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  1. Hi, As per the topic.. the story goes: I had an overdraft on my Lloyd's account of £1000, which was used occasionally, but I hadn't really been using this account much as it wasn't my main bank account. Around April, I had very recently changed address, and (as far as I can recall) I hadn't yet notified Lloyd's of my new address. After being a bit short of money that month, I used this Lloyd's overdraft a couple of times, and it was up to around 800 pounds in total. Shortly after moving house, I realised the the overdraft had suddenly disappeared from my account, and as a result, I was now immediately accruing charges for being in an 'unauthorised overdraft', and letters arrived demanding immediate payment. After going in to a Lloyd's branch, and speaking to them on the phone, it looks like the overdraft was removed because hadn't been paying money regularly into the account. Because I had recently moved address, I did not receive their letter, (which they told me they had sent), advising me that the overdraft was going to be cancelled. This meant I had no idea that it was going to happen. I tried to reason with them, that in these circumstances, as I hadn't received any notification, could they be flexible and reinstate the overdraft, while the amount was paid off. Their computers did not allow me to have the overdraft reinstated, so I was told to call their debt management people, which I did. After phoning this debt management team, they agreed that they would give me a 'temporary overdraft facility' of £1000, which would gradually reduce over a period of 6 months, allowing me to pay off the amount outstanding. I was not advised that this would negatively affect my credit file. This amount has now been completely paid off, however.. upon checking my Noddle credit file today, I was see that from April-July, there are four 'AR - Arrangment to Pay' markers. Is there anything that can be done about this? I was not advised that these markers would be placed on my file, and due to moving house around the exact same time the overdraft was cancelled, I didn't receive any warning letter about the overdraft being due to be cancelled. If I had received this letter, I would of course have not used the overdraft this month. Any help would be appreciated. My credit file is in good condition apart from these markers. It just seems to unfortunate that an overdraft being cancelled without my knowledge can end up causing these four 'AR' markers on my otherwise good credit file. Thanks
  2. This is my first post to assist anyone cancelling their credit report trial or monthly fee with Equifax. I started a 30 day free trial in April with the intention of cancelling before the trial period ended. Due to unexpected personal circumstances I forgot. I started being charged £9.95 per month and cancelled in August. I requested a refund of the latest month's charge and they also offered a refund of £29.95 for the previous charges. I cancelled via their website as I prefer to have a written record of communication. I think they prefer you to cancel by telephone as it's a little tricky to navigate doing it online. However, it does work and I've done it a few times over the years. Login as usual and make a note of your credit report number. At the bottom of the page click on FAQs. It will take you to another page and ask you to log in again (if you have not used this part of their service before I think it will ask you to create a login for it). Then click on 'ask a question'. Click on 'product' and pick an option - I chose 'Equifax credit Report'. Click on 'category' and pick an option - I chose 'I have a question' ('I have a question' is listed 3 times and I picked the 3rd one on the list). I then clicked on 'other'. Enter your credit report reference as requested. Enter your message in the box and submit. It will then bring up some 'auto responses' and ask if they answer your question. Submit your question again so that it is sent to a real person who can respond. If you don't hear back in a couple of days login again and resubmit (this only happened once throughout my communication with them). Be persistent and don't accept anyone telling you no. Here is the transcript of mine and their emails: Me: Please cancel the £9.95 per month charge with immediate effect. Please do not charge me for the amount debiting my account today as I will not be using the service - if you have already debited this from my account then please refund. Thank you for your assistance. Equifax: Thank you for getting in touch about your Equifax subscription. I've reviewed your request for a refund, along with your membership history with Equifax. I can see you signed up online to our Free Credit Report in April 2014. Your first 30 days' access to this product was free but there are monthly charges after this unless the service is cancelled. I've cancelled your product now so you won't be charged again and in light of your comments about how we subscribed you to this product, I've also refunded your previous payments. You'll see this return to your account in the next 5-7 working days. I hope you find this useful. If there’s anything else we can do for you, please let us know. Me: Thank you for your email. Please be advised that I have only received the latest payment of £9.95 refunded. As your email states 'I've also refunded your previous payments' please ensure that the remaining payments are refunded too. Me again: Thank you for your email. Please be advised that I have only received the latest payment of £9.95 refunded. As your email states 'I've also refunded your previous payments' please ensure that the remaining payments are refunded too. Equifax: Thank you for getting in touch. As you were charged £9.95 on the day you cancelled as a good will gesture we refunded you this £9.95. We cannot refund you previous charges as you did not contact us to cancel. I hope you find this useful. If there’s anything else we can do for you, please let us know. Me: Thank you for your email. Please be advised that I have only received the latest payment of £9.95 refunded. As your email states 'I've also refunded your previous payments' please ensure that the remaining payments are refunded too. The original response from Tiffany clearly states that 'previous payments' will be refunded. Therefore, please ensure that the previous payments (plural) not just a singular payment are refunded. Equifax: Your enquiry has been passed to myself for further investigating. I have taken on board your comments and have authorised the refund of 3 months payments. The amount of £29.85 will return to your account in the next 5-7 days. If there’s anything else we can do for you, please let us know.
