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  1. Hi all, I have agreed to buy a vehicle from an independent dealer. The only thing is, due to logistics and other commitments, I cannot collect it for 3 weeks. The dealer is happy with that but has asked me to pay a holding deposit of £1000, which to be honest I think is fair enough. My question is this, what is the safest way to pay him that £1000 deposit? I don't suppose for one second he 'will' go bust in the interim, but is there any method of payment where I am covered to claim it back if he does? Thanks in advance, EB.
  2. Hi all I have posted a previous post about an issue I had at work. Due to a medical problem I have at the moment I have been told that my duties now need to people to do. Which is great for me in the respect of my injury. The problem I have now is the company are putting me with the person who has verbally attacked me as in my last post. This man has also had the pleasure of calling me to tell me that I was not to work on my own. Which I knew nothing of the management decision until I got the call from this person. I have been told if I do not work with the man that attacked me on the phone then I will be in a disciplinary hearing. Again this is a threat the company constantly say to me to shut me up. The company know that I am stressed at the moment they have a doctor,s note to say that I am. Yet still putting me in this position. If I was to ask the manager why he did not let me know I know that he will just push it under the carpet I never get a straight answer from him. I am really annoyed that this has happened this way and that because I am the only female in the team. I have been told because we are short staffed I have to work with him. I know no one can really help me here I suppose I am just having a bloody rant. thanks for listening to my rant Take care all
  3. I bought a used 53 reg Galaxy 1.9TDi Ghia September last year for £3600, good service history. But the problems started the day after. The windscreen wipers had locked up and wouldn't move, made no difference on wiper speed, they just slowly went up and then stuck in the up position. So I took it back and he got it sorted (now bearing in mind at this point, it had had an MOT a few days earlier - surely it should have failed on that?!). I had pointed out BEFORE I bought the car that the Air Con didn't work (display was flashing), reversing sensors didn't work and also the factory fit DVD system was dead (I knew this and have replaced at my own cost). He agreed that these needed sorting. After 2 months and excuse after excuse (and trying to make his own financial problems my problems!) I googled and found that any problem that arises within 6 months is deemed to have been there when we bought it. I prepared a letter with a list of problems - here is that letter: Now from that list - these have been sorted: Boot Lock replaced/repaired Parking Sensors partially working (front and not rear - but plans to fix) Air Con - fitted new air pressure sensor, but Air Con still not working (I suspect faulty/leaking compressor) Now the Inner CV Boot (which would fail the MOT), when it was serviced I was informed there was a split in that particular CV Boot, which I raised with the dealer. He said it would be replaced, which had been done, according to him. A few days ago I had to have new brake pads and discs(!) and I asked this garage (who I know and trust) to check the CV Boot -- it hadn't been replaced at all! So I call the dealer and tell him it hasn't been replaced, then comes up with some excuses as to "he can't remember the garage" etc, basically NOT admitting that it had not been done. I asked the garage who fitted my brakes (who also MOT's) and this would be a failure. There are also issues with the gearbox (or at least issues show on a VCDS report) which he says "they just say that" and not offered to look at them. But surely if it shows on a print out that means there is some form of issue? Do I have any legal right to get that repaired? I do suspect that the garage that MOT'd originally passed it when it wasn't fit ... windscreen wipers, CV Boot. But I have no proof. My question is now : where do I stand towards issues outstanding - gearbox problems. It's an auto gearbox and replacement would be virtually more than the car is worth. After paying a premium price for a car with this many issues (albeit some not function-required) I would have expected a better condition car. What do I do about the shown gearbox issues? What if he turns around and says that the Air Compressor has gone and too expensive for him to replace, ie refuses. It was sold with Air Con (again, sadly I have no proof). Any other advice would be gratefully received! Many thanks.
