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  1. Hello everyone, we've just received an offer from loans.co.uk on our ppi mis sell, but have a couple of queries; The offer letter states uk witholding tax has been deducted from the 8% gross interest amount. Never heard of this, is it right? Secondly, it says ' since you are not crediting this payment to your outstanding loan amount (the loan is still running), you will continue to pay the lender the amount borrowed in respect of the ppi premium and any associated interest for the remaining term of the loan' Is that right? I thought the lender, in this case ge money would restructure the loan automatically once the broker notified them of the ppi refund? How can we be expected to keep paying the ppi cost and interest for the remaining 5 years of this loan, unless of course the refund more than covered all that which is doesnt... Any help much appreciated!
  2. Hi guys Had a loan out with these guys in 2012, have made some payments after defaulting they applied for a CCJ. This was agreed to be paid in 4 installments, i paid the first 2 and heard nothing for a while Now i have an attachment of earnings request for about £500 Now i can pay the entire amount today which i may do but i had one question, none of this shows on my credit file, is this not a bit dodgy? I mean i had the loan so i owe the money but it not appearing worries me. The attachment of earnings carries a £100 fee also Cheers chaps
  3. Hi, I'd like to formally introduce myself, I have been in the Financial Management business since 1996, and unfortunatly due to personal reasons, lost my business in 2007. Instead of helping people and businesses in financial difficulty, I was one the in trouble! Anyway, I am experianced dealing with people in financial trouble, dealing with banks, credit and finance companies, debt management, and very experianced with Payday Loan companies!!! I have also dealt with debt collectors and various creditors, usually very successfully. I have dealt with properly every PayDay Loan company out there, many are the same company under different names. I am at present in the process of having Debit Card Loans/Cheque Book Loans investigated by the FSA, and have reported them for breach of the Data Protection Act and what I believe, fraudulently attaching a Standing Order to a Bank account. This company needs dealing with their underhand deeds! I have found that most PayDay Loan compaanies will not take you to court, although they will be a pain and ring you at work. My advice is to ring them first when you cannot afford to repay your monthly loan, and be strong. Do not back down, do not pay what you cannot afford, and always keep the bank account with your wages being paid into secret, and do not disclose your debit card details to anyone!!! I have sent a few CCA requests, only to find that none of them replied! The only ones that have ben a pain to deal with, apart from DCL, has been Swift Loans, Chantry Collections, the're all a pain at times! If anyone wants any advice or help, please ask and I'll do my best.
  4. I am trying to assist my Wife. She has two debts with Natwest - an old overdraft and an old personal loan. Total value of these debts are around £6,200. For the last 3 years Natwest have been accepting £1 a month on each but recently they began to get a bit heavy. My Wife has offered to increase the payments to £2 on each but they have now said that they will get an 'external agent' to make contact with her. I have written to Natwest explaining that I am willing to assist me wife by the payment of a one off £1250 (which represents about 20% of the o/s balance). I gave them until today (31/8/2013) and they have not responded. I am a bit surprised I must admit. I told them that their only alternative was to make her bankrupt and then they would get none of their money. Any suggestions from anyone? Regards A
  5. Hi can anyone give me information on logbook loans please my ex husband had a logbook loan and has since died does this debt die with him ? can they claim the car back or can i keep it to sell to pay for the funeral Many thanks Krystyna
  6. hello i was unlucky to get [problem]med off this company loans-direct. in searching for a loan i had gotten a link to say i had been accepted for a loan, after entering my card details £69.75 was taking out off my account. after phoning loans direct i was told to write a letter and send it off before the 14 days is up so i did this. i have had no phone calls and i have rang them 4 times now asking about a refund. today i give them another ring and they put me through to one of the managers who said i can have a refund of £40.75 as they keep £30 for set up fee which is not in their terms and conditions i have a good look through so they are trying to fob me off. she also said something about they take money off depending on how many days my account is active which is also not in the terms and conditions. i have more then likely racked up the phone the what i have managed to get back off them. what to do? any help would be great.
