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  1. I have a loan with Satsuma loans for £300. They are a part of provident I wish to say that "Hats Off" to Satsuma Through no fault of my own I ended up on ESA Benefit and could not make the repayments. I phoned them up and they could not do enough to help. Absolutely no charges whatsoever, I am paying them back though expensive at £10.00 a week, but just about finished now. Guaranteed no default status with the credit reference agencies and up do date credit markers with the credit agencies. In this case it was good to talk for both the creditor and borrower
  2. just wondering if anyone can advise me, my son is 20 years old and has been diagnosed since an early age with autism and has recently been diagnosed with moderate learning disabilities, he was at a school for special needs up until he left school at 16. he is currently receiving DLA but he has no real idea of money and always wants to spend it as soon as he gets it. The problem is because he wants to be more independant we allowed him to sign up for a phone contract and have sky installed in his room both come out on a monthly basis on the understanding that the money would always be in the bank. recently he was getting parcels delivered to the door, we found out that he had set up 2 catalogue accounts online and had been getting things from there, also buying many items from other online stores. also we have just found out that he has also been purchasing tickets to concerts all over the country without discussing it with us, he has purchased over a dozen tickets for events in just the last few months. it seems like he has been spending just for the sake of it. here is where the problem is, because he has been spending all his money he has been taking out payday loans in order to subsidize this habit, we had no idea of this, only finding out about this today. each time he was borrowing more and more in order to pay of the previous one and has he has no idea when it comes to money it seems to have spiralled. he is due to get his DLA friday and has just decided to tell us that he is unable to pay his phone and sky because there is over 800 pound due to come out of his account from payday loans... 3 different ones in total! and he is not making the payments to the catalogues because the funds aren't there. i now need to contact all the catalogue companies and payday loan companies on his behalf. i have already gone into his bank with him to cancel the payday loans from coming out but i still need to contact the companies. could anyone point me in the direction of a letter or advise me what to write that will highlight this situation he has gotten himself into. any help would be greatly appreciated thank you
  3. Hi All, I am working to clean my credit file as much as possible over the next year. The biggest problem I have is a default from Everyday Loans which is currently with Lowells. I fell into dispute with Everyday some years ago after they were unable to demonstrate how they arrived at their figures. I have not paid or acknowledged anything to Everyday/Lowell since May 2011, but I cannot ignore the issue any further. As always it's a long and complicated story but I will try and break it down into small chunks... 1. The loan was taken out May 2009 for a sum of £1500, repayable over 23 months @ £186.09 per month, this included PPI and a "secondary loan" for life cover and personal accident cover. 2. In September 2009 I encountered a period of financial difficulty, missed a payment and then rang everyday who agreed to reduce my repayments to £163.45 per month, so a reduction of £22.64 per month. This was all done over the phone and I signed nothing nor received any paperwork. I was told they could do this as they had cancelled the life cover etc... 3. I continued to pay at the reduced agreed repayment of £163.45 per month until May 2011. I rang Everyday and asked for a balance figure as we had not received a statement from them and we were now nearing the final payment on the loan, or so I thought. 4. In May 2011 Everyday sent a statement to me claiming that I still owed £5923.85p!! I obviously refused to pay until they could demonstrate how they had reached such a figure. I also noticed that our duration of agreement had jumped from 23 to 52 months. 5. Everyday passed the debt to a DCA in 2012 (Town & Country Collection) 6. In May 2013 we received a statement from Everyday for the period May 2011 to May 2013, this detailed that we had not paid anything in 2 years which is correct, they had added on £25 per month in overdue fees until January 2012. Again the duration of the agreement had jumped from 52 months to 57 months. Though the balance had mysteriously dropped to £4607.38p I have been looking through the paperwork, but I am struggling to get my head around the figures on the original CCA. My APR calculations are coming out with completely different figures. Could someone please take a look at a copy of my CCA (attached) and tell me if it is enforceable?? Many thanks in advance for any help offered.
