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  1. Hi all, Following on from my recent success with reclaiming my PPI from HFC Bank I have decided to pursue Natwest Bank for PPI on a loan and Credit Card. Whilst I was waiting for my HFC complaint to be processed I sent a SAR to Natwest for all information possible. They were fairly swift to reply with Credit Card information, with statements going back six years (as expected!) My Loan information took a little longer but arrived this week. I was horrified to see I had a chain of six loans with Natwest, all consolidations of previous ones and the first five all had single premium, front loaded PPI! This was cancelled during the end of my fifth loan following a review of my finances and the realisation of how much it was costing me. These loans were all taken out / topped up when I was much younger and much more naieve!! I have now sent off two complaints to Natwest regarding the loans and the credit card PPI. Will keep fingers crossed and keep this updated on progress.
  2. Hi All, first time poster here, but I have been reading the forum for hours on end! I recently started considering a mortgage, bla-bla-bla, and looked up my credit file to find a Natwest overdraft default. In September 2012, I received a letter from Wescot asking to pay the full amount. I called and arranged payment plan to repay over 12 months. I made two payments on 14/09 and 15/10. The CRA then say that the account was defaulted (I received 0 correspondence from Natwest since Wescot) on 30/10/2012, 6 weeks after a repayment plan was arranged. Is this an illegitimate default? And if so, how do you recommend I proceed?
  3. Hi I had two accounts with Natwest and both had overdraft facilities, I fell behind with these accounts and ended up in a Insolvency agreement along with other debts however this failed and i have now been served with a formal notice of intention to file a default if payment is not made or an agreement is not arranged to pay these debts back, one is for £1545.57 and the other is for £2109.62 along side these is a loan with Natwest balance being just under £14k, there is no way i can afford much to pay towards these as my circumstances have not altered, with the bank accounts is there anything they need to provide to show me agreeing to the overdraft facility and with the loan can i send them a CCA request? I have until the 7th Nov according to this letter any advice will be much appreciated, I am also sure that i had two credit cards with them but there is no mention of these cards on this notice and I am awaiting noodle to unblock my account for me to check up on this, Thanks
  4. Millions of customers with NatWest and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) are facing new fees of up to £72 a year for dipping more than £10 into their arranged overdrafts. From July 12, current account customers with the state-backed bank will be charged a £6 a month "arranged overdraft usage fee" when they go over £10 into the red - on top of existing annual interest of 19.89%. The rule changes also mean that the interest-free "buffer" which customers have on their arranged overdrafts will be cut from its current level of £100 to £10. http://money.aol.co.uk/2013/04/18/banks-overdraft-fees-set-to-soar/?icid=money|DL_1_link Millions of customers held to a £72 ransom by NatWest simply for going more than £10 into arranged overdraft Millions of current account customers with NatWest and RBS face new charges of £72 a year plus interest simply for dipping more than £10 into their arranged overdrafts. From July, the state-backed bank will force its current account customers to pay the extra charges on top of the interest of 19.89 per cent. In a further blow, interest will kick in after you go more than £10 into the red instead of the current £100. The only way of avoiding these charges is to pay up to £24 a month for a packaged account with the bank. Student and graduate accounts will also be exempt from these charges. Campaign group Which? says that if you dip into an authorised overdraft of £250 for two weeks a month, you would see costs rise from £21.60 a year to £93.60. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/saving/article-2310188/Millions-customers-charged-72-Natwest-going-10-overdraft.html#ixzz2QpX8TdUB Overdrafts explained: http://www.rbs.co.uk/Downloads/personal/current_accounts/overdrafts-int_Explained.pdf
