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  1. hi cliam form sent nov 12 2013 dwp got it atos got it 5 dec 2013 no news at all m p has witten one month ago she still not heard anything back from them either is this a record
  2. JonnyBoyy

    PIP Claim

    Hi all, I'm new to the forums well I will start by giving you the back ground on my case. Applied for PIP back at end of June sent a stack of medical evidence including report from doctor stating that I had poor mobility and suffered from PTSD and xray reports that my joints had serve osteoarthritis. Any way had a medical with ATOS on 25th Sep and still waiting for these dounuts to send the report to DWP I have my local MP involved and she has written to DWP asking for an update in my case. Was wondering if you would know of any other ways I can help myself as whenever I ring ATOS they say the report is with the audit team. Any advice would be welcome. Thanks JonnyBoyy
  3. We are currently in the process of claiming PIP to replace the DLA my wife used to have. This process is already over 4 months in length and only a few days ago we had a home based assessment carried out by Captia. The assessor could not tell us anything concerning how the assessment went or how long we have now got to wait for the decision to be made. Given that they have already taken my wife's DLA off her and they are coming to collect the motability vehicle we have before end of June we were wondering just how long we could be expected to wait before we are likely to get a decision from them. We initially made the claim on 18th December 2013 but the forms did not reach us until the 31st December due to the Christmas post. We then had to get relevant documentation form our Doctors concerning my wife's conditions and medication she is taking for it. So the forms did not get back within the stated 30 day period. Next thing we get is a letter towards the end of January stating she will lose her DLA from 18th February. We got on the phone as soon as that came and they said they would reinstate the DLA. Nothing more happened after that other than a letter from Capita saying we were going to have a home visit. That was about a week ago. On the very same day, we get a letter from Motability saying the car was going to be taken back because the DLA was cancelled and they still quoted the February date as the date it was removed. I was on the phone to 3 different places trying to sort this out but as yet have had no luck with getting it sorted. They just keep trying to pass you to another department to deal with it. So, is it likely that we would get a decision from Capita before the car has to be handed back in 3 weeks time? Thanks for any help.
  4. hope this is not true http://www.ldascotland.org/index.php/welfare-reform/122-the-dwp-turns-nasty-on-personal-independence-payment-claimants
  5. Hi there, I'm wondering what your thoughts are and if I can/should do something. The father of a friend had a serious heart problem and his condition was really bad in January '12. The doctor said he won't survive so he claimed PIP because of terminal illness. Luckily his condition changed and he was much better end of '12, where they bought a fancy new car. At least I thought they bought it. I had some discussions with him about benefits the last few months, where he told me that he's still claiming PIP on the highest rates and he received the car for free. He was able to choose one and he has some free miles with paid petrol. His last medical checks were great and in my opinion he would be able to work. (he should do some exercises for his heart, but he prefers to stay at home and watch tv allday) I asked him if the PIP department or DWP ask about his condition and he laughed and said "they think I'm still dying so they won't ask questions" I feel really sick when I think about it, because they having a great life with full wages from his wife (full-time worker) + free car + full PIP and going on holidays all the time while my partner has a medical condition and is waiting for his PIP (and ESA) since last year October. Nevertheless there thousand other people who need even more help and support and don't receive it. Is it possible to do anything or just wait until DWP contact him again? Thank you very much!
  6. Hi, I have been waiting for my PIP to be assessed for nearly a year. Now that it finally got assessed and I was awarded an entitlement and I am to receive a chunk payment for the year that was not payed out due to delays, which sums up to £6000. However, if I technically have savings of £6000 it will affect my housing benefit. Although I have loans to pay back, because the DWP will put the amount into my account I guess temporarily it will be perceived as 'savings'. What do I do? Do I even need to inform Housing Benefits about the PIP payment? Do I need to pay my rent out of PIP now? Will my housing benefit entitlement be affected because PIP delayed with my application? I would be greatful for any advice on this. IMO: Housing benefits lot treat people like sh** and they are always in the 'right', so you can never put your point across or get neutral honest advice from them. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you ever so much in advance..