  4. I bought a used Ford Galaxy from a dealer in Chigwell as a part exchange and while driving the car back home I discovered that the heating in the car doesn't work. I also discovered 2 days later that the engine overheats and that I couldn't lock the car and also it kept loosing power as if the turbo function was switched on and off. I took it to the mechanic who suggested that the water pump and possibly thermostat may need replacing and the remote locking and immobiliser is further work. So I rang the dealer and complained that I have these issues who initially tried to put me off but I called too many times and he eventually said we will fix it for you. So I drove the car all the way back to the dealer who then sent me to another place for fixing it. I spend the whole of that day (taking day off work) but the guys couldn't fix the heater and advised me to leave the car and they gave me my car back which I had part-exchanged with them to drive away until the new car is fixed. Its been nearly 3 weeks and I have ranged god knows how many times and the car is still not fixed. I asked for a refund but they refused to say that they are repairing the car for me. Where do I stand legally with this and what should I do. I am really stressed... many thanks for any help/advice.
  5. on 19/12 i bought a car from a trader operating from his house, it had a full 12 month MOT with no advisories, and looked in generally tidy condition. On driving the car back from Blackburn, i noticed that the front nearside had a slight rattle and on looking at prior MOT's the N/s anti roll bar was an advisory, I emailed a local garage on 21/12 and booked it in for 23/12 On the 23/12 the car went in to be checked and soon after I got a call stating that the car had a whole host of issues and there was no way it should have passed an MOT on 16/12. I called the trader, (who incidentally lists cars as both a trader and private seller on autotrader) who contacted the garage at my end and spoke to them. The trader then said he wanted to have the original MOT station look the car over, to ensure the issues weren't made up. I also contacted the original test station to enquire as to whether they knew the MOT was shoddy. The test station and trader requested I take the car to them, which I did on 24/12 after calling the test station in the morning I drove to Blackburn (from Blackpool) and was expecting the tester to be there, somewhat unsurprisingly he didn't show up for work... I contacted the seller to tell him that I had bought the car back and the MOT tester hadn't shown, and he told me he was not prepared to come look at the car, and would not offer a refund. I have reported the MOT to VOSA as I was advised to by my garage (they refused to carry out any work on the car) I have reported the seller to Police as I have been advised the car is not roadworthy. I have contacted Citizens advice who will refer to Trading standards. I have sent a letter special delivery, stating I am rejecting the car on the back of the issues my garage found, a nd intend to send another once VOSA have confirmed the MOT should not have passed. I'm just wondering if there are any other steps I need to take. Thanks
  6. Hi guys, just looking for some SOGA advice. I've been swatting up on this for a while now as the issue has been dragged out massively now! In April '13 I bought a 2.0T Audi A5 from a 'luxury car specialist' it seemed pretty obvious, pretty quickly that she was going through oil pretty quick. I looked it up and found that the 2.0T engines do use some oil, so I just faced facts and kept going. The consumption got 1L per 600 miles! I put the car into Audi to see if there was anything they could do. They conducted an oil consumption test, which the car failed, and threw an estimate of £5.5k at me for replacement pistons & conrods, but under goodwill discounted it to £1750. I contacted Audi UK who told me the discount was as much as they could do, and it was them who advised me to pursue the dealer I purchased it from. I contacted the dealer (Via recorded delivery etc) and outlined my issues, and sent a copy to the finance company. The dealer put it to their warranty company who quickly dismissed it as the car hadn't mechanically failed. The dealer contacted the finance company and told them the news. The finance company contacted me and asked me to gather up as much evidence as I could proving the issues existed. After doing alot of research, I discovered all/nearly all of my SOGA rights. A bit of too'ing and fro'ing went on between me and the finance company and they