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  1. This is quite annoying that I recently received 2 separate letters from my Council demanding council tax including enforcement charges at an old address where I use to live between 8-10yrs ago. Points to note are 1) Council Tax at that time was under 2 people's name including me and another person. Now the letter from council demanding council tax are under both people's name BUT I have no idea my other housemate is now. 2) At my time at that address I was in full time education and I did gave in all my college/university letters for exemptions. 3) Since it is such a long time gone pass there is no chance that any college or university would issue such letter again and I have not kept old college/university copies either. 4) I wrote to Council the following letter (BUT I did not get any proof of postage): To The Council Tax Team Address I write to you in regards to 2 recent council tax bills I have received which I would like to dispute. Firstly these bill are over 10yrs old and are in my and ********'s name. I have no idea where Mr. ***** resides and have no contact for him so in the first step can you kindly separate the liability as I am not responsible for any dues owned by Mr ********. Secondly could you kindly tell me following things: 1) The period for which the dues are seek for 2) Why are you seeking these dues as during my term on those addresses I have been in full time education and all the college/university letters were duly submitted to the council for the exemptions. 3) How many Liability Orders do you have against me 4) The dates Liability Orders were obtained 5) The addresses they were for 6) The period of time each covers 7) How much each one was for 8) How much is still outstanding 9) The dates they were passed on for enforcement I would also like to formally request council that I am at the dispute with the council tax dues sought and until this dispute is resolved council should not proceed with any collection or court proceedings. I would look forward to a prompt and specific answer to this dispute letter Thanksfully My Name. I have now today received 2 letters from Bailiffs just under my name demanding me to pay the entire debt in next 14 days. Can someone please help me and tell me 1) What should my next course of action should be? 2) Was the letter I wrote to council correct? 3) Who should I contact and how to make council deal with my query? 4) How to stop the Bailiff's proceedings until my query is dealt by the council? 5) Am I in my right to ask council to separate my dues with my other housemate of that time? Many thanks in Advance
  2. Hi A quick question if I may. A friend has a joint debt with wife. He was in an IVA which completed last year, the joint debt was subject to the Settled IVA. Wife was not in an IVA. Seven years after starting IVA - IVA friends wife has received letter saying they are pursuing for outstanding debt, they can't pursue him due to IVA so going after other name on joint account. I guess some of the payments to the IVA from him over term of IVA will have settled some of the debt. In the past seven years wife has made no payment to IVA and received no communication regarding the joint debt. Can wife be pursued for the debt or not as it is statute barred (over 6 years) ? Could company argue there have been payments to account in the last 6 years via husbands insolvency practitioner thus negating the statute barred defence ? Even though she has made no payments to account ? Could a solicitor file legal papers regarding this debt against the wife ? Thanks.
  3. Don't know if we are allowed to mention names here, but here goes anyway. Interested to know if a letting agent can legally switch energy suppliers on a house up for rent without notifying or seeking authorisation from the Landlord/owner? Discovered that Countrywide 'sold' the contract to E.on, (who incidentally have a whole department dedicated to that company). Countrywide get a fee (although E.on would not say how much this was) and E.on get a new customer (we know how apathetic most people are on changing their suppliers) on any tariff they choose to set. E.on said they took the contract on in good faith (ie. that is on the understanding that the Landlord had agreed). Clearly no checks and balances on E.on's part, but then scruples are always thin on the ground when money is one the table.
  4. Hello, I privately rent my house thought a letting agent and told them on their last inspection last month that the lock on our garage was broken and the goods in side were not secure, the garage is not attached to the house but about 30mts from the house. we moved everything we possible could from out there to the house but could not fit in all my sons expensive fishing gear as the rods were too long and a moped (for obvious reasons although it had a lock on ) About 5 month ago we had stuff stolen from our garden, about £1500 worth of profession fishing gear that was soaking wet and had been propped up against our patio doors to dry out, they were there for all of half an hour before being stolen , we have a 6 foot fence and also a gate that locks. so this was why I was anxious the landlord fixed the garage asap. As to if the letting agent passed this on to our landlord I do not know. Am I wrong in thinking that the landlord has a responsibility to repair and make secure the garage ??? I feel he should compensate for our loss from the garage this time......we claimed on insurance for the theft last time as I guess we were responsible for leaving out even though the garden was secure. Any advice is appreciated. I am thinking they will keep coming back so am in the process of looking for another house and I can't sleep well because of the worry and anxiety.
