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  1. I ordered mine a few months ago, now I can't access it, I take it you can only veiw it for a short period of time. Need to remember to print it off next time.
  2. BBC news this morning.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-21376915
  3. hi i had an iva 20/12/2006 but was terminated and no payments were ever made to ip company as me and wife split up and ip said it was not worth persuing and people would again start chasing for money. long story short they didnt and now all remaining on my credit report is the iva dated 20/12/2006 i have been in touch with Insolvency Practitioner Unit but they refusing to remove from my file as not settled !!! can anyone offer advice please how to get removed as dont want to open up bag worms again many thanks lee
  4. Long story short, my ex has been claiming High rate mobility and medium rate care for 4 years, shes never had an assessment, it was granted to her for chronic fatigue syndrome and the only evidence was a GP letter. I had no reason to disbelieve her, she always walked with 2 sticks and on outing made me push her in a wheelchair, during the night I'd need to help her use the toilet and before work, i'd help her out of bed and to get dressed. My friends all told me that I was being taken for a mug and there was actually nothing wrong with her and they knew it, I of course , back my ex , as at the time, I had no reason at all to disbelieve her. However, since we have split, family and friends have provided me with 4 videos of her walking, some distance, without her sticks, at a brisk pace and clearly not suffering any pain (She used to visually show it) Is there an email address I can pass these onto the DWP on ? I know there's an online form, but these video's cant be added to an online form. I might sound bitter, but im not, benefit fraud is something I am simply against 100%, she might have recovered since we split and thats fine, but shes still driving the same motability issued car and using her blue badge.
  5. I have just found out that my ex has been claiming to be a single parent, living with her grandmother since our son was born in Jan07!! She lived with me from Dec04 - Sept12 but claimed benefits; working tax etc as a single parent and even told them she did not know who the father was!! I find this unbelievable considering I am on the birth certificate, he has my surname and has lived with me since birth!! Now we have split up she is claiming that she has full legal custody of him and I really dont know where I stand??? At the moment I have him overnight 3 nights a wk and until 7pm after school 3 days a wk so I can take him to football, kickboxing and swimming lessons but I dont have anything official and as it stands I dont think I have any rights. I have my own house (which i had before we met) but she currently lives with her mother, her mothers b/f and her brother. My son sleeps in a double bed with his mother, which I am appalled at!! I am unsure on how to progress as if i report her, my son will obviously suffer from the financial penalties she incurs and also as it stands she hasn't tried to take my house but if I do try and contest custody and the CSA get involved then God knows what could happen!! Should I just keep my mouth shut??? I really dont know!!! Thanks for reading, any advice/support will be greatfuly recieved!! Haguilera
  6. Hi There, I had a CCJ issued against my business (a LTD) back in 2006. the debt was paid in full direct to the suppliers but i have noticed on the company credit report, the CCJ is still shown as 'unsatisfied' i am aware that the CCJ will be removed from the credit report after 6 years (april 2013) However is this still the case if the CCJ is still marked as unpaid? i would appreciate any advice Many thanks
  7. So I have been trying for ages not to get LS to agree with what I see I owe them, they claim £93 I say £34 (late fees + default fee). I have tried to get them to agree to removing all negative information if I pay up, long shot but thought I'd give it a go, they just reply with 'agreement number xxxx in termination status'. My online account states: My credit report has just been updated with: Status history - D SF Balance history - 0 Date of default - 26/11/2012 So my account has now been settled, is this account likely to be going to DCA now?
  8. ive just looked at my report and there is a default from Capquest for 598 - i have no idea who this is for and to be honest dont want to call them for fear of owing money however i am desperatly trying to sort out my credit rating what gets me is that the start date is 2005 yet the default date is 2009 and only shows this - JFMAMJJASOND2009 If I took something out in 2005 where are the payments or non payments from 2005-2009 and when does this come off my account does it start from 2005 or 2009?