  7. Hey guys I am 21 year old male. I am a good guy. I help grannies cross the street. I step in if someone is doing something wrong. I do the right thing. But I am a gambling addict. My father before me was a gambling addict and he got me down the same path. It has been a long and painful path. I cant think of a day of my life i have enjoyed the past 2 years. This is where I stand currently: I have £50 to survive to the end of next month ( live with parents ) I have about 6 payday loan companies expecting to take about £300 from my account in a few days. Nothing will be in there. I also have 2 loans of £5000 with santander & nationwide. I feel that both the above companies destroyed their duty of care when they gave me a loan, when I applied I didnt think I had a cat in hell's chance... I already had at least 4 outstanding payday loans, I barely ever paid my phone bill on time, I was on gamblers anonymous forums, I was in contact with gambling charities... if these companies spent 30 seconds looking into me I am certain they would not have given this loan. I also have my car insurance due to come out - I can find a way to pay this - But i may have to pay someone else and get them to pay the car insurance for me - as if i put the money in my bank one of these companies is sure to take it back out? I am seeking help for my gambling, I have quit cannabis but I can never quit gambling... I wanted to go to a rehab, but can only go if i have £10k to spare. LOL! I am so depressed. I am making plans for when I become homeless. I have a car and a job, but nothing else. What should i do? God bless you for reading this
  8. I am asking for advice regarding my situation, which I accept are entirely my own doing ; a couple of years ago, I set up a DMP to repay my debts, and all is going fine with the repayments ; unfortunately, within the last 2 years, I have succumbed to the temptation of 3 separate pay day loans, mainly due to a change in employment resulting in a decrease in wages ; I took the loans out with the intention of repaying each in full, but circumstances have dictated that I've now reached a position where my next re-payment exceeds my take home pay ! naturally, I need to do something about my position ; the next payments are due on or around 27/08/13 ; my intentions are ; - to inform my bank to stop taking CPA payments to the loan companies (by phone, e-mail and letter) - inform each payday company of the situation (by phone, e-mail and letter) requesting them to stop charging me any further interests on the amount's due, and offering a monthly re-payment (based on an income/expenditure calculation) resulting eventually in the full re-payment of all loans ; I would be grateful for advice from anyone who has experience of such situations ; I am aware that payday loan companies are notorious for their lack of co-operation in such matters, but I believe that I have reached the point of no return ; for the record, the companies involved are Wonga, Pounds to Pocket, and quid.co.uk
  9. Advice please. I would be very grateful for any advice helping me to rectify this situation favourably, I don't have much experience of this kind of situation.. I recently checked my credit report for the first time in a long time as I am in the process of applying for a mortgage and found that The Student Loans Company had put a default on my account. I was unaware this had happened. I made a complaint via Experian - they came back with the message that SLC felt it was justified - apparently it happened after I last moved house and there was a period when letters didn't reach their destination this was Feb 2008 so the default is due to expire. I would like it removed obviously as I don't feel it was justified - I gave them my new address and even called them to communicate that letters they promised to send ( I wanted to defer the account) hadn't arrived. During this time they also charged penalties to the account - I think the "admin fee" for sending a letter..it's so long ago I don't rightly remember. Secondly - I wrote to them some years ago - not sure exactly when but say 2010 ( I wasn't aware the account had been put into default on my credit report) when I paid off the loan and highlighted the fact I would be paying off the amount I owed but not the charges but from that moment I considered the matter closed - I also called them to state this and I didn't hear back from them. Then this July I checked my credit report to see the account in default and the amount owing remained as the amount of charges I had not paid... then there's asecond amount Payment terms of £63 - I'm not sure what this is? Current Balance: £95 Payment Terms: £63 Anyway I called them - slightly distressed.. after lengthy discussion an agent agreed that I need not pay the charges and that she would close the account and update credit agencies etc This was agreed with manager or whatever. 3 weeks later I checked my credit report - the account remained the same. I called again.. some bizarre discussion occurred whereby it was claimed I had to pay £5.06 in order for them to to do what the previous agent had agreed to even though the previous agent hadn't mentioned anything of the like..I really couldn't understand but just paid the £5.06 really hoping this was the last of it. So just checked my report and it's all still there.. Current Balance: £95 Payment Terms: £63 I have called and been told they will call me back on Tuesday next week. I should add that my every dealing with them practically causes a nervous breakdown as the conversation is so lengthy getting the agent to understand the situation .. the situation is causing me to feel quite insane and worried for all the students who are now getting out massive loans. My loan was £500 in 1994.... it enabled me to buy a car after graduating so that I could drive 20 miles back and forth to my first post-student job - great at the time but the grief it has caused - - lost hours chasing them and sheer frustration plus the knock effect - is incredible...and depressing.