  7. so, i broke my back in a really bad car accident in November 2013. i was in hospital for over 4 weeks lying flat on my back which was followed by 2 months of wearing a back brace 24/7. during this time my partner, friends and family had to do EVERYTHING for me. i couldn't get to the toilet myself, i couldn't dress myself, sit/lie down or stand myself and i couldn't shower or bathe. i had to learn to walk again, regain strength in every part of my body, attend physio, hospital & doctors appointments and jump through hoops to keep up with all of the forms and stupid repetative questions related to my PIP claim and ESA. nearly 6 months on, i am still off work sick (i'm a waitress) and although my bones have healed and i am walking a lot better, i am still struggling with the majority of things and still have to wear my brace to be able to do simple tasks. despite this, i am not entitled to ESA as i have not 'paid enough tax' in the year they have reviewed and i am not being rewarded PIP as i received 0 points on their ridiculous table of questions (even though i clearly said i couldn't do a lot of them). in addition to that, i am unable to receive any other benefits available as i live with my partner and he earns a decent wage. i think this frustrates me more as i only moved in with him when i came out of hospital because despite him working 50hours a week, no one else could look after me the way i needed to be. i have no income and haven't done for a while, the PIP decision was the last straw and i am so bloody frustrated. can anyone help??
  8. im currently on esa for not been able to walk unaided with crutches for more than a few metres. this is due to a back and leg injury from many moons ago. i was diagnosed with epilepsy around 3-4 weeks ago after suffering absence seizures for over 12 months . i then had a full epileptic seizure whilst in bed and woke up in hospital ,i was in severe pain with my right leg and sciatica for which they have prescribed diazipam they did an mri of my spine and i was told i have 2 ruptured disks L1 and L3 but they would not operate as i could still control my bladder. i am still in agony with it weeks later and the right half of my right foot is completley numb. my doctor has made me an appointment with a neurosurgeon for june with a outlook to operate and have a diskoptomy ? i however dont think its epilepsy as im confused most times ,and forget just about everything im asked of or told . i cannot even think in a noisey enviroment .plus i can have upto 17 absence seizures a day . then 1 week ago i suffered a massive heart attack and needed stents putting in my arteries. im now on 15 different types of medication a day totalling over 30 tablets in a 24hour period . im not allowed to drive either way with a heart attack or epilepsy the worst thing i think is im only 42 years old ,not over weight .6ft ,12.5 stone .dont drink ,do drugs or smoke . i could cope with the back pain and leg pain before and with the codeine and naproxen i was managing the pain . now i can,t cope with anything even just 1 task is hard to do .
  9. I currently receive HRC and LRM but would now be entitled to HRM as my condition has got significantly worse. I am not in a PIP area and my current award is due to expire in 2 years. If I decided to report a change of circumstances in order to receive HRM I think it would still be a DLA claim. Am I right? I'm not yet ready to risk a PIP claim even though I shouldn't be any worse off.
  10. There is the stories of long backlogs and so on. Just thought I would inform people here I am in a PIP area but they invited me to reapply for DLA and not PIP so this might be a sign of some kind of backtrack.
  11. Confirmation of complete chaos and disarray in delivering these assessments. http://www.channel4.com/news/disability-benefits-contractor-runs-into-trouble-video
  12. Hi i made my pip claim in october had my assessment in january and received the decision pretty quick but not what i was expecting my interview with capita was ok but we didn.t really discuss everything so i phoned pip and told them this and can i write a letter to explain the rest what we missed out they said yes thats fine. Only problem was time i wrote it out and sent it off they had made the decision the day they received my letter. The letter said they would phone and discuss the decision that was to be a wk after i had the letter . By that time 2 wks would of passed and then no phone call happened. I.ve phoned them many times and i get they will phone yeah when you said that you.d phkne between those dates and you haven.t can.t i make an appointment with someone to discuss this and no they said and now its nearly a wk again and still no phone call. Its not right making people wait i.m afraid to go out incase they call i won.t let anyone use the phone either. J.ve sent a mandatory appeal off now as got fed up waiting for them and lucky i didn.t cause i would of missed the dead line to appeal. Is there anything more i can do thanks.