  5. I am wondering if a commercial loan agreement I have with NatWest is valid as due to a change in the properties borrowed on it is not for the amount I borrowed. I would not normally be concerned but they have called in the loan. I was told it would be renewed at the end of the term but then the banking crisis happened and they changed their minds. They are also using a cross collaterisation clause on other loans I have with them over a longer term. They said they would never use this clause as long as I didn't miss any payments which I haven't. Please note I am not & never have been in arrears. I have never missed a payment, been late with a payment or been short on a payment. We have just found out the loan is not covered by the FSA (I know their name has now changed) but all their email correspondents state they are authorised and regulated by the FSA, is this not fraud? Have seen a solicitor who feels I was miss sold the product but haven't seen him again as I didn't have much faith in him. I have put in a complaint with the bank & the financial ombudsman both of which are being supported by my MP. I sent a SARs by recorded delivery on the 11th of March and sent an email on the 5th ofApril to advise them I had I no response. I attached the original SARs letter& reminded them the clock was ticking. Please note there is much more to this case, too much to note here. I am looking for a solicitor who has a proven track record in this area. I am also prpared to use less conventional methods at this point as I don't have much else to loose. I have worked very hard for my properties and I just want them back. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  6. Please can anyone give any advice? My daughter had an account with Natwest and also a joint account with her violent ex boyfriend(another story) she moved and knew she owed natwest about £ 1000, she has had 2 letters from wescott threatening bailiffs and saying she owes 2 amount £2300 and £2500. not sure where to start should she writ to natwest first re charges or send wescott a DCa letter? I have had a look in the library and I'm really not sure which letter template I should use, can anyone help? thanks
  7. I had a business account with NW and recently sent them a SAR (and £10 cheque) which they received on 16th August now well in excess of their 40 day requirement I have also now sent them the letter before court action, time period also expired without any contact. Wherer do I go from here?
  8. Hi, hope someone can help me. My husband had a personal account with Natwest, he had a student overdraft on it. He set up his first small business with them in 2007, with a business account, loan and overdraft (loan I think was £5000, overdraft £2000). He was paying the loan off, no problems, except the date they'd take the loan out every month would always mean the bank charged him. The business manager used to be impossible to get hold of and he wanted to change the payment date by a couple of days, but they wouldn't let him. We moved to a new area in 2009, he still had the loan and personal account as well. He went back to studying as well as a new full-time small business in which he was a partner and thanks to the student loan company being very late with payments (first payment- should have been paid in the sept, but was paid January- I was a student too and I got the first payment 3 days before that Christmas- I had to leave the course in the end- they paid the tuition fees so late I wasn't allowed to continue), everything got thrown around a bit. Natwest chucked their toys out the pram that we'd pay the rent and council tax, buy food etc, above paying them, and bullied him into having a managed loan- which they dumped the whole lot of personal and business overdraft and loan accounts into. He still had a basic account with them at the time. He was paying them every month (credit history shows was all fine then), when he was suddenly rushed into hospital in autumn 2010. He's still not well now. We're trying to sort things out, one thing at a time, getting rid of debts and this is the second biggest one we have, and has just reared it's head again via debt collectors (Regal Credit- who strop like toddlers when you call them liars:lol: we had a bit of fun with them on the phone yesterday...). Natwest were, shall we say, difficult, when he was in hospital (he was in for a couple of months). I had access to his NatWest bank account- and the only money going through it at the time was working tax credit, then ESA. They froze it- I'd ring up- get my husband to give them permission for me to discuss it, sometimes they wouldn't understand him as his speech would be a bit slurred and they'd say the line was bad:x- they'd then shout and argue with me, I'd quote something at them (can't remember what it was)- they would go to speak to a manager, come back and apologise and release the money and say they'd put action on hold for a month/whatever, and then the whole thing would happen again. And again. And again. We wrote and told them he was ill, begged them not to do this, but they didn't care (I know we should have got it paid to another account at the time, I honestly can't remember why we didn't, I think we were just sinking under everything and then he was back in hospital for a bit, then had to find somewhere to live as the landlord wanted the house back... it's been a difficult couple of years, full of stress). Natwest refused to put a note on the account that I could speak, every time they'd make my