  3. On the 23/07/14 my wife phoned up to cancel our sky account as we were moving a couple of days later on the 26/07/14 - they told us that would be fine but we may have to pay in lieu of notice. we had already taken a new account for the new address online but my name rather than my wifes as the offer seemed good. so we assumed that the direct debit taken on the 30/07 was the final bill, however we then had a dd taken on the 28/08/2014 - so this time I went online to investigate. They had cancelled our phone and broadband but not until the 11/08/2014 but were still charging us for the TV packages - worse still the new tenant had been using our landline to call mobiles up until the 11th, only £15 but thats not the point. We called sky today but they would not give us a refund and said we would have to give them another 31 days notice to stop tv package and we would be billed again. We told them the above information but they said there was no action on the system, obviously I pointed out to them that I had proof on my bill that I called and the call lasted 13 minutes and they concurred that my account had been accessed that day but no action taken. I said considering we were moving and I can prove that why else would I phone sky other than to cancel ? I wasnt talking about the weather for ten minutes. I asked to speak with a manager or supervisor but got told repeatedly there was no managers about - I doubt this is the case !! Got told to go online where I got passed from complaints to disconnection team again and after an hour of discussion got told the same - can cancel today giving 31 days notice and still have to pay. Surely this isnt right !!!!. Do I have any hope of getting our money back ? as good as thievery from my bank account !!!
  4. In March this year i called T mobile to try and renew my contract phone. They told me i couldn't as my contract didn't run out until May. i asked after being a customer for 8 years and having more than 1 phone a year for those 8 years would they not budge and let me renew early, they wouldn't, so i told them that when my contract ran out i'd be cancelling, they said i would have to phone back on May 11th. On May 11th we called back to cancel and was told i'd have to give 31 days notice, i refused 1) Because i'd already given them TWO months notice i'd be cancelling and 2) because there was no longer a contract between us as it had expired. On July 3rd i received a solicitors letter saying that as i hadn't paid the £38 for my 31 days notice period that i was now being charged £91.16. We called the solicitors and told them all the above and the woman on the phone was very understanding and said she would look into it for us. TODAY i get another letter from them saying we have "Failed to notify them of any legitimate reason for not paying" Luckily we took the name of the woman we spoke to so could prove that we had. ANYWAY long story short does anyone know anywhere or anyone i can contact over this because i am NOT letting this go and i'm determined to fight this all the way....
  5. Hi all I wanted some advice please. I bought Car Insurance with John Lewis in Dec '12 and arranged to pay by Direct Debit. In January the DD failed, I recieved a letter saying the bank had told them it had been cancelled so I called paid over the phone and reset the DD. In Feb the DD failed, I called, and it was suggested that the issue was possibly due to the fact that I have another DD to john lewis on the same date and that was the confusion, I was told to wait, see what happened with the march payment and go from there. In march the DD failed, as the DD date was a weekend I didn't intend to chase the issue until a week had passed as sometimes they payment can be delayed a few days, however 5 days after the DD date I received two letters from John Lewis on the same day, 1 to say the payment had failed and I needed to pay or they would cancel my policy and the 2nd to say - "we cancelled your policy 5 days ago please pay us £135" I called straight away to sort out the problem, and to be honest the woman was really off with me until I broke down (I was hit by a lorry last year and the thought of that happening while id been driving around unbeknown to me uninsured got me in a right state) I paid all the cancellation charges, and purchased a new policy (the price had now increased) I logged a complaint with my bank as I hadn't cancelled these direct debits but each time I was told that the bank had said I had. After a month of investigation it turns out that John Lewis set the mandate up in December for the first payment in March! so each time they asked for payment my bank said no I'm fuming, I suffered PTSD after the accident last year and to be honest I was pretty histerical after my call with John Lewis that night, fortunatley I always insure fully comp and i've had a year of medical treatments that I couldn't have afforded, and still have £4k worth of pescription bills and loss of earnings that I'm trying to claim back to think I could have had an accident that week and not been insured doesn't even bare thinking about. I'm just writing a letter of complaint and I wondered if you think I am being reasonable with the following request: A refund for the £135 the charged me for the cancelled policy (admin fee & legal for the full year!) A refund of the additional £24 this year I'm having to pay on the new policy I had to purchase because they cancelled the original policy A letter confirming that a "cancelled Policy" was down to their incompetance (I've had to declare it to all my other insurance companies) Compensation for the fact that they wrote to tell me my policy had been cancelled and sent it 2nd class meaning I recieved it 5 days after they had cancelled and was driving round uninsured, invalidating my tax disc and breaking the law despite them having my email address (which they send the policy to) and my telephone number Compensation for the inconvience of regular calls with Santander to get updates on their investigation, ringing round all my insures with the embarrasment of telling them I have a cancelled policy on my records and to be honest the state it got me into that night my parents had to come sit with me and i'm 33! so embarrasing Also (sorry!) does anyone know if they can retract the "cancelled policy" note? as I'm going to have to declare that for 5 years Thanks for reading!
