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  1. Hi, I hope that people can help on this site - I'm pulling my hair out with Orange. I am currently in the dispute resolution process but will soon end up deadlocked so need to start preparing for CISAS then hopefully I will take them to small claims court. So here is my problem. I had an upgrade from Orange in May 2011, the contract I got was a £35 per month iPhone 4 contract. As part of the contract, I had to pay £69.99 deposit as I was informed that the contract did not cover the full cost of the phone (was subsidised as part of the higher priced service tariff) In December 2011, I moved to a new area - the service coverage checker said I would have service in that new area. However, when I got there, I was not able to get a signal and in early Jan 2012 I raised this with Orange. Over the next couple of months I was told that it was due to a faulty transmitter and Orange were working on it, I would then have normal service. In the meantime, my account was credited as I was unable to use my phone. After the couple of months, Orange then told me it was fixed yet I still had no service. After multiple calls, I was then told the transmitter would be upgraded - this was however a lie as I found out some time after, that Orange did not have any problems and were not going to upgrade the transmitter - I was left with no service. When negotiating with Orange about release of contract, they told me to sell my iPhone and buy a Blackberry so I could use UMA over my wireless home connection. I was also offered reduction in tariff. Both these options were not good so I raised a dispute and was told that I could cancel my contract. The problems then started, I will outline them below. I was told that I had to give back my iPhone and would not get a refund for the deposit paid or any of the subsidy money I had paid them - this is like buying TV with a service where the TV comes with the package, the TV service becomes no longer available so they take away the TV and do not give you a refund or anything despite paying for it. I said I was not happy with this and got some really horrible bullying customer service saying they would not release my number to another provider until I had sent back the iPhone so I felt I had no choice and had to send it back. After raising a complaint, they said they would give back my deposit for the iPhone - this was over 6 weeks ago and they have not paid anything. What make matters worse, they then went on to take another months payment sending me into my overdraft - they have not returned this either. I have since been in touch with OFCOM and found some advice suggesting this is bad practice for the following reasons. The contract I had came with an iPhone of which I paid a deposit on. Orange were unable to provide a service which meant I had no alternative but to go with a different provider. The contract costs £35 per month. A sim only service providing exactly the same costs £15.50 per month. I have asked Orange repeatedly what the extra £20 per month is for and they will not answer. I was led to believe on the sales call when I started the contract that the increased price was to subsidy the iPhone over 24 months. So I paid £69.99 deposit for the iPhone, I have then paid £280 extra for the subsidy of the iPhone that I no longer have because Orange bullied me into sending it back to them. I find this totally unfair. If I would have completed the 24 months then I would have the iPhone - it would be mine. I got out of contract early because Orange could not provide the service. Now I have no iPhone yet I paid the deposit and the higher contract fee for it so I am totally out of pocket. I strongly believe I have been ripped off by Orange and taken unfair advantage of - could someone help with this please? Thanks in advance
  2. Hello all, Back in 2011 when my son was 17 he took out a mobile phone contract with xxxxxxxx stating his d.o.b was 1992 instead of his real d.o.b which is 1994. He has carried on the contract until now when he lost his job and can no longer afford to pay for the contract itself. He is currently in about £200 debt with the company and has also turned 18 since and now it shows on his credit file as defaulted payments along with the 1992 date of birth on the xxxxxxxx account. What i would like to know is if there is any way of contacting the company to explain the situation and see what can be done about it? Has anyone done this before or know of someone who has? I mean he is 18 now and legally is allowed a contract and would they clear his credit report? Would it go to the police? Because if it were to take legal action on my son then i would suggest he just keeps it quiet and carrys on the contract until the date it ends which is April 2013. Thanks.
  3. Some of the best in the business in my opinion. In the past 4 days they have done the following for me due to having 2 accounts currently running with them at the moment. 1. Lowered my £15 p/m tariff to £5 (loyalty points). 2. Lowered my £35 p/m tariff to £22.50 - I always thought it was 1 tariff at a time? Must have got lucky?. 3. Took 4 late payments off first account (GOGW to help credit rating). 4. Took 3 late payments off second account (GOGW to help credit rating). I can't fault them for anything at the monent. Three however, don't get me started!! Anyone else had similar good experiences with Orange?