husband go through the security checks- he wrote to give me permission, and they ignored it. The last time I spoke to them in 2011, they mocked the fact my husband used a wheelchair and couldn't get into his local branch because it was not accessible- the man suddenly decided he was a wheelchair user too and claimed ALL NatWest banks were accessible and he'd never been to one that wasn't- well lucky him, but our nearest one not only has a step, it also has a wall right opposite the door and my husband still can't get in there (not that he wants to) in his powerchair. They have a bell to press for assistance- ie a member of staff eventually comes out to speak to you on the pavement. Discussing your private financial situation in the street in front of everyone passing isn't really very nice. When I got off the phone, I took my husband to the bank and we took whatever was left in his account out, and closed it (although it still shows as an active account on Noddle? But he closed it in 2011). I think we wrote to them after this, told them we wanted the account putting on hold as we were not in the position to pay anything right now. Natwest have not had any real contact since then, other than through a couple of DCA letters- I swear one offered a discount, but at the minute we have no proper bedroom/living room, we're sleeping downstairs and a lot of our paperwork is in storage, so can't go through it all properly and check. For the past couple of years we've picked other battles to fight- my husband's health, finding somewhere to live that's adapted etc. A week ago, we had a phone call from Regal Credit. My husband refused to confirm details, told them to write to say what they wanted- they gave out part of our previous address when he questioned if they even wanted him. They didn't write- but they did a few silent calls (on bank holiday Monday, then in the day, then yesterday, few minutes later rang again, and someone was actually there- I answered- the woman hung up when I asked to speak to a manager though and seemed confused that I'd know if they'd written- hmm yes, my husband doesn't hide letters from me, we trust each other and talk to each other I was ready to argue with her for ages- I was feeling a bit fed up- but she hung up on me . My husband rang them back but he wouldn't confirm anymore than his name, so he got yelled at by a manager, then the manager hung up on him because my husband told him to calm down and to stop shouting and being aggressive. So my husband rang again, spoke to a 3rd person, who said she'd email the supposed letter they'd sent. Email came this morning- their client is Natwest, who have increased the original amount by a few hundred pounds, with charges. I was going to start trying to sort this out by writing to Natwest. My husband thinks there was PPI on one loan, but not sure, and they added the loan together with his student overdraft, business overdraft. At the time (2010) they told him (their debt management department or something like that- same department I had to beg and write to when they kept freezing his account when he was first ill) he had the choice between them taking him to court for it or a managed loan, so he took the loan. I know he needs to send a SAR to them, to get all the paperwork. But at the minute, we just want them to put action on hold for a few more weeks. Would a SAR also have transcripts of phone conversations? What about discussions in person with a bank manager- would notes be taken and put on the accounts? If we dispute the amount and their behaviour regarding being helpful to him when he was in financial difficulty and also ill, in a complaint with Natwest, can we also tell Regal Credit to stop ringing us because it's being discussed with Natwest? Will they actually stop? We're not really in a position to make more than token payments at present anyway, at the end of the day, they can't have what we don't have. Thank you:-)
  9. Hi, In September 2009 I opened a Natwest Student Account with a £1400 interest free overdraft. I stayed within my authorized overdraft being careful never to go over it. They started requesting I repay the whole overdraft as I was not using the account. On the 3rd December 2010 Natwest sent me a default notice in accordance with the requirements on the CCA. The account was registered as defaulted almost seven months later with the default date on Experian showing as 30/06/2011. However a month before the default date, on the 05/05/2011, I set up a payment schedule with Wescott who were then dealing with the debt and made a £100 payment which is reflected on the credit file. The default was registered the next month anyway. Does anyone know if the default was correctly registered?
  10. Rec'd back what seems to be a default letter from Rbos acknowledging receipt of of my questionairre/letter for a ppi claim i have started in relation to a loan with natwest, will wait and see what they come back with an post here shortly.
