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  1. Hi I have received a case management order in my claim, that was heard without the claimant and respondent (not too sure why), and it states within the order that the file of documents should have no more than 100 pages, my case is for unfair dismissal and discrimination and have documents which substantiate my claim for both way in excess of 100 pages - can i apply to the tribunal for more pages in the bundle? Thank you
  2. Hello everyone, I hope I can post my question here, not too sure in which section it fits in. I'm having problems with the company that manages the apartment block where that I have recently purchased. All flats here are leasehold and the landlord has appointed this company to maintain the communal areas and to enforce the rules that all residents need to follow. The problem I have is that this company is not doing its job properly and is not enforcing these rules properly. For instance there is a resident that is dumping rubbish where he's not supposed to and hanging his washings in an area where it's not permitted. When I contact them about it, all they say is that they are speaking to that person and that's it, nothing else is done and the problem continues, this problem has been dragging for months now. I would like to know if I can take some other action (court) for a breach of contract for example? If so, can I do it myself or do I need a solicitor? Thank you, awc82
  3. Hi everyone, I am wondering if someone could help me with an issue I have with Ashbourne Management. I signed up in March at a Gym and my membership is a 12 month contract. Everything was alright for the first few months at the gym but in May then the mantainance of the building went down. The building has a major damp problem affecting both the upstairs and downstairs of the gym. There is big mould patches on the wall and ceiling ( I have taken photos of this) and the smell is absolutely awful. It actually makes me feel sick when I am there. I carried on going there until June but I just cannot carry on as I end up with a sore throat and cough everytime I have been. I have talked to the people who run the gym but they are just renting the building and the landlord is not doing anything. I have decided to cancel my membership as it states in my contract that I 'may terminate this agreement at anytime if the facilities or services we provide fall well below the standard that you reasonably expect us to provide'. I first rang Ashbourne and the man was very apologetic and told me to write a letter to the cancelation department and that there would not be a problem cancelling. I then wrote to Ashbourne stating that I would not longer be using there services and the reasons for cancelling and and I sent it recorded delivery. Well that was about five weeks ago and I never got a reply. So I rang them this week and the lady on the phone was absolutely horrid. She said that I could not cancel until I had a doctors note. I asked her why would I need a doctors note to say that damp causes serious health risks which is common knowledge and she just said that I did. She also said that if I didn't they would just add charges onto my membership and when I asked her what these would these charges be she said, well you will see! I am upto date with my payments as I was paying it monthly by direct debit and also I have paid an extra month when I have not been there as the contract says that I have to give them a months notice when I cancel. I have now cancelled my derect debit. Can anyone please tell me were I stand with this and thank you for taking the time to read
  4. How annoying are these people? I have a loan of £1,600 which was originally with Mint. Ive paid £10PCM for a while as its all I can afford. During that time ive not had any bother from Arden .Ive had no phone calls or texts or any other communication.. ... until.... . I contacted them to see if they would accept £400 as a final settlement courtesy of my parents. Now all I get is constant calls and text. When I answer they never seem to have any details of mine to hand. Twice they said they would send me a Income/Expenditure form and it never turned up. Eventually I downloaded one from the net and sent it. I answered a call this morning assuming it was about the form which they should have received by now only for the ................. (Sorry, struggling to know what to call these people) on the other end ask me if I can pay the £1,600 in full this week. He then asked me to make a payment whilst they find the Income/Expenditure form! Ive still got my Standing order set up so I will continue to pay that. I called them to try and end the loan and now I feel like they are harassing me with their text messages and calls.... If they call tomorrow im just going to say I only want contacting again when they have reached a decision on my offer of £400... Is it really so difficult? I only want a yes or no....