  9. I went to buy a used car from a dealership on Saturday on finance. On Monday I found out my application was rejected. I was very surprised about this as I was under the impression that I had good credit history. I decided to pay for my credit report through Equifax, and was very surprised to see an account with several late payments, showing in red, as 'very poor'. It turns out that this credit account is my mother's, and should never have been in my name. I have contacted the company who the credit was with and they have said that as it is in my name, and there is still outstanding debt, that nothing can be done. My mother has also contacted them to explain the situation. They have told me that until I pay the debt off that it will remain in red on my file, and then it will be settled. The debt is no longer with them but is with EOS. I am unable to pay the debt off as I don't have the money available, and as it isn't mine I shouldn't have to. I really don't know what to do next. I really need to get this bad credit account removed from my credit history, but I'm obviously in a very difficult situation in that it is my mum who this debt belongs to. I'm 22 and this is going to really affect my life at this stage when I will be wanting to get a car, mortgage etc. Does anyone have any advice on who I should contact and what I should do? Thanks
  10. hi all, i am a fishkeeper and have been for several years now. I will try and keep it simple for those of you who dont know about fish. My friend was sold a 20 litre tank a few weeks ago from a pet shop and was at the same time sold 4 VERY unsuitable fish for the tank. She was sold a plec which can grow up to 24" and a rainbow shark which is very territorial and can grow up to 6"!! I told her to rehome those 2 fish and gave her advice on maintaining her tank which was not given in the shop! I went to this shop today myself to take a look and what i found shocked me. The tanks were all dirty, some had no light, they were seriously overcrowded to the point they were swimming on top of each other to try and get space, there was a shark catfish? That was emaciated to the point it looked deformed! They had a sign up saying to have the tank running for 3 days before adding fish! They did not have any tap safe on sale or anything similar, no live plants. The women was cleaning the tanks supposidly, she open the filter in the neon tank, tipped out all the crap inside into their tank and took the sponge and washed it in a bucket of tap water!!! It was just shocking. Thats not to mention the 5litre tanks on sale with 2 fish included!! The shop also sold rabbits and other small pets which seemed to have no food available. Who can i report them to?
  11. Hi, first post on this forum! I tapped a car lightly recently while reversing (didn't see it, wasn't there when got in my car, plus whoever owns it decided to dump it on double yellows on narrow street). I didn't think much of it, was really slight, so didn't bother to check for any damage, as didn't expect any. Last week my insurance company phoned saying they had received some complaint about me being involved in a collision. As they used the word collision it didn't occur to me that this was related and besides I had totally forgotten about it anyway. I told the insurer that I didn't have a clue, they phoned back same day saying to forget about it, they were getting 'the details removed'. Now a few days later, i get one of those NIP things from the fuzz, with the form to declare who was driving at such time and place, which clearly referred to date and place of the knock, and I have since worked out that he term collision means pretty much anything, including prangs in car parks. Clearly I must have done some damage (cant imagine how!) and/or been witnessed (dont think there is cctv anywhere there, but cant say I have checked) So I realise I must send in form declaring I was driver, however not to sure what happens after that. If I get a summons I would be tempted to plead guilty by post (and send a soppy mitigation letter about how contrite I feel), but I'm not too sure how likely the police are to take it further so it may never get to that. How do i find out what the other party has said etc? E.g. they may be using the opportunity to fix existing, and more serious damage. Also i feel I should phone up my insurance company and ask them what the heck's going on, as they told me to forget about it and didn't discuss the details of any complaint with me, but is it wise for me to do so, judging I told them I didnt have a clue what they were on about when they phoned, which was true? Also I know that most insurers insist on accidents being reported to the police, and that the police by default ask to ID driver, and by default serve an NIP when crimes like failure to stop are alleged. So in fact this could just be the word of the owner, as they cant have gone far tho I saw no one in the street at the time. I would actually be OK with paying for repair if I have done any damage, but it seems that I don't even have that option. Plus seems to me that any damage issue is separate to any failure to stop/report complaint anyway so, any tips/experiences/advice you could give me? thanks in advance!
  12. Black Triangle fighting our corner:whoo: This document is only up till 14:00 today guys, have a read and sign if you agree. It can be busy so keep trying. https://docs.google.com/document/d/16-3bDKutlRI4xquhNgbAszo3U-p5ma2CdB1Dd8n08q8/preview?sle=true
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-south-west-wales-20567165
  14. Today, the Local Government Ombudsman released a very important FOCUS REPORT which outlines their concern at the increase in complaints concerning bailiffs. The FOCUS REPORT is very detailed and many people on the forums will be able to identify the type of complaints that they have with bailiffs with the examples that are outlined in the report. The report makes it very clear indeed that local authorities need to ensure that they take responsibility for their bailiffs’ actions and that any complaints are handled appropriately, including considering complaints themselves when necessary and not simply referring the complainants back to the bailiffs. The link below will take you to the LGO page which outlines in brief the basis of the FOCUS REPORT and the link on the top right hand side of the page will open the full report. http://www.lgo.org.uk/news/2012/nov/lgo-highlights-problems-bailiff-action-behalf-councils
  15. In brief 3 year battle with a DCA over a debt which wasn't mine. Earlier this year they conceded in writing that I wasn't the debtor and that they had removed me from their database nearly 14 months before. On the day they removed my details they made an entry on my credit report and then 8 months later made a search. Given that a DCA needs some form of authority to make entries or search and also given that this DCA conceded I was not the debtor and therefore had no authority how do I get these entries removed from an otherwise clean history. I've tried talking to them but they now claim they do not have authority to talk to me because of the provisions of the DPA
  16. Very disturbing http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14557/online-news/one-in-five-will-seek-payday-loan
  17. Had a ccj against me in 2007 for a very small amount that I didnt owe anyway, checked my credit file in 2008 with equifax it did have the ccj recorded. I paid the amount and deal with it later and I added a notice of correction and left it at that. I checked last week with equifax and there is no sign of the ccj or any notice of correction. All my previous addresses are listed as well as the voters roll check Would all the credit agencies have all the same info? Definately not a moan, just scratching my head!
