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  1. Hi guys, just a light hearted piece of advice needed, im having a classic head says one thing heart says another, i know the ultimate decision is up to me but what would you do. Im 29, Not very fit anymore at all, I used to play a lot of football (goalkeeper) from the age of 6-22 then stopped, have always missed it so looked at getting back in to it, Had my first 90 minutes the other day, i did ok, but the problem is obviously after/the next day, I had aches and pains and places i didnt know existed. I guess throwing 16 stone through the air and landing on elbows, back ect.. will do that. The team want me to sign up and be there keeper for the season starting but i just dont know if i am up to it physically, will these aches and pains get better, will recovery time improve or am i just to old, fat and out of shape. Help, decisions decisions
  2. Hi all, i have a flex account, i have had charges totaling over £400 in the last 9 months, Now i hate DD and SO and try to avoid them and pay by cash or card wherever possible. Now i have been charged a few times for a unauthorized overdraft which is mad as ive never had one, i dont have a overdraft or a reserve limit. If i go to make a payment by card and thers no money the card declines, simple. If a DD tries to come out and thers no money it gets returned same with SO, nationwide have never honored a payment that has taken me overdrawn, So in essence i cant go overdrawn. One day a payment went in a 2am and i made a card payment at 8am, when it showed on statement it showed i made the card payment 1st then the money went in later so for x time i was overdrawn, i know i wasnt and when i tried to explain this is impossible with my account nationwide didnt give a crap, Ive also had where i have not had enough money for a DD payment to be made so thats a £20 fee and then ive been charged another £15 for having a unauthorized overdraft even though i didnt as DD was returned but the £35 in fees has taken me overdrawn to which i get another £15 unauthorized overdraft fee. Its a vicious circle and it cant be right. whats can i do. Nationwide simply dont seem to care
  3. I just checked my credit file to see WF still showing, the account defaulted in may 2007, but the last payment they received of me was feb 2007. It also says account updated on 08/2012 which i presume is when the fsa wrote about the ppi and medical plan (yes i had both as they said needed them) fsa only took ppi off!! this is the biggest out standing debt i have!
  4. Hi, Just looking for some advise, i have a debt with natwest. it is made up from overdraft, visa and loan. They have an enforcement order on my house which was done around 4 years ago, i paid £100 per month for a year then (long story) payments stopped. No payment or correspondence has been made from me for 3 years I start uni in september and plan to use some of my bursary to pay of the debt. i owe £5100. How much should i offer them, bearing in mind my bursary is £2K and with no other income for the next 3 years this is there only chance of getting anything from me in the foreseeable future. Any thoughts?
  5. My husband suffered an injury at work in October. He has been unable to work since and has recieved SSP which will run out this week.His employers (a public school) have not accepted liability for the accident and to be honest have been quite nasty. He works 3 days a week as a general maintenance man. He read somewhere that he could have holiday pay rather than SSP so he asked for 2 days from last year and 4 days accrued for this year. He received the following reply. Holiday entitlement can be requested at anytime during the holiday year but it is the employers decision when it can be taken. It would be quite unusual to pay holiday entitlement unless the contract has come to an end when we would of course factor in any accrued holiday not taken' Is this true? I cant see any reason for refusing other than making life difficult for us.