  5. The IFA is long gone as he was associated with an Estate Agent and no longer works with them The policy is on a Norwich Union Life Insurance product I am still paying for with about 10 yrs left - the Payment protection was added onto the policy and I remember feeling quite pressured at the time to include it Who should i put a claim against ? The IFA or the company I pay premiums to Is there a standard letter I can send to activate the claim and start the 8 weeks countdown that the Financial Ombudsman require? Also would I need to request a SAR from Norwich Union (now Aviva) as I think when I moved overseas I may even have requested the PPI be cancelled Thanks, any help would be appreciated I am all at sea with this whole process!
  6. Hello everyone. If I obscured too many details in the attachment please let me know and I'll reupload. How can I get rid of this charge? I was in the store's coffee shop working on my laptop, I have a bank statement showing the date and amount spent. It wasn't a huge amount, less than £10 because I wasn't shopping for groceries. I was just having coffee and some pastry/sandwich while working on my laptop. I shop at this store frequently, in fact it's the only store I go to shop for groceries. I spend loads at this place. So irritated to get this ticket... The lot wasn't even full! Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
  7. My sons bike got stolen, police have found it and sent letter for collection, what are the fees as I don't know if it is worth getting back, if they keep it what will they charge him. he Thanks Mashmallow
  8. Hi, I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on how to handle this latter. This last week, I've recieved a Notice of Application for Attachment of Earnings Order. It appears, Hillesden Securities Ltd obtained a CCJ against me back in 2011 without my knowledge. I don't know what this debt is for and I've no recollection of receiving court papers for this CCJ and therfore I was unable to submit a defence. I was living at the address on the CCJ at the time (I am not any more). I want to find out what this supposed debt is, whether it has been properly executed and whether the CCJ is valid or if I have grounds to ask for it to be set aside. I need to submit the N56 form promptly, but how would I go about requesting that the court hold off issuing an order until I have ascertained whether I can get this CCJ set aside? Having a Attachment of Earnings order may well affect my job. Also, my partner is in receipt of DLA. I note that the N56 asks if she earns a wage, but appears to only ask about benefit and also expenses if they are mine. Obviously, DLA is specifically paid to help cover the expenses of dealing with a disability, so I don't wan't this included in calculations of income. Your help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Further to this, it seems that: The default amount was for £5872 The CCJ is for £6192 They want £6452.02 now Can this be right?
  9. Hi guys Bit of a dilemma.....I would appreciate any help/support or reference to case law/employment law. I have been employed in a role for the last year at £50k per annum I have found out through management accounts my predassessor was on £65k before he left Job role and associated responsibilities are the same (if not more now!) Organisational procedure insists that the org will pay median rate as a starting point for all benchmarked role Challenged HR to explain why the £15k anomaly. Requested to see evidence of re-benchmarked salary and also requested confirmation as to whether I am on the media anchor point. HR response was that' they could not find benchmarking data (albeit I said could this be because you never did one?) HR also unable to confirm whether i am I the media rate. My suspicions are that the salary reduced for nk good reason and the revised salary was plucked out air. Where can I go with this? What can I do if I have been underpaid for so long? Thanks in anticipation Abs
  10. Hey everybody, New poster here, I have been a lurker on here for a while now I am just wondering what other opinions are on this. I contacted my bank RBS via their online complaints form 1 week ago. I did not receive any kind of email verification from them to say that they had received my message, the terms of their complaints procedure says that they will be in contact within 5 working days. I have a disability and am unable to use the telephone because of it, I explained this in the message, I asked in webchat on Friday if they had received my message but the person I chatted with said they had not received any thing, but, she said that may be because it hadn't been 'logged' yet. this evening I went back in again to ask if they had logged my complaint yet and the person I chatted with said that he would get the complaints team to give me a ring, so of course I explained to him again that this wouldn't be an option. The conversation went a little something like this - RBS man: I will get the complaints team to ring you shortly. Me: I won't be able to speak to them via the telephone unfortunately due to my disability RBS man: Sorry to hear that dear Me: I will come back tomorrow and use the webchat RBS man: Come back tomorrow and we will transfer the chat, will that do. Now, I know this is probably horribily trivial ,but it's not the most professional thing in the world to call a customer 'dear', I am personally not a senstive person at all but it did come across as condescending and perhaps rude? I am just looking to see what peoples personal opinions are on this really? Should I mention it to the complaints team? I don't want to get this individual into any kind of trouble if he genuinly did not mean to be rude, but other people may take this the wrong way? He only seemed to become condescending after finding out I have a disability, and that does get rather boring and irritating (As does typing the bloody word 'disability' ) If he was being deliberately rude then I would mention it, but I am not sure and really don't want to be overly sensitive. Anyway, thank you all for reading my ramblings.
