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  1. Hello All! Wondering if anyone can give me some advice please. I live in a flat where I am using it for an online business however it's presently dormant and has been since the start. There are no goods involved, it's just a free website. I had to register this under my home address however I am wondering if this would have an effect on the communal buildings insurance policy I have? (residential) Would it void it? Please can someone who know this get back to me.. Regards
  2. Hi everyone, I'm new here I was involved in a lorry crash in early October and the lorry driver admitted full liability, so this is not in dispute. The original arrangement to sort out the mess to my car (he squashed the side of it) was to deal with it all privately through his own company. I was given details of who I should contact to arrange this. I thought this was a good idea becuase I thought if I went through my own insurance to sort it out with their insurance company, I would probably end up with a premium hike. I was keen to avoid that, so I just reported the accident instead and decided to do it all privately. I was contacted shortly after the accident by a claims management company who asked to do their own assessment on my car to ascertain the extent of damage. I had already done one of my own, got a quote for the damage. The quote itself cost £30. I told the claims management company that I needed my own garage to do the work because I was on a PCP Agreement and the terms stipulated that my own garage should do any repairs, preferably, to ensure original parts were used for replacements. I had to agree to the claims management company to do their own too. I was quite cross to see the Agent looking over my car in the forecourt of my house without having first knocked on my door. I noticed him out of the window. After he came and went, I had first told him about the Quote I already had paid for from my own garage - making it clear to him that those repairs would need to be done, not any revised work they might consider necessary instead. He said he would contact my garage for a copy of that. A few weeks later I got a call from another guy from the same claims management company who virtually accused me of having diddled the quote, asking for more work than was necessary - a complete re-spray - which was not necessary. I told him in no uncertain terms that the garage I got the quote from was bona fide and had a duty of care not to over-stipulate the work required by law when I checked it later, after the call, a re-spray wasn't even listed on it. I rang him again and told him that what was on that quote was the work I needed doing and they THEY would be paying for it. That was all there was to it, as far as I was concerned. He then told me that when he had contacted my garage for the quote, my garage had since refused to do this work for me - even though they had not told me personally about that decision. I rang them myself and they told me that they had said nothing of the kind but they did need a work repairs number to authorise payment from this claims management company or they could not begin work without it. I rang back the claim management guy what the outcome was at the claims management company and he agreed to go ahead with it all. I then put all this in writing this time, asking him specifically to reassure me that they would provide a works repair number to my garage to do the repairs, as per the quote they had originally given me. I also said in my email that the work may not be in full and final settlement if they discovered more needed to be done down the line and to confirm that they understood this. I did not get this, just a go ahead to book the garage. Since then I have done nothing at all to get the car repaired. I have been borrowing cars in my job lent to me by other clients, so my car has not been used much. However, I have been thinking about all of this and feel distinctly uneasy about going through this claims management company who are billing the company direct and leaving their own insurance company out of it. I feel now, given the messing about, the implied accusations, that the claims management company and my garage could easily cook up a deal behind my back to do less than was on the quote - so that the company pays less, but I don't get a comparable car back to what it was like before the crash. I now feel I want to chuck in all these behind the scenes arrangements, get in touch with their own insurance company and get them to instigate the repairs. I still don't intend to get my own insurance company involved though. Do you think I am being paranoid or do you think I am being set up for a fall? The works quote my garage compiled for the £30 charge is around £4300 worth of damage with a list of work to be carried out (and says nothing about a re-spray). My car is quite new and was not written off by the claim's management guy that looked over the car, even though it was officially worth £6800 at the time of the accident. The claims management company who are dealing with this on behalf of the lorry driver's company has issued a 'retail' works reference (not an insurance one). NB: Another thing I do not like about this private arrangement is that there are too many parties involved - the lorry driver's company, a company they speak to about repairs, the repair's department claim's management company (who also apparently work for the insurance company who they are not involving). It all seems too complicated to me. The last thing I want is to be taken for a ride and shafted in some way. Any advice from those who might be able to offer sound, constructive advice about this please?
