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  1. Hi All Today I got a claim form through the post from Northampton (CCBC) and I would appreciate some help with where to go next please. The Particulars of Claim are as follows: The Claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the Defendant under a contract between the Defendant and Lloyds TSB bank PLC dated on or about 28/02/1986 and assigned to the claimant on 31/10/2012 in the sum of £1136.82 Particulars = A/C number The Claimant is Marlin Europe II Ltd and the solicitors are Restons acting on their behalf. I have not used this account since 2007/08 and would appreciate some guidance please - any help would be appreciated. I'm almost 100% sure the entire balance is from bank charges on top of bank charges Thnx andmf Oh if I'm in the wrong place could a mod please move
  2. Hi all I wasn't sure if I should start a new thread, as I posted a few days ago Re: Aktiv Capital sending a £300 pay-us-half-and-we'll-sod-off letter with no details of the debt. I was advised to ignore and thats just what I have done. This is a completely seperate 'debt' by the looks of it, however if I should have added to the existing thread, then could a member of the site team please move it I received the attached letter from Equidebt (Who?!) this morning. It states the creditor as Aktiv Capital and that I owe £3926.53. The only thing I've ever had in my life with that amount of credit was a credit card with HSBC that was paid off donkeys years ago so I really don't know where this is from. Again, it's not on my Experian credit file and I haven't got a clue what the original debt was or who the OC is. Now the kind hearted ladies and gentleman of Equidebt are offering a monumental discount - pay £785.31 over 12 months. A discount of £3,141.22 Going by past advice this usually means that they know their so called debt is unenforceable. The thing that annoys me, is now they are giving me 20 days to contact them or they will recommend court action etc etc. What would be the best thing to do to get these cretins off my back? Has anybody heard of Equidebt and dealt with them before? And as a quick side question, would anybody recommend Visa Vanquis credit cards to repair or build a credit score? Thanks again everybody and keep up the great work. Your site is a credit to the team. [ATTACH=CONFIG]41675[/ATTACH]
  3. Hello, I woke up this morning to a Final Reminder from Rossendales Limited regarding council tax bill from two years ago! This is the first time I have been made aware of this bill yet Rossendales states that no more reminders will be sent and if the payment is not cleared, they will attend my home with a van and take my possessions. I phoned Rossendales immediately and explained that this was the first I have heard about this debt. They were incredibly rude on the phone. I offered a payment plan but they wanted a full financial summary from me, something which I am not willing to hand out to some random company! When I refused they said the van would be sent and my items taken. I have phoned the council involved regarding my bill and they basically said that they tried to contact me but couldnt, then they gave the debt to rossendales, a debt collection agency. The original bill was 72.64, now it is 155.14 as Rossendales has added their own fees on top. When we moved all of our bills were paid and up to date. Having spoken to the council, it has been revealed that I may have been charged for a period of time that I was there, from me moving out, to the next tenant moving in so I intend to file a dispute to clear this up. Knowing any council, this is bound to take a while to clear up. I dont know what to do about Rossendales in the meantime. I feel absolutely sick after speaking to Rossendales and the thought of them coming to my home is just awful. I don't know what to do. I would really appreciate your help.
  4. Hello, I am in need of help, advise and guidance because I now feel helpless. I signed up to do a computer course back in 2007 with skills train. The sales person came to my house and I stupidly signed the contract with career development finance without doing any research. I realized after two months that I could not do the course at all as the course material was not very easy to understand plus I realised that the company had a bad reputation. I contacted skills train and they said they couldnt help me. I continued to pay 75 pounds monthly for a while, however I could not afford that amount when I fell pregnant and had to live off statutory maternity pay in 2008. During this time, the debt was passed on to Cabot Finance, and they agreed that I make minimum payment of 10 pounds a month. I carried on paying the 10 pounds. However, I received a letter from a company called The Credit Information Bureau on friday. The letter stated that account has been recalled by Cabot Financial. I have also received a letter from Cabolt today who are now claiming that they (Cabot) have recalled my account and the letter states that ''the most important thing for you to now is contact us to discuss way of payment'' I honestly do not recall ever speaking to anyone from 'The Credit Information Bureau' and I have paid the agreed 10 pounds since 2008. I am absolutely terified of contacting these DCA especially now that I am out of work and a full time student and single parent. I would be grateful for any advise given. Kind Regards, Leesha
  5. I am posting on behalf of a friend who suffers severe depression and cannot cope with this issue. I am very behind on things and can't remember the best course of action so would be grateful for advice. Friend has a CCJ form from MBNA/Varde/H L Legal at Northampton. The date of issue was 30th November 2012 - my friend was a little in denial so only spoke to me last night. We believe that this MBNA credit card should be subject to a PPI claim - again my friend has not got onto this - and I remember the rubbish advice I got from CAB, not CAG, when I got a CCJ and spent years fighting to get it removed even though it was paid! So, can you please advise me how my friend must now proceed and how long do they have to reply? I have some but not all paperwork here and have no idea if they got a notice of assignment from MBNA. Sorry this is scrappy but all positive advice greatfully received.