  6. My ex was in receipt of Incapacity. He was assessed by ATOS for ESA. They deemed him fit for work. So they cancelled his Incapacity and ESA claim. He was told he could apply for a reconsideration but wouldn't be able to get any benefit, as JSA would mean he was fit for work. He had to sign on, because he had no money. The reconsideration was cancelled as he had applied for JSA Since then his doctor has given him a sick note for 3 months stating he is unfit for work. His JSA claim has been closed and he has been told to apply for ESA, but the Job Centre have told him his application will be bounced back to ATOS who have already stated he is fit for work unless he has a new condition, which wasn't included in the original ESA application, but it is likely his application for ESA will be turned down anyway. Even though his reconsideration has been cancelled, the job centre say that the ATOS decision still stands. He has also been told by JobCentre Plus, that the sick not can be overturned by ATOS, ESA or JSA. His only choice left is to claim JSA, but as his Dr has said he is unfit for work for 3 months, he wont be entitled to any JSA. He is in a catch 22 position. He has no money. The government really didn't think this one through, but whilst we debate that and the fact on the news tonight, its been stated 712,000 people are waiting for their ESA claims to be completed, does anyone have any idea as to what, if any, benefit he can claim? I understand that Income Support and Incapacity benefit no longer exists to new claimants. Please anyone, can you help? His depression and anxiety as you can imagine is going through the roof.
  7. Really in a big fix and need your help guys. I bought a house two years ago together with a conserrvatory which has been added by a previos owner about 10yrs ago. Unfortunately, this was not built correctly from the start( I have just realised). Previous owner I bought from may have investigated it but patched the problem before sale. Unknowing to me the extent of the problem, I bought the property and insured it as normal as the only questions on the compare site was : Is the house in good state of repair and has it suffered from Subsidence. Two years on, I have noticed further cracks apart from the previous one which has been patched contacted the insurance company to see if I am eligible to claim. They sent a Surveyor to come and inspect specifically for subsidence as they claim that is the only grounds on which they will pay out. Surveyors report came up to say issue is not subsidense related but rather a bad design of the conservatory from the start and inadequate foundation and that issue has been long standing because of previours repair . I got furious that day cancelled the policy and switched my insurance to a diff. provider. I have since been looking for a builder to rebuild conservatorry from scratch. Company contracted by previous insurer has come back to me saying underwriters want to persue the case as Non -disclosure as I did not tell them there have been previous repairs on it. They are therefore requesting to have my pre purchase surveyors report which I have never had so got a copy from the bank. This is where my problem starts. The state of the conservatory was mentioned in the report which was unknown to me as I was a first time buyer and did not know what should have been given to me. Giving this report to them will be their evidence to stitch me up for non-disclosure. Am I under any obligation to give them that report? As I have already cancelled that policy with them, can they still stitch me up for non-disclosure? Is there anyway I can force them to close the case without any further actions as I have now concluded to rebuild the whole conservatory from scratch. NB: the main building is in perfect state just the conservatory which was not built properly. Having sleepless nights as I have heard non-disclosure on my record will be disaster for good. HELP PLEASE
  8. Hi, My driving license was cancelled because I didn't send driving license to DVLA. I've never received any communication from them regarding this problem. I was sentenced in my absence (L530) and paying fines like a good, law abiding citizen. I assumed that they simply applied points to the driving license and that's the end of the story. But now I've received communication saying that I have to APPLY for a driving license. Is there any way around it? What if the postman dropped letter into the wrong hole and I'm being punished for it? I need my driving license for work. Thanks in advance, JJ
  9. I received an email from Hastings today (7.5.14) at 12:44pm informing me of the cancellation of my policy on 5.5.14. Attached was a letter giving me a breakdown of chargers which relate to ME cancelling my policy early?? "as discussed". As I had absolutely no idea what this Email/documentation related to or whether in fact it was genuine i quickly contacted Hastings customer service department. I spoke to a lady who could not give me much detail due to the little notes on my account and offered to call me back, which she did. she informed me that the underwriter cancelled my policy due to "Moral Risk" something she nor i knew anything about. She informed me that there was an incident were loud music was being played from my vehicle along with suspect criminal activity (apparently people smoking weed, i dnt smoke myself so i'm pretty ****ed at this! altho there's no notes to say if this was done inside or outside the car) and Hastings were called by a Community Support worker. The Community Support worker did not speak to the owner of the vehicle so decided to contact the insurer?????..... i was not contacted by neither Hastings, the Community Support Worker nor the Police regarding the above matter. on the day in question i allowed my car to be filmed for a short youtube video for some local musicians. The car was driven to the NCP car park in City Centre by myself, it was parked up by me and i allowed some local musicians (whom i know) to film using the car for over an hour or so whilst i visited some shops. i got a call from them advising me that a local community support officer patrolling the area moved them along as there were loud music being played. Fine. I then came back to to the car park, paid for my stay and drove home. I do not understand