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  1. Hi this is probably very minor in comparison to many folks problems, here's my issue. Had a new mobile and number last Dec apparently it was previously owned by someone with debt who was being hunted by debt collection companies. Three of the companies accepted the fact from me that I am not the person they seek, MacKenzie Hall however don't. Despite sending me an email in June assuring me my details would be removed they are back at it this week. I have written another waspy email which I will send to MacKenzie Hall although only have two email addresses and would love to get the directors emails, however I may post hard copies as well for max impact. Does anyone else have this problem. I'm getting fed up paying to retrieve their voice mails as well as the slightly niggling feeling if they can mess this up what impact can they have on my digital finances? All too big Bro for me. From what I read on the net they are bullies riding close to the letter of the law, I guess they figure vulnerable people don't have cash to fight back? Just because you have debt doesn't mean you lose your human rights!
  2. Hi all, I cancelled a cpa i had with minicredit with my bank but today they rinsed my account. I phoned my bank and asked for a charge back they refused saying it was not a cpa payment it was a one off payment taken 3 times and because they changed the amount and the date when they took it , it could not be stopped. Ive put a visa dispute in and a complaint is there anything else i can do at this time. thanks mame.
  3. Won a PPI claim with LLOYDS for my son and without having to go to the FOS however letter from them stated cheque by 28 days no cheque and now its with the PPI back office as cheque is lost rang their help line got someone in the Phillipines who states no time line for money being paid but will be paid electronicaly when it finally is ??? You cannot even get through to anyone else no matter how you approach them it appears to me to be another delaying tactic and how many people are they pulling it on ?? Any advise as to what to do other than letting LLoyds get away with it.
  4. Hello, I moved property 3 months ago. When I chose this location, there were several factors which were very important to me. 1) A NTL connection had to be available, which the estate agent told me was available, and they even showed me the NTL connection. 2) That there was CCTV around the entire property, which there appears to be by various cameras placed around the property. Since I have moved there, I have found out that: 1) The NTL connection is infact a dummy and does not work. I approached the letting agent about this and got the following response: ********** Response: With regards to the NTL. This is the first ive heard about it. And as far as i am aware if you are in a non serviceable area then NTL would'nt install a connection point. If there is a connection point Joseph would assume like anybody else would, that NTL would supply a connection there. ********** 2) The CCTV camera's are ALSO dummies... I also approached them about this and they came back with the following: ********** Response: With regard to the CCTV this would be down to the Managment Company (SLM) TEL: 01482 328068. ********** Now why do I feel like I'm being fobbed off here and that the buck is being passed on. What options do I have to sort this out? Also in light of this, can I dispute the £120.00 administration cost which they said was for 'administration and credit checking'? Thanks and Regards Adrian
  5. Hi All, newbie here hope you can help. My partner had a debt from Barclaycard which was taken over by HFO in 2008. After some communication and threats of Baillffs from HFO my partner agreed to pay a set amount each month, which she has continued to do so ever since. In the intervening years she has tried to contact them to advise of change of address etc and also to ask for a settlement figure but has been unable to make contact with anyone from the company. During this time she has never received a yearly statement from HFO. We have since heard that HFO are no longer in business but the direct debit that is in place is still being called every month and being paid. Can any of you advise us on what we should do?? should we continue to pay or stop the DD. How can we find if the debt has been discharged etc?? We have checked her Credit report through Experian and they make no mention of the debt. Heres hoping you can help us out with some advice.
  6. Hi all, Need some help regarding tmobile trashing my credit file for the past 5/6 months now. I did make a complaint to CISAS but have just received a letter today claiming my complaint is outside the time frame for them, load of boll*** if you ask me, I never even heard of CISAS until this year so how could I make a complaint to them before that time. Anyway long story, short version here. T-mobile cut my phone off onto incoming calls only and this goes against the terms and conditions of the contract since I had written to them explaining my dispute and how much I would be paying and how much I would be with holding. These clauses are in the terms and conditions and I was so fed up that day when I needed to make some calls I cancelled the contract due to t-mobiles breach of there own terms and conditions. If they (t-mobile)have the right to immediately cancel the contract for a breach of the terms and conditions then so do I and that is what I did. Now t-mobile have been trashing my credit file with late payment markers, currently at 5 late payment markers now (August2013). I also lost out on a new contract phone from Three (HTC ONE) due to these markers coming onto my cca file, I have proof of this loss. I have now had enough, I want to take T-Mobile to court and make them pay for the damage to my credit worth and get the late payment markers removed. I am pretty good at writing letters but so unsure on how to word the POC for this claim and even what I am claiming for, default removal with damages to credit worth. Any help or advice will be gratefully received. Regards George
  7. Think the Aviva folder needs amending as they no longer appear to have an online customer relations team who respond to forums. If they no longer respond to posts, perhaps keep the separate folder, but delete the description about Aviva responding to posts, to save any disappointment.
