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  1. Hi Everyone, I am having a dispute with BG over a gas meter. I moved into my property in November 2013, there was no gas in the property but there was an outside meter which wasn't connected to any gas pipes in my property so I just left it like that. The dials on the meter were all at zero. About 6 months later I recieved a bill for £26 for having the meter there and was told this was a standing charge for it. In November 2014 they sent someone out to remove the meter. I told BG that I was going to look into the charge a few weeks later I got a bill for £55, maybe i shouldn't have but I ignored this bill then got sent another bill a few months later for £75. When I phoned up to ask why I had got this latest bill they told me that the meter at my property was my responsibility and that it cost 0.26p a day for having it there. I have now had debt collectors threatening to take me to court if I don't pay up. I don't think I should be paying for something that I haven't used, I'm not even a BG customer! I wish I had taken the advice of this website and kept track of phone calls and kept all the bills but i just ignored it, I just thought that it was so stupid that I was being charged for something that I've never had that BG would see sense and dismiss the dispute. Can anyone give me advice on what to do next as I don't think that I should be paying British Gas for anything.
  2. Do you have a BT line rental which you pay annually in advance? As part of the deal the caller display service is free, but BT have still been been charging many customers £1.75 a month. Some customers who complained have been received a full refund, others have been refused. Cue weasel words from BT who claim that the customer has to request the free service not just once, but each year. In other words, if you don't ask for the free service, even if you're eligible for it, you won't get it. Shame on you BT. http://www.independent.co.uk/money/spend-save/simon-read-bts-caller-display-service-is-free-but-you-must-say-you-want-it-for-free-or-youll-be-charged-10060656.html
  3. Hello, I am hoping someone can give me some advice. I have a £10,000 debt with MBNA which resulted in me going to court and a charge being placed against my house. Basically I pay a set amount each month, but if I sell my house they get paid the full amount. The only problem with this is my house is in negative equity to the tune of around £30,000 Due to a serious operation it looks like I may be dismissed on capability ground as Occupation Health feel I am no longer able to do my job and due to cutbacks there is nowhere else to place me. My debt with MBNA is managed by Optima Legal who have said they will only accept offers of 85% of the debt. If I can offer less they have said they will put it through to the 'client'. I have spoke to MBNA who have said that it is Optima who make the decision. Prior to the debt going to Optima MBNA offered me a settlement figure of £2800 which I didn't have at the time. I'm trying to do the right thing by sorting out a settlement figure now - before I lose my job as I am pretty sure once that happens the amount I will be able to pay them will drop to literally a couple of pounds a month. Has anyone any thoughts or experience of what figure MBNA would be likely to accept? Thank you for reading this far. Hx
  4. How to defend against a charging order for council tax? I have been renting out a three-bedroom property which I own to only single people. I prefer to do this because it means less wear and tear on my property. The council appear to view this with disdain and suspicion. The council tax department have always been notified of when a tenant moves in and when a tenant moves out. For some unknown reason the council classify the property to be empty. This is despite tenants registering for council tax and paying council tax. Previous tenants council tax accounts were successfully opened but then cancelled by the council. No explanation was given. To cut a long story short. The council managed to obtain a charging order against my property. I've since received a letter demanding I pay £4,700 in council tax within 21 days otherwise my property will be forcefully sold. How do I defend myself from a corrupt a council which fails to update its records? What else should future tenants do to prove they are living at the property? Previous tenants wrote letters registering for council tax. Supplied utility statements and voting registration evidence. I want to ensure that the council accepts that tenants have lived and do live at the property. What steps should I take to challenge the charging order?
