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  1. For the last 14 months i have had this motor mouth finance sending me Emails I have had the full circle, Marshall Hoars invisible bailiffs, Northern Debt Recovery, Door step collections, you name it. Not only was the original payday loan paid off in full, but it is also Statute Barred. After a period of three months of nothing from motor mouth, i have just received an email In a final attempt to resolve this matter without Legal Action we will accept 60% of the debt in settlement. If not legal action action will be issued. (I have a land-line contact number with the message) Well i am still ignoring these useless tossers for the moment as i have an ACE up my sleeve They have put a default on my credit file. DATED NOVEMBER 2012 (original loan 2007) and marked it as a MAIL ORDER ACCOUNT It is my intention to hit them with Durkin v DSG Retail Ltd And HFC Bank plc when i am ready
  2. Hi all, This is my first time posting a specific personal issue, but having used the advice on similar issues here in the past, I've had good results, so hoped someone may be able to help me today! I foolishly used Uncle Buck last year for a payday loan, but as with many of the people on here, soon found myself unable to keep on top of payments and interest charges, and defaulted on the account. Even more foolishly, I buried my head in the sand, and am now having to deal with MMF. This isn't my first time dealing with a DCA, but I'm on a mission to clear all my I'll advised debts before I turn 30, and this is my latest project. However, I'm at a loss as to how to proceed with them, as they are not the friendliest bunch! I've done the usual, requested a copy of my credit agreement, the notice of assignment, etc. However, I have a few concerns about where to go from here: 1. The original loan amount was £300, but MMF are asking for £670.08. I assume this is from interest and charges added after I defaulted, but should I be looking to pay this full amount, or can I offer to pay less? I'm happy to pay the £300 I owe, but I feel double that is a somewhat excessive request, and won't help my financial situation! 2. If I do offer to pay less, can I still request to pay in installments? I've made the error of paying more than I can afford in one lump sum before, and then ended up in the vicious cycle of borrowing back to meet daily expenses, so would much prefer to pay back a reasonable amount each month. 3. MMF have been calling, emailing, and texting incessantly, threatening to send round an agent to visit my property. I don't actually live at my parents' address anymore, which is where the debt was originally opened, but obviously I don't want these people turning up at my mum and dad's! I used the usual template in my letter to them, explaining that I would not accept telephone calls or home visits, however MMF are claiming that they do have legal rights to attend my property. I think this is probably untrue, but it has made me nervous nevertheless. They claim that OFT rules allow them to send an agent to my home, regardless of whether they have my permission, as long as they give me notice. Hope someone is able to give me some advice as to where to go next with this, it will be gratefully received if so!
  3. I had an email to my hotmail on 15th March asking me to contact the 'home visits team' to arrange an appointment. I didnt see this until last week as its an old email address. There was another email dated 18th March stating as I hadnt responded a doorstep agent would visit me anyway. No company name was given, no contact, no company footer or details of what they wanted, nothing but a reference that means nothing to me. I googled the 'phone number and linked it to Motormile finance UK Ltd. I replied to their emails upon receipt on 23rd March asking them to write to me detailing what they wanted and sent the usual ,I acknowledge no such debt to your company etc, do not phone and the doortep visit letter etc etc. I told them I would make no such appointment and made it clear to them that I know my rights and wil not be intimidated by them .I also sent copies of these emails by recorded post with a covering letter which has been delivered and I have copies to hand to anyone that calls. I dont know what they want with me as I dont know of any uncleared debts or accounts that I'm not paying. They havent responded to my letter or to my two emails sent to them so I resent them and copied the email to two other email addresses linked to motormile. Still nothing. Today they rang my place of work , it was an automated call which said something along the lines of 'This message is from MMF to inform you that you have not responded to our correspondence and therefore we are instructing our doorstep agent to call on you, if you would like to make an appointment please call xxxxxx. My colleague on the switchboard rang them to explain it was a business number and requested they remove it. They responded by stating 'we are trying to contact xxxxx', giving my name and asking my colleague to pass on a message. My colleague said if it was a personal matter they would have to ring me outside of working hours on a personal number unless an emergency , as is company policy. The person from MMF then said my number would be removed but could take 24 hours so further calls may be received. It was obvious that this was a DCA and they stated doorstep visit etc and then disclosed my name to my colleague. I was honest to my colleague and said I dont know what it is about but it was still embarassing. I've written again today enclosing the stuff already sent and told them I will not tolerate calls like this to my work or anywhere for that matter and told them to write to me. I can see there are threads going back several years re MMF , it seems they dont give up, I'm paranoid that they are watching me or something assessing my 'standard of living' and I dont want them turning up at my house. I'm not scared of them if they do call and know what to say but I could really do without this hassle at the moment. I am worried they may distress my daughter who suffers from anxiety disorder if they turn up at my house while I am out and she is alone or that my neighbours may overhear or that they might call when I am out at work and one of my parents is here as is the case sometimes when my daughter is on school hols. Where do I go from here ? OFT ? Does anyone have an email address for MMF that is actually monitored? I refuse to phone them. If it becomes apparent that I do in fact have an outstanding debt then fine, but I wont respond to threats, intimidation or shady emails. All advice greatly appreciated as always.