  8. Hi All, hope some kind person can help me, my husband receives JSA and also claims for me, we receive 112.60 weekly along with HB and CTB, up until last week I also received child tax credit and child benefit for him, this has now stopped as he has reached 20, he still has another year to complete at college and the only money he receives is a bursary of £110 every 3 months which pays for a bus pass to travel to and from college which is over 3 miles away. We are not in a financial position to be able feed and get essentials for the 3 of us on that amount of money we get weekly, my son has been trying to get a part time job for over 12 months but most ask for experience, he took up voluntary work to gain retail experience but so far hasn't received any replies from jobs he has applied for, he will be applying to go to uni when his course finishes next year, Sorry its a bit long winded but trying to explain best I can,
  9. Hi guys, Quick question regarding PPI. I used to have car finance with Black Horse [paid off in May 2010]…well actually it was a Personal Loan but they linked a car I brought to the HPI register and mistreated the agreement as hire purchase but that’s another story. Basically the usual story, Carland where the car was purchased told me it would improve my chances of getting a loan if I took out the PPI – I said no I didn’t want it and a couple of years into paying the loan I discovered part of the payment was PPI which was lumped into the loan and the interest was added to this too. - this helped make a £4500 loan cost 10k to pay back! I called Black Horse and asked for a refund then – this was well before the recent PPI claims being in the news I just knew I was in the right. Black Horse said they would stop the PPI from then and recalculate my monthly payments – about 10 months passed and they still hadn’t so I complained again and said I wanted it stopping and a refund for all of it – they noted I had called previously so they would reduce my payments by the £24 odd that was PPI and sent me a cheque for around £500 for the PPI I’d paid in since I first complained. They refused to give me a refund or the interest back on the payments made prior to me contacting them. My simple question is can I now reclaim this – I formally disputed this at the time and I never accepted that I’d agreed to PPI payments – it was miss-sold from the off. If I'm ‘allowed’ to reclaim after accepting a previous refund [albeit only what they’d continued to take after they’d allegedly stopped my PPI]. If so I’ll get a SAR off to Black Horse and fill in the relevant paperwork. Dates and figures are approx. but I think I still have digital copies of letters I sent to them so I can probably firm up and lose details if they are deemed relevant and this stage.
  10. Hello, I recently took out a payday loan with poundaccess (wish I didn't now), I would like to speak to them regarding setting up a payment plan however I am finding it impossible to get a response from them. I have sent numerous e-mails over the last week with payment proposals however I have had no response. I have also tried phoning them however it goes through to answerphone after a short while due to "high call volume". Their site has also been down for several weeks now apparently due to maintenance. Is anybody else in the process of dealing with poundaccess and have they had any luck contacting them recently? Cheers
  11. ]Just found this in a very old thread of mine, it was written by R&B after we had been talking about the fact that DCA's will hang up on you as soon as they realise you have become empowered and will no longer take their persistent bull. Next they stop phoning altogether, just as you were gaining the confidence and knowledge to help yourself................ Here it is, it might make you laugh............................................................. TELEPHONE HARRSSMENT, THE LACK OF.. Dear sir, i write in relation to the above and your complete lack of backbone when threatened with anything at all. I would like to point out that several other companies in the same business as yourselves take absolutely no notice of anything I say or write, indeed they take no notice of anything that the Courts, Office Of Fair Trading and even the Government say or write either, leaving you sadly lacking in the harrassment trouser department. I would like an explanation, on the phone. Please do NOT try and write as i shall refuse it at the door, causing undue embarrassment to the postman and, depending on the local trade union representative, a potential all out strike in the postal services. This would further inconvenience yourselves as you would be unable to send any futile attempts at frightening people into paying sums they simply cannot afford, by saying that you MAY send a chap who blocks out the sun at midday to collect our childrens toys or even our children, in order that they be sold to Madonna at some future stage should Malawi run out of 4 year olds. However, may I point out that I find it disgusting that recently, my children have not been woken at 9pm by your persistent calling on home and mobile phones, I have not received threats of CCJs, Charging Orders, possession orders or bailiffs ringing in my ears when I finally attempt to allow my eyelids to meet at 4am and I can have a normal phone call with friends and family for more than 5 minutes without the bleeping interruptions of caller waiting every 60 seconds. A situation Im sure you will