have now come back with an official no, as i their 'opinion' it is fair wear and tear as I've covered almost 9000 miles since I bought it (7k when I officially begun investigation). I came back at them with my SOGA fact, like reverse burden of proof & presumed inherent fault as I'd brought the issues up 4 months after I'd bought the car. I've now sent them a final notice before court action stating that the 2 remedies for the solution are (1) Pay the £1750 for the repairs. (2) Discount the original sale price of the car by circa £5.5k to reflect the true condition of the car when I bought it. The issue has been going on for almost 2 months now, hence me sending a final notice before court, as they still are in denial that the issue exists. They have offered me £250 as a gesture of goodwill to help with diagnostic costs...which I quickly declined. What I'm wondering is, am I within my rights to get the car repaired and then claim the costs back in SCC? Or do I have to go to court before hand and see what the outcome is. Also is it the finance company who are responsible? My research tells me yes, and they have taken the lead roll in the case. But I want to make sure everything is perfectly in order before I issue court proceedings. Thanks very much for anything you can point out in advance. I can see this forum becoming very useful
  7. Hi all, I bought a used Ford Ghia in 17 Sep'13 for £1000. At the time of sale there was a squeaking sound in the car when you drive or brake which dealer said it will go in time as it is because the car was in standing position from some time. thought its ok and bought the car and payed the amount by direct debit. Later that week I noticed there is a rubber/ plastic burning smell in and outside the car when you drive. I informed the dealer about it and he said it will also go in some time. I used that car for 2 weeks but still the squeaking sound and the smell didn't stopp but got worse I called the dealer again and asked him to check and he asked me to bring the car to his garage and asked to call him before coming. after that weekend I tried his ph. no. few times but he never answered on 19/10/13( Saturday) I took the car to dealer directly and asked him to see for himself he asked me to tell the problem to his garage people so they can look the car which I did and left the car and keys with the dealer. When I am coming out of his premises I seen him taking out the car on road at speed, at that time I thought he might be checking for the problem so ignored it. later that day in evening I got call from him saying that there is a problem with brake disk ( its damaged) which he can't fix and I have to do it myself but he can repair the smell problem which I explained him as it was there at the time of sale and you know that so you have to repair which he refused I asked him to do not do any repair as I want to proceed legally and I'll collect the car next day (Sunday) as we agreed when I given him the car for repair previous day and he excepted. Next day when I arrived at his shop at the time we agreed there was no one there and the office was locked, t hen I tried his mobile but the never answered. As I had work that day so I left for my office and while I was driving out I seen my car standing outside on a private parking outside dealers premises. When later evening I tried his mobile one lady answered the phone and she said he is out of town when I can hear the dealer dictating her what to say she said the car is with the garage and can collect from them. I told her I never given that car to garage but to you and |I asked him not to do any repair. I informed her that I will be coming to their shop to collect my car next day which she agreed. Monday evening when I called the dealer in evening to collect the car he again started talking dodgy asked me to collect the car from garage which I refused and he disconnected the phone, I informed police and got log reference from them. Later that night after dropping my wife to work for her night shift I decided to check where my car is parked at that time so when I got to his place my car was still standing in private car park s I decided to take few pictures of it for future reference. While I was taking pics I noticed there is a big dent in front passenger side door and scratches on the mirror frame as well which was shocking for me. Immediately after getting home I informed to police and updated my log reference. Now he refuses and says he didn't caused the damage and the car is still with him till now.:mad2::mad2: Guys can you please advice me what to do next as it really difficult for me to survive without two cars as we got a 20 month old baby and it is really uncomfortable in this weather t o take him with me when I go to drop my wife for night shifts and pick her up early morning and then go for my work everyday. Please advice me.:-):-)