  5. I have just received a letter from DWP Debt Management saying that I owe them £111.60, and that I had been contacted previously explaining why I owe this money. This was the first I had heard about it, so I rang them to find out more. Apparently they had overpaid me income support in 1998 and were wanting the money back! He couldn't give me any details about what date the overpayment was, and would have to send me the details through the post - but it's ok, he has updated my details to say I have rang them! Although I was on income support around this time, in no way do I believe that I was overpaid! Also, this was at a previous address (I moved into my present address over 10 years ago) and it was also in my maiden name. This letter is addressed to Miss but in my married name. I have never been contacted about this before, it is the first I have heard about it, - and pointed this out to them, but the guy at DWP insisted that they had sent me letters in 2004 and one a bit later (I can't remember the dates, as I was gobsmacked!). I mentioned whether or not they could still claim this "debt" as it was 14 years ago, and they said that it only became "written off" if they had made no attempt to contact me, and they had.... I am not sure what to do - I don't have any outstanding debt whatsoever, and as it is only £111.60 I am tempted to just pay it, but something is really hacking me off about this. Can anybody give me some of their views on this? Thanks. Mrs Guest
  6. Got this in the post today, cant scan and upload so here it is. It was addressed to the Resident at my address. "We are writing with regard to parking at xxxx Please can we remind all residents that parking is only permitted within designated spaces and not on grassed areas or verges. If residents continue to disregard these spaces we will have no other option than to implement a parking scheme where cars will be clamped or ticketed. The cost of funding this will ultimately affect your annual service charges. During a recent site visit we obtained photographic evidence of the offending vehicles and their number plates so if this continues we will be writing to individuals. May we also remind you that commercial vans are not be parked on the development." Now I am heading to court in August with this crowd as I have refused to pay portions of the charges that they are applying fraudently, charging for works they are not carrying out etc. I know I can tell them where to go with this letter. I have also contacted them previously and requested they sort out the parking in the estate as there is a major shortage, 10 spots between 7 houses. 3 of those are visitors spots that are not supposed to be parked in. 2 of the houses have 3 vechicles, 2 have one and the rest have 2. Whats the best way to tell them to go to hell
  7. Anyone know of these... They claim they are memebers of CSA DBDG but nothing comes up on that website that they are members.. They chasing me for a debt, a chap spoke to my wife saying he is a solicitor told her everything about the debt, and said he was coming round that night to reposses goods if we didnt pay. They then phoned again when my wife hung up, they rang 12 times in 10 minutes. I am associated to a bigger company and this debt through organised through my name but for a voluntary subsidary of the larger company, they phoned them up telling them everything and threatening to go to the press. So who are they ?
  8. It's a legal [problem] that is out of order... My sister parked her car in a car park and this is her mistake. She parked at 10.45am. She returned at 3pm to find her car gone. She tried over and over to phone PCM to get her car but there was no luck. The lady kept insisting that she needs to speak to a guy via mobile number, but noone was picking up on that mobile number. We could not obtain the address of the car pound or any other details. The next morning we start heading to slough, and again we still cant get in touch with this mystery man at the car pound. I phone PCM main number again and scream at them to find him because we want the car back. Eventually he switches on his phone (10.30am) and tells us we need to make an appoinment to get the car back. He offers 1pm, we insist 11.15am. He caved him when I blagged "Are you a memeber of the BPA, are you following the guidelines". He gives me the post code and door number. Cant find the place. My sister phones back and he says there is no door number, and that we need to look for Glebe Farm. It wasn't easy, but we found it. There are no signs anywhere in or around the pound to tell people they are at the right place. Just two guard dogs, and no staff. We wait, he shows up. He says they clamped her car at 11.30am, and they towed it at 2pm. Total charge £350. We insisted that we couldnt pick the car up same day because he wasnt picking up the phone. He insisted that shes incurred 2 days storage charge. We asked for some official ID that can tell us he is legally allowed to tow cars, he presented an SIA licence. Now, this is the clever [problem]. They pick up cars, but its IMPOSSIBLE to collect the same day. They either wont pick up or they can say 'appointment only'. Their operating hours are 10am to 5pm, which makes it impossible for working folk to get their cars unless they take a day off the next day from work. Another part of the [problem] is that they dont want you to find the car pound. He clearly lied to me about the address, and theres no indication anywhere that there is a car pound there. This particular pound is located in Ruislip. Are the DVLA out of their minds? Is this all according to BPA regulations? Also, the pricing is insane. If they pick up a car at 2pm, close their office at 5pm, and i pick up the car the next morning at 10am, they can charge me for TWO DAYS storage. Even though I've only had a 3 hour window to get my car, which they would never let happen anyway. He explained they charge per calender day, but i said "you dont even operate per day, you dont even work normal office hours". Out of order. Further more, when you ring the number on the website, a message tells you to ring a mobile number if your car has been towed. But noone picks up this mobile number!! And the number given to me the next day is different. Its like a legal paradox that is out of control in London.
