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  1. This is a very good move. The rules which required payments to be made in 10 installments have never been fair. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/news/article-2255514/Council-tax-bills-paid-12-months-10-rules-overhaul.html
  2. I purchased a car at a well known reputable car firm known all around the country At the time of purchase there wasn’t a second key, which was to be delivered within a 2weeks, there also wasn’t a log book. After much deliberation on the day of purchase where NEITHER where brought to my attention I went ahead with the purchase. Issue Number 1: After not hearing anything for two weeks regarding my spare key I contacted said car firm who said that the key actually hadn’t even been ordered yet and that it had been ordered now and will be delivered in two weeks (15th September). At this time the new logbook had arrived. At the end of Setpember, I phoned up to confirm if my key had actually been delivered, which it hadn’t, and to my surprise I had to arrange a time to get my key coded, despite being assured I could be sent the key in the post. About a week after I had my key coded at the Car Manufacturer Garage I received a letter in the post, with the new owners slip for the log book supposedly lost and a 3RD Key which was coded for the car. This was blamed on the fact that the person who sold me the car has since left the company, this doesn’t excuse the fact that they didn’t organize his outstanding work successfully. So two things 1. They sent me a new owners slip about a month after I had received a new log book from the DVLA 2. They sent me a 3rd key coded for my car which PROVES that I didn’t have to take my car to the garage to get it coded! Thus wasting 2-3 Hours of my time. Issue Number 2: About a month ago, I received a letter in the post stating that I was no longer the legal owner of my car, and now was the registered keeper of another car. Which incidentally had the same previous owner of the car I actually own. This has caused significant difficulty in trying to rectify with the DVLA, it has caused untold stress and anxiety, as technically this car does not have a registered keeper.
  3. I was caught speeding (37mph in a 30) back in July. I was sent the usual letter asking for confirmation of the driver shortly after which I returned straight away .... and then heard nothing .... until last week when they issued the fixed penalty notice 5 months late! Would this give me grounds for any kind of appeal or dismissal?
  4. Very disturbing http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14557/online-news/one-in-five-will-seek-payday-loan
  5. Hiya, Did some silly stuff again with PDL but have managed to agree the following: * Wage Day Advance - Owe originally £388.50 and set up repayment plan for £388.50 over 6 months. Been very helpful. *Monkey Dosh - Owe originally £312.48 but they want me to repay an extra £135.39 (1 extra month of interest and then 5% added onto the balance at the end of every month) This is going to take an extra 2 months to pay off than I offered them. They have been really helpful and I've had no calls but still they don't deserve extra money from me. *1 Month Loan - Owe originally £357.50 and they've added an extra £165 to my repayment plan. Just some advice guys, would you email back and state you aren't paying the extra fees or would you start the repayment plan but pay only original amount + 1 months interest and see if they quibble over the final amounts? What do you people think? I have all their bank account details if anyone needs them. Many thanks NLS
  6. Hi Everybody, I do not know where to turn anymore with vodafone. This has been ongoing since May and I cannot get any sort of dialogue going with vodafone about it. i am either passed to customer service advisors who have no power to answer my questions, or am writing to complain and getting inadequate responses through noreply email addresses. I have complained several times about the apalling customer service which I have received from Vodafone and their customer care team. I no longer know where to turn, other than Ofcom, as nobody is willing to resolve my issue. All they do is admit I was misinformed, but then blame me for following this advice. For my part, I am sick of having to recount the whole saga to customer service representative after customer service representative. This must be the tenth time I've had to recall it. All that keeps happening is the admission that I was misinformed, they apologise and then in the same breath, my being told that I am at fault and my account is listed in arrangement to pay. In April/May I received a huge phone bill of around £400. I was totally shocked as I had received no warning and I rang up to pay this. During this conversation i was told these things: I could pay in three bits. I asked explicitly ' Do I have to pay it all today?' No. i was told. "WILL IT AFFECT MY CREDIT REPORT?' I explicitly asked. I am well aware of how CRAs work and this is why i asked this. No i was told. When I questioned this, I was told no, because it was not a non- payment, it was me ringing up to pay and i was making contact. This was for my convenience. I thought ok, well thats goodwill. i was advised to cancel my direct debit and pay the rest next month. I received no confirmation of this in writing and was then cut off in May. I was later told that I was cut