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  1. Sure - hope my intentions aren't misunderstood; it's just that within an insurance claim there can suddenly exist many areas (dare I say threads?) of query and possible advice that span disparate aspects so it often feels easier to segregate these mentally...and literally.
  2. Well, this thread is specifically about contents and removal/storage and what may be covered/conditional as part of that - and then I have broader questions about contractor appointment and settlement/payment of a claim which I felt would be clearer in a separate thread. Please feel free to amalgamate or ask me to combine if you feel necessary.
  3. Hi, In relation to my other thread about a home insurance claim (Home Insurance Claim - Contents Removal and Storage), I have some additional queries on the subject of contractor appointment and using settlement money. My claim involves an escape of water that has damaged my flooring and which will need replacing. I obtained 2x quotes from local, personally sourced contractors and these were submitted for approval. The Loss Adjuster assigned to my claim responded with approval and has specified the approved quote value along with the contractor. However, as part of the approval the Loss Adjuster has also advised that they will not enter into direct contract with a contractor and therefore will issue me a cheque on receipt of the final VAT invoice. 2 main topics arise at this point: Issue of Monies Q1) Is it standard/fair practise to expect me to outlay the cost of replacing the floor and then wait for a cheque to be issued from the insurance company to cover this? Q2) Am I entitled to request the insurer provide a cheque in advance as per the approved quote? If so, is the insurer permitted to adjust the value or alter any terms by going through this approach? Directly related to this... Using/changing a Contractor whose quote has been approved Q3) Am I now obligated to actually USE Contractor X, whose quote has been approved, or can I use a different contractor as long as the cost of the work is the same? The flooring company whose quote has been approved only has a small selection of replacement wood floor (about 8 options) so I am now considering looking at alternative companies and tiles before I make a decision. Q4) Am I required to replace the floor exactly as I had previously (Wood) or could I opt for an entirely different product (e.g. Tiles). I think at the heart of Q4 is the issue of how and on what I am able to spend the approved quote... The quote is for like-for-like replacement, but am I entitled to spend it on alternative products? Finally, if I do NOT use Contractor X: Q5) Am I entitled to request the insurer provide a cheque for the agreed quote and I can then spend the money at a different supplier? Q6) Failing that, if a different contractor invoice is submitted once the work is complete can I expect that the insurance company will still process payment? Hope this all makes sense and welcome any advice. Thanks in advance,
  4. Thanks Honeybee - have had a brief browse through the CAG forum search function but can't find anything specifically addressing my concerns, however will keep looking. Meantime, hope it's ok if I also post a separate thread relating to this with further queries.
  5. Hi there, I'm currently in the process of a home insurance claim and would be very grateful for advice on certain aspects. The claim was initiated following an escape of water and the result is that the ground floor at my property requires replacement and a room needs partial redecoration. A Loss Adjuster visited my property following the claim and, along with estimates for the main works, requested that I also provide estimates for removal and storage of my contents to the whole of the ground floor of the property in order to facilitate the works. I should highlight here that the need for removal and storage estimates only became apparent/accepted AFTER I raised the fundamental need to clear the area to allow for flooring works. Having submitted estimates for all aspects of the work the Loss Adjuster has responded with approvals (on which subject I have other queries which I'll pose in a separate thread), however they have also advised that they will be appointing their OWN contractor to manipulate my contents. So to the questions... Q1) Am I obligated to use the insurers contractor for removal and storage of my contents, or can I insist on using my own local contractor? Q2) If I use my own contractor can the insurers impose (financial) conditions on this? Q3) Given that the removal and storage of my contents includes a freestanding fridge freezer, am I entitled to claim for any food items contained? Q4) The timescales for the work are presently undefined. My existing flooring needs to be removed and the exposed area completely dried out before any new flooring is laid. Depending on the situation when the flooring comes up, this could potentially take 1-2 weeks. Are the insurers obliged to provide Alternative Accommodation during the period of works? Any advice on this greatly appreciated. Thanks,
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