  3. So i'm having a bit of a dispute with our house insurance, long story short, my husband didn't close the shower screen properly and left the bathroom with shower running for a period of time, I walked into my kitchen to find it had all collected into a bubble and burst through a hole in the ceiling causing damage to the walls, floor and plaster. Insurance told us we could claim through our escape of water and had to give them two itemized insurance quotes. We massively struggled to get these quotes with several traders not turning up or wanting to charge a fee to produce them, we asked if the insurance company could send out someone to quote and fix - they said no, we asked for a list of their preferred suppliers and was told they didn't have one. Eventually they told us they would send a loss adjuster out with a view to offer a cash settlement. Whilst waiting for the loss adjuster we had another leak when using the shower and it became apparent that the bath was coming away from the wall when we were using it causing the seal to break and the water to escape down the side, this was confirmed when we got a plumber out through our boiler cover insurance. So we resealed the bath but again the bath would move so in order to prevent more damage whilst waiting for the loss adjuster we stopped using the shower and stuck to baths only. We're still having to do this months later. The loss adjuster came, had no details of our claim as his system had crashed, he spent 5 minutes in the kitchen looking at the hole went into the bathroom, didn't ask us to remove the bath panel or look under the bath. He took some photos and left. We were then offered a settlement of just over £600 out of which a £250 escape of water excess was to be deducted. None of the works included in his scheduled involved fixing the issue with the bath. So we queried it. They've taken our query as a complaint and issued us with a final response claiming the loss adjuster took photos of the toilet which he claims was the root of the leak and we were negligent in fixing it hence as it must have been leaking a lengthy period as evidence by rust on the pipes (our pipes are all plastic so zero rust and 100% never been a leak) so they are refusing to pay out for any bathroom works. We've subsequently had 3 different plumbers out to the house for quote all which have been in the region of around £1700 and all the works listed are the same, all state that no evidence of a leak to the toilet and that significant removal and refitting of the bathroom suite and wet-wall will be needed to remedy the bath issue and the joist which has been soaked along with the fixing of the ceiling and flooring. The insurance company won't entertain these quotes or letters of evidence nor will the entertain the photos i've taken myself of the damage in particular behind the toilet which clearly shows plastic pipes and no rust anywhere there or under the bath. They've refused to let us see the report written by the loss adjuster or the photos taken and refuse to comment on how he could accurately know the issue when he didn't even look under the bath. They wont enter into a dialogue with us and have told us as they issued their final response we have to take it to the ombudsman if im not happy. Does anyone have any experience of this or words of advice on how to approach it with the ombudsman? what more evidence should I need or be gathering in order to support my complaint? I'm quite sure the insurance company are taking the **** in their offer but i've never had to make an insurance claim before so i'm not sure if this is normal or if i'm expecting too much?
  4. Hi I took out a Barclays Income Protection insurance around 2008. http://www.barclays.co.uk/Insurance/Incomeinsurance/IncomeInsurance/P1242614107744 Barclays stopped selling this policy years ago. This was a policy that covered me for sickness and unemployment. I paid around a £100 a month and would get around £2000 a month in the event of making a claim for up to 2 years. I have been paying this policy for the last six 7 years. I was recently made unemployed due to a disagreement with my employer (over 7 years working there) - without going into details I was being asked to act immorally. I sought legal advice. It was clear the relationship had broken down. I did not resign, I was not fired - but a settlement agreement was put in place, which i decided to accept rather than going down the long and painful road of employment tribunals. Even if i had gone down a employment triberinal route - as I have read it, the polciy still would not have covered me as this would have been considered me resigning. The law around this was updated around this in 2010 in the Equality Act and further changes were recommended in 2013. Since I took out the policy i have never been contacted by Barclays with any statements or policy changes etc. I pay my money and they have been silent. When I signed up to the agreement I specifically asked about “Compromise Agreements” and was told that these were covered, as this is what had happened to me at a previous company. These are now called "settlement agreements" and widly used by employers for senior managers to deal with someone leaving. I feel I was mis-sold this policy and that I want to claim back my premiums i have paid to date. it would have been impossible for me to make a claim. If settlement agreements are now the norm and the policy does not cover it - it is worthless. I am wondering what the best course of action is - would this type of policy fall under PPI or is it something else ? Thanks in advance Simon