off because he did not write any notes on the account about what was said. I checked my credit file and I was marked down as non payment in May. If i had known all this, i would have paid the money, as I had it, but this was not explained to me. I contested this as I felt it was unfair. The account was amended to "Arrangement to Pay" , which is not a true reflection - I am not on a payment arrangement; my account is up to date and i pay by DD. Arrangement to pay, as my credit file reports, is to do with 'falling into arrears and having serious difficulties repaying' and declaring oneself insolvent and having to pay the account off via a negotiated arrangement. It is as if I am on a debt management plan. Arrangement to Pay in credit terms is indicative of something entirely different from what happened to me - at your advice. Having an account listed as in repayment has had a hugely detrimental effect on my credit rating - it is inaccurate as the account is fully paid up and up to date - not listed in "Arrangement to Pay" as is suggested. If anything, a late payment marker would be more appropriate. I complained to Vodafone - things simply got even worse. During a conversation with Nicola, one of your customer service advisors, she admitted that my "arrangement" was not logged properly on the system. By several advisors, i was told that the original advisor had no authority to make such comments about my credit file, and it would have always been technically a late payment. Despite phonecall after phonecall - at my own expense- the "quality assurance team" never seem to be available or able to help me. Instead they keep repeating that the "Arrangement to pay is a true reflection of me" - it is not. They quote that it is "the law" that they report this - there are no such legalities involved in CRA reporting. If it were the law, why would they so easily have changed information on my file in the first place TO arrangement to pay? I would have simply paid the amount on the day, had i been advised to do so. Instead, things have simply got worse and worse for me. As if this were not bad enough, Vodafone will not respond to a dispute filed by equifax. Therefore the whole account with 15 months of regular payments has been wiped from my file - further causing my credit rating to plummet. the account has now disappeared from my current address too , causing more problems. Vodafone have caused me a lot of damage because of their inept customer service. Vodafone have seen the dispute via equifax - they simply ring me. I have proof that they have ignored Equifax's dispute TWICE now. They have 28 days to respond. They have ignored it. The file is still missing from my credit report. Call credit and experian have it marked 'arrangement to pay' All i get is repeated "courtesy" phonecalls from vodafone, where the person on the end of the phone admits i was misadvised, but they cant help me as they arent responsible for CRA information. Somebody will call me back. Maybe if I became a "difficult customer" and started shouting or getting angry, I'd get somewhere but I know customer services are only doing their jobs. If anything the customer services advisors have been very sympathetic, but are powerless to change CRA data. I have never experienced such awful customer service - what sort of customer service system admits that the company were wrong to advise, but then tells me it is my fault? I feel like crying this has been going on for so long. All i want is for vodafone to rectify this by ameding my May credit file as paid - at the least, Late, and restoring the account history through equifax, callcredit and experian. I complained to the CEO and received this reply: " As the customer agreed to a payment plan the payment arrangement icon has been correctly recorded and will remain on the customers credit file. This is required for credit referencing purposes as we are required to show a true reflection of the customer s payment history with Vodafone . Further to this I have been advised that even though there is a payment arrangement icon on your credit file lenders should take in account that you tried to settle the payment with us before getting into arrears. I understand that you did ask at the point of setting up the payment plan would it affect your credit report and you where advised it would not. I apologise that you where advised this and there will be an internal investigation ran on your account." They then send me compensation two months bills credited - I do not want money, i do not want somebody to get into trouble, I do not want to have to resort to being rude, I simply want the payment icon as paid and my account updated. i called vodafone for help and spoke to a lovely man called malcolm who agreed that i was treated poorly and he gave me an email address for escalations. he advised me that my agreeing to split payments was NOT a goodwill gesture and it was a SERIOUS thing and i should have had the situation fully explained to me and YES it will affect my credit file, and customer service advisors should not be commenting about credit reports. he gave me the email address of escalations dept., When i called up again to confirm the address, the customer service advisor said they had never heard of such a dept. i do not want any more circular conversations, ten phonecalls a day, the quality assurance team to call back, for them to admit i was misinformed and then accuse me of not paying and being cut off, and then to be told it's against the law for it to be changed. It is not against the law - I've seen credit reference data lifted on forums from vodafone, after all - they changed it on my file TO arrangement to pay! I do not want to hear that this is a "true reflection" this is all they say, whilst in the same breath admitting i was misadvised and things were not logged. I simply want my credit file restored and for may to be marked as paid. i will never give up until this is resolved. could somebody please help me? Anna