  5. In January 2015 I got a CCJ from Restons (on behalf of Cabot) for a credit card account. On the CCJ paperwork from the court it says the creditor agreed to accept installments of £10 per month (total debt is £3000). So it was an order to pay in instalments. Restons have now sent me paperwork for an interim charging order and have applied to the court for a charging order on my property. Can Restons use this hearing to try to increase my monthly payments or will the CCJ agreement of £10 per month still stand? Installments are up to date. Thanks
  6. Hi folks. did a search for charging cables and faults but nothing came back, so if it is covered I would be greatful for a pointer. The charger for my iPhone 5C has stopped charging the phone and the connector at the Lightning end is obviously broken inside. Typical of things, but the 6 months was up one week ago, but didn't let that dissuade me and off to Tescos to ask for a replacement under warranty. It was infuriating Speaking to the staff at Tesco (nice folks though) in explaining that only proof of purchase is needed, not necessarily the receipt (typical lose the receipt for that, but have the receipt for the £15 case !!!!!). Couple of questions if anyone is available before I go back to see the guy tomorrow. 1. They state they need boxes etc back. I said I was under the impression I didn't as its only a faulty cable and not the whole thing. Hope I am right? 2. They said they wanted the Cable and the Plug back. Even though they are seperate components within the box. I have the plug, but are they right in asking for a separate component along with the faulty one.? - it was just annoying trying to talk to them and they were adamant they would get upper hand "they were right" so would like to not give it to them as a blowing a raspberry (childish I know, but will take it in anyway). 3. I have a feeling they will say that they need to contact their technical support department and return the cable to them for a replacement. Is this reasonable, or should they be able to replace it there and then? Would prefer it tomorrow - but can wait 4. A quick google about the cable shows lots of sites and hundreds of threads on Apples site about people and the apple staff replacing these cables in the truck load. Is this enough to show the issue with the product and them and not the consumer They have basically said that I have to wait for the phone guy to come in on Tuesday, which is no biggy, but still a pain not being able to charge it. I still can't believe that shops still try to stand on "we are right, you will do as we say" in this day and age. I spent about twenty minutes countering their arguments to get a replacement, Them = that there was no proof of purchase - Me = its a contract Tesco phone, it will be on their system and that receipts are just a quick and easy method, any proof is ok. Taking umbridge at me speaking politely to them and stating my case and why I thought they were wrong, instead of just saying. the phone guy is in tomorrow and he will be able to help you better Its over £20 for a new cable, so not cheap to replace as well as being on a hi end bit of kit
  7. Morning everyone, I got myself in a bit of a mess with a solicitor 3 years ago when I had a breakdown following separation. I saw a solicitor for an hour or so, he did nothing for me but I stopped answering all e-mails and calls and ended up with a CCJ for £1150. Quite ridiculous, but I only have myself to blame. I didn't take my head out the sand there and ended up with a Charging Order made against my property for £1237.50 which is the CCJ amount plus statutory interest. The charging order was for "the payment of £1237.50 together with any further interest becoming due and the costs of the application." I finally took my head out the sand in October, got in touch with the solicitor and agreed that I'd pay £150 immediately, followed by the same amount every month until the end of February when I would pay the balance from a small company bonus. I stuck to that but at the end of February I took a close look at what he was claiming as follows: £1237.50, the amount of the charging order £100.00 - charging order fee £50.00 - property search fees £110 - Fixed costs All of the above, I completely understand I must pay and I have now fully paid. My issue is with the following claims from the solicitor. He's actually claiming £179.50 in fixed costs, not £110. He is (incorrectly in my view), claiming an additional £69.50 which is allowed for in the PART 45 but only refers to claims made under 70.5(4) which is for non County Court/High Court enforceable actions. He's also claiming £120 in bailiff fees (£60 for transferring up to HCEO and £60 Abortive Fees because apparently I "evaded" the bailiffs - they never visited my property when I was in and never left any letters). I suspect that I must pay both of these costs but have read some conflicting advice online. Finally, he's claiming a shed load of interest. I believe it's quite clear from regulations that interest is not applicable to a debt under £5,000 regardless of whether it's a consumer credit agreement or not. However, interest was added to the charging order. Have I now blown it with regards to opportunity to prevent interest? Now that it's on the charging order, even if it's on there incorrectly, is it now payable? Sorry to waffle on but any advice you can give me on these matters would be much appreciated. This is a mess entirely of my own making but the ruthlessness with which this solicitor has pursued me given how little he did for me is staggering. I want to get this guy off my back and am able to pay him what he's asked but I really don't want to give him a penny more than he is entitled to. Many thanks in advance. Ian.