  5. Hi there, Apologies if this is in the wrong section, but it seemed most appropriate. In October I went on holiday to India. Before I went I took out "gold" cover travel insurance with Cover For You. While I was on holiday my mobile phone was stolen from my bag. I reported it to the police, got a police report, immediately had it blocked by my phone company and did all the right things. However, on contacting the people administering the insurance, it turns out that mobile phones are not included in the insurance and that it is required to take out additional gadget insurance to cover phones. Now my phone was a brand new iPhone 7 that I'd had for 3 weeks. If it had been at all clear that it was excluded when buying my insurance, I would have taken the additional gadget insurance. But I remember going through the form application and when additional gadget insurance came up, it said this (I have recreated the insurance application and the screen is exactly as it was when I ordered): I remember thinking - I am not taking up to £3k, my baggage cover is up to £2k, so I don't need to "extend" it. And carried on. Maybe that was naive of me, maybe it was my fault for not examining it more closely, but the wording appears misleading to me. Then when I looked at the key facts, there is no information at all that gadgets are excluded from baggage allowance. In fact it states exclusion includes when: The loss, theft or damage to Valuables and electronic/other equipment occurs whilst not being carried in your hand luggage while You are travelling on Public transport or on an aircraft. This is in the personal baggage section. The reference to electronic equipment in that section again reinforced for me the idea that gadgets were covered up to the value of the personal baggage allowance. I would like to ask opinions on whether I have grounds for complaint here. I feel like I was mislead when buying the insurance and that it should be much much clearer that gadgets, including mobile phones, are excluded from personal baggage allowance and that it's essential to take out additional gadget insurance. Thanks in advance you your thoughts. [Just realised this should be in the insurance section - could an admin move it for me? Very sorry.)
  6. Hey all, Looks like this forum is the answer to all my problems.To be honest would like to thanks dx100 uk & Martin 2006 for all their support in answering all the queries posted.This forum certainly points you in the right direction. So to begin with Admiral insurance i received the renewals pack for my multi car insurance ,the price they quoted me looked too high,so like usual i rang them to check if it was their best quote, i told them i got a quote elsewere which was 2200 ,my quote was 2500 ,so the gentlemen applied some discounts and quoted me a little above 2200 (wish i had said 1200). Now the interesting part on my renewals which i noticed was that the cars were kept at my old address although i had called to change my address a couple of times,once i asked the advisor why this was as such he said theagent might not have changed this and would need to check further ,so when he put this address in where i was living it bought the quote of 2200 to 1100 (Lucky me) which i was pleased with. However my concern here is i am with them from over 7 years & have changed the address twice in a year & also have changed the car ,i queried this with the advisor that if the "Post code where kept" hasnt been changed over this year then its not my fault and i had paid the wrong premium during this address change to which he replied he will have to check the call(i remember calling & changing my address in june which he confirmed) He further advised he will have to go through the call log & will come back to me with an outcome. Now i know they will try to put this on me saying i have not updated the details & its my fault which i dont think it is coz as soon as i moved to a different address i had called the insurance to change this & the agent has onfirmed. I just want to check what the insurance company can do in this case to prevent them from giving me a refund? i m sure they have their own tactics in relaying this back and putting this on my head Shall i complaint? Will they accept their liability? what should i wary of when they call me back? how shall i proceed? Any help or direction is much appreciated again As always many thanks again
  7. In the latest statement, Philip Hammond announced increase in Insurance premium tax to 12.5% from June 2017. Given that Insurers also like to include other premium increases, people are likely to see average increases on Insurances of 20% or more. With average Car Insurance premiums now £700, i could see this rising by at least another £100. Then add on increases to other Insurances bought by households and you could see an extra £300 to £400 in annual budget taken by Insurances. Because VAT is 20% currently. Philip Hammond used this as a reason to justify increasing Insurance Premium Tax, suggesting that people were already getting a discounted tax rate. I am not sure people will see it in the same way. Is buying Insurance the same as buying any other consumer product ? Given that Car Insurance is a legal requirement and not optional, i would argue that tax should not be paid on the compulsory third party liability element of the policy.