how the above can cause my insurance policy to be cancelled. I was not contact by Hastings regarding this "incident" at all. I have not received any correspondence regarding any criminal matter from neither the said Community Support Officer nor the Police. No one was arrested nor charged with any offence during this "incident" I am the only person insured to drive my vehicle. No one was seen driving my vehicle. No one was seen with my car keys. The ignition was not on (i had my keys) I do not think it is fair the way they treated me and my claim. i do not think it is fair that i have been informed 2 days after my policy had been cancelled that it has been cancelled. I have been driving around for 2 days illegally at no fault of my own. The cancellation of my policy is also going to have an effect on my credit scoring which again is not fair.My monthly instalments have always been paid on time every month. I have had no issues with Hastings up until now. I did until now compliment Hastings on how efficient they had always been with me re my renewals ect, their call centre staff have always been so friendly and helpful towards me. i feel completely let down and disgusted with how they have treated me. I need to know how this can be rectified and my policy reinstated? I simply cannot afford to take out another policy with another company and pay hundreds of pounds deposit upfront. has anyone else ever come across this "moral risk" termination? can anyone enlighten me on what it actually means as the advisor's and managers ive spoken to did not have a clue. i'm new to this so sorry for the rant:|
  10. Evening All, I'd appreciate a little guidance here. Firstly, I live in Scotland (in case that influences any advice). I was issued a bill for £107 for looking after the shrubs and bushes on the estate where I live (I have a 1/258 share to pay). Being honest I ignored previous letters as I don't recall signing for anything to do with this. Anyway, a County Court case was instigated by the Company, and due to go to Court 04/02/14. I work away from home, and returned, luckily, 03/02/14. I immediately called the Company, explained I worked away etc. and agreed to pay the money via a direct debit. Before agreeing to this I asked for confirmation the Court action the next day would be stopped. The Company then consulted their legal team, and said because it was close to the Court date there would be an additional £111 charge to stop it, which I agreed to, So, weeks passed, I heard nothing, until I got a letter telling me the case had gone ahead, and I now have a CCJ! I called the Company, who informed me: Accounts are off sick Their legal team are at fault, and they do not represent the company, therefore its not the company's fault Its my fault I haven't paid (which, in all honesty may have been right). The Court cant stop any action without 24 hours notice I reminded them I'd paid to have it stopped, and they'd taken payments from me. Silence from the other end, and a promise to call back. They then called me back and said they'd contact the Court and say the debt had been satisfied, now to me this is an admission of guilt. Heres my gripe: I'm just about to go for a mortgage after getting my credit rating to the dizzy height of 964, I checked Experian and in big red letters its got CCJ across the top. No mortgage for me then? So, what can I do? I'm actually willing to pay more to take the Company to court, as I've been financially disadvantaged by their error. I really want blood here, the casual attitude, and "so what" response has got me fuming (a Geordie word for angry!) Any advice gratefully received.
  11. Hi can someone help please, Im new and dont know to post. I was wondering if you could help me. Im with octagon and this month my card was blocked i spoke to them and they said as long as i made paymdnt by 16th would be ok. After this premium credit messaged me and i told them i had concerns that card would not be sorted to which they replied it was fine as long as they had payment by 24 march well last night i got a email sayong my insurance was cancelled. I have spoke to them and am getting no where, i cant afford another deposit and surely premium credit should of contacted them? Thanks
  12. Hi I had a mobile dongle i picked up in 2008. It was sat around not getting used so in Jan 2013 i contacted vodafone and cancelled it. I kept all communications and even taped the sim card to the email confirming cancellation. I deleted the direct debit in October 2013. I found out in Jan / Feb 2014 while trying to apply for a mortgage because we are moving home that they have recorded missed payments on my credit file and even though they have admitted they are wrong vodafone still have not removed them. Jan 2014 i received letters from a collections agency which i contacted and said it had been cancelled. They asked for copies of the communications which i sent over they then spoke to vodafone and they were told not to pursue the case. I then contacted vodafone and they said they had no record of the cancellation and to go to the local store. I took all the paperwork down to the local store and they also agreed yes i had cancelled it in jan 2013 but it was still active in Feb 2014 so they cancelled it there and then. The local store said i was due for a refund and they would chase it all up and be back to me within the week. That was a couple of weeks ago. I have contacted customer support several times and have sent them copies of the emails never to have a response back. I have revisited the local store and seen the same person who was dealing with it she asked for an update from further up the vodafone tree and received an email back that she should have a response in 7 - 14 days. (This was a week after i first went in) I have called up many departments and at one point i was assured that the Quality Assurance Team had it in have and it would be resolved within a couple of days. I then rang back up yesterday for an update and was told it could be 7 - 14 days. This is really getting to us now. we have been turned down for our mortgage because of an issue that Vodafone admitted was their fault in Jan 2014. We are at risk of loosing the house we were due to move to and trying to get someone to get off their bottom to sort it is like pushing an elephant up a hill.