agree is highly unsatisfactory. What I Require: I require you to put my number back into that computer algorithm which allows phone calls at intervals deliberately designed to annoy the living hell out of human beings. I require regular calls from your staff direct, such that I may explain, in full detail, my financial situation from the age of 17 to the present day, including the unforgivable exhuberance of a pic n mix in the summer of 1985, so that once finished they can still ask "so do you have a debit or credit card to cover the arrears today?" In essence I miss you. There is no chance of me paying you the sums requested as once I do I will no longer be able to receive those wonderfully stereo-typed calls from your staff and my life would be that little bit poorer (unlike my accounts) for not having to deal with you. Up Yours Faithfully (print dont sign) sorry Q, had a bored 5 mins...... [/size]
  12. Hi could anybody help me here, yorkshire bank payed me out for ppi in 2011, my wife always pays the bills but last week i was off work and she had to go somewhere so asked me to pay the credit card bill, i filled in the slip at the counter and realized they had put ppi which was £3.07p on top of my bill. I checked my other statments and i have been paying it for the last 2 years and 3 months since they payed me out, please can any one help me on what to do. thank you stu
  13. GE Money were granted possession of our property for Tuesday 14th May whereby they could then apply for a warrant to have us evicted. However, yesterday (30th April) we were able to settle our account with them 'in full' including all the oustanding charges and court costs. Will we still need to complete the N244 to suspend the Possession Order and if so what is the Court Fee? The paperwork we have refers to a booklet EX50 (Page 7) but this page doesn't relate to repossessions. Please advise
  14. I have a personal loan that I had with Santander for £4200. When I lost my job due to an accident at work I was unable to make the payments. After speaking to them regarding my prombles in paying the loan, they agreed to freeze the interest and accept a payment of £1 per month which I have been paying now for three and a half years. I wrote to them three years ago to advise them of my change of address. I have now received a statement sent to my old address showing that interest is still being added to the account! I now owe £5120 and at the current payment of £1 per month will continue to ac-cur interest. Any information regarding how to deal with this would be appreciated.
  15. 18 months ago my car insurance company paid out to a third party after they had claimed my already dented car had hit their car. I had firmly denied this to my car insurance company at the time and only learnt of the payout 6 months later when my renewal price was hiked by 50% - roughly the cost of the payout. After complaining they belatedly examined my car and eventually admitted they were wrong to pay out. They gave me back two years no claims bonus and mypremium was cut back to what it had been the previous year. 12 months on when talking to them about this year's renewal I discovered that this non incident is still on their database. I wasn’t planning to renew with them again but shouldn’t they have wiped this from their database? I assume that this is the same database that other insurance companies access? Am I obliged to declare this non incident when declaring previous claims/convictions to other insurers? This would obviously lead to a hike inthe new premium. If I didn’t would my new insurance be invalidated in the event of another claim and would I be committing a crime? Of course I can complain again but I learnt last time that this is not a swift process and my renewal is due shortly.
  16. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/insurance/9853512/Pet-insurance-owners-face-18-month-compensation-delay.html
  17. Bit out of the loop with Cap1 I am doing a charges reclaim and would like to know what Cap1 are doing. Are they still settling on the steps of the court? Are they offering a lower settlement after the preliminary letter or after the LBA? Can someone check my figures as well please. Claim Date 7-Feb-2013 Interest Rate (%APR) 34.94% 0.08213% % per day TOTAL CLAIM: 1,140.12 TOTAL AMOUNTS 312.00 828.12 Charge Reason Charge Amount Charge Date Days Interest Overlimit fee 12.00 10-Jan-2008 1852 42.89 Late payment fee 12.00 10-Jan-2008 1852 42.89 Overlimit default sum 12.00 30-Apr-2008 1742 38.15 Late or failure to pay 12.00 11-May-2008 1731 37.70 overlimit default sum 12.00 29-May-2008 1713 36.97 Late or failure to pay 12.00 10-Jun-2008 1702 36.53 overlimit default sum 12.00 29-Jun-2008 1683 35.78 Late or failure to pay 12.00 11-Jul-2008 1671 35.31 overlimit default sum 12.00 29-Jul-2008 1653 34.62 Late or failure to pay 12.00 10-Aug-2008 1642 34.20 overlimit default sum 12.00 29-Aug-2008 1623 33.48 Late or failure to pay 12.00 10-Sep-2008 1612 33.08 overlimit default sum 12.00 29-Sep-2008 1593 32.38 Late or failure to pay 12.00 12-Oct-2008 1580 31.91 overlimit default sum 12.00 29-Oct-2008 1563 31.30 overlimit default sum 12.00 30-Nov-2008 1532 30.21 overlimit default sum 12.00 29-Dec-2008 1503 29.22 overlimit default sum 12.00 29-Jan-2009 1468 28.05 Late or failure to pay 12.00 13-Mar-2009 1424 26.63 overlimit default sum 12.00 13-Mar-2009 1424 26.63 overlimit default sum 12.00 29-Mar-2009 1408 26.12 Late or failure to pay 12.00 10-Apr-2009 1397 25.78 overlimit default sum 12.00 29-Apr-2009 1378 25.20 Late or failure to pay 12.00 11-May-2009 1366 24.83 overlimit default sum 12.00 29-May-2009 1348 24.29 Late or failure to pay 12.00 10-Jun-2009 1337 23.97