  4. I`ll be brief because I suspect this subject has been discussed elsewhere, however I have trawled through pages of threads without success. I have received my SAR from Welcome Finance for the five loans and HP I had with them from 1999 through to 2002. Aviva have paid up £1700 PPI redress for one of the post 2000 loans but are refusing to pay for the other post 2000 HP Loan as they say the PPI was clearly evident on the form. What they have done in error is state that I was in full time employment. I was working full time, but I was self-employed as a trade plate driver for United Fleet Distribution. That was why I went to Welcome in the first place because they were the only loan company who would lend to me because of my employment status. they gerrymandered the forms saying that I was working full time, without saying I was self-employed. I am going to challenge Aviva on this second PPI refusal. However, my question refers to the other 3 loans which were taken out prior to 2000. Aviva say they were not the underwriters at that time. Other threads on here suggest that the FSCS are only taking responsibility for post 2005 Welcome loans. So who do I claim against for the 3 pre-2000 loans? I know from the SAR documents that PPI was charged and the amounts involved. However, I do not know who was the underwriter. Furthermore, I actually signed the documents at the Welcome Finance offices in Stockport and not at any brokers or loan brokers offices. I am hoping someone on here might save me the time and trouble and point me in the right direction. If it cannot be done, well I will have to lump it, but I now have the proof that PPI was charged on all 3 of the pre-2000 loans.
  5. PLEASE READ IN FULL!!! [not really necessary usual fleecing tactics by the loan finder companies and debit card draining - dx] I know this message is very, very long but I felt I needed to detail in full my recent experience with this 'company' in order to help those who have suffered (or are suffering) at the hands of Loans Direct. Like myself, you probably turned to the ever enticing lure of the pay day loan in order to give your family treats you felt they deserved at Christmas time. I have a poor credit rating so I was redirected to this site. It wasn't until I had stupidly entered my details and clicked the button that I realised what had happened. Stupidly my own fault for not reading the small print, but if you are reading this then you are obviously aware of how grossly misleading this website and the company are. I emailed them immediately (December 10th) to cancel my 'membership' as the online facility did not work. .. then I google searched them. The sheer horror I felt for realising how silly I had been and what a mess lie ahead of me. I emailed them again after picking up some hints from other discussion boards with the attempt to sound a bit 'heavier': December 10th: Hello again, Due to my concerns after visiting your website I contacted the Financial Ombudsmen straight away (thank goodness they were open till 8pm!) who informed me that as I had attempted to contact you immediately and coupled with the misleading nature of your application process (funnily enough, they are all too aware of your dealings) I should expect no funds to be withdrawn from my account. I was helpfully informed by them that if you have not actioned the cancellation outlined in my first email and do indeed go ahead and collect the £69.75 from my account then I am to contact them immediately and they will investigate the matter further on my behalf. I shall also inform you that I expressed to them my concern that I have already attempted to cancel via your 'transparent and simple cancellation process' without success; this too, they informed me, is a very common complaint and should be actioned by yourselves immediately by removing all of my details from your database. I have also been told to monitor my statements in case you or any of your affiliated companies attempt to take further funds from my account. I will not attempt to call you as it would seem all attempts at this are fruitless. Please feel free to contact me via email or on xxx if you wish to discuss this matter further. I have been directed to forward a copy of this email to the Financial Ombudsmen should I not receive a reply. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, Kind Regards I hadn't, in fact, spoken to anyone and I'd hoped this would work. From 4:00am my phone was constantly buzzing with messages offering me loans. The next day at work I was bombarded with telephone calls from countless numbers, some offering loans and some just hanging up. I felt exhausted. I tried to call them over and over, but as you are all too aware this is pointless as you can never speak to anyone. I kept a close eye on my bank account and thought I'd had a lucky escape when only 10p was taken out by Loans Direct on December 12th... that was until the evening of December 19th I'd noticed that a company called Credit Cleaners had taken £9.99 from my account. I felt at my wits end. Everything I had read on other discussion boards, about how they clear people's bank accounts and there is little you can do about it felt like it was just beginning for me. I couldn't tell my partner, I felt so ashamed of myself and my stupidity. We were arguing lots and I was snapping at him... he could tell something was up but I couldn't bring myself to tell him how silly I had been. I emailed them again that night: December 19th: You have now not responded to my request to remove my details from your data base. I have now been charged 10p from yourselves for 'signing up' and have received countless unwanted calls and texts from loan companies. I have now been charged £10 from my bank account by an unknown credit card company and have an email from a company called Trakkit