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  1. I had something with Amazon where I hadn't realised they had been charging for Amazon Prime from 2004 to 2012 at $71 a year. I knew I had amazon uk but the other one is from when I had an American Boyfriend. I looked and the card they charged was expired in 2007, but they INSIST that is the card that is charged and used every time. For nearly ten years and thats what they refunded to. It hasn't shown up in my account, my mum's account or anything. They refunded only one year
  2. I have had a serious problem with Amazon that could affect your Amazon account also. First some background, I have had an Amazon account for well over ten years. No problems with the account. I have also posted reviews at Amazon for years also with no problems. A short while ago at a book group we discussed three books by the self published author Anthony Peake. The books are awful and laughably bad. I posted 1 star reviews for the books on Amazon. There are other 1 star reviews for his books and posters of those reviews also get harassed by Anthony Peake’s press Agent Susan Marie Kovalinvsky (posting under the username of B. Decicco, she uses another account so people don’t make the association between her account and Anthony Peake her client) and they get harassed by other ‘friends’ of Anthony Peake’s from his Facebook account. Susan Marie Kovalinvsky and Anthony Peake also arrange their Facebook friends to post repeated fake 5 star reviews for his books to falsely raise his star average at Amazon. They deliberately harass low star reviews. It should also be noted that Anthony Peake reacted on Facebook to my review by saying he was angry at me for ‘lowering his star rating’ at Amazon and that he threatened he was going to do something about it. After I posted my reviews Anthony Peake immediately started a cyber stalking/cyber bullying campaign against me. He requested on his Facebook page that his Facebook ‘friends’ all go over to Amazon and QUOTE “sort them out” by making false ‘report abuse’ clicks on all my reviews and comments (they actually admit they went through all reviews I had posted, even from years ago!) and at the same time Amazon allowed Anthony Peake’s press agent Susan Marie Kovalinsky aka B. Decicco to repeatedly harass me using the comments system at Amazon where she posted false accusations and insults. When I complained to Amazon they deleted some of her posts but would not stop her posting more harassment. This continued for weeks. Meanwhile Susan Marie Kovalinsky of Metro Media Publishing, as press agent for her client Anthony Peake, continued to post on Facebook and Anthony Peake’s forum boasting what she could get away with and that she knew an Amazon employee who is QUOTE “on his [Anthony Peake’s] side”. They stated that they wanted to get rid of my Amazon account because they did not like my review of his books. Now Amazon have sent me an email from a woman named Angela Keane who says she has closed my account due to abuse (even though there has not been any abuse of the account and it is all due to cyber stalking and harassment by Anthony Peake, Susan Marie Kovalinsky and their Facebook bullying campaign against me) and even though I have not had any problems with my account for over ten years they refuse to even reply to any emails about closing my account. Susan Marie Kovalinsky uses another person’s account to post 5 star reviews for her client Anthony Peake and despite her using the account of someone else’s name Amazon has given a ‘real name’ validation for her account despite them knowing it is not her real name. It should not be listed as a real name account as the account is B. Decicco and her name is Susan Marie Kovalinsky. But when you find out, as I have, that Susan Marie Kovalinsky knows an Amazon employee that she boasts is on her side and will do what she wants you can see why she gets her own false name account made into a ‘real name’ account despite the fact that it isn’t. All of this means that regardless of who you are, no matter how long you have had a Amazon account without any problems, all it takes is a coordinated Facebook cyber bullying/cyber stalking harassment campaign against you where people agree with each other to multiple click the ‘report abuse’ button for no reason on your reviews and comments and you get your Amazon account closed without any reply. This basically means that a Facebook campaign or other online bullying/stalking would lose you your Amazon account as Amazon take no notice of the customer and refuse to reply to any emails once your account is closed. A footnote to this is that even though they have closed my Amazon account I’ll still be able to get items that I want through Amazon from accounts of my friends who are more than happy to order items for me. Also, I have discussed this with my book group and they are appalled at how Anthony Peake, Susan Marie Kovalinsky and Amazon have reacted to my genuine 1 star book reviews. They have decided that they will now also post their reviews as we were all in previous agreement that his books are rubbish. I am also seeking legal action against Anthony Peake under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997.