  6. Had a PPI claim against this lot (was an Additions catalog account) and they've written back now with a final answer. It's been found in our favour, however, as the account had gone to Debt Managers 3 years ago (effectively closing the account I'd have thought), they are sending more or less all of it to them to settle the account. Now, is this right, can they do that or should they not be sending it all to us firstly to decide what to do with it? Would appreciate advice please. Edit - should be Shop Direct - sorry!
  7. Has anyone had any dealings with this company or know anything about them. They buy debts from banks, credit card companies and utilities but after looking at the companies house website, it seems they have many variations, from 1st Credit Finance (1) Limited and so on up to 1st Credit Finance (10) Limited, 1 st Credit (Management) Ltd (which has been dissolved. I had a Halifax credit card assigned to 1st Credit Finance (5) Limited and had a letter saying they have now changed their name to CAI Finance Limited. Edward James Intl Ltd was a previous company whom was liquidated in January 2012. Charles James Trevenen Holland is one of the directors of all these companies. What is it they are trying to do, creating all these separate companies. Something very suspect maybe?
  8. I had a basic bank account with nationwide in 2006, no overdraft facility. At the beginning of 2007 one of my direct debits couldnt be paid due to lack of funds in my account and so i was charged a fee causing me to go overdrawn. Im not sure if there were other returned DD fees, but then i was also being charged fees for being overdrawn, fees upon fees, this has caused me to have an overdraft/debt of £429.96 on that account. Recently ive been getting lots of phone calls to my house about this debt and letters from Credit Security Limited. How do i go about tackling this situation? I am 22 weeks pregnant and dont want to keep being harrassed by these people!
  9. I've recieved a letter from Link Financial Outsourcing Limited (hereafter LFO) who now state that 'Link Financial' own an alleged debt from MBNA from 2006 for £5900.00 and that LFO have been instructed to attempt collection. My research this far has suggested that LFO seem to collect on debts which are pretty much uncollectable and without paperwork. Would this seem a fair analysis? I'm just going to wait for something more concrete before responding as I think this is just a stab in the dark for them,
  10. Hi fellow CAGgers, I got a parking invoice in the lovely town of Workington back on 6th August 2012. As usual I popped it away in a safe place and forgot about it. Today I get a nice letter from Secure Car Parks Limited asking me to pay it. I usually just ignore as I know the idiots will give up and go away after time. This letter though made me laugh at what lies they will go to to try and make people pay. As stated above the invoice was popped on my car in August of this year. The protection of freedom act came into play 1st October. They have stated in their letter that due to the protection of freedom act they have the right to recover the amount they think is owed (a stonking 60 quid) from the registered keeper. Legal action will then be commenced to recover all amounts due together with any associated cost incurred. I feel I can have some fun with this or hopefully land them in bother due to the fact they are stating acts that were in force in August. They also state the appeals process with POPLA which again I believe didn't come into play until 1st October either. Is there anything I can do? Ignoring this one seems less fun than stirring up some of the brown stuff Your thoughts and info would be fantastic on this. Cheers, Sploits
  11. Good Evening I have received form N149 from Northampton. Arrow global Limited state that they are waiting for statements to be sent to them. So I have filled in the form as follows: Section A - settlement - yes Section B- location - no Section C - track - yes Section D - witnesses - 0 Section E - experts - no Section F - no Section G - I have noted that I have requested statements and that Arrow have said they have asked for them. I have queried if it should have gone to court without the necessary paperwork. Is there anything else I should put? Thank you in advance for your help
  12. Hi, once again going to fill in Limited Capacity to Work form, as they lost the first one. I've read the sticky on es, and my question is, as I'm not totally incapable of work - I suffer from chronic back problems and depression but I could do about 2 hrs a day non-physical if it wasn't client facing and I could sit but move around if I needed to, as long as it wasn't a lot of travel, but could not guarantee I'd be able to do it all the time - 1) how should I fill in the form? I don't want to lie. Should I just use the worst-case scenario as a model for it? My worst days I can't even get out of bed, but thank God that doesn't happen too often, but is happening more and more these days. 2) what will happen if they agree I have a 'limited capacity' as opposed to not being able to work at all? How can I get the benefits system to take into account that all my experience is in jobs I can't do anymore, ie, client-facing, and what will happen should I succeed in getting them to acknowledge this? It just seems the system is geared to absolutes and black-and-white and encourages people to be dishonest and gloomy about their future, which I really don't want to be, but don't want to go on JSA when I can't medically handle the jobs I used to do! Thanks for all help.