  9. I have an outstanding loan which started with Lombard got passed to Moorcroft then to Arden (they transferred all of Lombard Directs rights as lender to Idem december 2011 which has agreed to perform the obligations of Lombard Direct under the terms and conditions of your loan with Lombard etc and as a reult of the transfer Idem will be your Data controller as defined in the data protection act 1998), when I requested a CCA was told to contact Idem servicing, so complied, received my statement from them then wrote to Idem servicing informing them of my circumstances and could only offer a token payment, have heard nothing until last month when I go a letter from Arden saying that Idem servicing have instructed them to recover the amount of loan and asked for a one off payment etc (which I cannot pay as I don't have it) today I have received another letter from Arden saying despite numerous attempts to recover the ammount we have had no response from me and were going to instruct field agents to attend your property to discuss this matter in person etc and a fee for the visit will be charged to you with the amount not exceeding £75. We can cancel this visit if you contact us within 5 days of the date of this letter and make satisfactory arrnagments regarding your account. Being a bank holiday first it ridiculous to expect a reply within that time, I need to send a £10 request for a SAR this time as I need to try and claim back my PPI can you advise me which letters are best sent to Arden and Idem servicing, I assume the SAR request will have to go to Idem as they appear to own the loan and what letter should I send to stop door step callers thanks
  10. i need assistance with employment law, and personal injury claims. i would appreciate any advice that fellow CAG's can provided Work Related Breakdown i suffered a work related breakdown a year ago approx, however despite the problems at work i loved the actually job itself and always intended to return to work when i was well enough to do so, however i was pre empted financially and returned October last year and at that point formally started my grievance. like most people i had not idea of how a grievance procedure would work, so it was a massive learning curve. it is so unbelievably stressful and im still not fully well. all of the stresses remain as nothing had changed within the team on my return and my health has again deteriorated. Occ Health have recommended in writing that my place of work is toxic to my full recovery and i should leave. my p/trist is saying the same, as is my counsellor. they have all made clear that outside of that environment my health should improve enough for me to get another job doing the same type of work but with a different organisation! my question is this. is it possible for me to take civil action over and above tribunal action against my employer for the pysiatric injury they have caused me, in addition to which i had lost all my body hair. my head remains bald and i have to wear a wig, my eyebrow are going again, my arm and leg hair have gone, however my pubic hair did grow back a little. i am very grateful that my eyelashes have grown back - but for how long. i have been tested medically, the is no physical reason for the universal hair loss. constructive dismissal i am aware that the issue of constructive dismissal and discrimination can only be held in a Tribunal. but i would want to know how p/injury would work in a civil court, and could this take place more quickly than a Tribunal, and although not the right venue, will the issues of the discrimination, harrassment, bullying and victimisation come out at a civil hearing? i have an outstanding grievance appeal taking place by the end of March, it is likely to be negative, a little more detail first 'last straw' - manager held PPP (nearly 2 years since the previous one) tells me basically im c.... and that my colleagues have all complained about me, and gives examples of complaint. Fair enough. however all of this has come out of nowhere. manager provides no discussion or plan on how to resolve the situation between me and the rest of team, and goes off on 2 weeks holiday. naturally this has a devasting affect on my feeling toward the manager and the rest of the team, i have believed what he is saying. i make complaint to manager on his return and challenge all his accusation and complain that if the situation were true how is it he didnt try to help resolve the situation? i copy in HR. manager writes back taking no responsibility claiming i have misinterpreted and didnt say some of the things. my complaint was comprehensive and i gave back to him all the examples that he had used! a meeting was held. HR had lead me to believe that the meeting was a grievance as laid out in their policy, but it was a mediation meeting whereby the manager states again that i have mis interpreted and that in fact no one had complained about me - he failed to give any further information. he actually stated that i was made for the job. on hearing this however instead of making me feel better it devasted me further. i couldnt understand how he had done this to me in the first place. i had worked so hard and was so proud of the work. i went into freefall. from the time of the meeting with manager to what i thought was a grievance meeting was just over 2 months during which time there was a complete and utter breakdown between me and the rest of the team. i was signed off sick with work sky high blood pressure and related stress which i had desperately been trying to ward off. emloyer contact during sick leave during sick leave, the manager above my manager demanded to to see me, didnt advise that i could be accompanied and during the meeting told me basically that the best thing for me was to get my arse back on my chair and that in their experience involving the medical profession would mean that i would be off work longer! remember this talk at me is whilst i am unwell and vulnerable. end result even more freefall. during my sick leave there