who are also now going to charge me for their 'services'. I have sought advice and your activities are misleading and seriously questionable. I will attempt to call you again or give you the chance to call me on xxx to discuss this matter further. You have until Monday 4pm to do so. If not I will recontact the Financial Ombudsman to pick up this case as promised and you will then have to deal with them. And I will seek further legal advice as you should not be allowed to continue with your near on-fraudulent business activities. Regards Again, no reply... even with my threats of action. You must remember they hear this stuff all the time. That night I could not sleep a wink. I was sweating and the sheer anxiety and panic I was experiencing made me feel as though I was going to pass out or have a stroke. The physical and emotional strain was unbearable... and my partner was suffering too. The next morning was his birthday and I was forced to tell him what was wrong. I felt terrible, like I had ruined his birthday and the previous two weeks with my recklessness. But he was so understanding. I can't urge you enough to face up to the reality of what has happened. He told me to call the Financial Ombudsman to set the ball rolling, and not just use it as a threat... and I did, and they were so helpful and understanding. And I sent Loans Direct another email: December 20th: To keep you informed I have now passed this issue to the Financial Ombudsmen who will now be making contact with you. Again, I have attempted to call you numerous times to discuss this matter but I am unable to go further than an automated service. I am urging you to take my details off of your data base as other companies are now removing funds from my account and they have also been reported. I understand that I have signed up for a service but I'm sure you are aware that it is grossly misleading and I have attempted to contact you through your given means without any luck in order to cancel 'membership' in the period outlined in your terms and conditions; now my details have been passed to third parties during this period I have attempted to make contact leading to them taking money from my account which I have not authorised. I will also be making contact with Action Fraud to report the activity on my account. Regards, However, the Financial Ombudsman could only deal with the money that had been taken... so this now left me with the tricky situation about any further attempts to withdraw money from my account. I had read on so many other discussion boards that the banks were refusing to help people as they had given out their card details themselves, and this I could totally understand; this was my fault after all and I hadn't read the small print. But I still felt that the means by which these companies obtain this money is through misleading advertising and deception, but I really felt after reading other posts I would be offered no help. I called my bank as I felt face-to-face interaction would be too embarrassing as I felt rather foolish for getting into this mess in the first place... and the people on the phone weren't too helpful. But it wasn't until my partner near on booted me out of our front door to go to the bank and face up to my responsibility that I made the trip to the bank... and I'm so glad I did. I'm so shy and the thought of going to the bank and recounting to them what I had done and the position I was in filled me with utter dread. .. but they were amazing! I bank with Natwest and the gentleman I spoke to told me he had literally just finished with someone who had the exact same thing happen to him, except EIGHT other companies affiliated with Loans Direct had totally cleared his account in a matter of days! I felt so lucky... he told me Loans Direct had attempted to take £70 from my account SEVEN TIMES A DAY for the past 10 days!!! But luckily it had been refused by the bank. He cancelled my card there and then and put me in touch with the Natwest Fraud Team who were so helpful and I was given a refund... even the 10p Loans Direct had successfully taken! Remember when you put your details into the Loans Direct website? Did you put in the long set of numbers along the front of your card? That's because these transactions work like shop or telephone transactions, they are not like direct debits, and that is how they are able to take whatever they want from your account whenever they like and these details are easy to pass on. Even if your bank isn't very helpful in your plight the worst case scenario is that you explain to your bank that you would like to cancel that card as you feel its security has been compromised and you would like a new one so those details you initially gave will now be void. If the companies then contact your bank telling them that you owe them money then report them to your banks Fraud Team as questionable and unauthorised transactions as that card is no longer in use and you have not authorised for those companies to take money from your account ... then carry on down the Financial Ombudsman route. Tell the bank you are currently dealing with these companies through the F.O as even though you did pass them your details you did attempt to cancel membership to them during a cooling off period which they made neigh on impossible to do and in that time passed on your details on to other companies... that should work. Then they will no longer be able to touch anything in your account and the F.O will help you in receiving a refund. I also read many comments from people on discussion boards about how this is your own fault and you are wasting the time of people such as Citizens Advice or the Financial Ombudsman, etc... and how you are taking up their time in helping those really in need... but don't be bullied into feeling bad. If enough people complain and these