  13. Please could you advise me and help me through this problem with Robinson Way Limited? I have just received a letter named and addressed to me, saying that they are chasing a debt owed to 'equidebt - ex nationwide. It is for quite a lot of money. The fact is I have never heard of this debt, nor have i ever taken out or bought anything from Nationwide or equidebt for this amount. No default even shows up on my credit report or history, as i have just bought a new house (we've only lived here 12 months) and my credit history was very good, throughout the house buying process, with no debtsoutstanding. They are threatening to advise their client to take me to court. I have never heard of any of these people. After looking at the support and advice of others in this group, I have sent the template letter to them, stating that i know nothing about the debt owed and to send me written evidence. Is that ok to start with or do i need to do anything else? Who are these people and who are equidebt? Will they be able to black list my property and involve my wife? Will this damage hers or my credit history, even though i have now sent them a letter disputing their claim? I would really appreciate any words of advice or wisdom. Thank you
  14. Here is an extract from an email from the DVLA about this company in response to this message:- From the DVLA (our red highlight):- Mind you, as we have seen from the Parking Eye judgment, BPA membership provides absolutely no protection
  15. Dear all I have prima facie evidence of misconduct perpetuated by Robinson Way and Company Limited in relation to its sale of assets to Robinson Way Limited and its attempt to change their name on claims with Northampton County Court Bulk Centre. This has come about when DWF were legally required by a court order to disclose the court order showing that the substitution of claimants lawfully took place. What was disclosed was emails and a statement which show that they tried to change the name without following the correct process under the Civil Procedure Rules (The email clearly makes reference to wanting to save time and money). I am going to write to a number of authorities about this but was just wondering if there was anyone in particular I should send my letter to. Thanks
  16. hi guys a few days ago i got a letter from ribinson way limited. never heard of then so after doina google search looks like a debt cellector usuin slightly different names?? I lived at my previouse address from march 11 to march 12 (1 yr) i paid all my bills ect on time and cant think of anything else heres what the letter says dear previous address for the purpose of validation we believe that you used to live at the adrees noted above. if you are not that person, oryou have any queries or concerns please the freephone number below to let us lnow so we can ensure our records are correct 0800 xxx xxxx if you are the person named above you may also use the number to contact us.
  17. Please can you help in offering any advice: I am the majority shareholder of a small limited company that due to the recession needs to be closed asap. We will owe the bank money when we close. This is the only debt we will have. The overdraft is £25k. We currently hold £33k full RRP of stock. I signed a personal guarantee for the bank overdraft when we originally took the overdraft out on 02 June 2008 for £20k. We then increased the overdraft limit to £25k in 2011. I never resigned the Guarantee for the increase from £20k to £25k. In winding the company up and deciding the best option to do this, I had to request a copy of the Personal Guarantee form I signed as for some reason I did not have a copy in my file. When I received this from the bank my signature and the date of 02 June 2008 were on the form but the first page referred to the limit as £25k. The limit was never £25k in 2008. I believe the bank have doctored the form. Do I have a case? Many thanks in advance P.S. the bank is Natwest
  18. Hi, Today I received a letter from Equidebt asking me to call them so I did. It seems I am outstanding a debt from October 2001 to Dickens and Jones (House of Fraser) which I never repaid in full. The current balance is £236 which I imagine has gathered numerous charges etc but I would like to here from anyone who can give me advice on this. Should I arrange a payment plan with them? I definately cannot afford to pay this in full. Can they send in balliffs to recover? I'm starting to worry so would appreciate any help. Many thanks.
  19. Hello all, Need some information for my dad... He was a director for a limited company but the company had money problems and ceased trading and has been closed down. HSBC are chasing him for an outstanding debt for an overdraft he had with his limited company. The Debt has now been sold to a debt collector who is now harrassing him. Can someone tell me if the director ( my dad ) is liable for the debt, or the limited company itself is liable? Many thanks
  20. God knows how these have got phone numbers, but they are constantly ringing my home number (ex-directory), and my fathers home number (also ex-directory). They have left a message on his answer phone for me to get in touch with them. They have left only a contact number and reference to state. They give no details of why they are calling me. After Googling them, I found out some very worrying information from other people whom have dealt with them. The only credit I have had was way more than six years ago (probably 8-10 years ago come to think of it), so why would they be calling me now. My dad and I both have caller ID and call barring on our phones. But every time we bar a certain number, they just ring again from another number (at least they don't try to hide their numbers). They must have a lot of numbers because I have barred 5 different ones up to now. I don't want to confront them at all as I believe that phoning them can lead to disaster unless you are 100% confident of what you are saying as they are. The last thing I want though is for them to start house calling. If they have phone numbers even though we are both ex-directory, they surely have addressess. Has anyone else heard of these? Are they new on the block? And most of all, how do they get more information about people than other debt collectors out there? Your views please.