  10. Hi i am new to this forum i am hoping someone can advise me i recently took a payday loan with the above company i had every intention to pay the loan back but due to unforeseen circumstances i was unable to i emailed them asking if i could set up a payment plan for a couple of months until i had enough money to clear the remaining amount they emailed me back saying they would only agree to a payment plan if i paid £50 up front but as i was not in a position to pay that amount they have refused a payment plan i have now received a letter from them stating they are applying to court to recover the debt and this could result in an application to my employer for an attachment of earnings i am worried sick as i don't want my employers knowing my situation is there anything i can do the debt at present is £320
  11. Full report... http://www.ico.org.uk/news/latest_news/2013/pay-day-loans-company-and-its-director-prosecuted-for-failing-to-register-08102013
  12. Hi i was wondering if anyone can help me with my problems or has had a similar experiance with Automoney or any Log Book Loan company. Over 2 months ago i needed to raise some money urgently for family issues a family friend agreed to lend me the money he then said he had been let down and said i could have it in a few weeks. when he was assured he would be paid. I foolishly believed he would come good as he had never let me down but my problems were pressing and i needed cash quickly. I saw TV advert for Automoney and there 60 Day Timeline appealed as i knew i could pay back loan within 60 days or so i thought. My friends money never came and to make matters worse i had an accident 2 weeks after taking out the loan making me unfit for work. I am signed off sick for the forseeible time being and have had to apply for benefits which have not been sorted as we speak. I borrowed £2000 on vehicle valued at £7000. Can anyone please advise what are my rights? Will Automoney give me time to recover and get back to work? Any similar experiances? What proceedures and documents do they have to do and produce to legally reposses my vehicle? Can i stop them just taking from my drive? How long have i got before they try to recover the vehicle? I realise this situation has been brought on by my stupidity is there any help you can suggest with regards to this matter? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. The first payment on the Loan was due Saturday
  13. Hello all, I am looking for a bit of advice. Back in 2011 I took PDLs with Quickquid, Wonga and Payday express....I defaulted on these loans and have never paid them down, they are still chasing me today (I am currently entering a DMP now though). However in February/March I was, stupidly, looking for further borrowing and was granted loans by all 3 of these companies. I thought it might have been because I am at a different address now, however while checking my credit file it shows that my original debts and the new ones with these companies are all tagged on my credit file together, so they should have been aware they were lending to one of their longstanding defaulted debtors. Now I know it was stupid of me to borrow more from these companies, but as a question, does this kind of lending not breach their responsible lending policies? As I am clearly someone who cannot manage debts, plus each of them have lent me up to 3/4s of my monthly income?