  6. Hi all have been reading posts for a little while but only just plucked up the courage to write one of my own. I am after some advice or shared thoughts at least, The thing is I am off work right now sick, I have been off 14 months now and my ssp stopped back in Nov 2012 and I have not had a penny since, I didn't go sign on as I didn't fancy the crap that ATOS give people a friend in similar position has been forced to do back to work type activity when he clearly cannot work due to disability, anyway the reason for my sickness is an injury at work. I was made to use domestic type equipment in an industrial environment, and the over use caused damage to my hand wrist and arm, I have been in for several meetings where i have been asked what can we do to help your return to work to which i have replied give me a position that i can do that wont cause further damage to my arm and i will return, thing is they have no intention of giving me another position and keep delaying things and the boss keeps saying if we cant find something you may have to leave rather than staying sick he has carefully and cleverly made it clear he want shut of me. I am pretty sure should i return i will be victimized as i have pointed out the lack of health and safety training and the use of the wrong equipment, the boss is going through the motions always implying i could always leave. I have started a claim against them for the injury no win no fee but the million dollar question is Do I Stay Or Do I Go. Is it better to fight injury claim whilst still employed off sick or am I better to just leave now, as i say i don't feel i could go back the hate in the bosses eyes when he speaks to me and also the line manager she has had it in for me since i stood up to her about my holidays. My life has been turned upside down I have had to rely on others to do the simplest of tasks, I have suffered Pain, loss of independence and Poverty they know and don't seem to care. Your thoughts would be a great help Thanks In Advance Wilma x
  7. to cut a long story short. after having the rear of my scenic modified by a muppet in a merc. and months of arguing with the insurance company. sadly we were both insured by the same company. i am due to get my car back soon. its been in the garage now for 3.5 weeks and this is its third visit. the problem is that the car is a renault. with it being 8 years old it seems theyve forgotten how to make the bumpers. the first one really poor and does not fit on any of the seams. it is physically too small. the made to measure trim (also new) doesnt fit. now the garage had ordered a second bumper and have shown myself and an engineer from hoopers that although better, its still very poor and still not a good fit. at this point the insurance company feel happy that the work they have done is ok and the fault lies with renault. they have basically said this is the best it will get and there is nothing more they can do. now for me i just want my car back to as it was before the crash.
  8. Firstly, hello to you all, as this is my first time on this forum. Forgive me if this is long winded or hard to understand, but I will do my best. I found you after doing a search on Google for "J Mxxxxxx Bailiff", as I was trying to find out information on this bailiff who has been recently harrasing me and my wife. When I came accross this thread from a few years ago......./forum/showthread.php?184351-rossendales-had-crazy-charges I was married in October 2012, and after the wedding we decided to lay all our debt cards on the table, no questions asked, as we felt we should clear everything we owed to provide a better future for our family. Between us both we had debts of around 7k, not a large figure, but in hard times, tough enough. One of these debts was for My wife and her previous partner from years back, joint council tax bill for a meager 95.43. This was originally much higher but my wife had paid most off as her previous was no where to be seen. Sadly my hours got dropped from 48 per week to 20 per week, but because some of the debts were for over payment of housing benefit, again one of my wife's debts, the council took that money out of what we were now entitled to to pay off the debt rather than go through debt management. Although it was clearing a debt, it meant we had to tighten our belts even further, causing more stress. As a result of my loss of earnings, we were no longer in a position to make any form of payment to the bailiff J Mxxxxxx who works for Rossendales. We explained to Rossendale's our situation and was advised to contact the council. There response was to apply for a DRO or use them for debt management as they did not charge admin fees. We were told they would contact Rossendale's to arrange a hold on the account until we knew what was happening. Sadly this never happened, which brings us to the core part of this thread. I received a knock at the door, but by the time I had arrived to answer it (10 seconds roughly), J Mxxxxxx from Rossendale's had already walked off back to his van. I looked down and he had posted a FINAL NOTICE letter through our door for the amount of £294.93. As this was not my own personal debt, I didn't even realise it was for a ridiculous amount, more than 100% the cost of the original debt. The very next day, he arrives again and knocks at the door. As I answered it and asked who he was, he just showed me a BAILIFF REMOVAL letter. I stepped outside to talk to him and shut the door behind me and he just started to walk off. I started to walk after him asking him why he was here when we were under the impression it was being placed on hold by order of the council he was collecting for, Wyre Borough Council (WBC). Abruptly he said "not interested, I'm coming back tomorrow to take your goods" and handed me the letter. I told him we own nothing he could take, we already sold everything to pay off what we could and all that was left was the furnishings as part of our tenancy agreement, and a car I use to drive an hour to work every day, so what exactly does he intend to take? He simply continued to walk off and said "I can take what I want and there is nothing you can do about it, I can even break in to your house and not be arrested". His rudeness got my back up and I'm ashamed to admit I lost control. I called him a bulls#!73r and a pzzzzk as he walked off and he retorted with equally offensive language whilst laughing and shouting kiss your car goodbye. Obviously my wife broke down in tears thinking the car would be taken, and she gave in and said just let him take the car, then its