  13. Hi there, apologies if this isn't the correct forum, and for the longest post in history On Feb 6th this year I took out new insurance policy with CIS. I paid in full immediately and they sent docs via email. All good so far. Then they sent an email requesting proof of the 7 years NCB that I had stated on the application. The email said I must sent this by 27th Feb 2014. Due to work pressure and what-not I didn't send the NCB proof - that was my fault, for sure. However on 24th Feb (3 days before the email deadline) they sent me a mailed letter to my home which said that they would cancel the policy at 23:59 on 5th Feb 2014 if the NCB proof was not presented to them. I received that letter on Mar 4th - I've no idea where it had been since they geenrated it on 24th Feb. I contacted, with haste, my previous insurer who sent my proof to me. I forwarded that proof to CIS at 17:48 on 5th Feb 2014. I thought nothing more about this and went to work, in my car as usual, today. When I got to work I received an email at 09:19 saying that CIS could not process the NCB proof as the policy was inactive and I should contact customer services urgently, which I, of course, did. That conversation did not go so well, as instead of being inactive the policy was cancelled. I asked if they could re-instate the policy - NO. Could I have a new quote - NO. CIS, once they cancel a policy, will not issue another to the same driver?!? Really? So, I asked what can be done. I was told I would have to pay for the privilege of CIS cancelling my policy the princely sum of £50. I objected to the cancellation charge as I had not cancelled the policy, they had. At the time of this discussion I didn't have the letter they had sent me to hand, so wasn't absolutely sure of the precise wording. I then arranged a new insurance policy through a different company - duly notifying them that I did have a previously cancelled policy (the 1st time in my driving history this has ever happened incidentally). They quoted me about £100+ compared with what they had quoted me during my initial insurance hunt in early Feb. Nevertheless, I took the policy and now was legally allowed to drive my car. I went home and read the letter to make sure I understood it correctly - I had. It was a notice of cancellation on the specific date IF the NCB was not delivered to CIS. So, I again called their customer service and was told that they couldn't refund my money for 3-5 working days!!! Are you serious? They happily took ALL my money BEFORE they issue the policy but on the cancellation they prevaricate and say 3-5 days? It takes 2 hours maximum for a CHAPS transfer typically. I then asked to speak with management or someone who can make decisions. I was refused, but the CS rep did speak with his line manager and came back to me to tell me they were offering a 'goodwill' gesture of £15 reduction on the cancellation fee. I asked if this was an acceptance of culpability on their part - NO, this was goodwill. So, CIS have my money. I am now burdened with a "cancelled policy" on my insurance history which I assume will mean that I am considered a higher risk and therefore premiums will be higher in the future. And, I drove my car without insurance (fortunately not calamities occurred) to work thinking I had insurance when I didn't. I spoke with the Insurance Ombudsman today who told me I must give a formal written complaint to CIS and allow them to go through their process to determine what, if anything, they will do to appease me. I sent an email to cis.complaintsATcis.co.uk explaining my experiences with this cancellation. I understand from the ombudsman that I can wait upto 8 weeks for this decision process after which they can intervene and determine an independent decision. So, finally, here's my question. What are my rights here? Can I expect CIS to return my premium money promptly - faster than 3-5 days? Can I expect CIS to completely waive the cancellation charge they applied? Can I hope that CIS will remove the "cancelled policy" flag on their system to allow me to get future insurance without extra costs? And, did CIS give the necessary notification about the cancellation of my policy? That is, informing me at 09:19 when it had been cancelled at midnight the previous day, causing me to drive, unwittingly, without insurance? Any advice or help would be gratefully received.
  14. Hi Everyone, Would appreciate if someone could give me some advice on this one. I had a Barclays Loan for which got into arrears since October. In November, I managed to get a temporary suspension of the repayments by paying only £15/month for 3 months and then review the loan in January. Due to several factors and due to my work ( travel abroad frequently ), this didn't happen so i was sent a Notice of Default Letter letter dated from 4th February requesting repayment in full or contacting by the 4th march to renegotiate the loan. I contacted them only on the 4th march and was informed that there was no negotiation possible and that they would cancel my loan and then also close my current account with barclays. I offered to repay my normal instalments plus £100 every fortnight to clear the £748 in arrears but was completely refused. I'll now lose my current account and will only be able to get a cash card account which is basically useless... On the other hand, I had a previous loan with Barclays for which I received approximately £2000 refund. This was due to an apparent inadvertent incorrect information sent to customers about the loan. They reviewed it and refunded me. With this current loan being cancelled, how can I find out if I'm in the same situation and am due a refund?