  14. 01 October 2013 Payday loan advertising has recently been thrown into the spotlight following the OFT’s compliance review and mounting public concerns about the sector. We’ve highlighted some of the key areas to consider when creating advertising for short term loans - make sure your ads are socially responsible. Speed and Ease It is understandable that marketers will want to highlight the advantages of their product, including the simplicity of the application process and the speed at which consumers can access funds. But speed and ease of access should be referred to responsibly and proportionally. Advertisers should avoid heavily promoting these aspects of a loan while downplaying less positive aspects and should not otherwise encourage consumers to rush a decision to borrow money. The ASA has previously upheld a complaint against an ad that emphasised the speed at which a loan could be obtained at all times of the day. Similarly the claim "I was turned down by the mainstream lenders. I wish I'd gone to Pounds to Pockets first, because their application was fast and simple" was deemed misleading and socially irresponsible, because it portrayed Pounds to Pocket as preferable to "mainstream lenders" by placing disproportionate emphasis on the loans being "fast and simple" despite their interest rates being significantly higher. Trivialisation Marketers should be careful to ensure that the tone and content of their advertising does not make light of or play down the seriousness of taking out a loan. Recently the ASA indicated that using a catchy and upbeat soundtrack was not necessarily problematic but, in another case, it noted that a combination of light-hearted background music, colourful imagery, laughter, and a character dressed in a nonsensical manner gave the general impression that the service offered was a trivial one. The ASA has also upheld against ads that used brightly coloured cartoon imagery, a fantasy character and references to magic because it gave the general impression that the service offered was one that could be approached in a light-hearted manner. Vulnerable groups Simply stating that loans are available to low income groups, for example people on benefits, is likely to be acceptable. However targeting people who could be perceived as vulnerable has the potential to be problematic. The ASA recently upheld complaints against an ad featuring Kerry Katona, a celebrity who previously had widely reportedly financial problems. It believed that the ad had the potential to encourage vulnerable viewers with financial problems or restricted credit to seek to resolve them through the payday loan service and concluded that the ad was therefore irresponsible. Purpose of loan Advertisers should avoid referring to frivolous purchases when marketing short term loans – the ASA has upheld complaints about ads that implied they were suitable for nights out, shopping or holidays. References to household expenses such as a broken boiler or car repairs are likely to be acceptable. In the past the ASA has accepted that references to Christmas spending and home decoration are reasonable. APRs While technical details such as APRS are regulated by the FCA in non-broadcast advertising, the ASA is responsible for ensuring adherence to the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (as amended) and the Consumer Credit (Advertisements) Regulations 2010 in broadcast ads. There have been a number of upheld adjudications against TV ads that have failed to state APRs sufficiently prominently. While some concerned relatively straightforward issues such as the legibility of on-screen text, others related to more complex rules related to various triggers for information. Advertisers should be aware of claims that will trigger the need for an APR, and the prominence required. For further details see the OFT website. As always, the Copy Advice team is happy to help with any questions on non-broadcast ads. You can call us on 0207 492 2100 or submit your copy online, here.
  15. I wanted to know whether when you use the swicth facility this new thing for switching accounts, it says it transfers over all your direct debits etc and lets debtors know you are switching. I was wondering if this still counts for CPA? essentially what I want to know is if I use the switch facility will PDL companies be able to have access to that account somehow and get my funds? secondly, I am negotiating some payment plans. From experience of people who have entered plans with these types of companies, what mnethod of payment do you use? I don't have a credit card and I'm too worried about giving them my bank card details? Lastly, these switch accounts like first direct and halifax do they accept people with not so good credit? I.e is it even worth trying for these or just get a basic account from somewhere else? Thanks