  13. Hi. Just looking for some advice on claiming PIP (Personal Independence Payment). I'm confused regarding the so-called 'qualifying period'. I've read that it's 3 months minimum that a person has been affected by a disability. But it seems as if you don't need to wait when making a fresh claim. I've been diagnosed with a condition for only a few weeks, but the Dr has agreed to provide ongoing Fit Notes (as she's aware of an ongoing claim for ESA). Do I have to wait until 3 months have lapsed to make a claim? Or can I start the ball rolling now? Many thanks.
  14. In short the title pretty much sums my current problem , the DWP are claiming they do not have my application for DLA back in Oct despite having sent a letter to me back in Nov saying they were passing it onto PIP for assessment. When a family member phoned the DWP they claimed they have no record of it and in the meantime my PIP former DLA has been stopped ( without any forewarning or letter ) which in turn has reduced my incapacity . As this is not my mistake and I only responded to what I was told in that letter I do not see why I should be penalised for something that is not even my fault and find it conspicuous too that they would cut my benefits without being aware of a decision from PIP regarding my application when they said it was up to them in the first place ( hence the reason why they were passing it on ) . DWP have also claimed because they no longer have access to records to check whether it was there and as I said PIP are denying they have it , so whose responsibility it is actually ( I would of assumed DWP ) because clearly PIP did not cut my DLA if they did not have my application , or did they ? Again , no letter was sent by PIP either to say they've received nothing from me or DWP , so how was I meant to know ? I have written back to PIP asking them to contact DWP about this because it seems my application has been lost during this transition over to PIP but in the meantime I'd appreciate any other suggestions on what I should. thanks again, mike
  15. Hi I have recently had notie of benefit on my DLA review. Award has been made a thigher mobitlity rate indefinately and lowest rate care componant indefinately the award has been dropped from middle rate care to lowest rate which not only reduces my money but also trivializes my husbands constant and ardous tasks of looking after me. I was surprised when review came under DLA bracket rather than PIP but pressume indefinately is indefinately no matter what the heading now. I telephoned DLA to discuss the change in care component of my benefit however I think I pressed the wrong option. I spoke with a woman who was more than abrupt and she would not listen to what I was trying to say the more she spoke the more dismissive she became getting me all in a muddle. She kept on saying oh you want this reviewed but reviewed was not the word she used. The word she used made it sound as if I was being unreasonable - when in fact I just wanted to talk to her about the decision. She 3 times said she had already put paperwork through and was very sharp with me My question is this should I telephone them again and pressin the correct option and try to speak to someone? As the woman I spoke to said that a may lose all my entitlement in putting this request through? Also if DLA review is different to the PIP then am I know going to be reviewed under new guidelines? Can they really cancel a indefinate qualification for DLA ? Just because I wanted to ask a question? If this is the case then should I just cancel my request (although I never made this request) and send DLA a change in circumstances application ? This whole thing is proving to be extremely stressful, I have read other peoples experiences of the effects on them both mentally and pyhiscally - I now can understand the feelings of dispair leaving them questioning the point in them being here at all. What should I do ? Shall Ijust leave it to run its course OSW
  16. Hi, I recently had my ESA medical in April this year from the move from Incapacity Benefit to ESA, I was put in the Support Group due to "Severe functional disability" and was advised to apply for PIP, The form for PIP was sent Monday and today i have just received another letter for an ATOS assessment for PIP, I'm sure i read somewhere that it was the same assessment, I included my ESA85 medical report with the PIP claim form but looks like the didn't look at it They also gave me an appointment 30 miles away when the ATOS centre is just 5 min from my home, I rang up as it would be to much of a struggle and they have moved my appointment to my local centre. Has anyone got any info on the PIP assessment compared to the ESA, I'm starting to get stressed all over again.