  7. Churchill car insurance My mothers(whom is 72 years old) car was crashed into whilst parked and liability has been excepted by the third party. We asked Churchill if it would be possible to repair the car through our family mechanic whom we have used for years and is so reliable and trust worthy. They said all repairs must be through their authorised repair center (Uk Assistance Crawley). It has now been 3 months in repair, the car was sent back twice, and it is now worst than we sent it to them, we still have not had a engineer report for the exact work that has been carried out. They have claimed the engine is no longer any good, even though there was never any problem with the engine, the car has been well maintained. I would suggest avoid Churchill Car Insurance and Uk Assistance Crawley. Can someone please advise us what we should do now thank you.
  8. Just been issued court papers from CCMCC dated 23/8/12, Date of service 29/8/12 They are in regard to my ex landlord, claiming £947 for damages and non payment of rent £550 for 2 Months rent arrears (£650 x 2 minus £750 DPS) August and Dec 2011 £277 for replacing the carpet due to Iron mark (I fell with a hot iron) £120 for Locksmith (I locked the keys inside) explain below £672 for redecorating - Not claimed as hard to prove they say Right, here goes, I had the tenancy for 1 yr initially, extended to 2 yrs, no new contract was signed, last tenancy would of ended March 13th 2012. Mutual agreement that I gave them 2 months notice, which I did, and vacated property on the 10th Dec 2011 August payment was placed into dispute since we had numerous occasions where we had to move furniture, sleep on sofa and was not even offered alternative accommodation during major works due to huge cracks appearing and re appearing since they was not correctly fixed in the 1st instance, on the 1st instance, we went away on holiday, but prior had to move furniture into the centre of the rooms On the 2nd instance, I was getting married and had wedding things everywhere, we had to move bedroom furniture from the main bedroom and the small bedroom, all which just went into the last bedroom, which was my sons. we had to sleep on the sofa downstairs and also at that time I was working nights. Since I was unable to sleep during the day due to the works, I did get £340 compensation, which I had already made it clear that I was loosing £85 per day. the work too 8 days before we could use the rooms, due to pain drying etc, also the main bedroom before decorating had the ceiling removed due to risk of asbestosis. I informed the letting agency that I was holding August payment in dispute until the dispute had been settled, Never happened We dealt mainly with the Letting agency We left the property under the knowledge that further works were due to happen yet again, Which we decided to move instead of being subject to further extensive works The carpet, yes I fell and the Iron made a lovely impression, The carpet at that time was ex military carpet, must of been around 10 plus years old, maybe older. but they are claiming full cost of the carpet, They can only claim pro rata for the damage, which £277 for replacement is full cost. The Keys, Locksmith, Well I have letters from the agency that they have keys, so I put that to the test, and I do know 1st hand they had keys, they are actually charging me for the back door key and lock, which had to be replaced any way, the key was with the keys left in the kitchen, which they did find as they have proven so with the Tenancy end form. The decorating, well they not claiming for that, but put it on the form? as above it would be so hard to prove I do intend to defend and also claim a counter claim, I recon I should be able to claim for Loss of full enjoyment of peace and quite Loss of work due to working nights while work was being carried out Loss of weekend use of my home Loss of work due to having to attend meetings regarding the repairs Compensation due to the stress of all the works and risk of being exposed to asbestosis Right, The Key issue, I do know that some letting agents actually change the locks, just incase a tenant returns as a mater for security. I know the last place did this without charging me, I watched them do it, since the prior addy was just across the road, but a different letting agency Why would the Landlord start proceedings, when I dealt with the Letting agency? I have paperwork saying that they have keys (letters for inspection of property) I have papers with work schedules and how extensive the work is involved I have the contract I also have every email that I sent and received, I have stated in those emails that I am getting stressed out with all that was going on, and the risk of asbestosis (which occurs many years later) I need your input on what you recon I should use as a defence and counter claim oh btw I did move without giving them a forwarding addy or email addy, But these papers were sent to my mothers, which was used at the very start of the tenancy, but she has not had no prior letters in relation to this, So maybe there could be a lack of proper procedure, I didn't change my email, they have not even tried to contact me in any format, No email, No phone calls and no letters