  8. Communication from the Provisional Liquidator of Enterprise Insurance Company plc on 29th July 2016 On the 25th July 2016 the Gibraltar Supreme Court appointed me as Provisional Liquidator of Enterprise Insurance Company plc (“Enterprise” or the “Company”). I am now managing the Company’s affairs under the supervision of the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission and will report back to the Supreme Court within three months. Insurance policies issued by Enterprise have not been cancelled or disclaimed but I am unable to currently pay any claims arising under such policies. It is also uncertain if the Company’s assets will be sufficient to meet insurance claims in full. In these circumstances it is advisable for policy holders to contact their brokers. I am in contact with the compensation schemes in the various countries in which Enterprise wrote business to coordinate with them the processes by which eligible claims may be paid from the schemes. I will update this website with further information regarding these processes as it becomes available. I am also engaging claims managers to continue to administer, process and agree claims for admission as insurance claims and for submission to compensation schemes as applicable. Contact details of my claims managers will be added to this website shortly. Any queries from policy holders or others may be directed to info@eigplc.com or by telephone at number +350 200 50150 United Kingdom Policy Holders I can confirm that Motorway Direct PLC has been appointed as one of the claims management companies assisting me in the processing of claims in respect of the following classes of business: GAP Insurance Motor Warranty Brown and White Goods Warranty Motorway Direct PLC contact details are: Telephone 03300 555 262 or Email customerservices@motorwaydirect.co.uk Information regarding the Financial Services Compensation Scheme may be obtained at the FSCS website Frederick White Provisional Liquidator Enterprise Insurance Company plc Important notice for policy holders Enterprise Insurance Company PLC (the Company) would like to inform its policy holders that it has requested the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) to suspend its authorisation to write new insurance business. As part of this request, the GFSC has also issued a Direction to preserve the assets of the Company. Enterprise has been under close supervision from the GFSC due to concerns about Enterprise’s financial position. Very recently Enterprise provided the GFSC with an independent assessment of its financial position. This assessment demonstrated a significant deterioration in the Company’s position and that Enterprise is insolvent. The shareholders of the Company have been unable to contribute additional capital into the company, and in the interests of policyholder protection the Company has requested that the Commission takes steps to control the activities of the Company including issuing winding-up proceedings. The GFSC is now taking steps to issue winding up proceedings with the cooperation of Enterprise to present a petition for the winding up of the Company. It is the intention to issue an application for the appointment of a provisional liquidator. The GFSC is taking appropriate steps to protect policyholders. The GFSC is notifying the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), and the relevant financial services regulators and compensation schemes in France, Italy, Greece, Norway, Ireland and the UK, where Enterprise has written business. Enterprise is committed to keeping its policy holders as informed as possible in these difficult circumstances. For further information, please see the GFSC’s website. You can find answers to the most common questions, or you can ask us a specific question by clicking here: Q & A section. Alternatively you can email us on info@eigplc.com or call us on 00350 200 50150
  9. I was going to check on my insurance with Lifestyle Services Group [set up through Barclays account]. Firstly when I went onto Lifestyle Services Group login website it didn't recognize my login credentials, then when I wanted recover password [in case I forgot] it didn't know my login [e-mail] at all! Then when I attempted to recover account by providing bank sort code and account number - it claimed it never was set-up! [same account whole life] When I called them they can see that I had my old phone insured trough Barclays but no sign of new phone insurance. Only that I have had cancelled old phone insurance. In fact I had not cancelled insurance - only updated with new phone. But - well - Lifestyle Services Group can not say it is true. Called Barclays - they even say I couldn't have any free insurance on mobile handset because there was never any free insurance. In fact there was. I have set up this kind of insurance to my wife's phone and she have a written confirmation of the policy. She had policy for an old phone and recently [June 2013] on a new one - after updating phone details on the policy [she couldn't log in on the website neither]. When Barclay guy said I didn't have any policy - and there never was free, I got my wife on the phone, then I asked him about where hers policy is coming from and why this one was free? He didn't know - there was nothing on a system. Not information about policy nor there was any debit from account that would pay for some extended cover OR premium Barclays account Help.