  16. ]Hi, Last year I was in financial difficulty which led me to stupidly taking out many pay day loans and i became buried in debt, I applied for a debt relief order (form of bankruptcy) and was accepted but a few months ago my financial circumstances improved (over £50 spare income a month) my debt relief order was revoked, my debt relief order was officially revoked on the 20th of September, this means that I now have to pay all my creditors, I have set up payment plans with nearly all of my creditors, however I have multiple loans with TFF (very stupid), they refused to freeze my interest whilst my Debt relief order was active therefore now the debts have gone sky high, I have read up on this company on this forum so I get the idea but I need help on what to do with this company and how to somehow get the debts sorted as I am now trying to do the right thing. Today I recieved an email from them as they are already hassling me for money and I clearly don't have the sort of money they are trying to get from me. one of thing that could be on my side i that when my debt relief order was approved my creditors cannot make any payment demands, however 10 days after my debt relief was approved they sent me an email which was a payment demand. Thanks for all your help. sorry that its so long
  17. My partner has had loans and subsequent loans with her ex , in fact several she says, with Lloyds TSB. I wrote Lloyds about just one loan four weeks and told them that I was acting on their behalf. They wrote back today and straight away got an offer of PPI repayment with 8% interest. They also add in Excess Balance and interest? Now being suspicious of anything any Bank would offer, for them to offer Payment so easily makes me think there's something being hidden here? I didnt SAR them immediately because she had little paperwork after losing her home. But little by little some has come to light and so I SAR'ed them last week. She also has Credit card with them. Is compounded interest only claimable against Credit cards & Catalogs? or loan PPI's too? Your thoughts please? fiddled
  18. Hi have got two secured loans with ge , both over 10yrs both insured but only for one of us ,and they only insured them for 5 years.the time is up but we still owe a lot of charges , can they try for possession thank you
  19. Hi everyone, So in October 2003 I obtain a loan from First Plus. I used loans.co.uk as a broker and applied - they suggested First Plus as my best option and I obtained a loan for £42,000 over 10 years to consolidate a massive pile of smaller short term loans that were crippling me. (Yeah I know I should have done different things now but here we are, bear with the story if you can). At the time they mentioned PPI to me. I told them I havd critical illness cover and income protection cover but they said at the time that I would probabyl get the best chance of a good rate if I opted for the PPI. I said ok. I received the papers and signed up, though at the time I never even noticed that when the papers came through, they had a pre-ticked box telling me that I had selected PPI. I mention this as it was not drawn to my attention and un-ticking a printed box is quite hard to do anyway... That is besides the point, at the time I did't notice and just got on with it. It added over £14,700 to my loan and was cover for 5 years at the end of which I would receive a lump sum of the whole amount back less a small admin fee. The only way I would not get the money was if I was in arrears or so I thought. About 40 or 45 days later I called First Plus and asked them about cancellation of the PPI as it seemed like a lot of money and I really wanted to keep my payments as low as possible. I was told I would only get about £300 and the amount would remain part of my debt. So I declined to end it and thought, "look forward to getting the cheque back". Swing forward to October 2008. My 5 years is up. I can claim for the refund. So I do and get rejected. Even to this day I still do not have a full reason given to me why I was rejected though I suspect it is because I was late paying a couple of times, even though I was fully up to date at the point at which I claimed So now as you can imagine, i'm quite upset and complain to First Plus and get told to go to loans.co.uk, I go to loans.co.uk and now get told that I agreed to all this and I should go away. I write to the FOS and send everything off, they send it back because I haven't had a 'final' answer from loans.co.uk or First Plus. I then chase for a final answer and resubmit to the FOS who say they never received my papers so I send it all again. During this time they state they have no jurisdiction over the case because of when it was sold to me and that they will try to establish if the insurer is worth pursuing. This is the first point at which I find that I had an agreement with a thrid party insurer. I only ever signed an agreement with loans.co.uk and First Plus. Finally the FOS start to look at it and time goes by... bascially, they have just (last month) contacted me to say that they cannot uphold any complaint against anyone. I have asked for a review of matters with the FOS and for the case to go to an Ombudsman (quite why it hadn't already is beyond me). The bottom line is that I was sold insurance I plainly didn't need, that was front loaded to the loan, that was for only part of the term of the loan and that after re-reading the terms of the PPI, it would