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  1. Hi Everyone, I'm need of some serious help please. I had an argos card for 10 years missed the odd payment nothing major always brought it back into line. At the end of 2011 beginning of 2012 I stopped receiving statements I contacted them and told them and please could they resend them so I could make payments, A.S.A.P. I then got a letter from Moorcroft debt recovery I got in such a panic I phoned them and arranged to pay huge substantial amounts of money to get this account paid off once and for all so that it couldn't happen again and I didn't want a default. A couple of months ago I tried to apply for a mortgage and was instantly rejected I have now discovered I have a default of my file which is obviously being a huge impact on my credit report. How can I try and get this removed. Many thanks.
  2. Hello, Last May my partner and I had our joint savings account closed down with santander due to fraudulent activity. I had no idea why this happened until my partner admitted to me that he had cashed a cheque that came through the post and didn't know why it had been sent/who it was from (absolutely stupid of him I know). 6 months later they'd obviously twigged that this was fraudulent and shut the account down. Fair enough. We went to the bank at the time and explained the situation and they said could take months if not years for them to draw a conclusion to their investigation. We have heard nothing further from them since. Our problem now is that he can't open an account with any other bank. Tried with Nationwide and they accepted, sent card out and then immediately sent letter to say they were closing it with notice and no reason given. Obviously it's still Not so much a problem as we still do have existing accounts to use, but we do plan to get a mortgage hopefully in the next couple of years and I'm really worried it will effect that. I've since checked both our credit ratings on Experian (plus partner has checked his on Equifax and Callcredit too) but nothing is showing re. cifas on there. We both just show good/excellent credit ratings. I've recently just made him fill out an SAR directly to cifas to see if anything comes back from that, which I'm assuming it will. I'm aware that my partner was INCREDIBLY stupid in his actions but I really don't want this to haunt us forever. Is there anything we can do? And if not, does anyone know how long it might be before any cifas entry against us is removed? Thanks
  3. Hi All I got an Argos Card through the Home Retail group which I initially received in 2009, I was ill September/October 2011 and missed the payments on both months. My last payment prior to this was 30th Aug 2011 and when I came out of Hospital I contacted Argos to make payment 8th November 2011. The advisor said he could take my payment however any future payments need to be done through Moorcroft debt recovery. He was rude and blunt and said he could be of no further assistance to me. I contacted Moorcoft and arranged direct debit payment schedule to pay off the £500 on my account which I completed paying November 2012. Earlier this year I applied for a mortgage and was rejected, I checked my credit file to see the Argos account in red defaulted but satisfied dated November 2011. This must be the reason I was declined I have never had a default and never miss payments with the exception of when I was ill in hospital. I wrote a letter to Home Retail group including my credit report and also a postal order explaining the question and politely requesting the default be removed as I was unaware it had been issued and made effort to repay my balance as soon as I could. I also asked they supply me with a true CCA if they could not do this to remove the default. 14 days letter they have replied saying they are sorry they have to mark true events in relation to my financial conduct and that is it they have ignored everything else and not supplied the cca or my postal order. Can anybody help to advise me on what I should do/say next? Thanks
  4. Hello Guys, I requested the credit agreement in relation to the credit card debt that I had with capital one and the debt was bought by capquest. Capquest has provided the actual credit agreement. The CCJ was placed in 2008 for £288 but the actual debt is £644. They say that to minimize cost the rest of the debt was not litigated on. They also wrote that they are willing to discuss a payment arrangement. Now how do I persuade them to remove the CCJ if I confirm a repayment?