  10. Hello insurance specialists, I wonder if you can help me please? I'm executor for my mother and am trying to renew cover for her house. It's been empty since she went into a care home about 3 years ago and we're currently trying to sell it. Probate came through in August. I rang Swinton who have been insuring the house through Towergate and they say nobody wants to quote now, because of the length of time the house has been empty. Does anyone know of other companies who would look at this please? Many thanks, HB
  11. Hi I am asking for a friend so please bear with me, he accidentally caught a neighbours g/f car as he backed out his driveway, the driveway does have a blind spot. He admitted it straight away and it has all been sorted out but he is now worried as today he got a letter saying the claim has been settled and his No Claims discount shall remain disallowed? He had about 4/5 years no claims and it is protected, any know what it means please? Letter said he has no need to take any action Thanks Sandy xx
  12. Are people aware that NHS England is now allowing GP practices to de-register patients they have not seen for 5 years ? This might mean that those who have not been to their Doctor for years are delayed in getting an appointment, because they have to register first. And those that fall ill on holiday, might have problems with Travel Insurance. If you have not seen a Doctor for years or are not registered with a Doctor, i would suggest that you arrange Insurance by phone, so you can make Insurers aware that you are not registered with Doctors, so they have no records to check in the event of a claim. See this article. Grandmother faces a £5,000 medical bill despite taking out insurance http://dailym.ai/2exhnGs
  13. My OH's elderly parents have Home Insurance policy with RSA through Lloyds bank. In July 2015 one of their patio doors glass shattered and had to be replaced. They submitted a claim and glass was eventually replaced (3 weeks) by Evander Glazing, who assumed it was due to direct sunlight / heat. Whilst replacing it the glass shattered again therefore replaced on 2nd attempt. Today the same glass shattered again. My question is, would the replacement glass be under any sort of guarantee? Thank-you
  14. Are people aware that NHS England is now allowing GP practices to de-register patients they have not seen for 5 years ? This might mean that those who have not been to their Doctor for years are delayed in getting an appointment, because they have to register first. And those that fall ill on holiday, might have problems with Travel Insurance. If you have not seen a Doctor for years or are not registered with a Doctor, i would suggest that you arrange Insurance by phone, so you can make Insurers aware that you are not registered with Doctors, so they have no records to check in the event of a claim. See this article. Grandmother faces a £5,000 medical bill despite taking out insurance http://dailym.ai/2exhnGs
  15. Hello, After having a flood, a loss adjuster came to our house. The water has damaged our downstairs hall laminate flooring which is laid throughout our hall and into our lounge which has no threshold bars at the door. As the flooring is through and through i assumed that the whole lot would be replaced but he has advised that the insurer will only pay for the hall floor and they will put a threshold bar in place at the door. Is this the norm ? The floor was laid by a joiner and i didnt want a bar between the door as it was the same flooring. The floor was done around 4 years ago and the shop that supplied it no longer stocks it. Thankyou
  16. My Car was damaged in March by a 3rd party while parked. Car was booked into repair Insurer cancelled the repairs for more investigations (they wanted it checked by a specialist engineer) Time moves on, and we end up in July. My car is involved in another accident, and is written off. The original repair is then scheduled and I say I don't need it any longer and want the claim settled in cash Original claim is against Admiral, while mine is underwritten by Markerstudy Second claim was my fault, and it was valued at roughly what I'd expect for the state it was, and the valuation said it was valued at the present condition prior to the incident. My Insurance company paid that out. My insurance company now say that since I no longer have the car, i'm not entitled to anything from the first incident. Even though my car was damaged and I had to drive with a banged up car for months, other party admits liability, and I'm roughly £2k out of pocket since value of my car at second claim was lower. Edit: They also now states the engineer didnt take any prior damage into account. Even though I have in writing that he valuation was as at present condition, if it wasn't I would have argued the valuation. Are they entitled to say this?
  17. I have an 18 year old friend who bought a brand new Ford Fiesta in May 2016 on HP. She drove it for just 1 month – in hindsight she feels was shoe-horned into the deal & was given 30 days free insurance by the dealer to get her on her way quickly. The car has been parked up since June (all monthly payments have been made) but no one would insure her at the end the 30 days free insurance period. Yes .. she should have looked into insurance BEFORE signing up (Naïve 18 yr old girl) Does she have any form of re-dress with the manufacturer (dealer doesn't want to know) or with the finance company?