  4. PLEASE READ, I DO APOLOGIES FOR ANY SPELLING MISTAKES AND GRAMMAR ERROR, (not my strong point lol) have sent this to executive office of orange. I am writing this complaint as I am discussed with the way I have been treaded by orange for the first time in 9 years that I have been with orange. I have 4 phones on my account and have upgraded a number of times in that 4 years and this is the first time I have EVER heard about this fraud in my name. (the above details are not the fraud account) On Tuesday 29th May I called orange to upgrade my phone from the IPhone 4 to the IPhone 4s and Ipad bundle. I have been asking question regarding this package since January via email’s in April I sent another email to orange asking about the package as I had noticed that it was now available with the ipad 3. So one of my questions was do I need to pre order it due high demands regarding the ipad 3. I was advised no it should be fine to call on the 29th may and upgrade your phone. On and round the 1st may I checked online that my upgrade date was still the 29th may, on checking online I found that it had moved to the 13th July as I was work I thought this is odd, maybe it’s an error on the website. So on returning home I checked again to find that the information the website was the same, so I decided to use the live chat tab, I was talking with a lady called Kristy who advised me that the upgrade policy had changed to 45 days before the end of contract, instead of 3 month, I was not happy with as I didn’t know anything about this as I had not received any communication from orange regarding this change. Kristy was not having off it and advised me to call 150 and raise a complaint, which I did I spoke to a gentle who pasted me through to the upgrade team and I explained yet again what my issue was, he advised that orange had send a survey out to customer regarding the upgrade benefit and a lot of people came back complaining that they didn’t like the 3 months of the contract being added to the new contract. Which I think people are stupid cause I think it’s fine but that is me. Anyway the man that I was speaking advised me what he would do is on 29th put my contract down to 45 days remaining and upgrade my package and then once everything is sorted out then added the 45 days back on which I said that’s fine, he advised me that he would give me a call back on the 29th may, he asked me what time would be best and I said any. We said our goodbyes and end the call. Now on the 29th may I was accepting a call back from orange to upgrade my phone. But as the day went on I’d not heard anything I thought I’d call up the upgrade team and speak to someone to find out what time I would be getting a back. The time was 13:31 when I made the call, when I got through I spoke with a lady and asked her if there was a call back on my account for today and what time would it be happen, the lady checked the system and advised that there was NO note’s so no call back book. Not happy, so I explained the above aforementioned. The lady was very helpful and agreed that I should get the upgrade, she then placed me on hold to that she could transfer me to another department who went through everything with me i.e. what package I wanted, we had a laugh as I had to advise her that orange where doing the ipad 3 now in the ipad and iPhone 4s bundle (connect 66) and where to find it on the system, Once she had found it she asked me colour I wanted and I went for white for a change, so on agreeing to all that she pasted me through to the sales team to a Mr Roche (ext. 0688) who again checked everything with me and advised me that you were OUT STOCK of the IPAD 3 and it would be either a week or month before you got them in again, but the deal I could have was the Ipad 2 and the iPhone 4s 32gb free of charge or ipad 3 32gb and iPhone 4s 32gb for a one off payment off £50.00, I advised Mr Roche (ext. 0688) that I will go for the ipad 2 and the iPhone 4s 32gb, Mr Roche then advised that it need to go to the credit team and that he would call me back within 30 minutes, I said that’s fine speak to you then. Call ended. This call lasted 24 minutes. Within 10 minutes Mr Roche (ext. 0688) called me back (time of call was 14:05) and advised of the following, Mr Roche – Russell, we can’t process the order as