helplines and services do feel their time is being taken up with this issue then they will highlight to the relevant people and bodies that this is a serious issue. Yes, I felt stupid for what I had done, but if I hadn't faced up to it and accepted the mess I was in and acted quickly and dealt with the embarrassment then I wouldn't have got this sorted. I admit I have been lucky... but if you attempt to tackle them on your own or leave it too long you are going to find this already difficult situation even more so. There are people there to help you and you have options, don't feel ashamed or keep quiet about it. I finally heard back from Loans Direct: and very quickly too after my last message to them! : Thank you for your email, please accept my apologies for the delay in responding to you. Having looked at your account history, I can see that you did not fully complete the application process for membership to Loans Direct - this is why you haven't been able to cancel an account. Although you completed the £0.10 validation check, you did not continue with the application. As such, your bank account will not be charged any subsequent fees by us, although the validation fee may still be collected. If an amount has been debited from your account, you will need to contact the company name that is showing on your bank account statement. I trust this clarifies matters, however if you do have any further queries, please do not hesitate to respond and I will be happy to answer them for you. Kind Regards Loans Direct Customer Service ABSOLUTE CR*P!!! As you know, they had in fact attempted several times a day for almost two weeks to take £70 from my account, but I was lucky. But trust me... they will try every trick in the book to get (and keep) your money, so don't give up and don't do it on your own. I wasn't rude or threatening in my messages... they don't care what situation you are in, they just want to get to that money and will try all means available to them. I did, however, have £8.99 taken from my account by a company called Trakkit after I had cancelled my card... I'd assumed that an email from them detailing the end of my free subscription was spam as I'd attempted to login to my 'account' without success so I forgot about it. However, they did have a pending transaction on my account so do ask your bank to check any transactions pending that you may question once your card has been cancelled. After google searching them too it would appear they charge £8.99 a month plus £1 every day the account is open, charging almost £40 on any given month!!! I also wrote to them: December 29th: I have not subscribed to your services and attempts to log in to my 'account' have failed, which is not surprising as I have not signed up for it. Your company has been passed my details by either Loans Direct or Goldfish Finance who also have acquired my details fraudulently. I shall urge you to remove my details from your database and cease removal of funds from my bank account as the Financial Ombudsmen is now dealing with these two companies and both have been reported to Action Fraud, and unless you would like me to pursue this route with you I shall expect no further financial dealings with your company. I do not require your services and I have not signed up for such. I am in contact with my bank's Fraud Team and I have reported you to them and requested a charge back, which I have successfully received from the other two aforementioned companies. I thank you in advance for your cooperation. Please feel free to contact me on the email address supplied if you would like to discuss this matter further. Kind Regards They too rather swiftly replied: December 30th: Thanks for your E-mail. Trakkit is often offered to people who have been looking for finance and may have been declined. As a result, you may have opted to sign up for a subscription to Trakkit when you applied for a loan with another company. We can however, confirm that your account has been cancelled and a refund has been processed. Please allow up to 7 working days for the payment to appear in your account. Many Thanks Customer Services Trakkit Again, I am sorry for how long this message is, but I really felt I should go into as much detail as possible in order to help those who were trapped like myself... there was so much different information online I was so confused... I almost kept it to myself and thought I could deal with it, but the truth is you have to face up to them head on and with the help available. Don't let them win and don't attempt it on your own. I've not lost a penny and they have not gained one! DON'T do this on your own. There is help. DON'T feel embarrassed or ashamed. You made a mistake and I felt so foolish... but they prey on this fact hoping you will try on your own and they will make it almost impossible for you to win. This took me three weeks to sort... I've read about people waiting more than 6 months and still without success. DO share your experience. Go to your bank. Contact the Financial Ombudsman. Report them to Action Fraud. Share your experience on message boards and review sites. For crying out loud! Even take it to the local news... national news... Watchdog programming! Petitions! Do whatever you can to stop these people. Some people I came across on various sites were making out this was totally my fault, I only have myself to blame and there is nothing I can do about it so I should stop wasting valuable time. I am accepting partial responsibility, but I'm not stupid, and I'm not assuming you are too... I'm just terrible with managing my finances! I felt in need of money and stupidly fell for a cleverly deceitful and well orchestrated 'service' which should be illegal. The more you shout the more difficult you will make it for these thieves... as that is exactly what they are.
