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  1. For the full story : - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/thousands-of-barclays-customers-data-stolen-and-sold-to-on-rogue-traders-9117329.html
  2. Hi i need help on behalf of my mom. its kinda complicated so will try to be as clear as possible. any and all help greatly received and appreciated. my mom had a loan of £8.000 her repayments were £170.00 per month. Her husband will have been dead 13 years this year and when he died he left her a lump sum of £64.000. She asked Barclays to transfer £21.000 from this sum into ISA's instead the bank increased her loan by £21.000 without her knowledge or consent. She was totally unaware that they had made this error as there was no increase in her monthly payments of £170.00 they didnt even cover the interest of this "new loan amount" She hasnt worked since 1974 has survived on benefits for a long time yet the loan also had ppi. The first she knew of the loan was 2 years later when the manager rang her and said "you owe us £30.000 how are you going to pay?" She tried on numerous occassons to get to the bottom of it but all they did was show her her signature and demanded to know what she had spent her money on. They took the £5.000 she had left in her ISA's leaving her with £1.000 and enough money to get her house deeds in her name so they could give her a short term mortgage to pay back the money knowing full well her income wouldnt have allowed for repayments on a mortgage. She ended up going onto a debt management program and finally paid them off Aug 2013. I think she has grounds for compensation or a missold loan or something as well as a claim for ppi but im not really up on that sort of thing an d know you guys have given me great advice in the past.
  3. Hi Guys, Im a newbie here and would really need your help, I've been mis-sold PPI and would like to claim back. I have discovered that I had PPI from HSBC from a £1000 loan. Just found out that I have been paying some sort of PPI every month on my Burton Store Card, (I don't know how much I have paid, all i know Ive had that card for years!) And im not sure I had PPI on my Barclay credit card. Can someone please tell me how much will ill be able to get back. And also may layman terms explain to me in bullet points on how to go on about claiming them back. People please help me, I just want to clear out my debt and would really appreciate some angle here will get me through this.
  4. Well, this is a new one on me... Got a letter from Barclaycard apologising for reporting inaccurate information on my old Morgan Stanley/Barclaycard a/c to CRAs and stating that they should have been reporting it as defaulted from 29 September 2010. V. kind of them! I thought DNs had to be registered within certain time limits (3-6 months?) Can they do this? They also included a Formal Demand for Payment stating they have previously issued me with a DN on this a/c...which I have never received I have not sent them a CCA letter as they appeared simply to have forgotten about this but will do so today along with an SAR, if that's a good idea. Any other suggestions gratefully received and copies of their correspondence attached.
  5. Could someone guide me on my best way to deal with this please:- Bank account I previously had with Barclay's went into overdraft (limit £1500) in 2009. They wrote to me to advise I was overdrawn and account balance £1,644.89. For a period of time I was paying them £1 per month, somewhere down the line and over the years not sure what happened but they either stopped taking or I stopped dd. So I have received letters this month from Moorcroft Debt recovery asking for me to contact them regarding balance of £1676.60? Going back through the limited paperwork I have for this debt from different collectors regarding the barclay overdraft debt amounts vary as another letter dated 19.1.10 states £1,714.60? So basically is there a letter I could write to them asking them to breakdown/explain the amount owed??
  6. Hello I have a friend who has lived in Malaysia for around 5 years. Recently she received a letter in Malaysia from Buchanan Clark & Wells acting for Barclays to chase an outstanding loan amount. She was unaware of this debt and as she asked me to help out. I live in here old flat (she still owns it) and Barclays would have this address on file. I wrote a request for Section 77/78 of the Consumer Credit Act to get the information needed. A letter went to Barclays and Buchanan Clark & Wells. Buchanan have replied to say account on hold and they have asked Barclays to supply the required info. Barclays have written to the UK address saying that the address the UK address is not the same as the address they have on file and ask that my friend go to branch to 'update address and signature' As my friend Lives in Malaysia and does not intend returning she will not be going to branch. I am also sure that as the bank have written to the UK address then this may be counted as updated on their files. I'm also not sure if asking for signature is because they don't have one on file. I am looking for a bit of a steer on what my next steps should be please. Thanks
  7. Hi, I took out a £15K Barclays Masterloan in early 2004 and made monthly repayments of £342 for 12 months then missed some payments and agreed to reduced payments after hitting some financial problems. Then I stopped making payments despite being chased by Barclays around 2006, I requested bank statement which went as far as Jan 2007, and no payments are showing to Barclays. My CRA records show the loan as up to date with payments made on time for the last 12 months, the balance is just over £15K. There has been no default issued and I believe that the debt is now statute barred. Should Barclays have issued a default within a certain time period? I am loathed to contact them now, as I don't want a default placed on my CRA records which takes another 6 six years to fall off. Thanks in advance for any advice!