  18. hi i had an iva 20/12/2006 but was terminated and no payments were ever made to ip company as me and wife split up and ip said it was not worth persuing and people would again start chasing for money. long story short they didnt and now all remaining on my credit report is the iva dated 20/12/2006 i have been in touch with Insolvency Practitioner Unit but they refusing to remove from my file as not settled !!! can anyone offer advice please how to get removed as dont want to open up bag worms again many thanks lee
  19. Hi all. In October 2012 I hand wrote a letter to BT saying that I would no longer require their broadband and calls service after the end of October. Then at the beginning of November I received and paid my October bill. I also received an email from BT Residential Services dated 8th November which acknowledges that I have chosen to close my account. I have since had bills for November, December, and now for January. In December I spoke to customer services and I explained my situation, and that I have an email from BT Residential Services which acknowledges my request, but the lady told me my account hasn't been closed and that she was putting a note on the account that it is to be closed, and also that someone would be calling me regarding this. No-one called, and I thought that was the end of it. Then yesterday BT rang me again asking when I am going to pay November, December and January's bills!! I was shocked and told her my account was closed in October, and that I have an email regarding this request, (the email is all i have from BT that proves they received my request to close my account). She told me my account is still active and not closed at all, and that no request had been made to close it either. The lady I spoke to told me the bills she wants me to pay relate to a contract which was signed in 2010, but this can't be possible because I moved house in 2011, and I had to close my then bt account before i could have the same BT service installed in my new address, and i had to sign a new contract for this. So i am confused as to what is happening. I asked that in future that this matter continue to be discussed in writing rather than telephone conversations, because I am being told many different things but no proof of what i am being told, but she said no, she was calling me for payment only and she doesn't pass on messages. She was so rude. I am struggling to get them to stop billing me for a service i no longer receive and that i had already written to cancel. If it weren't for the email they sent acknowledging that i have chosen to close my account, I would have no proof at all that i had written regarding this. I am getting nowhere on the telephone. Meanwhile and while ever this goes unresolved, i fear that i will continue to be billed until forever. What can i do about this?
  20. After a failed business in 2009 I had unsecured debts attached to my property then in August 2011 the property was repossessed. Now I have got my head out of my backside after the divorce (yes kicked me when I was down) I find some strange things are in place. We had equity of about £35K and this is still held by the banks solicitor because although someone has moved into the house the debts have NOT been paid and as of 10:10am today I’m still with my wife the registered owner of the property. Now the debts in my name where about £20k and the ones in my ex-wife’s where about £7k (inc an interim charging order dated 26 Jan 2010). Now I have a list of CCJ's and a list of the charging orders and I have requested what money is owed to my EX wife to be sent to her and the debts paid off but this is still not done and has been in limbo since August last year. All the details I have are from this morning so I don’t think they would be out of date?. Any help. Nick
  21. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/study-bank-staff-still-mis-selling-000724699.html#rrOy79k
  22. Hi I've now read many many threads on this query but they all seem to be conflicting so would be most grateful for a reply to my speecific query as the correct answer will HUGELY impact my ability to get a mortage over the next few months. I got in to financial difficulties 7 years ago now as my son was diagnosed with autism, he was exluded from school and attempted suicide on a number of occasssions (he was 8), I had to give up work. We were over committed on only one wage and defaulted on may accounts. I went back to work when he got the help he needed, and have managed my credit well since then, mortage up todate, no missed payments on my credit card, no missed on my Vodaphone account etc. I managed to make full and final paynments on nearly all my defaults, but 2 would not settle and I have paid on an arrangement ever since. These 2 unsettled defaults are now 6 years old, they always showed on my record as default, never as Arrangement to Pay. I have checked my CRA files and they are no longer showing. Great! However, now cannot sleep for worrying that they will reappear next month as AR - arrangement to pay, but with the default not showing. Obviously this would be no better for my credit rating than a default. I have read many threads and the answers are conflicting, would be really grateful for a definitive answer. I am more than happy to continue paying the amount I pay on the arrangement. Is easily affordable, and I get no hassle from the creditor. However if by continuing the account shows up as AR it hardly seems worth it. The accounts I settled (paritally) I understand will just drop off, it is these 2 unsettled that I am panicking about! Any advice really appreciated. My boys have all had to share a room for 6 years because we have not been able to move. My eldest has to go by taxi to his special school because we cannot move closer. I so want this to be over for them, we've paid our price now and I am terrified of this being dragged out longer. Many thanks
