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  1. nothing they can do. if they didn't enforce the CCJ within 6yrs. resolvecall are just like any other DCA.. they nor ANY DCA are BAILIFFS and have ZERO legal powers on ANY debt - no matter what it's type. if the commission based doorstepper does turn up tell your parents to film them. do not engage tell them to leave their property and never return else they'll call police 101. are all your old addresses showing on your credit file? dx
  2. Hi sorry if this has been done to death But i am in all sorts of panic & my stress levels are through the roof Last week I got a letter in the post asking about a debt from a mobile phone company from arrow global resolvecall & I’ve revived a second letter this week saying an agent will be making a visit to my property I no longer live at the property that is my parents house but I do still have some mail sent to the address so I’m always told when i have Mail now at first I wondered what it was as I have had no debts & my credit score Is good I looked into this abit further and it’s from orange phone contract this is a debt and my only debt I had when I was young and lost my job through redundancy, when I say young I mean as far back as 2006, I contacted orange at the time and asked if I had an option for reducing the deal or even cancelling and sending the phone back, which they said couldn’t happen, I didn’t even use the phone I had a ccj on my file for this debt as I couldn’t pay which was removed around 5 years ago, when this was removed I thought that was me starting a fresh with the file as I have not heard anything since the ccj was put on my file so about 11 years I started a mortgage application last month and for this to come up out the blue after this amount a time is so strange & is really affecting me as I’m now worried it might have an affect on my mortgage application is this allowed? what can I do? any help would be greatful thanks
  3. resolvecall are simply another powerless DCA... if they turn up film them on your phone do not engage tell them to leave and never return else you'll call police 101 dx
  4. It says that ‘failure to call Resolvecall within 7 days will lead to a personal visit being made by one of our representatives to your home’. ’To avoid the need for this action please call Resolvecall on 0141 212 8471’ I will ignore, and if they turn up film them & threaten with the police. H
  5. Well we’ll well! Got a letter today from Resolvecall (who is sent copy of the cca request to as well as arrows), saying that if I didn’t contact them on the number they gave, or the email they gave, within 7 days of receipt of their letter, they would be sending someone to speak to me. Shall I send them an ‘assumed right of access denied’ letter, or just ignore them. H
  6. Oops! thank you! I took it out in 2006, but had been paying it until a couple or 3 years ago. Arrows say cos I hadn’t contacted them, they had passed it on to resolvecall. I guess they are fishing then..... The CCA request is in the format in the thread you pointed me to. H
  7. Hi, Had a letter today from arrow saying that they had passed the account to resolvecall cos I hadn't contacted them. I'm planning to send a CCA request to both arrow and resolvecall. We will see what transpires! copy of CCA request attached. H
  8. Theer's no point in contacting ResolveCall to advise of a change of address if they are already writing to you and have visited you at your current address. DX has said, do nothing, in this case do nothing is the best advice. You are waiting for the clock to run out, another 7 months. Personally I would not answer the door to ResolveCall if they come calling in case you get flustred and say something to hurt your case, just ignore them and remember they are not bailffs, they cannot make peaceable entry or forced entry and cannot levy on your car.
  9. I think I’ve rattled arrows cage cos today I got a letter about a Sainsbury’s Bank account from them, saying they’ve passed the account on to Resolvecall for them to visit me. I’ll send arrow a cca request this afternoon. H
  10. It's a very difficult story. I expect that my site team colleague @dx100uk will be along shortly and you will find yourself in good hands. In the meantime, fill this out <<<< Also, here's some reading https://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/search/?&q=Resolvecall &search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy
  11. Hello everyone, Ready for a sob story? I fell on hard times years ago after working for a bank (sorry). whilst there I saw/read the terrible things they get up to and do to people regarding insurance/mortgages etc. Seeing these things (and comprehending how they make money out of thin air) made it easier for me to default on a staff loan I had with them when my relationship fell apart and I had to leave the family home and my 18mnth old daughter. I was heartbroken and depressed at the time and not prioritising my finances but instead, trying (legally) to take care of the welfare of my child. I got a ccj for the defaulted loan in December 2015. I had moved and never knew until much later. The original loan was 17k which paid off a previous loan (and debts for the ex) I kept up payments for a while. The ccj is for circa 12k. I’m glad to say that after three attempts to get my daughter to safety, I was awarded custody a few years ago. Sadly my ex drank herself to death early April this year. I currently only work part time on £800 pm due to a collapsed lung which needs surgery. This has been cancelled three times due to Covid. I know I’ve ignored things but Resolvecall have finally caught up with me on the doorstep. I wasn’t in but they left a handwritten card. I am not fussed about my credit history as I don’t ever want credit again/will never afford a mortgage and have a pay as you go phone. My old car is the only thing of value (£1800?). We have very basic stuff otherwise. I do have about £1200 saved for emergencies and a family member has offered to make that up to £2000 to potentially offer them a settlement. What I am fussed about is keeping our heads above water and I have to be honest..if I can get away with not paying them I will. I know some of you won’t like that. So that’s why I’m here I guess - to see if I can keep the wolf from the door. I appreciate that I may get savaged for my attitude but like many others, things are tough right now. I would appreciate your help please no matter how hard it is to hear. Thanks
  12. @London1971 @dx100uk Thanks guys! I sent the SB letter to both Capquest and Resolvecall and received a response from Resolvecall today informing me that they have returned the account to their client and would no longer be dealing with my account.