  8. Hi friends, I wish to ask if there is a way of finding out if PPI was charged by lenders that I have not held a bank account with. I am a Barclays customer and have borrowed from MnS and Bank of Scotland and many other lenders in the past. I have a clean credit history and have managed to pay back all the loans. But am unsure if these lenders made me pay a PPI. Thanks Autumn
  9. Hi everyone, really quick question really... According to Experian I have a 'Very Poor' Credit score of 458... Put simply, as a bit of a summary, I have: - Amount of available credit (excluding mortgages) = £100 Amount of outstanding debt (excluding mortgages) = £4,559 The outstanding debt is soon to be paid in full so that's not so much an issue... The issue really is it seems that Experian don't know enough about me... *The available credit that they know about is my small Current Account Overdraft... The available credit is wrong... I have had and still have and use a Barclaycard, I've had it for around 3 years now and there is approx. £3,900 of available credit on it... Why when I view my accounts does Experian not know about this? I've read somewhere that Barclays deal with Equifax not Experian but I've also read that some people have their Barclaycard showing on their Experian report so I'm confused... 2 questions really, firstly, do you think this might benefit my score if they knew I had that additional credit available to me? and secondly, if so, how the hell do I go about getting it onto my Experian Report? Thanks so much! Adam.
  10. I rang Edfenergy to provide them with the new details of the new a/c details where I wanted the Direct Debit to come out from (it was previously set up on anothe a/c I have). The lady at Edfenergy took the s/c and a/c of the new account. today I have found out that: Barclays let the Edfenergy direct debit go out from the new a/c details I had given Edfenergy (but there is no direct debit actually set up on the Barclays side on the new account where I wanted the DD to come out and which I gave the details of the new account to Edfenergy) Later on the same day the direct debit came back straight in as Unpaid into my Barclays a/c. now because of this Edfenergy have changed my payment from The orginal direct debit of £140 to a wholesale payment of £240 (Edfenergy are wanting the money in full as opposed to the direct debit payments) Edfenergy office was closed today so could not get through, so did live chat with Edfenergy who said Barclays are to blame and I should find out why Barclays refused the payment. Barclays are saying Edfenergy did not notify them about the new direct set up? Who is to blame and what steps can I now take to make sure Edfenergy put the payment as it originally was as monthly direct debits. Who is to blame and can I claim any compensation for the upset and inconvience caused?