  23. Title refers to another post in 2011 clearly nothing changed in 2012! I took my 18 month old Panasonic NN-CF778SBPQ combination oven/microwave back to Comet when its inverter failed. This meant that although the oven still worked fine, the microwave didn't work at all. No problem because although the part was expensive, I had wisely (or so I thought!) taken out Comet's extended warranty. The store advised me on Friday August 24 that the repair could take up to 28 days, but was unlikely to do so. A good job I thought as maybe some people might be using this oven as their main means of cooking! 28 days seemed a very long time for a product that might well have a daily use. There was no sign at all of a quick repair, so I calculated out 28 "working days" (just to be sure) and found that it was due back by the 4 October. I tried to call the store, but of course you need to call an 0844 number at high rate per minute, then wait 20+ minutes to connect, in order to chase up Comet's bad service. I got a promise that someone would call me. They did to say the part wasn't yet in stock and would take a week (I could have sourced it myself from the net on a 24 hour delivery with ease). I waited - nothing. So I decided to avoid phone costs that merely added insult to injury, and email them instead. This time I was told that whoever said 28 days was mistaken because they only agree to a 'reasonable amount of time' for repairs. Is it me or is over six weeks 'unreasonable'? Days later, I then received a random phone message from either the store or Comet central to say the part was delayed (again?) and would now not be ready until Monday the 15th October. Needless to say I have heard nothing. My microwave is not old at 18 months. In fact the microwave aspect of it has hardly been used at all, it was bought mainly to use as a second oven. I am unsure what to do next. Comet seem to have absolutely no concept of what customer service actually means. Most definitely will not be buying either goods or warranties from them again.
  24. Hi, I took out a £100 loan with Microlend at the start of June, I subsequently left my job and could not afford to repay. At the time, I made a token gesture of £35 reducing my balance to £135.00. This I was told, in text and via the phone would be frozen, no interest or charges to be added, and they would keep in touch with me over the next couple of months. This I agreed to, and subsequently started a new, temporary contract. Paid through an umbrella company, which I explained to them meant my wages could hit my account on payday at any point of the day and they agreed, and I have proof, via text that they accepted this fact. The payment was due Fri 5th Oct. Only one slight problem, I was missed off the payment run so nothing hit my account until yesterday. I used a separate account so Microlend could not debit anything they liked (which as it turns out was a good idea) as they were now claiming that I owed £320.00. I agreed in full and final settlement to pay half at £160.00 and actioned a transfer from my account to theirs last night. This shows on my bank statement already and my balance is reduced accordingly. This again, is in writing, via text (I am refusing to speak to them on the phone). However, this morning the calls start and in 90 minutes, I have had 3 texts, and 3 missed calls saying they haven't received calls and are bombarding my current employer with telephone calls. Not helping this is that I am currently ill, in bed. I have stated I will forward a copy of my statement later today (I will black out all other information) showing the payment leaving my account, but still they are harassing me. And as far as I know, my employer. What can I do to get them to stop? I want to ensure that on receipt of my statement this is backed up with appropriate language, information, etc. I am hoping they are not bombarding my employer with calls, as it may very well cost me my job! As a contractor, they can end the contract without having to provide a reason. All help greatly appreciated!!!
  25. Not sure if this has been covered before but here goes I have several debts which I am paying reduced instalments on but certainly not token payments most are getting £50 a month or more. These debts are all more than 6 years old and off my CRA files If I stop payment I think that the debt cant be defaulted for a second time is this correct ? Since these debts are either owned or being collected by the likes of Wescot what can I expect to happen? Can they go for CCJ or anything equally nasty I have CCA’d all the debts and had mixed results some have partial info and others nothing would a SAR be more appropriate ? Hope this is clear enough and I have used the right terms Hope someone can give some help / advice Thanks in advance
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