there is an outstanding balance, Me (Mr Gray) - what? Mr Roche – There is another account in your name that is outstanding that has not been paid Me - No there can’t be, I don’t have another account, Mr Roche – well there is and there nothing I can do to help you, you need to speak to customer service. Me - I don’t want to speak to customer service I want you to help me At this point I should apologise as I lost it and started shouting at Mr Roche, I was in shock in all my time orange and the times I have spoken with someone from orange I have never heard of this. I got Mr Roche’s details and his manager details as he refused to let me speak to his manager (Lyne) and refused to help me with this ( in his words) he’s in sales and does not have to deal with this and transferred me to the automated service where I had to input my mobile number and password. At this point I was very angry and upset. I got through and a gentleman called mike (ext. 2058, pod 37 Plymouth), at the beginning of the call I very angry and upset I was shouting and screaming at mike, trying to explained the aforementioned to him, mike to his credit stayed very calm and eventually calmed me down and we spoke and he placed me on hold to find out what was going on, before that he checked my postcode DE24 8RH and nothing showed up bar the account I have had for 9 years. Another postcode of S41 0PD this is where I moved to 30th March 2010 after separation from my partner. Nothing showed up there. When mike came back he’d got the account of this outstanding account. He gave me the following details 1 – Opened in December 2009 2 – via phones 4 u 3 – Set as cheque payment 4 – A direct debt was setup on 12th Jan 2010 5 – Direct debt was cancelled on the 26th Jan 2010 6 – Card payment was made on 31st Jan 2010 7- No further payments were made 8 – Account was closed march/April 2010 due to none payment 9 – Debt had been written off by orange as it had come back from debt recovery companies as not able to find person. On hearing all this I was shocked upset and extremely ****ed off. I explained to mike at the dates mentioned as a family we were going through a horrific time due the passing of my mother in law. She passed away 23rd November 2009 Funeral was 9th December 2009 Ashes interred was 15th or 16th December 2009 My Partner and I separated on 16th Jan 2010 I was made redundant on 20th Jan 2010 From the 16th Jan I moved back to parents for a week’s then in mid-February I moved to my sister’s until the end of March where I moved to chesterfield as I working up there. In all this time I was still having some contact with partner due to me seeing my children, she was passing any post onto and in this time I didn’t receive any letter from orange or debt collectors. I asked mike the following Why is this first I have heard off it? When I was paying via dd card in February 10, March 10, I called up and changed my address at the being of April 2010, also changed my bank details. Then in the August/September 10 I called again and changed my address and I have also upgraded other phones on account in 2010, 2011, & 2012 and still not heard of this. Also at this time I had mobile broadband with free laptop on the same account. Mike answered it is because I have asked for the iPhone and ipad bundle and you need another line for the ipad, so it has to go to credit team, also it would have been the same if I had the iPhone 4s on its own. (This call last 41 mins) There were lots of question that I have asked but I can’t remember them all, as I am still in a state of shock regarding this. Mike took all the details and advised me that he has passed them onto the fraud department and that someone will be in touch with me, mike called me back at 1623 and advised me that he had passed it through call last 4 mins. It is now Friday 1st June and I have not heard from anyone regarding this matter. Which is not very good, having read some forums online this seems to be common fraud that has happened to a few people. Everyone on the forums feel the lack of communication from the fraud department and the fact a customer can’t contact them and we are not given a time length of how long it will take to sort out is disgraceful. I would be very grateful if someone can contact me within next 2 hours or I will take this is Ofcom.