  11. i had a virgin media account where the contract ran out in may 2013 which i cancelled by post and phone. i then changed to sky. i had not been receiving my bank statements for a long time and went into branch on tuesday and got a print out of last 3 months. i noticed on there a dd going out for £50 to virgin media which i then found out had been going out since may 2013 to vm. i was confused as i have been with sky since june 2013 and been paying dd for them ever since. i have had no coresspondance from vm that im their customer no bills nothing. i contacted them by phone last night which was a foreign call centre. they have no record of this. i contacted them by online chat today. spent ages talking to them and then was told to go to onlinee chat to complaints department. complaints said theyd not heard from me since 2012 when broadband wasnt working. previous online chat said phone was disconnected but not other services in may 2013. why would only the phone be disconnected??? when its a sky broadband and tv package i have both with vm and sky? i brought this up and complaints person said no it wasnt done by you but by another company and are refusing to give me my money back. i explained i had called and written a letter. they said i hadnt. and unless i have a recorded delivery tracking number tehy will not refund me. i explained i had called them last night and they had no record of this. so maybe they did not have the record of my cancellign. they said 'no theyve done nothing wrong and they wont refund my money'. it is my fault i didnt notice but i have been under a substanstial amount of stress. i truley believe i did cancel it but did not cancel dd with my bank. i have a clear credit record and am applying for a mortgage which i have worked very hard for. i have spoke to my bank also who are refunding the money under the dd indemnity. what shall i do now? i dont want to messup my credit history but its £800 of payments for a service i did not use. They have sent me no bills (they said theyve sent them by email but i have none and my email is active and i check everyday) i have received no post from them nothing. the online chat man said he is disconnecting it from today and started my 30 days notice. i have no vm stuff in my house at all and it fully on sky. what i do please? need help urgently with this please. worried it wil affect my credit status for my house.
  12. Hi I was wondering if I had any recourse to reclaim some costs from a 2nd hand car dealer. I bought a Mercedes C180 with a 57 reg last week 13th January. When I bought the car I noticed that it was flashing a message that it was 266 days overdue for a service. When I pointed this out to the dealer he said that the reason for this was that it had been sitting since it’s last service and this was just an automatic countdown from the cars computer, whereby in reality it did not really need a service. Stupidly I believed him. Had I checked the service history I would have seen that the last service was in fact 10,000 miles previously at 52,230 miles and the car was now at 61.700 miles. Anyway I bought the car as it had everything I wanted on it and although a bit more than I wanted to pay, I was desperate to get a car as my old car had literally given up the ghost. I booked it in for a service with a reliable Garage that specialise in Mercs that I have been using for nearly 20 years. The car was due a B service which costs about £225 anyway and I would have been happy to pay for this. On inspection the Garage owner told me that there were a few things that were needed to make it road worthy. 1. It needed two new rear tyres as that on had a few miles left in them 2. It needed one rear brake pad 3. It desperately needed two new Rear Brake Discs as the old ones were badly corroded. Total Cost for these including VAT was £306 over and above the normal Service charge. There were a few other things that needed replacing over and above what is normally included in a B service such as Oil and Air Filters, but I am prepared to swallow that and in all fairness the Garage said that they could probably last until the next MOT due in November, but I said that I would prefer to get it all sorted in one go. So in all the service cost me £766. I would have thought that the 3 items above were essential and have been checked prior to selling the car to make the car roadworthy In the SoGA it reads Roadworthiness 5.17 You should ensure that you have procedures in place to check that vehicles you supply, offer to supply or expose for sale are safe and roadworthy. It is not sufficient to rely on MOT or service histories. This will usually mean arranging for a suitably qualified or competent person to carry out pre-sale mechanical inspections of vehicles and any problems that make them unroadworthy must be rectified. On another note, the dealer also sold me an extended Car Parts Warranty which I have since found out is next to useless. I asked the dealer to cancel that and to refund the money two days after taking it out. He told me that it was not refundable, which I know is an outright lie as I asked to cancel within the 14 day cooling off period and have since requested this to both him and the insurance company in writing. He has emailed back stating that it is not refundable, I am waiting to hear from the Insurance company (WMS) but am confident I will get that money back, but it was his outright lie that got my back up, and him thinking I did not know my statuary rights. If he lied about that what else did he lie about. Because my back was up about that I thought I might investigate the possibility of getting some money out of him for the tyres and brakes. Any thoughts whether I have a leg to stand on or not?