  18. Hi All I been with couple mobile companies before and had some outstanding bills which i did not know until they passed my details to debt collectors, since debt collectors contacted me i have paid the credit owed to them in full. now this is effecting my credit score, as i checked my credit score i noticed that this companies show on there that the credit is cleared and shows as default. I'm asking if this is possible to remove this from my credit score if so what do i need to do. Any help is much appreciated.. Thanks in Advance Ray
  19. Sent QQ a postal order to their correspondence address, as i now found out, and they signed for, and received it 01/10/2012. It is now 19th and they are saying, via live chat, that it is still not been received and posted to my account. I asked them if they could call them at in London at all, and she told me that theyre in the USA and do not know if a payment is received or not in the UK. So i had a repayment plan in place, and now i have decided not to adhere until informaton reguarding my postal payment is received and so i have cancelled my direct debit. I now would like to report them, if i can, but i dont know who to? OFT, FSA, Trading Standards, who?
  20. Hopefully a quick question for you guys. How long should I wait before chasing up a 'settled' debt if the entry in my credit file has not been marked as 'settled', but remains as 'defaulted'? I have had an arrangement for some time to pay off a debt. a s this is my only remaining 'default' on my file, I was quite keen to clear it, and restore my CR to a reasonable state, so with a few months remaining of the plan I called up the DCA and paid the final 3 months of outstanding monies. I of course asked that they confirm that this account will now be marked as 'settled' and to confirm in writing that this will be done, and the matter is now closed. That was over a week ago (I know that is not too long), but I was just wondering how long is 'how long' before I should chase up either the DCA or file a note on Equifax to mark this as settled? The final payment was very quickly taken from my debit card (two days - quite faster than the normal 4 days for payment to clear), so they definitely do have the cleared funds. Also, I have signed-up for weekly & monthly alerts from Equifax, and I do regularly get updates from them when something changes (new search, removing SB entries, etc.) so I would have expected an email recently, if not soon. But I really want this cleared / settled before end of year - to start afresh in the New Year so to speak! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mr B
  21. Hey caggers, Could you please advise me. I have one large loan from Natwest. It was 25k. With interest it was 32k, I already paid off 8k and 24k is outstanding. I took a loan in 2006, then I refinanced with a new loan in 2007 (the one I am talking about here), and I could not keep it with repayments in October 2008. I have been on debt management plan for past 4 years. On the Equifax credit rating agency report I cannot see a default registered. And my current payments are at "6, red", meaning that I am behind with payments and I have six late payements. This has been since August 2009. Before that they put me on "AP" – arrangement to pay, this was just for 6 months and then it went to that "6, red". My questions: 1. I heard that after 6 years the data falls off the credit report. So in what cases that happens. And if I dont have a Default, will that happen? 2. Also, is it fair, or correct or lawful that they did not issue me with Default notice? 3. Is there anything I could do to make this entry fall off my credit report, apart from settling it? 4. I am trying to settle this debt and I started at 7% offer. APEX did not want to agree with it. I offered 3.5k , albeit over the phone, it is at 15%, they didnt agree. Maybe I could write to Natwest and ask them to consider 4k because, if I pay 4k, that means I will have paid off 37% of total debt including interest, this should be reasonable. What do you think? 5. Natwest said that I have to deal with APEX, why cant they consider it, any clues here. Does this mean the debt is sold, but they did not say that it is sold, they just said that APEX is dealing with it.   Very many thanks guys.
  22. Just looking on my credit report (experian/Noddle) and it shows an account i had for a small loan as settled. This was 3 years ago - no defaults as payments were kept up but the final balance paid was £96 (which i don't remember paying). Does that mean this sum is still outstanding. I telephoned the lender and they said they can't give me payment detials but they informed me the matter is closed and i don't owe anything. They said they have never defaulted the account and have not sold it on. Where does this leave me?
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