  5. Hi guys, Firstly i appologise if i'm asking for very basic help, i've never had dealings like this before! To cut a long story short (believe me this is the short version!): I tried on numerous occasions to close my t-mobile account down over the phone and was told it had been closed. A few months later a debt collection letter arrived for circa £250 in unpaid bills. I was very, very annoyed by this since i had thought that the account was closed and hadn't used the account for several months. I contacted T-mobile and they denied that i had closed the account, despite my call and refused to budge on the bill. Since i was a student at the time with a young family to support i had to save for a week or so to scrape the cash together to cough up what was a significant amount of cash at the time. When i had the money together i called the debt collection company which i understood to be a subsidiary of T-mobile and paid the amount and made sure in no uncertain terms that the account was now CLOSED which they confirmed. All good.... Until 2 months later T-mobile send me ANOTHER bill for £89. I was livid and phoned the again to tell them i had cancelled many times and fully paid the account and had it confirmed that it was closed after i paid the last bill. They denied i informed them saying that although they had a recording of their debt collector telling me my account was closed, they didn't have the authority to close the account down. After a long phone battle i got them to agree to close the account there and then. The issue was sent to the line manager to have the outstanding amount removed (he was on a break), all done and dusted. Anyway, i'm now no longer a student and i am looking to get a mortgage so i decided to check my experian credit report only to find these bandits had listed a default against me for the £89 on 10/03/2013, 5 months after the account was closed and the balance removed and at no point did they tell me that i had an outstanding balance. I called again and after a discussion with Alrick in finances i agreed to pay the £89 ONLY on the condition the default was removed from my file. He agreed to this and instructed me to pay the amount and write a letter to their credit referrals team outlining the discussion, the agreement to remove the default and the payment reference number. Now i have a reply from T-mobile's credit referrals team. They will not remove the default, it's on there for 6 years they say. So now my chances of getting a mortgage are practically zero. I've set the ball rolling with a complaint to CISAS but is there anything else i can do? I feel like i've been ripped off then tarred & feathered by these con-men. Help, if there is any out there please!! Dailey87
  6. Hi everyone, I have few accounts with provident dating couple of years back which are all paid and clear. As there are quiet a few accounts, I wrote to them with the most sincerest requests I could think of to see if they would remove these accounts but failed. They wrote back saying:- " We are legally obliged to share information" Are there any other ways I can try or shall I send a second request? Also, the accounts are on my file with my name spell wrong, one letter missing. Can I use this as a way to get the accounts removed? Say if I write to CRA saying this account doesnt belong to me?
  7. Hi I'm just looking for some advice, I had a guy from Marston turn up this morning, guessed it might be debt collector as going through a bad time at the moment (unemployed) so did not answer. However he pushed a 'Removal Notice' through the door, on which stated that despite previous visits and notices the matter had not been settled. 1, I have had no early visits or note saying they had been to the house. 2, I am sure I have had no correspondents from them ( may have binned one ?) 3, I thought a warrant had to be issued. There is a Parking Fine to Andover Council from last year, however I do not own the car (my son) but is in my name. I've just a old letter from them.(son should have paid). ? can I pay the council £75 or Marston who want £339.04 and probably rising. any advice welcome
  8. Hi was just wondering if anyone could advise me here. I received 2 letters today delivered by hand from a bailiff working for Rossendales regarding unpaid council tax. I believe this is to do with unpaid council tax from a flat I lived in about a year ago but I have not received any warnings or notices prior to this bailiff turning up today! Also the bailiff turned up at my parents house and I don't live there anyway! He is threatening to take their possessions to pay for my debt even though nothing in that house belongs to me!! At the moment I don't have a fixed address but surely some notices or warnings regarding this debt should have gone to my parents house if that was where the baliff was going to turn up?? I am going to send a cease and desist letter to the bailiffs for my parents address and then send another letter to the bailiff stating that I did not know I owed any money, I hadn't received any letters before this and I don't live at the address he visited. I can't afford to pay the full amount straight away but have asked if I could set up a payment plan. I have just started a DMP with stepchange so I would have just included this debt on that if I had known about it!! Can anyone advise me if I am doing the right thing with the letters? Also should I phone the bailiff to discuss this? Is there anything else I can do? Thank you and sorry for the long winded explanation! Hope it makes sense!!