  21. Hi. I've just got the Limited Capacity to Work form. Not much of it applies to me; my problem is severe back pain. I am off work basically because my job involves very cheery client-facing and with my pain I can't do that. Often I sleep badly with the pain. I can't stay very long in the same position and being on my feet for more than 2 hours is agony. I could work for about the 2 hours a day when my painkillers are actually working, or I could do some other job that involves non-physical back room, but unfortunately I'm not really qualified or have any experience of any job apart from client-facing. I'm very depressed, too, as a result of all this, and on medication for that. Can I explain all this to them on the form? Any other advice? This is all new to me. Thank you.
  22. Just a heads up that yet another entity connected to the Larholt gang ,Web Loans Processing Holdings Limited also registered at 15 Lyndhurst Terrace has recently been set up with the named directors being the rather unnatractive(solely my opinion as i have seen a photo of the guy----urghhhh) Jordan Taylor and Kim Child. No doubt this will be used to fold another of their entities into once the time comes.
  23. I've been told that if someone is in receipt of DLA, that automatically means they have 'limited capacity for work'. What does this mean in practical terms wrt eligibility for ESA? Anything at all?
  24. Hi, I made an application to set aside a judgment on the grounds that there had been serious maladministration by the court service on issuing the original claim which rendered the whole proceedings void from the start. District Judge W issued an order stating that it was totally without merit and an attempt to have a re-hearing of an application that had already been dismissed. The judge failed to provide the date of the alleged previously dismissed application, without which it is impossible to identify the document to which he was referring. It was impossible for him to do so as no such application had ever existed. I wrote to the court under the "slip rule" asking that it provide the date of the alleged applicatiion but there was no response. I then made several more applications, each asking the court to provide the date of the alleged previous application. All were responded to by District Judge W who dismissed them in the same manner as the original application and all without supplying the date. A further application was made, this being seen by Deputy District Judge B who decided that the application did have sufficient merit and set a date for a hearing. However, a week before the hearing was due to take place I recieved a further order from District Judge W, this time vacating the hearing as well as repeating his previous response. Another application was made asking the court to explain why the hearing had been vacated when a different judge had stated there was sufficient merit for the application to be heard. This received the same reply from District Judge W, and was accompanied by a Limited Civil Restraint Order through which I am prevented from making any further applications without the express permission of the judge himself. He obviously had time to draft the Restraint Order but not enough to provide a simple date. Does anyone have any thoughts as to how I may get District Judge W to either provide the date of the alleged application or to admit that it never existed? Thanks Stan
  25. Total Digital Solutions Limited were the subject of Administration and RSM Tenon Recovery were appointed joint Administrators on 1st August 2012. An immediate disposal of TDS was the business and assets was done by sale to Apogee Corporation Limited on the same day. TDS appear to have used Shire leasing for customer agreements. TDS core business was described as supply of latest technology,document,printy,copy,scan,and management services,and traded from premises in North West. I have been made aware that there are some business owners who are now questioning the validity of the contracts they entered into with TDS. I have seen evidence which shows that TDS mis sold an agreement,and when challenged,agreed to take over the remaining liability and continue the payments to Shire. For almost a year the business concerned made no payments and assumed that TDC as indicated in writing was paying. The dispute around the legitimacy of the agreement involved a number of things. 1.That the Customer was led to believe that the contract was only for 12 months which turned out to be 5 years. 2.That the customer was then offered a telecoms marketing package which comprised of bluetooth technology being provided outside his premises. Although a printer/copier was listed on the agreement,no printer was provided.When questioned about this the response was unacceptable. No mention of the bluetooth or associated services was made on the agreement 3.TDS applied a personal guarantee on the agreement,which the business man assures me he did not agree to or know about. The Business is now recieving telephone demands for arrears on 2 accounts from Shire. Shire have been informed of the situation,and in fact an email exists from when the arrangement was made by TDS to take over the account liability. When asked to provide these demands in writing,Shire said they had no need to do so and would be taking proceedings if he did not pay. Shire themselves are no strangers to controversy,and an internet search reveals that they were a party to previous regulatory investigations. Shire are holders of a number of Consumer Credit licences. If anyone has been affected by the TDS Administration and sale,please post details in this thread.
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