  15. Hi, This is a strange one, I'm posting here to see if a common problem. About 6 months ago Pay Plan messed up my DMP by increasing payments to my creditors without contacting me. One creditors balance was cleared and PayPlan created a new payment plan without contacting me. It turned into a gigantic mess so I sent a formal letter to Pay plan to cancel the DMP and started to self administer my DMP, as well as complaining about their mess up. Got an email response, very poor response, and decided to get new SAR details to confirm the facts before making a formal complaint to them. DSAR sent, no response. Searched through my files. When I sar'd them in 2012, same thing, I only got a response when I send LBA. Last week I sent a SAR chase up letter, they claim not to have received the original letter, but will oblige with the SAR this coming week. I just though their DSAR department was incompetant, but then I got the shock of my life. I opened a CC statement to find a pay link payment on there, why? My PayPlan DMP is closed. Looked into my account, they have split the £10 fee for the SAR amongst my creditors! The SAR was a formal letter, clearly detailing I wanted full disclosure etc, especially telephone notes (as they were also very naughty last year and lied to me!). The best bit.......the have paid several creditors whose balance was 0! Sheer incompetence. Are play Plan covered by FOS? Am I entitled to any compensation, as I now have to spend time contacting quite a few creditors (again) to sort this mess out. Last time I had to renegotiate with 9 creditors to set up DMP myself, with many of them several signed for letters, requiring new i&e's etc, so the costs have been mounting up. Not what I need in the slightest. Any advice would be welcome CS
  16. Hi there, new to this site and looking for some advice. I recently ordered a mobile phone upgrade through an online retailer that would come with a free gift. The gift was to be dispatched after 7 days of the mobile arriving from a 3rd party supplier. Upon receiving the mobile, it was not upto standard as it appeared to be a refurbished phone and not a new handset as advertised. Also my network had no knowledge of the upgrade and said that the sim the retailer had sent me was in fact a disconnected sim! So I cancelled the order, returned the handset and faulty sim within the 7 day period. That was 11 days ago. Today an unexpected parcel arrived from the 3rd party and low and behold its the free gift! I contacted the retailer using their online webchat facility (so I could have a copy of the conversation for fallback), I did not let on that the gift had arrived and instead asked for confirmation that the contract was cancelled which they confirmed. I then asked if the free gift was likely to still arrive and have to be returned or was it cancelled. The operator replied that "this has also been cancelled along with the order therefore you will not be receiving this item"! Where do I stand with this? Am I entitled to keep the item (a PS4 so worth over £350!) as they have stated that it has been cancelled and wouldn't arrive (even though I had it right in front of me!) are they likely to later ask for its return? Checking on the 3rd party websites terms and conditions the contract for the gift is between the retailer and themselves and not me so they shouldn't ask for it back? Sorry its a bit of a long winded post but just wanted to make sure I had all the details for everyones opinion/advice. Thanks in advance
  17. E-Sure cancelled my insuance without notification. Below is the email i sent to them. Good afternoon, Please could you re-instate my cancelled insurance and refund the newer insurance(taken out 25/11/2013), or revise the new insurance to equal the premium of the previous insurance. I didn’t receive the welcome pack hence the following email was sent to you on the 1st of October. ---- Hi, Please could i have my policy documents sent to email 2 rather than email 1 (email removed due to zero postings) Car Reg is:AM**UC* Cover set to start from 30/09/2013 I havent received a confirmation yet, could you confirm that my vehicle is now insured. Thank you Reply: Dear Mr H*s*a*n, Thank you for your recent enquiry. We would like to advise that due to security reasons we are unable to send policy documents via email; however we can confirm these were issued to your home address after you accepted your policy. All documents are issued by first class post but can take between 3-5 working days to arrive, although receipt within 2 or 3 days is more usual. Should you require any further assistance, please contact us on 0845 603 7874 or via email. We are available Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 5pm and Sunday 10am to 2pm. Yours sincerely --- No mention was given in your reply of an incorrect email on record; this in my view is a catastrophic failure in customer service which in-turn could result in terrible conations for the insured, luckily I’m commuter into central London, Victoria (TFL transcripts available); from my research the internet is littered with 200+cases to this effect e.g. (Search term: “E-SURE cancelled my insurance without notice”) GoCompare.com appears to be highly un-intuitive and its usage appears to result in a failure to update personal details which could subsequently lead to incorrect details being passed to your web-service, ESURE and GoCompare.com have a duty of care to their customers and a lack in process workflow must be substituted with an enhanced form of customer service in order to facilitate corrective measures. I received one letter from E-SURE dated, 15th October 2013 “Urgent we still need proof of your no claims discount” but didn’t receive any further correspondence from you, including emails; neither did I receive the welcome pack. I do not want to contact the financial ombudsman as this will automatically cost you £400; please could you re-instate my previous insurance and refund my newer insurance, or discount the current insurance. I believe the cancellation is unfair and a violation of my consumer rights. I didn’t receive the required seven day warning, or any other forms of warning apart from the first reminder. I believe in light of my previous email, contact should have been made; my wife also reminded me that I actually called you to discuss the status of my pending welcome pack and change of email; please may I also have all call transcripts. Could someone here advise me of my options. Thank you
  18. Dear forum members, I wanted to share my experience with Talk Talk and also would appreciate an advice. At the end of August 2013 I subscribed, as a new customer, to a phone + broadband package with Talk Talk. The price was interesting and they seemed to be the only ones providing a broadband service for our new house. The phone line was activated but the broadband never worked. After several weeks of speaking to the customer service (a total of several hours over chat, phone and email) I preferred to cancel the subscription as per T&Cs. This lack of service was costing us money as we work from home. When the package was finally cancelled (after almost 1 hour over the phone) they confirmed that: - the line would be officially disconnected on 09 October 2013; - they would refund the Value Line Rental (rental paid for 1 year in advance) which is a bit more than 100 GBP. We are on 19 December and they haven't refunded yet. I have contacted them quite several times and the only response I have is that indeed they should refund but they haven't done it. It seems that they were more interested in their cash flow than in the customer experience... Today I have replied to them and let them know that it was the last time I would log a complaint to their customer service; I have requested a positive response including confirmation of refund processed and date of transaction, within the next 24 hours, after that I would move to further action. Do you think I should still send a 'letter before action', or can I open a small claim now (as I have complained so many times and have written responses). Thanks in advance.
