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  1. Can anyone tell me what it costs to lay an information in front of a magistrate? I have tried to Google it but I'm not getting the simple answer to a simple question. Thanks
  2. Hi everyone, I have a default on my credit account which is 6 years old on the 1st July. My question is, the default was applied on the 1st but I partially settled the balance in November. What will show on my credit file after next month? Will it just show the PS or will the default still show until the PS falls off in November? JJ
  3. FLM QUICK Hi I’ve taken a small loan with FLM Quick of the amount £500 in approximately in May to July 2011. I at that time was in full timeemployment and had been for 9 year’s. Towards the end of February I resignedand now I am unemployed and am on JSA. Since I’ve taken this loan I’ve been charged £558.23 & that’s all INTREST& CHARGES. Some month I get INTREST & CHARGES two times within a month and even three timesa month. They are now e-mailing me and textingand phoning my guarantors home phone and mobile and leaving her text messages ande-mails. I have a Guarantor that’s unemployedand was when I was given this loan from them. I have written a letter to themwhich I have put below but with of course parts edited. This letter has been totally ignored, phoned my bank they have put me on amoney management plan so no one can talk money for 6 month as I am already overdrawn. But yet they have my guarantor bank details and have taken money out of heraccount. She phoned the bank (Halifax) but there is nothing they can do as it’s not aStanding Order and it’s not Direct Debit. They say it’s a card payment, she hasonly ever authorised payments to be taken out once yet they have taken two extrapayments without her consent or authorisation. What should she do now as the bank are clearly not helping and FLM are writingto me saying they will take further action. I have paid there £500 I took withthem back but now they want me to pay them all this interest. I am unemployedand so is my guarantor surely they cannot treat us like this. If you think you can help please do I am looking to take this futher, suethem for harassment etc...
  4. Just a quicky.... instructions for using FosRunningPPIv2 say Add up the expenditure for the month including charges , interest and PPI and enter the total in the cell in column C. I might be having a dumb blonde moment but:- I know to claim charges seperately but if I enter them as part of expenditure wont this give me a false balance? without the charges included, my balance will be negative sooner than if I include them. Ta
  5. Hi, Ive read many threads on this same topic, but i am confused. I have outstanding balance with QQ, and ive tried setting up payment arrangements, but none of these i can afford. I used to talk to them on the phone, but i do not any more. I sent them an email saying i could afford £5 a week and i want all communicaiton to be over the phone. They sent me this email back: We received your email regarding your loan balance and your situation has been noted. Collection procedures will continue until an acceptable payment arrangement is made. Please call our Collections Department to set up a scheduled payment plan. Now i am not sure what to reply? do i repeat what i said in my prior email to them, or is there something else i need to tell them? Thank you for your time and advice!
  6. i have been battling with ndr for months now over a debt they say i owe quick quid ,quick quid have no account for me and my credit report states that the amount ndr are chasing was settled over 2 years ago i have sent ndr the copy of my credit report but they say this is not prove debt was paid or is not owed any suggestions on what i should do i have sent them the nuisance calls letter and reported to the oft and cab dont know what else to do
  7. Hi I bought my son a DSI from toys r us in preston on 12/11/11. This was a present for his birthday 24th dec. Anyway it worked for about 1 month if that then packed in, kept freezing and just not working. So for the past 5 months its not been used. I have FINALLY just found my receipt, so my question is..... if I return it to the store will I get a replacement?? as I don't really want to send off to a manufacture and have to wait more, I just want it kept simple. I've heard a bit about a 6 month rule, and from the day of purchase 12/11/11 to today 10/12/12, would it still be classed as in the 6 months period before the 12th of this month.???. Like I said I just want a simple swap, I dont want to trvel all the way to the store to be turned away. Any help gratefully received guys thanks.