  9. I have just received my summons to appear at the Magistrates Court but it is not for three months. Is it normal to get so much notice? I just wondered as I thought it was normally three weeks' notice and I am concerned that they have put it off to enable them to dig further and come up with something else. Does anyone know? Thanks
  10. I wrote to Wonga to request that a default notice that had been incorrectly applied be removed. They instructed Experian etc to do this, and i checked and it had been removed. 6 months down the line and i have checked Experian again only to see the default has reappered! Are they able to do this? Once removed surely they cannot reapply? I am hoping to apply for a mortgage next month so need to resolve ASAP.... many thanks
  11. Hi everyone, i was just doing some research on SOGA and came across this site. i would really apprieciate any help and advice as im starting to feel like giving up. In december 2011 i purchased a pram from a local independent nursery shop. It was meant to be a top of the range pram (Icandy) that to be honest we couldn't really afford but thought it would save us money in the long run as it would last and we would never have to buy another pram. It is a pram that can convert from a double to a single but after my baby was born in Dec my toddler decided she wanted to walk short distances so i was just using it as a single unless we went further than the shops, i also never folded it up as i don't drive. I am just pointed this out as i didn't really heavily use the pram to it's full capacity (ie. with 2 3yr old toddlers in it)and really looked after it as it was soooo much money. then in the middle of march i was walking with my baby in it and the handle started to feel loose so i rang the shop and they said to bring it in. The next day the handle fell apart in to 2 pieces, the whole chassis of the pram felt loose and like it could collapse at any moment just with a baby in it, and would have been dangerouse with my toddler in it aswell. I took it back to the shop and told them that i wanted a refund as i no longer trusted the brand. They said they would send it to Icandy to make sure it hadn't been misused or 'hit by a bus' unbelievable! And that Icandy had a 48hr repair and return system. they then dragged out some manky old buggy to put my baby in, i refused and they gave me an Icandy chassis to put by pram seat on which i was happy with. They rang me 2 weeks later saying the pram had been fixed for me to pick up (this proves to me how badley faulty the pram was as it took them so long to fix not 48hrs). At this point i said i wanted a refund and they just kept putting me off saying the manager wasn't there. I then sent them a letter asking for a refund, stating SOGA and saying that i would take them to a small claims court. They sent a letter acknowledging my letter then i didn't hear from them for a month so i sent another letter which they have ignored. sorry for such a long post but just want you to know all the facts. Also i paid on a visa debit card. Thanks,
  12. Hi, My tenancy is up in one month, end of Sept. I had an email this morning from my landlord stating they have decided to sell the property. It wasn't a 'formal' notice for me to leave, in the sense of the wording. They were thoughtful to an extent and told me that if I needed longer, let them know so they can arrange a weekly payment of rent rather than monthly etc. But, from reading the posts on this forum, am I right in thinking that I can't be legally forced out unless they hand me the S21 document ? Just to stress - I am in now way intending to be awkward at all to my landlord - I just want to know if I do have that extra little bit of time if needed (if I was on my own it would be a cinch to move, but I have a dog and ideally want to move into a househare, and finding one that accomodates pets is a lot trickier)
  13. Not received my award notice yet but seen a big chunk of money of which theTC office owes me in the bank today so hopefully it has now been resolved. After complaints I made and letters from the tax office saying I owe over£2000 and then confirming with the tax credits advisors that I do not and them admitting it was their mistake I don't know why it took this long to sort out. What took the biscuit was a final payment demand describing I had to payback this amount by 6th September. It seemed it was not until I got in contact with DMTC and them checking their system don't know why I was sent in their direction and made a note on end in fact I was indeed owed money to me. From then onwards the tax credits advisors attitude seemed to have changed and seemed to be in my favour. Strange. I can say now that I am pleased I took notes of my phone calls and sent my information in a nice reply with the overpayment form. A page long lol. I do have a question that this experience has brought up is now that as this was going on my claim was stopped and I am thinking when I do finally stop claiming for tax credits I am right in thinking I don't pay any of this back? this has got me a bit worried.