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/bills/article-2152261/Orange-let-1-700-rung-stolen-phone.html
  6. After recently obtaining a copy of my credit file from Equifax I was concerned to note that Orange had placed a "Default" against an account in my name. The default seems to be with regards to a missed payment of £25.52 for the month of June 2010. I failed to make the payment. I assumed that this payment would be added to my direct debit for the following month. I therefore made no arrangements for the outstanding payment since I am a direct debit customer. At the time I was on the paper-less billing scheme, I relied on the fact that my direct debit payments were being taken to assure me that I paid my due. I was therefore not aware of the fact that the outstanding amount had not been added to my direct debit and therefore was still outstanding. The situation remained in this fashion with me unaware of this outstanding payment. I was looked at my bank statements today and it appears that payments were taken for the following months but not for the outstanding payment. After 6 months in December my account was classified as defaulted and the credit reporting ends there. However it appears that the outstanding payment was taken from my account together with the payment for the month of January 2011. It seems to have been a policy change to take the total amount due by direct debit instead of the situation as it had been before. I therefore had been clueless of all this until today. A consequence of this sequence of events has been the detrimental effects this has had on my credit score. From 2007 there was constant reporting on my account, ending with a report of the account being in default at the end of 2010 with me being to this day in default of £51. This is incorrect. The reports state that I missed continuous payments from June 2010 to December 2010. This is a misrepresentation as the money should have gone out by direct debit. There are no further reports about payments to my account after December 2010 despite the fact that I am still with Orange mobile and have not had a late payment since. This gives the impression that I defaulted on the account and walked away in a very irresponsible fashion. This is not a fair portrayal of my account behaviour. Is there a way of getting this sorted out so that my credit score can be restored? any help is appreciated
  7. hello all! It started n October 21st 2011 when I received a letter from CapQuest informing me that they had purchased my debt from Orange of £175.65. The thing is, I don't acknowledge said debt because I have NEVER been an Orange customer! At first I ignored these letters, sent to my parents' adress, but when they mysteriously found out my new address earlier this year, I got worried and requested proof of the debt from CapQuest. (I also tried to contact Orange directly but, without an account number, they didn't want to talk to me). On March 12th 2012, CapQuest wrote to me that they were "in receipt of the statements requested" and went on to ask me to phone them up for security details confirmation. I did so immediately, only to hear that they weren't in receipt of anything from Orange, and that Orange would contact me directly, which they haven't to date. Next they threaten me on April 3rd with doorstep recovery agents who never turn up, and today May 7th they give me a deadline to pay either a discounted amount of £122.96 in one payment, or £140.52 in several instalments. After May20th, they threaten me of "earnings arrestment or attachment of [my] goods". Despite emailing Orange customer service and complaints handling in April, I still haven't heard back from them. What should I do now? I am thinking about contacting a financial ombudsman or waiting for CapQuest to take me to court, where they would have to prove that the debt is mine, which i deny. But I'd rather get rid of it all and get back to sleeping at night! Thanks a lot for your help!
  8. Hi, After looking online for info about Fredericksons I found this website and signed up for some advice. I used to have a contract with Orange which was in my name/address but paid from my sisters bank account because I could not get the contract from Orange otherwise, due to bad credit. I stopped using the phone because I moved to America for a year and my sister cancelled the DD's from her account about 5 years ago and have made no payments or acknowledged the debt at all since then, I don't actually remember the exact dates of last payment. I recieved letters from Orange saying I owe £400 approx. for a few months then they stopped. I recieved letters from Westcott and several other DCA's for a while after this too until they stopped. I had not had any letters about any debts at all for about 3 years, until... 12 months ago I got a new phone from 3 in my own name/address and everything was good, then about 6 months ago Fredericksons called my parents house and my mum thought it was a call about a parcel I had been waiting for and called me with a reference number. I believe that somehow me getting the new contract alerted Fredericksons that I was still at the same address. I called the number and because I thought it was about my package gave them my name and address. When they started asking for my DOB and other information I questioned why they needed the info just for a package...this is when I realised they were a DCA and hung up. Fredericksons then started sending me text messages at 8am Mon-Fri, calling and leaving voice messages every day, even weekends, and still continue to call my parents on a daily basis... How do I get rid of these people...
  9. hey, thanks in advance for any info, I have an orange mobile contract on my credit file showing a default and settlement, the problem is that it appears twice! (well, kinda twice.. it looks like I've had two contracts but the second has no start or end balance or settlement) could I get this removed from my data file? also I have an old Tmobile contract which there was a bit of a mix up over (they ended up owing me £45!) but for a while there was a dispute and I ended up with a bill of £400 which shows up as a default and settlement.. is there any way to remove this too. . I've three settled accounts now on my file! which is good.. but lots of red.. which is not so good.. (there is an ancient virgin account where I owed them £120 showing as a settled default too on there) I'd love to get these got rid of if it's possible.. but I'm not even sure where to look.. or if I can actually do this!