  11. Hello, Am trying to claim back PPI on an old Natwest loan taken out in 1991 (for 36 months). Was in the Armed Forces at the time so didn't really need PPI but I didn't know that at the time (and was not advised that I didn't need it). Have the originals of the following (but none show the loan account number): Credit agreement - including PPI premium amount and interest rate Loan application - signed by Bank employee Loan agreement - signed by Bank employee PPI Certificate Bank statements showing full loan repayment history. Have been with the same bank all this time. Sent RBS (Natwest) my completed PPI misselling form/documents (including copies of the above) but received a letter from them saying that they could not process it as I did not have the loan account number. They suggested I submit a Subject Access Request (SAR) to their Data Protection Team in Edinburgh. They also advised/warned me that the bank is only obliged to keep records for up to 6 tax years after the policy has ended. Also had a telephone conversation with their staff about the rejection letter. They confirmed that nothing could be done without a loan account number. I haven't sent in a SAR yet. Is it worth me sending them a SAR seeing as I already have the original documents? What extra information will a SAR give me that I don't already have? Will they have a loan account number for this loan? Did loans that far back even have a loan account number? Any ideas what I should do? I don't want to give in as I have a good case (with decent evidence) albeit without a loan account number! Thank you
  12. Dear All, I currently have a student account with Natwest, with a £1,500 limit which is maxed out. Cut the long story short, when the Natwest Systems crashed last year I was due to receive a payment of £1,850 but it was not reflected on the account due to the system crash. Natwest kindly credited my account with the £1,850 into my account. A few months later, Natwest misused my account £1,850 leaving me in well over £3,000 overdraft as they said they have not seen the credit come into the account which was supposed to. ( I am in the process to find out, if the credit was made to Natwest or that person lied) Now my account stands as this £1,500 Over draft £1,850 CREDIT And it has been passed onto APEX credit management. Seeing I am still a student, I should have not be passed over to the DCA.... furthermore the payment of £1,850 was given to by Natwest I did not sign any forms or anything. They said they would take the money when it reflects on the account and this can take some time. I have been avoiding this for a long time, now I do not know where I stand, and what to do! Appreciate your help and support. Thanks.
  13. In 2004 my partner and I opened a business, and took out a loan with natwest bank, we also had our business bank account with them. In November 2007 my partner filed for bankruptcy, and all accounts were dealt with in that bankruptcy. We had at that time paid off about half of the original loan, which was secured against our property. All other overdrafts, cards, loans etc were not secured against our property. We have however been endlessly pursued by natwest for varying sums ( they don't seem to know how much we owe) of between £32,000 and £7000. We have repeatedly told them how much we owe, and if we can agree on the correct figure, then payment will be made. We are not willing to enter into any agreement when they appear to be plucking figures out of fresh air! This morning, I received a letter threatening legal action/repossession of MORTGAGE arrears for £21,000. My mortgage is not with Natwest! The CAB spoke to them about 4 years ago, and told them in no uncertain terms, that there behaviour was disgraceful, but to no avail! Any advice would be gratefully received!
  14. Hey guys, Right, going to need some help on this one, will try to put as much info down as possible. I have a Natwest Current account with an e-savings account attached to it. I have some wages paid into my e-savings account monthly. The main current account started to go overdrawn (£99) and for a few months I couldn't cover the fee's. I was supposed to be paid last Friday (into my e-savings account) but when I tried to log in online or use my card, it was refused. I spoke to some at Natwest over the phone and they passed me on to this Credit Management Services company, I was speaking to the guy on the phone and he told me my account had been effectively 'closed' due to non-payment of the outstanding overdraft. I asked him whether there had been any payments received into the account, in which he said 'no' as the account is 'closed', so would have 100% of bounced back. I have spoken to my work and they said that nothing has 'bounced' back into their account yet. How long does it normally take for the funds to be returned, as I need to clear this £99 outstanding balance. & would it have definitely bounced back? Thanks in advance for the help.