  14. Hi Folks, My partner had ESA medical in November and received 18 points. He was then called again in April and received only 6. Is it ok for them to ask for 2 medicals in such short period of time? We are at appeal stage and need some support with what to do. My partner has mental health issues and a critical illness. Do we complain to ATOS. He is seeing his consultant later this week and will get the hospital to do letter, any help appreciated
  15. Hi everyone, As you probably read in my other post I had several payday loans with multiple lenders for years, and since beginning of this year I am trying to "break out" of this "spirale of debt". With Quick Quid alone I had so far 27 loans, paying a total of 6,355.00 GBP in interest alone. The latest still active loan of 1,800.00 GBP (including interest) I took out in February this year. I contacted them twice since for a repayment plan, but only managed to set up one over 4 months. They informed me twice that this is the maximum they can do for me. I paid 3 of the 4 instalments, but am struggling to pay the last one (438.00 GBP) end of this month. Ideally I would have thought to come with them directly to a mutual agreement, as a long-term customer, and as I am obviously willing to repay, and would prefer not to have them passed it on to a DCA. Most of my other PDL lenders I borrowed from agreed to plans lasting 8 - 12 months. My question therefore is if anyone on this forum ever managed to agree a repayment plan for more than 4 months with them (with them directly, not with a DCA)? Any help is much appreciated! Thank you
  16. Is it lawful for an employment agency to make an employee wait 2 months before they receive any pay? I began working for an agency on 28/05/2012. I was expecting to be paid at the end of June for the days I worked in May. However, payment did not arrive and by the end of the first week of July I was becoming concerned. Payments were starting to fail to be paid as there were insufficient funds in my bank. On the 09/07/2012 I managed to contact HR of the agency who told me they would not pay me until 27/07/2012. My question is, does this contravene any employment legislation? Thanks for your advice.
  17. I purchased a laptop in March from Tesco and it failed today with a fatal IO error which, having asked a few IT buddies who guided me through some testing, appears to be a hard drive problem and is in all likelyhood not repairable. I took it back to Tesco this evening and was told by the electronics counter assistant and the duty manager that I have no choice but to call Toshiba support and go through them and once that has been comnpleted they will refer me to Tesco tech support who will in turn provide a reference number to take to the store if they cannot fix the problem where I will be offered whatever solution they decide to offer. I have a problem with this as it is going to take some time to go through it all and the machine is just 3 months old with minor use. Am I oblidged to go through Tesco's process or can I insist that sale of goods unfit for purpose entitles me to a refund or replacement?
  18. Barclaycard is axing its loyalty points scheme 'Freedom', giving customers two months to redeem their rewards. Barclaycard said that the scheme – which is available to the majority of its 12 million customers – is being scrapped because it wants to focus on 'other product development'. http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cardsloans/article-2148253/Barclaycard-scraps-Freedom-loyalty-scheme-giving-customers-months-redeem-points.html
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