  6. Erudio took over my SLC pre 98 loans last year and despite claiming conditions would not change, they did. I did not complete their form as it requested info they weren't entitled to. I sent a covering letter and proof of income being below the threshold. I heard no news about deferral until a letter arrived to say their form wasn't in line with the consumer credit act, that my account had been frozen, to be rest assured no charges would be accrued, and that they were working to find a solution. 3 months later two letters arrive to say I'm in arrears and requesting a payment of over £1000!!! The whole matter is quite distressing and no matter how hard i try to shrug it off, it's a constant worry. I'm tempted to bury my head in the sand for 5 years in the hope of getting it statute barred. Negotiating with them has thus far only brought me more grief and achieved nothing. Are they likely to take me to court? Legal proceedings in Italy take a minimum of 7 years....
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30641877 Does this have any impact on our members who are already struggling with payday loan sharks?
  8. Hi, I've recently had a letter from robinson way, offering to close my account and to record partially satisfied. Ideally I'd like the default completely removed. I'd like to know if this is even possible, or is it a waste of my time trying to negotiate this with them? Thanks!
  9. Hi can i ask if a secured loan on a property still falls under the CCA1974
  10. Where a loan has been written off by Thesis, is there any evidence that Erudio are trying to revive and collect on them.? Had a letter from SLC saying my loans which were with Thesis, and have been written off six months ago are now with Erudio, Or is it likely as I think SLC have fecked up? Thoughts.
  11. Hi everyone, i really could do with all your help with this. My mother received a letter(oct 2014) from Provident stating they have sold her account to Lowell. In the letter sent by Provident it says: The total balance sold was £XXXX.XX. The individual agreements included in your account are detailed on the enclosed letter from Lowell(6 loan agreements listed). My mother has a letter from Lowell saying it's formal notice of the account being sold and assigned to Lowell.(i'm assuming this letter is the one the Provident letter refers to). The 6 loan agreements listed all have an agreement date along side, each date is in 2010. My mother has tried to pay the Provident a number of times via doorstep collections but whenever my mother couldn't pay, the collector got a bit narky and wouldn't return to collect any more payments. My mother would call them asking when will they be collecting her payment. Finally the doorstep collections stopped and now Lowell have bought the debt. My mom want's to pay so i'd really appreciate your help in sorting this out for her. I don't know what to do, any suggestions. thank you
  12. Hi all, Amongst my outstanding debts, 'Erudio' Student Loans from 1992-1995 is one of them. I am in the process of clearing up creditors on my DMP with PAYPLAN. Done the CCA's with each. Successful on two counts (had debts cancelled ��) I want to pay off, with a little capital expected in January, and get some Full and Final offers going. On here, I've been advised to check the PPI additions. I've heard just by phoning each creditor this is possible? I defaulted on my PAYPLAN for the last 2 payments. Erudio have sent me a letter stating the balance is £2000+, with arrears of £1930. Not sure if that means I add those to figures together for a final figure or not. Either way, they are now asking me to pay £1930, because I missed the last £55 installment....
  13. I have recently been investigating a consolidated loan that was taken out in 2005 and have today received a copy of the credit agreement from GE. The document is headed igroup and GE have confirmed that this is there company and that Loans.co.uk brokered this loan. I am now in the process of starting my PPI complaint as it was a single premium of £4320 on top of a loan of £35k. The interest was 16.25%. At no time were we given any advice or options i.e. monthly PPI. I have only just established that the PPI only covered 5 years of the loan which was taken out over a 15 year period. Therefore it appears that the PPI was inappropriate. I do feel that we were completely mis-sold and forced into this option to secure the loan. GE have told us to make the complaint to Loans.co.uk as they were the broker. Am I correct in thinking that due to this being a single premium PPI there is a case?