  9. In October 2012 I entered a voluntary debt management plan to clear a numberof credit cards and dreaded pay day loans. I have been paying a large sum permonth to the CCCS who are distributing out to my creditors. I sent letters toall of the creditors included in the DMP with the details of the plan and alsoincluded my current and previous addresses. I have recently applied for a new job and they have performed a creditcheck. They informed me that a CCJ had appeared on my report from Safeloans (news to me!). Ihave further investigated and found that this is a debt that’s included in theplan and that they have been sending correspondence to my old address. The hearing has taken place without me and they have ordered me to pay thebalance in full. The CCCS have been helping me with the steps I need to take toinform the court that I cannot pay the amount in full, however I want to knowif I can get this CCJ removed. I have made regular payments to them for 8 months and did not receive any ofthe correspondence from safeloans or the court due to it being sent to an oldaddress. Does anyone have any advice on how to proceed? Its not the money side so much I can pay that over a short time its havingthe CCJ on my file and the impact its having in such things as job applications. I have already passed an interview and testing for this new job and this isthe only thing that may stop my application progressing. Any help would be very much appreciated .
  10. Apologies for the length of email in advance. In 2004 I found myself in very difficult financial circumstances due to business failure. Since that time I have managed to turn my life around and am now on a sound financial footing once more. As documented on here I had a couple of run ins with Robinson Way which were successfully defended in no small part to the assistance provided on here. Prior to my financial woes I had a fairly substantial mortgage which I always managed to pay and have done so for over 10 years without fail. I am now looking to move home and now the problems have started once more. My mortgage,old private overdraft and credit card are all with the Lloyds Banking Group. The overdraft was CCJ'd in 2005 and I didn't defend. Since that time I have paid £100 each month as directed by the Court and have never missed a payment. There is still £18k outstanding but I am aware that LBG would struggle to enforce as more than 6 years have passed since judgment. Initially in 2004 I paid only token payments on the credit card of £10 per month & these "payment plans" were regularly rolled over until mid 2010. At this point as my circumstances had improved appreciably I offered to up the payments to £100 per month & this was accepted in writing and I have never missed a payment. Unfortunately despite this all having being agreed LBG issued a DN & followed it up with a solicitors letter in late 2010. The upshot of this is that i now have a Default registered in 11/10 for over £20k relating to a debt that actually defaulted in 2004. The punch line is that LBG are insisting that these debts amounting to £40k are repaid in full and in return they will rollover the mortgage onto the new property which provides far more security so it's a win/win for them. For my part I have endeavoured to settle both accounts at around 50% but have been rebuffed presumably as they are aware of my improved financial standing (they also have by business account). I did a s78 request and they were unable to locate the original agreement for the credit card. My feeling is that they need my goodwill to cooperate with them and they should make a commercial decision so that all parties can move on & I think they are being unreasonable. Rather than make increased offers to repay the very old and potentially legally unenforceable debt I think I should now go elsewhere with my mortgage and business & go on the attack regarding the very late registration of the credit card Default which is the only blemish on my credit report with everything else either settled or having fallen off. If this is a good plan I'd welcome advice on the wording required for getting the default removed which presumably requires me to fire off a letter to LBG. Many thanks.
  11. Dear all First of all, thank you for creating this forum. I have already found some basic info on how to help a friend of mine simply by searching the keywords. However I would like to explain my friend's situation and kindly ask for an advice. Here is what happened: - My friend. Mr W, sold his car 18 months ago - Soon he received a ticket from Transport for London for parking at a wrong zone - Mr W visited a local DVLA office to clarify it. He was assured everything was dealt with. - He moved to a new address - Today (after 1.5 year) he received a "Removal Notice" from Marston: "I attended your address today at____ to arrange payment under the terms of a warrant issued on behalf of the above client (Transport for London). Despite previous visits and notices this matter has not been settled, which means the costs are increasing and I therefore urge you to contact me on the telephone number immediately. Please Note that the amount now due is £477.04 inclusive of charges for today's attendance. If this amount is NOT PAID IN FULL IMMEDIATELY a further call will be made, Without Notice, to effect removal, for sale at public auction. Such action will render you liable to further substantial costs. ...... ..... DO NOT DISREGARD THIS NOTICE" I will mention again that my friend sold his car 1.5 year ago and i assume It was still registered under his name. He visited DVLA office in Norwich. He can also prove that he was at work at the time when the incident happened. After reading the forum I advised my friend to contact the Marston directly and also to visit Norwich Magistrates Courts to seek advice and assistance. Is there anything he should do asap to avoid unnecessary costs and stress? Thank you for any help on this matter Tomek T.