  8. ... http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/subprime-lender-swift-group-used-loophole-to-avoid-paying-74m-in-tax-8907683.html[url=http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/subprime-lender-swift-group-used-loophole-to-avoid-paying-74m-in-tax-8907683.html?origin=internalSearch][/url]
  9. Hi, First of all apologies for the long post but I want to put out all the details so I can get accurate advice. I'm in a desperate situation and was hoping for some advice and guidance. Back in April I was caught using my Dad's freedom pass at Oxford Circus Station. My dad travels in and out of the country and leaves his pass at my house when he's not around. One day I picked up his pass accidentally and used it to travel to work. Completely unaware I used it for the next 4-5 days but after that began to wonder how I haven't had to top up my Oyster card. I took it out of my wallet and realised it was my dad's freedom pass. I was then tempted to use it for 3 weeks and I made 23 journeys in total with it until I got caught. I feel embarrassed and sorry about my actions but my situation was quite desperate at the time. I was really struggling with my finances as me and my wife had an unplanned baby at the begining go the year and she being less than 6 months into her job was not entitled to maternity pay. Out household income dropped by over 60% and I was really struggling to keep up with my mortgage payments and bills, defaulting on most of them. I was really stressed out over my house being repossessed and all this stress clouded my judgement and I made this stupid mistake. back to me being caught. When the inspector caught me he began asking me for my details and I panicked so I gave him a false address. As he was going to check up on my address, I realised my mistake and confessed and gave him all my details. I explained to him my situation and why I did what I did. He confiscated the pass, told me I would hear from the TFL and let me go. Around July I received a letter asking me to come in for an interview. I thought if I go up to TFL and admit my guilt and confess that would encourage my chances of an out of court settlement. in hindsight I should have consulted a solicitor (not that I could afford one) I went there admitted everything in the interview and was told that I should write a letter to the prosecutions department to explain my circumstances and I had a good chance of an out of court settlement as I have been honest and admitted my guilt. I wrote 2 letters to them but heard nothing from them till I got a summons from them on 17 Oct for a court hearing on the 30th Oct (next wed). I called them up to plead my case but they are having none of it. I am really nervous now. I have no criminal record and have never done anything illegal in my life. I'm otherwise an honest hard working IT professional who just made a really stupid mistake for which I'm really sorry. Since the incident I've worked hard, got a promotion and have managed to improve my financial situation for me and my family. If I get a criminal record, I will lose my job (I have confirmed this with HR) and would not be be able to find another job in IT. Obviously that would have a huge impact on mine, my wife and my baby's livelihood. I have a 9 month old son and the court verdict and it's impact on our future is causing me sleepless nights and having an impact on my health. I have been having severe neuralgic type headaches for which I have visited the doctors and obtained medication. I have pled guilty in the summons forms and sent it back to the magistrates court along with the following documentation: Detailed apology letter explaining my circumstances Letter from my wife's employer verifying she wasn't entitled to maternity pay Letter I sent TFL requesting an out of court settlement 3 character references Letter from HR saying that if I get a criminal record, they would seriously consider terminating my employment Doctors note confirming my neuralgic headaches Doctors prescription I will be going personally to the court to plead guilty without a solicitor. Can someone please advise me what else I can do and the possible verdicts? Am I looking at a prison term, criminal record and fine? Thanks very much in advance for your response.