  8. Hello All! I hope this is the right forum for this question. I am the owner of a property to which a charging order was created and attached in 2006 (I was depressed, buried head in sand etc. and defaulted...) From the Land Registry records: “(xx.xx.2006) Equitable charge created by an interim charging order of the xxxxxxx Court dated x December 2006 in favour of HFC Bank Limited.” Apparently the loan was with HFC (could have been a credit card?) but they are not around anymore and were sold to HSBC. I called HSBC a number of times and was passed around to a number of departments, with absolutely no-one understanding what I meant. This has happened loads of times. I have also been calling a number that I have been given by HSBC for HFC complaints department but unfortunately that is a call centre in India and I just keep getting told they have no information on me. I really need to get this matter settled as soon as possible, but it seems that I am at a dead end. Please do you have any advice/pointers as to how I can get this charging order removed? I have spent many hours trying to contact someone who has an idea about this, but to absolutely no avail... It seems that HSBC are not willing to take the matter into their own hands and investigate their archives, so the outcome is that I am stuck with a charging order with HFC's name on it, despite my best intentions and efforts to rectify the situation... I rang the Land Registry and they said keep trying (!?) and if I no joy to go to the Financial Ombudsman.. Seems a rather long and potentially fruitless situation though. Thanks in advance. Any help HUGELY appreciated, this is driving me spare!
  9. Hi, My girlfriend and I pay for a service each month and by an oversight, we paid last month's bill a week late. This month we have had a late payment fee added to the bill. The late payment fee is calculated at 1% interest per day on the sum owed after 7 days. (Sorry for not giving more detail about the service but the company is a bit vindictive and we need the service) Having spoken to the CAB we know that it all depends on the contract we have with them (we've been there for a long time so can't find the original contract right now) but wondering what others think about this in terms of 'fairness'.....1% interest per day after just 7 days.
  10. I have a charge on my property which I have now paid in full but the solicitors dealing with it wasn't a fee to remove it starting that "only they can remove the charge". The fee involved is close to £200 I would be grateful for your thoughts
  11. Can anyone help? I have some large credit card debts on about 5 cards. I have sent a standard letter asking for a copy of the CCA and had replies back but some seem a bit dodgy. I'm no expert sp I joined the forum to see if there is any help here for me. Do I tell them that I dont think they have complied with what I asked for and put the account in dispute and pay the £10 for the SAR? Are they legally entitled to chase me for payments while the account is in dispute? I can post documents if anyone wants to have a look. Cheers
  12. After a split with my partner in 2005 i received a letter through the door which turned out to be a loan agreement , the loan appeared to be in my name and that of my ex partner . After looking into the agreement i tuned out my ex had managed to obtain a loan in both my name and his against our home . It tuned out that my ex had signed my name to a loan without my consent . It all went to court and my partner was convicted of fraud and my name was removed from the loan . I recently found out that a charging order was placed on my home as a result of this court case , It appears on the land registry as a mortgage in both mine and my ex 's name , I am a little confused about the whole thing , i have tried to get information on the charging order but cannot seem to do so as the bank states they cannot discuss the debt or the amount the charging order is for with me as the debt is in my ex partners name . I have been managing to pay the mortgage myself for the last eight years and am am just a bit worried to say the least that i have struggled to meet the payments on the mortgage so the equity it seems can go towards paying of my ex partners debts . ...seems a little unfair ...:- Any help understanding charging orders would be a great help ..... Does any one know how i can obtain info on the judgement for the charging order