  10. Hi all, sorry it's a bit long-winded, am at my wits end with this situation, hope someone can advise.. Last June I was called by a company called Excell Communications who claimed they worked with Orange. They offered me a £15 (total) a month mobile contract with Orange claiming I would receive 1500 minutes. (Even though I never use that amount of minutes, at the time I was having difficulty with the reception with the ‘3’ network so I thought it would improve things for the same cost I was paying 3). Excell said it was a ‘business contract’, but they stated that it didn’t matter that I wasn’t a business. After I had agreed to these terms, and the change-over to Orange had begun, did I realise that the ‘total’ price excluded VAT, and in fact the agreement worked as a cash back system, meaning that I was on an Orange ‘business sense 1500 - 24 month contract’. The invoices came from Orange for £88.13 and, once I had paid this and sent a copy of the invoice to Excell, I would be refunded £60, costing me nearly double what I had originally agreed, especially now with the VAT increase, the bills are now £89.63. However, the bigger problem emerged in December when Excell Communications went into administration, leaving me (amongst approx 8000 others) in expensive mobile contracts with Orange for another 18 months. I have spoken to Orange to ask them if I can leave the contract considering my agreement with Excell has been broken, and they will not allow it. They have only offered to reduce my tier slightly which will still cost me nearly £50 a month which I simply cannot afford. They also stated that if I accept, I will also lose any option of cashbacks in the future, should they happen. They referred me to a company called Midland who they say is dealing with the situation, but they claim they are not, but merely offering a £60 cash back as a ‘goodwill gesture’ for 3 months. However the cashbacks have to be paid into my Orange account, effectively paying Orange twice. Since starting this contract with Excell in July, I have so far paid to Orange £618.75, and only received two £60 cash back payments from Excell. According to Ofcom’s GC23, Mobile service providers are obliged to: - not to engage in dishonest, misleading or deceptive conduct - ensure that any retailers it uses to sell mobile services are made aware of GC23 and to monitor their compliance - use reasonable endeavours to ensure that any incentives offered by mobile services retailers are not unduly restrictive, and that consumers are provided with clear, comprehensible and accurate information on the particulars of the sales incentive. On top of this, I noticed that Orange’s terms and conditions for business contracts is that they require a copy of my business headed paper and company cheque book, neither of which have been requested nor do I own. Also I hear Excell Communications are now trading under Premier Phones with apparantly no comeback to the problems they have caused. At the end of the day Orange are benefitting from unethical trading and should be held accountable. Can anyone help please, I cannot afford this contract at all and am considering canceling my direct debit because it is pushing my overdraft to the limit with its costs.
  11. We were completely mis-sold the Orange Home Phone with Broadband package on the basis that we'd receive a much higher speed (16-17mb) if we transferred phone billing from BT to Orange. Big mistake. the reality was we lost our connection completely after transfer was screwed up and when it came back it was half the speed it used to be. Numerous tech support (30-45 minute) phone calls to level 1&2 techs + ADR + Orange Helper emails + head office letters have so far produced only vague assurances that speeds will improve some time in the future when they transfer us to the WBC network (that already exists) in our area. The network is apparently oversubscribed. This begs the question: why sell a package you can't actually provide? Really interested to find out if anyone else has experienced similar?
  12. Orange give pretty much the worst average broadband speeds in the UK but please sign even if you're with another provider because this is an industry-wide con and we need to pressure all telecoms companies so that consumers are fully aware of EXACTLY what they are paying for. Enough of this 'up to xx mb' rubbish! http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/947/594/325/
  13. Hi, I am new to the forum, and am hoping to get help and advice. recently I received a letter from Wescot Credit Services Ltd saying that I owe £1491.32 to AGGL who is collecting on behalf of Orange, I checked my bank statement, and found out that it was a phone contract i had with Orange that started in Feb 2006, I had paid the mobile bills for several months but stopped after i lost the mobile phone, and because i didnt buy insurance then i could not get any claim. in any case, I feel this amount is way more than what the contract was worth. I have not yet made any contact with Wescot, and am not able to pay this kind of money anyway, so could anyone be kind to enlighten me on how i should go about dealing with this matter? I thank you so much for reading my problem and your help in advance. nanyi
  14. Hi I recently travelled to Jamaica on holiday I wanted to take along my iphone so I could access the rugby scores on bbc sport site while I was away. I had heard that data is not cheap while abroad so I called orange the day before I went and told them what I wanted to check while away and the girl suggested I get a 10mb bundle for £15 and told me to activate data roaming in order to access internet while abroad. while away I left the phone switched on in the room most of the holiday on charge. during the 2weeks I checked the internet a few times for sport scores and weather updates sent home 3 pictures and made 3 calls home. I have no problem accepting the £79 charge for the extra calls but I am disgusted at being charged £1200 (yes £1200) for data in adition to the bundle I purchased befor travelling. Total Bill £1439 for month , normally £65! I rang Orange today and they have allowed me to purchase a 100mb data bundle retospectively for £140 this reduces my bill by £680 however I am being charged £8 a mb for the remaining data leaving £759 to pay. I believe this to be a disgrace and totally unreasonable. I genuinely do not have a clue how this ammount has run up and find it hard to believe that it is possible to do so! I would welcome any help and or advice! Mike.