  14. A friend received an email that their loan was being written off as per their new lending criteria. They received the following info in their email : What happens next We will automatically clear any outstanding debt you have with us and your balance will be set to zero. This will be done by the end of October 2014. You do not need to do anything. We are working with the relevant credit reference agencies to remove records relating to this loan from your credit report. We expect this will take between three to four weeks to be completed. This will be done automatically and there is no further action required from you. When he checked his credit file today the loan has not been removed but marked settled. This is not what their email says, it clearly say's records should be removed. Anyone else have the same problem?
  15. Is it possible that a former officer of the old Log Book Loans organisation is now an adjudicator at the financial ombudsman services? I have mentioned him in my application to the FOS in relation to my stolen car. What should this mean for me or anyone else that is seeking justice from this company which has now gone into administration? Fortunately the FOS are accepting applications from before a certain date.
  16. Hi all, I've read a lot of people in a similar circumstance to my own on here, but thought I'd post my case as it progresses. I received a letter from some company called Honours Student Loans (HSL) a few days ago saying that they have 'now located me' and that I owe them £1600 in 'arrears' for a debt of £2500 and they have also applied a 'trace fee' to my 'debt'. From what I've read on here I'm not the only one, although a lot of the cases I've read are quite old now, so not sure if they've changed their tactics at all. Incidentally my original loan was for £1800 and I paid some of that off in bits so god knows where those figures came from. my student loan was from 1997, after which I started to pay it off for about a year, I deferred for a year, I moved and continued to defer, I moved again, informing the student loans company all the time of my address. I stopped hearing from them, no deferrment forms. Long story short I read in the paper that they were about to go bust and thought that the debt had just been anulled. That's probably when HSL bought all their loans. I was 17 odd years ago, last contact was maybe 14 or 15 years ago. Bottom line is that my debt is statute barred (from what I gather on here). I ran a credit report on equifax, I have no CCJ's current or passed, credit rating is good. today I'm sending the statute barred template letter, royal mail signed for. After that I guess I'll hear nothing for a while and then I'll get a reply saying I deliberately withheld my address or something, which is nonsense, (also from what I read on here), then god knows. Is there anything else anyone can think of that I should be doing at this stage? Any tips? Thanks
  17. Hi, just wondered if anyone could help me with a little guidance. I got in a muddle 3 or 4 years ago with multiple pay day loans. Taking one to pay the other and then due to a drop in wage I had to go to a Debt Management company. I have been on that for a while and paid off a couple of Debts. (Provident and Lending Stream) and also just been told that my Wonga debt has been cancelled. I am left with 2 credit card debts(No worries paying them) and 3 old pay day loan debts which I am planning on complaining about as I feel they were really taking advantage of me.(my fault but I feel they really take advantage in an irresponsible manner). I have no idea how much I originally borrowed or how much I have paid so far so I am planning to send S.A.Rs to Quick Quid - £400. Lucas Credit services? ( Uncle Buck?) £370 Payday UK - £330 So a few questions please……… 1) Does the fact I have been paying them for 3 years on a DMP hinder my complaint? 2) For the Lucas Credit Services - Do I send SARS to them or the original company which could be Uncle Buck? 3) When people say original amount borrowed + 1 month. - Is it the last amount I rolled over or initially borrowed amount? So if I borrowed £350 in June 2009 and rolled it over a few times would I take that into account? Or would the maximum I need to pay them be £350 + interest? I will start separate threads when I get the SARS back but just need a little help to get started.