done with, paid and gone. My reply was a resounding "NO, why should we let that guy take our 1k car for a £300 debt, I'd rather sell it and pay him, and others off". I spoke to my dad who reluctantly gave me £300 to pay the debt and be done with, which I accepted, as I was worried, angry and didn't know what to do. I put the money in the bank and told my wife to pay the debt, if I spoke to him I would probably make things worse. The next morning, my wife called J Mxxxxxx and said she was able to pay the debt, his reply, good as its now £404.93. She replied er.......no its 294.93, to which he replied what ever, give me your card details. She gave him the details and he told her it would take 30 minutes to process. As she told me of this new supposed cost, I was rather suspicious and started to question all charges. It was at this point I started searching for information on J Mxxxxxx and found this website and others. I then started to panic thinking we were paying blindly for charges we have no idea about and could be false, JUST as my wife recieved a text saying "Card Declined sorry". I did not understand this as I had exactly £300 in the bank for him to take the funds, so the only reason I could think that it was declined was he had attempted to take a higher amount than agreed. This riled me up again and I moved the funds from the bank to stop him from taking a penny. I wanted this bailiff investigating. I contacted Rossendales who said they could not tell me the current balance of my account as that was at the discretion of J Mxxxxxx. All they could tell was there was a first visit charge of £24.50, a second visit charge of £18, a van attendance fee of £110 and a Levy fee of £47. I questioned this stating as he had not levied anything nor posted any paperwork stating a levy, surely these charges are illegal and fraudulent? To which she replied, "we have no control of our bailiffs charges and you need to speak to him about it directly". We tried to contact him to explain his charges but he refused to answer. We text him and he refused to reply. We contacted Rossendale's who contacted him but he wouldn't answer them either but would ask him to contact us asap. Whilst waiting for him to contact us, we contacted WBC to confirm if these charges were legal or not. I cannot describe the joy to hear he could only charge for first and second attendance, and we should only pay £137.94 NOT £294.93. She also added that he HAD in fact levied a vehicle, but only an hour previous, during the time we were at home trying to contact him directly, yet the reg he had given was not even our car, nor had any paperwork been posted or handed to us, so therefore the levy wasn't even legal. WBC asked us to leave it with them and they would get back to us. Today I had a phone call from WBC who informed me that I only had to pay the £137.94 to them directly and not to Rossendales and they were sorry for the trouble caused. Case closed......................or is it?? My question to the community is should I make an official complaint regarding Rossendales and J Mxxxxxx in particular? I'm not trying to score bonus points on what is in my eyes, a victory, but I do worry that this method of adding charges wrongfully, needs to be made aware to those who need to know. Im a strong character but even all of this has emotionally hurt me, and my wife more so, and god knows who else this is happening to every day. Thank you for your time reading my bla bla bla and I look forward to any constructive comments or advice.
  9. HI I'm hoping that someone would be bale to help me with this please. My hubby has had Psoriasis since he was 11 and is now 49. He has had many treatments over the years with light treatment working up until he was about 25 and he also used steroid based creams to. Now when he turned about 30 he found that where the sun used to help it started making it worse and so stopped using light treatments and we were also going thourgh IVF because of a low sperm count and so wanted to make sure that this wasn't affecting the count etc (9 attempts and now have our little miracle aged 9!!!). Anyway...about 15 to 20 years ago he was prescribed a cream called Dermovate mixed with white soft paraffin and this has always cleared it since. He doesn't use it all the time but will use it for a few weeks at a time when he wants to get clear. This has always just been prescribed on a repeat prescription for the past 15 years at our current surgery. At no time as far as we can remember has a doctor called him in about it and if they have then it has still just been repeat prescribed when requested whcih is about every few months. Now a few weeks ago one of the doctors at the surgery requested my husband make an appointment and at this appointment he informed my hubby that where the cream and soft parrafin used to be mixed at the pharmacybut now has to be sent away and so rather than costing a few pounds it is nearly £600 every time they mix a tub!! He asked my hubby if he would mind mixing it himself and of course my hubby said no problem as we understand that is just a crazy cost to the NHS! Now this cream has always been a 50/50 mix (500g dermavate with 500g WSP) but when the first prescription was collected the dermavate had been reduced. Cutting a long story short my hubby went ot see the doctor this week to query this and it was at this meeting that he was informed that it cna thin the skin (well we knew this) but alarmingly he was told that it cna casue cataracts and eye problems. Now the strange thing is my hubby develoed cataracts when he was about 24 and they literally appeared within a few months and he an operation to have them removed. At the time the doctors were suprised that he had got them so young and also so fast but we just thought it was one of those things. Also in 2007 he lost the sight in one eye over a few weeks and on a visit to the opticians was rushed straight to hospital and operated on the next day at Manchester Eye hospital as he had a 180 degree tear in his retina!!! He had suffred no injury to this eye and it was a serious op and he has very limited vision in this eye now. He also sees a consultant regulalry at the hospital as he has glaucoma and so they monitor the pressure etc. My whole worry here is that should he of been repeat prescribed this cream for so long, did it cause is eye problem and the tear in the retina which can never be fixed? I'm not very experainced at all with medical compalints and don't know where to begin....would I be better contacting one of the companies that specialise in these things?