  13. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/new-controversial-princess-diana-play-4882989
  14. I had a financial based company take money out my account without my consent or permission and they only offered me 50% refund for this membership fee. I complained and continued for weeks complaining without any email responses and got advice and support from the Ombudsman and after some communication I had with rogue company the FO contacted them and although the company was unwilling to resolve my issue with me they got the full refund plus some compensation as it took 7 weeks and some stress to get a full refund. At the same time my bank had on 3 occasions given me incorrect information about my debit card and was complaining to them and given a tenner but then got FO back involved who wrote a letter to bank and they decided to give me further compensation for the confusing information they had provided me. I was delighted with them as they listened to me for ages and helped me to try to tackle the complaints I had and my aim was never for extra money I started out complaining out of principle and just wanted to give up at times as it was too stressful and time consuming, but the FO seemed to do what I just wasn't able to do myself and much beyond what I had initially seeked and wished for.
  15. Morning Sorry for the "hand holding" request - I'm new to all this. I'm 10 months in to a DMP, largest creditor being Barclaycard (this was an Egg card taken out in approx. 2001/2002). Agreed payment plan would mean debt is repaid in 6 yrs if no interest charged. Despite several requests Bcard will not freeze interest, or default me, but show AP on Credit File. I'm paying too much each month as a percentage of the debt for them to do this apparently. Under the terms of my DMP, I can't drop the payment to them as total monthly debt repayment has to be distributed fairly between 3 other creditors. I was thinking I would send bcard a CCA request but not sure what this would mean if they don't have one - would this give me more leverage with them to demand interest is frozen? Or, if they do have one, would they then get more forceful and demand more / CCJ me? Any thoughts would be really welcome. Thanks
  16. Good evening. I wonder if anyone can help or advise. My partner's ex husband has asked my partner to sign a "Letter of Authority" from a PPI claims company in order that he can reclaim some PPI "for them both"! Call me sceptical, but how do we know he won't just keep all of the money, as the company in question are dealing with him at his address? I have told her not to sign them for a number of reasons... 1) She has no way to guarantee she will get her share. 2) The PPI claim company takes 33% 3) My brother used a company who only took 25% 4) I think she ought to try and reclaim ALL of her share HERSELF! My brother seems to be of the opinion that if he had tried to reclaim HIS own PPI the banks would have given him the runaround. He was told (by the PPI company) that once a claim is opened they would not be able to help him so it was better to use them as he would have more chance of getting something. Is this true? Any advice appreciated. Thank You,
  17. hey guys, this is my first forum post, i found a freedom pass on the ground and used it on the bus turns out inspectors got on the bus and yeah karma, guys i am shaken to the ground I dont know what to do i gave the guy my real name and dob but a different address, what should i do, I am shaking as i type this. please help me
  18. Hi everyone, looking for some help on where to go now! My car was lifted by a logbook loan company today (Loans 2 go) apparently the previous owner took out a log book loan on the vehicle in March 2013. I bought the vehicle in May 2013 and had no correspondance sent from Loans 2 go to inform me that there was any outstanding finance on the vehicle. The guy who was loading my car onto his truck was the first I knew about it. I have spoken with Loans to go they say there is a £3000 loan outstanding (original loan was £650) and that I need to pay that to get the vehicle back. However the guy that sold it to me had the logbook (must of applied for a duplicate as L2G have a log book in their possession) and the check I did on my phone never flagged anything up as outstanding (I have since learnt these checks do not include finance information). I bought this car in good faith it was clean, he had a log book and all the numbers matched etc. What can I do who can I speak to to deal with this for me anything I say to them falls on deaf ears. We cannot afford a solicitor to deal with this I also want to send them copies of the receipts for the parts we bought for the vehicle which we want back as legally I own them!! Anyone know what I can do???