  13. Hi, A few months ago I sold my house. It had a charging order attached, worth £2000 ( for a ccj on a credit card). I informed the solicitor that was dealing with the sale and sent them details of who they had to pay, (Nat West). There was enough equity to pay for this. The house sale went through without a hitch but I did notice that the charging order was not itemised on the final sale of house statement that the solicitor sent me. Now, a few months down the line, the solicitor has contacted me to say they made a mistake and did not pay the charging order and can I send them £xxx to clear it. The problem is I can't now pay the full amount. What should I do? I want to clear the debt and am thinking to ask that a payment plan is set up for £xx per month till the debt is paid. Will the bank accept this? And what is the solicitor's role in this now, seeing as they have made the mistake? Should I make a complaint? And what happens to my credit record? Sorry for all the questions!!! Thanks in advance for any advice. Cheers, BAE
  14. Hi am new to the forum so hope I have posted in the right place. Am desperately in need of some advice regarding a letter I have been sent. Received a letter from Blake Lapthorn, who say they are working on behalf of Arrow Global Guernsey Limited. Letter states: “We now attach a copy of the Final Charging Order obtained by our client in this matter. Our client is keen to reach an affordable monthly repayment arrangement with you. Please contact us within 14 days of the date of this letter to discuss the various options available to help you repay this debt. To help us understand your overall financial position and to determine how much you are able to pay each month, we have also included an Income and Expenditure form for you to complete and return to this office. Our client has asked us to draw your attention to an opportunity to settle this account at a discount. The settlement will be dependent upon your current financial situation; again we are keen to discuss this with you. In the absence of receiving a reasonable offer of repayment, our client has the option to pursue enforcement action and may do so by instructing us to proceed with one of the following: Application for attachment of earnings Application for a warrant of Control” Attached to letter is a financial means questionnaire and a copy of a Final Charging Order which was granted on 13 January 2015 at Winchester Court. It also says that there was a charge created on 13 October 2014 and that this shall continue as modified by this order. Had no idea who Blake Lapthorn or Arrow Global were but after doing some research discovered this is a debt from MBNA credit card. Also from what i can gather in order to get a charge on my house they would have had to get a CCJ first but have never had anything prior to this. I am now panicking as they have given a 14 day deadline to contact them but was away last week and so only opened letter yesterday and 14 days are up on Thursday (5th Feb). Don't really want to contact them until i have more info and have got some advice but do I need to acknowledge that I have received the letter in order to stop them from taking further action? Would be grateful for any advice anyone could give me at all. Many thanks in advance. Would be grateful for any advice anyone could give me at all. Many thanks in advance.
  15. Hi all My apologies if this has been covered elsewhere, I have looked but cannot find an answer. A charging order was placed on my property 5 years ago by Welcome Finance, I was not required to make any monthly payments. I received a letter today saying that the entire debt has been sold to PRA Group and they are seeking to recover the debt. I was under the impression that as a CCJ, then a charging order had been granted, that the debt was stagnant until I sold my property. Could anyone offer any advice? Many thanks in advance. Emma
  16. We bought the house on a mortgage as Joint Tennants. My husband received a CCJ that was secured by a charge on his share of the property, which I understand changed the ownership to Tennants in Common. The CCJ was paid in full and the charge has been removed from the property, we have all the documents confirming this. Will ownership now have reverted back to Joint tennants or is there something we need to do to make it so. Grateful for any advice and guidance on this one.
  17. Not quite sure where to put my question since I have been searching the net for an answer, but here goes:- I have a charging order (or a restriction since the house in joint owned), which was put upon by a landlord whose building i was leasing for business. So its a private individual who has put a charge on my house. Now my question is what happens to that charging order if the landlord dies? Do I still have to pay the debt to get the charging order off the land Registry? Does one of his family member get the ownership of the charging order? Any actual facts to my questions would be much appreciated, thanks.