  19. Hi all, I cancelled a cpa i had with minicredit with my bank but today they rinsed my account. I phoned my bank and asked for a charge back they refused saying it was not a cpa payment it was a one off payment taken 3 times and because they changed the amount and the date when they took it , it could not be stopped. Ive put a visa dispute in and a complaint is there anything else i can do at this time. thanks mame.
  20. Hi there, Hope someone helps... I had 2 credit card (Virgin & MBNA) accounts since 2005. I was regularly making the payments until June 2011. I missed some payments since then & later the accounts were on defaulted, because i lost by job. i have explained the situation to my lenders but they did not want to accept any token payments and sold my accounts to Bryan & Carter in Jan 2012. B & C started chasing me for full payments. Explained them the situation and told them that im self employed and can do only token payments for now as i have to take care of my family as well, but they dont agree either and letters started coming in... (I haven't seen anybody so RUDE !!) After few months in July 2012 i received 2 CCJ's from Arrow and Global. As per court order I have agreed to pay £50 on each of the accounts and it was direct debit. After 12 payments until July 2013 they have cancelled the direct debits by themselves and passed the accounts to Wescot. This happened when i realised that i had payment protection cover on both the accounts and filed a case with MBNA in June 2013 and later it went to FOS in Aug 2013. Since last month i started getting calls & letters from Wescot about the full payments. Spoke to the lady and told her what has happened. She said that she is not aware of any payments made to Arrow Global and she is calling on behalf of Arrow Global itself as Wescot is acting on behalf of Arrow Global !! i spoke to someone in Arrow Global, he said that my file is with Wescot and i have to speak to them only and they can't help and futher. Now my point is.. 1. why did Arrow Global cancel the direct debits and passed my file to Wescot. 2. Will i be in a trouble again as the CCJ's were issued and that i was paying them and now that they (Arrow Global) have cancelled the DD and transfered my file to Wescot who are not receiving any payments at the moment. 3. Should i continue to make payments to wescot ? 4. Is there any other way to go for legal on these DCA's as they are harassing me with calls and letters and with all those transfers between companies.... Please advice. Thanks
  21. I have an issue with Vodafone. I have a business account and at times had up to 20 different numbers with them. Over time this has been reduced and we sent emails to our account manager to cancel contracts and these were acknowledged and agreed. Like many people, we were pushed into going onto electronic invoices some time ago and they don't even send an email with the statements, you need to login and view them. And the system is cumbersome to use. We were doing a review in the last few days of the current numbers on the account due to a fraud on one number and in looking at bills (we had to request for Vodafone to send these to us), noticed several numbers that we had requested to be cancelled were still active. The first was agreed to be cancelled in September 2011 and we had an email from the Vodafone account manager acknowledging this was to be cancelled. It was not! They have continued charging £15 plus VAT a month for over 2 years. The second was to be cancelled in April 2012 and again, was acknowledged by the Vodafone account manager . They continued charging £35 plus VAT per month for the last 18 months. I spent a lot of time in the last few days going through old emails and communications to prove that we had cancelled the numbers and presented these to our account manager. Today she wrote back to say "I have looked at the emails you have sent over and spoken at length to our customer relations team, as a result we will offer a goodwill credit of £90 + VAT. Which is the equivalent to 6 months line rental, the reason for this amount is you also have a responsibility to check your invoices each month. I have requested the credit and it will be applied to your account in the next 2 working days." The same on the second number "The same as above with the credit being £210+VAT." Extraordinary. It is absolutely black and white that they agreed to cancel the numbers and did not. Yet they are attempting to turn this around onto us and say you should check your bills. Outrageous! We have been spending on average £1500 a month or more for many years and this is how loyalty is rewarded. Incredible. Also, it is not like we have had a lot for our money. We rarely if ever used our hardware fund etc. I am outraged at how we are being treated. Vodafone just don't give a damn and I read similar stories on here and other places so this is not an isolated incident. I don't know what we can do but I will be making all efforts to publicise how Vodafone have treated us. And of course looking to move all our business as Vodafone don't deserve it. RGW
  22. Hello everyone Thank you in advance for any information you can possibly provide uswith in our time of terrible stress and worry. The 'scenario' and subsequent journey of events and processes we have takensince. On 5th of September 2013 my wife was driving our family car with our 2children out of town in the early evening and was stopped by a marked policecar (I believe a traffic car). The officer informed my wife that they hadstopped her due to their computer registering the car as uninsured, this wasobviously at the time a complete shock, and of great concern and worry shewas apparently uninsured. She explained that we had 'taken out insurance' on the 9th of May2013 with esure (via the internet search engine Moneysupermarket). Theofficer immediately asked my wife how she/we had paid for the insurance(obviously thinking we had paid one installment then cancelled the policy andcontinued to drive, guilty until proven guilty!!!) my wife informed him we hadpaid for the insurance in one single upfront payment, and asked himto