  19. I wonder if anyone can offer any advice. I have a weeks holiday booked in november which was authorised by my manager in april, my manager is now saying i may not be able to have this holiday as it's during a busy period (surely then he shouldn't have authorised it in the first place) i know that employers can cancel holidays in some instances and i haven't booked to go away as such but have arranged to visit family on the other side of the country but my issue is that at this stage there is no availability left for the rest of the holiday year for me to change to another week and my employer does not allow holiday to be carried over to the next year. Can they really do this? As this would result in me losing a weeks holiday? If they had brought this issue up sooner i may have been able to book an alternative week but there is now no availability.as they approved holiday that they shouldn't have and this was approved 6 months ago and cancelling it would result in me losing holiday that I'm entitled to through no fault of my own surely they can't do this? I will be speaking to a senior manager regarding this when im at work next and will also give acas a call but wondered if anyone has any advice or experience in this subject Thanks in advance
  20. Hi, I was looking for some advice on what to do with my Egg card. The agreement can be found by clicking the link below. Due to my lack of income my current status with this card is that Ive been on a payment plan for 6 months with them. This ended 2 months ago and since then Ive paid token payments totalling £26. They are hounding me now wanting payment, which I just havent got so what do I do? I know there's a case going through regarding Egg and this 'approved limit' statement but is there anything I can send them in the meantime? All advice would be greatly received. Regards Egg CCA pictures by musicronny - Photobucket
  21. Hi, Lowell Portforlio 1 LTD made a claim against me in the North Hampton County Court... To cut a long story short Lowell discontinued the case and it was set aside by the courts. There is no CCJ on my credit file for the case BUT it still shows as a default.... I would have thought that the CCJ and anything associated with it should be removed from the file.. I contacted the Registry and they informed me that they only can take remove CCJ's not the default.. Is there a template letter that i can write to Lowell to let them know i have a Certificate of satisfaction/Cancellation and why is this still on my credit report as a default? thank you
  22. In 2010, my local Council issued an ASBO against me because I had a dispute with a neighbour. My barrister tried but in vain to raise in Court that the Council had failed to follow its own procedures when the asbo was applied for. When Council's apply for an asbo they need to meet certain criteria which they failed to do so. Before an asbo is issued, you are supposed to receive a verbal warning, then a written warning, then you are asked to sign behaviour contracts; I was never sent no warnings etc etc. Does this make the asbo legal? The asbo has since expired without me breaching it; need I say more!! However the said neighbour prior to the asbo being issued, had been arrested for death threat which she denied of course, and before then I had also suffered threats of violence, and harassment. I was repeatedly refused the right to make statements, and so was my partner. I have also raised concern that some of the evidence used to obtain the asbo was not 100%; the complainant had lied on at least 4 statements, had lied during their section4a interview. The police dont want to know. I cost me £7000 to defend this joke of an asbo and I therefore want to seek if I can sue for damages. Does anyone know of any good solicitor who can do this on a no win no fee basis. Thanks!!
  23. Sophie Jones, 19, lost her battle with cancer on Saturday morning - her family say it should never have happened The parents have set up a petition in order that other young girls are not let down as Sophie was - you can sign HERE
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