  15. Seventh and final one: Creditor - Natwest Type of debt - Overdraft DCA - None Current balance on credit file - £1291 Default balance on credit file - £1311 Default date on credit file - 28/02/2009 Natwest have no record of this and never pursue it. Any idea on the best course of action for this? Thanks.
  16. Fourth one: Creditor - Natwest Type of debt - Loan DCA - No one Current balance on credit file - £7679 Default balance on credit file - £9082 Default date on credit file - 09/03/2009 Natwest have no record of this and don't pursue it at all. Any idea on the best course of action for this? Thanks.
  17. Sar going in the post tomorrow. Might as well add this into the mix with barclays and barclaycard as the chase is on!
  18. Hi everyone, I need some help with a current PPI claim I have through Natwest credit cards. In February 2013 I decided to check on a credit card ( which had defaulted payments) to see if I had ppi. I am currently making monthly payments to an external company who have acquired the debt, and pay based on personal circumstance. Today I have recieved a letter from the financial ombusment, who have made me a offer with no exact figures of how much ppi I paid as the bank is not admiting liability. This letter also states thy f I have any outstanding debts with the company I will not recieve my claim as it will pay off the outstanding debts. So a few questions; Is there a way around this? I.e should I go to an external company? As I did have the ppi and I wouldn't have gone I to areas if I had of known it was on the card because I could have used it. Should I accept this offer, with no details of how much I paid? Can I make sure the pay me and not Natwest. Thanks X
  19. During 2012 I discovered by visiting CreditExpert's Experian website that NatWest had issued a default against me in February 2011. I had no idea / had never received any communication from them to say they had taken such action. I complainted to NatWest and got nowhere - they wouldn't confirm or even explain: so I complained to the ICO Information Commissioners Office and the Financial Ombudsman Service. To cut a VERY long story short (I now have THREE thick files ...) the ICO found in my favour: "In this case we have decided that it is unlikely that NatWest have complied with the requirements of the DPA. “This is because they accept that your current account should not have been marked as in default.” “… the “breakdown in relationship” which precedes registering a default only occurred due to an error on the banks behalf, rather than as a true “breakdown in relationship” between borrower and lender. “NatWest have confirmed that they submitted instructions on 22 January 2013 to have the default removed. Good news, you may think. When I checked NatWest had indeed REMOVED the default from Experian - my credit rating is now excellent. But - on16 February 2013 - they CREATED a new default on EQUIFAX!!! The ICO say they have completed their investigation. Now what should I do? Where do I stand re redress / damages etc? For the past two years I have been unable to get credit /re-organise mortgages etc; and was turned down for a bank job because of this alleged "default"
  20. Hi, NW have terminated my business account and are demanding their 3.5 K overdraft back. In the first instance, I need to get a new business account asap in order to process payments owed to myself. I also have a current acc with them, but no notification of termination of that yet !! Termination due almost certainly to the 13.5 K credit Card disputesI have with RBS.( unenforceables imho and 3 years down the line). Seems I am now a High Street Bank no no. Any advice appreciated. Thanks, Trout
  21. Hi all , I need a bit of advice , After falling into arrears on our mortgage with Natwest we were threatend with repossesion , it duly went to court where I was able to come to an agreement with them. They placed us with their Debt Management group whom I had been paying regularly each month till I fell ill . Eventually I was able to get back to work and via a few phone calls to them came to an agreement in Feb2011 to pay them £3000 and have the remainder spread over the remaining mortgage , this entailed uping our payments from 520.24 to 534,36 as well. I have now received a letter from them asking for just over £2000 or enforcement proceedings will take place , I rang them up and they said I hadnt repayed enough back to them since feb2011 to bring me back to my original payments of 520.24 , I explained that there was an agreement made with them from feb 2011 which they checked and agreed but said the bank would still go ahead if I didnt repay this £2000+ to get me back to my original payment with them. Can they do this as I really dont know what to do and now we are living in fear of repossesion when we thought everything was ok. Please help Jerry