  10. Here is my situation. I spent some 40 years in the Insurance Industry. Had a Mild Stroke - the company then tried to push me out. I took them to Employment Tribunal and won. Despite this I spent the next two years on Job Seekers Allowance. Now that is just background. I got a job through a Temp agency. The job involved shifts which could be from 8 in the morning to 10 at night. From the beginning I told them repeatedly that I was going to be off (holiday - not working) on 2 specific days - one of which is my 60th Birthday. Despite this I found last weekend that I was on a shift on those 2 days. I complained and they didn't like that. We parted. In a few days time I am 60 and I will start receiving one of my pensions. With the Lump Sum I would have too much to claim benefit and the weekly sum would only be slightly less than what I would get as JSA. Now, I could claim JSA as the job only went on for 11 weeks albeit I left under a cloud BUT the few extra Pounds I would get compared to the grief they give you is not worth it. However, should I register just for the stamp alone? I question this as say I were to restart claiming benefits in 6 - 12 months time, could they seek to sanction me for leaving the job? I tried to Citizens Advice bureau but they don't seem to know what they are doing these days. Certainly not giving advice.
  11. Hello to anyone that might be able to help -I hope ive posted thi in the right are wasnt sure. I live in a one bed house with my 13 month old baby and need more space. Im told that I have very good potential to extend to a 2 bedroom house but dont have the funds to do it and a poor credit history will not enable me to take a loan out. will my mortgage company (ge money) consider a further advance with a poor credit history and a recent payment arrangement due to hardship. Im guessing they wont even consider it but just exhausting all my options! Any suggestions welcome
  12. I have my application form for MBNA credit card from June 1994 which has the box ticked for PPI.I have always been self employed.I only have statements from the last six years which have no PPI on them. My question is ,will it be possible that I may get some money back,as I don't have the very old statements. Cheers Lutin:|
  13. I have a repayment plan with Wonga. I pay £45 per month. I have paid three installments via standing order. There should technically be no problems as they have agreed it, and I am paying it with no problems. However they refuse to confirm they have rec'd the payments (I mailed to check the bank details from wonga as they are different to any I've ever seen posted in this forum) and they point blank have refused to let me know despite the (12) emails I have sent - they simply reply with the generic mail " please call us" Finally this morning they say they haven't had any payments and 'please call us". I am adamant to keep this to email - yet despite supposedly not getting payment, nor updating my online balance, they haven't chased up the debt in way - no calls, no nothing just responses to MY emails. This si since September. Can someone please tell me how to deal with this They did confirm the bank details eventually - but not my payments(obviously I have proof as they are all on my bank statements)
  14. Hi all, I started a new job about 4/5 weeks ago but it isn't going well. Its very timed and speed focused and I just CANT get to the speed they want/need their employees to achieve. Other trainees are managing this. I can't see how I can improve myself anymore (it's a physical job and I get the feeling that my previous 5 year desk job hasn't aided me in moving to this kind of situation) so feel like dismissal is going to be inevitable. What I'd like to get an opinion of is whether I should quit or should I wait to be dismissed. I'm very tempted to 'just' quit as it's really stressing me out constantly worrying about time targets and if I'm getting it wrong, and why I'm so bad etc, and dreading the next day at work. Money isn't a (major) issue as my husbands wage is supporting us adequately at the moment, but I would be looking to go back on JSA(Contribution) and also need to consider how it would look on my CV in the future. Is it better to look like I took responsibility myself and quit a job before they had to fire me, or to let them fire me and let future employers know? Thanks in advance StageD