  8. First sorry if this is in the wrong place but wondered if anyone knows how long it takes for Natwest to get back to you re a basic bank account? We applied awhile ago and filled in the forms,took ID into the branch, etc,took last bit at least 2 weeks agon if not longer, they never said anything but we have had nothing back,no rejection or decline letter so have no idea how much longer to wait, we need a basic account and Natwest was one we found online,tried Halifax and got declined even for a basic account,we do not have the luxury of choosing a bank here as there is only Barclays in the village and as we have had/got problems with them then the least said the better.Most banks also charge for accounts. Once again sorry if in wrong place for post
  9. Hello, I took a £500 loan from FLM quick on 07/2011 with the agreed repayment of £48.70 per month. I am the debtor and my brother is the guarantor. Okay so I lost my job due to a RTA in january and I've ended up on JSA while im looking for work, (haven't missed a single payment to FLM always on time) but the £48.70 a month is a real struggle whilst on JSA. This is the first month im not able to pay, its due on the 14th. Now my brother and his mrs are expecting a child so if at all possible I dont want to this to be taken from him (he really can't afford it now) so was curious to see if theres any way to reduce the payment at all or any advice ? sorry no idea about these things really, im quite niave Another thing that is frustrating me hugely, is the fact i have been repaying this £500 loan for 12 months now, at 48.70 - 52.28 each month, and my outstanding balance is £475.48. Which means ive managed to pay off less than £25 in one year? Feeling very stuck at the moment, as I've been selling my belongings to cover the repayments but now I have nothing left to sell really, and its clearly not going to be payed off for years and years @ £25/year. Any advice would be greatly appriecated, sorry if this makes little sense as its 5:25am and I've been up all night worrying ha ;/ Thanks in advance
  10. Hi all if you buy a car from a trader ie deals from home (rather than a dealer ship) do you still have same rights if a car goes wrong regards andy
  11. Hi everyone, I took out a few loans with quick quid a few years ago, paid them all on time until the last one. I cant remember exactly what happened but i do remember i was having some sort of problem with the bank at the time and tried to resolve the loan with qq several times. After a while I started getting those "please contact us" letters from Mackenzie Hall but because i had never heard of them i didnt contact them. About a year or so later i got a letter from i think Motormille Finance asking for repayment of the qq loan, i arranged a payment plan with them and the first payment was taken from my account on the due date,. the next month the payment never came off so i conntacted them and they said it was a problem with my card details and they would set it up again. it never came off again and this time the excuse was that my repayment plan had been cancelled because of a failed payment, they set it back up and I thought that was the end of it. I then got a letter from National Debt Recovery demanding the same money so i called them and told them i already had a payment plan set up with another company and therefore i would not be paying them. i also called mmf and advised them of the second company, both companies said it was them i should be paying but i told them until i got confirmation from qq i wouldnt be paying either of them. I heard nothing until recently (around three years after all that) when i got a similar letter to what a lot of other people seem to be getting from Marshall Hoares bailiffs, but after reading the info on here about them decided to ignore it. today I got a letter from MMF saying they are taking me to court AND a call from Marshall Hoares about the same money. I toled marshall hoares the story and that i would not pay them until qq told me who to pay and i called mmf to advise them the same. mmf say my account is sttill on hold after me originally informing them about two companies wanting the same money and that they have not heard from qq and could not explain why i had recieved the letter from them. Marshall hoares said they will contact qq and call me back. I contacted quick quid and they said they only ever sold the debt to Mackenzie Hall and quote "the debt no longer matters to us" So my question is what do i do? should i just ignore all these threatening letters as other threads suggest?
  12. Heya just had to fill in my tax credits renewal form. On it it asks for earnings for last year as they have me down as working 16 hours a week for 32 weeks ( i work term time only) I worked a few extra hours over the run up to Christmas as it was busy..never more than 20 a week and only a few times so my question is will I have to pay back anything extra that I earned or is there a certain amount you are allowed to earn before it affects you? Thanks x
  13. The saga with my brother goes on...and on...and on. His lawyer told me in March that the house (of which I have half) had gone onto the market. I had a look and found that it was on at £30,000 less than a house round the corner sold for a few months prior. He missed the deadline for stamp duty, etc. Anyway, when I pointed this out to the lawyer I heard nothing back. Now I have a letter from another lawyer in the same firm saying that the house "simply is not selling" and my brother is prepared to offer me £45,000 for my half. It's on the market at £148,000. That is £30,000 lower than one round the corner went for a few months previously. He's had POA over the estate. What'smore, the lawyer has changed although it's the same firm and she even got the name of my late uncle wrong, whose will her firm are supposed to be handling. My question is, is this legal as it seems to me that he has deliberately held up the sale of the house in order to make money from me. He's already robbed me of contents, etc. and I've done nothing as I just want rid of him but I feel this is too much to swallow. Any advice would be appreciated. While POA stopped on the death of my uncle, my brother is "nominated executor in terms of the will" according to his previous lawyer. I have still not seen a copy of the will - any requests have been ignored - and it took him seven months to put the house on the market while telling the rest of the family it was on the market straight after my uncle's death.
  14. Hi there, Is it still possible to claim back excessive mortgage arrears fees that have been added.I plan to SAR,then work out what i have been overcharged by and send letter to claim back. Can i do this??? Cheers
  15. Hello, first post, just loving this forum. It has answered so many questions and removed many fears already but...... I have been on a DMP since 2003 with 11 creditors and £53k of unsecured debt. I was with the CCCS until Nov 06 when they got a bit upset that a joint account with an overdraft wasn't on the plan. I went self-admin as until then I had had no bother with any of my creditors. One of my loans was with Northern Rock who passed it on to First Credit a year or so ago. When with the CCCS they were fine now FC are hassling me saying I need to pay £140 pm against my offer of £26 pm. They are threatening me with allsorts of legal rubbish and having read several posts on here am not overly bothered. They are ringing everyday saying the same rubbish which is getting annoying. So from what I have read I should send a CCA request but I have read that this needs to be an executed one although the templates on other threads don't mention this? Do I need the word executed in the letter? Also can you just send a £1 coin or does it have to be a PO or cheque? I have also read that you can request a deed of assignment but not sure if I should be asking for it or how to ask for it? Assuming that they don't reply within 12 days then I believe I can stop paying them? What will happen then? Do they take me to court? I would really like to give them some grief but am unsure how to proceed. Any help greatfully received
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