  18. Hi All I hope someone would be able to help me with this matter! I was driving to work the other day and it was 6 in the morning and it was dark and raining and visibility was very low and I was driving on a country lane. I mis-judged one of the sharp turn and as I tried to steer my car into the bend, the rear wheel hit the kerb and my car got out of control and slipped and then I hit the garden wall (yes!! if you were thinking like me that who are the idiot people who hit someones wall....thats me!) Needless to say that the garden wall was knackered. The house owner was a nice guy and he called the police. The police came and took all the information from me and then told me dont worry these things happens and then gave me a lift to the nearest train station as well I called my insurer the same day and told them everything how it happened and they said dont worry we will take care of any claim that will be raised by the third party. I received another call next day telling me that my car is write off. I was thinking that everything is settled now, until I received a letter from my insurer today. It says: We have examined your description of the accident, together with any other information supplied to date, and regret to advise you that we feel it is unlikely that we would be successful in fully defending the third party's claim against you. This conclusion is based on our experience of handling other motor vehicle claims and the approach of the Courts in deciding issues of liability in such circumstances. It is therefore our intention, given that we have to keep commercial considerations in mind, to deal with the third party's claim now, on the most economic terms that we can. I hope that someone would be able to shed some light on what this letter actually means and what options I have? Thank you
  19. Have agreed to meet with investigator working for insurance company ~ now having second thoughts. 1. Having given the Police a statement under caution, what can he hope to achieve? 2. Is he going to try and find a way so the insurance company doesn't pay out? 3. Am I required, by law, to make a statement to this investigator?
  20. I have had a Fee paying packaged bank account with Barclays since June 1999. I had no idea until a couple years ago that it was not a standard monthly account fee but a packaged account. I had no use for a packaged account as I had breakdown insurance with my employment at the time of opening the account (company vehicle), we always bought our family travel insurance and had other normal insurance covers in place. I would never have agreed to pay over the odds for a bank account if I was made aware of this at the time. Please could someone advise me how I should pursue the monies that I have paid over this 17 year period and if I would be able to claim for the interest on all of the monies paid out. Thanks in anticipation Billy
  21. back in march some 1 clipped the wing mirror on my van on a country road, they barely touched, there was no marks or anything, the woman tried to blame me (even though i was stationary) i rang my insurance company, told them what happened just in case the woman rang trying to pass the blame, nothing ever came from it and no claims were ever made. renewed my insurance last month, had a call at the weekend from my insurance company saying there is going to be an increase of £900 because i havent declared a claim, i said i havent ever claimed, they said theres a claim on the motor insurance database, so i contacted old insurance, asked them to remove the claim marker and send me a letter to state there was no claim. couple hours later i get an email with a letter attached, the letter worded.. "contact with regards to your request to remove a claim. We cannot remove this as it is a notification of an accident that happened. It is a non-fault claim and for notification purpose only, if you would like to discuss this futher please contact us" where do i stand with this, the only reason i rang and told them is the fact the woman who clipped my vehcile was trying to blame me, i informed them just to cover my own back, never claimed anything, nor did the woman, no excess has been paid or anything like that!!! it seems like an absolute joke, surely this cant be for real????
  22. Hi, my Aunty as just told me when she took out her mortgage in 2003 with Santander she was advised to take out Personal Protection Insurance separately, which she did. She wants to know is this the same as PPI ?? We have looked on the internet but it's not very clear wether it is or not. Thanks in advance.