  17. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-24680366
  18. hi all got a chap that was given admin penality for dla fraud in 2009 it should have got that far as his solictors sold him down the river anyway quite ill he has esa suport can he claim for pip or will they not take it on as he has his dla stopped 2009 his family gp and consultants want to support him any ideas
  19. At last, the government have now finally decided on the distance that will be used to measure Enhanced mobility for PIP - it is agreed at 20 metres. This will once and for all weed out those that can walk the width of a football field yet are deemed so disabled that their mobility is seriously compromised and were awarded the highest rate of DLA mobility element. We are now going to see that only those that are truly the most disabled and vulnerable in society, mobility wise, being handed a free car. I can't wait to hear the screams and shouts from those part time walking stick owners and crutch wobblers that you hardly ever see the bottom of the stick/crutch touching the floor. Those that appear to be on their last leg one minute and yet are able to run around with their children the next. What fun we are going to have. As I have said before I will be the first in the queue to have my HRM & MRC taken off me when PIP goes national provided that the 10's of thousands of others do the same so that the money available in the PIP pot is directed only at those with the most serious of care needs and mobility issues. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/251631/pip-mobility-consultation-government-response.pdf
  20. i have put in support grp dont know how long for afraid to ask anyway if i appley for pip will it affect my esa if i dont get it ie pip will i lose esa thanks guys
  21. had an assesment for this new pip (new cliam) three weeks ago and had no decision from DWP yet how long should it take? i claimed on the 24th april
  22. Hi I have been reading this http://www.disabilityrightsuk.org/news/2013/june/our-free-claiming-pip-guide And I'm confused about the claiming procedure, regarding the phone call to invite you to claim PIP, presently my DLA runs out in December, normally I would get a form through the post, does this not happen anymore? from what I've read of the above, the DWP ring you up and ask you some questions, and based on your answers, they then decide if you can claim or not, in the above doc it gives you the questions, but I can't remember what page it's on, any help or feedback would be appreciated.
  23. Document Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/consultation-on-the-pip-assessment-moving-around-activity Consultation on the PIP assessment Moving around activity This Consultation closes on: 5th August 2013 From April 2013 Disability Living Allowance (DLA) began to be replaced for new claimants with a new benefit, Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Like DLA, PIP is intended to provide a contribution to the extra costs faced by people with disabilities and long-term health conditions. Whether individuals receive the benefit, and how much they receive, will be determined by an assessment of their needs. The PIP assessment has been designed to ensure that support is targeted at those individuals who face the greatest barriers to independent living. The criteria used in the assessment were developed in liaison with a group of independent experts in health, disability and social care and with extensive engagement with disabled people and their organisations. We have already carried out 2 consultations on the first two drafts of the assessment criteria, in 2011 and 2012. We have received feedback from some disabled people and their organisations saying that they are unhappy with the changes that have been made to the assessment criteria for the Moving around activity as a result of a previous consultation and want a further opportunity to have their views considered. We have therefore decided to carry out an additional consultation, seeking further views on the Moving around activity.
  24. Document Source: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/consultation-on-the-pip-assessment-moving-around-activity Consultation on the PIP assessment Moving around activity This Consultation closes on: 5th August 2013 From April 2013 Disability Living Allowance (DLA) began to be replaced for new claimants with a new benefit, Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Like DLA, PIP is intended to provide a contribution to the extra costs faced by people with disabilities and long-term health conditions. Whether individuals receive the benefit, and how much they receive, will be determined by an assessment of their needs. The PIP assessment has been designed to ensure that support is targeted at those individuals who face the greatest barriers to independent living. The criteria used in the assessment were developed in liaison with a group of independent experts in health, disability and social care and with extensive engagement with disabled people and their organisations. We have already carried out 2 consultations on the first two drafts of the assessment criteria, in 2011 and 2012. We have received feedback from some disabled people and their organisations saying that they are unhappy with the changes that have been made to the assessment criteria for the Moving around activity as a result of a previous consultation and want a further opportunity to have their views considered. We have therefore decided to carry out an additional consultation, seeking further views on the Moving around activity.
  25. Just wondering if anybody has seen anything that would indicate how the PIP pilot results compare to what DLA would have been awarded? I understand that there is an on-going review of the 10 metre rule. Personally in my opinion it is a done deal and nothing will change despite the review. You can't very well have hundreds being currently assessed against 10 metres then 12 months down the line the DWP change it to 25/50 metres. It wouldn't be fair on those tested on the 10 metre rule, as they could well find that if 25 metres was the limit, they would have got an award. I think the 10 metre limit is here to stay for their sakes.
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