  12. Hoping someone can help, I had to move away from my home for a while due to work and a lodger moved in. He was supposed to be paying the Gas bill but wires got crossed and he set up a new account but there was apparently £382 outstanding when he took it over, I had always paid via dd so there had been no issues with the account. It appears BG sent some chasing letters and in January a threat of default action etc.. I did not get these letters and they clearly put a default on my account for the amount. I found out about this a week or so ago and sent them immediate payment in full which has cleared my account so I owe them nothing. I sent an e-mail to BG explaining what happened and asking them to remove the default. This is the e-mail I sent followed by their reply: Your enquiry ref: I can confirm that the above account is paid in full and the payment has cleared your account. I have been away from the address and had thought the account was up to date so apologise for the delay in response. As I did not receive any letters regarding this account I respectfully request that you remove the default you have placed on my account as a matter of urgency. As I am sure you are aware the amount was relatively small (£382.32) and as soon as I realised I had money outstanding I paid immediately, a default stays on a credit file for 6 years which seems extremely harsh for a clear oversight and such a small amount. I request that as a gesture of goodwill you can updated your records and the default that was placed on my credit record be removed. _________________________________________________ Hi Thanks for getting in touch. I've had a good look into the account for you-I'm afraid as the bill was very late being paid that the default and late payment fee will not be removed off the account. I understand that it is never nice to have fees and a mark against you for late payment .However as the timescale was a long time we are unable to remove the charge. Please contact us should you need any help in the future and thank you for contacting British Gas. Kind regards Christie Rees Energy Expert britishgas.co.uk - Looking after your world ____________________________________________________ Hi Christie, As I did not receive the letters you sent I do not feel it unreasonable to request the default be removed. To destroy a persons credit rating over such a small sum of money is criminal, I should hope as a fellow human being you would be able to appreciate that sometimes things happen beyond our control and to punish someone for such an oversight bearing in mind it has been completely rectified is extremely unfair. Please look into this matter further as I should hope a company such as British Gas that has had it's fair share of issues would on this occassion not wish to inflict such hardship on a customer. I know that you are easily able to remove the default you have placed should you wish. I do not owe British Gas any money whatsoever and there is no reason to leave such a negative impact on my life through some weird act of spite. Regards, ___________________________________________ Now, I'm pretty annoyed about this as you can probably tell and don't really like the way BG are 'Looking after my World' so I'm keen to hear peopls thoughts on what I do next. I'd like to take this matter to court as I feel the punishment does not fit the crime. I am being treated really badly, all that I've done is not received my post and to be quite honest I had just as well not bothered paying it as they've stuffed my credit profile anyway. Comments and advice please!
  13. Hi there, I'm currently in the process of a home insurance claim and would be very grateful for advice on certain aspects. The claim was initiated following an escape of water and the result is that the ground floor at my property requires replacement and a room needs partial redecoration. A Loss Adjuster visited my property following the claim and, along with estimates for the main works, requested that I also provide estimates for removal and storage of my contents to the whole of the ground floor of the property in order to facilitate the works. I should highlight here that the need for removal and storage estimates only became apparent/accepted AFTER I raised the fundamental need to clear the area to allow for flooring works. Having submitted estimates for all aspects of the work the Loss Adjuster has responded with approvals (on which subject I have other queries which I'll pose in a separate thread), however they have also advised that they will be appointing their OWN contractor to manipulate my contents. So to the questions... Q1) Am I obligated to use the insurers contractor for removal and storage of my contents, or can I insist on using my own local contractor? Q2) If I use my own contractor can the insurers impose (financial) conditions on this? Q3) Given that the removal and storage of my contents includes a freestanding fridge freezer, am I entitled to claim for any food items contained? Q4) The timescales for the work are presently undefined. My existing flooring needs to be removed and the exposed area completely dried out before any new flooring is laid. Depending on the situation when the flooring comes up, this could potentially take 1-2 weeks. Are the insurers obliged to provide Alternative Accommodation during the period of works? Any advice on this greatly appreciated. Thanks,
  14. Hi I apologise if this has been asked before. I have defaulted on a credit card, its my own doing and I just want to make things right. I am single parent with two kids living with me, things were okay until my ex wife made some crazy allegations and took my kids off me. I then ended up spending 20k in 5 weeks on legal fees. My kids came back all was dropped. I have not had any child support help in six years while she claimed legal aid, living at her mothers house. Anyway enough of my sob story , I have paid of my 20k debt after some hard days in two years. But I had £1,500 I had a LLOYDS TSB credit which I defaulted on 28/09/2012. Now I have had a letter from SCM Solicitors is there anyway I can get this debt marked off my credit report and make a payment offer. What is the best thing to do? Funny thing is credit expert is saying the following message: Your most recent defaulted/delinquent account is now considered to be less significant. Thanks in advance.