  10. Hi I purchased a car in august, after 3 days faults were apparent, i contacted the dealer advised him of these and he took the vehicle back for repair returning it 5 days later. On the way back one of the car faults were apparent again. I contacted him and agreed that i could take it to a garage more local (as he is 52 miles away). I told him that i wasn't happy with the car being faulty after he had just had it to do the repairs and asked for a refund under the sale of goods act. He told me they didn't do refunds. I wrote a letter that day rejecting the vehicle under the sale of goods act. I never got a reply back. The car went ot a local garage to have that particular fault repaired. When i got the vehicle back, the other faults with the car that had been wit the car were back again, so I contacted the dealer again, who refused ( very rudely ) to have another more to do with the car. I contacted citizens advice who advised me to reject the vehicle again in writing, which i did. he came back to me calling me a liar but offering to take the vehicle back for a repair or refund after he'd had the vehicle inspected. Due to one of the faults on the car I took it to an independent garage for a diagnosis, It came back that the original faults were still there and also what i thought was the power steering fluid leak cause a noise turned out to be a faulty driveshaft, it is excessively worn and has been deemed dangerous to drive by the independent garage. I wrote to the dealer again with a copy of the report and asked him to make arrangements to collect the vehicle as it is unsafe to drive and i am not prepared to put my life or anyone's else's life at risk driving it the 52 miles back to him. He has now come back by letter received today saying it is my responsibility to get the vehicle back to him and if i don't his offer of a refund will be withdrawn !! he is also claiming that he has spoken to an MOT station who has advised him that the car is fit to drive as it has a valid mot and that the drive shaft would not have been checked on an MOT so the car is therefore still roadworthy !! Also stating that they have a baby and a ill parent an no facilities to come and collect it so i have to get the car back to them!! he is asking me also not to send him any more letters and call him. I don't want to call him as of how rude he was the last time, also I feel intimidated by him. I've sent letters so i have proof of what i have said etc and because i was advised by citizen advice to do so. Trading standards contacted me on friday afternoon have had a copy of the report are now looking into it. I am concerned if i don't get the car back to him that i am never going to get my money back, i am concerned that he'll try and sell the car to someone else in the state that it is in, I am still without a car to use and i need a car as a necessity not a luxury. I hired one for a week but am running out of money now and can not afford to hire one again ( i have been told to claim these expenses back from him as consquencial losses ) Can he force me into returning the car, he is saying it is my responsibility to return it not his to collect ?? It an expense i really can not afford to get it back to him, then i am going to have the added pressures of taking him to court to recover the costs.
  11. Hi, I was wondering if anyone could advise me please. I bought a used car last month, I since found after a fairly short period of time that at speed, the injectors fail and the car cuts out. I signed the order form agreeing to a 28 day warranty on labour only and was bought as a trade sale... the car was only £1995 and 10 yrs old. My question is this, can I push for a full refund, or can I make the garage pay for the full repair? Thanks in advance for your help.
  12. Hi everybody, first of all, thanks for looking into my thread! i bought a car from a dealer located in Edlesborough, and i paid in full 10 days ago. when the car got delivered on last tuesday, i found that there are a few things i wasn't expecting at all. 1. there is a dent in the rear bumper. my guess is that it was caused because of reversing towards a pole or something like a pole. 2. spring of the left hand side of storage cover / roller blind is broken, so when it is applied there is no tension on the left hand side, but looks like too much tension on the right hand side. 3. in the advert they put on autotraders, it said 35000 miles on the clock. but when the vehicle arrived it has got 36118 miles instead. i tried to communicate with the manager called alan, but he has got a really bad attitude regarding this. after he admitted that they didn't check the functionality of the roller blind, i said 'oh my god', then he had to give a 5-minute lecture about how improper he thought for me to say omg. he also said that no dealers will check the roller blind even the bmw main dealership wouldn't do it. before talking to him i have been to mercedes-benz which is just 5 minutes walk from my house. i told a dude working there about the dent about the roller blind. i asked him if they would sell a car with problems like mine without telling the buyer before delivering out. he said they definitely wouldn't advertise it! i haven't driven the car on any street at all yet, and except the only time that i turned the engine on was to get the car parked in my parking bay on delivery day. i coudn't go there and pick it up myself, because it will take me 10 hours on the road and i have a dog living with me. i contacted citizen advice bureau, but there's not much they could do to help. as they advised i have sent a formal email to the dealer and asked for a FULL refund. the manager of the company, alan, replied that it would be my liability for the cost of delivery, collection and ROAD TAX. after calling citizen advise bureau again, i was told that if i want to get those cost back, i have to get a solicitor, and it will be the Judge's call about who should pay for the cost. hence i do need a good solicitor now, and does anyone know how much will it cost me? most importantly, would i win the case??? please advise!!! thank you guys so so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! car details: BMW 09 plate X3 SE Auto, price paid £16400. pictures: roller blind h ttp://i1348.photobucket.com/albums/p722/icanotellu/rollerblindright_zps1126a5cf.jpg h ttp://i1348.photobucket.com/albums/p722/icanotellu/rollerblindleft_zps4d8d152a.jpg dented rear bumper h ttp://i1348.photobucket.com/albums/p722/icanotellu/bumper_zps2687f5b5.jpg mileage h ttp://i1348.photobucket.com/albums/p722/icanotellu/bumper_zps2687f5b5.jpg i don't know if legally i am allowed to reveal the name of the dealer so i can't post the screenshot i have saved of the listing on autotraders.co.uk.