  13. Hello there, I am just after a little bit of advice please. In February out of the blue I received a letter from Capquest informing me they were now managing my Student Loans Company account on behalf of Erudio Student Loans Limited, they also included a letter from/on behalf of Erudio notifying me of a 'Change of Agency Notification'. They sent a follow up letter at the beginning of March stating that their records indicate there is currently not a repayment plan in place on my account. They then sent a further letter at the end of March informing me that despite their attempts to speak with me they do not have defined solution for the repayment of the account, therefore they would shortly be instructing Resolvecall Limited to visit my property. At the beginning of April I received a letter from Resolvecall informing me that they would be making a personal visit to my home. Yesterday they visited my property and spoke with my wife (I was at work). After reading various forums I have ignored all correspondence with the above but now after a 'visit' feel intimidated somewhat. I started studying in 1997 so the loan account they refer to is a mortgage style student loan. If I remember correctly, when I finished my course I deferred a couple of times initially and then went travelling etc. and had no further contact with the Student Loans Company for a number of years. Upon returning to the UK and starting to work, I set up a small standing order to pay some of the loan but then stopped this in March 2014. I have not contacted the Student Loans Company in over 10 years probably more, and have never had any dealings with Erudio at all, and as mentioned my last payment to the account was in March 2014. Am I correct in the fact that the debt is now statute barred? Should I send a standard statue barred letter to Capquest or should I not engage at all? Thank you for taking the time to read this post and any advice would be most welcome.
  14. ignore them. resolvecall is the old name for scotcall or snotscrawl as we used to call them. if you do get a doorstepper, have some fun with him if you wish and get your mobile out and film him. don't engage, simply tell him to leave you property and not to return else you will call police 101. just remember the golden rules. a DCA is not and can never be a BAILIFF. and have ZERO legal powers on any debt no matter what it's type dx
  15. Back again. Received letters from crapquest about taking over my loans again and now they have sent a letter saying they are going to instruct resolvecall to make a home visit. The debt is SB now so should I just send crapquest the SB letter?
  16. ignore them. resolvecall is the old name for scotcall or snotscrawl as we used to call them. if you do get a doorstepper, have some fun with him if you wish and get your mobile out and film him. don't engage, simply tell him to leave you property and not to return else you will call police 101. just remember the golden rules. a DCA is not and can never be a BAILIFF. and have ZERO legal powers on any debt no matter what it's type dx
  17. Hello, It has been a while since had any contact about this debt but now I'm being contacted by resolvecall. What is the best way to deal with them?
  18. Interesting that letter offered the 50% discount/50% write off if accept in March - yet another 2 letters have since been sent - one dated 2 days later demanding the whole amount and one dated 1 week later from a different company acting on behalf of intrum - resolvecall - asking to pay in full or they will send a rep to discuss in person...