  15. A company called Frederickson international contacted me around 6 months ago to say i was liable to pay a fee of £217.00 for an organe phone I took out in 2007. The contract on the phone was only for 13 days. They havent provided me with a complete breakdown of where the debt is from. Orange sold the debt on to Arrow Global, and Arrow Global have applied a default notice against my credit file. i have no idea what the debt is for, and not really sure what to do. Can they remove the default notice, this is really affecting my life, i cant even apply for a mortgage because of it.
  16. Hi, My girlfriend took out an 18month contract phone a while back and towards the end of this contract wanted to go abroad for a year but found out that Orange had her on the system as a 24month contract. She tried to fight this but they wouldn't listen and as such she cancelled the direct debit and left the country. 12 months later she has returned to a pile of letters threatening bailiffs and court action from the likes of NCO and westminster solicitors. In this sort of dispute can we just ask Orange to provide proof of this 24month contract and if they can't we shouldn't have to pay them. Its a case of 2 sides to this story and without evidence I don't think they can keep hounding her or can they? As I don't know either way and my girlfriend is adament that it was only an 18month contract i feel that Orange should have proof of these contracts. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Andy
  17. hi quick question took out a contract 4 days ago in store with p4u on orange but it still doesnt work when i got it home i set it all up dead excited like you do and threw any waste packaging or so i thought away when i try to call anyone it says the sim is not registered i have phoned orange but they have told me p4u should have registered it as orange themselves only register over the phone for themselves and car phone warehouse. i have been into phones 4 u and they rang trying to register but apparently the number of the sim is not connected with orange. in the beginning when the credit thing went though p4u had to call orange for authorisation and p4u were told they would be called back after 20 min. another member of the p4u team said dont wait just phone back again so they did and staright away was given a code for it to go through. what happens now and where do i stand on cancelling contract as not into being messed around. thanks any bit of help would be much appreciated
  18. I don't know what to do I have been to Cisas and they did not help at all in fact they just said I used the data. But Orange sold me a phone and this HTC just downloaded without my knowledge. Orange did not send me any warnings and told me they don't have to . They just sent me a bill for over £4200 now its been passed to a debt company with a 72 hour warning I have never not paid a bill so I have no idea how to handle this . I ned to know what kind of organisation can now help me
  19. Hello there, I have recently run into a problem with Orange, and would appreciate some advice. After being an Orange customer for around 8 years, i left my contract (at the end of the 18 months) to change to a different network. To cancel the contract, i went into an Orange shop on the high street, but since they cant seem to do much in there at all (apart from sell phones), they put me onto customer services who assured me that the contract would end after the next bill (i naively didn't request this in writing). Around 3 months later, i noticed Orange was still being paid to Orange, so thinking it was a mistake and it merely hadn't cancelled properly, cancelled the Direct Debit. Having changed address since, i hadn't noticed any orange mail arriving, and only noticed when i received letters from a Moorcroft Debt Recovery, saying i owed them around £90. At this point, i contacted MCR (who are very dodgy indeed, both from my experiences, and other references to them i have seen),and called Orange Customer Services. Their customer services rep was pretty rude/curt (despite me being polite), and said that at the time, I called but 'decided not to cancel' (there is NO chance of this happening, i already had my new phone on a new contract in my pocket!). He said that a Orange rep had 'taken the time to call me to confirm my cancellation', but i had not picked up. Therefore, they hadn't ended my contract, and i carried on paying them 30 odd quid a month. He also suggested quite blatantly that I was just lying when I told him I had cancelled. At this point I sent a full and polite letter to Orange customer services, explaining what had happened. This was ignored, so i sent another (via recorded delivery), again explaining the situation. this has also been ignored. Still recieving demands and threats from the Debt Recovery Agency. I am somewhat at a loss now, Orange is ignoring any correspondence i send them, and i am receiving threatening letters from this debt collection agency. They have been hassling my parents via the phone (while refusing to say who they were apart from "MDR", luckily my parents can use the internet and googled it). Bit infuriated that after being a good customer for so many years (never even missed any bills), they end up doing this for something which i believe to be their fault. Thankyou for any assistance you might be able to give me!