  15. As i would like to buy my first house i decided to check my credit history and took advantage of a free 30 day trial with checkmyfile as they claim to cover all the credit reference agency's, there are two defaults showing (which i was expecting) otherwise everything else seems to be in order. Default 1 which was a vanquis credit card that is now with cabot financial is showing some errors, the account number they give is incorrect, they only show the last 4 digits but they do not match any of my paperwork, the date of default is also incorrect (i have the original default notice in front of me) the date they give is some 7 months after the time that the original creditor issued the default notice, are these grounds for having the default removed from my record or would the best scenario be that it gets updated to show the correct data? Second default is with a mobile phone provider, they sent me two different default notices the first in march 2009 and the second in september 2009, only one of the two default notices is signed and neither says what needs to be done to rectify the default, which i thought was a requirement It would be nice to get these two defaults removed, either finding errors (if this is grounds for removal) or by coming to some sort of settlement if it means the removal of the defaults from my record
  16. Hi I posted some time ago about quite large council tax arrears, with a bit of help from family and a lot of hard work we have paid most of this off now and it was just some from the year 2012/13 remaining. When it was sent to the bailiffs we came to an arrangement and managed to stick to it for apart from the last 2 payments. We still owe approximately 400 from this but couldn't make the last two payments due to work being slow, we are self employed. We buried our heads in the sand a little hoping we would have some spare to be able to make it up, but this hasn't happened. Then we received a letter posted warning that a bailiff would be visiting, we appear to have been charged £24.50 for this. Then this evening we received a visit with the bailiff leaving a notice of distress and inventory with our neighbours vehicle details listed and charges for levy fee and attendance. I used to be so strong in dealing with all this, but lately everything stresses me out. Its not an excuse as we want to pay, but just cant right now. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Stressed2009
  17. i had a motring offence last year in crawley after appearing in crawley magistrates court i contacted the fines office there and asked for the fines to be amalgamated with other fines i have with somerset court i also notified by phone somerset court and informed them. none of the above seems to have happened as i got home today i have received a letter hand delivered from marston group they inform its there second letter this is now a REMOVAL NOTICE with his name and mobile number at the bottom. i phoned him to ask if i could request it be amalgamted obviousley he said no its too late and hes coming back to remove goods. unfortunatley my partner also had a letter from him but she has applied to the court for a stat declaration so shes all good they said they would call bailiff off for her. But whilst talking to the bailiff to try and sort them both out (b4 we realised about stat dec) he backtracked and said the only way to stop this is to pay one off today. i said id call him back but since then have sorted stat dec for partner but in limbo myself.. ideally would like the fines i had in sussex transfered to somerset so i have one payment instead of two. hope all makes sense thanks also im not on the electrol roll at the address he visited so theoretically i dont live there??