  19. Hi, apologies if I’m repeating similar cases. I have read some of these threads but finding myself more and more confused. Erudio have recently been demanding payment of the sum of £8500, sending threatening letters, calls from CapQuest and a home-call card from ResolveCall. I have young children at home and do not want strangers knocking at the door. I queried by email the information that was held against my account and they responded:- “We note your comments and confirm that Erudio have owned your account since March 2014. Your last deferment ended on 14/11/2014, and as no new deferment was in place, and no payments were met, due to the level of arrears your account exited the terms and conditions on 19/07/2016, subsequently terminating. Your account has been outsourced to our 3rd party Capquest Debt Recovery to be managed on our behalf, and would ask you to contact them direct to discuss your account further”. I didn’t understand this Erudio takeover and have moved house several times since 2014. I understood my loans from my undergraduate degree (1996-2000) to have been deferred in line with my other loans. At the time, I would likely have sent them the deferment paperwork and not taken any other action unless contacted. I did not heard further from them until a termination letter demanding full payment around 2016/2017. Since 2014 I have been working part-time and earning well below the threshold. As they stated in their email above that no payment has been received since 2014, I sent them the SB letter. They then sent me an ‘annual statement’ stating that £300 had been paid on 1 Jul 2019 and that the loans were therefore not SB. I told them this payment was erroneous (I would noticed such an outgoing!), and they then re-stated that the payments were instead made in 2017 not 2019 by a third party- StepChange. I had briefly had a repayment debt plan through StepChange around 2016/2017 and had added Erudio believing it to be a consumer debt. I am querying what payments, if any, were made from StepChange at the time, but from my records believe it to have been a £1 token monthly payment. I have again emailed Erudio and told them to provide me with a copy of the original credit agreement and an accurate balance sheet evidencing what payments have been made on the account. Please could you advise what I should do next. I would be really grateful. I am hoping to apply for a mortgage in the near future and do not want a CCJ or any adverse credit issues. Thank you
  20. Hi everyone! I’ve just read through a few other post so doing my own now. I’ve literally just got a letter through my door from Arrow telling me my shop direct (carval) account has been passed to Resolvecall. The debt is £204.76. Reading online I think the debt might be from littlewoods. I am now 34 and have worked hard over the last 10 years to improve my credit score after messing it up when I was a teenager. I’m not saying the debt isn’t mine, it could well be as I took out a lot off silly little accounts when I was 18 but like I say, I have paid back everything I thought I had borrowed and haven’t had any defaults for a years now in 2017 I had 2 later payments and that’s all I can see on my ClearScore credit file. Now all of a sudden I get this letter. If this debt is mine it is probably from about 14 to 16 years ago! At first i thought it was a scam but reading through they seem to be a real company but I don’t want to call and give them any of my details but I don’t want to effect my credit score that I’ve worked so hard to build and I also don’t want to pay a debt if it wasn’t mine. I think anyone would struggle to remember what they had bought that long ago! Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks
  21. Hi everyone! Just jumping on this post as I’ve just been reading through. I’ve literally just got a letter through my door from Arrow telling me my shop direct (carval) account has been passed to Resolvecall. The debt is £204.76. Reading online I think the debt might be from littlewoods. I am now 34 and have worked hard over the last 10 years to improve my credit score after messing it up when I was a teenager. I’m not saying the debt isn’t mine, it could well be as I took out a lot off silly little accounts when I was 18 but like I say, I have paid back everything I thought I had borrowed and haven’t had any defaults for a years now and now all of a sudden I get this letter. If this debt is mine it is probably from about 14 to 16 years ago! At first i thought it was a scam but reading through them seem to be a real company but I don’t want to call and give them any of my details but I don’t want to effect my credit score that I’ve worked so hard to build and I also don’t want to pay a debt if it wasn’t mind. I think anyone would struggle to remember what they had bought that long ago! Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks
  22. Well after 13 years of no communication with any of my old creditors/ DMC's, today I had a call from Capquest about a Capital One debt!!! They said a CCJ was registered in 12/07. I didnt acknowledge anything, I merely obtained a reference and postal address. Section 2.4 of The Limitation Act states no action can be taken after 6 years. Am I correct and what's the best letter to send them? Thanks
  23. if this is to do with your resolvecall thread..don't send anything..bar the CCA link posted there to the owner not resolvecall
  24. Cabot got hold of this a while ago and I've received various letters from them which I've obviously ignored. They've now said they're sending Resolvecall to come and visit me. I've recently moved address so do I need to inform Cabot about this? Also, if I have to inform them, should I send them a CCA at the same time?
  25. well neither wetcloths nor resolvecall will be anything to do with this debt subject to a court claim. you must have others debts...
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