  11. I need advice about Sharkleys as right this moment im fuming. Also though, please feel free to comment on my Natwest thread that im about to post. Once upon a time, I joined Barclays (More closer to Feb 2013), and decided to make it my new banking home. I thought all was well until i received 2 cash account cards (Not even Visa Debit based cards) which to me annoyed me. At no point during the conversation i had back in Feb did they mention to me anything was wrong with the accounts themselves. (Youll see what i mean in a minute) Once i realised this had happened, I contact their complaints team straight away. We had a long indepth conversation and eventually i proceeded to make a formal complaint. They contacted the branch but they didnt answer and eventually had to override this element of the complaint... The only resolution they would offer would be closing my accounts with no further damage to me. I personally went into branch and spoke both the manager and also the guy who sold me the account. I took the paperwork with me and they were both shocked. The paperwork made no mention of a "Cash Card Account" and mentioned Current Account only in most of the T&Cs as well as the products applied for. So much so eventually the manager pulled the banker aside and said got very annoyed. She came back out an apologised profusely for the monumental mistake and advised it wouldnt happen again. She promised to try and make it up to me. I refused and went on my way. But the last thing the agent said to me was, "We dont inform you if you dont pass our basic checks for a standard current account". I continued on with current banking provider at the time, and decided in April to enquire with Barclays once more to see if they had got a little better. And this is where things started alright... for 6 months, everything seemed to be Hunky Dorey and i didnt have a qualm. (They had actually got everything correct this time around and they were precise and upfront.. . The manager was even happy to have me back) Then, in a previous thread, i mentioned about Barclays and their CS... One of their staff calling me an idiot. This went one step too far and this has now developed into a full fledged complaint that has been back and forth. This was in October The original resolution was to be an internal enquiry and no further action to be taken as far as resolving my complaint. However I said I wasnt happy and wished to take it further because at no point should I be spoken to in they way i was. So I went to the next level... I had prepared a SAR request for a copy of the call transcript. (Youll also see why in a minute) Along with a £10 postal order, I went into branch and asked them to confirm the address i needed to send it to. I get a ditsy blond that had no clue... and advised she would have to speak to her manager. (Same bank manager as before) When the manager came to see me i told her and she said good on me and pointed me to Customer Relations. (21st Oct) In branch they rang CR and asked them. (Disty blonde did anyway) and they advised the process was incorrect. I had to do a "Status Enquiry" request which as they were Barclays and knew their systems and processes better than I do, I followed along. They then also said i didnt need the postal order and the £10 would be debited direct from my account. So i left it. Expecting it to take up to 40 days, i let Barclays do what they needed it to do, But on the status enquiry form i had to fill in, I was very clear... I wanted a copy of the call transcript and also any relative information along with all statements to date, seemed simple enough. I also specified the account for it to come out off. 7 days later i get a strange letter from them stating that this is their opinion on me. "We believe that Fkofilee will not enter into any arrangement that he or she cannot fulfil. " Something completely different to what i requested, So i was straight back again to talk to their complaints team. Also Barclays advised that they can only take the £10 out of an account that isnt associated with the account i was requesting the "Status Enquiry" on. (This is more a trivial part later) They took the £10 from the wrong account. Their complaints team took this with high priority and had it resolved within 30 mins. PAid me back my £10 from the account and gave me £20 "Goodwill Gesture" (I hate that phrase ) and advise me the CORRECT process to register a SAR. So on the 8th November i went straight back in and did it the correct way. Now this part will continue in due course but now onto the next part. (40 Calendar days) Direct debits. I spoke to Barclays to cancel a DD that i didnt want to go out any more and it was cancelled direct with the company too and they were happy as they were paid up to date. However Barclays ont he due date permitted payment although the company in question HAD NOT requested it!!! Pretty simple this part but Barclays confirmed they had balls up again and had decided to give me £60 "GWG" again for calls and also the situation. On the 28th of November, I had made 3 payments to Vodafone, Metrobus (Local Travel) & Southern Railway (A lot of money was involved here , travel etc) they were all processed and debited from my account. i thought everything was fine and they appeared on my statements online. However... on the 4th of December i suddenly find a huge credit in my account that i cant work out for any reason... I enquire and Barclays say "Well we dont know" then it twigged the amount was the same as the 3 payments. So i ask them again and they say "They haven't taken or requested the payments" It gets better! When i speak to the companies they have been given 3 x authorisation codes which means they were given the rights to my money. Strange i thought! Then it twigged... when i received a letter on the 12th December stating that the 3 transactions were held under "Fraud Guard".... They wouldn't be released for another 14 days. (Thats right 28 full days after the payments were originally authorised. Barclays then mentioned that they had held them because my card had been cancelled on the 30th after i got another card made up in branch. (I sat on it and it snapped) I kicked off big time because i got a phone call from Vodafone threatening to terminate all the agreements i have... I have my family with them in my name... I found it strange though as they had got what they wanted... But the pushed it down to me to fight their battle against Barclays for money they were owed. I had to fight tooth and nail person after person kept telling me the funds will be released in "Due Course" (14 days, which is no good if Vodafone cut me off) Next I complain AGAIN and they pull their fingers out and the funds get released there and then!! And im happy. but yet again they offer a "GWG" of just £30 because they feel its more "My fault" for cancelling my card. The last trivial part of this is going back to the SARs request and closing an account with them. The account issue is quite simple. I wanted one of my current accounts closed so i went into branch in Redhill, they asked me why i said i don't want to say and they said, its closed for you. I log on line on Monday to find its still open and ring and speak to someone again from Customer Relations and they say that its a mistake by branch and they will sort it but till this day 5 days later they still havent gotten it closed. A "GWG" of £50 again for a monumental cockup and being indirectly called a liar by their staff again. My credit file aswell!!! That £10 hey took from the wrong account was registered on my credit profile. They couldnt "See" the information they reported on to amend... Oh i give up with that part. Finally the SAR... I speak to them to ask where is it? I delivered it to branch and they put the address on it and sent it off (I saw them do it). This is 48 days later and they still havent fully completed the complaint... and my SAR request... Apparently its been "Lost" by branch... I have now got to the point of just wanting to wrap my hands around the neck of the next Barclays employee... - Do I have a case for BCOBS? - If so, how do i go about this and do i need to send a "Letter Before Action?" - What should i take into account for this SARs Complaint as a reasonable resolution? - If you have seen my Natwest Complaint on my other thread... Who should I stay with? - If I take them to the Small Claims and i decide to stay with them if Natwest screw up, Whats the chances they will withdraw my banking facilities?