not have paid out anyway for any circumstance that could have befallen me. It was basically, no insurance at all and did not provide a cover appropriate to my needs. Secondary to this is that I was lied to upfront about why I needed the PPI (to get the best lender's rate). Finally, I had no idea I had made an arrangement with another party (the insurers) and if I had known I would have approached them myself for mroe information about rejection etc. Basically loans.co.uk and First Plus have played a blinder in deceiving me about everything and the FOS say there is nothing at all that can be done. Since I was rejected, I had a couple of more months where it was difficult to pay so I asked if they could extend the term and they have do but the whole debt has been re-factored and now it looks like if I pay the full amount, I will end up paying back something over £260,000 to have borrowed £42,000. I've calculated that even at the higest interest rate, if you take off the amount of overpayment made by paying each month for PPI, I've already repaid the loan. The rate just keeps going up and up and it's now at 15.9% (actually i'm sure it just went up again). What else can I do? Who else can help? In the time between the first sending of information to the FOS and now I have lost my copy of the loan agreement - it's probably me that's in the wrong there. But First Plus were unable to provide the FOS with any paperwork showing I had signed up to a loan. I'm about to send First Plus a subject access request to get all records from them. Hopefully this will help me sort out what atual agreement I have with them. I've followed what was apaprently good advice to manage my finances better but i've been left high and dry. Does anyone have any advice? I shall now be spending the rest of the weekend reading this forum to find out anything else I might need to know. Thanks for reading this far. If you have further advice then let me know. I woudl love to hear from others who have delat with First Plus and can give me any inside track. Rob.
  20. Hi all Wondering if someone can help me. I do not have a bad experience to post (yet!) but wanting advice on what's best to do in my situation. I have debt on both my credit cards in which i'm paying high values of interest on. I wasnt registered on electoral roll which really affected my credit score, i am coming up with a really low score and high risk, even though i've never missed any payments of anything, had several DD in place for years, had a car bought in my name, had a constant wage paid into my account for 5+ years. I am now on electoral role but it takes a long time to build credit, doesnt just change straight away. I have tried to get 0% balance transfer card, and loans with low interest but cannot get any of them due to my credit score, without paying massive amount back (i.e lending £4000 payign back £7000) which is something I am not stupid enough to do . I really want to consolidate my debt on my cards and what I owe out to others each month, into 1 loan and pay 1 amount out each month, but am struggling to get a loan. I do not have anyone to guarantor my loan either. I've seen log book loans, i have a card with value of around £4000-5000 but do not want to pay them £7000 + back. I dont have the worry that i couldnt pay the monthly payments as I definitely could once I've paid my debt off. Can you recommend a company in particular that is safe and wont change the rates/how much I owe all the time. I want to borrow a set amount of say £4000 against my car, then pay a set amount out each month for say 2 years. Which comp is most trustworthy and best to use??? THanks
  21. I would like to reclaim any mis-sold PPI I may have had on my old mortgages, but need some advice on how to start. Here's some background:- In 1989 I took out a mortgage with Bradford and Bingley. I remember PPI being mentioned but can't recall whether we had it or not. I am since divorced and have no details of the accounts, except my name and the address of the house it was for. At some point, around 2000, I transferred the mortgage to HSBC, and took out a further Equity Release Loan. Again, I cannot recall if there was PPI involved, but I do have the account numbers. all the above accounts were in joint names (me and my ex-wife). Does that complicate matters? During my divorce, both accounts fell into default, before the property was sold. Does this affect any claim? There was also a loan with HSBC, again, which may have had PPI. This was paid off and replaced with another loan, which again, may have had PPI. I have account numbers but no other details. I also had various credit cards but I don't think I had PPI on any of them. I still have all the account numbers. So, where to start? I suspect there is a claim to be made. I know Bradford and Bingley don't exist any more, but do their liabilities transfer to the company who took them over (was it Santander?)? Thanks in advance.
  22. Hi there I just wondered if there is anywhere that i can try and find out which loans and credit cards i had taken out. I have memory problems pre 2005 so I wondered if there was a place i could search?