  13. Hi, I purchased a 05 Audi for £7000 on 24th July (and put my Smart car in as part-ex) from a reasonably large used car dealer. I was told before I bought it that the ESP light was lit up on the dash due to the brakes and they would fix this before I took the car, so I arranged to drop off my Smart car and pick up the Audi on the 26th. They rang on Friday 26th and I was told that they couldn't fix the problem until the week after due to ordering a part which hadn't turned up but I could still have the car that day if I wanted, so my partner took my Smart and picked the Audi up. Then on Sunday 30th the engine management warning light came on, which worried me, so we took the Audi straight back to the dealer who said it was nothing to worry about and they would fix it. They did not ring until late Friday 9th August to let me know it was sorted and ready to be picked up, so my partner went over to collect it. As soon as he started to drive it he knew there was something wrong, it had lost all the power and acceleration and shuddered at certain speeds (its a 1.9tdi so was really fast the one day I drove it!), so we took it back that evening and again the manager said they would look at it. By then I was totally fed up and asked for my money back but he said there was no way he was refunding me. So I left it again with them and now (nearly a week later) I still haven't heard from them! It is causing a total inconvenience as the dealer is a 60 mile round trip and me and my partner work full time. Am I within my rights to ask for my money back?
  14. Basically picked up a car saturday afternoon. Used car but I was happy enough with it. £1000. Had a short test drive and it felt good, looked around and on the face of it all very good, no problems, dealer had all the papers and stuff, everything in order. Was an engine light but he told me this was ignition coil which was haggled off the price paid. Paid on debit card and set off out of Birmingham, 20 miles down the m40 lost power and pulled onto the hard shoulder. Car wont start and battery dead etc, turn the key and all the lights went out and clock reset etc. Towed home by RAC, got home at 10pm after standing in the rain for 90s mins. Emailed him last night telling him what happened and asking where to go from here. Basically he said I need to get the car to him and get it checked out which is a lot of effort so I asked if I could get a local mechanic friend to check it which he agreed to. He had a look and after hoping it was the alternator he came back saying it is certainly more serious. Cant remember what he said off the top of my head but we are talking £600+. Let the dealer know this and he now says to bring the car back over so his mechanic can have a look. My personal preference now is that I want my money back, ive put £25 petrol in the tank and i'm hiring a tow truck so i'm out of pocket immediately, id rather put this down to experience. Now the fact that he wants his mechanic to see it gives me the impression that he is thinking of doing the repair. In fairness the dealer has been polite and quick to respond to all emails and contacts, he has several far higher value vehicles and is selling on Autotrader. Where do I stand here legally? Also how should I accept a refund and what should I receive to confirm the refund? I realise I have not used a credit card but ive read somewhere about debit card chargebacks, what is the situation with these? Any advice much appreciated, i'm going at 2 tomorrow afternoon.
  15. My wife from whom I was separated for 39 years though not divorced, gave the address of my daughter and son-in-law when pursued for a debt at her previous address. She had acquired a key to the house and would let herself in and remove her mail when there was nobody home. Eventually a CCJ was issued against her at my daughter's address. She has recently died leaving an insolvent estate. My daughter currently rents the house but they are planning to buy it next year. I'm worried that the CCJ registered against their address, even though not in their names, will affect their chance of a mortgage. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  16. I was caught using my grandfather's freedom pass at waterloo station. This is the letter i got from them. dear holly sprangler an incident took place at waterloo station whereby you were spoken to by a member of london underground staff regarding your train journey and the associated fare. the facts of this incident are now being considered and i must advise you that lega proceedings may be initiated against you regarding this matter in accordance with the london underground prosecution policy. If you have any comments to make regarding this incident please write them on the reverse side of this letter and complete the information panel below, returning the whole letter within 10 days. you do not have to reply to this letter but it may harm your defence if you do mention something which you may later rely on in court. Anything that you do provide in writing may be used in evidence. Failure to respond to this latter may result in the matter being progressed by the london underground prosecutions department without further notification. __ i dont know how to respond to this. how do i write my response to them?
