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  1. sorry that was meant to read all communication to be via email not over the phone. Thank you, i will check them out, do i email them and say i want all communication to be in writing? Thanks
  2. Hi, Ive read many threads on this same topic, but i am confused. I have outstanding balance with QQ, and ive tried setting up payment arrangements, but none of these i can afford. I used to talk to them on the phone, but i do not any more. I sent them an email saying i could afford £5 a week and i want all communicaiton to be over the phone. They sent me this email back: We received your email regarding your loan balance and your situation has been noted. Collection procedures will continue until an acceptable payment arrangement is made. Please call our Collections Department to set up a scheduled payment plan. Now i am not sure what to reply? do i repeat what i said in my prior email to them, or is there something else i need to tell them? Thank you for your time and advice!
  3. Hi Hi I am in a bit of a mess! I hope you could give some advice, anything would help. I will try and keep this long story short! Basically I gave my mum a bank card in my name a few years ago, as she became bankrupt and told me that she could not get a bank account in her name, I did not question her and I was young myself at the time to know if she could get one or not. Any way since then, her and my own sister have taken out finance on furniture and other items in my name, which have not been paid and gone to debt collectors. I started recieving calls for payments from the debt collectors and this is how I came to know about this. I spoke to them a number of times and I even wrote to them, with what I thought was proof that was not me that took this finance out, I showed them my signiture was different to that on the agreement, to prove it was not me that did this. But they still thought it was me. I even contacted the police to see what I could do to get this off my name as I have bad credit as a result of this! But they told me it was a civil matter, which I have no money to take to court as I am a university student. Also the bank card my mum has in my name I was going to close as soon as I found out this all happened but she is over drawn £800+ because DD's are being returned and the bank are charging. This amount needs to be paid to be closed, and this also will go to the debt collectors if is not paid! I do not have this kind of money to do that! I suppose it is my own fault for giving her the card in the first place, as I am in such a mess at the moment and I do not know what to do! But I trusted her and never thought she would do anything like this to me. She keeps saying she is going to pay it and so on, but I just want it all off my name or it all to be completely paid for! I am constantly recieving calls and letters from the debt collecting agencies to make payments or they will take me to court! I have bad credit because of this and I do not want it to get worse! I do not know what to do!? The debt collecting agceny is Capquest. Also i am at university, so I am not living at home, with my mum, I am living with my boyfriend, if they decided to send bayliffs to collect the amount owing would they be able to come to my boyfriends property? I am registered and everything to my home address where my mum is. So I assume they shouldn't be able to do this? Thank you for taking your time to read this.
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