  23. Hi All, Got a bit of an issue. In Jun 2016 I got rear ended while on my motorbike by a car. In short driver jumped out of bus lane to hit me on purpose. After he hit me I tried to block him he reversed and hit ambulance, hit my bike again and drove off. I did take photo of his car, plate and gave correct description of driver. Took police over a month to trace him but he was found. His insurance company is not contesting liability but their offer for vehicle is pitiful and leaves me in huge minus. My vehicle is PCP so total value with credit is 11000 for bike alone. Bike was 6 months old when he hit me so brand new. They offer 11000 exactly plus I keep the bike so 6600 in cash plus bike on CAT D. Bike is PCP so they cannot keep it they have to give it to me allegedly. That does not cover value of outstanding credit and leaves me worse off as I would have to pay it ASAP as soon as CAT D is recorded on V5. At the same time cost of accessories is 3k they say they are accessories and I should claim via uninsurable losses but not sure I agree with that: New exhaust, new heated grips, crush bungs, front forks cardrige kit upgrade while all are aftermarket accessories they are not an add-on but rather replacement integral part. Am I right in thinking they have to bring me back to pre-accident state? If so can I demand they fix the bike no matter if value of fix is higher then 50% or not. Bike is lightly damaged its the vehicle rental cost that made this claim big and that is their problem as their 3rd party decided to run away. If I cannot demand they fix it can I contest the value they offer as I was told I have to accept it which I know is not correct. Cheers, Lukas
  24. Hi, I'm a First Direct Customer and have had a mortgage with them for over 15 years. I am so impressed with their customer service, that I bought their buildings insurance. I've had the policy for donkey's years. In May 2015 I had a leak which came in from the next door neighbour. The ingress of water stayed well below the joists and never damaged any flooring or contents. I repeat, water never ever at any point damaged any of the building or my personal belongings! Asprea, which is a claims management company which is owned by Aviva, assigned a surveyor to manage the claim. However, back at Asprea they were going through a restructure, and the surveyor who was assigned was made redundant. He was never replaced. As such, the builders assigned to do the work had nobody there to control them. The repair contractor brought in by Asprea, a company called Alltrades, went on the do the following to my home and personal property, without my permission and knowledge. 1. Remove all the floorboards from the Dining Room, Hallway and Front Living Room. 2. Remove my entire kitchen (cupboards, tiled flooring, contents), which sits on a concrete base, and as such is completely impervious to water. The kitchen was thrown into a skip. 3. Remove all the wallpaper from the dining room, hallway stairs and landing, and front room. You're probably wondering at this point why I've not mentioned anything about the contents of the kitchen, front room and dining room. Well, they were all wrecklessly dumped and damaged into the upstairs 3 bedrooms. The builders, aren't members of any recognised professional organisation in the building trade - such as the federation of master builders, the national federation of builders, or trustmark. I have pictures of everything which I sent to the company, and I have also created a YouTube video showing the chaos left by Asprea and their contractors. The company, Aviva or Asprea has never said sorry, nor has it responded in writing to written complaints, and has just told the Financial Ombudsman that it intends to stop paying for my alternative accommodation at the end of June. I have been out of my house for 11 months, and have moved 15 times!!! 15 times!!! I was forced to live in the following accommodation: 9 days -Stayed in Bedsit 83 days -Lived in a converted garage 6 days -Stayed in Hotel Rooms 20 days -Stayed with Friends 187 days -Not a "like-for-like" property, ongoing Electrical wiring and plumbing problems. Poorly maintained Aviva and Asprea cut all contact with me in December 2015, 6 months ago, without notice or reason. The company has lied to the Ombudsman about what is damaged in the house, and so I have a surveyor coming on Wednesday 18th May 2016, to do a detailed report of what is damaged. What is actually damaged is considerably more than what Asprea claim. Aviva have said that I shouldn't get 1 penny in compensation! one penny! The report will cost me well over £800 to have written. I have just spoken to my household insurer and they tell me that I have legal cover of up to £100,000 to take Aviva to court. I have lots of clear photographs and documents that show everything Asprea have done. The legal advice that I have just received said that it is a cut and dried case of negligence, because of the volume and quality of evidence I have. My case has just moved from Adjudication stage to the full ombudsman. If Aviva (well Asprea) try to evict me onto the street, I'll have no choice but to invoke the legal cover through my household insurance to prevent this! I cannot be turned out into the street. They have broken my home and damaged all of my contents! This is plain just wrong! My video on YouTube is called "My banking and insurance Horror Story - Battle with First Direct Bank and Aviva Insurance". I would urge you to look at it and give me your opinions. Please bear with the length of the video. As you know, long and complex stories are really difficult to edit down. The video does however cut to the chase reasonably quickly to the photographs of the damage. I had no idea that Aviva operated in such a poor and wreckless way, and it's customer service is none existing. I would welcome people to share their experiences of the company, including Asprea. Kind Regards and thanks for listening!, David
  25. I suppose that this is especially for UncleBulgaria, I suppose – but anyone else can join in. How does http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2013/3134/regulation/6/made paragraph 6b square with the advice given here https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/debt-and-money/insurance/managing-your-insurance-policy/cancelling-an-insurance-policy/ ? On my reading, CA seem to have got it wrong.
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