  17. My husband bought a van on Friday from a trade place. Within 5 miles the van broke down, he got the engine started and drove another couple of miles then broke down again. At this point he called the company he bought it from but was told it was 6 o'clock and they were closing for the day he would need to call again in the morning. 4 hours later he got home towed by the RAC. They diagnosed the head gasket had gone. Saturday we drove to the garage in our car thinking a face to face conversation would be better than over the phone. When the manager got there we was told that they weren't going to do anything and that all vehicles are sold as seen, there is a piece of paper on each vehicle that states they are sold as seen and that they do not test the vehicles are road safe. My husband advised them that there was nothing in the van that mentioned this and at no point did the salesman tell him this. However, after he bought the van the salesman asked him to sign for the purchase, sign to say he was part exchanging his van and then sign another piece of paper. He just signed them all without even looking at them but one of the items he signed stated that the vehicle was sold as seen and that it had not been tested by the garage to check if it was roadworthy. Does this now mean that he has no rights at all and we need to repair the van ourselves? The garage have said that the sale of goods act does not apply to their company. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  18. My partner had two loans, one with HSBC the other with beneficial finance and both had PPi's. Both have been paid of in full and monthly payments stuck to. In 2009 my partner lost his job and so claimed on these two policies, however when they were sold to him, he was in full time employment so would have received sick pay and when made redundant could have used his redundancy pay to cover payments but obviously as he had these policies he claimed on them. When he took out the policies he was told it would increase his chances for being accepted for the loan and so I believe they have been mis sold? My question is, can he re claim ? also they were front loaded and interest charged on top so the actual amount he repaid on these loans for the ppi and high interest is tripple what the origional loan was so can he claim back any of the interest? He was also charged odd fees over the years for changing direct debit dates. Any advice appreciated
  19. Hi 12 months ago my wife transferred £14k from her Life Insurance Policy; expected at £8 reduction in benefit but did not hear anything from PC: due to family problems forgot about it until I had a Benefit check last week when I was told by the advisor I was getting £9 per week too much, I phoned PC immediately could not get through so wrote same day explaining (no copy of original letter as hard drive packed up) spoke to someone at PC this monday they had not recieved letter, same day got a Customer Compliance appointment through post for Benefit check, I am taking letter with me, etc can you see any problems
  20. Hello everybody. I am here new, and not sure if that section is OK to post my problem here. In September 2012 I bought a car from reseller. I tell them that it is something wrong with it, like accelerometer or clutch. They said all has been checked (they have on site inspection and servicing). I even take the owner of this business to have a ride. Of course he said that there is nothing wrong with the car. Then I took it to Halfords and Vauxhall. They found some problems but not that one. Now things turn out that it is some loom problem by accelerometer. Vauxhall quote me for that about £350. I want to write a letter to that chap that he sold me car with fault and to cover all my spendings (including taxis). What do you think about it? I dont want to talk to him over the phone, as he is not helpfull. When I went there the other day I did record some conversation, one of his worker shout on me trying to put in my mind that the car is completly fine and I should go to buy new one maybe. I have some papers about car been diagnosed 3 times with poor acceleration from previous owner (full service history).