  12. Barclays bank announced today that it will not charge unpaid transaction fees – the £8 levy when a customer does not have the funds in his or her account to pay for a purchase but the transaction is guaranteed by Barclays – more than once per day. Currently, UK banks can charge the fees up to five times a day. They claim this will help customers save around £7 million this year. Barclays has also introduced new text alerts to help customers avoid being caught out by charges. The texts will warn them they can actively avoid a fee if they can pay cleared funds in. The bank says this will help customers save a further £7 million http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/10546158/Barclays-cuts-overdraft-fees-as-banks-vie-for-customers.html.
  13. I have a barclays card which is attached to my mortgage in both mine and my husbands name, unbeknown to me my husband ran it up to £5000 and now we are paying it off at for e.g I pay £30 a month they take £20 in interest I have asked to put it on my mortgage but as my husband is in an iva we cannot do this and I cannot afford to get a credit card or loan to help pay off quicker any suggestions please
  14. Hi all, A while back I took out a payday loan, and paid it back on the day it was due. No problems, I was aware of the charges and the interest etc. It was a week ago that I paid the whole amount off and got a text from them to confirm this. Today I noticed that they've taken two payments of £25 from my Barclays debit card yesterday! My question is, can Barclays reverse these transactions? How do I do this? As a side note please no negative comments about payday loans, I was well aware of what I was doing and I had a genuine reason for taking it out. Thank you.
  15. Hi all, I recently started getting texts/letters from Sigma Red chasing me for the balance of a defaulted Barclays bank account. The debt is roughly 5 years old. I have had other debt collection agencies trying to collect money from me but their activities have stopped once I have informed them that the debt is in dispute (which it is). I sent Sigma Red a letter last week explaining that the debt is in dispute and that they should return to the original creditor. Today I received a letter stating that 'To enable us to revert back to the original creditor we require documentary evidence of your dispute'. Do I need to sent them any documentation or should I just ignore them ? Many thanks, Matt
  16. Hi, for some time have been thinking of changing banks, i decided to give barclays a go , the first attempt i applied in my local branch, but from some reason unknown it wasn't successful , but they told me that they would keep the details used on file, so if i at a later date wanted to apply again i could do it online as my id had been verified , earlier this week i decided to apply online, which gave a successful result , i got given my account number & sort code, ( direct banking 20-25-25) which is given for online applications according to what i have read regarding it , i also on the same day got 2 e-mails once welcome to barclays +t&c's and the other with my membership number fairly standard practice & no confusion, until the next day, i get an e-mail saying and offering a cash card account, i thought a bit odd, i contacted them by phone and was told that they couldn't tell me anything ,saying that i would have to go into a branch, and of course no one at the branch to help , arrange an appointment or try another nearby branch, mmm, i don't think so, so i left it at that if they don't want my custom then that's their loss i thought, plenty of banks out there, Today i received 2 letters from barclays a welcome letter and one with the pin number from the debit card? also a request for a specimen signature , Could it be that the e-mail was sent in error, or less likely that the letters got sent out before they decided not to give me a current account as per e-mail,. both e-mail and one of the letters are dated the same date, On another note reading some of the stories here I'm beginning to think i made a mistake in choosing barclay's, But i do know one thing i won't be using the personal reserve , infact i will probably get them to remove it, as the charges are horrendous , But a proper overdraft would be fine,
  17. Last night I was on the phone to a UK member of staff. I wanted to recall a DD as the payment had been made by alternative methods. He quoted "It's not a recall and we can't do anything, Idiot" Then he transferred me to a closed department... I've logged a complaint, but I don't think anything will be done, any advice?