  15. Long story short, I was on ESA due to pregnancy complications, my partner was working part time - all was well until I hit 29 weeks in my pregnancy and my partner was made redundant. My ESA claim was changed to an Income Support claim as I do not qualify for MA as I have been a student and didn't get enough contributions. My partner was added to my Income Support claim now. Yesterday at the Job Centre we were informed we can only claim IS until our baby is 15 weeks old and until then my partner doesn't even have to look for work, the advisor basically told us to sit on our butts and do nothing for 26 weeks. Then at 15 weeks old the claim would be changed to JSA as he would be expected to find work. My question is; How will all this change when our boy is 15 weeks old? I was hoping to stay at home until he's 6 months old then go back to work (9 months of maternity starting at 29 weeks pregnant which I thought I was eligible to) - my old employer said I'm welcome back anytime. JCP said they don't know (??) IF my partner hasn't found work by then, then this will transferred to JSA, will I be expected to go back to work/find work then too, our boy will only be 3/4 months old then..? My partner might possibly have a part time job lined up in the meantime - it's only 15 hours a week but where we live right now (very small village with one shop!) it's a miracle anyway. What would happen then? Would we still get transferred to JSA at 15 weeks or would I stay on Income Support for a little longer and just have him on it as working part time? Sorry but no one seems to be able to answer us! I'd appreciate any replies!
  16. I phoned Wonga and I'm glad I did. The general advice on this site is DON'T contact payday loan companies via phone. I would tend to agree but I actually found Wonga ok. I was due to pay almost £1500 on Wednesday 23rd January. I got the "please call us" emails during January. I decided after reading on here to phone them. I informed the agent that I was recording the call but this wasn't needed. What The Agent suggested which seems the norm is to phone 3 days before repayment is due (not before). I was advised that if I phoned 3 days before, I would be able to click on a link on my account (bottom right of loan Summary page) anytime before the due repayment date and fill out Wonga's own online financial assessment form. This is not a legal requirement only a court can order an income/expenditure form, however I'm glad I did. I phoned 3 days before and simply said I was in financial difficulty and struggling to make payment, . The link was available on my account after an hour or so. The Creditors list had space for 8 and I had more so just put in things like "Credit cards x2". After I filled out the online form and clicked "next" I was asked to make an offer of payment. I offered £140 a month for 12 months. The response from Wonga (within seconds) was that based on my assessment they would accept £142. I had 2 choices. 1) Reject the offer and contact Wonga's assessment team stating that this is my offer take it or leave it. This would mean charges and interest being added before an agreement was made, I think they mention for 30 days, so an estimated £450 on top 2) Accept the offer via the accept link then all interest and charges are frozen there and then up to the date accepted. I accepted the offer and I've already saved around £45 (3 day's interest). You are also offered a payment date up to around 38 days in the future which could give you a free month to assist you. The thing I think people are worried about is proof. Wonga puts the details of the payment plan on your account page within minutes via the link "your payment arrangement" in the loan summary section. It clearly states what they will take from your card and it clearly states that all interest and charges will be frozen. I also got an email with the same information. So I presume it is legally binding. Followed by an email (Both email and account page are in table format) The amount owed on the main page will continue to show the amount owed with interest racking up daily whilst you are making the payment as per plan. This would only become payable if you missed a payment. That'll be another issue if that happened. I've told Wonga that I can't pay via Debit Card because I've stopped using that account and I have already sent a letter cancelling the CPA. On request, I was sent an email with their bank details and my reference on. I then queried that the payment may take a few days to reach my account if I pay via internet banking. The lady on the phone kindly amended my payment date to the 30th of the month to prevent any late payments. I was advised to email collections@wonga.com when I make a payment. I think that I may been ok if I let them take from my card although I didn't want to chance it. So yes I agree that speaking to Payday loan companies and indeed any company would be a no no. In the case of Wonga I'm glad I did phone.