  21. Hello, I bought an approved used vehicle 11 months ago and while I was driving the water pump failed which in turn caused the cambelt to snap and more or less destroyed the engine. Before getting the keys of the car the dealer did a 100 points check and MOTed the vehicle with no problems found. The car was 5 years old when I got it so it's almost 6 now. Moreover it had only 18K miles when I got it and now has 26K. To whoever I've talked to said that this should not have happened according to the age and mileage of the car. I took it to an official garage to check it and they are telling me that it would cost £3600 to fix the engine or £4000 to replace it. The car was bought for £5000. Do I have a chance to apply the Sale of Goods act of 1979 and ask for a repair of the vehicle? Thanks
  22. Hi all 3 days ago i bought a used car a used car dealer in plymouth ( 1999 BMW with 110K) When I drove the car on a test drive it all seemed fine, so I paid 1500 for her. The ad said "lovely condition" i have a printout of the original add). Upon driving down the dual carriageway I noticed that the temperature gauge dropped down into the blue, indicating a problem with the cooling system. She seems fine in traffic but at motorway speeds or any decent speed and I'm in a high gear the temperature would drop. Its my 4th BMW and I know how their cooling systems operate normally and this was not normal. For that reason I can't risk driving long distance as to drive with a cold engine can cause a lot of damage. Personally I believe this is unfit for purpose and, as the ad said it was in lovely condition, also false advertising. ( I don't believe dealer knew of the fault TBH) What are my rights for a full refund after only owning for a few days? It might be a simple fix but I don't have the time to run around garages or leave it with the dealer for repairs. I need it to work properly or I need it gone, I can't afford to run 2 cars (still have my old one) I know I can reject a car but this seems like a last resort, I was wondering what other people would do in this situation and wanted a refund on a car they found faulty?. Can I refuse a repair offer and remain firm for a full refund? If I had to reject the car how would I go about doing that (do I leave the car at the dealers or at my home) Any help/advice appreciated
  23. Hi All. I bought a 18 month old BMW last May for £21K, the day after I picked it up it was back in for a repair under warranty to a faulty rear brake light. Since then it has been in a further 4 times for various things ranging from ECU resets to a complete replacement soft-top. Its currently in BMW now after being recovered as it wouldn't start at all. My warranty will expire in Nov and as the car has been into the dealer (where I purchased it) for 5 warranty repairs in 12 months I am a little nervous of large bills landing on my doorstep once the warranty has expired. I have spoken with the dealer and requested they provide a 1 year extension to my warranty as I feel that a BMW with 13k on the clock and less than 3 years old, should not be in for repairs 5 times in a 12 month period. They are not overly helpful but are talking it over. What my question to you guys is, would SOGA apply as the car is not fit for purpose or something like that? Any other comments or advice? Many thanks Steve
  24. Hi everybody, we bought a car on Wednesday from a used car dealer, Saturday afternoon it breaks down, spoke to garage yesterday they said" its out of there hands" I have to get the car back to them and there's no courtesy car available and no recovery, what can I say to them we paid 4250 for the car with 3 months warranty. They also knew it was for running an ill family member about. Any help greatly appreciated
  25. Hi all, I have trawled through the web as much as I possibly can regarding used car sales, I have purchased a car and will be collecting on Saturday, the dealer has offered me a warranty with WMS for 12 months at a cost of £150, bargain I thought, until I wadded through pages and pages of negative responses to used car warranties in general, this put me off spending the additional funds, however, I understand that the Sale of Goods act gives me some form of protection up to 6 months with any repair bills through the dealer the car is being purchased from, but I am not able to find the specific paragraph that relates to this, would it be possible for some one to highlight this for me. Also with reference to paying for the car, I am using my old car as a PX and funding the rest with cash (to the total sum of £10,895), however reading some of the protection advice would it be prudent of me to fund about £150 of this on my credit card in case any dispute in the future, and can the dealer refuse, as he was reluctant to process my deposit through my debit card. I want to try to avoid any pitfalls that will expose me to any liability should there be a problem, not that I am expecting any, but just in case I want to be in the best position possible Thanks for any advice / help given
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