  4. Hi, I am looking for some advice. I have 2 accounts on hold with MMF originally payday loan companies that i am dspsuting. Now they have placed a default on my account for another account that i no nothing about. They said it is a mail order catalogue but i have only one catalogue that i currently use and am up to date with. I have had no notice of the default or ownership of an account with them. I was looking for advice on how to deal with this. I havent had a default for 3 years now so am desperate to reconcile this. I no not to talk to this company on the phone. They are idiots.The default on my credit file says account opened Sept 2012 account defaulted Dec 2012 at my old address (have checked with my parents they have had no mail for me). The amount is £750 (dont know if you need that). Regards Lx
  5. Hi everyone. new poster here !! Had a text message from mmf . motormile finance with a reference number, so i gave them a call as ive no debts outstanding. They told me I owed £50 from an uncle Buck debt in 2010 / 2011, which i know i had paid off, so i told mmf that i wanted to contact uncle buck - After calling uncle buck they agreed that the account had been settle in 2011 and that mmf shouldnt have been contacting me. I just wanted to make sure you are all checking first with the lender. They have told me i wont get any more contact from mmf at all. fingers crossed !!
  6. hi i took out a loan with quid24 for 100, with a repayment of £110 , unfortunatly wasnt able to pay it on time, and within 6 days of missed due date £190 of charges had been added, they claim the charges are for letters they have sent but i have only ever recieved emails which they claim to be the letters. anyway here it a converstion log i have had with them so far. please let me know what you think , i have tried throwing a few legal quotes here and there (although i have probably got them wrong lol ) i have paid them £110.38 thet still persistant that i owe them £189.62 and dont seem to be budging no matter what i do or say, only thing they have done is offered to clear the remaining for £89.62 ( - £100 of the debt) but i still think this is unfair. i have contacted the financial ombudsman who advised me they can charge whatever they want if thats what i signed in the contract, but they have told me they have written to quid24 telling them i have lodged a compaint and they have 8 weeks to sort it... anyways enough of me going on, heres the contact between me and quid24 so far. okz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-10-24 20:13:05 I would like to cancel mu agreement with yourselves under the terms and conditions i have 14 days to cancel my agreement with yourselves so i would like to excercise this right, please accept this as my written confirmation as cancelment of my agreement . please contact me asap by phone on 07413610113 in regards to the matter and for full payment of the original amount borrowed , the transfer fee , and 14 days interest at 8%apr . I would like to thank you in advance for your help in regards to this matter. Regards, anthony smith okz19@hotmail.co.uksupport@quid24.com |2011-10-25 13:28:04 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. Please see Cancellation Rights in our Credit Agreement: You will have a right to cancel this Agreement for 14 days, beginning with the day after this Agreement is signed by us ("the Cancellation Period"). If you do not exercise your right to cancel within the Cancellation Period, you will not be able to cancel this agreement. You may exercise this right to cancel by giving notice in writing by sending a letter to us at Quid24 Limited, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London, EC1V 4PY, United Kingdom or by e-mail to support@quid24.com. As the Credit Agreement was signed on 07/10/2011 at 01:21, the Cancellation Period ended on 21st October. You sent us the notification on 24th October, so you are no longer able to cancel this Agreement under the Financial Services (Distance Marketing) Regulations 2004. Please make sure that you have sufficient funds available and let us know when can we collect the repayment of £300. Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comokz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-10-25 16:11:19 Give me an account number and sortcode to pay onto i do not have a debit card to payvwith, also i.borrowed on the 10/10/11 not 07/10/11support@quid24.com |2011-10-25 16:29:21 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. The Credit Agreement was signed when you registered with us on the 7th October. And the Cancellation Period is for 14 days, beginning with the day after the Credit Agreement was signed by us. So the Cancellation Period was 14 days starting from 8th October. We can offer an alternative payment method only once. Please make us a bank transfer to cover your debt using the following details: Account name: Quid24 Limited; Account number: 23497062; Sort code: 20-30-89; Amount: £300; Ref: Smith 1804 Please do not forget to add the reference. Please note that if we have not received the payment by the time we have agreed, additional charges will be added. When you have made the payment, please notify us and send us a copy of the payment. Please let us know as soon as you have received a new card to update your details. Thank you. Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comokz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-10-25 17:25:39 I have made a payment of 110.38 the paymeny breakdown is as follows: £100 original loan £5.50 transfer fee ( altough all uk banks transfer instantly for free) £4.50 original interest fee £0.38 good will gesture 1months interest on £100 @ 8% apr as for my debit card number you will not need this as as far as i am concered my debt to yourselves has been paid However if you still believe i owe any outstanding balance i advise you to pursue the matter via court, as the rest of the balance you claim to be owed is clearly laid out on the online statement as charges for reminder letters that you have not sent, and if you had i would expect them to be printed in gold on 24c gold leaf paper as £70 for a standard piece of paper printed in black toner ink certainly would not be a justifiable cost which would then bring us to the unfair terms and conditions act of 1997. I thank you for your help in this matter anthony smith. support@quid24.com |2011-10-26 11:08:21 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. We have received your payment of £110.38, as your loan had increased up to £300, so £189.62 is currently outstanding. Please Make us another transfer of £189.62 as soon as possible, as otherwise your debt will be soon handed over to our debt collection partner and further debt collection fees will apply. Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comokz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-10-26 15:21:16 Get the message you aint getting another penny stop playing stupid . support@quid24.com |2011-10-26 15:41:53 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. Please note that your loan has increased up to £300. The outstanding balance currently is £189.62, as you have only repaid £110.38 to us. Please make us another transfer of £189.62 as soon as possible, as otherwise your debt will be soon handed over to our debt collection partner and further debt collection fees will apply. Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comokz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-10-27 18:01:47 May i remind you that under the unfair terms and conditions act 1997 that your terms and conditions for charging £190 for letters you have not sent is deemed an unfair charge and would also be deemed an unfair condition in a court of law. however if you wish to continue this matter and pass the accused debt to a debt collecter then i would also like to remove your right to ring me on any contact number and further contact is to be via email and post only , this right also moves with the debt so you are to inform any 3rd party you pass the matter on to that they also no longer have any right to contact me other than the methods stated. if anyone contacts me by any method other that post and email in regards to this matter they will be liable for damages in court under the communications act 2003. I would like to thank you for your yet more unhelpfulness, and hope not to hear from you in regards to this matter again.support@quid24.com |2011-10-31 12:45:02 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. You have agreed all the charges as these are stated in our credit agreement that you have read, agreed and electronically signed. Please note that these letters were sent via email. Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comokz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-11-04 14:43:11 its nice to see how it took you 4 days to reply, anyway i have just been in contact with with the financial ombudsman who are going to write to yourselves in regards to the matter. firstly letters were not sent emails were, there is a difference, a letter you print and post and email you type and click a send button. and secondly the dates the emails were sent do not match the dates they should have as stated in the terms and conditions. terms and conditions states LETTERS (not emails) would be sent after the account becomes 1, 2, 4, and 7 days over due EMAILS (not letters) were sent on 1st reminder 17th oct - the DUE DATE (not 1 day after) 2nd reminder 18th oct - 1 day over (not 2 like stated) 3rd reminder 20th oct - 3 days over (not 4 like stated) 4th reminder 23rd oct - 6 days over ( not 7 like stated) also it has been noted to the financial ombudsman that when i contacted you in regards to a repayment plan you refused to help until the 24th oct conveniently after you had finished charging the account with unfair and unjustified charges. support@quid24.com |2011-11-04 15:10:22 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. Please note that it did not take 4 office opening days to reply to you as our office opening hours are Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm. You sent us the email on Thursday evening after the office was closed and we replied to you on Monday morning. So we replied to you on the second day. We have checked and the emails were sent out on the following dates: 1st reminder - 18th October, 2nd reminder - 19th October, 3rd reminder - 21st October and 4th reminder - 24th October. Please note that these were sent out straight after midnight when the charge was added. Reminder letters are sent out via email, not via post as emails will reach you straight away. We can only offer repayment plans to clients whose loan has gone seriously overdue and who are seriously in debt. Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comokz19@hotmail.co.uk |2011-11-04 15:42:12 do you not think £300 for a £100 is not seriously overdue enough ? and why would you not think i was in serious debt, if i wasnt in debt i would of been able to obtain and overdraft from my bank or a cheaper method of borrowing? anyway heres my solution , i can offer £10 a month on starting thursday the 10th, and can offer this every 4 weeks, providing you stop adding interest and charges, however if you find this unacceptable and still want to challenge it, then i will have no option but to let the matter continue , and once 8 weeks has passed without any resolution from yourselves, the matter will be pursued with the financial ombudsman. support@quid24.com |2011-11-04 16:10:21 Dear Anthony, Thank you for the email. We are willing to freeze the loan and set up a repayment plan for up to 12 months. As currently the outstanding balance is £300 and if this would be divided into 12 equal payments then every month you would have to repay £25. Alternatively as a gesture of goodwill we can make you a settlement offer to repay £200 in one go before 23rd November 2011 (so we would waive more then half of the charges). Please let us know which of the above two offers suits you the best and let us know of the exact date(s) when we can collect the payment(s). Kind regards, Quid24 Support http://www.quid24.comsupport@quid24.com |2011-11-04 16:18:18 Dear Anthony, Please ignore the above email. As you have already repaid £110.38, the outstanding balance is £189.62 not £300. Please accept our apologies for the mistake. We are willing to freeze the loan and set up a repayment plan for up to 12 months. As currently the outstanding balance is £189.62 and if this would be divided into 12 payments then you would have to make 11x £16 and 1x £13.62 payments. Alternatively as a gesture of goodwill we can make you a settlement offer to repay £89.62 in one go before 23rd November 2011 (so we would waive more then half of the charges). Kind regards, Quid24 Support www.quid24.com as you can see i have not responded to them as i have come back to my senses and have decided i shouldnt have to pay them anything , and i retract my last email to them that i offered £10 a month , until i fully understant where i stand ! any help wil be much appreciated.
  7. Good morning all. I started receiving telephone calls on my mobile (fortunately they don't have my landline number) from mmf about 3 weeks ago. I didn't answer the calls as I didn't recognise the number. The calls would be closely followed by 2 text messages from different numbers asking that I call mmf and quoting a reference number. The texts were not addressed to anyone. I sent them a letter by recorded delivery asking for them to prove the debt was mine (as no amounts were mentioned, neither was the original creditor) as I have not had any loans or finance with this company, or any letters informing me that a debt has been sold to them. I asked that all correspondence be put in writing and posted to me. The letter was received and signed for on 16/01/2013. Since then I have received 3-4 calls a day, followed by text messages and emails saying I am going to have a home visit and for me to contact them to arrange a convenient time for them to call. I emailed them a copy of the letter that was posted to them explaining that I will not be making an appointment and revoking license under English Common Law for them to visit me at home (I have a disability so I wouldn't be able to answer the door to them anyway!) and again explaining that I wanted a copy of the letter of assignation for them to be able to collect the debt, as I have had nothing from them. I had an email back informing me that the debt was for a payday loan with Peachy, taken out in 2011 for the amount of £349. Today I have received 2 very blunt emails telling me to call the home visit dept to make an appointment I sent them the template letter from your wonderful site asking them for the CCA and enclosed £1 postal order and again requesting that contact only be made by post. I then emailed them a copy of this letter, just to make sure they had it. Is there anything else I can do to get these people to listen to me? I thought all demands for payment were supposed to stop until I received proof that they are legally entitled to collect the debt, instead the calls, texts and emails threatening home visits have increased! I'm not avoiding my debts, I was on such strong pain medication in 2011 I genuinely don't remember taking out this loan. Once I see the CCA I will be able to make a payment arrangement with them, until then I would really like the calls and messages to stop and I'm worried sick that they are going to turn up at my door, I'm really not up to a confrontation in full view of my neighbours.
  8. I've received a letter dated 04/01/13 which states I owe £620 to MMF (Motormile Finance UK Ltd). It states it has been passed to the home visit division. They advise I can set up a standing order to pay them, I was going to set up a DMP with CCCS and still plan on doing so in the next fortnight. It asks me to contact them via e-mail or telephone to discuss repayment terms. Any hints on what I should say/avoid saying to them? Thanks,
  9. Hi I have just had a letter saying a debt I owe has been sold to MMF . The debt is in dispute and there is an unresolved complaint. Any ideas what I need to do?
  10. Hi I had a loan for £100 with Wageday Advance back in June 2011 - I cleared the account and nothing further until October 2011 where I received an email claiming my account had been passed to Motormile. I emailed Wageday Advance who said it was sent in error and to disregard and heard nothing until yesterday morning when I received a letter through my door from Equidebt wanting £101 for Motormile?! I don't have an account with them and luckily kept all the emails sent - has this happened to anyone else? What can I do?