  3. On the 13th of October I ordered a watch from Amazon. They were running a promotion on their 'luxury' watches and the discount was such that I finally caved and placed my order despite delivery being listed as 'Usually dispatched within 2 to 5 weeks.' I'd been monitoring the watch for a while and it had been 2 to 5 weeks for as long as I can remember. 5 weeks was approaching and there was no sign of my watch, but I had every confidence in Amazon fulfilling my order. A few days ago the 'availability guide' changed to 'Temporarily Out of Stock'. It was at this point I thought, I know where this is going. It's only a matter of time... Anyway, it happened. Yesterday morning I got the email cancelling my order and inviting me to purchase from other suppliers (at significantly higher prices) and the 'availability guide' has changed to 'Sign up to be notified when this item becomes available'. I think Amazon had no intention of providing the watch at the advertised (sale) price. They probably had no stock, but still took orders knowing that when it does finally come back in stock they can sell it at the usual, higher price. They were just using the promo to increase traffic, with no intention of fulfilling orders. The bottom line is I feel Amazon should provide the goods at the agreed sale price and I'm willing to wait for them to get hold of it. Is this reasonable? Is there anything I can do to facilitate this outcome? Or should I just forget about it? I'm really annoyed and feel like I've been robbed. I think my browser is fubar. Is the formatting in my post working? I'll have to check it at home and correct if necessary. Sorry.
  4. The UK has the safest mains plugs and sockets in the world, however there are many illegal and dangerous counterfeit plugs being sold. Counterfeit plugs are often distinguished by having partially sleeved earth pins in clear contravention of BS 1363, that means that they cannot be legally sold (The Plugs & Sockets etc. (Safety) Regulations (1994)). Despite that they are freely available from (amongst others) many ebay sellers, and even Amazon! Some of the counterfeits also have counterfeit fuses fitted, others have no fuses whatsoever! (To see what a counterfeit fuse can do, watch the video on the website at www dot bs1363.org.uk - this has lots more information and includes samples of ebay and Amazon sales listings. One unexpected aspect of this despicable trade is that ebay have shown far greater responsibility than Amazon. ebay have so far removed over 60 listings of power leads since a trading standards officer first raised it with them one month ago, but Amazon simply say they are "investigating" whilst continuing to ignore the law and carry on selling these potentially lethal items!
  5. Yesterday I ordered a discounted perfume on the Amazon market place. But within the next couple of hours the order has been cancelled. The reason? "Wrongly price Item" What a Joke they wanted to attract customers to their shop but when the customer dont order any item other than they discounted for. The result ... " Our sincere apologies Bar Code Error" what a load of rubbish. If anyone buying off Amazon check who is the seller if its "OneClickPharmacy"be aware it could be wrongly priced and once you order they will cancel the order and disappoint you. So tell your family and friends. (Note: You might get a email from the seller offering some £2 free delivery)
  6. I'm in a situation with Amazon whereby they (or the seller) won't give me the sellers geographical address (as required by the DSR), I'm sure this constitutes an unfair contract term, however it's got me thinking about Amazon's position on Marketplace. Amazon may claim that it is only an agent, but I think that is pretty weak, the usual situation between an agent and their client is that an agent takes a cut after the contract has been performed. In Amazon's situation, the consumer has no choice but to pay them (in the same way as if you are buying directly from them). Does this constitute a sale of future goods as per the sale of goods act? In which case "a contract of sale the seller purports to effect a present sale of future goods, the contract operates as an agreement to sell the goods" which makes Amazon liable for the conclusion of the contract I'd love to hear your views on the subject and I'd like to see Amazon taking marketplace seriously
  7. 18 months ago I bought an electronic pen. "What's one of those?" you may ask. It's just a pen that records what you write and plugs into a computer. It's cute. It was £149.99 from Amazon UK. I didn't use it much (less than 20 A4 pages) and when I came to use it a couple of days ago the on/off button had failed, making the device largely useless. I contacted Amazon and explained that the Sale of Goods Act section 14(2B) meant they must repair, replace or refund my device as I think 20 A4 pages of writing and 18 months for a £150 device is not "satisfactory quality", particularly on the grounds of "durability". As I spend a *lot* of money with them, I expected a quick response saying "We'll swap it out for you, no worries.", if only because the device is only £99 now, but instead I've spent most of today being point blank refused by one of their "Executive Customer Relations" operatives. She refused to answer any of my questions and instead repeated falsehoods from the SoGA. I'm really confused by this behaviour. The discussion culminated in this person inviting me to shop elsewhere! (I spent £600 at Amazon in the last 30 days) I was also told that this person was not willing to continue the conversation, so I now must communicate with them via paper mail! Has anyone else experienced this kind of bad stuff from Amazon UK? I'm going to continue to pursue it, as I don't see what possible leg they have to stand on, but I asked a friend of mine who had a similar problem and was sent a mailing label immediately after he quoted the Sale of Goods Act. What gives? Are they normally this inconsistent?
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