  18. I have had a Barclays account from the age of 16 and I am now 23. In December 2012 I changed bank to Natwest and I had gone into my Barclays branch to change the account to a free one as I was on the current account plus paying £6.50 I believe. In February I changed address and I sent off the change of address form to get the address changed to my new one and Ive not used my Barclays account since until I decided to transfer money into it and the money was bouncing back. A week ago I tried logging into my Barclays online account and found my account had been closed II had around £10 in the account at the time of moving account as I moved the money too today I received an Experian notification to say a change had been made to my account and to my surprise it is a DEFAULT NOTIFICATION from Barclays for £27!!! I immediately went into the branch to sort this issue out and to cut a long story short I have been told that I need to call the debt collectors to pay the money and they will satisfy the account… I let them know that I had not even had any correspondence to say anything was wrong and then I find the address they have on file is my OLD address which is where all the correspondence had been going to. I have argued the fact that 1 the address should have been changed and 2 the money owed is because my account was in the minus for X amount of time yet it was because they kept on taking out the monthly amount for the current account plus when I should have even been on it in the first place when I made the change In December. Now I have just been advised to call a number which is in Manchester and let them know I am unhappy about the situation and go from there The way I see it is that I shouldn’t even owe any money to them in the first place and they are going around closing my account and issuing a default Can anything be done about this as I am supposed to be getting my mortgage in 2 months and I now have a default  I am panicking at the moment also because I have a baby on the way and this £27 default is going to ruin everything if I cant get it sorted in time. Help?
  19. Hi everyone , I have a problem , I had an issue with a loan from Barclays , 5 figure sum , I missed a few of the agreed repayments and the debt has now been passed to BCW , of whom I know nothing about . I have received numerous calls which I have not answered and also numerous txt messages . I have emailed them with the same repayment offer I had with Barclays but have had no reply . I have had a bad year , divorce , ill health etc , although I know this is no excuse , but things got on top and I just didn't pay Barclays . Im not sure what to do ? can anyone advise please ? many thanks .
  20. hi all here we go again ((no paperwork or documents enclosed )) Claim from northampton, dated 18 june so do i have the 5 days of service til 22.6.12 if so then my 14 days to file an acknowledgement i take as 6.7.12? The Claimants claim is for the sum of £1xxx.xx plus court fee and sols costs, Particulars of claim monies due under regulated credit agreement xxxxxxxxxx between barclays partner finance and the defendant the benefit which was assigned on xx/xx/11 the agreement terminated upond the defendant failure to comply with the terms of the agreement the claimant seeks interest persuant to the section 69 of the county court act 84 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of the issue continuing at the daily rate of 0.28 any payments or queries should be directed to claimant on tel and fax or email acc. ******** right i guess i first do my acknowledgment of claim asap then do i do the cpr letter i believe i have to request credit agreement, default notice, assignment letter, termination notice - anything else?? what do you guys advise please? i will try and hunt down what paperwork i may have this evening but for the time being im concerned for the acknowledgment and the cpr letter with appropriate wording in my request to them please anything else? i will look in after 6 pm huge thanks for looking in cheers angel x:-)
  21. Hi, I've got two barclays bank accounts that were closed in 2009 and they called in the overdrafts. At the time, I was complaining about charges, although I had not gone as far as a court claim. Latterly, I have settled the smaller of the accounts to its full value, but I have not paid anything to the other since it was closed. It has now been passed on through several debt collection agencies. At the time of closure, Barclays registered two defaults with the CRAs and, as my financial situation has improved in the last few years, these are now causing me some inconvenience. I have discussed removal with various customer service reps over the years, but they have been unwilling to concede. I previously believed that Barclays had correctly followed the necessary processes before registering the defaults, but I think there's a chance they only sent me a termination notice and there is no specific mention of a default - I still have these letters and believe I would have kept anything else sent at the time. If I'm correct