  17. ordered a chair online paid via CC then company rings tells me that they don't have it chair in stock and refunded the card week later Chair arrives......Thought thanks. Mybad. fast forward 45 days and the company ring wanting the chair back.
  18. I looking for a bit of advice. My husband has been unwell for the last 18 months and last year had spinal surgery to correct the problem. Since he had the surgery he has suffered blackouts. He went back to work in June but is still suffering. Work has paid for him to have a medical and while the report says he has problems, the company should try and make allowances while the cause is found out. The report also says his problems are covered by the Disability Act. What I'm wanting to know is can they sack him. He has a stage 3 meeting next week to discuss his level of absence and the letter does say that as part of company policy he could be dismissed. We are both worried as if he is dismissed we are not entitled to ESA contribution based and I earn just over the limit for income based. Any help would be appreciated. Joanne
  19. Hi everyone! I am new to these forums, so please tell me if I have posted this in the wrong section! A few years ago I took out an unsecured loan with Lloyds TSB for £5000 about 8 months later it was re-financed for £6000. I was paying back all the repayments until I became unemployed due to a spinal injury. I then receieved Income and support allowance which I used all of to make repayments. But then it wasnt long after the Tories came into power that I lost all my benefits. So I set up a payment plan with lloyds TSB to pay back £1 a month. I did this for a few months, but when away from my address for a while, with no access to internet. My classic account went overdrawn and two £1 repayments bounced. I then got a letter from lloyds own debt recovery comapny based in Brighton - SCM solicitors. Stating my account balance was £6,245.68 and arrears £987.80. The letter demanded I repay the balance above less any rebate. Obviously I was not able to pay them, So i called them up. All they told me was that they could not talk to me about it, that my account was still being processed, and that someone would call me with the next step. NOW... I have recieved a letter from Moorcroft debt recovery limited, saying that they are sending me a notice of intended litigation before legal proceedings in the county court are issued. And that they believe that this letter fulfils this requirement even if it is not actually read by me. It says that to prevent our recommending to our client that solicitors should commence legal proceedings, it is essential that i settle this debt without delay. Payment should be submitted in full within 7 days or contact made with this office immediately, by telephone or by letter, with your payment offer. i have until the 17/01/12 Then it says We would draw to your attention that if judgement and an order for repayment in full is obtained and remains unpaid, a range of court enforcement options are available to our client and an application for one of these maybe considered. it then goes on to say about legal cost for court etc. and the usual jargon. I am really stuck, I'm just about keeping my head on... but I am quite shi* scared to be honest. PLEASE HELP!!! thankyou so much!
  20. Hi all I applied for a loan with cfo last week , gave my bank card details ect , was told via website and phone had been approved but following day recieved an e-mail saying i hadnt been accepted . my concern is , i get payed in 2 weeks , and no money has been taken from my account yet ( basically no money in there ) but will they try and take money out despite the fact i waas turned down for a loan ? thanks for any help Kh41
  21. Should children witness childbirth? Due to a power outage, only one paramedic responded to the call. The house was very dark so the paramedic asked Kathleen, a 3-yr. old girl to hold a torch high over her mummy so he could see while he helped deliver the baby. Very diligently, Kathleen did as she was asked. Heidi pushed and pushed and after a little while, Connor was born. The paramedic lifted him by his little feet and spanked him on his bottom. Connor began to cry. The paramedic then thanked Kathleen for her help and asked the wide-eyed 3-yr. old what she thought about what she had just witnessed. Kathleen quickly responded, "He shouldn't have crawled in there in the first place.... smack his arse again!" If you don't laugh at this one there is no hope for you
  22. My OH is always watching docus and reading up on earthquakes, volcanoes and tsumanis - And he been talking about the risk of one starting in the Irish sea for sometime - caused by the "Azores-Gibralter fracture", apparently it's gone before - and it's due to go again, yet our governments are doing little to prepare let alone warn us. They have passed it onto DEFRA - although the original page has gone,it does give you the option to click the archived tsunami documents (I still can't open PDF documents though, so don't know what DEFRA have said about it. Here are two link for you to have a read through - it's interesting, if not slightly worrying (although if it happens it happens). Do you think government should be putting better safety measures into practice, just in case? http://www.tsunamiwatch.co.uk/ http://www.gsi.ie/Programmes/Bedrock/Projects/Tsunami+warning+system+for+Ireland.htm http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/flooding/documents/risk/tsunami06.pdf