  23. i was silly enough to take one of these loans out in March and have got myself in a mess with it. i made my first payment successfully in April but since then have made no payments. i was made redundant from my job but have now successfully secured other employment. Now i am ready to make payments but have received the default notice for arrears. the loan was for £400 and the letter threatens to seize goods ie the motor. Now, i want to make payments but want to spread over time, i also no longer have the car as it has been scrapped. where does this leave me in regards to the law and is there a form i can apply ot the court to hold action while i pay off the loan?
  24. Hi there is a lot of advice for claiming back PPI on loans that have been paid in full, can anyone give advice as to how to work out a claim when you have a loan in default, I did get cca from the loan companies but have limited information about the PPI terms and conditions etc am currently struggling with my finances so a sar is not affordable at this time, can I just write to the oringinal loan companies and request full terms and conditions for the PPI ? I was considering approaching one of the PPI reclaim companies advertised but if I am correct believe should the case be won the money obviously gets paid against the debt still outstanding, but that I would then get a bill from the PPI reclaim company for its fees which I am in no position to pay is this correct? thanks from a totally brain numbed person
  25. If you plan to declare yourself in some months, and have 4 credit cards you have been paying the minimum payment for every month. But your expenditure has increases, and you have no disposible income int he bank account, which was paying the 4 credit card minimum payments, so for the next 2-3 months you wont be able to pay off your credit card minimum payments. (due to lack of funds) and in month 2-3 you will consider declaring yourself bankrupt so you are leading up to an ongoing problem of debt, that you cannot repay, you have no money from your expenditure to pay these credit cards, you have no disposable income left, as it is all spent on your daily/weekly expenses so as a result of this you have no money in your bank account wot pay the 4 direct debits, then them credit cards will not be paid. (There is also a loan aswell, which is with a bank), and all credit card are popular high street banks. Basically you will Not be paying your minimum payments to your credit cards, due to lack of funds, for 2-3 months, so what would happen? What would happen then, within them 3 months? - as a worse case scenario ? a) from the credit card companies point of view? b) from the bank/bank accounts point of view, where the direct debits are coming out from? (eg, additional charges, letters etc) c) From your credit files point of view (which is already negative and damaged ) d) The OR meeting, what would he ask? or just he would see that you are getting more and more into debt, and can't pay your cards, (as expenditure proof will be given) - what would be the worse case scenario with their meeting? if any ? e) Would CCJ's occour? f) How many months worth - would they consider using CCJs against the debt? Why considering BR in 3 months? they are looking at Debt management companies, and have had some unexpected personal family problems. but were just wondering the worse case scenario for NOT paying your debts for a 3-4 month period, what would be the worse that would happen to you, your credit file, your debtors, your meeting with the OR when that happens) --------------------------- Here it is in another simpler form: If considering bankruptcy in a few months, and currently you are in credit card debt, and loan debt (paying the minimum payment every month) but 2-3 months coming up towards the time you will consider declaring yourself bankrupt you 'dont' pay any minimum payments to them 4 credit cards, and loads as you don't have the funds for them payments (due to your expenditure increassing) then within them 2-3 months (now until 2-3 months in the future) ...what is the worse case scenario that will happen? as you will be Missing your minimum payments to your credit cards + loan for months(as you have insufficient funds in your bank account) so your minimum payments of the 4 credit cards will NOT be paid... so asking within them 2-3 months would could happen to you/your credit/ your credit file etc? (eg letters could be sent to you ) --------------------------- What would happen then, within them 3 months? - as a worse case scenario ? a) from the credit card companies point of view? b) from the bank/bank accounts point of view, where the direct debits are coming out from? (eg, additional charges, letters etc) c) From your credit files point of view (which is already negative and damaged ) d) The OR meeting, what would he ask? or just he would see that you are getting more and more into debt, and can't pay your cards, (as expenditure proof will be given) - what would be the worse case scenario with their meeting? if any ? e) Would CCJ's occour? f) How many months worth - would they consider using CCJs against the debt?
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