  11. hi all i have had problem with mmf chasing a debt that isnt mine if your having threats lots of letters /phone call texts etc please send this to them l mark it for the attention of barry ellershaw he is the customer relations manager In regards to your letter to me, dated XXXXXX, , under the Office of Fair Trading rules, you can only visit me at my home if you make an appointment and I have no wish to make such an appointment with you. Therefore any charges cannot be incurred. There is an implied license under English Common Law for people to be able to visit me on my property without express permission; the postman and people asking for directions etc (Armstrong v Sheppard & Short Ltd [1959] 2 QB 384. per Lord Evershed M.R.). Therefore take note that I revoke license under Common Law for you, or your representatives to visit me at my property and, if you do so, you will be liable to damages for a tort of trespass and action will be taken, including but not limited to, police attendance." you can also send them this Notice of Removal of Implied Right of Access You are advised to read the following notice thoroughly and carefully. It is a lawful notice. It informs you. It means what it says. I hereby give notice that the implied right of access to the property known as my house , and surrounding areas, has been removed, along with all associated property including, but not limited to, any private conveyance in respect of the following: 1) ANY employee, principal, agent, third party or representative or any other person acting on behalf of or under the instruction of HER MAJESTY'S COURT SERVICE, or any other CORPORATE BODY (i.e. Company) howsoever named and, 2) ANY POLICE OFFICER who is acting for the CORPORATE POLICE and NOT acting as a Constable for and on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and her people as expressed in the Oath of Office of all POLICE men and women, that is as Public Servants, upon your Oath of Office to serve "with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property" COMMON LAW JURISDICTION APPLIES EXCLUSIVELY Please also take notice that the land known as England is a Common Law jurisdiction and any transgression of this notice will be dealt with according to Common Law. Any and all access to the above mentioned properties shall be by strict invitation only and shall be subject to terms and conditions, available by written request. We do not have, and have never had, a contract. And any permission that you believe you may have from me is hereby withdrawn. If you believe that you have power of attorney to act on my behalf you are hereby fired, and any consent that you believe you may have, tacit or otherwise, is hereby withdrawn. If you feel so inclined as to enforce statutes as a consequence of this matter I will report your conduct to ALL relevant bodies and will pursue Proof of Claim in affidavit form, under your full commercial liability and under the penalty of perjury. You are deemed to have been served this notice with immediate effect. In sincerity and honour, without ill-will, frivolity, or vexation, Without any admission of any liability whosoever, and with all Indefeasible Rights reserved. Please be aware that if any of the above enter my land this will be trespass and the police will be called and you will be arrested. Please also note a copy of this email will be saved for evidence. One more point all property is covered by 24hr CCTV in the interest of crime prevention THIS IS ALSO NOTICE THAT ANY PHOTOGRAPHS OBTAINED BY MMF OR ANY OF ITS AGENTS OF OUR PROPERTY OR GOODS TAKEN ON PUBLIC OR PRIVATE LAND WILL NOW HAVE TO BE DELETED IN THE INTERESTS OF CRIME PREVENTION IF IT IS FOUND THAT PHOTOGRAPHS HAVE NOT BEING DELETE THIS WILL ALSO BE REPORTED TO THE POLICE AND A ARREST WILL BE MADE UNDER THE PRIVACY LAWS note on the above that it says privacy laws if you or anybody who visits your home are in the armed forces that can be changed to the anti terrorism act as it is an offence to take pictures of or obtain pictures of any property that a member of the armed forces visits please also report them to the oft send a email to enquiries@oft.gsi.gov.uk and put in the subject box FAO Credit fitness team please also include mmfs consumer credit licence number which is 628173 if the oft get enough complaints there licence will be revoked Hope this helps other people out
  12. hi Folks just joined today to get some information on how to deal with Motor Mile finance. Long story short is i bought an Audi S3 and it got written off. the finance was with British Credit trust. My insurance company asked me to get settlement from BCT in order to close the account due to the car being a total loss. The sum was given to me by BCT and was paid by my insurance company and that was the end of it... or so i thought. The car was written off 09/2007 and now ive had debt letters from MMF claiming that i owe them £870 for 2 months missed payement after the car was written off even tho the insurance company paid the settlement fee in full! i havent heard anything about this till just over 5 months ago when now i get around 2 letters a week, 2 texts a day and numerous voicemails to my phone everyweek and even turning up on my door step too!! its crazy. My question is what do i do about this? theres no way im paying the £870 when the debt was settled. Can MMF take me to court and actually win this case even tho the debt wasnt even with them in the first place. any advice anyone has would be great as the last letter ive just had through the door says they have passed it to their legal department. many thanks Grant
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