  18. does anybody know if there are any ways to get grants to study distance learning courses? i am currently on ESA, and am absolutely desperate to get off it, i know what i want to do, and working for myself could well be manageable. i have found the course i want to do, and it is level 4 fully accredited, and could well be my ticket off the god awful benefits system. only problem, there is no way i can afford it! the course does not accept installments either, though i still doubt i would have been able to afford paying that way either. is there any help out there?and if not then surely this is the sort of stuff the government should really be spending money on helping people with instead of that bloody work programme garbage. many thanks in advance
  19. Just seeking some advice. My wife took out some payday loans. Mr lender £300 a month £750 over 4 months Sunny £230 a month 650 still owing paid back about 800 pounds to pocket £160 a month mymate £380 a month 3 months to go . Now the problem we have is we took these loans to help us out with money because my wife had been left her fathers house and the sale was due to go through last week and we were going to clear all these pdl . But at the last minute the buyers buyer pulled out and now the house is back on the market and could take another 6 months to sell . My wifes wages are £1100 a month and mine about £800. our mortgage is £550 council £ 188 we are in arrears water £ 50 food £400 gas/elec £200 again in arrears tv/phones £110 loan £130 tv licence/ house ins £ 40 to/from work dinners etc £150 we have about 100 spare now at the end of each month and cannot afford the £1100 a month back to these companies. I have read about cancelling her cpa to these companies but really don't know which way to turn . Any help would be much appreciated.
  20. Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice on an account with Honour Student Loans please. It's a little complicated and, yes, largely my fault, but any advice would be appreciated. I look at small ( This year I decided to enroll on a degree with Open Uni, starting with an Access course this year and moving onto the actual degree next September. It was during setting this up that I realised that I still had this loan, and that it had been passed to Honour Student Loans. I'm afraid my dealings with them have been far from satisfactory... They're telling me I owe over £1200, give very few details on how this is broken down - other than to state that SLC went to court in 2001, which I was never informed about. I've stated I want full details before I agree to any repayments, which they are refusing to do so. I have requested all paperwork, and will put in an SAR shortly if needed, before I make any agreements. Am I within my rights to do so? Whilst I may need to pay this off, I've already seen their attempts at bullying me into paying and I will not stand for that. I'll keep you informed of any progress.
  21. Just received a letter this morning saying my account was now owned by cabot financial and was sold 24th june 2014. Ive been paying weekly for years and still have my direct debit paying welcome drect, they say they are only handling the payment and forwarding to cabot.... As this is a secured loan does this have any implications for my home? Ive rang welcome they said to contact cabot but i dont really want to until i have the correct info. Any help/advice would be appreciated. Thanks
  22. I have other loans from other companies, for example, Speedcredit who have now sold their loans, however are these loans liable to be wiped or not? Sorry if this is the wrong area but since Wonga loans are being wiped
  23. Hi, A few years ago I regrettably took out a payday loan with Wonga. Unable to repay the full amount (after interest had been added) I ended up taking a loan out with Quickquid. Things spiralled out of control until I literally had around 6-7 payday loans on the go at once. It got so bad that I had to join a debt management company (Fresh Start). Now I'm reading that companies are having to pay customers back who have a loan currently with them. What about customers who took loans out with these companies when their affordability checks would have still been in disrepute? I find it extremely unfair that I've had to find a way to pay these companies back and struggle for years, when really I shouldn't have been allowed to take these loans out, to then have it highlighted in the news that companies are paying people back! Do I stand any chance in being paid compensation or do I just have to suck it up and move on? Kind regards
  24. Hi all sorry if this is in the wrong place I recently had my bank card used to apply for loans, £153.05 has been take first is Loans marketing £5(contacted and refund apparently given) PT Loans £69.95 (Search engine doesn't know who they are) Loans Plus More £79 (unable to contact 4 emails sent no reply I don't finish work until 4lpm when there closed) My bank (Nationwide) are saying basically they aint paying me back even though I called them as soon as I seen money was being taken(4.05pm) as someone used my bank details so I must know about it(I honestly don't know I was at work it takes me roughly 10 mins to get home from work) So does anyone have any advice? also does anyone have contact number/email for PT loans? Thankyou
  25. Good Evening All, I am going to try and claim my dads ppi back when he had numerous loans from lombards. He doesn't have any records of these, but says they were taken out a while ago. is there a cut of point, and please does anyone have an address I can send for the SAR. Have they been taken over by RBS? Also please can i have addresses for Halifax CC and Virgin/MBNA CC ppi Thanks to anyone that can help Ralph
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