  20. Hi a few months ago I received a letter from Fredrickson asking me to contact them regarding a personal matter, I checked the web and found this CAG forum so binned it. the next day I received a letter saying I owed their client Arrow Global £2229.27 I figured from this board that it related to Orange, I sent them a Prove it letter and received a reply saying it was on hold. Yesterday I received another letter from Freds which says, "We refer to your recent letter or telephone conversation with this office. Please find enclosed account dicuments, provided by our client as requested. we hope this clarifies matters and look forward to hearing from you with proposals for the discharge of this account. " Attached is a statement from Orange showing payments from 2002 up to 2006 when the last payment wasn't made. (£2229.27) I have previously been chased by Moorcroft for this back in 2006 after I was cut off by Orange for non payment. The charges are for one month when I was in Munich ( my usual bill was £40 average) these charges had run up through excessive charges whilst roaming including paying for received calls and text messages. I informed Moorcroft that I would only deal with Orange and sent Orange a letter stating I was not prepared to pay these excessive charges as they should have capped my account before allowing it to run up to such an excessive amount, I offered to pay for calls made and sms sent but not received (around £500) although still very excessive) I didn't hear anything until this year although I was aware it was still on my credit file and preventing me getting a loan or finance. At no point have Freds ever mentioned Orange up to now. My feeling is that the account is still in dispute with Orange and I am still prepared to pay them a reduced settlement but I am not going to pay a DCA one penny. I have also read that the law has changed and phone companies are now required to set an agreed limit on roaming charges or cut off services at €50 This was my original argument with Orange, also roaming charges were capped significantly after this. What is my best course of action? I intend to send Freds a letter saying you have attached a statement from Orange, how is this related to arrow Global, and that the account with Orange is in dispute and has been since 2006. and also to write to Orange again. Do I need to ask for an SAR first or do I just write again with my original dispute? As the EU have been fighting to change these charges is there any way of having them cleared as they were deemed to be excessive by the European commissioners?
  21. Hi, I'm new here and was wondering if someone can help me in dealing with this problem. I recieved a letter from advantis credit who are claiming to be appointed to collect payment of a debt which I owe to Global Arrow. It also states that the "debt owed to arrow global assigned by Orange". Now I had an account with Orange in 2005/2006 (cant remember exactly) and I to my knowledge the account was paid and closed when I took out another contract. It doesnt give any more details over then the amount which is £400!!!! Now my questions are How do I get them to tell me where this debt is from and what I owe it for and why Orange have sold this debt with out telling me (this is what I assume they mean by it was assigned to Global by orange). They also called me on my mobile (which I have no idea where they got the number from) and asked me to confirm my details (which I refused), to which they lady on the phone replied I will post you a letter and then hung up! What is the best thing to do here, should I send them a "prove it" letter that I have heard so much about in previous threads regarding these matters. Obvousily I dont want to end up with a CCJ for a debt I'm not sure I have, particulary when I havent heard from the company for nearly 5 years. I have checked my credit report (via experian) and there is no sign of this account from Orange?? Many Thanks for any help Chris
  22. Hello everyone I could really do with some help/advice on this issue In September 2009 I went into a local jag communications store to take out a mobile phone contract with orange. I was given the phone (no paperwork was ever exchanged or a contract signed) I found that the sim card was faulty and tried to take the phone back(within an hour of leaving the store) they refused....I then found out that I had been put on a business contract (which I am not entitled to). I phoned orange and explained I was not a business customer, they told me it was JAGs job to cancel contracts. I went back to JAG and asked them to cancel the contract and was told 'we do not cancel contracts or accept returns'. After repeated communication with Orange I was told that I had been missold and it would be sorted...unfortunately it was not resolved and I ended up getting CAB and Trading standards involved to try and sort it. Both agreed that I was mis-sold and that it should be sorted. Unfortunately i have been recieving letters from debt collection agencys for the last year (2 different agencys) and JAG communications has been sold. On advice from tradin standards, I sent a letter to the company that now owns JAG to explain the situation and ask for a resolution. I sent this letter at the end of November 2010 and have not recieved a response. I have now had a letter from a debt collection agency threatening court action and I have no idea what to do now!