  22. Hi everyone, My wife and I have had a mortgage with Natwest for over 25 years and are now in the final 4 years of repayment. The monthly payments are around £1600 and accounts for about two thirds or our monthly income. About 3 years ago we fell behind with 4 monthly payments due to job redundancy. Fortunately I was soon back in employment and Natwest agreed that we could spread the arrears over the next 5 years to pay back the deficit. All mortgage and arrears payments since then have been paid on time and in full. A few days ago we received a letter from Natwest regarding the arrears and asking us to submit a full listing of income and out goings. We duly completed this and a few days later we were contacted by Natwest. It appears that they have decided to change their policy regarding arrears and are demanding that it be paid back in full within the next 2 years. We explained that due to the high monthly payments we are already paying we were unable to increase the additional £180 per month we were already paying. On checking the disclosure we sent them they were forced to agree. We also pointed out that this arrangement was agreed by both parties and as far as we are concerned was a binding contract. At the current rate of payback the arrears would be cleared in 2 years and 8 months anyway. Natwest were completely uninterested in anything we had to say and then started coming out with ridiculous suggestions like " You could contact an agency to declare yourself unable to pay your debts and get your other outgoings suspended, then you could afford to pay us back" and the best one " You could contact the local council who may buy back your home and rent it back to you". At this point I'm afraid that I lost my temper and told them to stop being so ridiculous to which he replied "I'm sorry you feel that way, our litigation team will be in touch". So finally to my question. Before I get involved in a legal fight with Natwest, am I correct that as long as I pay the previously agreed amount every month then I am acting within my rights or can Natwest, out of the blue, suddenly decide to change the terms of our agreement and throw a delicately balanced monthly budget into chaos. Sorry for the long post and thank you for staying with it. Steve
  23. I've not done a credit check report before. I've done one with both Experian and Equifax. No real issues on Experian. Equifax however are listing Natwest as a default from quite some time ago. This loan was dropped after numerous agencies came after me and I was told they were unable to find the Credit Agreement. I would have thought this would stop anything like the pic attached shows? Any guidance on how to sort this issue out would be much appreciated!
  24. My card was declined twice in the past week and I called after the first time to find out why. I was told there was no record of any transaction or attempted transaction so I presumed it was just a glitch. Today my card was declined again and this time I called I had to wait for ages before being assisted and then I was passed from one area to another. As I live abroad this call will have cost me a lot! At the end of it I was told again that there was no record of any transactions being declined and that they could not help me but would pass me on to yet another area. At that point, I gave up and put down the phone! However, it has occurred me that the browser I am using might be the problem as I have made another small purchase using another browser and so far the card has not been declined. My question is, could the browser or its settings be causing my card to be declined. Has anyone else had a similar problem, please?
  25. First Time Post!!! Agggggggggggggggggggg Hello to all the wonderful people I just wanted to ask a quick question on fraud on my wifes credit card which has been going on for over 2 month's. The fraud was with a gambling site and to cut a long story short NatWest Fraud team reversed all the transactions on her account which was great. NatWest even clear the money owing that she used herself which was just over a £1000 or so, And this left her account in credit by about £60 odd pound. This was all sorted out by one of the managers in NatWest Credit Card team. Now she closed her account and has received a cheque for the outstanding £60 and got a letter stating that the account has been closed (This was in Jan 2013). Now in (End March 2013) she has received a statement with the balance that was clear which was about £1000ish. She rang NatWest to ask about this and natwest have told her she needs to pay this plus interest and late fee charges I think this is shocking 2 months later down the line to ask for this after sending out a letter to say the card has been closed and ask to distroy the card and not use it any more, even the people she spoke to at natwest said it was natwest mistake. My question is should you pay this or seek legal help?? Hope some nice people can help me???
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