  23. Experian planning to add payday loans to CRFs but will be recording data differently to other FSPs Banks admit that having or applying for Payday loans isl likely to see rejection for loans even years after. Mortgage applications are likely to be affected. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2231040/Payday-borrowers-face-Christmas-credit-shock.html
  24. i need assistance with employment law, and personal injury claims. i would appreciate any advice that fellow CAG's can provided Work Related Breakdown i suffered a work related breakdown a year ago approx, however despite the problems at work i loved the actually job itself and always intended to return to work when i was well enough to do so, however i was pre empted financially and returned October last year and at that point formally started my grievance. like most people i had not idea of how a grievance procedure would work, so it was a massive learning curve. it is so unbelievably stressful and im still not fully well. all of the stresses remain as nothing had changed within the team on my return and my health has again deteriorated. Occ Health have recommended in writing that my place of work is toxic to my full recovery and i should leave. my p/trist is saying the same, as is my counsellor. they have all made clear that outside of that environment my health should improve enough for me to get another job doing the same type of work but with a different organisation! my question is this. is it possible for me to take civil action over and above tribunal action against my employer for the pysiatric injury they have caused me, in addition to which i had lost all my body hair. my head remains bald and i have to wear a wig, my eyebrow are going again, my arm and leg hair have gone, however my pubic hair did grow back a little. i am very grateful that my eyelashes have grown back - but for how long. i have been tested medically, the is no physical reason for the universal hair loss. constructive dismissal i am aware that the issue of constructive dismissal and discrimination can only be held in a Tribunal. but i would want to know how p/injury would work in a civil court, and could this take place more quickly than a Tribunal, and although not the right venue, will the issues of the discrimination, harrassment, bullying and victimisation come out at a civil hearing? i have an outstanding grievance appeal taking place by the end of March, it is likely to be negative, a little more detail first 'last straw' - manager held PPP (nearly 2 years since the previous one) tells me basically im c.... and that my colleagues have all complained about me, and gives examples of complaint. Fair enough. however all of this has come out of nowhere. manager provides no discussion or plan on how to resolve the situation between me and the rest of team, and goes off on 2 weeks holiday. naturally this has a devasting affect on my feeling toward the manager and the rest of the team, i have believed what he is saying. i make complaint to manager on his return and challenge all his accusation and complain that if the situation were true how is it he didnt try to help resolve the situation? i copy in HR. manager writes back taking no responsibility claiming i have misinterpreted and didnt say some of the things. my complaint was comprehensive and i gave back to him all the examples that he had used! a meeting was held. HR had lead me to believe that the meeting was a grievance as laid out in their policy, but it was a mediation meeting whereby the manager states again that i have mis interpreted and that in fact no one had complained about me - he failed to give any further information. he actually stated that i was made for the job. on hearing this however instead of making me feel better it devasted me further. i couldnt understand how he had done this to me in the first place. i had worked so hard and was so proud of the work. i went into freefall. from the time of the meeting with manager to what i thought was a grievance meeting was just over 2 months during which time there was a complete and utter breakdown between me and the rest of the team. i was signed off sick with work sky high blood pressure and related stress which i had desperately been trying to ward off. emloyer contact during sick leave during sick leave, the manager above my manager demanded to to see me, didnt advise that i could be accompanied and during the meeting told me basically that the best thing for me was to get my arse back on my chair and that in their experience involving the medical profession would mean that i would be off work longer! remember this talk at me is whilst i am unwell and vulnerable. end result even more freefall. during my sick leave there were a bombardment of letters from work, which stressed me out further than you can believe i felt hounded. i thought that it would be better to return to work even thougth my GP didnt think i was ready. i thought that it would be best to stop the hounding and make sure their were no more meetings with my managers manager. phased return meeting GP formally recommended this. unfortunately he did not specify a time. managers manager didnt want to follow GP's advice and tried to insist instead that if i felt tied i went home. luckily an HR officer was present and had to remind manager that it was normal in such circumstance and length of time away that a phased return take place. manager reluctantly agreed to 1 week! there was mention of a review, but no details of when the review would take place or who with. naturally 1 week was not enough. situation with