please check again. He did return to his car begrudgingly andfor a good 10 minutes we can only assume spoke to the insurance company. He finally came back and said the insurance policy had been cancelled andtherefore the car and thus my wife driving were no longer insured and so thecar would, (and was) immediately seized leaving my wife and 2 childrenaged 7 and 4 by the side of the road (to add to the situation it was my son’sbirthday and they were coming back from a cinema treat, both were in floods oftears and very traumatized by the whole incident) They would not take my wifeand children home but did stay with them until a neighbor could collect them. Due to the lateness everyone finally returned home we couldn't do anythingthat evening regarding contacting insurance companies etc, so the following hashappened from the 6th September. Due to the way esure work everything seems to be done via the internet/emailso the very first thing we have done is check all correspondence we have hadfrom them in this way. We have received ONE and only one email Dated The first two paragraphs read Thank you for choosing esure brokerfor your car insurance policy. Your cover will start from: 00:00 on 09/05/2013and your reference number is 6847 - ******-**** How much is my premium? £***.** has been taken from your creditcard ending ***** Thank you It then continues You just need to wait half an hour sowe can create your documents, including your Certificate of motor insurance,policy schedule, policy wording and key facts. Reassuring we had hoped? We have used their ‘online account viewer’ to see what documents we couldprint/download in our defense, and very worryingly they have denied access andremoved the certificate of motor insurance? We then contacted them by phone and had the following (condensed for yourreading) phone conversation Has our car insurance been cancelled? Yes Could you tell us why? No Why not? I’m not obliged to tell you Why did we not get any warning this was going to happen? We did warn you via your postaladdress We didn’t receive anything in the post where did you send it? Answer the wrong address, they hadsomehow (and they say through moneysupermarkets information) sent it to our oldaddress which we have not lived at for over 2 years!!. Why did you not contact us through any other means ie email? or phone? Nothing, they then very oddly unpromptedoffered a full refund and basically didn’t want anything else to do with us andwere very very rude and aggressive towards us. Theystill have our full initial one off payment, I don’t want it but I do want to stillbe insured!! Everythingto do with the car I.e. V5 registration, tax and my wife’s driving license, allstate our new address. The car has been insured at our new address previously.What is very strange is the police officer told my wife she does have a golf insured, my wifecorrected him and said we did butthat was over 3 years ago?? We arenow without a car, my wife especially is facing a very worrying and verystressful time with police and court processes to deal with, we have aninsurance company that don’t want to talk to us and the prospect of points onher license and financial penalties now and when we try to reinsure a new car. Aboveall this it has really affected our 2 children as they witnessed were involvedin the whole procedure What dowe do now? A step by step process and any information would obviously be sowelcomed we both cannot thank you in advance for your help and support Cambridgeblue- Family
  23. Hope someone can point me in the right direction, as I have just got off the phone with Bt and they are as much help as a chocolate teapot Basically my grandads getting on hes 85, about a month ago whilst vistin him I noticed a Bt letter on the table. Well that was odd because his landline was cancelled when my nan passed. Anyway when questioned he said they sent him a bill for £16 so he just paid it, they have since sent him another bill for £23 and then got sent a dept collectors letter. They have said its for equipment rental (he used to rent the phone), he sent it back 6 years ago and they want a reference number to prove it was sent !!! They also said it was his final bill What can i do about this?? what if they send more bills? He will just pay them I know my grandad and he does everything to the letter so I know hes returned it, but even if for arguments sake he hadnt why no contact until 6 years later ??? Can anyone help please? xx EDIT: Just spoke to someone else who said he still owed £18.90 I have got them to take this off and they assure me he wont be getting any more bills. Is there anyway to get back what he has paid in the last 12 months?
  24. I cancelled a direct debit with Quick quid on a loan due with them.I simply cannot afford to pay it back but will do so once an affordable repayment plan is in place. My worry is can they still access my bank account any withdraw funds even though the direct debit is now cancelled and they don't have my debit card number?? Any advice please would be very helpful.
  25. I have a Halifax One Credit card, the balance of which has been around £2400 for a year now, with me paying around £40 regularly, but not paying off any debt. I missed the payment by a week last time for the first time, but paid the amount, £38 a week late. now I have incurred a £12 late payment charge in addition to my monthly interest. This is the first such charge on my account. If people believe these charges are illegal, can I simply pay my next payment without the £12 charge and let the bank know I dispute the charge? Or should I pay it anyway and then argue about it? I have had this credit card since about 2010, and although I sent off CCA request today, I think it is likely the bank has all the documentation in order for a card that is relatively recent. If I stop servicing this old debt, how high can the bank take the balance? Eg the £2400 already includes mainly intereset, and if I don't pay can they add interest until its £10K and more, or do they have to move it to a DCA and stop increasing the balance at some point?
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