  18. need to know about removal companies in UK specifically in london
  19. Hi all, Briefly the situation is the following: My friend goes to Luton airport, stops on the drop off point and goes to help with suitcases on the arriving guests. Once goes back after about 5-6 minutes, the procedure to remove his vehicle is already started. It turns out that there are new signs that forbid to leave your car unattended. So he had to pay a fine of 180 pounds to be able to release the car. So far everything is clear, there is sign not leave your car unattended but he left his car unattended and receive fine. But what bothers me is this, please see attachment. I have no experience with these things, but it seems to me very suspicious and unprofessional.There is no PCN number, (maybe they will provide it later, I do not know ), but also there is no offence code and signature. There is 150 removal fee and there no explanation for what the other 30 pounds is, once disposal fee is strike through. We would be grateful if anyone is able to help of possible reasons for the appeal. Thank you
  20. Hi I seem to remember seeing a template letter quoting Data Protaction Act, on here for PDL companies asking for removal of employer's details from their records. Am I able to do this with an outstanding loan. And if I can anyone direct me to the template. I have been through all the PDL threads and cannot find anything other than template letter with regard to harassment. I dont want these companies to harass me at all. I am going to write to them asking for a repayment plan but want to write the letter requesting removal of my employers details first so as I do not get calls in the office Many thanks
  21. Hi all. In December 3rd my car was removed for alleged parking contraventions. My issue is that there was no court case with no judge and no paperwork was served to me regarding this issue. There was no warrant of execution, I was not summonsed to represent myself in court over this or any matter pertaining to my car or any charges that were on it. I think they have acted unlawfully. Am I correct or can they really do just as they please? I want to contest this as police will not do anything, they say it is a civil case and I should contact the council in question. I have done this and they say they have done everything by the law. I do not believe them unless this is not the United Kingdom anymore. What can I do about this? Can I take them to court over this matter? Someone is now trying to register this car and I cannot stop them. I want to stop this from happening. I want to file a claim in the court, is this something i can do? Thanks in advance. Oz
  22. I have noticed a CCJ on my Credit report and i am sure i have paid this off years ago, i dont recieve any mail about any CCJ's, i have called northampton court but i need proof off payment, i dont even know what it is for, is there any way i can find this out, the bank acount that i would of paid it with has been closed for years now, any advice appreciated.
  23. I'd be grateful if someone could confirm that I am taking the right approach in seeking removal of a default placed on my CR by British Gas. Back story: I moved into rented acc. in 07/09 and received welcome letters for both Gas and Electric acc with BG - I think the letting agency had informed them of my moving in - though bills were in my name. I physically moved out of the property in August 2010 - was advised by letting agency to leave forwarding address with them to close down utilites - (1st time renting -know now its my responsibility to let utility companies know the former). The letting agency did inform BG of my move and forwarding address but on 5 October 2010, and BG sent a final bill on 14/10 by which time I had moved from the forwarding address. It looks like BG have let the Gas acc go (£16 owing), but the electricity acc was defaulted in April 2011 for £157 - I immediately settled it, with a debt agency, upon discovery on my CR (March 2012) - the default is registered by BG. I have written to BG requesting to the see a default notice, but they are of course not CRA regulated. I was thereforefore thinking to set out the above and see if they will remove the default - maybe also quote something from the DPA.
  24. Gents/Ladies, Just dropping a quick post to link a thread to my own up till now an unknown default raised by Vodafone. Going back 5 years I was a customer with VF, like many once it came to renewal I opted to change provider (moved to o2) and forwarded on my notice to cancel prior to this date and followed up with a brief call to let them know. Over the following month or two I received letter stating that they were happy to confirm my renewal, all of which I queried and was told they had not received my previous letter or had any record of my call. As requested I provided details of my new contract and was assured they would backdate the cancellation as per the date of my alternative contract and remove the balance. I heard nothing else and had assumed (1st mistake) that this was the end of it, bringing us up to date, my partner and myself have been looking to purchase a home together and after the stress of hunting to find somewhere suitable for us both, agreed upon a verbal offer. During our application for a mortgage I was continually declined, and upon an Equifax credit search I discovered a default claimed by VF for this account dating back to 2008. Understandibly furious I had no knowledge of this (Previous searches using Experian showed nothing) Unfortunately after several failed attempts to explain this matter to VF staff via the customer helpline to assist in removing this, they were both unable to assist and unable to comprehend the seriousness of this matter, simply stating that I must be mistaken as they are unable to find any record of my account? Feel like I'm going round in circles attempting to speak to a supervisor that is not available to take my calls/unable to pass the call as they have no record of me. Hoping posting here can get some assistance. Have already followed request to VF [#11151054] fingers crossed.
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