were a bombardment of letters from work, which stressed me out further than you can believe i felt hounded. i thought that it would be better to return to work even thougth my GP didnt think i was ready. i thought that it would be best to stop the hounding and make sure their were no more meetings with my managers manager. phased return meeting GP formally recommended this. unfortunately he did not specify a time. managers manager didnt want to follow GP's advice and tried to insist instead that if i felt tied i went home. luckily an HR officer was present and had to remind manager that it was normal in such circumstance and length of time away that a phased return take place. manager reluctantly agreed to 1 week! there was mention of a review, but no details of when the review would take place or who with. naturally 1 week was not enough. situation with team not resolved. i approach HR for help and am basically told to go away. i return to my GP who tries not to give the 'i told you so' and signs me off again. long term sick which brings me back to my return last year. Discrimination bullying and harrassment prior to the first last straw i had been suffering discrimination harrassment and bullying from another member of the team for a couple of year which i didnt handle very well. i absorbed it - but this just caused me to lose my body hair. i genuinely believe that this new member of staff would get used to me being there, also i had hoped that other members of the team would come to my defence when i was under attack from this 'colleague' - but no one did, some of them even joined in. this colleague was good at getting others to express their prejudices and the others knew better. i felt so isolated, ashamed and scared to say anything just in case they thought i was the one with the problem the one with the 'chip' so i said nothing. there was no one or manager that i had any trust or confidence in that i could take this matter to, so i suffered in silence, until the breakdown came. Employers investigate the complainant on making the complaint my employers carried out an investigation - a shock to me, a bigger shock was later learning that they had carried out an investigation on me too. thank God i was good at my job, good things were said about me. so they cant get me on that angle. grievance 1 outcome it transpired that others had complained also about my 'colleague' and my manager showed up themselves good and proper at the hearing. recommendations. words would be had with colleague and manager, but no grounds for discrimination - however.... appeal 'colleague' had actually admitted to what they thought would be a lesser complaint that they thought they could get away with, but this put employers in difficulty and they had to make a statement at the appeal confirming that at least one act of discrimination had taken place. it was agreed (and is on tape) that i was the brunt of this 'colleagues' abusive behaviour promotion of the main perp it was always the intention of my 'colleague' to get me out of the team and take over my Officer status and effect they way up from what they considered to be a lowly administrative position. they have now achieved this. even with the outcome of the grievance they still hold this position. what does this say? Victimisation (final 'last straw') managers manager has not taken too kindly to my complaint and raised awareness of what's going on in one of their departments and has targeted the 'trouble maker' me. a serious incident of victimisation has recently taken place. but i am covered by a 'protected act' and acted immediately. i put in a grievance about the harrassment and bullying by this particular manager. naturally management have stuck together. so i am just about to put in an appeal. Back to the start again this brings me round to where i started. based on the medical recommendation i think i will have to leave my job immediately i am notified of the appeal decision otherwise i will lose any rights i may have to claim constructive dismissal. i am not sure i want to claim this anyway as i would prefer the matter to go to civil court, where i can completely sue the a... off these people for what has happened to me over the past 18 months. my medical state the complete and utter indignity of having to constantly wear a wig and a cheap one at that as i dont have the money to buy a decent one. how further freakish i look without eyebrows. the constant eye infections because of no eyelashes, or where they were just coming loose and falling into my eye - the constant rubbing. im not so distressed about the rest of the body hair - no on sees any of it. im on medication up to my eyeballs. i have a diagnosed prolapsed disc and whilst of sick couldnt even put my knickers on or use the WC without putting a bucket on it first as i couldnt sit. thankfully my mobility is such that i can get around better, but i walk with a limp now, and still prefer to use the disable WC as they are a little higher. the constant pain in my back, shooting pains and numbness in my left leg is sometimes unbearable. also since being back at work apart from the deterioaration again of my mental state i have the additional indignity of repeated boils on my arse - what the hell is that about? i do hope that there is someone prepared and/or managed to read through this and provide advice or answer my query. Thanks
  11. nhs contracts? Hi all, i am now working in the nhs as part of the theatre department and in doing so signed the usual contract agreeing to working on calls, late shifts and weekends etc, the problem is that some staff are not taking part in this arrangement because of various reasons ( my cats scared of the dark or little johnny wets the bed) sanctioned by the managers and therefore the remaining staff are having to work extra shifts to compensate. My question is, are we all being treated equally and do we have any basis for taking action against the management. Any help would be great. Cheers.
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