot, but I wanted to get all the important stuff in together. Many, many thanks in advance for your time and advice. J
  25. Hi, I need a bit of help with my defence for a claim received from Aplins via Hillesden/DLC. A long story and I'm not sure how much you need to know but in brief: 2009 CCAd MBNA for sight of original agreement for a credit card I had with them and despite them not supplying anything, and following the timelines in the CCA putting them into dispute, they continued to use various companies to try and get me to pay my account but sent nothing. Eventually, they defaulted on me and then sold on the debt to Hillesden/DLC without ever satisfying my CCA request. Since then I have had an on off relationship with DLC - them writing to me threatening to take legal action against me for the Financial Facilities I had with them and me saying I owed them nothing and asking for proof of debt etc, all after reading advice discussed on this forum, in cases similar to my own. This for the last couple of years with months of inaction in between. All I have ever received is a poor photocopy of an application form and sets of T&Cs that they have assured me would have been in force at the time - although no dates on them to verify that! I refused to pay them and eventually I received the claim from The Northampton bulk centre. I have already acknowledged service in the 14 days, declared my intention to defend in full and CPR'd Aplins for the docs they intend to rely on in the action. Today an envelope from DLC dropped through the door with the same docs that they have sent many times before with a letter saying they have fulfilled my CPR 31 request - pay up or we will see you in court. This is quicker than I assumed from reading other posts but hey ho time to start putting together my defence. What info is needed to help with this please. First time in Court and although I am not too concerned I would like to have all my ducks in a row so to speak. Just re read this and realised it may not appear that brief - sorry!
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