  18. I really need some advice please and not sure if I am posting on the correct sub forum January 2009 I left my husband and left with nothing, I lived with a friend for a few months who then kindly gave me a job. I then started looking for places to buy to start back on the property ladder but was not earning enough to buy a property on my own as such. my son kindly offered come onto a property with me as he was employed and had a very job at the time. Now I put the deposit down on the property, using the money from my divorce settlement and have made every single mortgage payment since. My son has never even lived at the property ever. He agreed to go onto to the mortgage purely so I could by a place of my own. in the past three years, my son became very ill and kept this from me as he did not want to worry me, (only found out in the last year). He lost his job due to his illness and used his credit card to keep him going and in this time he has got himself in debt. of course the issue has now come to light as he has not been able to pay his credit card. He is now registered as disabled and has not been able to work. He is now in receipt of ESA and the enhanced personal care component of PIP. So has very little money to live on. During all this time he has not managed to keep up with the minimum payment he agreed with Barclaycard and they have now sold his debt onto 1st Credit. He has now received a letter from them asking for full payment with a 20% reduction of £6416.00. If he does not pay the full amount then they said that they will get a CCJ and then a charging order for the property! I have tried to find out as much as I can regarding the charging order and the all I keep seeing is conflicting information. I have also paid off a lot of debt for him already which were secure loans to stop any potential charging orders. I am just not in a position of finding this money for this debt! I simply do not have it. Can anyone offer any advice on what I should do, good or bad, I just need to know for sure on what I should be doing. Many thanks in advance
  19. Just as I thought we were getting on top of things notice of an Interim Charging Order arrived followed shortly by a notice from the Land Registry. It appears Mrs Spoon has been struggling (on her own) with nearly £18,000 of store and credit card debt and is now quite unwell. It is only because we have a joint mortgage that I became aware of the tip of the iceberg - now the rest has become clear. There are two CCJs (by default) against her and Restons have secured the interim charging order. I understand that this can only be a restriction as long as I don't agree. We don't intend to sell the house so what does that mean to us and to to Restons (John Lewis)? I'm wading through the paperwork, and need to contact all the account holders to make arrangements to pay. My questions are: 1) Is there any benefit to trying stop the charging order/restriction at the court hearing in January? Is there any benefit to making an offer to start payments? I'm not anticipating any seasonal charity from Restons, just a reason for them to stop. 2) Now I've collated the debt I am thinking that we assess what we can afford to pay back monthly, and propose a proportionate repayment by ratio according to the amount owed. Is that the way forward? 3) Obviously I'm going to help financially, but by getting involved am I going to become vicariously liable for these debts? 4) How should the approach be made to the creditors - is there a form of words? Thank you so much for your consideration. Mr Spoon
  20. Hi all, I've posted before regarding my idiot landlord and ive got another problem. Thursday night while at work, I get a call saying boiler has packed in- no heat/hot water. I get landlords voicemail. Friday morning, voicemail again. Friday afternoon, I book an engineer. Saturday morning, still again, landlords voicemail. Engineer attended that afternoon and fixed it to the tune of £130. We have a 2 year old in the house and I really couldn't wait for some 20 year old to be bothered to turn his IPhone on. Where do I stand witholding/deducting this from the rent? Cheers all Bearington
  21. hi all my daughter has a ipad contract with 3...she had this for 2 years never missed a payment..she phoned 3 up and they offered her another year for £5.00 a month which she accepted and now 6 months into this..she has never failed a payment..this month 3 took £50.00 on top of the £5.00 because she used 436mb ( less than 1/2 a gig )..of data..this is well over the top..we phoned them and after a heated exchange they offered to reduce this to £29..99 which we refused...what am I able to do can I cancel and is the amount excessive..cheers paul
  22. Several years ago I ran up a debt on a Virgin credit card. I asked if I could pay £60 a month to clear the £15000 debt but they disagreed and took me to court. A charging order was placed on my home and the court agreed I could pay £60 a month. The debt has been sold on to ME 111 a few years ago. My question is: does the charging order transfer with the debt to the new debt owner?
  23. Several years ago I ranup a debt on a Virgin Credit Card due to a failed business. I agreed to pay the debt off at £60 per month (the debt was £15k) They refused and took me to court and they were awarded a charging order against my home. I also agreed to pay £60 a month off, which the court agreed. Fast forward several years and My question is: Does the charging order transfer with the debt to the new debtor? Dave Summers
  24. There is no date on this, so I don't know how long the information has been available.. http://www.which.co.uk/money/credit-cards-and-loans/guides/how-to-deal-with-debt/debt-management-companies-why-to-avoid-them/
  25. Hello, I got a CCJ and didn't defend it in time. The judgment was entered and since then Robinson Way have gone for a charge on my property. I have tried to stop that by offering to pay something in installments. The case has had to be moved from our local courts to one in the nearest city as it has closed down. What I would likt to know is is there any way I can perhaps ask the claimant to produce documents and if they fail have the case set aside or has it gone way past that now? Hope someone with some knowledge can lend a hand to a normal joe.
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