  23. Hello I hope ive posted in the right place, really need some advice. I went to Australia last month & stayed with my sister. Having heard the horror stories of people spending hundreds on using their phones abroad i made sure i was very careful. I've got an iphone & turned off the roaming. I only called my emails & did internet searches when using my sisters wi fi at her home. I did use the internet a couple of times & got messages from orange saying i had used 10mb. This made me use it less. In the last few days of our holiday Orange says i connected 9 times. This was a day when we were at my sisters house all day & her wi fi was on. I was also double checking that the wi fi signal at the top of the iphone was on before using. I've just spoken to Orange who were quite nice but told me i had spent £639 in internet charges!!! I had calculated this to be around the £35 mark so i am completely shocked & have no idea of what to do next. They are definately trying to charge me where i thought i was connected to wi fi (im good with phones, so i would have known if it was just the mobile internet connecting. Any advice on what to do next most appreciated, i think im being taken for a ride
  24. Hi, Im looking for some advice I got a letter from a company called Arrow Global in November stating the I owe Orange £97.73 Until I received this there was no mention of this debt on my credit files and I didnt know the debt existed. I disputed this with Arrow Global and they asked orange for information on the Debt. The debt relates to a phone which was returned on 14 Day money back (Distance Selling Regs) They say it relates to a none returned handset. some line rental and calls. Line rental and calls I have no problem with but the phone was returned. The Account was opened on 18.02.08 Closed on 25.02.2008 Problem I have is its almost 3 years since the account closed and I no longer have a copy of proof of postage. Also I do not remember seeing a default from orange and wouldnt this have been on my credit file? Also can i have a default on a closed account ? Arrow Global state that the have taken over an old default from Orange which to my knowledge didnt exist. I have tried to speak to orange and they tell me to speak to Arrow Global I feel im going round in circles. Thanks for your help in advance
  25. When I was in my last year of university I started a mobile contract with Orange. I was living at (address a) but registered to (address b) - which is where I had my credit check. 12 month later I am living back at (address a). 6 months after that I move out because of work. (address c), but still registered at (address a). I thought I made my final payment on my 18 month contract, got rid of my sim and got a new phone + number. 9 months down the line (now) I failed a credit check and find out Orange have defaulted me on my last month of my contract (this comes to £37, I would have payed it if I had known.) The only way for Orange to have contacted me would have been through my mobile (which was impossible) and (address a). Now I remember receiving a letter now, from Orange about this. I was going through a seriously busy time in my life, with moving etc and I must have thrown it away. I have not seen any letters since, and had no reason to be in contact with orange at all, but I am assuming that they HAVE sent letters and I have just not read them in one way or another. So this is my fault, and I don't think there is much I can do about it. The default only went through at the end of November, but its been really crappy personal circumstances, and having a default on my credit record for 6 for mere sum of £30 is really REALLY annoying. If I had known I'd have payed it immediately. I have a contact number for Orange I can ring to explain the situation, but I am wondering wether they will listen to my story or not. Do I have any hope of getting the default removed (is it even possible?) if I negotiate with them? Or do I just put up with crap credit for 6 years? Being only 22, this is really a bad time for this to happen, but I have learnt this lesson the hard way Thanks for your time, Dan
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