team not resolved. i approach HR for help and am basically told to go away. i return to my GP who tries not to give the 'i told you so' and signs me off again. long term sick which brings me back to my return last year. Discrimination bullying and harrassment prior to the first last straw i had been suffering discrimination harrassment and bullying from another member of the team for a couple of year which i didnt handle very well. i absorbed it - but this just caused me to lose my body hair. i genuinely believe that this new member of staff would get used to me being there, also i had hoped that other members of the team would come to my defence when i was under attack from this 'colleague' - but no one did, some of them even joined in. this colleague was good at getting others to express their prejudices and the others knew better. i felt so isolated, ashamed and scared to say anything just in case they thought i was the one with the problem the one with the 'chip' so i said nothing. there was no one or manager that i had any trust or confidence in that i could take this matter to, so i suffered in silence, until the breakdown came. Employers investigate the complainant on making the complaint my employers carried out an investigation - a shock to me, a bigger shock was later learning that they had carried out an investigation on me too. thank God i was good at my job, good things were said about me. so they cant get me on that angle. grievance 1 outcome it transpired that others had complained also about my 'colleague' and my manager showed up themselves good and proper at the hearing. recommendations. words would be had with colleague and manager, but no grounds for discrimination - however.... appeal 'colleague' had actually admitted to what they thought would be a lesser complaint that they thought they could get away with, but this put employers in difficulty and they had to make a statement at the appeal confirming that at least one act of discrimination had taken place. it was agreed (and is on tape) that i was the brunt of this 'colleagues' abusive behaviour promotion of the main perp it was always the intention of my 'colleague' to get me out of the team and take over my Officer status and effect they way up from what they considered to be a lowly administrative position. they have now achieved this. even with the outcome of the grievance they still hold this position. what does this say? Victimisation (final 'last straw') managers manager has not taken too kindly to my complaint and raised awareness of what's going on in one of their departments and has targeted the 'trouble maker' me. a serious incident of victimisation has recently taken place. but i am covered by a 'protected act' and acted immediately. i put in a grievance about the harrassment and bullying by this particular manager. naturally management have stuck together. so i am just about to put in an appeal. Back to the start again this brings me round to where i started. based on the medical recommendation i think i will have to leave my job immediately i am notified of the appeal decision otherwise i will lose any rights i may have to claim constructive dismissal. i am not sure i want to claim this anyway as i would prefer the matter to go to civil court, where i can completely sue the a... off these people for what has happened to me over the past 18 months. my medical state the complete and utter indignity of having to constantly wear a wig and a cheap one at that as i dont have the money to buy a decent one. how further freakish i look without eyebrows. the constant eye infections because of no eyelashes, or where they were just coming loose and falling into my eye - the constant rubbing. im not so distressed about the rest of the body hair - no on sees any of it. im on medication up to my eyeballs. i have a diagnosed prolapsed disc and whilst of sick couldnt even put my knickers on or use the WC without putting a bucket on it first as i couldnt sit. thankfully my mobility is such that i can get around better, but i walk with a limp now, and still prefer to use the disable WC as they are a little higher. the constant pain in my back, shooting pains and numbness in my left leg is sometimes unbearable. also since being back at work apart from the deterioaration again of my mental state i have the additional indignity of repeated boils on my arse - what the hell is that about? i do hope that there is someone prepared and/or managed to read through this and provide advice or answer my query. Thanks
  25. Hi I hope someone could offer a bit of help. I had an old back credit card debt that is about 12 months from being statue barred. Its for just under 2k. Many years ago I send a CCA request to the OC bank and never received a CCA so placed the account in dispute. This account got passed around several DCA working on the OC behalf, each one I seen off telling them that the account was in dispute. One DCA even confirmed that the original credit agreement never existed. No here is where my trouble starts the account was sold about 3 months ago to 1st Credit, I never responded to any of there requests, this account then got passed onto caughnuts who I think are the same company as 1st credit, I too ignored these. But today I got a letter stating that the account was being passed to Moon Beever, I’m not sure who these people are. All I can find on the web is the deal with insolvency. Does anyone know this company and anyone any ideas how I can deal with this? Many thanks
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