about this, I understand this would be grounds for removing the defaults. However, since the debt has been sold on but is still outstanding, I'm not sure whether there would be the possibility to issue a further default with the correct documentation? If so, it seems like the best strategy would be to attempt a percentage settlement with the collection agency (~25%) and simultaneously send in a request for the default documentation? If the debt was settled with the collection agency, I guess there is no way that a further default could be issued? My other question is whether a written offer of settlement constitutes acknowledgement of the debt and would start the clock again on the statute of limitations? It would seem prejudicial if it did, but I would like to make sure before I start going down that route. I had previously been thinking of eeking it out until the 6 year mark, as it's only two more years. However, if there was the opportunity to clear these 2 defaults off my file for a reasonable cost, I would definitely go for that. FYI, I also have 2 other accounts that also show defaults from the same time (BT and barclaycard). I think there may be similar options with these, so it makes sense for me to take them all through the same process now - I will start separate threads if I need help with these. Thanks, James
  22. Hi Guys, I'm new here so please bear with me if I appear to know next to nothing about this whole thing and please excuse if I'm asking a question already asked. I am currently trying to apply for a mortgage and it had thrown up a few problems, the first was a default registered against me by Lowell, I have now managed to have this removed as when I informed them that they made it clear there would be no default and that I have never received a default notice they were more than happy to oblige. Unfortunately my partner also has a default on her credit file placed on in July by Barclays Bank. This was due to an unpaid overdraft on a joint account with her ex partner. Over the past 11 months we have been trying to get him removed from the account so that we could pay it off and then she could continue to use the account without any worry of him getting to her money. She visited the branch twice in March/April and was told on both occasions that there was nothing she could do until HE contacted them and confirmed his request for removal. Despite trying via post phone and email we were unable to get hold of him. She called Barclays customer services on several occasions and was told that nothing would be done until he had contacted them. She then went into the branch again Sept and they advised her that the balance had been paid and the account closed, the member of staff in the branch even asked a second member of staff to come over and verify it which they did. Now she has had BCW call up and try to get the money off her and offer her settlement at 40% less than the original amount but also Barclays have registered a default against her. Now I have no problem paying Barclays the £1,700 but not unless they remove this default as at no point was she advised by post, phone or face to face that there was going to be a default registered. Had we have been notified then I would have paid the amount just to avoid it even though its not my debt to pay. Advice is much appreciated. Many Thanks Julian
  23. I had SARed Barclaycard about PPI and discovered I was paying card protection way back in 2003. I then wrote to Barclaycard demanding a refund of all monies paid. I have received a letter from them today saying they have passed the complaint on the CPP (even though it was them that sold the policy) and Cpp will be in touch in due course, and if I want to complain to the FOS I can consider the letter as their final letter on the matter. The obvious question therefore is....... if CPP decide I have been mis-sold CPP, do I still get my interest at 20 odd % and what way does it work reference over limit charges etc. that I may have incurred as a result of these charges?
  24. Hi, I am currently receiving ESA and have an overdraft with Barclays. Currently my overdraft has been limited and when I receive my ESA, Barclays are taking £22 a time every time I am using my reserve. This month they took £88 in charges and this was taken from my ESA which left me with little money to survive on for the rest of the month. Can Barclays do this even though I am receiving benefits? Thank you.
  25. Hi don't know if anyone can advise my best course of action please, I had an overdraft with Barclays that I wasn't prepared to pay as they owe me a couple of grand of PPI that I had on a loan in 96. Wrote to them but they said they're records only went back to 98.... funny that I was still paying loan till 2000! they paid me out on the overdraft PPI then deducted the balance. Fair enough I thought. Now it turns out before they paid me out they've sold the debt!! sent me DOA etc. Now I'm being harassed by these cowboys when I've already paid ;o( Any advice appreciated, Thanks
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